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EUOmbudsmen Conference 2022: Digital Gaps affect People's Trust threaten EF Project on EU Future ?

Written by ACM
Thursday, 28 April 2022


*Strasbourg/EU Parliament/Angelo Marcopolo/- Invited to the Hybrid Annual Video-Conference of EU Ombudsmen's Network for the Year 2022, "Eurofora" (who has covered for the Press such key events since their Original Inception by Söderman, from Finland, a former Human Rights Activist, on 1996 : See, inter alia, also : .... + ..., etc), Experienced in vivo such a real Issue during Nowadays Events, as Warned by O'Reilly, from Ireland, a former Journalist, on the occasion of the presentation of Our Project on Europe's Future, ("4G", alias : Digital Dialogue before Democratic Decisions), whose works at EU Parliament are due to Conclude Next Week :


    -"Digitalisation of Public services' ...  importance lies ...to that Vital connection between those who Govern, and those who are Governed. A public Administration that Risks being Separated  from its Citizens by a Badly thought out approach to the very Technologies that are supposed to Connect", has "gone Wrong" and "will Inevitably Lessen Trust – a Key element of a functioning Democracy. Technological advances can ... bring huge benefits... but, ...we have to be Alert to potential Harms", stresed Emily O'Reilly from the outset.



    Earlier, O'Reilly had Told "Eurofora" that Our Prjpject (2019) was "a Big Issue", and a Matter of Political Will", that she Felt "it May be Open", (See: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/euombudsmanoneurofforaproject). As for French President Macron, he had Told Us that he "Yes, Certainly", looked forward into Continung Debates with the People Before Decisions, and, Questioned by "Eurofora" on Relevant "Lisbon Treaty"'s Articles, he Positively Replied that "at least, "I Wish to Do so'", (See:  http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/macronforcitizensdebatesalsoafter2019.html).  Meanwhile, EUOMbudswoùan's Experienced Press Director, Gundi.Gadesmann, heard "Eurofora's analysis of Lisbon Treaties' Articles about EU Citizens' Dialogue before Decisions,and Kindly suggested that, as an Interested Citizen, Journalist and Legal Researcher, we might even Lodge an application to the EUCourt, as it has already happened in similar cases... ( http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/euombudsmandecisionandeuroforaproject.html).



Elisa Ferreira, EU Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms, introduced to the Session about Digitalisation of Public Administrations", by wondering "how the (EU)Citizens’ Access to Rights have been Affected" until Now, particularly when "the System is Not yet Ready",  considering that it's Not Only about Plans and Intents", as she Characteristicaly pointed out.




    ++ Indeed, in the EU Country with the Notoriously Biggest Developments in Digitalisation, Estonia, Ombudswoman Ülle Madise, after Brandishing an EU Citizen's Digital Card, she Warned : - "If Anything Happens, you Must be Ready to Talk to the People", and this means also "Extra Money, and More People, in order To Do It !"...


    +++ Sigificant of the Importance that the current French EU-Presidency-in-office attributes to Digitalisation in this field, is the Fact that it had Also associated to 2022 Conference the French Ombudswoman Claire Hédon, as well as the Dutch and an Italian Ombudsmen (Reinier van Zutphen and Marino Fardelli - Lazio), in Addition to 3 French Experts (Marine Boudeau: Inclusion/Ministry, Clara Deville: Sociologist/INRAE, Thomas Lecourt: Regional/Emmaüs).





    * "Eurofora", Invited to Participate, also by Raising Quastions, Tabled a Topical one, Both to the Participant's "Chat" (i.e. "Greek" Origin Koullepis, an UnKnown "Moderator"FreeLance Journaliste"), and to the EU Obmudsman's Head of Press relations, (i.e. Gundi Gadesmann, by "SMS/Texto" to her Mobile Phone).


    Our Brief Text resumed "Eurofora"'s Proposal "4G" for Digital Dialogue among EU Citizens and EU Deciders in Modern Democracy, Before Decisions Affecting People's Lives or Society at large, under Judges' and/or Ombudsmen's Control, as it was Officialy Tabled at the Conference on Europe's Future, and at the Public Law of some EU Member States, (See: ... + ..., etc., as well as Hereby Attached Screenshot Document). Noting the Fact that EU Citizens Panels had reportedly Endorsed many Key Points of that Idea, we asked how they thought that it Might be Advanced Further.


    => But, Surprisingly, those Digital Connections were ...UnExpectedly Blocked, under a Hollow Pretext, mecanicaly Claiming that those 4 Short Lines would have ..."Too Many Characters" (sic !), Hindering the "Send" Button to be used by the Invited Participant Journalist !

    Such a blatant Exclusion persisted All the Way from the Beginning of that Conference, almost up to its Last Tens of Minutes... (When, After Many Desperate Attempts to Shorten that -already Brief- Question into Only ...3 Lignes, at last, the Blockade was Lifted, But with a Dilatory Mention : Still 'WAITING for Review"....



    + (Moreover, in Addition, it seems that there were Even somt Silly "Games" or Fraud, since an Initialy Uppward mention "(by) par Angelo Marcopolo", afterwards Became Invisible, leaving as Only Possibility for a mention of a Name "(to) A Angelo Marcopolo", at a Lower Case, (i.e. as if a Participant would be Sending Questions only to ...Himself)  !



    So that the chosen "Moderator", Despite his own Observation, that Some Questions still Remained to be Answered, Nevertheless, found an Opportunity to Stop everything wthOut seeking Any Answer Even to serious Topical Questions by Invited and Registered Participant Journalists (having +29 Years of Experience in European News 1993-2022, and Authors of Ideas officialy Proposed in the Conference of Europe's Future, with more than 900 Followers registered, and a Solid background in relevant Public Law of EU Member States, just a few Days before COFOE's Final Conclusions)...

    => Therefore, EU Ombudswoman Emily O'Reilly's above-mentioned Warning that a Hastily-made and Clumsy Digitalisation of Public Administration may have Hasardous, Negative, or Catastrophic Consequences to the Detriment of Human Rights and Democracy, indeed, appears fully Justified !



French Election : Black Out on Virus, but Obligation for Fake 'Vaccines" Challenged

Written by ACM
Thursday, 21 April 2022



*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/-    Astonishingly, the Most Important Topical Issue Nowadays : that of the way to face èhe Deadly Virus' Pandemic, was kept ptacticaly Out of the Public Debates pf the Crucial Fnal Round in the current French Presidential Election. But when it did interfere, it trigered a Sharp Criticism  against the way that the Incubent Admioistration attempted to Impose a Few Controversial Fake "Vaccines' on the People, to the Detriment of Both its Human Right to Chose, and of Medical Workers' Liberty, as well as of the efficiency of the Health Protection System...     


    First of all,  WHO Announced several Exceptional 'Problems" Hinfering a normal information gathering Nowadays, particularly on Europe.


Moreover, a Special WHO's Web-Page for our Area of the World,  revealed that relevant "Data" on European Coutries were now, Suddenly, ..."14 Days" Old (sic !), i.e. a Black Out almost Equivelant and Coicidng with the Crucial Final Round  the current Frech Presdental Elections' process, concluding on April 24...


Meanwhile, Challenger Marine Le Pen Complained for Incubent President Macron's Refusal of any Public Debate with him during the 1st Round of the Election. And when he, immediately Afterwards, Vsited Strasbourg's Region, he Skinded any Health-related Issue from a widely Publicized Speech on "Europe'here, by Restrictng the 1st into an Osbur Military Hospital at FarAway Muhlouse City... Last, but not leat; the Only Official Publc Debate between the 2 Finalist Candidates, on April 20, Despite a Log Time Duration, Icluding Various Other Topcal Issues, Surprisingly, did Not Deal with Any "Virus Pandemic" specific Issue, at all. (It Only added a Vague and Short mention about "Hospitals" in general)...


+ Paradoxicaly, an even more Surprizing Fact is that the current Ukranian Conflict, which has practicaly Monopolized the Establishment Medias' Attention during the Letest Weeks, occured almost at the Same Time with a Record-High Augmentation of Virus' Infections, Hospitalisations and Deaths, throughout Many Countries, which Risks to go practicaly UnNoticed, by the Publlic Opinion, particularly ion Europe and the USA, (i.e., by a Coincidence, there where the Copntroversial Fake-'Vaccines" notoriously have a quasi-Monopol)... It's Obvious that, in that way, inter alia, several Recent Developments Revealing various Limts, Imperfections, Counter-Indications, Gaps, Inadequacies, Unefficiencies, or Risks around those Fake-"Vaccines", may Not be percieved by the People fully and/or on time. And rrecent WHO ot other International Developments have, indeed, already started to Reveal maifold Failures in the Contrversial Pseudo-"Vaccines", Affectiong the Human Genome (mRNA + Virus' Vector, etc), Contrary to "Classic" Vaccines, similar to those tested and used Since Louis Pasteur's ionvention, during almost 2 Centuries.


Thus, inter alia, it's also the Growing Controversies on various possibly Negative Side-Effects of such Fake "Vaccines", the Fact that their Recipients are Not Always Protected from Infections, Hospitalisations or even Deaths, while they can even Infect Other People (as "Silent Killers"), added to an Unsustainable Obligation to Add More and more "Doses', 'Bousters", etc., each time, after only 3 or more Months, and/or fori each Variant, etc., (while Some can even be "Individualized" ...sic !), stand inevitably behind their Failure...

Such a curiously Stuborn Insistence to Stick to a Few and Failed Human Genome Affecting Tools goes as Far as to Exclude, in the EU, USA, etc, any Other Kind of Vaccine against COVID, and particularly those "Classic' Vaccines, faithful to Pasteur's well-Tested Idea during 2 Centuries,    ² (i.e. the Majority of Currently Tested Vaccine Projects against COVID), Even if thy have been Nowadays Authorized by tje WHO, (Already at least 3 of them)...

Moreover, whenever "Eurofora" raised a Question about a Hope to Authorize any "Classic' Vaccine against COVID soon enough, (f.ex. at Video-Press Conferences of EU Heads of State/Governements' Summits, of EU Parliament, or  at the French Ministry of Health, etc), there was Never Any concrete Positive Answer... (See, f.ex., at: ... + ... + ..., etc).  And a Last-Minute, Delayed Additon of Only 1 Other "Vaccine", Pretexting that it would be "More Classical' than the Others (Comp. Supra), so that it might Ease People's above-mentioned Fears, on the Contrary, in Fact; it concerned an Obscure USA-made tool, using ...Insects' (sic !) Eggs Geneetic Manipulations, and a "Chimera"-like Transpositon to Humans, Earlier presented by its own Inventors  as an example of ..."Gene Therapy" Novel Tools, (i.e. Nothng to do with Pasteur"s really "Classic" Vaccnes).

=> So that, in Addition to the so-called "Anti-Vaccine" People, there were, Also, many Other People, who would Like to have a good "Classic" Vaccine against the Pandemic, Pasteur-like, Bt were -and Still are- Deprived from it, Against their wish : I.e., to the "Anti-Vaccine" Movement was added those who were, UnWillingly, Refused any Vaccine of their Free Choice, i.e. "Refusnics"...

>>> Such Strange Blunders incited even the President of the "League for Freedom of Vaccinations", a Long-Time Respectable Huma Rights body,  John-Paul Zudier, launch a vibrant call to "Vote for Marine" on 2à22, as the prestigious Newspaper "Le Monde"  observed.

    - Indeed, Marine Le Pen denounced Emmanuel Macron's part of responsibility for "Bullying the Non-Vaccined People", as she called, inter alia, also an unusual, clumsy and isulting Expression, (related to "Shit !", etc), Exceptionaly abused by Macron in Public, for a large Group of People, Against whom; in Fact, an Unprecedented and Dangerous, wider "Hate Speech" emerged Recently in some Countries' Establishment, amidst various Discriminatory and Oppressive Measures, related to the Deadly Pandemic. -"He (the incumbent President Macron) even called us (the Political Opposition) ...;"UnVaccinators" (Sic !).., further Complained Challenger Marine Le Pen.


    + But the Sharpest Denonciation was that Against the "Absolutely Awful" measure to "Fire more than 15.000 Health Workers, withOut Salaries", under the Pretext that "they were Not Vaccinated, as you Required, at Any Price",... Marine Criticized.

    => In consequence, - "I (if Elected) will ReIntegrate them All, and ReImburse the Salaries tha they were Deprived from !", she clearly Vowed.

    Many Victims of such Abuses, by the competent Ministers, Not Only in France, but Also in Other Countries, (as, f.ex., Greece, Italy, USA, etc), have Already lodged  various  Legal Applications to the Courts, including the ECHR in Strasbourg, while in the USA; the Supreme Court, at Washington DC, Recently OutLawed (with a Big Majority) a Similar Opressive Measure concerning Many Jobs at the Private Sector;, (Clearing  anOther one, Limited to Publc Sectors' Hospitals, But Only with just 1 Vote Difference out of 7).

    Exceptionaly, Macron did Not even Reply to such a Heavy Accusation, and Loud Announcement, prefering to Speak about Other Matters...

    Establishment's Medias had Already Censored recently 3 Times Marine's Announcement on the Fired Health Workers in order to Impse a few Fake "Vaccines", since Marine had spoken about it at a Popular Meeting in Avignon, during this 2nd Round, but it's not sure that they might do the same Even after the Unique Public Debate between the two Finalist Candidates... Meanwhile, it was taken over Also by a Dispute between the National Rally's interim President, MEP Jordan Bardela and Cotroversial Health Minister Olivier Veran, where the First Prognosticated that 'we shall probably Discover Many things (i.e. Scandals) during the Next few Years'...

    Controversial Veran seems to be an Interesting lead towards Possible Scandals, since, inter alia, in Addition to his role at the HCQ "Lancet-Gate" Blunder (See f.ex.: ..., etc), he was a Supletif, as MP, of Former "Socialist" Health  Minister Mrs Fioraso at Grenoble, Notorious for her Stuborn Insistence to Submit Human Embryos to Genetic Manipulations; under Former "Socialist" President Hollande, (See, f.ex.: ..., etc), and Wife of a Bio-Technocrat. LGBT-Friendly, Speaking English, with an Homonymous Big-Pharma Company in th USA ("Veran Medical" nowadays Focusing on Research about "Pulmonary" Issues, after having got the responsibility on the COVID Pandemy since the Beginning of 202O at the French Ministry of Health since the Beginning of 2020, he appears to be a Key to Macron's failure for France or Europe to "Find the Antidot" to COVID, as he had  Dreamed Initialy (See: ...)...  As for his Current Claim, that France and tje EU would "Produce and Export the Most Vaccines" against the Virus, it doesN' realy look Better than a Poor Country like ...India, which, Notoriously,  Also Simply puts a Liquid, Invented by Others, inside small tubes, Spread across the World, But has Also Invented its own Vaccine, (a "Classic', Pasteur-like product), already Authorized by the WHO ! Compared to that, just Copy and Paste a USA - Turkish "Uhgur" Controversial Fake "Vaccine", probably pushed by the Amerikan Pentagon, as also Controvrsi "Remdesivir" or "Moderna", since the "Ebola" African Crisis, while the Numerous USA-Army linked "Bio-Labos", Notoriously Spread &ccross the World, full of "Bio-Weapons", Near Foreign Borders, surfaced Nowadays up to the UN SC, by Russia, China, a.o., as f.ex. near Mainz, at the Fraco-German Borders, from where comes the Key-part of Pfizer's Human Genome Affecting Controversial Tool, (close to the HQ of USA"s Military in Germany :  Comp. f.ex. POTUS GVBush's 1st Visit in Europe on 2005)...

    + And, f.ex., we had to Wait for "the Virus' Crisis, in order for the ill-Treatment of Old People in the EPADs to be Revealed", Deplored further Marine, before Announcng a series of Financial and Organisational Measures, (on a Scandalous Issue, (including abnormal Deaths, Refusals to Admit in Hospitals, Abuse as Guinea Pigs;, in order to Test Fake "Vaccines", etc), tiinitialy Revealed by nearby German Press and CoE's Human Rights' Commissioner, (in France, Sweden, etc, since 2020).

    - "But, France could Help Aged People to Live in Their own Home, as Many Wish', suggested Macron, during that same Debate.

    => It looks like a Good Idea... But, isN't it Too Litlle, and Too Late, for Many ?...



Both French Presidential Candidates point at "Humanism" in crucial times...

Written by ACM
Thursday, 14 April 2022


*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- Starting by a Europe related speech in Strasbourg, immediately followed by another on Foreign Policy/Diplomacy in general from Paris, Both 2 Finalist Presidential Candidates in France, incubent Emmanuel Macron and Challenger Marine Le Pen, made particularly Loud and Strong References to "Humanism", at a Crucial Moment for Humankind in Europe and the World.
- Macron chose to Coclude a Speech on Europe, at a gathering of Local Fans near Strasbourg's Cathedral (withOut any reference to Christianism, but only to various "Worships") and Rohan Castle, by refering to Thomas Mann's relevant Warning of 1935, (i.e. at the Rise of Nazism), and Launching a Call for "Fighters" willing to Struggle in order to Defend Humanism via the EU. 
- Marine Le Pen prefered to Start her Speech on French Diplomacy, at a Press Conference for Foreign Policy Journalists in Paris' Salon Hoche, by refering to Charles de Gaule's Historic claim of 1941 in London, that France becomes Great when it Fights for Freedom in the World, (as reminds also a Statue at Champs d'Elysee Avenue, between the Foreign Ministry and Elysee Presidential Palace), adding that she believes that  this includes "Christianism, Humanism, and Enlightenment". 
In Fact, Macron had Skinded among the most Topical Issues, just after the 1st Round of this Election, between the Deadly Virus' Pandemic, (with its EpiCenter Twice in Europe), treated Separately at Nearby Mulhouse, in a Lower tone, and specific European Issues, where he Criticized mainly Russia, but also Hungary, (a Common point being Nowadays the protection, or not, of Human Genome from Manipulations, possible with some Fake "Vaccines" or by Artificial Fabrication of Children by Technocrats' Labos bypassing Natural Births on LBGT pretexts, prohibited by those 2 Countries' National Constitutions, after Recent Popular Referenda, and excluded even by ECHR). He made a Solid Plaidoyerie in favour of the past and evolving EU, but withOut adding new projects at the Horizon.
Marine Le Pen, After previous declarations on People's role and Direct Democracy via Popular Referenda, including on Changing the way to organise "our Beautiful Europe" while Staying Inside it, focused now on Foreign Policy and pleaded for "Security" Links with Russi, instead  of slipery slope 'CoBeligerence' (by Risky Weapons tp Kiev regime). In addition to Droping VAT on First Necessity items, in order to Help Poor People, added to Support for SMEs, she also promised to Stop the Fake "Vaccines' Pass", Imposed by Macron for several Activities of Citizens, and even to ReIntegrate all those Health Workers Fired fom their Jobs for Hesitating to get 4 Fake "Vaccines", as well as to Reimburse all their Confiscated Salaries, (as she added at a Popular Meeting  later in Avignon and elsewhere, lively applauded [UPDATED]).  
They faced Both some Bullying: 
- Macron was pursued in Strasbourg by a Group of People linked to "Melancon" Leftist Political Leader, (3rd in 2022 Presidential Elections' initial round, but 1st in this City !), whose Fans intend to Abstain at the 2nd Round in Majority, and Only 1/3 Vote Macron or Marine Le Pen, according to Polls, while he aims to Challenge the Leadership at the forthcoming Parliamentary Elections on Summer 2022. 
- Marine's Press Conference for Foreign Policy Journalists was Disrupted by a Mini-Jupe wearing so-called "Ecologist" who branded a provocative Photo with Putin, placed in a "Loving" Heart big paper, reportedly Wounding even a Security Policeman, while EU Parliament's Legal Service Re-launched an Old Accusation about alleged "Embezlement" for her MEPs using their EU Income also for their National Political duties, (etc)...
Due to a Reluctance by the Out-Going French President, until now, Not Any Public Debate, even the slightest, could ever take place between the 2 Front-runners, who, therefore, were obliged to Limit their Public Dialogue Only to 1 Televised Meeting on 20 April, just at the Eve of the Crucial Final Vote for a New President on April 24. Therefore, Direct Exchanges were Inexistant until now, Marine spoke practicaly alone to Jouirnalists, and she kickarted a Dense Series of Popular Meetings and specific Press Conferences trying to catch up. 
Different from 2017, by the Fact that a Majority of Succesful Left Candidate Melancon's fans now intend either to Abstain or Vote Marine at this Final Round, while a New Party of the Right, led by Zemmour has Also clearly pronounced for an End to a too long Division of the Right, deciding to Support her (See; http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/zemmourchangeinfrebchelectionx.html), as well as, it seems, Most among Record-High Abstentionists, this New Situation of 2022 appears Able to eventualy lead towards Different Final Results this time, (even if Macron's grif over the Mediatic and Political Establishment looks Still intact, Boosted by a 2027 Financial EU Deal)... 
+ Added to that, Current 2022 Fears for Larger Repercussions of a War in Europe, weakened by Brexit and a growing Gap vis a vis Key Central-Eastern Countries' National Policies, while being already Twice Epicenter of a Deadly Virus' Pandemic, at the Same Time with Dangerous limitatations to Fake "Vaccines" and larger Exposure to Technologies and Interest Lobbies also Affecting the Human Genome more than ever in History, obviously push Humankind at Extreme Pressure.
=> What could Real "Humanism" (Comp. Supra) do here, at an Important Country like France, Key for the Historic European Continent, and at a Crucial Moment for Humanity ? 
(Muse ; Compliance 2022 : -"We got a War for you"...)


France : Zemmour = Outsider may become Game Changer in Presidential + Parliamentary Elections 2022

Written by ACM
Saturday, 09 April 2022


 *Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- Acccording  to UnExpected developments, Outsider,  popular former Anti-Establishment Journalist Eric Zemmour, may become a Game Changer in the forthcoming Presidential  and/or Parliamentary Elections, (4 - 6/2022) recent Polls, Public Meetings, Press Statelents, Political Evznts, Votes and Results, bringing various Impacts in National,, European, and/or Global, big Topical Issues.


    Zemmour aims to Overcome a Division of thz Right, which has, practicaly, been Exploited by the Left and/or the Center, in order to Seize the Governemztt, several times in the Past, even with a Minority, against a Lack of Unity of the Right, through a systematic Diabolisation of all Rightsts, Provoking Abstention, Socio-Political Troubles, and Degradation of Democracy, Incompatible with the Respect to Citizens and importance of Public Debates, required by the nature, stakes and complexity of Issues handled by Modern Public Decision-Making, at most levels.

    Out-going President Emanuel Macron (Centrist-former "Socialist") and Top Chalenger Marine Le Pen (Rightist), the 2017 Finalists,  Surf again at the Top of Polls, on a Similar Rank. But Mecron recently Lost some Groud, apparently because of a Heavier than expected  Dependency from UK-USA on the Ukranian Division of Europe, added to ab Eye-Blink towards Turkey, as also to Consecions to Lobbies on BioEthics (Bio-Technocrats + LBGTI°) and Fake-"Vaccines" against the Virus' Pandemic, Twice Headqurtered in the EU, with some Harsh or Restrictive Measures. Almost Simultaneysty, Le Pen's Family's notorious Incompatibility with Center-Left Voters, reportedly seems to have somewhuat diminished, added to a more Fair stance for the PanEuropean area with Russia on Ukraine, Ameliorating Marine's alleged Prospcts.

    Top Outsiders Jean-Luc Melancon, at the Left side, and Eric Zemmour, on the Right side, may be, more or less, Blocked from Criss-Crossing, But only Melancon looks Excluded from Mainstream Left of the Establishment, while, on the Contrary, Zemmour appears Fluidly Moving accross All the Right, which currently holds a Majority among French Voters :

    - Indeed, Zemmour has just bee accredited by Recent Polls for a Bigger Number of potential Voters than Valerie Pecresse, the current Head Cadidate of the Mainstream, Center-Right Party of "Republicaans", from which he reportedly has Already reached a Deal with its Chief  at EU Paliament, MEP Bellamy, ( a BoEthics supporter), added to former Minister Mariani, present Chief oi the Right and Biggest Fraction of the Party : Ciotti, former "Numbr 2" Pelletier, and probably former Secretary General Wauqiez, (current succesful President of Region in the latest Elections), etc.

    -  Moreover, he is Also Supported, inter alia, by Rightist Le Pen's "National Rally" Party's 3 Key Leading EU Parliament MEPs, including their former Chief, Bey, aad current President, Riviere, as well as her own sibling, Director of Political Science Instutute, Marion Le Pen-Marechal, etc.


    + Eric Zemmour's Public Meetings Nowadays seem to have  gathered a Huge Number of Participants, both at the Internet and Physicaly, (f.ex. at Trocadero, in Paris, where they Recently revendicated about "100 Thousands" Demonstrators).  

    =>  On the main Topical Issues, Faithful to the Historic General De Gaulle, and Presidents Jacques Chirac plus Nicolas Sarkozy, Zemmour recently pronounced himself  in Favour of a "Great Europe", including Russia, even after the latest Ukranian conflict provoked on 2022, withOut Dividing our Continent in a CounderProductive and Da,ngerous way.

    On BioEthics, he stays Opposed to Controversial and ImPopular "Same Sex" Marriage between Homosexuals, which leads towards massive Artificial Fabrication of Children through Technocrats' Labos, prefering Traditional Marriage, between a Man and a Woman, (as even CoE's PanEuropean Convention on Human Rights disposes), i.e. with Natural Births.

    Concerning the always "Barning" and Topical Issue of Foreign Mass Migration, Zamour is strictly Against imposed "Population Replacement" theories and/or practices, as well as against massive "Islamisation' in French Society, (believing that Europe has its own Potential to Generate a sufficient Working Force). Instead, he proposes full and authentic Cultural "Assimilaton" to the Historic French and European Civilisation, (Based on Greco-Roman and Renaisance Philosopjy, as well as in Judeo-Christian Values, etc).

    ++ In order to realise such Aims, Eric Zemmour has just created a fully fledged, brand New Political Party, with Record-High Participation, which intends t challenge the forthcomoing Parliamentary Elections of June 2022 and well Beyond in the  fpreseable Future, (with the European History landmark Name of "Reconcista").

    *** Last, but not least, he clearly vowed, if nccessary, to Stand by Marine Le Pen, at the imminnt 2d RFound of crucial Presidential Elections, on April 24. Thi is the 2nd (and probably Biggest) Party to join a possible large Coalition af All the Right Side of France's Political spectrum, (as it had been done, Earlirn f.ex. in Norway, Austria, Bulgaria, Finland, etc), After a First such move by the small Party of atypical Neo-Gaulist Dupont-Aignan on he Previous Elections of 2017 (+3%).

    It goes without saying that if, this time, Zemmour soon Adds a More pr less Significant Popular Swift for a Unity of the Right in France, then, this could Result in a Growing cascade of various socio-Political Repercussions, which can have Manifold Effects of a real "Game Changer". Particularly if he succeeds to Bypass the score of Pecresse, (generally considered as closer to the Establishment, among Various Republicans)...









PACE President Cox skips Turkey Worst (Occupation) case compared to Russia (DeMilitarisation) query

Written by ACM
Monday, 14 March 2022


☆ Strasbourg/CoE PressConference/Angelo.Marcopolo/- An hybrid CoE Video-Press Conference by PACE's  New President  Tiny Cox (2022-2024), where "Eurofora" was Invited, surprisingly Skiped yesterday Turkey in Cyprus, but Slamed Russia in Ukraine,  brandishing  Radical Sanctions as  immediate Expulsion  (Art. 8).


With 213 Votes, out of  648 Members of CoE's  Parliamentary Assembly (PACE Representatives and  Substitutes), and 3 Abstentions, Not any Participant Against, Strasbourg's Organisation practicaly Droped today its PanEuropean dimension by calling to Exclude Immediately  its Biggest  Member Country :  Russia, on the occasion of the current armed Conflict with the Post-2014 Kiev's Regimz in Ukraine,  that  Supporters call "Invasion", while Critics (as Moscow) name "DeMilitarisation", seeking a "Neutral" status  as described in nthe 1994 International DOcument on Recognition of  an Ukranian State, and Denying any attempt to Occupy a foreign Land.


A collegue Journalist raised Questions on Turkey in Syria, and Azerbaijan in Nagorno-Karabah, (Armenia), but Cox claimed, inter alia, that this was a UN and/or OSCE job.



-"Eurofora" asked if Turkey might be "Affected" in the case of Cyprus, as Ankara Recognized a Secession from theTurkish-Cypriot Minority already on 1983, and asked for a Partition of the Island on 2021, while Ankara's Army has Invaded and still Occupies its Northern area since 1974 until Nowadays, refusing to withdraw its Military (2020), but Asking for a Partition of the Country, Opposed to UNSC Resolutions, massively Usurpates Family Homes and/or Livelihood of a Greek-Cypriot Majority, Obliged to Leave the Occupied Territories as Refugees/Displaced persons (f.ex. on 1998, 2001, etc), where they are Notoriously "Replaced" by a massive Input of Turkish Anatolia "Settlers' (particularly Since 1997), in a move generaly Condemned by the IPC as "War Crime"), while also Systematically Failing to Investigate brutal Killings of "Missing" Greek Cypriots (which were Discovered particularly since 2010), as the Latest relevant CoE Ministers' Resolution on ECHR Judgments' Execution Denouned (2022).


On the Contrary,  Russia stressed from the outset that its Intention in Ukrania on 2022 was Not at all to Invade and Occupy any Territories, but just the "DeMilitarisation" of the country,  Striking  against Aggressive Military Outlets, (and Protecting Donetsk-Luhansk areas Civilian People from Imminent Bombardments by Kiev's "Putchists"),  in favour of a 'Neutrality"  for Ukrania, according to the Internatinal Document for the Independence of that State, Agreed Since 1994, Discussed ion Talks by Moscow and Kiev Nowadays, and Not Refused by the UNSC  on 2022, (s China, india, Russia, and UAE, did Not Condemn such an Original Move).


- However, Staffers seem to have Curiously Ommited to Transmit "Eurofora"s relevant Question to Cox in this Hybrid Video-Press Conference, (Even Despite an Experienced CoE"s Press Officer's advise to send also a brief Written message via the Chat  among Participants, as we  immediately did:  See relevant Web Screenshot)...


Cox's Group of the  Left has Only 39 MEPs (out of a Total of PACE"s 648), and he was inevitably backed by Others (particularly "Socialists" as Biden), who got part of the Power.


=> So that European People would be Hindered to know Why they should have their PanEuropean Space bullied by an Asiiatic, notoriously Constantly AntiDemocratic, Backward and UnderDeveloped; 99% Islamized by forceps Turkey, while ...Loosing a sometimes troublesome, but often Democratic, European Russia, with Science-High-Tech, Energy, Cukture, and Historic Civilisation, from Art, Christianism, to Space...


inter alia, General dz Gaule's and President Jacques Chirac's "Greater Europe" Dreams inevitably Implode in their Graves, as USA POTUS Biden's Administration, with its Notorious "Fack the E.U." (Miss Nuland on Ukraine, in 2014) paves a way to Hell.


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    UK Prime Minister, Gordon Brownn's promise to French President Sarkozy that Great Britain will proceed to Lisbon Treaty's ratification was certainly fuelled further by MEPs' warning, meanwhile in Strasbourg, that all Enlargement stops until EU can have efficient Institutions for more than 27 member Countries.    

    EU Parliament's President, German MEP Hans Gert Poettering, formally announced this position, after consulting all Political Groups' Chairmen, Monday in Strasbourg, and most MEPs made the point crystal clear during Plenary Debates on Wednesday.   

     Thus, from Thursday, UK's House of Commons, at Westminster, gave its "Green Light" to Lisbon Treaty's ratification, which was completed later-on, after ovecoming some last minute attempts to block the process.

    - In only 3 other Member Countries we feel some "hesitations" : Poland, Czech Republic and Cyprus", said, meanwhile, EU Chairman-in-office, Slovenian Foreign Minister, Dr. Dimitri Ruppel, speaking to EU Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee in Strasbourg, However, "I didn't hear any explicit refusal", he carefully added.

    Rupel's fears were later bellied in Cyprus' case, where a wide majority of political parties confirmed their support to the EU Treaty, but fears were confirmed in Poland's case, while Czechs said they waited for their Constitutional Court to pronounce itself.

    A paradox is that the Polish President Lech Kaczynski, who reportedly expressed concerns about Lisbon Treaty, had personally signed himself its blueprint, while, on the contrary, Cyprus' new President, Christofias, despite its own party's opposal, declared that he'll respect the signature of his precedessor, former President Tassos Papadopoulos, in favor of EU Treaty.

    But, "all that noise is a misinterpretations by some Western Media : Poland will ratify the EU Treaty, and even earlier than some other Member Countries", declared to "EuroFora", in a surprisingly optimistic tone, the Polish Chairman of EU Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee, Jacek Saryuswolski...


2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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