EU Social affairs Commissioner Andor to EuroFora on Quality jobs and EU Employment 2012 package
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*EU Parliament/Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- In order to efficiently fight against still persisting Unemployment, despite the recently revived onward and more sustainable, but slow yet, move towards Growth, EU is aware of the fact that "Quality" of Jobs has to be "improved", and EU Citizens will have a chance to express their views, particularly on the relevant policy of Training, until the end of 2012, while moreover, an intra EU Mobility of Workers from job-poor to job-rich EU Member Countries should also help willing People to find Quality Work "inside the EU", instead of leaving for some Foreign Countries provoking an Anti-European "Brain Drain", replied, in substance, the competent EU Commissioner on Employment and Social affairs, Laszlo Andor, to "EuroFora"s questions during a Press Conference in EU Parliament in Strasbourg :
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"- In particular, "EuroFora" observed that EU Commissioner Andor had earlier "spoken also about "Quality" of Jobs, Mobility, etc. "There are various views about that, but, at any case, many People, Young or not, would like Mobility, and it's obviously favorable to EU Integration, as you know best of all".
=> "However, a Question that many of them raise, is Not about Wages, "Minimum Salaries", levels of Remuneration, etc, Contrary to what a collegue Journalist questioned before", we noted. In fact, it's the other way round : I.e. it's not about Money, but about Quality of Jobs", we resumed.
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- "F.ex., as you know well, in some former "Socialist" Countries, sometimes, in real cases, they used f.ex. to take somebdy from a University and put him to clean the streets, or take a Writer and oblige him to do another kind of job which had No "Quality" at all. I.e., it wasn't a question of Money : They were paid, and they had Social Security, etc.- but of the Quality of those jobs", we stressed.
- "F.ex. in the case of a Head of Christians Catholics at the Czech Republic, who reportedly had been obliged to ...clean windows for a Decade at the streets of Prague, etc.", (a real case of Religious/Political Oppression, as it was recently denounced at !Strasbourg's Cathedral's meeting (See relevant "Eurofora"'s NewsReport).
==> "Today, do you think that you can really realize, and the EU has the means, do you Hope that you can imagine solutions which would allow, to haveMobility, but with Quality jobs concerning the Content, the Substance?", "Eurofora" questioned Andor in conclusion.
As it's well known, while some People are always greedy about Money in their professional acivities, asking always for more, (something which might be partly justified specially in case of dangerous, unhealthy and exhausting jobs), on the contrary, other People, and particularly, f.ex. real intellectuals (i.e. No Technocrats) give a Priority to Interesting, stimulating, "Quality" work, respecting their Human Dignity and able to develop their personal capacities,instead of degrarding them, as well as to Boost EU's Potential.
-"Normally, these are 2 separate Questions : 1 of Quality of Jobs, and particularly particular of Young People, because that's where the Problems have been the more Serious in the Recent period, and, then, the question of Mobility", the competent EU Commissioner distinguished.
- "There might, indeed, be an overlap, in certain cases, and that's why the discussion also on the "Posting" of Workers has been very Significant, where, what we (EU) did f.ex. was to clarify the Conditions under which these persons work; I.e., it was about improving (also) the Quality of Employment in that context".
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- "So, we (EU) have to do that (i.e. "improve the Quality of jobs") in other contexts too", the competent EU Commissioner in charge of Employment, Social affairs and inclusion agreed.
+ "Where this Employment Package makes ta Difference, it's about the Trainerships, where we (EU Commission) are launching (Public) Consultations, with one of the Documents which are part of this (Employment) Package), and should reach Conclusion at the End of this Year" (12/2012), Andor anounced,
. (B). + + "On the (2nd) Question of Mobility, if you allow, this is for me a Key issue, particularly, if you look at the great Symmetries between the Countries where there is a Dynamic Recovery, (so that) there are Vacancies (of Jobs), and, on the other hand, the so-called "Peripheries", where there is a Recession", Andor observed.
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- "'It seems to be a quite Long Recession, with a great Number of Unemployed People". So that "we have seen Outward Migration from several Countries, particularly the (Financial Austerity) Program Countries, such as Greece, Ireland and Portugal. That shows that many People, Young People, even Entreprenerial People (i.e. Businessmen), are Ready to move in another Environment".
=> - "We (EU) would like to see that, if there is this Readiness and these Capacities, (then) People should move INSIDE Europe, so that we (EU) should Not Loose these Talents, we should not loose the Dynamic and Entreprenerial Young People (i.e. EU Citizens able to accomplish Quality Work) for the European Economy !", EU Commissioner Andor warned.
On the contrary, "We (EU) have to Create Opportunities, -"as is the intention also with this (Employment 2012) Package, with EuroPrograms, etc.- to make the European Labour Market more Transparent, more Attractive, more Accessible, and facilitate Mobility and Employment inside the EU", he stressed in conclusion.
Obviously because, otherwise, (I.e. if real "Quality" Work was found only overseas, in certain Foreign Countries), then, EU would also have to face the notorious Negative phenomenon of "Brain Drain", weakening the Potential of the European Economy, instead of developing it as an important Comparative Advantage in the World-wide, Global Competition.
The move came in the context of both Urgent and Middle-Term EU measures for Employment, contained in a "Package" adopted today by EU Commission, including Higher Subisides, lower Taxes, etc. in order to stimulate Jobs' Offer, as well as Support for Green Economy, Info/Communication Technologies and Health-related jobs, considered to be the main future job creating Sectors, but also action on Quality jobs and transition, with Mobility, etc. to make the EU Labour Market more genuine and "Dynamic".
EU Parliament's Spokesman Duch to EuroFora: All EU Citizens' Initiatives due to be heard by MEPs ?!
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It's next week that is due to be decided whether one of the Historic Innovations of EU's Lisbon Treaty : EU Citizens' Initiative proposing New Measures to become EU Law, which has legally entered into force since the beginning of April 2012, but remains still rather foggy from several practical points of vie until it's clarified and hammered out in real practice, will never be, at any case, totally blocked and silenced, even if EU Commission's agents might, eventually, decide (rightfuly or irregularly) not to give it any Legislative follow-up and satisfaction in substance, despite the fulfilment of all currently imposed formalities.
This seems to result in substance from the replies of the experienced EU Parliament's Spokesman and Director of Press/AV Service, Jaume Duch, to questions raised by "EuroFora" at the Press Briefing for this week's Plenary session in Strasbourg, which appear to prolonge further the ideas earlier suggested and discussed by "EuroFora" with EU Parliament's initial Rapporteurs Lamassoure, Gurmai and Haefner, as well as the competent EU Commission's vice-President Sefcovic (See relevant previous "EuroFora" NewsReports, f.ex. http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/debatesincitizensinitiatives.html ) :
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- "Concerning the EU Citizens' Initiative, which has just entered (Legally) into force, (since April 1st), has EU Parliament scheduled to prepare a kind of Mechanism, as it was normaly foreseen by EU Commission's and EU Parliament's Draft ?", "EuroFora" started to ask EU Parliament's Spokesman from the outset.
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+ "And, at your knowledge, does EU Parliament agree with the view recently attributed to EU Commissioner Cefcovic, that, even if a Popular Initiative might fullfil all the Conditions set up both by EU Treaty and EU Commission's Rules, nevertheless, EU Commission could, eventually decide not to bring that issue before EU Parliament, or do you think that this point is Open to Debate ?", (f.ex., if need be, also before the European Court of Justice, etc), we went on to add on the main issue at stake. --------------------
- " EU Parliament's Constitutional Committee (AFCO) is normally due to vote, next week (in Brussels) the Internal Rules, according to which the EU Citizens Legislative Initiative is going to be dealt with by the EU Parliament. This is going to be voted, at first, on Committee level, and afterwards by the Plenary", started to reply to "EuroFora"s Questions Duch.
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=> - "What is important for EU Parliament, is that, even if EU Commission is going to eventually say "No" to some (Popular Legislative) Initiatives (which might fulfil all legal criteria), this would be done only after and Explanation with a crystal-clear Motivation", stressed on the main point at issue, the experienced EU Parliament's Spokesman.
- "Such an Explanation cannot take place but before EU Parliament. So that EU Commission should explain its position in front of EU Parliament, and, moreover, the Parliament will always have the possibility to organize a Hearing with those who organized the Initiative, in order to be better informed", Jaume Duch explained in particular, apparently based on an EU Parliament's Draft.
- "But, the concrete details are due to be adopted from Next Week", he underlined in conclusion cautiously, for the time being...
French President Sarkozy: People's will for Stronger EU Identity +ECB action for new model of Growth
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*Paris/Angelo Marcopolo/- A vibrant appeal to People' will to win the fight for a stronger EU Identity, with a stronger CEB Action for "a new model of Growth", was launched by French President, and Frontrunner in the forthcoming presidential election, Nicolas Sarkozy, at a Mega-meeting of some 120.000 People at the greatest square of Paris, historically named "Concorde" to symbolise People's will for reconciliation and Unity, flanked by a huge image of the National Assembly, strikingly similar to nearby Church of Sainte Madeleine, the 1st woman to see Christ Resuscitated according to the Bible, a Monument initially due to Glorify Napoleon's Victorious Army (which notoriously inspired German Musician Bethoven in his famous "Heroic" symphony, due to its European message on Enlightnement, Human Rights/Democracy), afterwards a Christian Church inspired by Ancient Greece's Parthenon and Rome's Pantheon, with Greek Columns and 3 Byzantine Empire's Domes, in front of the Giant Obelisque from Ancient Egypt's Luxor, offered to France by an Albanian-origin former ruler of Alexandria and Cairo, born at Northern Greece, whose army had succeeded to arrive victoriously, from the Middle East and Syria towards Constantinople/Istanbul at the fall of former Ottoman-turc Empire and its unfinished yet remplacement by modern Democratic ethnic States, whose dream to fight his way back home through Greece was left unfinished, but would have radically changed Modern Europe's Fate if he had been free to complete it, symbolically facing a Statute picturing Strasbourg and its unaccomplished yet European dreams...
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Indeed, Sarkozy said from the outset that Historic Concorde square is a Symbol of the "Expression of a Will" by French People "to overcome the Challenges which had made it suffer, in the middle of tears and blood (in the Past), by Uniting the Hearts of Millions of citizens concerned by the Future" of France and all Europe, and linked that with Italian author Malaparte's view that it represents "an Idea, a way of thinking", according to which, "History is not a playground for Gods (as Italians believed), nor a fact of Nature (as Brittish believed), but a Fact produced by People's Will", (as the French found). And he advanced (went on / continued ) by stressing that "revendicating the Right to Defend its Values, its Culture, its Language, its Way of Life, its Identity, its Civilisation ... that France expects from Europe", shortly after publishing a "Letter to the People", earlier this week, where he declared that "Europe has an Identity : Its (Historic) Roots stem from Greco-Latin Culture at first, Judeo-Christian afterwards, and from the Enlightnment and Rationalism, finaly .. The Culture of European Peoples and their demand of an Identity must also be respected".
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But the greatest surprise of Sarkozy's 2012 Concorde square speech undeniably was the apparently related, crystal-clear anouncement of the French President's intention to openly and explicitely "raise the issue of the Central European Bank's (CEB) role in supporting Growth", i.e. advancing well beyond the November 24 compromise in Strasbourg's Franco-Germano-Italian Summit between French President Sarkozy, German Chancelor Merkel and Italian Prime Minister Monti, to practically leave CEB Free to act independently on €urozone's Economy as it deems fit, which was shortly followed by the 1st participation of its new President, Draghi, at EU Brussel's' Summit on December 9, 2Q011, (See "EuroFora"s NewsReport from Brussels, as well as "EuroFora"s own questions and observations in 2 Press Conferences at EU parliament on December 20011), continuing by succesfull CEB's interventions against Global speculation on €urozone States' Debt, and for Banks' liquidities, on late December 2011 and January 20012, that Sarkozy has already analyzed in detail in his January 2012 Press Conference in Brussels' EU Summit : See "EuroFora"s NewsReports of end of 12/2011 and of the beginning of 2012, including from Brussels).
At any case, Sarkozy probably reserves even more such Political Surprises, which inevitably concern all Europe, for the crucial 2nd round of the 2012 French Presidential Elections, April 23 - May 6, as we can guess from the intriguing tone in which the experienced Director of his Press Service, Franck Louvrier, told "EuroFora" that "for the 2nd round, we'd better speak anew later on, because we shall have things to say at the night which ends the 1st round", i.e. next Sunday, April 22..
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- In fact,"what is at stake is the Survival of a form of Civilisation, of our civilisation", and, currently, "Europe's situation, and the state of the World don't let us any right to commit Errors" : Because "a race against the Clock has started from now on, with the (Global) Economic Crisis, the Social Desintegration, Humanism's declin", Sarkozy soberly warned Today in his speech.
- Indeed, "in a World where exclusive passion for Short-Term Gains and Identity Crispations affront eachother more and more violently, preparing the Great Tragedies of Tomorrow, if we don't beware of" that risk : - "As at the eve of Renaissance, of the Enlightnement, or of the Industrial Revolution, we don't have the right to Miss our Entry into the New Era prepared by the upheavals of today", he warned.
=> We "expect from Europe" "the Right to defend its Values, its Culture, its Language, its Republican model, its Identity. Because defend its Identity, defend its Civilisation it's not something to be ashamd of, but it's Legitime". That's why "you (i.e. the People) are Proud of its Culture, its Language, its Identity, proud for what it acomplished in History, proud of what it represents for so many People in the World", he observed.
- "F.ex., throughout the World, France is the name of a Civilisation : When you hear "France", you hear Moliere, Voltaire, Chateaubriand", "you hear Valmy's cry, the Great Revolution (of 1789) saying to the World that : "Happines is a New Idea" ; "Napoleon's voice dictating the News Bulletin for Victory in Austerlitz's sun" ; you hear (De Gaulle's) "No !" of JUne 18th ; Aimé Cesare throwing Racine, Zola and Hugo at the face of (NAZI Occupation's) regime of) Vichy's Censorship", (etc), Sarkozy reminded. - "We don't have the Right to Waste that Heritage !".
- "2.000 Years of Labour shaped this Land. An endless reservoir for Future ages", according to Peguy's prayer at Our Lady of Chartres, Sarkozy reminded.
=> Thus, "European People's Culture and their demand for an Identity must also be respected", he wrote, earlier this week, in his "Letter to the People" (comp. supra).
- "At a moment when we must Face the Consequences of the Crisis", when "we need the strongest possible Cohesion", "it would be crazy to weaken our Republican Model, and, (therefore) we won't never accept Communautarism, (i.e. the Socio-Cultural, Linguistic and even Urbanistic "Appartheid" in which some Foreign States, as notoriously Turkey, etc., push their Immigrants into EU Countries to stay, Separated from the mainstream Social Life of the large majority of the original population of the Host Country, to the detriment obviously of Children's chances for integration, and dangerously undermining Europe's Cohesion and Stability, so that such "Ghettos" can also be easily Manipulated from abroad), Sarkozy stressed, reminding a point which has recently been notoriously made initially by German Chancellor Merkel, and afterwards agreed also by New Brittish Prime Minister Cameron, (including earlier this year in Starsbourg, speaking as CoE's Chairman-in-office : See relevant "EuroFora"s NewsReport).
+ "At a Time when we need the strongest possible Cohesion, we will Not let Destroy the Institutions which founded the Republic, our Schools, and the Family", Sarkozy also underlined. Adding even orally beyond his Draft Speech, (in a way which topically recalls parallel debates elsewhere, even in the American currently growing grassroots Popular Movements on Moral Values during the US Presidential Elections, etc), that "Schools belong to Childrens' Families, not to Trade Unions who don't think but about their "status", while "Families, as we know, can help when Life is Cruel, so that whenever someone needs to be shouldered, (he/she) has his/her Family to stand side by side". That's why "Family is sacred here, and we won't let anyone destroy it !", Sarkozy strongly stressed, applauded, in a way which confirms also sthe substance of an interesting recent CoE Report on Family policies, prepared by Italian MEP Volonté, President of the ChristianDemocrat/EPP Group at CoE's pan-European Assembly in Strasbourg.
>>> Because the "Unity" of the People "around our Values, in order to Defend our Identity and way of life", is "the Condition of our Cohesion and Solidarity", because it's our Original Characteristics which will make the Value of our Products and Services, because in Tomorrow's World, Culture will be one of the most Precious Resources, because that's the Condition" for a "New Model of Growth", that Sarkozy proposed today in his Concorde square speech to the People.
++ Moreover, "a Country" or "a Continent without Borders is a Country", "a Continent" "without Identity", "which ends up by building Walls to protect itself", he observed on the occasion of the debate on Shengen's External Borders towards 3rd Foreign Countries, (Comp. "EuroFora"s 3/2012 NewsReport from Villepinte), in an obvious reference to the notorious "Wall" that the USA were pushed to set up in their long Mexican Borders accross Rio Grande, provoking various negative undesirable byeffects, (such as Criminality, deadly incidents, etc). => That's one more reason for which - "We must protect Europe's External Borders", Sarkozy's "Letter to the People" points out. (See also "EuroFora"'s NewsReport from Sarkozy's March 2012 landmark speech at Villepinte).
- Because "if Europe's External Borders are not protected against an Uncontroled Immigration, against Unfair Competition, against Social and/or Environmental Dumpings (i.e. by imports from some Foreign Countries which seriously violate even elementary Human and Social Rights, and/or grossly pollute Earth's Climate, disrespecting basic Rules, in order to obtain cheaper Labour Costs at any price : Comp. "EuroFora"s NewsReport already from Sarkozy''s landmark 2009 speech at Urmatt, as well as G20's 2011 Summit at Cannes, etc), then, there will never be any New Model of Growth, nor any European Civilisation, no more", he warned.
For a "New Model for Growth" :
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- "The Pathways towards the Future are well known : A Society of Knowledge. An Economy of Science. Digital Revolution. Responses to Ecologic challenges. Adapt our Production means and Socia organization to a phasing out of fossil Energies, i.e. to the slow but unavoidable disappearance of Oil and to the nor less unavoidable augmentation of its price", etc., "It's a Huge effort for Professional Training, Scientific Research, Technological Innovation, productive Investment, which is expected from us. It's all about Tomorrow's Growth, about Quality of Life in the Future, which will depend from that effort", Sarkozy reminded.
+ "We (France and all EU) have the Intelligence, the Young People and the Scientifics as well as the Businessmen required in order to Invent a New Model for Growth, a New Model for Society, in order to imagine" the New French and European "Model of 21th Century", he optimistically observed, resuming an overview of his past and new concrete proposals in this direction :
=> - "This New (French and European) Model will respond to the need of Justice, since it won't be, no more, subordinated to the Dictatorship of Finances, to excessive Profits, to the Tyranny of Short-term gain, (and) because everyone will get a Professional Qualification by Education/Training, everyone will have access to Social Promotion by Education and Training, so that a Job will becoome available for everyone, as he promissed, (Comp. recent "EuuroFora"s NewsReports from Villepinte and Nancy for concrete details).
- Thus, "in this New Model, Schools will take care of Childrens' fragilities and there won't be, no more, students arriving at College level without even having learned how to Read, Write and Count". "Every Youngster who will choose rotation, will find a job in an enterprise. Unemployed People will have a Right to Professional Training, and they will also have an Obligation : to accept the Job which will be proposed to them. (Comp. "EuroFora"s NewsReport and observations from Nancy, 4/2012). Everybody will have a Right to Life-long Learning. Everybody will have a Right to a "2nd Chance", and all Families of good faith, which might face an Accident of life overburdening them with Debt, will be able to choose Civil Bankruptcy, as Businesses do, according to a system already existing in Strasbourg's area, Alsace, so that they could become able to have a New Start in life". At the same time, "in this New Model, effort, Capacities, Work, will be rewarded, without renouncing to Talent, Achievement, Succes. Because, being Jealous, Cupidity and/or Bitterness are not among our values", since "we won't turn our back to Talents simply because some might have fears. We won't be Nivellers". But "in this New Model, everyone will feel Free to choose his way of life, to feel fully Responsible for himself", because "it will respond to the Need for everyone to Recover the control of their Lives", and "it will give back Hope to those who have lost it, since it will be a Model for Progress and Development, where the Future will become anew a Promisse, where Children will be able to hope have a Better Life than their Parents", he highlighted.
=> "What I propose you is to Build the Conditions which will allow us to organize the "30 Glorious Years" of the 21st Century", Sarkozy stressed, pointing at an expression notoriously used for the 1945-1974 quasi-permanent Growth period. "I.e. to Renew the Achievement accomplished by After World War II People, who had succeeded to learn the Lessons of the Big Errors of the Past and of the Tragedies that they had provoked", he compared. "To bring down the Bureaucratic State, and build up an entreprenarial State". "To replace Financial Capital, by a Capital of Enterprises : We don't want, no more, a tiny Minority to mislead our Ideas !" Thus, "I propose you a State which Reduces its Spending, refuses the Drug of Public Expenditure, and puts its Financial situation in order, so that it can Invest in order to build a Future"
- In fact, "there are 2 possible Ways :"
- "One will impose the solutions of the Past". Thus, "at best, it won't solve anything. It well stay prisoner of all Conservatisms, all Corporatisms. It will continue to let Borders be phased out and Nations weaken even more. In the Worst case, it will Dissuade Success, Ruin Middle Classes, without enriching the Poorest. It will Destroy Investors' Trust, (by overSpending, despite the current Global Debt Crisis). It will put us at the Mercy of (Global) Speculation. And, afterwars, in order to find a Remedy to that, it will impose the Hardest Austerity which will throw us back to Depression, and the most Vulnerable to Misery", he warned, obviously describing a Scenario similar, mutatis-mutandis, to that of Grece after committing the Error to vote for PASOK party's False pre-Electoral Promisses back on 2009, given what notoriously folllowed until now...
- But, "the Other Way, is that which focuses towards the Future, which will Learn the Lessons of the Crisis, and will Invent the Solutions of the 21st Century :"
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>>> I.e. "I propose you to build a New Model of Growth, a New Economy, a New Social Ambition", Sarkozy stressed.
- "Between Nationalism and Abandonement, (renunciation), I propose you the Reasonable way of Unity and of Openess to the World". "It's noty about Uniting the People in order to Cut them off the World, but, on the Contrary, in order to become Strong enough to have No Fear of Opening to the World : I will never plead for Isolation", he made it clear.
- Because "our Destiny is Not to Fade away, nor to Shut up. Our Destiny is to Act for those who cannot act. It's to Speak for those who cannot speak". "It's to stand by those People who want to be Free, (f.ex.) to be side by side with Oriental Christians when they are Persecuted. To organize around the Mediterranean a Community of Destinations, after launching the Union for the Mediterranean, after acting in order to Protect the Libyan People from Massacers", and, in the same trend, "France will take Initiatives for the cause of Peace and Justice to prevail, at last, in the Middle East". Moreover, "our Destiny is to raise inside the G-20 (which wouldn't even exist without France", as he reminded pointing to the Fact that it was practically created between 2008 and 2011, starting by the 2008 EU rotating Presidency by France), the question of the need to Regulate Globalisation, to moralize Finance and to Tax Financial Transactions in order to find Resources that Poorest Countries need to get out of Misery". "Our Destiny is to be the Spokespersons of all those in the World who want that Humans are Not Sacrificed to Trade, that Social Rights, Health Rights, Environmental Law, etc., become Equal to Commercial Law". In brief, "our Vocation is to be everywhere the Voice of those who ask Justice, Freedom and the Right for a Better Future", Sarkozy ambitiously pointed out.
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Means : + open €uro-Debate on a stronger CEB role for Growth
But, in order to become able to realize that "New Model for Growth", Europe must change, at least in certain points of Crucial Importance :
- "I've already expressed (recently) my full Determination to make Europe Change in the issue of its External Borders", i.e. Shengen's effective application vis a vis 3rd, Foreign Countries (See "'EuroFora"s NewsReport from Villepinte, 3/2012 and Strasbourg speeches). Otherwise, "I'll go up to the end. I'll even Suspend Shengen Agreements, if needed, and reestablish Targetted Checks in our Borders", he warned, if there is no change in 1 Year.
+ And "I'll go, if needed, as far as to apply to our Public Procurements the Rules that Americans already apply, by giving contracts only to those Businesses which will produce in the European continent", Sarkozy warned.
- Also, "I claim the Right for France to choose whom it accepts inside its Territory" ; "I claim for France" and the whole EU, "the Right to Protect itself from Competition of those who don't respect any Social or Environmental Rule". + "To set up Industrial Policies, Public Procurement policies, and to reserve a part of its Contracts to SMEs". "Defending those Rights is what France expects and demands from Europe. But if Europe doesn'ty defend them, then, France informs its Partners that we will never give up our Right to defend them ourselves", the French President warned, resuming issues that he had initially anouned at his March 2012 meeting at Villepinte, (See "EuroFora's NewsReport from the spot).
+ But "I want to advance even further : - After what we did in order to Save €uro, I want to raise, not only the issue of (External EU) Borders, but also that of the (European) Central Bank's role in supporting Growth", the French President anounced, today, for the 1st time in a so crystal-clear way :
- "That's a question that we can't dodge. Because if Europe doesn't want to loose its grip inside Global Economy, it must absolutely renew avec Growth", Sarkozy stressed.
- And "Growth doesn't just come by order. It's not enough to write the Word "Growth" in a Treaty, in order to obtain it", he critically observed, obviously denouncing the apparently superficial but dangerous demands of "Socialist" Candidate Hollande, who notoriously asked to Revise the €uroArea Treaty recently Ratified by March 2012 EU Summit in Brussels, Risking to open a Chaotic series of Uncontroled and Unforseen Repercussions, even without having really a clear view on how precisely might be pursued his declared intention to "add Growth" inside the already negociated text, (as Hollande also briefly but characteristically told "EuroFora" recently in Strasbourg : See 3/2012 NewsReport).
- "If you don't do nothing for Competitiveness, (notoriousy a central idea behind Sarkozy's agreement with German Chancellor Angie Merkel). If you overburden Labour Costs. If you discourage Business' spirit, and if you don't Invest, then, it's not Growth that you shall obtain, but Stagnation !", Sarkozy denounced, indeed, on this point, (See supra).
=> "If we don't Change Europe, if we don't build a Europe of Production, a Europe of Investment, we won't be able to have Growth". And "if the (European) Central Bank doesn't support Growth, we won''t have enough Growth", the French President warned, also from the other side.
- Because "the (Global) Crisis revealed the Limits of the rules which had been fixed in the Maastricht Treaty", Sarkozy denounced, (apparently pointing at the need to create a full European Economic and Monetary Governance policy, equiped with similar Tools as those that National States had traditionaly forged since Keynes' era, so that the transfert of Monetary Powers from the National to a European level can become well balanced by an equivalent transfert also of Economic and Monetary Governance Mechanisms, precisely as the political Majority which had created and developed further the €uro had already Foreseen, f.ex. during an Historic, landmark Debate in EU Parliament's Plenary in Strasbourg on "the state of Europe" as early as since back on October 1995)...
- "I am aware of the Difficulties that we'll have to face in this regard. I know the Obstacles", the French President acknowledged, probably referring mainly to some other EU Countries' possibly hesitant or even opposite reactions).-" But we have the Duty to (at least) Think about it", Sarkozy diplomatically proposed.
- "Because it's a Major Issue for the Future of Europe. It's a Strategic issue for Europe", he stressed.
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- Certainly, "Europe has to settle its Debts, it doesn't have a choice", he admitted. "But, between Recession and Growth, it doesn't, no more, have a choice : If it (EU) chooses Recession, it (Europe) will Disappear" from the (World powers') map ! Don't forget what happened during the 1930ies", he dramatically warned.
=> - "If French People renew their Trust to me, I will Open this Debate, and I'll place the same Energy, the same Determination to make advance further a Europe of Growth, a Europe which Invests for its Future, as I've already done in order to Fight against the Financial Crisis and Save €uro", Sarkozy promissed.
- "There shouldn't be any "Tabu" Issues. We must not have any Prohibited Debates !", he underlined, speaking about Europe's Future in Economy.
+ Showing that it's really Possible to accomplish results which were previously considered as "impossible", on the condition to have the required Will, Energy and Inventiveness, Sarkozy reminded, at this point, the Fact that "they had told us that ECB couldn't intervene in order to Save €uro. But the (European Central) Bank gave itself the Necessary Freedom in order to Save the €uro, by offering liquidities to (ordinary, National) Banks", he observed, naturally pointing at CEB's 2 succesful actions in the Financial Markets at the end of December 2011 and at the beginning of 2012, (See relevant "EuroFora"s NewsReports, including Sarkozy overnight Press Conference's statements at the January 2012 EU Summit in Brussels : "EuroFora" reporting from the spot).
>>> CEB's move had notoriously being prepared also by its President, Draghis' participation, for the 1st time, at the December 9, 2011 EU Summit of Heads of State/Government in Brussels (See "EuroFora"s NewsReport from Brussels, then, as well as our Question/Reply at EU Parliament's subsequent Press Conferences in Strasbourg). It has been now Institutionalized V, with the insertion of CEB's President's Systematic participation in all €uroArea"s Summits, (See "EuroFora"s March 2012 relevant NewsReport).
++ As, also, "they had told us that an Economic Governance (in €uroArea) would be "Impossible". But we obtained the Economic Governance", he rightfully boasted, particularly after the Collective signature of the "€uroArea" Treaty, (See March 2012 "EuroFora"s relevant NewsReport, as concrete follow-up to the December 2011 EU Brussels Summit's decision : Comp. "EuroFora"s 12/2011 NewsReport from the spot).
+++ Even "they had told us that the issue of (EU's External Borders was "TABOU". But we raised the issue of (EU's External) Borders".
++++ "They had told us that any Debate on "Reciprocity" (in Foreign Trade) was Prohibited. And we have Opened the Debate on Reciprocity", he observed.
, => "Thus, it's also on the Role of the (European) Central Bank in supporting Growth, that we are going to OPEN THE DEBATE. And we shall make Europe advance further", Sarkozy anounced ambitiously.
- "When (former French President) General De Gaulle, in the middle of the 1960ies, raised the issue of (EU's) Common Agricultural Policy, and wasn't heard, he didn't hesitate to apply the "Empty Chair policy" (i.e. of France's Absence from EU Institutions). He was accused to destroy Europe, while, in fact, it's at that moment that he put a Foundation of Europe's developmenty during the following Decades !", Sarkozy reminded, (in a characteristic last-minute oral addition to his Draft Text).
+ But, concerning at least the aspect of €uro Currency's reportedly "Over-estimated" market value, compared mainly to the lower price for the US Dollar $, and/or the Chinese Yan, etc, this always topical point, notoriously crucial mainly for Foreign Trade, had already been made, in a crystal-clear way, as early as since Sarkozy's landmark 2/7/2007 Speech in Strasbourg, focused precisely on European policy, shorftly after his brillant May 2007 Electoral Win, and in the aftermath of the June 2007 Brussels' EU Summit, where Heads of State/Government at last felt free to adopt the "Simplified" Lisbon Treaty in order to bypass the obstacle of 3 "No" to EuroReferenda in France, the Netherlands and Ireland, which had notoriously blocked EU's Institutional development between 2005-2007, mainly because of a Majority of EU Citizens' opposal to Turkey's controversial and unpopular EU bid. However, no noisy objections appeared in the surface at that moment accross Europe...
=> Stimulate and free People's conscious will
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=> In order to become able to really achieve such a "New Model for Growth", the "People should be United behind a Great Ambition", Sarkozy urged.
+ And "Nations", (i.e., practically, EU Council as well as €urozone's Summits of Head of State/Government, extended in the Future also to Shengen, etc) can add the stimulation of a "Collective Momentum, which gives an Irresistible Strength in the Global Competition", as he added.
- In this double regard, "we (EU) had committed an Error... to leave Bureaucracy take a precedence over Political Will, and over Political Responsibility", Sarkozy typically denounced.
>>> Today, on the contrary, "I propose you to Stimulate anew all Intellectual, Moral and Social Forces ; to give back to the People a right to Speak, when Corporatisms join Conservatism in order to Hinder Progress, (an obvious reference to Popular Referendum : See "EuroFora"s NewsReports from Villepinte, Strasbourg and Nancy, 3 + 4/2012), he stressed.
- "We must bring down the Bureaucratic State, in order to Build up an entreprenerial State, which will become a Driving Force and a Support for all those who Create, Invent, want to undertake", Sarkozy appealed to the People.
+ "The Condition is a .. Unity" of the People "in order to form a Block against all forces of Desintegration which Threaten our Society and our Economy" : That's why, "I'm speaking to the People .., not to the Left, nor to the Right, but to Citizens, whoever they might be, not only to Militants", he clarified.
=> Because if we are "United" and "get rid of Old Evils of Sectarism and Communautarism (Comp. supra), we "can claim to Renew the Achievement of the 30 Glorious Years (1945-1974), because Europe will become able to have a say in the World", Sarkozy explained ambitiously.
>>> - "Hear my call" : Like that of "Victor Hugo, of General De Gaulle, .. looking towards the Future, .. choosing Progress, as that of a France (and all Europe) which wants to serve all Humankind. Take your Fate in your own Hands ! Stand up" to the Challenge ! "Speak out ! Say what you have in your Heart. Say what you Want... Tell it alloud and strongly. Say it Now ! .. Don't be afraid :" They'll never get you, "If you decide that you want to Win !", Sarkozy galvanized the applauding People.
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+ Concerning the Number of People attracted by this exceptional event, set up at the last minute, a Sunday, the Organizers were apparently taken by surprise by the greatest than expected group of People (estimated at about 120.000 by some sources) who arrived at Concorde square, the biggest in Paris : Initially, indeed, (partly obliged also by the Socialist Municipality of the City, which had reserved a pathway for a routine local "Marathon"), the organizers seem to have thought that the number of People due to come might be lesser, and blocked or dispersed the access in a few spots, here and there, (mainly at the right and left side of the main scene, as well as far away, directly ahead of it, in front of the Trees of an adjacent Parc). So that, when more and more People started to progressively arrive during the event, (which started a little bit earlier than expected), a Huge Amount of People were obliged to mass up into 2 Large Columns, at the far Left and far Right of the square, which were progressively extended "à perte de vue" (i.e. prolonged until their end was pushed out of Sight), in 2 Diagonal Columns towards Both Sides of the Concorde Square, with many Persons being "obliged even to stay on the pavement at the oher side of the (adjacent) Roads", as eye witnesses told "EuroFora", confirming the general impression given also by our original Photographs from the Press Center's roof on the spot, as well as certain "Aerial" Photos provided by some Video materials, etc. This fact might also explain why Paris Metro's entries at "Concorde square Station" were blocked by Police shortly after the end of the Meeting, because, as they told "EuroFora", "the Station is full of People", advising to walk up to nearby Madeleine Church's station : ... An opportunity to take a closer look at that superbe, Historic Building (comp. supra), despite problems of Time "zeitnot"...
Not enough debates in French Elections on Europe's Future, EU Poll says...
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Despite the crucial importance of many pending EU issues today, there are not yet enough Debates on Europe's Future in the campaign for the forthcoming French Presidential Elections, the Data of a Poll conducted among Paris-based Journalists from various EU Countries, Embassy Officials and Foreign Business Executives, prepared by APCO/Euroactiv, and sent to "EuroFora", reveals.
Indeed, "EU Construction" drops down to only 10th among the 13 issues that the participants find sufficiently debated now in France, with an absolute Majority of more than 50% believing that this key issue is "Insufficiently dealt" until now.
On the contrary, EU Construction pops up to No 3, i.e. pretty High among 12 other issues, (with No 1 for €uro crisis), in the Preferences of the same European obsezrvers in Paris, justified by the Importance that they believe that each issue should have in the 2012 French Presidential Elections, according to the Data of another Graphic in the same Poll.
Sarkozy seems better placed in order to deal with EU's Future, attracting 46% positive views, compared to only 35% for Hollande, according to the same Data, even if he's considered much more able in order to tackle the €uro Crisis, as well as the Franco-German relations, (56% and 53% of the views, compared with only 28% and 31%, respectively).
On the contrary, Hollande seems to have, at leasr, for the moment (End of March) more chances to win at the 2nd round, for a Majority of Foreign Diplomats and/or Business staff, while ...Sarkozy's crystal-clear Win on both rounds is largely plebiscitated by EU Journalists.
Politically speaking, the above mentioned findings have a special importance, because Sarkozy had, notoriously, made, since August 2007, of a (Paneuropean) Debate on Europe's Future, one of the two Conditions for him to accept the continuation of EU - Turkey Negotiations. (The other condition being to "freeze" 5 Negotiation Chapters, considered to be linked with a full EU Membership, that France, together with a growing number of other EU Countries, as Germany, Austria, Netherlands, etc., refuses, as incompatible with a strong and popular, Political Europe, with an Identity and Values, as well as External Borders).
Such a way to join an ambitious pro-European view with the assurance, given to the People, that they will be protected against pressure to admit Turkey's controversial and unpopular demand to enter inside the EU, that Sarkozy, as well as German Chancellor Merkel, etc., notoriously opposed, played a well known, crucial role in the 2007 French Presidential Elections, brillantly won by Sarkozy, particularly after he succeeded, precisely, to open a Public Debate on this "hot" issue with his "Socialist" competitor then, Segolene Royal, who had done everything she could to avoid even speaking on that...
However, this time, during the 1st part of the 2012 French Presidential Electiions' campaign, curiously, neither Sarkozy nor anyone else among the main players, hasn't yet started to develop any follow-up to this succesful 2007 Debate, (which was, meanwhile, also taken over by EU Parliament's June 2009 Elections, as well as in Germany, in the UK, in Austria, in Bulgaria, in the Netherlands, Belgium, and other EU Countries, also at National level), even if the 2007 move was explicitly destinated to be completed at a subsequent and EU level, (comp. supra+).
Therefore, it so more strange, indeed, that this central and "hot" issue, substantially linked with Europe's Future, and a real "Cross-roads" of many other important questions, (such as Human Rights/Democracy, EU Identity/Culture/Borders, Integration of non-European Immigrants, EU Budget - given almost 1 Billion € EU grants to Turkey each year- Social Cohesion, Foreign Policy and International Law, even Energy resources, etc), hasn't yet been taken up until now, even if it is, in fact, also linked with the "hottest", No 1 issue, currently debated all over the French and other Electoral 2012 campaigns : That of the €uro "crisis" :
- Notoriously started from Greece, at the end of 2009, obviously mis-handled by a former "Socialist" Government, in a way which aggravated Global Speculation against all Europe, the beginning of that so-called "€uro Crisis", was, in fact, mainly due to a controversial "Deal" brokered back on 1999-2000 between the mainly "Socialist" former EU Governments and even EU Commission's former President (Prodi, after the ChristianDemocrat/EPP former Prime Minister Jacques Santer was suddenly pushed to resign in the middle of 1999 !), accepted Turkey's controversial and unpopular EU bid, almost at the same moment that they also accepted Greece's, earlier than normal, entry into €uroZone, even before Athens makes necessary Reforms in order to absorb a growing Debt notoriously provoked by massive apointements in the State-controlled sector of many counter-productive cushy job holders and/or political lackeys of former "Socialist" Governments, in exchange of Greece's acceptance of Turkey's EU "Candidate" Status, despite gross violations of Human Rights, cultural and socio-economic underdevelmopment, the persisting Military Occupation of part of Cyprus, refusal to recognize the Armenian Genocide and Blockade of Armenia's borders, War Threats and systematic Harassment against Greece at the Aegean, Deadly Turkish Military Interventions inside Iraq, usurpation of Rivers' precious Water, hindering Syria, Iraq, Jordany, and other Neighbouring Countries, continuation of the Bloody Kurdish problem, etc, for which EU Parliament had traditionaly blocked all EU Funds earmarked for Ankara during almost a Decade earlier..
=> These 2 and interlinked 1999-2000 gross Blunders, which resulted in the 2005-2007 Blockade of EU's Institutional dezvelopment with Majority Abstentions in EU Elections (1999-2004+) and 3 "No" in EuroReferenda in France, the Netherlands and Ireland during 2005-2007, as well as into triggering the 2009-2011 €uro Crisis via Greece, were both committed, almost at the same time, by former "Socialist" Governments (in France, Germany, the UK, Italy, Spain, Greece, etc, : ie. Jospin, Schroeder, Blair, Amato, Gonzalez, Simitis, etc), who bear grave Responsibilities vis a vis Europe and its People.
Now that almost all that has started recently to become crystal-clear, after years of opacity, and EU Citizens can, at last, begin to see the whole picture of what really happened in their lives and throughout Europe during the last 2 or even 3 Decades, will such central European issues be Excluded from Public Debates, in front of all EU Citizens, by their main Political leaders, so that they can become able to choose, soon, by voting, fully aware of what really happened and what is really at stake ?.
Recent controversial attempts inside EU Commission and/or EU Parflament (comp. earlier, relevant, "EuroFora" NewsReport), remind everybody the simple fact that, as long as EU - Turkey Negotiations continue, (costing more than 850 Millions € each year in Grants given to Ankara's Government, even during the Financial Crisis !), anything might happen, even in a few years time, if that pending matter is not definitively settled, in one way or another, particularly when there are both obvious and covert attempts to nullify EU Citizens' Political Choices, even without giving them a real chance to be fully aware of what might be coming, sooner or later...
However, the scandalous irruption of a Turkish pro-Government Media (Zaman Newspaper, English edition) in France's tragedy of Children and unarmed soldiers massacrated by monstruous Terrorists, with gross insults and slandering also against all Europe, and accusing personaly the French President Sarkozy, as well as other EU Leaders and all Europe, to be responsible for the killings, threatening that there might even be worse, if they continue to refuse Turkey's controversial and unpopular EU bid, and if they dare speak about EU's Civilisation, Identity, etc, dramatically reminded, at the end of March 2012, that nobody can simply "forget" and sweep under the carpet such an issue which,n in fact, still remains to be definitively and clearly settled for ever, (f.ex. as it did, in the Past, for Morroco)...
Sarkozy at Joan d' Arc's land with Solar Energy : - "We the People !"...
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*Nancy/Angelo Marcopolo/- While a Sarkozy's counsellor just told "EuroFora" in substance that the long-awaited "Debate on Europe's Future" has, in fact, already started, the French President, shortly after visiting a new site at the Mountains, which has the ambition to become "France and Europe's biggest Solar power plant", emerged apparently so inspired by the symbolic Lorraine region of the Historic heroin Jeanne d' Arc, that he launched a series of vibrant Appeals to the People, pleading for Citizens' role in Public Decision-making for big Issues, just 1 Day after EU Citizens' Initiative was launched at nearby Brussels, in one of the Best Moments of Sarkozysm, where sparkling Lightnings suddenly emerged out of nowhere, before being followed by others, on several topical issues , from Media to Economy up to Collective Identity, etc.
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Exceptionally, therefore, "EuroFora" publishes almost a full transcript of most statements made today by French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who came without a prepared Speech, giving a rare opportunity to reveal how speaks directly to the People on various topical issues, one of EU's greatest contemporary politicians.
- "I thought that Observers, Media, Pollsters had already settled the Election, and the People had nothing to do !", Sarkozy denounced from the outset
- "When I begun this (Electoral) Campaign, I had the impression that Others had already decided for all of us" (i.e. before People Vote)..
- But "I wanted to speak directly to the French People"
- And then, they saw how are the People of France : a Free People, a Proud People, People with strong Temper,
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- They had not taken into account "the French People, Proud People, ...People to whom Nobody can dictate what they will say, because it's those People who choose themselves, People who want to Decide, and to be Respected, and who are fed up by what they hear : "Enough is enough, these are not our Values, these are not our Ideas : => "It's We, the People, who decide on a (Democratic) Election !"
- "I want to speak to the People ..., because there is "an Historic Choice" to make in 2 Weeks time, because France and Europe "is in a Crossroads".
- And this choice, you must make it while being "Free", and not limited by Partisan choices when "the General Interest (of the Nation) is at stake".
Even to those who have never yet crossed our path, I say, in order to help make he Best Choice : => "Look at the Future !".
Initially, they accused me to be "Populist", because I wanted to make you, (the People), witness of my (Electoral) Commitments.
..by the Referendum : Each time there is a Blockade (Deaadlock), I will address to you, asking you (People) to be the Guarantors of Commitments
Then, they accused me to look towards the Extreme Right. As if Gaullism's Historic page wasn't to use the Referendum in order to give People a voice.
As if (politicians) should Not Trust the People...
as if the People were not Intelligent enough to understand..
+ As if nothing had happened, as if the (Global) Crisis never happened..
But, a few Days later, when I proposed to Tax those who exile themselves in order to avoid Taxes, they accused me to be Leftist", Sarkozy made People smile.
Thus, "in less than a Week, I passed from the "Extreme Right" to the "Extreme Left" !", Thanks god, the Earth turns Round, so that I managed to Land at its Center", he joked.
In fact, there is No "Extreme Right" area, Nor an "Extreme Left" area. There are simply, at a moment or another, somme French People who suffer, and they expressed their sufferings by saying "No", even if they knew that this lead to a Deadlock (Nowhere) (obvious reference to the 2005-2007 French, Dutch and Irish "No" to EuroReferenda, which had notoriously brought together People usually voting Left with others voting at their Right).
I challenge the view that we shouldn't even speak to them ! I challenge the view that we, Republicans, shouldn't tell them : - "Follow us, and don't waste your time in that Deadlock where they Lie to you, and they exploit your Sufferings for the profit of a "Left" in Power (obvious reference to former Socialist President Mitterand's notorious push given to the Extreme Right, in order to Divide the mainstream Center-Right Parties and weaken them by making them lose many traditional Voters).
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=> -The issue concerning the People of France. Your capacity to understand what is at stake. ... and decide what you want, is a question of Central importance, Sarkozy stressed.
F.ex. here; at Lorraine who suffered so much, (mainly by the closure of the biggest Metal Workers' Industrual area in the whole country, during the Past "Socialist" Governments, who had been elected, on the contrary, with promisses to keep it alive),
1st, France doesn't have a choice : We have to continue in the path of (Economic and Social Reforms to reduce Debt).
I said that this Campaign must be that of Truth.
Because, look what happened to those other (EU) People, close to us, to which they said Lies :
- They lied to Greece : look now at what state Greece is ! (obvious reference to former " Socialist" Prime Minister Papandreou's 2009 Electoral promisses based on the False view that "enough Money exist", which led to the Worst Financial Crisis in the over-Millenary History of Greece..); they (former "Socialist" Governments) lied to Spain : look now in what state it is ! And if we hadn't made, in the meantime, Reforms as that on Retirement benefits (postponed from 60 to 62 years of age), even France would have arrived, today, in a similar situation : That's the Truth !"
In 15 Millions of Retired People, for some 1,5 Million of People, their Retirement benefits were not paid" ; and the Social Security (Health and Family allocations) was obliged to search to the Banks the Money that it didn't have.
Did I have the right to let such a situation continue even more ?, he wondered.
While we are gaining 1 Trimester of Life Expectancy each year, and ... the time would arrive when French People would become Angry when they would find that there wasn't enough Money in the.. Safes.. to pay their Retirement
F.ex. , in Ireland, they had to Reduce the Retirement benefits, because they hadn't done the necessary Reforms earlier, as also in Spain, Italy and Greece, etc.
Everywhere, whenever some Governments lacked he Courage to make necessary Reforms, at the end, it was the most Vulnerable People who had to foot the bill !", he denounced, (as f.ex. in Greece, where Poor People even started to commit sSuicide, while Billions are still Wasted to counterproductive and often corrupted or even criminal cushy job holders, most often political Lackeys of former "Socialist" Governments, massively hired in the State-controlled Sector since the 1980ies, have notoriously provoked a growing Debt, scandalously hidden on 1999-2001 to allow an earlier than normal entry in €urozone, even before making necessary Reforms, so that a former "Socialist Government could usurpate with only 1% the Aprl 2000 Elections, as part of a Deal to accept Turkey's controversial and unpopular EU bid : See "EuroFora"s relevant NewsReports, particularly since 12/2009 from Bonn, Germany).
=> "Because there is always a RDV for Cowardisse ! Because, when one is a Coward, when one lacks the courage to make the necessary reforms, .. then, it's the most Vulnerable who foot the bill", he warned..
+ F.ex. ... Naturally, I told to the French People that "you'd have to work 2 years more". But, how could it be otherwise, when average duration of time for Retirement Contributions is 21 Yeears, and the number of those paying their contributions becomes lower, while those admitted to retirement benefits are more numerous : Who will pay for the retirement benefits, then ?n he wondered. Don't we (Politicians) have a Responsibility vis a vis those 1,5 Million of Retired People ?
However, not only I didn't want to Reduce Retirement Benefits, but I even decided to "update" them, i.e. to make them higher, able to follow the Inflation's course", something which represented some "3 Billions € each Year"', and couldn't have been done if we hadn't realized those Reforms, he observed.
Not even 1 Trade Union didn't support me. Only the Governing Majorities' political Parties voted for the Retirement Reforms. I had to face 7 National Demonstrations of many Millions of persons, but I didn't step back not even for 1 cm, because it was a General Interest issue.
- "I owe you the Truth", he said to the applauding People. particularly "when we know that it's an issue of General Interest".
- "Where would we be today, if we hadn't done those Reforms, and, therefore, couldn't pay all Retirement benefits, then, .. those same Demonstrators, who had gone to the streets against the Govenrments' reforms to save retirement, would have been today, anew, demonstrating in order to accuse me, this time, not to have done what was necessary in order to save the Retirement benefits : - As "Tartuffe(s) !", he denounced, (in a reference to a world-famous personification of Hypocisy in classic French litterature).. - "The same, with the same words !".
Naturally, we are in a democracy, and it's normal to demonstrate and criticize. But, when someone is elected as President of the Republic, he must be able to take and keep a Decision even if it's difficult, when he is convinced that it's for the best interest of the Country, and say "No" when it's necesary?
But, today, who will dare accuse me anew for this reform on retirement benefits ? I remember; f.ex. Mrs Segolene Royal, who had claimed that she would return back to retirements since 60 years of age. However, today, noone speaks about that, no more.
=> We (politicians) must be able to tell you (the People) the Truth, even when it's not easy.
F.ex., What's Mr Hollande's policy on retirement ? Does he still want to return back to the 60 Years of age threshold ? But how shall he pay for that ? People should be warned if the Contributions that they are required to pay will be augmented..
And, in that case, he must stop making Promisses about augmenting the Purchacing power of (Wage earners) Working People, because, he can't really do that by augmenting also the Contributions that People have to pay..
Otherwise, it's the Businesses who will have to foot the bill, and, in that case, it's bad for Labour Costs, it pushes towards more Outsourcing, to the detriment of regions as f.ex. here, in Lorraine, where Metal Industry is struggling to survive.
Going further : - "I acknowledge the utility of Intermediart corps, of Trade Unions, etc. But, only when Trade Unions do their job, and don't interfere in Politics : That's for Political Parties.
He gave another example, even of CENSORSHIP, even of the Country's President :
- Last week, at Nantes, I gave an Interview to the Newspaper "France West". But this wasn't of the likes of the CGT ("Left") Trade Union, and it stopped the publication of that Newspaper !", Sarkozy denounced, triggering loud reactions from the audience.
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- "Is that what Trade Unionism means ? Is that a Democracy ? Is that respectable ? Is that the Republic in which we want to live ? Is there anybody here who would react in a similar manner vis a vis another person who hasn't the same political ideas ?
This is not our way to act ! The Republic is Not Sectarism ! The Republic means that, even if "I don't share your view, nevertheless, I'll struggle for the Freedom which will allow you to Express them !", Sarkozy reminded, citting a famous, Historic moto.
But we, the "Silent Majority", we'd have much to say to those "permanent" job holders : If you knew what we hear everyday, what we support everyday, .. if you were in our shoes, imagine the enthousiasm that we have for this Campaign,
=> Because this is a Campaign to Liberate Speech, Thought and Ideals !", Sarkozy stressed.
In this context, lies also the issue of Metal Industry, (largely located in the Lorraine Region).
- "We saved Alsthom (Big, HiTech Industry). We saved "FotoWatt", and so many other industries. We found jobs for "Petroplus" workers, etc.
=> - "I'll never let Metal Industry down", because I am convinced that Steel Production is of Fundamentral Importance for a Big Economy as that of France.
=> Who discussed intensively with the Arcelor-Mital stockholders, so that hey invest 17 Millions €, for 2 things : For the Factories to restart working, and for the produced Steel to have MORE ADDED VALUE, because if we produce here the same quality of steel as China" or Turkey, etc., we wouldn't have any chance to keep our jobs., observed the French President, pointing at a similar problem faced recently by all Europe and even the USA, etc., particularly when Global Competition on Steel and other Metals by Foreign Countries f.ex. like Turkey, who abuse of lower prices by Social Dumping, i.e. thanks to Lower Wages obtained by Oppressing Human Rights and/or lack even of elementary Social Rights, threaten the jobs of Developed Countries' Metal Workers, unless they succeed to create much Better Qualiy products, (mainly thanks to Hi-Tech Scientific/Technological Innovations).
It was certainly my Duty to Struggle and obtain this Investment of 17 Millions €, without any catch, but I deserve better than when we saw some abusif, politicized Trade Unionists come to Paris, not in order to defend the Workers, but only in order to provoke violent Troubles, break down offices, etc. (f.ex. attacking Sarkozy"s HQ office, etc), giving a Distorted and Retrograde image of Metal Workers, who deserve to be better respected, Sarkozy denounced, largely applauded by the People.
"I have always kept my (Electoral) commitments, and I will always keep them", he promissed.
But, what did the others, (i.e. mainly "Socialist" former Governments, in the recent Past, as well as Today's politicians of Today), about that (i.e. Metal Industry) ?", we wondered
- "F.ex., Mr Hollande came here and didn't make any promisse : "I don't promis nothing", he said. "Thus he will certainly respect his word !" - "He also declared : - "When I'm not sure, I don't say anything !". Thus, indeed, he will say Nothing...", Sakozy amused the laughing people...
=> "But, in my (our) Identity, the word "Renounce" does not exist ! I always Try, I always Fight !.. It doesn't always work, by it's my Duty to commit all my Strentgh, all my Energy, all my Will, because, behind all that, there are real People Suffering !", Sarkozy pointed out, triggering wide popular applause.
- "I remember, when (former "Socialist" Prime Ministe, who lost the 2002 French Presidential Elections, won by Sarkozy's ally, former Center-Right President Jacques Chirac), Mr. Jospin came as Prime Minister (in Lorraine region) and said : - "I can't do Nothing".. - "If it's like that, then, you must not be France's Prime Minister, because, when someone is Prime Minister, this means that he is able to do Something !", Sarkozy denounced. - "Or (former "Socialist" President) Mitterand, when he said in the TV, about Unemployment, that "we tried everything".. . No, I'll never think that "we tried everything" : Because when there are, behind, poor People expecting to work in order to feed their Family, they need a President of the Republic who, at least, Fights for them ! I don't say that I succeeded in everything, but, at least, I said that I fought in the Morning, at Noon, and over Night !.
That I fought right from the 1st minute of my 5 years term of office, up to the last moment, because it's my temper, the Idea I have for my Duty, and, in fact, that's what I think that, deep inside yourselves, you (the People) expect from the President of the Republic !"
>>> in one of the Best Moments of Sarkozysm, very largely applauded by the People... he revealed that, - "Tonight I came without a speech. My team doesn't like that. But, in this way, I'm really myself ! I can't be more sincere.. !" ...
In this land of Lorraine, which had lany Sufferings and many Hopes, (../....) I believe in (Human) Feelings) : I am not a Robot. I am not an automatic (machine). And the Presidency of the Republic didn't transform me into a Jobbie (Moby). I don't play a Role. I am a Human being which profoundly aims his Country. Who is thrilled by what he does. Who loves People.
Who wants to defend them. Who wants to represent them. And who has an Idea on France's greatness.
=> But, Politics without Feelings. Politics when it becomes a Mechanical affair, where some repeat what they learned at a School. Politics without Commitment, without Passion, is condemned to indiference.
Because you, the People, have Feelings, Passion, and you ask Commitment.
+ UNITY of the People, against Terrorist attempts to divide it :
We lived a "Huge Challenge with theTragic Moments" of Toulouse + . I was shocked by a couple of things.
France kept its Dignity. It didn't fall into the trap of Anger. France didn't yield to the temptation of Revenge. France didn't make an Amagalme". On the contrary, "France gave an Example of Calm and didn't lose its temper.
But I want to say with force that I was Shocked by those who claimed that that Monster who killed innocet Children at Toulouse would be a product of the Society...
the French President denounced, speaking just a few days after, particularly, the Scandalous attempt of Turkish Newspaper "Zaman" to exploit the Monstruous Deadly Terrorism in order to ...push Ankara's controversial and unpopular EU bid, while also launching gross Insults and slandering against both France and all Europe (See relevant "EuroFora"s NewsReport)
The Society is not responsible for everything. France is not ..
I'd say to the Media : Stop to cover what says that Father of that Monster (booes)
There are things which mustn't be said. Which are not views, but Insults to the Victims' Memory. Insults against the History of our Country. Insults against Family Values, which include Parents' Duty to take care of their Children. And when someone wasn't able to do so, he should not add to the Indignity even the Horrible, (applauded by the People).
And I thank all Media which refused to diffuse that Ignominious Video-Tape, Because "Information" is not Anything. Because in a Democratic Society, there are some things which ... wound any Human feelings deep inside everyone among us.
And those Men and Women of the Security forces, also have Families and Children, and accomplish their Duties.
=> "I don't admit that some from Outside of the Country, who don't even know what really happened, come afterwards and claim to give Lessons .... / as he denounced, speaking particularly shortly after that scandalous Exploitation of the Monstruous Deadly Terrorism which massacrated even 3 young Children and their Father, by pro-Turkish Government Media "Zaman", in order to push Ankara's controversial and unpopular EU bid, even in English language, in an obvious attempt by Turkey's Media to mislead a few ignorant and/or manipulated Arabs, who might have forgotten the Historic Fact that the once-brillant Arab Civlisation had notoriously been Destroyed by the Ottoman-Turc Empire's Mlitary Invasion and Occupation, from which Arab Countries liberated themselves after hard struggles with the Help of European Countries...
to those Men and Women of our Security forces who simply accomplished their Duty.
=> Consequences :
- First, avoid any amalgam : Our Muslim Compatriots haven't any Responsibility in that : They are Victims, from a Double point of view :
a) By the (2 out of the 3) (unarmed) Soldiers who were killed at Montauban , for whom, whatt's more important for our Hearts is not that they were Muslims, but that they served in the French Army, they had France in their Hearts. They were OUR CHILDREN, Muslims or No Muslims. They were our Brothers in Arms. They were Our Soldiers : In front of the (killed unarmed Soldiers') coffers with France's flags, there was No Distinctiona Montauban !", Sarkozy pointed out, widely applauded by the People.
b) No amalgams, also because a large Majority of our compatriots don't want that. They were profoundly wounded by what happened.
But, I want to say to the National Community that, Today, together with the JHA Minister, we took 2 Decisions : To Expulse 5 Persons that we didn't want, no more, to stay in the Territory of the French Republic", he anounced, (concerning suspects to be Islamic Extremists).
+ "And I launch a Warning, which must be heard and well understood : All those who shall slander against the Values of the (French) Republic will be immediately thrown out of the French Republic's territory, without any exception !", he warned, also applauded by the People.
- Moreover, he citted elementary, basic issues in Citizens Everyday Life, pleading against Comunautarism : - "In the Land of the French Republic there is Equality between Men and Women. .. Medical Doctors are the same for all in Public Hospitals. .. (Public) Swimming Pools have the same Opening Hours for Men and Women", (Reference to AppartHeid like, "Communautarist" Problems recently provoked in some "Socialist" Municipalities, where Poor Families are obliged to be Separated, and Young People are Hindered even to enter in their suburb's Swimming Pool during the Best available Hours of the Day, under Pretext that a Monopole was attributed by an anonymous Bureaucrat to a few Scarfed Women immigrants from 3rd Non European Foreign Countries curiously coming and going in a Group "guided" by a "Chieftain".. ), applauded particularly by Young People and Families. "And in (Schools') Restaurants the menu is the same for all Children of the secular French Republic".
- "We (France) shall stay "Open". But nobody will ever oblige us to change on such issues which are part of the French Democracy's basis".
- "I am Glad to say this, in Lorraine's region", Sarkozy pointed out, referring to Nancy Industrial and Agriculture productive area's famous Historic role in the succesful Integration of earlier waves of Immigrants, most of whom came from other European Countries, (such as Poland, Italy, Portugal, Spain, etc)..
- "All my Life, i pleaded for an "Open" France. You've never heard me call, on the contrary, for a "Closed" France. "Because I also know very well, where I come from", he noted.
- "Because a "closed" Country becomes Weak. And, on the contrary, I want a Strong France" and Europe. Thus, "Closing is Not a Solution for us".
- "We (France) are the 5nd Economy in the World.
>>> "We have a Culture, a Language to defend. An Ideal to transmit".
That's why, "I will never support Closure"
- Moreover, I will never designate Others, Foreigners as "Ennemis". I will never speak of Hate. I will never abuse of Fears". So, "i wil never adopt the way in which some others are speaking", (obvious reference to the Far Right).
Because, myself, I know where I come from", as he said, (Sarkozy himself notoriously being a French Child of a Father and Mother whose Families stem from various EU Countries, such as Hungary, Greece, Spain, etc. in addition to his Franco-Italian wife, Carla Sarkoy-Bruni, 1st Lady of France, where this shapes an interesting, topical example of EU Citizens' integration)...
- "But, at the same time, I'd say to our Elites, who live inside a tiny closed Club, ignoring all the Difficulties faced by French People, that I don't accept to Hinder any Debate about taking Control of the flux of Immigration ! It's not a "Tabu". There are things which don't work well. And this must be said !", Sarkozy anounced.
=> - "I'll take some Time to speak with you on an Issue which must not be treated just by a few Formulas. I want a fully-fledged Reasoning", he anounced.
- For some, "even to state the word "Immigration", classifies you in a Category", he denounced.
- But, "that's Ignoring Realities", which "are composed of 2 elements :"
+ France and EU's "Integretion System has broken down !", denounced Sarkozy, raising a well known recent issue, obvious, particularly during the last Decades, both in France and Germany, even much more in the UK, but even in small-medium Countries, such as Spain, Greece, etc.
Significantly, he said that in an Historically famous region, Lorraine, for having succesfully integrated many Hard Working Immigrants in the Past, coming mainly from various European Countries, (such as Poland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, etc).
- "The 1st is that we must look face to face at our Integration System, because it has broken down !" We don't manage, no more, (i.e. contrary to what France and other EU Countries had notoriously succeeded during the 19th Century as well as at the 1st Half of the 20th Century) to adequately integrate those that we welcome in our Land, and I challenge anyone to prove the contrary !", Sarkozy denounced, speaking of a well known recent issue, obvious, particularly during the last Decades, both in France and Germany, even much more in the UK, but spreading also in small-medium Countries, such as Spain, Greece, etc., obviously raised topicaly b the recent, unprecedented Monstruous Deadly Terrorism which massacrated unarmed Soldiers and even small Children with their Father, apparently committed by an obviously manipulated, marginal young individual of Non European origin, with "French" nationality only on paper, who acknowledged the fact that he was much more influenced by visits in certain Foreign Countries, going from Turkey and Syria up to Egypt, etc., but mainly in Pakistan..
- "Why ? For one (?) reason : Because when we have just welcomed those (immigrants) that we want to integrate, we have another 116, that the system (symbolize; diabolise ?) , because we have accepted too many people, at the same time, without giving to our Integration System the means to work" efficiently, he denounced.
- "There is nothing chocking in what I've just said : It's simply the truth".
+ "There is also a 2nd thing : I frankly say : I don't see how we can say to the French People to Reduce Expenses, make Efforts, and, at the same time, the same People would accept a Massive Immigration coming in ... only because the Social Allowances are more generous than elsewhere.. For our Integration System, and in order to have our Social Accounts balanced, we can't go on like that !", he criticized.
- "So, I've undertook certain Commitments, and I'm ewpecting that all Candidates wil do alike : - I said that, during the next 5 Years, we shall Divide by 2 (i.e. - 50%) the Number of Foreign People that we welcome in the Territory of the (French) Republic. For our Social Accounts to be balanced. And in order for our Integration System to work efficiently".
- "They asked me, as I expected, - "How shall you do that ?". It's very Simple : Families' reunification (regrouping) is a Right. But for years, you couldn't dare even pronounce the word "Families' reunification", which provoked an Hysteric reaction from some, complacency for others. (as "those who go to the TV stations with a Mirror, and speak only to themseleves").
- "But, bring in someone's Family, while he doesn't have a Flat to welcome it, it's Madness. Bring in someone's Family while he doesn' even have a Salary allowing him to welcome it, it's meaningless.
+ >>> - "And I want to add a Condition : Before entering in the French Territory, one should Speak French and have assimilated the Values of the Republic", Sarkozy anounced, particularly applauded by the People on this point.
>> - "I undertake my commitments, but I want to know what are going to do the others (Candidates) ; - F.ex. Mr. Hollande (the "Socialist" candidate), does he instist, still to put in proper term (regularize) all the illegal immigrants ?", he wondered.
- "He has the Right. But he must say so to the French People", Sarkozy challenged, provoking Popular reactions against such a controoversial measure.
- We all (Candidates) undertake Commitments" to the People, "but we all have the duty to tell to the People, and explain what these Commitments are, he invited.
- F.ex., "what image will see a Child, if his Mother, without speaking not even a word in French, wil be obliged to stay hermetically Closed inside a House, while the Husband wil be outside, and how shall she communicate with the School Teacher of the kids, without even a word in French ? Where is the Equality between Men and Women, and where are Childrens' Rights, when some treat Kids (of school age) like that ?", he wondered, clearly showing that there are Contradictions between conflicting Human Rights in such controversial and difficult situations, unfortunately spreading among groups which don't care for their Childrens' SocioCultural Integration in the Host Country)..
- "This currently happens in the land of the (French) Republic, and we must change that !", he concluded, applauded.
+ Speaking "about Schools", Sarkozy said that he "recognizes the utility of Trade Unions, already spoke, and will speak again with them",.
- "But when we speak about the Schools of the Republic, this is, 1st of all, an issue for the directly concerned Families", whose own Children goes to that School. "Not of the Teachers' Trade Unions", he stressed, largely applauded -"It's for you (the People) to pronounce yourself at first. These are your Children !", Sarkozy stressed, with even more applause. "And we don't accept to be treated as "Foreigners" in our Childrens' Schools", he added..
3 Observations :
- "(1) Our Children changed, but the Schools didn't enough", Sarkozy criticized. "Never before, the need to have a Common Program in order to Assimilate Everyone, and, at the same time, a Different Pedagogy, adapted in order to teach to so Various Children : Look, today, to our Children, as they were more than 50 Years ago, while,, it's a Refusal to look at School Realities", Sarkozy denounced.
- "It's not possible to do everything inside the ClassRoom. Adults (Parents) must take anew possession of the School, There must be Teachers available, even after Hours, in order to take care of those Children who have Difficulties to follow, and are lost", he pointed out, applauded.
=> I.e. "Quantity is not all. We need also Quality !"Sarkozy resumed, obviously referring to the astonishing, but well known Fact, that, while the Number of School-Children had diminished in France for many years, on the contrary, that of School-Teachers had continued to grow, without, however, avoiding Educational Problems currently met in several Developed Countries, from Europe up to America and beyond)..
- "It's not just a question of giving the same things to everyone. But, for these Children, who have Difficulties to follow, if we don't take care of them, then, 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 of them will inevitably pull the overall Level of a School Class Down", he observed.
=> - "So that what is needed is both the School-Room Time, but also the Time to take care, in addition, of those Children, (who have Difficulties to follow : See supra). Because, if nobody takes care of them, then, sooner or later, it's the whole Society which will have to pay for the (Negative, even Dangerous) Consequences of the fact that these Children had been left without anyone taking care of them", Sarkozy warned, largely applauded by the People who have the experience of drop-outs.
- On this crucial point, "I made a big Provocation", Sarkozy smiled : - "Today, the Obligatory Work (for School-Teachers) is 18 Hours. But I proposed, for whoever wanted, to work for 26 Hours (per Week), and be paid overtime. Thus, you (the People) will have a Shool System which will give 8 more Hours to take care of those Children (who have Difficulties to follow).
>>>. "Thus, f.ex., an Immigrant who comes from abroad, and whose Parents don't speak well French, and don't know our History and Culture, if the School and/or College Teachers don't take care of him, who will ? Shall they abandon that hid to the Street ? ", he wondered. - "That's the situation that we find today", he denounced.
- "F.ex., for the Elementary Schoool, for 600 to 700.000 Children, there are, perhaps, about 100.000" (who face Difficulties). -"It's not just a Social Problem. Because it's not because a Family has Social Problems, that its Children will necessarily face also School Difficulties. In fact, this can happen to anyone, in all Families, regardless of their Social Level : F.ex. Drugs, Dyslexy, and various other problems", he warned everybody.
- "The Problem is, that, if we let those 100.000 Children (who face Difficulties) to pass from the Elementary School up to College wihout taking care of them, we can't, no more, settle that issue later-on, except from only a Minoriy among them", he warned, pleading for Timely action.
=> - "That's why, I wish to have, on the level of School Directors and Mayors, special Funds for those Children, with which they could be sent f.ex. to a Medical Doctor, to a Psychologist, to a Specialst, etc. So that not even 1 Child leaves the Elementary School without having acquired a capacity on the Fundamentals, i.e. Reading, Writing and Calculating !", he stressed. "Because when someone can't yet even do that, then, he hasn't any chance at all to use its talents at the College and/or the Lyceum", he observed.
=> - "Because I wish, for those Children who graduate from College/Lyceum (i.e. at 17-18 years of age in average), to have all a chance, be it as a Trainee, Alternate, or other : I.e. "Nobody wihout a Solution. Nobody without a Future. Nobody without a Possibility !", Sarkozy promissed.
- Since,"we don't all have the chance to have Children arriving up to "Bac. + 18" (i.e. with a lot of Higher Diplomas), as he said smiling,- "That's generally the case for my aides (at the Presidency of the French Republic), except of only one, that I asked if he had had a Love-affair problem, but he told me that it was due to a Health problem when he was young, so...", Sarkozy joked, making People laugh...
- "I spoke to Young People last Saturday, for which there are concerns, because they are Your Children", as he said to the People : - "I don't want an RMI or RSA (Minimal Revenue Allocation for extreme Poverty) for Young People ! I don't want to condemn our Youth to State Aids for the Poor. I don't want to tell to our Youth that they can stay in Bed and expect from the Society to do what they are not able to do themselves" he denounced.
=> On the contrary, "I want another Youth : that of Talent, of Will, that you can Trust !" Sarkozy stressed, applauded in particular by many Young People. Thus, f.ex. "I want a Bank to Guarantee their (Young People's) Studies, or when they don't have (enough Money) to invest in the creation of a Business, or when they don't have a Family standing by them", he anounced..
From this point of view, - "The Difference between Mr. Hollande ("Socialist" candidate) and myself, is that he wants Less Rich People, while I want Less Poor People...", Sarkozy resumed. - "And that's a big Difference", he underlined..
- "On Solidarity : I know, by experience, that there might be some moments in life, where People can no more deal with problems, there are moments when Life is Cruel, there are moments when Sickness hits someone, Family Problems, Difficulties, etc.". So that "all those who find themselves in front of such problems, must be able to count on the French Social Model", Sarkozy admitted.
- "But, for all those who are not in such situations, we must seriously think, and treat them otherwise : Franckly, when, f.ex. an unlucky person had send more than 2000 Letters searhing in vain a job, it's pointless to obliges him to send even some more Thousand Letters, undermining his self-confidence, and loosing, probably, 4 more Years in Unemloyment", he criticized.
- On the contrary, "it's better to take stock of his Competences, of what he had done, of what he wants to do, and to teach him a New Profession in order to have a Chance in his lifetime. : That's what I want for the French Society of tomorow. It's something very Differend of what we have now", he anounced.
- "F.ex. that Family-Wife, who had made the Choice to elevate her Children, a Joy but also a Sacrifice very Important for the Society, when, after 15 years or so, this Woman, who sacrificed her carreer, has no chance to find a job in the Marketplace 15 years later, but has a Right to learn a New Profession, in order to have a Basis allowing her to return back to the Job Market", he explained.
- "Or, that Youngster, which is not gifted for Long Studies, he has nevertheless a Right to get a Professional Education for a qualification allowing to go to the Job Market", he added.
- Or, f.ex., "someone aged more than 55 Years, be it 56, or even a... "huge" (sic !) age of 57 years old..... , say, ... I never thought that you could become as "old" as that ! At such an age, People should be very, very ..Tired.. No ?", Sarkozy joked, making People laugh at HIS OWN Age, which is in a well known direct Contrast with his legendary Energy and will to act, fast and efficiently !..
- I.e., f.ex. "that Factory Worker who spend 30 Years in a Textile Industry which has closed : Instead of being Bored to death in his Home, he has a Right to be tought a New Craft", he added.
- "And the other way round (i.e. for Young People), f.ex. when I met recenttly with many Craftsmen, they were telling me that they can't find a Young man, and each time that I open the door of a Baker, a Butcher, a Delicatessen or Fish-and-Chips Shop, etc., the Boss tells me that he can't find any young person to work with them" : "That's the Truth, and in such cases, it's better not to claim that there is nothing to do, instead of "Miserable" situations, he observed, applauded.
=> - "So, we are going to Change that System :"
- " Leaving aside those who suffered from a serious "Accident" in Life, whom we must Help with Solidarity",
- for all other cases, f.ex. "when you are Unemployed for many Weeks and Months, and you can't find a Job, then, we shall propose you a Qualifying Professional Education. You shal Choose it", he promissed, "but you won't have the right to Refuse it", he warned. "Because when Society gives you a (Social) Right, there is also an Obligation in exchange : No Rights without Obligations, no obligations without rights. So, at the end of this qualifying Professional Training, you will be offered a Job which corresponds to that. And you won't have a Right to Refuse the Job which corresponds at that qualifying Professional Training that you've been given", he concluded.
+ Replying to "those who claim that the problem of the (long) Time Duration for Unemployment Benefits should be tackled from the point of view of the Number of Months or Trimesters", etc., he found "preferable to do so from the point of view of Professional Training, because, in that case, you won't be paid, no more, with Unemployment Benefits, but you will be remunerated in the framework of a Professional Training, wheher it takes 6 Months or 2,5 Years, and, at the end, you shall have a Job", as Sarkozy explained.
+ "Professional Education/Training represents 35 Millions €, (paid) by the Regions, the State, the Trade Unions, and Businesses" in France, he added, (i.e. clearly indicating that Costs are Shared, and not supported only by Enterprises who have to face often even International Competition by Countries without equivalent Unemployment benefits)..
- But, today, "nobody seems able to understand how it works, except from noting that, ... less you need a Professional Training, more they offer you" :
- "F.ex., if you are Young, Good Looking, and well Educated, with 15 Diplomas, then they propose you f.ex. a Multinational with Billions of Profits, and you shall find there your job, without any problem.
- "But, if you have 57 years of age, and you are working in the Textile Industry, I'd be surprized if they propose you even a small Professional path in order to help you get out of a difficult situation. That's an InJustice, and a Big InJustice. An Unacceptable Injustice !", Sarkozy strongly denounced.
=> "That's why, Numbers are crystal-clear : Only 10% among the Unemployed are in Professional Training, leaving out 90%". And "a Regional Agency for Employment generally deals with only 15% among the Professional Training offers", he criticized.
>>> "In order to Change that, we shall establish, together, (i.e. eventually through a Popular Referendum, as Sarkozy has generally promissed for various controversial issues on 2012), a RIGHT to a Professional Training", he promissed.
[ Here, it's interesting to note that most concrete Examples cited by Sarkozy, help to alleviate some People's, otherwise unavoidable fears, - in an issue that he had never before cited in public, during his Top Political battles, for the Presidency of the French Republic, for Europe, for Global issues, etc.- that this might, eventually, be exploited by some unsrcupulous Bureaucrats in order to attempt to impose,
even by Threats to be thrown out of one's Family Home, to the Street, and/or be deprived even of Food, etc., i.e. condemned to Extreme Poverty without any Help, not even basic, unless he/she obeyed, even against his/her free will, to definitively abandon f.ex. Decades of Hard Work and Sacrifices to Succeed the Best and Highest Educational and University Results in his/her earlier life,
that he/she was Brutaly and Scandalously Hindered to use in an adequate Proffesional Life corresponding to his/her Excellent Educational Efforts and Results, because something exceptionally Grave stroke his/her Life, such as, f.ex., the Killing of his/her Father and/or Mother by sly Criminals at a crucial moment, the Looting and/or illegal Blockades of all his/her Private Property and Financial Resources, perhaps even for Tens of Years, grossly illegal, politically motivated professional extermination by a few thugs, systematic Harassment and/or serious Aggressions of various kinds by sly Thugs during a great part of his/her Lifetime, and/or Oppression of Liberty, even of Freedom of Expression, Censorship, Violent Thefts, Destruction of Professional Tools, Dirty Slandering behind the back, Politically motivated Pressure, gros Arbitrariness, Discrimination and/or serious Abuses of many kinds, by a few Corrupted and/or Irresponsible officials having usurpated key posts, (etc), undermining even his/her Family and Socio-Professional Life, Health, etc., despite Hard Sacrifices also for his/her Family, Top Education, Country, Europe and/or even the World and all Humankind, trying to actively defend some Moral and/or Political Values and Principles of Crucial Importance in today's Society but also in History, (etc); so that, now, instead of Urgently Helping him/her to do, at last, elementary Justice, after all these sufferings, search, find and punish all those responsible for such Crimes, and/or illegal, immoral aggressions, (Comp. supra), in order to restore, at last, his/her Human Rights and help him/her (or, at least, let him/her Free) to find, at last, an adequate Work corresponding to the Level of his/her Education, Capacities, Results, Experience, real Potential and Free Will, etc., in a way which respects on the contrary, he/she might be Obliged by Force (comp. supra) to submit to an Humiliating, extremely low level "job", exposed at the Mercy of cupid, selfish merchands and/or other petty Bureaucrats,
Various Media have, f.ex. reported, in the recent Past, some other concrete Examples, and/or People's fears, that (as it had reportedly occured, f.ex. in Germany during the latest "Socialist" Government, etc), that a rigid System might have been set up, which could, f.ex. take someone normaly destinated to become one of the best University Professors, after Decades of Hard Work and Excellent Results, but who had to suddenly face Criminal Aggressions, Political Oppression and sly, often Brutal Harassment destroying his/her Career and/or Family life, Health, etc, as well a&s make hard Sacrifices in order to Save other People, (a Family, a Country, Europe, crucial Human Values, etc), and, instead of Helping him/her to find, at last, elementary Justice, and restore his/her Fundamental Rights, on the contrary, leave all sly Criminals totally Unpunished, and oblige their Victims to be even more Humiliated, over-Exploited and condemned to clean Dirt in the Streets, execute low-level repetitive mechanical manoeuvers destroying any capacity to think, and hindering him/her even from a last chance in a life-time to work in order to create and realize any Socialy useful Aim for which he/she had sacrficed Decades of Years in Hard Work to prepare him/her self with Excellent Results before some petty criminals suddenly and brutally interfered, (Comp. supra), and without even taking into account, at least his/her current experience, talents, motivation, etc, but only seeking to blindly serve a Market.
I.e. a serious and humiliating Downgrading which may appear tantamount to Inhuman/Degrading Treatments, UnJust and contrary to Human Dignity, and even Complicity to sly Criminals and/or to scandalous Political Oppression's results...
(Something which has Nothing to do with Money, but with "the Quality and Interest of a Qualified Job", as Sarkozy himself had recently said again at Nancy).
This is obviously Opposed even to Sarkozy's main, central declared Aim to boost "a Strong France in a Strong Europe", attracting mainly well Qualified People useful for its own development, able to stimulate strong Popular Support needed in order to build an active France in an active, Political Europe, with its Identity and Values, Defense, Growth and role in the World
That's why, on the contrary, Sarkozy just spoke about Helping to find some useful Work for Non-qualified Youngsters with serious problems from the start at School, or specialized Factory Workers hit f.ex. by outsourcing, etc. and needing Training to change specialisation, or Family-wives who had freely chosen, voluntarily, to elevate their Children, etc. I.e. for absolutely Differend kind of cases...
-" All Issues shall be Debated !"
>>> "Finally, I'm decided not to push aside Any Debate" on important issues. "So that those who would like to Avoid Debates" on Issues "in this (2012) Electoral Campaign", "start to realize that it wil be very Difficult" for them to do so, promissed a voluntary Sarkozy.
- "I'd like to end with the issue of Justice : French People love Justice, and don't want Injustice"
"But, when almost everyone speaks about this or that Justice, it still remains to define what exactly is "Justice" and what it is not. Thus, some love to speak only about "Social" Justice, as if Justice in other issues was less important", he critically observed.
- F.ex. Is it Justice to be paid scandalous Salaries in the Financial Sector ?
- Or that "someone who has never worked, and never contributed" to insurances, "might win More Money than someone who worked and contributed for many years, it's also an Injustice", he noted.
=> So that, "percieve the Minimum Revenue of Solidarity, without doing any Work for the Society, and/or without doing any effort for (Professional) integration, is an Injustice", he added.
+ In another exampe, "recently, I was criticized by Mr Hollande (the "Socialist" candidate), about the huge remuneration of a Business Executive".
- "But I made an enquiry, and found that the Stockholders who had voted for a so Big Salary to be given to that CEO, were all Pals of Mr Hollande's "Socialist" Party ! That's the so-called "Caviar-Left"..
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=> - " That's not only a Lie, that should not be allowed in an Electoral campaign", but "is also an unecceptable behavior which obviously Threatens to destroy People's Trust and provoke a Dangerous Gap between the Citizens and all their Political Representatives !", he strongly criticized.
- Finally, speaking about "Values" that France and Europe "support throughout the World" : he warned
- "Nobody among you would be protected, if France and Europe were Weak", he warned
- "There is a Link ; You don't come just out of Nowhere. You are not just a White (Empty) Page. You have a History... And, even if sometimes you are not fully aware of it, a COLLECTIVE HISTORY !", Sarkozy stressed in conclusion.
- "You stem from a Land. We are France in Europe. And we can't be strangers to all that : The Values of our Ancestors, they count", he stressed, speaking symbolically in Lorraine, the region of the Historically famous figure of Jeanne d' Arc..
- "F.ex. when French AIrplanes flied from here (Nancy Air base) to Benghazi in Libya, and saved its People from the Threat to be Massacrated, it was eternal France's Values, Faithfull to its Identity, to its Values, ro its Culture !", Sarkozy strongly said, largely applauded by the People.
- "This protects you. because we have a History, ...We have the Duty to be Audacious, use Imagination, Will. We are the descedants of Victor Hugo, of Maupassant, of Verlaine, and of many other Great Authors, that's the Truth You must be Proud ! That's your Culture, your Future, and that's what is really at stake in this (electoral) campaign", he warned.
- And here, "National and European and International policies are not separated, but they form, a Unity", Sarkozy concluded, speeaking near the Borders of Luxembourg and Germany.
- 40 MEPs hinder EU Parliament's Majority to Vote on Suspending EU - Turkey Negotiations...
- Sarkozy: We don't yield to Terror the Values needed for a strong Europe in the World !
- Ne pas céder l'Avenir de l'Europe aux ménaces sous la Terreur !
- CoE+EU Anti-Corruption Rapporteur Van Staa to EuroFora: need to control Local/Regional Authorities
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Speaking exclusively to "EuroFora", the New EU Parliament's President, former Polish Prime Minister, ChristianDemocrat/EPP MEP Jerzy Busek, welcomed proposals by EuroFora about innovative ways for EU Citizens to attend EU debates before important final decisions which affect people's lives.
- "We (EU Parliament) must be transparent", Buzek stressed from the outset. "We must have clear answers also for delicate questions. If we don't touch a problem, you must know why, and when shall we decide in the nearest future".. "Because "we (EU) must think about Europeans, first of all : They don't understand well what is going on in the EU. So, it's our duty to inform them, to make discussions here more interesting".
"EuroFora" congratulated President Buzek for the anouncement he made, from the 1st day of his election in Strasbourg (on Tuesday, 14 July 2009), on his intention to make transparent debates, exchanges of views, etc. before the final adoption of decisions in EU Parliament's Plenary, when issues are evolving inside Committees, (See earlier publication).
And we reminded, in this regard, that "EuroFora" has been advocating a project for EU Citizens' active involvement in pluralist EU debates before important EU decisions, since more than a Decade : 1997-2007+
- "Thank you. We (EU Parliament), indeed, have exciting debates", Buzek replied. But, in practice, "without a possibility for our Citizens to see them, not even by the Press, the Radio or TV, etc., because it is in Committees", he regreted.
- "But, they (i.e. Media, Citizens, etc) might interact with you, with MEPs, etc, May be we can imagine something", "EuroFora" proposed.
- "Yes, (but) it needs, a quite new idea", Buzed observed.
- "Why not through some innovations ?", "EuroFora" suggested.
- "Precisely, "EuroFora" has such a project, since more than a Decade (1997-2009), to use new technologies for public debates before major EU decisions are taken", we reminded.
- "If you have such proposals, please come to us, come to us. We must" do something, agreed the new EU Parliamen's President.
For that purpose, obviously information and debates are valuable, but purely instrumental, procedural means which can help focus on, and highlight a substantial content, attractive to EU Citizens, which needs to be determined by other, political, and not mediatic factors.
Buzek spoke about the urgent need to overcome the Global Economic Crisis, the struggle for Human and Civic Rights, Democracy, etc., the Eastern Partnership, links with Russia, strategic partnership with USA and emerging countries, etc.
But he also used (while speaking both to "EuroFora" and other Media) the expression : "The Europeans", for EU Citizens. This points right towards what several important EU leaders (including French President Sarkozy, German Chancellor Merkel, etc) have started to highlight particularly during the recent years : That there is a vital need, and an historic opportunity, for the development of a European Conscience, to stimulate e renaissance of a European Identity able to attract Popular support, for the EU to become a strong player in a Multopolar World : In other words, the revitalisation of a project for a "Political Europe".
By a coincidence, this was indirectly but surely reminded, earlier in Strasbourg, by another ... Busek (this time with a "s") :
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Speaking to more than 650 participants from CoE's member countries, at the conclusion of the 2009 Summer University of its Political Schools, Erhard Busek, (with an "s"), former vice-Chancellor of Austria and EU Coordinator for South-Eastern Europe, pointed at the current need to revitalize Europe's "Identity", forged by Greek philosophy and Roman Law, Christian values and Enlightment's ideas, etc. through the ages.
- "We have almost the same name with Jerzy Buzek (EU Parliament's new President, who is a former Polish Prime Minister), because both our Families come ...from the same village, located at the Heart of Europe, which was often shared between Poland, Germany and the Czech Republic. But my family emmigrated a long time ago to Austria, while Jerzy Buzek's family remained in Poland", explained f. vice-Chancellor Erhard Busek to "EuroFora".
An astonishingly concrete and simple example of European Integration from the grassroots : Starting by EU Citizens, i.e. those "Europeans", that EU Parliament's new President, Jerzy Buzek (this time with a "z"), wants to bring alongside MEP's decision-making proces, (according to "EuroFora"'s main idea : Comp. supra)...