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EU Parliament, Commission + Council point at Federal Integration after Sarkozy-Merkel call

Written by ACM
Wednesday, 14 September 2011


In a rare joint, dynamic move, most Top EU Personalities from the European Parliament, Commission and Council urged to  resolutely advance towards a Federal type Integration at Top Political level, during today's landmark debate in Strasbourg's Plenary session on €uroZone's Economy, shortly after French President Sarkozy's and German Chancellor Merkel's recent call to boost €uroZone's Political Leadership and core Integration, (See "EuroFora"s NewsReport from the Franco-German Summit of 16/8/2011) :

- "Europe needs a "Bing-Bang", call it "Federation of the United States of Europe" or "Integration", stressed from the outset the Chairman of the Greatest Group of MEPs, ChristianDemocrats/EPP, French MEP Joseph Daul.

+ "We must prepare now a Unity and a Vision for the next 4 or 5 Years", i.e. 2012-2017. "Meanwhile, EU Countries should deal with the proble of Debts", and "€uroZone must be reinforced, as the Heart which stimulates creation and development in Europe", Daul added.

Yesterday, Daul had stressed his Trust to EU's Strategy out of the Global Crisis, which was focused on Investing for Innovation due to augment Competitivness, contrary to the USA, which prefered to fund Consumption, even by aggravating its Debt : Something which wouldn't work if People lost their trust to the existing Economic system, restricting expenses... (+Meanwhile, the publication of Statistics revealing  that the number of Poor People in the USA had reached proportions seen only in a remote Past, appeared to stress further the seriousness of that warning for the current trends in the American economy).

But also EU needs now strongly Unified Policies on Budgets, Fiscal and even Social Rules, etc, as Daul had underlined.


 - The move was supported by the Chairman of the Liberal Group, former Prime Minister of Belgium, Guy Verhofstadt, who went even further, asking a "Federal" structure, €uroZone Heads of State/Governments' Summits "not only twice per Year" (as the Sarkozy - Merkel proposal), "but twice a Week", as he characteristically said, with "EuroBonds", a "Growth Pact", and the "Stability Pact" recently prepared, but with "Automatic Sanctions" and EU Commission in charge, not EU Member States, as he said.

+ Verhofstadt denounced what he called "the (Historic) Mistake to make a Single Currency wih 27 Different Economic and Fiscal policies" in €uroZone, (apparently forgetting the fact that, even those EU Politicians who had created the €uro Common Currency, had already Warned from the Start that the move was due to provoke reactions from the People, pushing them to Ask for an EU Economic Government, as MEPs had anounced as early as since 1995, during a landmark Debate on EU's Future in the World in EU Parliament in Strasbourg, that "EuroFora"s co-founder had covered for the Press)...

- Even if at variance, mainly concerning current EU Economy's current chances, the Chairman of the Socialist Group, German MEP Martin Schultz, also asked for much "more Unity".
- "It's clear hat we (EU) need a Deeper Integration of our Economic and Budgetary policies", anounced also from the start EU Commission's President, Jose Barroso, reiterating, f.ex. "Proposals to introduce EuroBonds", etc., and asking "futher Economic and Political Integration".

- "This Crisis is the consequence of Competitiveness problems", Barroso found, while also asking from MEPs, for the moment, also to "deal with the Debt problem" and to "Buid a Strong Economy,without need for Fiscal or other Stimulus", as he said.
+ "The curent Institutional Structures are not enough : We need a New "Federative moment"", stressed also EU Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Policy, Oli Rehn from Finland.

- In view of "more Economic and Political Integration", and while "the main thing is Monitoring of Fiscal Policies", etc., "EU Parliament is to play a particularly "useful role", thanks to its interface vis a vis EU Citizens', found Rehn.



+ The main thrust of the move was apparently supported rather strongly also from EU Council's collective side of 27 Heads of State:Government, since Poland's President Bronislaw Komorowski, the current rotating EU Chairman, also launched, yesterday afternoon, a vibrant call to face the Crisis by resolutely heading towards more EU Integration, in the same way as European People used to "build huge Cathedrals" in History : "They started to build them, even before they might have a definitive idea about what they might look like when the overall Building will be completed in the future", as Komorowski characteristically and wisely said, attracting large applause from MEPs.. 


However, the 1st Key EU Politician to start launching a crystal-clear call for a "Federal" Europe in the present period, was, many Months earlier, the experienced Italian Minister of Economy, Tremonti, at the conclusion of an International Conference on "New World, New Global Governance", organized on January 2011 in Paris (See "EuroFora"s NewsReport from that event) :  - "The Global Financial movements have passed over the current National structures, and, therefore, we need to advance today towards a Federal Europe, which will be able to face them efficiently", had stressed then Tremonti in reply to an "EuroFora"s question on the "main substance" of his message to the Annual Conference, attended also by several Nobel Prize Winners Economists from all over the World... 

    - Meanwhile, Chairman Daul had warned to pay due attention to Financial "Marksts" who "are volatile, Sensitive to the slightest Rumours", as he said.


    In this regard, after meeting, yesterday Night in Strasbourg with Itialian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, (who spoke also with EU Commission's President Barroso, and EU Parliamnet's President Buzek), Daul stressed to Journalists including "EuroFora", that he found oisitive the fact that Berlusconi had reportedly prepared a set of strong measures to be adopted by the National Parliament in Rome, and had no reasons to doubt that he will, indeed, monitor also their implementation.

    - Berlusconi, reportedly stressed to Italian Journalists, that the only problems that Italy's Economy had faced were, in fact, "inherited" from the Past, when some Socialist Governments were responsible, but that "the Fundamentals" of Italy's Economy were "Positive", and it had a "Solid" structure, needing just to "Modernize" by legislative Reforms the "Tools" used to govern it.




(NDLR : "DraftNews", as already sent earlier to "EuroFora"s Subscribers/Donors. A Complete and more Accurate,  Final Version is due asap).


Day after 9/11 EUROCORPS head General Bavinchove to EuroFora: Afganistan ISAF Chief of staff 2012-13

Written by ACM
Monday, 12 September 2011


It's the Day after the 10th Anniversary of the greatest Mass Massacre of innocent People by Terrorists in Modern History, September 12, 2011, and just before he takes over a huge Responsibility as "Chief of staff" of the International Force ISAF at Afghanistan.  that the new Head of EUROCORPS, EU core's Military staff Commander, General Olivier de Bavinchov, organized his first meeting with Strasbourg's Journalists, including "EuroFora", in the city where the Headquarters of the 5 Founder EU Nations and Senior Officers' Commanding corps is located,


The New EUROCORPS' Commander took over from his predecessor, German General Hans-Lothar Domroese (Comp. General Domrose's Statements to "EuroFora" at the CoE, in previous NewsReports) for the Two Next Years starting from the 1st of July 2011, but was particularly busy during this Summer, moving around Europe and visiting several participating Countries in order to better prepare his new duties as ISAF's Chief of Staff.

- "Right now I'm so Focused on Afghanistan, that I don't think at anything else !", General Bavichov acknowledged to "EuroFora".


+ Because "we are are leaving for Afghanistan soon", probably "from October" 2011, to prepare on the ground the Official take-over n January 2012.

- And "we shall not  start  returning back before  the beginning of 2013 : Ie. this time it will be .. the Double duration from the previous one : We shall stay there for more than a Year", General Bavinchov added.

Indeed, it's the 1st time that EUROCORPS will take over so important Responsibilities in the ISAF at Afghanistan, and for a so Long period of Time, Despite an earlier involvement, he also observed. EUROCORPS had initially been used in Afghanistan just for Half a Year, between August 2004 and February 2005.

- At the Top of ISAF's Military Hierarchy, World-wide reknowed "Generals McChrystal and Petraus were (successively) No 1 Commanders, as is now General Allen, (from the beginning of September 2011, i.e. almost at the same time as general Bavinshov). "There is also a No 2, an alternate (Deputy) Commander'".

 - "I will be Chief of Staff ("Chef d' Etat Major), for the entire ISAF", he clarified, speaking of the International Coalition force composed of more than a Hundred Thousands of Soldiers from many Countries around the World: Mainly from the USA and Canada, but also from  Europe, such as UK, Germany, France, Italy, Poland,  Spain, Romania, Denmark, Sweden,  Georgia, Slovakia, Finland, Norway, Portugal, Greece, Montenegro, Slovenia, etc.; from Asia : Turkey, Mongolia, Korea, United Arab Emirates, Malaysia, etc; and from the Pacific : Australia, New Zeland, etc.            


- This includes wide areas of action, such as "Intelligence, Information, Operations Logistics, etc, i.e.  it's about commanding the entire ISAF's "Etat Major", explained to "EuroFora" the 55 Years old, fit and energetic looking French General, who will take together with him a Team of some 275 Officers from various European Countries, representing almost 25% of Strasbourg's EUROCORPS.

EUROCORPS' enhanced role inside the International body will be "Crucial" because it's during General Bavinchove's term as Chief of staff of ISAF that Afhanistan's Future will be practicaly decided, according to "unpredictable" yet developments on the spot  : It's, indeed, too early, yet today, in order to predict if, and how exactly, the "Afghanisation" of the country's Security could succeed at the Horizon of 2014.

The overall Strategy able to lead to that result is due to be discussed and decided during a forthcoming Summit in Berlin (Germany) on December 2011, i.e. at the eve of General Bavinchove's official take-over of the Direction of ISAF's Etat-Major from January 2012.
But General Bavinchove brings in a unique, valuable and "fresh" Experience, (in addition to Bosnia-Herzegovina, Chad, Central Africa or New Caledonia), as former Head of the UNO-sponsored and EU-led International Peace Force for Libanon, UNIFIL , in 2008 and 2009, which gave him a rare Knowledge on how to deal f.ex. with both Israel and islamist Hamas... Moreover, the 55 years old, energetic Military Senior Officer comes from France, the country whose President, Nicolas Sarkozy, has notoriously started recently to support, as a matter of  General Principle,- as it was seen with the G8 Summit at Deauville (May 2011 : See "EuroFora"'s NewsReports from the spot), as well as with the succesful Airborn operation to help Libyan Dissident People, etc. -  Popular movements aspiring to Democracy, Freedom and Prosperity when they face Brutal Aggressions, Harassment and Threats by any kind oF Oppresive regime.

Observers have just revealed, even a former Islamic militant, jailed during Past Gaddafi - CIA deals, but who is now among the leaders of NTC's People who liberated Tripoli from Colonel Gaddafi's Army, and, after a recent meeting at Doha with European , American and other officiials, is now full of eloges for Sarkozy's Help...  As for the French President himself, he was recently quick to claim, right from the start of a well attended Press Conference at the conclusion of a 63 Heads of State/Government and International/Regional Organizations' Summit in support of "New Libya", earlier this Month in Paris, (See "EuroFora"s NewsReports from the spot), that "the Clash of Civilisation" has ended, since its place has been now taken over by a joint  "Struggle for Democracy" which brings together People from various political, social, national, religious and/or cultural backgrounds, all focused at a common aim..

In practice, Libyan NTC Prime Minister Jibril's reply to questions raissed on this crucial point by a journalist (see "EuroFora"s previous NewxsReport from the September 1st event at Elysee Palace), boiled down into claiming that several such "Revolutionaries" would be, in fact, integrated inside Libya's New Army, Police and/or State Administratqion to be set up by New Libya. And, more generally, concerning also many other "Young People with Arms", after the Popular Revolt against Gaddafi's regime, a Senior EU Official, such as EAAS Crisis response and Operations coordination Director, Agostino Miozzo, (See his statements to "EuroFora" and in EU Parliament's Foreign Policy Committee), concluded that they should be integrated and given "an Alternative", such as, f.ex; "a job" inside a "New Libya", Democratic State structure. 

=> Thus, it might soon become possible to conclude that recent Developments on Coalitions to fight for Democracy, as f.ex. on 2011 in Libya, could definitively throw to the waste-basket of History, as completely out-dated "oldies", any so-called "Civilisations' Clash", as that which had been cooked up in Afghanistan in the Past, etc. (Comp. a relevant, earlier "EuroFora"s NewsReport from the latest Paris' International Summit on "New Libya", dated 1/9/2011)...

This seems to fit also at least a part of the Logic behind French President Nicolas Sarkozy's most recent observations on Afghanistan itself, as he spoke to the 2011 Annual Conference of Ambassadors from all over the World, on August 31, at the Elysée palace, (Comp. other "EuroFora"s NewsReports from the event) :


    - Concerning particularly France's involvement, Sarkozy reminded that, "recent progress on the spot" allowed to start Programing a Transfert of Security Ressponsibilities and to schedule the Withdrawal of 25% of our contingent "in the forthcoming Months", in the framework of an overall Plan for "Afghan Forces to take over the Country's Security before the end of 2014", as he confirmed.

     - It's after "a decision taken (back on 2001) by Mr Jospin (former "Socialist" Prime Minister) and Mr. Chirac (former, long-time President); 10 Years ago", that France had started to be present in Afghanistan; Sarkozy reminded. => - Thus, Today, "we cannot just go away and leave behind us a Chaos !", he observed.

     - On the contrary, "there is a Timetable", (decided for the entire ISAF), and "we are Transfering our Responsibilities on Security to Afghan Military and Police Forces, according to a fixed Calendar, decided, and committed".I.e. "we are working, we are going to reduce the presence or our forces during the coming weeks, (and) we'll pass over to the Adfgans the Security of the Afghani Territory, according to the Scheduled Timetable";

     - This is being done because we are "Conscious of the fact that (Talibans) canNot have, any more, any Military Win on the spot" : - Indeed, "Talibans abuse, more and more often, of Terrorist, Coward and Criminal Acts, because they don't have, no more, the means for Military acts : They strike against anything, indiscriminately (blindly), and they hope to make us renounce.. : It's about Suicide Attacks, People who blow themselves up in explosions, ..that's the weapon of Cowards, the arm of Terrorists !" , he denounced.

Indeed, they are even attacking brutally against simple People that we had helped to develop Peaceful Social activities : F.ex. against a School-Teacher that we had helped to set up a School serving young boys and girls, etc., gave as one among many concrete examples to "EuroFora", EUROCORPS' Press Service's New Director, Colonel Louisfert, who has already visited Afganistan twice. Many local People want to cooperate with the International Community to create useful socio-economic activities, better organize their villages, etc., but they are often "afraid" of what might happen to them f.ex. overnight, when we (ISAF) won't be there to protect them from risks to be aggressed : "Not even innocent Children aren't spared by such Terrorist Violence", he denounced, (while several recent examples, reportedly revealed at least some cases of that kind, which obviously indiquate a Weakness in any Movement which would progressivly become Unable to motivate the People, otherwise but by merely attempting to provoke fear)..

     - "But we won't renounce !", Sarkozy stressed. Currently, there are "48 Countries in the (International) Coalition - and who can imagine that only France, alone, might abandon its 47 Partners ? Who can imagine that France might suddenly go away; just ike that ?", he wondered.

    >>> However, "this Transition is going to mark deep Changes in the Form of our commitment to the Afghan People, that we are Preparing" now. That's what will be at stake at the Bonn's meeting on December. That's the meaning of the Franco-Afgan Treaty that we agreed with President Karzai, and which has already been negociated by (Foreign Minister Alain) Juppé... And we'll be able to Support the (currently growing) Efforts of National Reconciliation", Sarkozy highlighted.

    Indeed, a great part of ISAF''s work is also to fight against Corruption and/or Drugs traffic, help develop Socially useful Economic Activities and basic services, Education and social Integration, etc. confirmed EUROCORPS' Press Director Lousifert to "EuroFora".


    + But, "Neighbouring Countries must respect the Sovereignity and Security of Afghanistan for its National Reconciliation with the Rebels to succeed", he observed. But, "Al Quaida, even weakened, remains present", and "this is true mainly in Pakistan, where developments provoque concern", he noted, after several (even Strategic) similarly Critical observations vis a vis at least some sectors of Pakistan by various American Top Politicians, and while Afghan President Kharzai himself recently urged to be more active in the areas Bordering Pakistan, (from where stems the supposed ring-leader of the 9/11 Hijackers, Atta, an Hambourg resident; who reportedly had some direct links with Pakistan Secret Services' senior Officials).

    9/11 was notoriously exploited also by the Turkish Government (traditionaly close to Pakistani networks), in order to immediately Cover-up the Unprecedented Scandal of a Blunt Refusal by the Turkish side of an Official Invitation by the then UNO Secretary General, Koffi Annan, to come to New York to start discussing a Solution on Cyprus' issue "on the basis of UN SC Resolutions" on September 12, (i.e. scheduler precisely for the Day After 9/11 !) : A base that the Turkish side (and particularly the then Leader of the Turkish Cypriots living in the Occupied Territories of Cyprus controlled by Ankara's Army since the 1974 Foreign Military Invasion, supported by Ankara's Government), had warned that he would Not accept; and, therefore, openly and repeatedly declared in Public that it Refused to even come at New York ! Then Cyprus' President Clerides, on the contrary, accepted UN SG's Invitation and boarded an Airplane flying towards New York, but was obliged to Stop and Land elsewhere, his Plane Hindered to arrive at UNO's Headquarters because the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks (which occured at the Same Time that he was entering USA Airspace) had provoked a Non-Fly Order throughout all USA. UNO's Secretariat itself exceptionally Closed its Offices for many Days, and all Meetings were Cancelled. Thus, 9/11's Timing allowed Turkey to escape from, otherwise unavoidable, Political Sanctions for its Refusals of an official UN Secretary General's Invitation to start Peace Talks, at a particularly Crucial moment for its EU bid, since Ankara had just been declared "Candidate" Months earlier by the December 1999 Helsinki Summit (notoriously after many Pressure from the "Socialist"/DP US President Clinton or Gore, who had even Phoned the rotating Finnish EU Chair to push in this sense), and while Ankara was badly needing EU Funds to start being Spended in Turkey, after many years of Blockades because of the Turkish Government's refusal of EU Parliament's conditions on Human Rights and Democracy, Cyprus and Aegean Sea, Armenian and Kurdish issues, etc, in order to Urgently Help Ankara which was then affected by a Big Economic and Financial Crisis.

    Nevertheless, Turkey was given on 2005 even a rotating Commander job at ISAF, where it still keeps a few Thousands of Soldiers, even if it's reportedly hesitating recentlly to engage in active Military operations, after it practicaly marked its entry in Afghanistan, by a coincidence, with of a notorious period of Worsening of the Security situation since 2005, (as it was revealed even by many ..."Wikileaks" classified documents' releases, which, by another coincidence, also start from 2005 until now).. However, in 2011, Turkey reportedly was given the Responsibility to lead Security control in the area surrounding Afghanistan's Capital, Kabul, (where ISAF's Headquarters are located), near the Pakistani border.



+ Meanwhile, concerning even more Urgent issues, as f.ex. that of Syria, where People are reportedly been Killed, jailed and/or Tortured, muzzled and intimidated each week, almost evey day, obviously, observers can't avoid to note that EUROCORPS and adequately experienced Senior Officials such as General Olivier de Bavinchove (Comp. supra), could become natural, or even ideal Bridges,  together with the UNO, etc, able to overcome  the current Difference between important Western Countries (as f.ex. European France and the UK, as well as USA/Canada, etc), and certain Key Global player Countries such as (UN SC Permanent Members) Russia and China, etc : Indeed, Russia's main reluctance on Syria notoriously is vis a vis NATO, while, on the contrary, it should, eventually, be able to find some interesting perspectives in an eventual EUROCORPS-led International Coalition (mutatis-mutandis as in Lebanon, etc), which could include also f.ex. the UK, USA, and various other Countries from all over the World, open to possible participation also of Russia itself, in some adequate ways, placed under a  UN SC Resolution Mandate : - "I'm working very well with Russians too in Sudan, f.ex. on Helicopters", said, inter alia, earliear to "EuroFora" UNO's under-Secretary General for Peace-Keeping Operations Alain Le Roy (See previous "EuroFora"s NewsReport).

    => Questioned by "EuroFora" whether he thinks that EUROCORPS' Etat Major could become soon able to lead  in real practice various combinations of  such International Coalitions     in "Autonomous" Operations, or not, General Bavinchov replied Positively, considering also that the forthcoming Afghan experience could enhance its capacities : - "EUROCORPS could certainly become able to do so", he said, speaking from a strictly Mlitary point of view.

 - In order to develop further EUROCORPS' capacities for such purposes, there is currently a wish to Strengthen particularly its Naval and Air-space aspects, in order to have a complete and fully-fledged Multi-Modal Army Headquarters' team of experienced Senior Officers. At the same time, the founder States have almost developed, recently, nearly all Technological capacities required for eventually "autonomous" operations, EUROCORPS' New Press service Director, Colonel Bruno Louisfert added to "EuroFora", from a practical point of view.

Taken in itself, EUROCORPS is currently composed by 5 founder, "framework" States : France, Germany, Spain, Belgium and Luxembourg, who may soon be joined by a recently Growing Participation also from Poland, and eventually Italy, who have both sent in Strasbourg various Liaison Officers. Other interested Countries who have simply "associated" themselves with just 1, 2 or 3 "Liason Officers" here, are Austria, Greece and even Turkey, (particulary for the NATO-related aspects), etc. But any eventual "Enlargement" of EUROCORPS" Full Membership requires an Unanimous Decision by all its 5 (may be soon 6 : Comp. supra) "Framework Nations", which have several Hundreds of Military Staff and Etat-Major Equipments at its Strasbourg Headquarters.


(NDLR : "DraftNews", as already sent earlier to "EuroFora"s Subscribers/Donors. Watch out for a Complete and more Accurate Final Version asap).


EEAS Crisis response +Operations Director Miozo to EuroFora on 1st EU mission to Libya + MEPs' votes

Written by ACM
Monday, 12 September 2011


    The current situation in Libya is "improving dramatically" fast, but "Security" is due to remain yet a "Key" for Economic Development, and EU, which is positively perceived by the Population, can play there an Important Role,  stressed EEAS' Crisis Response and Operations' Director, Agostino Miozzo, to "EuroFora", just after his return from the 1st EU Mission in the country that he visited "between the 21fst of August and September 9".

    People are returning back, businesses are re-opening, water and electricity re-established, etc., while EU's Flag has a positive Emotional impact among the Libyan People, but dealing with last pockets of resistance from Gaddafi's cronies, Borders' Security, Arms control, and the obvious need to build a New Army and Police, as well as Democratic Institutions, able to provide credible "Alternatives" to young people currently equiped with arms, remain  key issues in order to ensure an efficient Economic Development of the country's huge ressources, he observed.


    Miozzo earlier replied to several MEPs' Questions during a Special, Joint Session of EU Parliament's Committees on Foreign policy, Security and Defence, as well as for relations with Maghreb Countries, which was prolonged until late Evening this Monday in Strasbourg.  

    Meanwhile, EU Parliament's Plenary voted, earlier today, with a Large Majority of 131 versus 95 MEPs, in order to Change its Agenda and prepare to definitiovely adopt a Resolution on Libya, as well as on Syria, after a Public Debate on Wednesday afternoon, during Thusday Noon's voting time. MEPs rejected a previous proposal to postpone the Vote on Libya for the next 2 Weeks, particularly because they found urgent to clearly express EU's position before colonel Gaddafi might be captured.


    EEAS' key Director spoke to "EuroFora" shortly after EU Parliament's Foreign Policy Committee, in a largely attended meeting full of key and experienced MEPs, also Voted to "strongly Reject" some controversial proposals to reduce 2012 Budget's Funds for EU's "Crisis Response" bracket of the "Instrument for Stability" (IfS), which, as they reiterated, "is EU's only Tool to provide Funds in Emerging Crises" fast enough, but also to "stress" that "Support for Neighbouring South Mediterranean Countries is Crucial, to help Transition to Democracy", particularly "in light of the latest Developments in particular in Libya", (even if this should be "Equilibrated" by equivalent Funds also for the Eastern EU Neighborhood).

    MEPs' votes also maintained today EU Parliament's commitment to actively contribute, (thanks to its greater potential for links with EU Citizens, as well as for transparent, pluralist Debates), "to enhance the Democratic Legitimacy of EU Foreign Policy", in which they refused to exclude eventualy Dual or "Military" aspects.


(NDLR : "DraftNews", as already sent earlier to "EuroFora"s Subscribers/Donors. Watch out for a Complete and more Accurate Final Version asap).


Sarkozy: New Libya 1/9/11 Global Conference Ends Civilisations' Clash, starts Democracy UN Coalition

Written by ACM
Thursday, 01 September 2011


*Paris/Elysee Palace/Angelo Marcopolo/- The September 1st, 2011 International Conference for "support to New Libya", attended by more than 60 Heads of State/Government, Ministers and Leaders of International Organizations from all over the World, including UNO, with a clear Majority from African, Asian or even Latinoamerican Countries (See infra), marks the end of any Shock of Civilisations and the begining of a Coalition for Democracy and Freedom; stressed in substance French President Nicolas Sarkozy, in a concluding Press Conference, speaking at an Historic moment, shortly before the 10th Anniversary of 9/11, side by side with CNT's Head Abdel Jalil and Qatar's Cheikh Al Thani, together with UK Prime Minister David Cameron and UNO's Secretary General Ban Ki Moon from Korea, and this appeared corroborated by several concrete facts on various aspects of the exceptional event :


- "First of all, I want to stress that, in our view, this meeting Marks the Refusal of any Clash between the West and the East  : We had, accross that Table, Arab Countries, African Countries, European Countries, Western Countries, etc, who spoke one and the same Language. It's not at all a Fatality to oppose the West to the East", the French President highlighted from the outset.


>>> Facts speaking by themselves, "EuroFora" counted among the Participants in Paris' Elysée Palace a clear Majority of African and Asian or even Latinoamerican Countries : more than 34 or 35, compared to so-called "Western" Countries : 23 or 24 !


  I.e. from Africa : Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco,  Algeria, Libya,  Mali, Senegal, Gabon, Mavritania, Niger, Tchad, Ethiopia, Sudan, etc, including Arab Ligue's new Secretary General Nabil El Araby, African Union Commission's President Jean Ping, and Union for the Mediterranean's Secretary General Yussef Amrani.


+ From Asia : Libanon, Jordany, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Bahrein, India, China, Japan, Iraq, Turkey, Koweit, South Korea, etc, including Gulf Arab States' Cooperation Council's (CCEAG) Secretary General Abdullatif Bin Rashid Al Zayani, and Islamic Cooperation Organization's Political Director, Habib Kaabachi, etc.

To that might be added even .. Latinoamerican Counties as Colombia, Brazil, etc. (and, perhaps culturally, Bosnia-Herzegovina, in majoriy a Muslim country), etc.


"Western" Countries, even if important, are  just a (strong) Minority : From Europe, EU Countries Germany, France, the UK,  Italy, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Romania, Netherlands, Belgium, Greece, Denmark, Portugal, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Malta, etc., including EU itself, togeher with Norway and Switzerland, but also Russia, etc. As well as the USA, Canada and Australia, etc.  including NATO's Secretary Generalé Anders Fogh Rasmussen, (from Denmark).Last but not least, to all this was actively added also UNO's Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, (from Korea).


- "This goes at the same time with the affirmation that the Values of Democracy are absolutely Universal, and are valid for Arab Peoples, as well as for European Peoples, for African Peoples, as well as for Western People : That's a Right" for all of them, Sarkozy added.

- "Moreover, between the intervention in the Ivory Coast and the military intervention in Libya, we wish for that to be the Start of a Policy, authorised by the United Nations, which puts Military Force to the Service of Protecting People who risk to be martyrized by their own Leader". F.ex. "Tens of Thousands of Lives were Saved in Libya thanks to that (International) intervention", he observed, anouncing a new period from the practical point of view, i.e. for implementation of declarations about elementary principles and values, too, which are no more due to remain only theoretical...


- In this regard, "we were really glad, both (British Prime Minister) David Cameron, and myself, to have, from the very start of the 1st Day of the Military Intervention (just with Airplanes/Helicopters/Ships, without putting any troops at all on the ground : a crystal-clear originality of the 2011 International, UN-sponsored operation in Libya), among the Coalition Countries, also 3 Arab Countries, which had the Courage to undertake their Responsibilities : Qatar, United Arab Emirates and Jordany", he reminded.


- "Let things be crystal-clear : We wouldn't have intervened without UNO's Resolution", he underlined, pointing also at the participation, of UNO's Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon, (both at the crucial, initial International Summit of EU - USA - Arab Ligue etc.to help the Libyan People, back on the 19th of March, and to the concluding, September 1st, larger International Conference to support New Libya).
- "Last time we met here, in Paris, Gaddafi's Tanks were at the Gates of Benghazi, and Gaddafi had openly vowed to hunt down and kill his own People, as he called them "Black Rats". A Massacer loomed", reminded Brittish Prime Minister David Cameron, (who co-chaired, together with Sarkozy, the Paris' Confernce on New Libya). But, "5 Months later, the Libyan People have taken their Country back. Accross Libya, Millions of Libyans are enjoying Aid (a Muslim Religious feast), for the 1st time, Free from a vicious Dictatorship".

- "We are here Today to show our strong Solidarity with the Libyan People. I'm proud for what the British Forces did, together with our Allies, and, as Nicolas rightfully said, the Qataris, the Emiratis and the Jordanians played such an Important Role, but we shouldn't forget as well the vital role the Americans also played, as part of NATO's Mission to protect Libyans from Gaddafi's Murderous Attacks"

- "But, let us be clear : It is the Libyan People who have Liberated Libya :  The Citizens of Misrata who stood out against a murderous Siege ; the People of Zawiya who  faced overwhelming force when they came back to Liberate their City from Gaddafi's Forces; The Fighters of  Djebel Nafoussa, who took Shelter at their Ancestral Rocks and their Ancestors' Caves, and, then, fought back to Liberate Tripoli ; and, of course, the People of Benghazi, who threw out Oppression from their City ; We paid Tribute to your Bravery, and to the many who lost their Lives or have been injured"

- "The Nations present here today, have pledged a Commitment to International Law, Justice and Accountability". But, "Freedom in Tripoli is bringing to Light Evidence of unspeakable Crimes : Unarmed People shot;l People burned and tortured, and we must think at all those who have suffered. And we must be clear : These Crimes must be investigated and those Guilty brought to Justice", Cameron stressed.

- "Libyan People deserve our Support, and it's a honour to work together with all you and with all that are here today, especially, as I've said (See supra), the Qataris, the Emiratis and the Jordanians, and particularly with President Abdel Jall and the Prime Minister Jibril who worked so hard in the National Transition Council, and also  (French) President Sarkozy who has done so much to bring Together this Coalition which Combines East and West, North and South, Muslims, Christians and many Others,  in this Coalition that is, I think, in the brink of Success", he concluded.


NTC's President, Moustafa Abdel Jalil, affirmed, "first of all, that the Libyan People, on whom you betted and who roved to all the World that he wanted Freedom, Democracy, is a Muslim People who respects all its Commitments, insists on respect of Dignity, Liberty and Honour. We betted on this People, when we asked from the International Community to work in order to give to this People its Freedom in order to be able to express its Aspirations in the Western Zones of the Country. Once the Northern and Eastern Zones were Liberated, we've asked from the International Community, when the Gaddafi's Regime had surrounded a certain number of Cities, to Protect these Citizens who wanted to express themselves freely. We've taken that Challenge and we Won : Misrata resisted, Djebel Gharbi, the Western Mountains resisted. Zouara and Misrata have finaly given an example of Sacrifice. Tripoli, finaly, revolted, and you have probably seen how Libyan People, Revolutionaries all together, have worked. And that was the 1st Challenge"

+ "The 2nd Challenge : The International Community, in all its components, starting by the Gulf's (Arab States') Cooperation Council, crossing through the Arab Ligue, then the European Union, the Islamic Cooperation Conference, the UNO, all have betted on the Libyans, and adopted the Resolutions 1970 - on "Freezing" the Assets (of Gaddafi's Regime) - and 1973 - imposing the AirFlight Blocus by all necessay means - and entrusted the task to implement this (UNO) Resolution to NATO in order to set up a Military Protection which saved the Libyan People from a Catastrophe that Histiory would have never forgotten".

- "The World made a bet on Libyans, and Libyans proved their Courage and Determination, by Realizing their Aspirations until now. I'd like to address myself to the Libyan People, in order to say, as we have also betted on you, as the International Community has betted on you, things are, Today, in your Hands in order to Prove several Points :

- "First, that we respect our Commitments. Second, in order to instal Stability and Peace inside Libya itself. Third, Pardon, Tolerance and to let the Law speak and rule. You have seen how Mouamar Gaddafi put Car Tires around Revolutionaries and set Fire ; you have seen the Rapes, you have seen the Sufferings of Children : We are going to let History Judge. After all, Islam encourages Pardon, Reconciliation, and there is Law that we must valorize and respect".

- "I'd like to thank the International Community for all its Encouraghements. We think that these Measures are absolutely Essential'. In particular, "the Coalition (Unity) of all these Countries from the East and the West, from the North and the South, in order to stand side by side with Law, with Justice, is extremely important", Libyan CNT President Abdel Jalil stressed. "Libya is part of that International Community which wants Peace, Stability and Justice everywhere in the World".

- "I'd like to Thank all those who worked for that : I'd like to salute the President of the French Republic Nicolas Sarkozy. I'd like to salute David Cameron, Cheikh Harnad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani, our allies from Jordan, the United Arab Emirates; the U.S., the Italians, etc. who have always participated in NATO's action to allow to the Libyan People to do what it was able to do", President Abdel Jalil concluded.

Qatar's Head, the impressively huge Cheich Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani, also "thanked President Nicolas Sarkozy for the way that he headed this extremely important Conference, in particular during this period when the Libyan People wants its Independence and Full Liberty", observing that; "without NATO's Help, we couldn't have liberated the Libyan People". Because,"perhaps, Arab Ligue wasn't sufficiently active : The Armies of Arab Countries, the Aviation of Arab Countries, could have helped and could, may be, even be able to lead that action without NATO's Help, but this didn't happen", he regretted. "That's why, the Help asked from NATO was imposed, in our view, as a Legitimate Duty to Support, Protect and Help a People who wanted to recover its Freedom and its Dignity".

- "At the beginning of his intervention, President Sarkozy spoke about "East and West". Personally, I believe that there is No Antithesis between the East and the West !", he stressed. "A clash was due into Wars, from one side and from another, and it's that which had provoked, in the Past, Conflicts between the East and the West". But, on the contrary, "when the USA came to help Bosnia", (back in the 1990ies), "the World expressed its satisfaction, all the Countries in the World, including the Arab and Muslim Countries", he reminded. - "Similarly, that's what happened also (now, on 2011), when it was about helping the Libyan People :"

- "Do you remember of any Demonstration in an Arab and Muslim Country against this NATO intervention ? Does anyone among you remember of at least one such Demonstration ?", Qatar's Head wondered, looking at more than 100 Journalists of the International Press, from all over the World, physically present at the Press Conference Room, which was directly watched by another 300 Journalists more, at the nearby "Marigny" Palace, looking and hearing what was happening through many internal circuit TV Screens, (i.e. more than 400 in total)..

- "'The Countries who helped the Libyan People were Not Conquerors, and that must not be forgotten. That is being Proved Today, and that will be proved after the total Liberation of Libya", Khalifa Al-Thani pointed out. "And as (Libyan TNC) President Abdel Jalil said, expressing his wish to see Libyan People avoid vengenace, it's Libyans themselves who are going to Decide for their Future : Things are in their Hands !", he concluded.


    - UNO's Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon, "Welcome(d) the Broad participation of the whole International community :" I.e. "the member Countries who have been supportive and active, or those countries which have even been reluctant in joining the coalition forces to bring about Peace and Freedom and Security to the Libyan People", as he observed.
=> - "It sends a strong and unmistakable signal of International Unity in Support of Our Work for a Democratic and stable Libya. I would like to particularly commend the leadership and determined Courage of the People of Libya, led by Chairman [Mustafa Abdel] Jalil and also Prime Minister [Mahmoud] Jibril", UNO's Head added

- "All agreed that, at this critical time, the Whole International Community must work Together and speak with One voice with an effective and well-Coordinated programme of action. All agreed, as well, that the United Nations should lead this campaign", Ban Ki Moon stressed.


- Reminding "the 1st Meeting (on March 19th : See "EuroFora"s NewsReport from the spot) convoked by President Sarkozy when a Humanitarian Tragedy risked to become Catastrophic, ready to burst out in Benghazi", he pointed out that "that meeting was the Starting point for the International Action in order to Prevent a Massacer of Libyan Civilians".

+"I am sure that our meeting of Today (1st September 2011) will result in a Consensus equally important for the Period to come". - "Let me emphasize 2 things : "

- "First, the principle of National Ownership : -  Libya's Future is for the Libyan People to decide and determine... The future destiny of Libya must firmly rest in the hands of the Libyan People", he stressed.  

- "Second, the importance of effective Coordination : ....- "Last Friday, I also hosted a meeting of leading representatives of the African Union, the European Union, the League of Arab States and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. All agreed that, at this critical moment, the international community must come together with an effective, well-coordinated program of action... All agreed, as well, that the United Nations should lead that effort".

-  "United Nations are Ready. ... Our most important job will be to ensure that Multilateral, Regional and Bilateral efforts are Complementary and correspond to Libyan wishes....I rely on the full support of the International Community. We are working Together, in Partnership", so that "we can consider with Optimism the Entry of Libya into a New Era of its Modern History, a New Era of Democracy, Peace and Prosperity"

- "I intend to work closely with the (UN) Security Council in crafting a Mandate for a UN mission, with the express aim of beginning operations with minimum delay. And I count on Members of the Security Council to give us a Mandate as soon as possible". But, "in the meantime, my Humanitarian coordinator is today on the ground in Tripoli already", he observed.

- Last but not least, UNO's Head "informed" participants that he "intend(s) to invite (them) all to a High Level Meeting on Libya at the 20th of September, on the sidelines of the 65th Session of UNO's General Assembly" at New York.  This meeting will give an opportunity for an update on the situation and to better focus our efforts in supporting New Libya and its Citizens", Ban Ki Moon anounced.
+ Replying to various Questions at the Press Conference in the end of the Summit, on whether they intend to obtain at the UNO a New Resolution to Unfreeze All Libyan Assets and Lift Sanctions with the Agreements of Russia, China and other Countries of  (UN) Security Council", by "overcoming (any) deep Division" reportedly existing in that body, particularly concerning those who opposed and criticized the NATO operation, taking it also as a pretext in order to block the Syrian issue, so that "assembling more Consensus to advance forward" has become necessary, Libyan CNT President Abdel Jalil pointed mainly to the position of the "International Community", and French President Sarkozy to the fact that "on the Ground, Libyan People were Liberated by themselves", while British Prime Minister Cameron reminded that the UNO SC Resolution 1973 on Libya had been adopted

- "The International Community appreciates our (CNT's) situation and has asked for the Allied Operation to continue", particularly after "having heard of Gaddafi son's Threats yesterday", while there are also some "New Intentions" expressed today, (f.ex. Russia's and other Countries' decision to recognize TNC as "the effective power" in LIbya : See other "EuroFora"s NewsReport, herewith), so that we appreciate the International Community's Help in this sense", replied Abdel Jalil.

- "Something extremely Important to understand in the Libyan Revolution process" is the fact that, "on the Ground, the Libyan People has liberated himself : They fought courageously, arms at their hands. We helped them, but they were Liberated themselves", stressed Sarkozy.

- Moreover, "we've all asked from the TNC to take care for its progressive Enlargement, during the Liberation of the Country, and they are doing that. But, how could we tel TNC to "Enlarge", without doing a similar move also ourselves in the (International) Coalition ?", he wondered. Thus, "when we first launched the Paris' Conference, back on March, (See "EuroFora"s NewsReport from the spot), we were, I think, just 21 Countries", while "Today (on September) we are 63" Countries, (i.e. X 300 % more !), he observed.

 + "Someone spoke about Algeria", but "the Algerian Foreign Minister was here. This is a move that we appreciated. He brought a warm Message on behalf of President Buteflika, that he transmitted to me. But China was also represented, India was represented, Russia was represented, Brazil was represented, (etc). We can't say that we didn't have any disagreement from at the beginning, otherwise, (French Foreign Minister) Mr. Juppé wouldn't have had some difficulties until he brillantly obtained the UN Security Council Resolution. But they came (now), and there is Progress. I'd say the same thing for South Africa, which wasn't present, (i.e.) that I'll contact President Zuma to convince him to help us. We need everybody. Libya needs all the World. Let's turn towards the Future, without being involved in Debates of the Past. Does this mean that we would have already agreed on the Next Resolution, because there will be another one ? The work is progressing", enigmatically but optimistically added Sarkozy.

+ "You evoked Syria : We had a long talk with the Prime Minister, M. Cameron. Without any doubt, this is something which must advance Faster, because there are People who are Dying in Syria, and the Syrian Regime has crossed the limits of the Unacceptable", he denounced. "But a Democratic Libya is a Chance for Tunisia, and, I also think, an opportunity for the Syrian Opposition, which has the Right to Freedom and to Democracy... Our work, now, will be to build Consensus in order to try to reinforce more the Sanctions, and become even more efficient", he anounced on Syria.

- "At any case, as far as it concerns France, we have decided to stand by the Arab People in their aspirations for Democracy, (and) we won't change Policy", Sarkozy promissed.
- "You spoke about "Division" inside (UNO's) Security Council", but, "concerning Libya, there was a Resolution, No 1973, which was adopted by the UN SC with the support of the Arab Ligue", observed also in his reply Cameron. "We had that Will to Act, we had this Feeling of a Moral Obligation to avoid a Massacer in Benghazi, and we've been able to act".

+ "Of course, its Frustrating to see, Today, that we can't obtain a Stronger Resolution on Syria", because "I find that what is going on in Syria is Terrifying ! The World must stand up and speak out ! We need more Sanctions, (f.ex.) Travel Bans, Freezing of Assets, etc. What that Regime persists to do is Unacceptable !" Therefore, "Great Britain and France will continue to push for a Resolution", Cameron agreed with Sarkozy's voluntarism also for the immediate Future, particularly on Syria.

    Finally, on the occasion of another Question about a possible Visit to Libya, if possible together with Cameron and Cheikh Khalifa Al-Thani,
    Sarkozy observed that, "in fact, what we did is, in substance, to try to Stand by the Arab People (protesting) in the Street. And what did it say, the Arab Street ?  It didn't say : -"Down with Israel". It didn't say : "Down with Europe".  It said : - "We want Democracy, we want Rule of Law, we want Good Schools for our Children and we want Economic Progress". "Some used to tell us, for such a long time, that when the Arab People gets down to the Street, it's only in order to support those who are the most Extremists. But we see that in Tunisia it's not the case. We see that in Egypt it's not the case. (And) we see that in Libya it's not the case !"

     - "So, if a Day we'll have the Chance to meet these Arab Peoples", it will be a great Honour and a great Joy. But, for a number of reasons, we haven't yet fixed a precise Date", (See other "EuroFora"'s NewsReport, herewith).

    => Last but not least, Sarkozy made it clear that "We have always, both David Cameron and myself, struggled against any Partition of Libya. The work which was done is for One and Democratic Libya". That's why "the Visite that we'd have made in Benghazi, ... appeared to us as a bad signal : A signal of Partition, in fact, which would have given the impression  that, betwee, the East and the West, between the North and the South of Libya, it would be Impossible to live Together. But, we wanted to transmit exactly a Different Message : That of Support to the NTC in Tripoli", i.e. in a United Country, as he explained in conclusion.
Relevant International Conference's CONCLUSIONS :
    + In this regard, the September 1st, 2011 International Conference to support "New Libya"s Conclusions stress from the outset that "with the Fall of Colonel Gaddafi certain, the participants (from 63 Countries and 8 International Organizations, including UNO's Head : See supra) expressed their Admiration for the Courage of the Libyan People, who have made Great Sacrifices in their Struggle to put an End to Decades of Oppression, and take control of their own Future".

    - "In view of the expectations expressed by the Libyan delegation, the
participants emphasised that the United Nations will play a central role in coordinating
International support for the political transition in Libya and the reconstruction of the
country. They welcomed the proposals to this effect put forward by UN Secretary-
General Ban Ki-Moon and expressed their support for a new UN Security Council
Resolution which will endorse these proposals".

    - Participants reiterate their commitment to continue to Protect civilians in Libya, in accordance with UN Security Council resolutions 1970 and 1973", and "committed their support for the Libyan-led transition and rebuilding
process to establish a Democratic, independent and United Libya".

    - But "they noted that as the Military operations draw to a Close and a New Phase begins, the Contact Group has fulfilled its goals and should be replaced by a "Group of Friends of the New Libya", the 1st Meeting of which will take place in New York at the end of September".

    +(See for more abstracts and infos from the September 1st International Conference also the other "EuroFora"s NewsReports from the event, herewith).


    Last but not least, probably due to an artful play of Symbolism by Elysee Palace's Protocol, even the detail of placing ... Ethiopia's Foreign Minister Berhane Gebre-Christos, culturally a Greek Christian African, at the Head of the huge Table with 63 Delegations from all over the World, obviously added to the overall Ambiance of a Feast for the End of the infamous "Shock of Civilisations", notoriously exploited by a few Extremists and/or Turkey's attempt to manipulate Arabs (despite the unforgetable Destruction of the Arab Civilisation by the former Ottoman-Turc Empire's Military Invasion and Occupation, from which Arab People were liberated only after Hard Struggles and Sacrifices with the Help of European Countries), for its controversial and unpopular EU bid (See supra)....



(NB : This is just a Part of "EuroFora"s NewsReports from that exceptional event. For Other Topical Aspects of that event, see also our Other NewsReports, herewith).


(NDLR : DraftNews, as already sent earlier to "EuroFora"s Susbrcribers/Donors. A more accurate Final Version is due asap)


Paris' International Summit boosts National Transition Council's recognition: Libya as Belgium ?

Written by ACM
Thursday, 01 September 2011

*Paris/Elysee Palace/Angelo Marcopolo/- Many Heads of States/Government or Foreign Ministers from 63 Countries and 8 International or Regional Organizations, including UNO's S.G., who participated in Paris' International Conference to support the New Libya on September 1st, 2011, concluded by "Urging the UN to Welcome the Delegation of the Transitional National Council (TNC) as the Legitimate Delegation Representing the Libyan People".

Their support to the Libyan NTC appeared even more enthousiastic than that which was given to Belgian care-taker Prime Minister Leterme (present among the participants to the "New Libya" International Conference), as one of the Longest serving Care-taker Government in the the Country's History, (more than 1 whole Year, since June 2010, i.e. including during the Belgian EU Presidency at the 2nd Semester of 2010 !) : A Record that experienced Belgian Diplomats, observing Leterme's arrival in Elysee Palace didn't exclude from eventually inspiring New Libya's National Transition Council's Chairman Jalil, in the forthcoming  preparation of a New Constitution, general Elections and a New Government,  so that Tripoli might find some unexpected similarities with ...Brussels, as they said smiling to "EuroFora"...
- "All participants to the Conference have asked to Enlarge the Recognition of the New Authorities, the NTC, and we commited ourselves to Open, the soonest possible, our New Embassies in Tripoli", anounced from the outset in the concluding Press Conference, French President Nicolas Sarkozy.


- "When we held the (initial International EU-USA/Canada-ArabLigue-UNO Leaders') Conference back on March, we were, if I remember well, 21 Countries". But "Now, (at the subsequent, September International Conference), we were .. 63 !", he strongly underlined, pointing at an Augmentation of X 300 % !!!


- "More than 63 Nations here have pledged Today their continued Support to the NTC and this Transition", observed also Brittish Prime Minister David Cameron. Replying afterwards to a Question about "Rifts" in the Security Council of the UN", Cameron focused on the Fact that "the (main) point about Libya, ...is that there was a Resolution 1973, about using "All Necessary Measures", that was passed by the (UN) SC with the Backing of the Arab Leaders as well. That why, as well as Wanting to Act, we had also the Duty, the Moral Obligation to take Action to Stop a Slaughter in Benghazi, we were (also)  Able to Act, not just to Feel that we ought to. We were actually able to", he reminded.
+ More than 41 Heads of State/Government or International/Regional Organizations (a crystal-clear Majority among participants in what should be, therefore, better called a "Summit"), and 16 Foreign a.o. Ministers, etc., joining Together more than 24 "Western" Countries (including the Bigest 6 EU Nations : Germany, France, the UK, Italy, Poland, Spain, Netherlands, etc with USA, Canada and Australia, as well as Russia),  and 35 African or Asian, even Latinoamerican Countries, (a Majority spreading from China to Japan and India or Brazil, as well as Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Jordany, Lebanon, Turkey, Iraq, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, etc. and Mali, Gabon, Niger, Tchad, Ethiopia, Sudan, etc), "Welcomed the presentation given by the Head of the Libyan Delegation, Chairman Mostafa Abdel Jalil, in which he set out Plans for the formation of an Inclusive Interim Government".


According to the Official Conclusions, after some 5 Hours of deliberations and exchanges, the participants, including the Secretary Generals of UNO : Ban Ki Moon, Arab Ligue : Nabil El Araby, and Union for the Mediterranean : Amrani, as well as African Union's Commission President Ping, and Islamic Cooperation Organization's Political Director Kaabachi, together with the Heads of the E.U. (Council and Commission Presidents Van Rompuy and Barroso), NATO (S.G. Rasmusen) and Arab Gulf States (Rashid Al Zayani), also "were Pleased to Welcome Libya's return to Full Participation in the International Community and active Regional engagement".
=>  Meanwhile, "the Participants expressed their Confidence that the Libyan People and their Authorities will Succeed in meeting the enormous Challenges they face, advancing forward, and voiced their Determination to Stand by them in this endeavour".


    + UNO's Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon, "emphasizing" at "First", the Principle of National Ownership"; stressed that "Libya's Future is for the Libyan People to decide and determine". Therefore, "Today and in the Weeks and Months ahead, the International community will work with Libya's Transitional Authorities (i.e. NTC), to identify what Needs to be done, and, in Partnership, to Do it", he anounced. "Looking beyond the immediate humanitarian crisis, it will be essential to work closely with the Libyan Leadership, to identify their needs and Priorities". Already, "during the past few Weeks, even Today in Paris, my advisers and I have conferred with the Leaders of the NTC. My Special Envoy and my Special Adviser have also been meeting with them", he revealed. (See also infra, on UNO's role).

    - "I'd like to Thank the International Community for all its Encouragements" and for "these Measures (See infra) which are absolutely Essential", replied New Libyan NTC's Chairman Abdel Jalil.
+ Russian position on Libya evolves positively at Paris' International Conference Day :
    A Sarkozy Counselor, speaking to "EuroFora" pointed, in particular, at the "positive Change" in Russia's stance, which "has just issued, this same Day of the (International) Conference" for support to New Libya, an Official "Announcement almost Recognizing the NTC", while Moscow, in a parallel move with China,  was also represented for the 1st time to Paris' Conference on Libya with a politically important personality, President Medvedev's Envoy for Africa, Michael Margelov, experienced Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, and long-time former Head of a CoE Assembly's Political Group of MEPs : EDG, well known in Strasbourg.

Chairman Margelov, (who, as he revealed now to "EuroFora" flew by Airplane already one Day earlier in Paris), had become World-famous after he was recently chosen by Russian President Medvedev, following an agreement with French President Sarkozy, at the sidelines of the latest G 8 Heads of State/Government Summit in Deauville (France, end of May 2011), in order to try to convince Gaddafi to drop power and stop the war in Libya, (See relevant "EuroFora"s NewsReports from the Deauville G8 Summit, as well as several, short but topical, Margelov's statements to "EuroFora" on his visits to Benghazi and Tripoli).   
In fact, Moscow explicitly recognized Libyan Rebels' Leaders at the TNC "as the Effective Power" (or "Authority") in the whole Country, but also observed that it has "a Plan for the creation of a Constitution, for Elections "and the formation of a Government", pending what, Russia, indirectly but surely, reminded in particular the need to "respect Contracts" already concluded with other Countries, such as f.ex. a 5 Billions' worth Defense material that Tripoli had commanded earlier...

+ Similar concerns about past Contracts' respect etc. apparently exist also for China, which sent to Paris its specialized alternate Foreign Minister in charge of Africa and Middle East, Jun Zhai, whle Beijing has already recognized NTC as its "Important Interlocutor" for Libya, sending and receiving Envoys to and from the NTC during the last Months, in addition to French President Sarkozy's August visit to China, where some guess that he probably evoked also New Libya's Future with Chinese President Hu, etc.
Turkey's complicated position...
But an Opposite trend appeared only in the case of Turkey, who, despite its late, passive and limited participation to the NATO operation on Libya, after an initial Opposal, nevertheless, unlike the large Majority of all other participant Countries, did not dare sent now in Paris' International Conference to support New Libya its Prime Minister Erdogan, a ... "Gaddafi Human Rights" Prize recipient a few Months ago (that he got in Tripoli at the end of November 2010 with full Publicity !), but only a simple Minister.

Moreover, even the Turkish Secretary General of an Islamic Cooperation Organization (OCI) was the only Head of an International/Regional Organization who refused to participate personaly, and the only one who was, therefore, replaced by a mere "'Director" (f.ex. of Political affairs)...

Last but not least, the Turkish Government notoriously wants to limit Libyan Revolution's' impact to its Neighbouring Syria, (currently the only country in the World from which ...colonel Gaddafi diffuses his Threats against the Libyan NTC !), probably because it's Anxious that the Mediterranean "Democratic Wind" might, eventually, inspire some Ideas also to a large part of the People submitted to its own infamous exceptionally grave Violations of Human Rights and Democratic Freedoms.. (See also infra).


+ Majority of HEADS of State/Government and of International/Regional Organizations


    On the Contrary, all (EU and EEE) participant European Countries sent their Heads of States/Governments, (including, f.ex., together with Sarkozy and Cameron, also Merkel, Berlusconi, Tusk, Zapatero, Basescu, Rutte, Reinfeld, Papandreou, Leterme, Rasmusen, Coelho, Borisov; Gonzi, etc., as well as Norway's Stoltenberg and Switzerland's Calmy-Rey, Bosnia's Komsic, etc. with the only exception of Cyprus' Christofias who abstained, probably because of exceptional internal problems that he faces personaly, currently threatened with Impeachement, preferring to sent just the Foreign Minister).


    2 Kings (Jordany's Abdulah II and Bahrein's Al Khalifa), and an Emir (Qatar's Al Thani), as well as 6 more Presidents/Prime Ministers (Canada's Harper, Lebanon's Mikati, Mali's Toure, Libya's Abdel Jalil, Gabon's Bongo, Koweit's Al-Sabah, etc), were aded to more than 9 Foreign a.o. Ministers from around the World, (USA's Hilary Clinton, China, India, Egypt, Algeria, Ethiopia, United Arab Emirates, South Korea, Australia, etc).


On Algeria's stance :
    Replying to Questions on Algeria, (which recently accepted to shelter a few members of Gaddafi's Family, as his Wife, Daughter and a Son, etc., but reportedly refused later to open its borders for other fleeing Officials of colonel Gaddafi's regime, and promised to alert the International Criminal Court if he came hilmself), NTC's Chairman, Abdel Jalil, simply observed that "Algera is a Member Country of the Arab Ligue", which "adopted the Resolution concerning the Call launched to the International Community to assume a Responsibiliy vis a vis Libya".

    - "Algeria was, then, among those Countries which voted that Resolution, which led to the work, to the action in view of the Non-Fly Zone and the (Maritime) Blocus", he reminded. And, even Today, "Libya, Algeria and our Friends from Egypt are all present in this (Paris' International) Conference". Moreover, "all these Countries assisted at the (March 19th, initial Paris' EU-USA/Canada-ArabLigue-UNO) Conference which decided to establish a Non-Fly Zone. We appreciate the position adopted by all Countries and all Arab People. We don' always take seriously some points... Our Algerian Friends might, perhaps, have made some remarks, but they were Exagerated by some Medias", NTC's Head denounced. In fact, "we appreciate our Friends, our Algerian Brothers : The Algerian and the Libyan Peoples are Brothers", he concluded.

    + "Algeria's  Foreign Minister was here (in Paris' International Conference) : That was a gesture that we appreciated. He was bringing a Warm Message that he transmitted to me on behalf of President Buteflica", observed in addition also Sarkozy, replying to a similar question.
+ Former recalcitrant Countries, Now participate


    + "But, (also) China was represented (in the September 2011 Paris' International Conference in support for New Libya), India was represented, Russia was represented, Brazil was represented", for the 1st time, the French President observed.

    - "Does this mean that we didn't have Disagreements at the Beginning ? (i.e. on March+). Certainly, yes, and, otherwise, (French Foreign Minister Alain) Juppé wouldn't have to make such efforts to brillantly obtain (UNO) Security Council Resolution", he reminded.

    - "But, (now), they (i.e. 63 Countries' representatives) came : Things are Progressing. Does it mean that we would already be in agreement on the Next Resolution, -because there will be a Next Resolution- ? (See infra). That's Work In Progress"; realistically but optimistically anounced Sarkozy.

    + "I'd even say, for South Africa, which wasn't present, that I'll contact President Zuma to convince him to Help us, (the International Coalition of 63 Countries and 8 International/Regional Organizations supporting New Libya). We need Everybody. (New) Libya needs Everybody. Let's turn towards the Future, and stop stirring Debates of the Past", the French President advised, pointing at an Open and Inclusive, progressively Enlarging International movement in process, which obviously made a Huge, Collective Step Today, impressively Growing from 21 (on March) to more than 63 Countries (at the beginning of September), (See supra).
Democratic Transition


    - In particular, the 63 Countries' and 8 International/Regional Organizations' strong Paris' Conference to support New Libya observed that NTC's planned "Government .. will reBuild Libya for the benefit of All Libyans, the Goal being to build a New, Democratic and Pluralistic Libya, in which Human Rights, Fundamental Fredoms and Justice will be guaranteed, and Prosperiy shared", given, mainly, that "the National Transitional Council's Constitutional Declaration provides a Clear Plan for conducting the Political Transition in a spirit of Unifing the Libyan People and Reconciling those who have been on Both sides in the current conflict", according to the official Conclusions. Therefore, "the Participants Commited their Support for the Libyan-led Transition and ReBuilding process to establish a Democratic, Independent and United Libya".

    - "All participants asked from the NTC to Start a Process of Reconciliation and Pardon, so that the mistakes made in other countries in the Past serve to enlighten Libya's Future : Nothing can be done without Reconciliation and Forgiveness". "Demands were made by all Friends of Libya for Reconcliation, Pardon, Rule of Law and Freedom", reiterated French President Nicolas Sarkozy.

    + Questioned by Journalists if the International Conference "fixed (particularly) a Democratic Roadmap as a Condition to (promissed Economic + Financial) Help" (See infra), Sarkozy replied that, in principle, "it's up to the Libyan People to decide on Libya's Future", but,  "NTC's Charter, its Commitment, is very Clear on the Time Deadlines, on the Constitution, on the Elections", and "Everyone among those who Met the NTC's Representatives is, each time, more and more Convinced of their Good Faith", he observed.

    - "We have all (the 1st September's International Conference in support of New Libya) asked from the NTC to Enlarge itself, while Libya was being Liberated, and that's what they are doing", also noted Sarkozy optimistically.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ----------------
    -- "The Conference has pledged to support Chairman Abdel Jalil and the NTC in their clearly stated aim to achieve a Libyan-led, Inclusive and Democratic Political Transition... These Commitments "are Right, because we'll all loose of the Arab Spring gives way to a Cynical Winter of Oppression. And their are Right because the Libyan People deserve our support", stressed in conclusion Brittish Prime Minister David Cameron.

    - "Some People warned, as Gaddafi himself did, that the Libyan People could not be trusted with peace. ...That without Gaddafi there will be Chaos. Some people thought that chaos would start the moment the regime fell. So what we are seeing Emerging Now in Libya, despite the years of repression and the trauma of recent days and months, is immensely Impressive : - “Enormous difficulties lie ahead of course, but Libyans are showing the World their courage, their spirit and their resilience.... The NTC Leaders are also clear and consistent in Cautioning against Day Disorder and against Reprisals, as Chairman Jalil said, "against Evil". That message goes out Loud and Clear from our Meeting Today", Cameron added.

    - "It's obvious that the Next Stage for Libya is extremely Important, both for the Countries of the World (wide community), and for the Arab People : - Will this Revolution, which asked for International Help, be able to practice Democracy with a lot of Wisdom ?", wondered NTC's Chairman Abdel Jalil.

    - "Things are now in Libyan People's Hands" in order to "respect our Commitments" also for "Forgiveness and Tolerance", Islam encourages forgiveness, encourages Reconciliation". "The Libyan People, on whom you betted, and who proved to everybody that he wanted Feedom and Democracy, is a Muslim People who respects all its Commitments, who insists on Dignity, Liberty and Honor's respect", NTC's Head promised.  

    + A hard but Interesting Question was raised by a Brittish Journalist to Prime Minister Cameron about one among the big Differencies between the 2003,  former "Socialist" Briish Prime Minister Blair-supported, Unilateral Foreign Military Invasion and Occupation of Iraq, and the 2011 International UN-sponsored Airborn Help to Libyan Rebels without any Foreign Troops on the ground :  

    - "UN and President Sarkozy have managed to gather International Opinion behind the (New Libya's) NTC. But, are you convined that the NTC can do the same thing in Libya, and lead over Ethnic and Tribal Tensions there ?" Or, "are you Concerned that the Spectrum of 2003 in Iraq (with Internal Conflicts provoked afterwards) hungs over that too ?"

    - "I don't think that, at the Beginning, anyone should be complacent about what's happening in Libya : There is still Work to be done, in terms of the resistance which is still there and of the Gaddafi's forces which are still armed... Of course, there will be all sorts of Difficulties along the Way, and the NTC is very Honest and Franc about that", the Brittish Prime Minister acknowledged.

    - "But, what I see, is that everytime that the NTC has been Challenged, it has actually come Up to the Bar", (i.e. it succeeded to assume its responsiblities), Cameron observed positively :

- F.ex., "a number of People have been saying that "Tripoli is completely differend to Benghazi : there will be Chaos there if the NTC takes over", etc. But "this has Not happened !". And, then, some People said that "there will be war between Factions" : That was the last question, but until now there haven't been, (on the contrary), they (NTC) have been Remarquably Cohesive !". + "What we are seeing in Tripoli in recent days, is that actually Rubish is being Cleared out of the Streets, the Hospitals are ReOpening, Water is getting through to more and more People, Shops and even some Banks are becoming Open", etc. "and we see the Libyan People coming Together, because they Want to ReBuild their Country".

 >>> Therefore, "I think that what we are seeing, is that the Libyan People want to seize their Future !". - "Let me just repeat : This is the Libyans Doing this Themselves. We (UN-sponsored International Coalition) stand there as Friends, (as) People who want to Help, to Assist, because there is a huge lot of things that we've been asked to do there, the French, the Brittish and others, and we want to Respond Positively to that". - "But I think that we can have Confidence with the NTC : They have already Achieved a Huge amount, and the Libyan People Want to build (hold) this Future for Themselves. And that's exactly what we should hope them to do", Cameron concluded.

Justice for Crimes


    - Naturally, at the same time, "participants strongly supported  (NTC) Chairman Abdel Jalil's call for those Responsible for the Serious Human Rights Crimes, committed during the conflict, to face Justice under the Rule of Law".

    - "The Nations present here today, have pledged a Commitment to International Law, Justice and Accountability". But, "Freedom in Tripoli is bringing to Light Evidence of unspeakable Crimes : Unarmed People shot; People burned and tortured, and we must think at all those who have suffered. And we must be clear : These Crimes must be investigated and those Guilty brought to Justice !" , denounced British Prime Minister David Cameron.

    "That's the commitment of the NTC, and this must be also the commitment of the World, and Britain will provide Support", he added.

    - "You have seen how Muamar Gaddafi placed Car tires around Revolutionaries and set them on Fire. You saw the Rapes, you saw Childrens' Sufferings. We'll let History Judge. .. And there we'll have also to apply and respect the Law", "let the Rule of Law speak itself", warned NTC's Chairman Abdul Jalil.
Libyan FUNDS to be Unfrozen + Economic Reconstruction :


    + Meanwhile, for the time being, in order "to enable the Libyan Authorities to cope with the Pressing Needs of the Population and imediately embark on the Restoration of the State and the ReConstruction of the Country, the participants also Agreed on the need to make Available to them, Urgently, the Libyan Assets "Frozen" under (UN) Security Council's Resolutions" against the failed Gaddafi's Regime. In this direction, already, "they Welcomed the recent Unfreezing of 6 Billions $ of those Assets", while considering also the fact that "the Libyan Authorities underscored NTC's Commitment to ensure that all Assets will be Managed on behalf of the Libyan People, in an Accountable and Transparent manner", for which "they Welcomed the recent Doha Meetings with the Chiefs of Staff and Finance".
    - The "Decisions taken" at the International Conference concern, "First of all, the Unanimous demand to Lift the Freezing of Libyan Assets : The Money usurpated by Mr. Gaddafi and his cronies must return back to the Libyan People. And we've undertook the Commitment to unblock the Money of the Libya of the Past in order to fund the Development of Modern Libya", anounced from the outset French President Sarkozy.

    - Replying to Press Questions on Economic Reconstruction and Funding, the French President noted that "Today, the Representatives of Libya asked us - to all 63 Countries which were present - to Unfreeze the (Libyan) Assets. And, after various interventions at the Table (of the International Conference), it's some Fifteen (15) Billions $ of Libyan Assets in our Countries which will be Immediately Unfrozen", Sarkozy anounced. F.ex., "France .. has just unfrozen, Today, 1,5 Billions €. We want to give back to the Libyan People the Money which had been stolen away from them. That's for Today", (i.e. in addition to Forhcoming Action to Unfreeze all the rest of the reportedly huge the Libyan Assets frozen since the beginning of the Confict).

    + "Afterwards, (there are also) some very Precise things (Projects) : (F.ex.) Hundreds of Mobil-Homes will depart from France in order to be delivered" in Libya, because "Prime Minister Jibril had asked that from us (NDLR : in his earlier Visit in Paris, during August : Comp. "EuroFora"s previous Publication) in order to allow School classes' beginning of term. Medical Doctors, ReEducation Teams will depart from all our Countries. Some EU Countries - f.ex. Greece- offered to augment for +50% the Water supplies of Tripoli City. (etc). Thus, we entered very much into concrete Details". So that "it's impossible to add all what has been demanded, but it forms a Plan : We had demands from our Friends representing Libya, and, then, we had also demands from all Friends of Libya, for Reconciliation, Forgiveness, Rule of Law and Freedom. It's at the crossroads between these two demands that we spend about 4 or 5 Hours in Meetings that we held together" in Paris' International Conference, Sarkozy explained.

    ++ Questioned by another Journalist "if you (the International Conference on New Libya) fixed precise Conditions to NTC for the promised Help, Assets' Unfreeze, etc", Sarkozy replied, as a matter of Principle, that "we didn't determine any Rules for the NTC", because "the Libyan Revolution is Libya guided by the Libyan People".

    - "But the Libyan Prime Minister (Jibril) himself proposed to have a Committee of International Experts in order to Help hem to Think about the Way that these Unfreezed Funds, which represent an Important Amount (of Money), could be Better Used. However, it's up to the Libyans to Lead on that", he noted. (+See also supra , on Democracy)
     -   "Our Commitments, Today .. are Right, because we cannot afford to have a failed, pariah State at EU's Borders", and "because the Libyan People deserve our support". "We, in Britain, will continue to pay our part", f.ex. by "Giving back the Assets that belong to the Libyan People, Starting this week with 1,5 Billion pounds of dinars in Banknotes held in Banks in Britain", promised British Prime Minister Cameron.

    - Replying later to a "Question on whether we'll get Unfreezed All the (Libyan) Assets through the United Nations Security Council", Cameron observed that; as a first step, "we have been doing that, on an "Ad Hoc" basis : F. ex. that's how Britain has been able to send a premium of 1,5 Billions £ in dinars,  back to the Libyan People through the NTC. We are already Unfreezing Assets". +  Moreover,  "of course, we'd like to have a Wider Resolution"; i.e. on most or All previously "frozen"  Libyan Assets. So, "we're currently pushing on that, (But) we need to make sure that it's phrased in the Right way"; he revealed.

     + Already, Libyan People "are coming together to tackle Shortages of Water and Power, Hospitals are ReOpening". "We ... will continue" also to "Help to support the NTC, (f.ex) by bringing Water to Tripoli and Medicine to the Hospitals", Cameron added.
    - "Parallel" to building a "Democratic" State (See supra), "it's also Impotant to act on Development : Economy, Schools, Health, etc", stressed NTC's Chairman, Abdel Jalil.  

    + Initially, "we've Focused our efforts on the idea to Unblock the Assets, (See supra), and Now, we are raising the following question : Why don't Libyans act in order to start Exporting, or have exported, their Oil, from now ?", NTC's Leader added.
Military Support as long as needed to protect Libyan People from colonel Gaddafi's threats, Terrorism + Security issues


    + At the same time, "Participants reiterate(d) their Commitment to Continue to Protect Civilians in Libya, in accordance with UN Security Council Resolutions 1970 and 1973".

    - "We've agreed to continue NATO's strikes as long as Mr. Gaddafi and his cronies will persist to be a Threat for Libya", clarified French President Sarkozy.  "But, on the Ground, Libyan People were Liberated by themselves. They Fought Courageously, taking Arms in their Hands. We (International, UN-sponsored, Coalition) Helped them, but they were liberated by themselves : That's somethig extremely Important to understand in the Libyan Revolution's process", he added.

    + Replying to Journalists' Questions, Sarkozy observed that, among the "two aspects that we discussed in detail today", the "1st" were "on the Military issues", "since NATO's Secretary General was there". "Our Libyan Friends indicated that they Needed for NATO's targetted Military Operations to Coninue, as long as Mr. Gaddafi, his Mercenaries and his cronies remained a Threat. That's a 1st demand, that they'll express better than me, which concerns Today and, naturally, Tomorrow".

    ++ Questioned whether Gaddafi should be "arrested or neutralized before (Military) Operations cease", the French President observed that "It's certain that Mr. Gaddafi represents a Threat", (particularly after Syrian Radio-TV transmitted Gaddafi Calls for Violent Attacks, gross insults against the New Libya leaders, named as "Rats", etc). But "we believe that you don't Fight against Terrorists with Terrorists' Methods, nor against Dictators with dictators' means. For the (New) Libya we wish to be oriented towards the Rule of Law. Mr. Gaddafi and his Mercenaries, indeed present a Threat today", but, "when you speak about "Eliminating", I don't know what it means the word "Eliminate". Mr Gaddafi must be Arrested, and the Libyans will Freely Decide if it's better to Judge him in Libya, or in front of the International Courts. That's not our decision : It's up to the Libyans". he underlined.

    - "But we are well inside he framework of the Rule of Law. In a similar way with that of Mr. Gbagbo's arrest in the Ivory Coast, he will be transfered to the competent Authorities. It might be an act of war. You can have this kind of elements, but we insert our action inside that Framework (of Rule of Law : See supra), and that's what we want", Sarkozy concluded on this point.
     - "I fully agree with that. It's true that it's up to the Libyans to choose where to trie Gaddafi, whenever they find him.  As for  NATO's action it's clear that they must continue as long as civil Lives are in Danger, and that's what Libyans asked from us", Brittish Prime Minister Cameron confirmed.

    - "As Nicolas has said, the "Struggle is Not yet Over". So, among the "3 important commitments that we made here in Paris", today, "1st" is that "NATO and our Allies will Continue Military Operations in the framework of (UN SC) Resolutions 1970 and 1973,  for as long as it is Needed to Protect Civilian Life", Cameron clarified.

    - Indeed, even today, "sporadic Fighting continues, particularly in the country's South", observed UNO's Head, Ban Ki Moon.

    - "All European Countries present here wanted to stress that the Mediterranean Sea is European Border area, and, therefore, it was EU's Duty to take care itself for Eqilibrium and Peace in its Neighbouring areas : That's a Progress compared to what had happened, some Years ago, in ex-Yugoslavia", (where the EU had been overcome by USA's Military, letting even Massacers go on without being able to intervene to protect unarmed People from being slaughtered.. ), French President Sarkozy anounced also from the outset, as a matter of GeoPolitical strategic principles.


    + "You have heard the Threats of Gaddafi's Son just Yesterday, the same ill-Intented people still continue to be present, and, thus, the International Community asked for the Allied Operations to continue :  We (NTC) appreciate the International Community's Help in this sense", pointed out the Chairman of the Libyan NTC, Abdel Jalil.

    - "The International Community.... betted on Libyan People, and adopted the Resolution .. 1973, imposing a Non-Fly Zone by all Necessary Meabs, and entrusted the durty to implement this Resolution to NATO in order to set up a Military Protection which saved the Libyan People from a Catastrophe that History would have never forgotten. ... Libyans proved their Courage and Determination, and realized their Aspirations until now. I'd like to address myself to the Libyan People, in order to say that, as we betted on you, as the International Community betted on you, the situation is Now in Your Hands in order to Prove several Issues", including "to establish Stability and Peace inside Libya itself", he also underlined.
    Meanwhile, replying to another Question on the "Murder of General Yunes", (the initial Libyan Rebels' Military Leader, who had been distinguished also for criticizing NATO's supposed Unwillingness to become as Active and Efficient against Colonel Gaddafi's regime as the Rebels wished, making them prefer the apparently bigger Efficiency, Accurancy and Activism of the Initial phase of the UN-sponsored operation, when Airborn Military Help was given directly by the Coalition of the Participating Countries (i.e., France, the UK, Italy, Denmark, Norway, USA, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Jordan, etc), before the full NATO bureaucracy took over, later on (f.ex. including Turkish a.o. staff, etc), as well as on the fact that some local Military Chiefs among the Rebels, as that who controled action in Tripoli, had earlier fought with some Islamic Groups elsewhere, f.ex. "in Afghanistan and/or Tchechnya", etc., NTC's Chairman Adbel Jalil preferred for detailed and concrete answers to be given by the Libyan acting Prime Minister Jibril, noting that "he expresses the view of all Libyans on such issues" :

    - "On the 1st point, concerning the Murder of Martyr Abdel Fatah Yunes, NTC engaged an Inquiry in 2 Directions : An Administrative Enquiry, whose Results were made known, making it Necessary to take certain Decisions", because "it revealed certain Inadequat Administrative acts", which incited us to "Reform the Executive Board".  Meanwhile, "a Criminal Investigation is going on : We Arrested a number among those Involved in this Crime", and "some admitted their involvement, but others are still running away". Thus, "the (Criminal) Enquiry still goes on, because it's not just about Arresting those who Committed this Murder, but it's, mainly, about Finding out if there is a, Organized Group, a Terrorist Association, a Terrorist Group, behind this Murder. And that's the most Important thing for us", Prime Minister Jibril pointed out. "What we want to confirm, inside the NTC and the Executive Board, is that this Investigation will be made in full Transparency, its Results will be presented in Public, and whoever might be those hidding behind that Murder, well, they will be Named and Justice will take its course", he clearly promissed.

    + "Concerning the (Military leadership) situation in Tripoli (See supra) : "Tripoli Tevolted from its interior, with the Help of Revolutionaries from outside , from Djebel Garbi, from Misrata, from Zawiya, from Tarhun, etc. A large number of Revolutionaries came from outside to help Tripoli, and this Help had been Demanded, and was Necessary in order to fullfil the Heroic role of Tripoli's Revolutionaries", NTC's Prime Minister Jibril observed.  + "Today, what is demanded -and we've just had an Agreement on that - is that these Revolutionaries will Give up their Weapons once their Mission accomplished". Then, "either they will join the (New Libya's) National Army, that we are going to form, or they'll join the New Police Force, which will be established". For this purpose, "a Security Council was established in Tripoli, including Police, Army and Revolutionary Units' Leaders. We hope that this Council will welcome a Growing Number of Members, in order to become able to establish Peace, and this is also an Example for Other Regions, which still remain under the control of Mr Gaddafi, in order to show hem that Securiy is there, that Peace is there, and that all our Efforts head towards the process of Development", NTC's leader concluded on the 2nd Question (See supra).

     + "There are Questions raised concerning some Revolutionaries, some Rebels, and the Security situation", observed afterwards also NTC's Chairman Abdel Jalil.  -"We must admit that, without the action of the Revolutionaries, we wouldn't have Achieved this Victory" Fex. "Mr Cameron is right when he said that the Cities which werer liberated, it was thanks to Revolutionaries' action.... There are those who worked on the spot, who liberated these Cities from the Mercenaries (of colonel Gaddafi's regime), and have to ensure their Securiy.  You, in France (f.ex.), you had the Police, the Gendarmes, etc. But, in Libya we didn't have anything of that. That's an extremely important aspect", he pointed out.
    + Nevertheless, "as the Military Operations draw to a close, and a New Phase begins, the (former) "Contact Group"(created last April in London) has fulfilled its goals and should be Replaced by a "Group of Friends of the New Libya" (created now in Paris, in the follow-up of the March 19th initial EU-USA/Canada-Arab Ligue-UNO Summit), the 1st Meeting of which will take place in New York at the End of September", close to the Rendez-vous given by UNO's Secretary General Ban Ki Moon himself for "September 20", (See other "EuroFora" Publication on the Paris' Conference).
UNO's role


    ++However, "in view of the Expectations expressed by the Libyan Delegation" (headed by the NTC), and according to Russia's, China's, and other Countries' wishes, "the participants Emphasized that the UNO will play a Central Role in Coordinating International Support for the Political Transition in Libya, and the ReConstruction of the Country. To this effect, they Welcomed the Proposals put forward by the UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, and expressed their Support for a New UN SC Resolution which will endorse these Proposals".
    - UNO's Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon, "especially Welcomed the Broad Participation of the whole International Community", including both "the member countries who have been supportive and active, or those countries which have even been reluctant in joining the coalition forces to bring about peace and freedom and security to the Libyan People",  Therefore, "I count on the Support of the Entire International Community", he said, (Comp. supra and infra).


    - This Fact "sends a strong and unmistakable Signal of International Unity in Support of our work for a Democratic and Stable Libya", Ban Ki Moon stressed, while also "particularly commend(ing) the leadership and determined courage of the People of Libya, led by (TNC) Chairman Jalil and also Prime Minister Jibril. I count on their Continuing Leadership", UNO's Head highlighted.

    - "Today, .... All agreed that, at this critical time, the whole international community must work Together and speak with One voice, with an effective and well-coordinated Programme of action", and "All agreed, as well, that the UN should Lead this campaign, unequivocally supported", observed from the outset UNO's Secretary General Ban Ki Moon. "Emphasizing" the "Importance of effective Coordination", he stressed that, "Working closely with the Libyan leadership, and with one another, we must keep confusion and duplication of effort to a minimum", so that "Time and financial resources must not be wasted".

    + In particular, the Paris International Conference gave "strong Support to the Proposals which the UN has put forward, in close consultation with the leadership of the NTC", according to  "well-advanced Plans now", that he anounced in the Concluding Press Conference, after "Discussions (which) have been very ambitious, Concrete and Wide-Ranging", as he said :       

         (1) "In terms of Substance, today's meeting focused principally on the Urgent needs and Priorities, presented by the leadership of the National Transitional Council, represented by its Chairman and Prime Minister here", that "the UN" is "moving Urgently to respond to", thanks also to the "strong support by the international community to provide, generously, Humanitarian assistance :".. - "Clearly, the most Immediate challenge.... is how to address Humanitarian" issues, given that, f.ex., "Roughly 860,000 People have left the country since February, including Skilled guest Workers", while also "Public Services are under severe strain, including Hospitals and Clinics, and there is a major Water shortage", so that "Medicine, Food, Fuel and Water, particularly, are in short supply - there is a major Crisis on this matter"; as he observed.

        (2) UNO "is also working closely with the Libyan leadership to identify their needs and priorities for the Longer-term Post-conflict phase" : Thus, "the NTC identified a number of Areas for such assistance, which I have reported to today's meeting. They range from transitional Justice, protection of Human Rights, and Policing to help in preparing Elections and Institution-building and Constitution-making"; UNO's Head added.

    Earlier, "the NTC had identified a number of Areas" which "include" : "1st, leading Inclusive Political Dialogue, to promote national Reconciliation, and determine the Constitution-making and Electoral process; 2nd, extending State Authority, including through strengthening emerging Accountable Institutions, and the Restoration of Public Services; 3rd, protecting Human Rights, particularly for Vulnerable groups, and support transitional Justice", (where "I am encouraged by reAssurances made Today by the NTC); 4rth, taking Immediate steps to initiate Economic Recovery; 5th, Coordinating support that may be requested from Other ..actors", according to "Priorities outlined" in a "Letter .. of August 30" by Ban Ki Moon, in view of Paris' International Conference of September 1st.

- "There are 3 Principles which will govern that Work", UNO's Head anounced :

    (A) First, National ownership. The Future destiny of Libya must firmly rest in the hands of the Libyan People. (See supra, on NTC).

    (B) "Second, Speed of response :  It is essential that the international community respond in the Moment of Need – Not Weeks or Months down the road". => "Time is of the essence", he warned.  "This (Paris') Meeting comes at a Crucial Moment". Therefore, "in the Days ahead, we will look to the (UN) Security Council for prompt action on a Mandate", Ban Ki Moon anounced. + "The UN will, then, deploy a Civilian Mission, as Rapidly as possible. Our Humanitarian Team is Already on the Ground in Tripoli. I have asked my Special Adviser for Post-Conflict Planning, Mr. Ian Martin, to travel to Tripoli Immediately .... to Accelerate our preparations for a UN Assistance Mission that reflects the needs and priorities of the Libyan People and Transitional Authorities".  "UN are Ready" :  "I intend to work closely with the (UN) Security Council in crafting a Mandate for a UN Mission, with the express aim of Beginning (UNO) Operations with Minimum Delay. And I count on Members of the Security Council to give us a mandate as Soon as possible".

    (C) "Our 3rd Principle: effective Coordination :... Once those needs are identified, we will have to act in Harmony and in a Coordinated manner to ensure effective, Collective action. Our most Important job will be to ensure that multilateral, regional and bilateral efforts are Complementary and correspond to Libyan Wishes. Our (UNO's) on-the-Ground Teams will work closely with the Country's Leadership to ensure that confusion is avoided and that there is No Duplication of effort, and that Time and Financial resources are Not Wasted. Last Friday, I also hosted a meeting of leading representatives of the African Union,the European Union, the League of Arab States and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. All agreed that, at this critical moment, the international community must come Together with an effective, well-Coordinated Program of action. All agreed, as well, that the United Nations should Lead that effort". Thus, "Preparations are well Underway, Led by my Special Advisor for Post-conflict Planning, Mr. Ian Martin", he noted.

    + Last but not least, UNO's Head "informed" participants that he "intend(s) to invite (them) all to a High Level Meeting on Libya at the 20th of September, on the sidelines of the 65th Session of UNO's General Assembly" at New York.  This meeting will give an opportunity for an Update on the situation, and to better focus our efforts in supporting New Libya and its Citizens", Ban Ki Moon anounced.
On deadly oppression in Syria :


    + Replying to a Lady Journalist (close to "EuroFora")'s Question on Syria, Sarkozy revealed that "We've spoken a lot, the (Libyan) Prime Minister, the Foreign Minister, Mr Cameron and myself. It's, unquestionably, something which should advance Faster, because there are People Dying in Syria, and the (Bashar Assad) Syrian Regime has crossed the limits of the Unacceptable", he denounced.

    - "But, a Democratic Libya, is a Chance for Tunisia, and, I think, also an Opportunity for the Syrian Opposition, which has also a Right to Freedom and Democracy", Sarkozy concluded, standing firm on already anounced Principles, (See previous, relevant "EuroFora"s NewsReport).

    + "Of course it's Frustrating that we can't yet get a Stronger Resolution on Syria", I would like us to get", because, "I think that what is happening in Syria is Appaling", denounced also Brittish Prime Minister Cameron.

    - "I think that the World must stand up to Speak out Clear and Loud. We need Tougher Sanctions, more Travel Bans, more Asset Freezes, (and) a Clear Message to the  (current Syrian, Baschar Assad) Regime that what it's doing is Unacceptable. And Britain and France and others will continue to press in the (UN) Security Council for a Resolution that we always want", Cameron stressed.
Visit prepared to Tripoli
    + Last but not least,. questioned about possible Visits by the International Coalition's Heads of State/Government, and particularly the two Key Conferences'  (March and September 2011) Host,  French President Sarkozy,  to Libya, NTC's Chairman Abdel Jibril revealed, at an Elysee Palace's Press Conference together with Sarkozy, Cameron and Qatar's Cheikh Al-Thani, that "there was a Project to Invite You at Benghazi, but, when we were going to conquer Tripoli, we've put this project aside, in order to really invite you, the Countries which supported our Revolution", as the Libyan Leader said.

    - "It's not a secret for anybody that Mr. Cameron and myself we have been Invited by our Friends of the NTC, either by the Chairman or the Prime Minister, since a Long Time ago", reminded in reply to this question French President Sarkozy. .

- But, "we think that it's very Important for the (NTC) Chairman and the Prime Minister to be established in Tripoli, (the Capital), if we Accept this Invitation, in order to welcome us there. Moreover, there are Security Conditions, which are in the process of being fullfiled", he observed.

- Because, "we have always, David Cameron and myself, struggled against any Partition of Libya. The Work done was for a Democratic and United Libya. And the Visit that we'd make in Benhgazi, where there were several opportunities, we thought that it might be a Bad Signal, a Signal of Partition, in fact, which might have led to think that, between the East and the West, between the North and the South of Libya, it would be Impossible to live Together. But; (on the contrary), we wanted to send precisely the Opposite Message : To Support the NTC in Tripoli, something which doesn't exclude other visits" too, "We've thought a lot about that", Sarkozy explained carefully but resolutely.

 - "So that, if, one Day, the opportunity exists to pay a visit to this Friendly Country, this Brother Country, it's with Pleasure that we'll respond. Then, if it's, moreover, in order to go there with the Company of David Cameron, I confirm you that there is no problem of principle, and even more if his Highness the Emir of Qatar wished to be equaly there : "Meet the Libyan Population would be, for us, an Honour and a Joy"; Sarkozy positively suggested.

-  Until now, however, "a(n official) Date has not been Fixed yet, for several reasons". But, "If a day comes, if we have an opportunity to meet these Arab Peoples, - for whom some were saying, since a long time, that when they get down to the Street, it would be only in order to support those who are the most Extremists, while, we see that in Tunisia it's not the case. In Egypt it's not the case. In Libya it's not the case - then, Yes, it would be a great Honor and a great Pleasure", the French President accepted the principle in reply.


(NB : This is just a Part of "EuroFora"s NewsReports from that exceptional event. For Other Topical Aspects of that event, see also our Other NewsReports, herewith).


(NDLR : DraftNews, as already sent earlier to "EuroFora"s Susbrcribers/Donors. A more accurate Final Version is due asap)

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     The High-Tech, brand new Crisis' management Center (CMC) inaugurated Wednesday by French Minister Bernard Kouchner, fits well EU's Humanitarian and Security-Defence aims, revealed a gathering of the largest Group of MEPs (EPP) organised in Paris these days, to prepare the debate on French EU Presidency's priorities (July - December 2008), that President Nicolas Sarkozy will present next week in EU Parliament in Strasbourg.

        Due to face a large spectrum of Crises : from Humanitarian (f.ex. Natural Catastrophes, evacuation of Civilians or rapatriation of expats, populations exposed to Hunger and/or risky Sanitary conditions, etc), to various consequencies of Terrorist threats, Armed conflicts, or of Peace-keeping operations, etc, and joining Geopolitics with Diplomacy, CMC is able to deal with urgencies in real time anywhere in the world, by concentrating qualified Experts and impressive High-Tech equipment (i.e. Giant Computer Screens working in parallel, Visio-conferences, Satellite connections, etc).




        Kouchner stressed that "Humanitarian and Political considerations can co-exist in real practice, if each one respects its independence", and, speaking to EuroFora, underlined his intention to have special representatives in "Strategic" locations, creating a "Network", open particularly to European cooperation.


        - "We must fill the gap in Europe's Civilian and Military capacities", declared earlier at Matignon, French Prime Minister Francois Fillon, while EU Commissioners met with their counterparts among French Ministers.

        This point was at the focus of European People Party's "'Study Days" in Paris, from 2 to 4 July 2008, entitled  : "For a Safer Europe", with a central Debate on EU's Security and Defence policies, where EU Parliament's President, German MEP Hans Gert Poettering, French Minister of Defence Herve Morin, and the Chairman of EU's Defence Committee, MEP Karl von Vogaw, spoke before meeting with Sarkozy, Wednesday afternoon.

    - "We need specifically European systems, including, f.ex. Satellite networks, etc", stressed the experienced Chairman Karl von Vogaw, speaking after the meeting with President Sarkozy to European Journalists from EuroNews, EuroPolitique and EuroFora.
    - And there where "European forces are already gathered, (f.ex. in Cyprus, Balkans, Lebanon, etc), if new operations started, I'd prefer to see them under European command in Future", he added, in reply to questions on how to overcome problems raised by a 3rd Countries as Turkey.

    Vogaw presented earlier, at EPP's plenary, a comprehensive Report on EU's Security and Defence policy, with a strong High-Tech component (including Satellites, UAV, protected Telecoms, Strategic Air and Sea Transports, Space assets, etc), sharp references to Political will and Historic necessities, while also stressing that EU must overcome the divide between Civilian and Military research and activities, making "a close cooperation between Civilian and Military means" a "specific" mark of Europe.

    The experienced Top MEP, after helping to build the "EuroZone", as a long-time Chairman of EU Parliament's Economic Committee, has recently started to chair a brand new "Security and Defence Committee", aiming to build European Defence, as the 2nd task of his life, as he told earlier to EuroFora.


     The Committee, chaired by Vogaw, will hear, next week in Strasbourg an Experts' view about on the French EU Chairmanship's priorities in ESDP on Wednesday, before President Sarkozy's plenary debate, exceptionally on Thursday.


2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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