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Geneva UN Cyprus Talks: EU Commissioner Fule to EuroFora as EU Parliament recalls Ankara obligations

Written by ACM
Wednesday, 06 July 2011

EU should and has the means to be Directly informed on the real outcome in the forthcoming Geneva UNO Top Political Talks on Cyprus' ReUnification, scheduled for Thursday, July 7, said EU Commissioner in charge of EU's Enlargement and Neighborhood policy, Stefan Füle, to "EuroFora", while EU Parliament  Votes on Wednesday a Resolution asking Turkey to "contribute" for a Solution on Cyprus "by fulfilling its Obligations".

EU Commissioner Fule also added to "EuroFora" that his "message" for the Geneva UN Top Meeting on Cyprus under the auspices of UNO's Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, (who will also addres there UNO's "ECOSOC" High-Level segment World Conference on the current developments in Global Economy, going on this same week), is "to Move Forward".

Meanwhile, a "Common Motion for Resolution" tabled in EU Parliament by the 3 Biggest Political Groups of MEPs, ChristianDemocrats/EPP, Socialists and Liberals, "on (EU) Commission's Work Programme for 2012", which is voted in Strasbourg at the Eve of the Geneva Top Level UNO meeting, stressed that MEPs "expect Turkey to contribute" for "the on-going Talks on Cyprus (to) lead to a Comprehensive Settlement", particularly "by Fulfilling its Obligations under the Ankara Protocol". 


I.e. by Stoping to Discriminate against any Ships or Airplanes coming from Cyprus nu Hindering them to pass also from Turkey's Seaports or Airports, obstructing free movement in violation of EU and International Rules, and in blatant disregard of the Explicit Commitment that Turkey officially undertook since 2004/2005 in order to Start Lucrative EU Talks which still continue to pay to Ankara's Authorities some 800 Millions € each Year in Grants from EU Taxpayers' Money, even after the 2009 Global Financial Crisis.

Fule explained to "EuroFora" that EU still uses as a means of Direct Information on UNO's activities on Cyprus Mr. Leopold Maurer, the current "Head of  EU Delegation in Montenegro", that EU Commission's President, Jose Barroso, has officially appointed as his "Personal Representative" to the Good Offices Mission of the UN on Cyprus, since October 2009.

But he didn't elaborate on EU Council's, i.e. on EU Heads of State and Government's, Top Political body's current possibility, or not, to have a Direct contact with the UN Cyprus process since the Entry into force of the New EU Lisbon Treaty, since December 2009, which created the New EU Top Jobs of EU President, Van Rompoy, and EU High Representative Baroness Cathy Ashton, placed at the Head of a brand new, 6.000 Diplomats' strong;  EU External Action Service (EAS), a kind of Super EU Foreign Ministry, which has just been set up, more recently, between 2010 and 2011, ready to start doing its new job...


It would be a Paradox, indeed, if EU Council (i.e. 27 EU Countries' Heads of State/Government united all together) despite the creation of the brand new EAS, of the High Representative for External Action, etc., didn't have the means to be present and directly informed on such an important UNO activity, led by its Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon, personally, on such a crucial Issue for an EU Member, Cyprus, and an EU Candidate, Turkey, which notoriously affects also a long series of EU Rules, Basic Principles, Programs, etc., from traditional EU Economy up to EU Lisbon Treaty's "Charter of (Human) Rights", which has just entered into force after December 2009.

A fortiori during the current Germany's rotating chair of UNO's Security Council on July 2011...

 It's well known that EU Council had previously apointed an Official Representative to directly follow UNO's Cyprus Talks, already as early as since the 1997 Irish EU Presidency, f.ex. during the Montreux/Glyon UN sponsored Top Level meetings on Cyprus, (See "EuroFora" co-Founder's NewsReport, with exclusive Statements by the EU Council's Envoy, an experiened long-time Ambassador, that we published then in the English language Cyprus' "Weekly" Newspaper from Montreux/Glyon on the spot).

On the contrary, the Lack of any EU Representative during the 2004 UN Cyprus Talks at Burgenstock (Switzerland), i.e. with the sole exception of a 1 Hour, Brief Helicopter Visit by former and controversial EU Commissioner Verheugen, (a German Socialist currently employed by .. Turkey's Export Business !), notoriously didn't help to arrange things properly.

But now, while approaches Cyprus' turn to start Chairing EU Council in less than 1 Year time from now, (July-December 2012), as the present Polish EU Presidency topically observed Today in EU Parliament, with Statements by Polish Minister for EU Affairs, Mikołaj Dowgielewicz, who anounced a "Trio : Poland - Denmark - Cyprus"'' Agreement on the Methodology for Crucial, "Hot" Negotiations among the 27 EU Member States on EU's 2013-2020 Financial Perspectives, Turkey, after having kept its Military Ocupation Troops in Cyprus' Northern part for more than 35 Years, suddenly; appears anxious to either push to a superficial; shaky Deal, along the lines of Ankara's traditional interests, or to claim that it would be impossible to find a solution, risking to provoke a Deadlock by hasty moves.

But what Cyprus' President, Dimitris Christofias, who is holding talks with the Leader of the Turkish Cypriot Community, Dervis Eroglu, reportedly trold EU Commission's President Jose Barroso, when they recently met in Brussels, is that the Turkish Government doesn't seem yet to realize that the easiest and shortest way to a Solution of Cyprus' issue would simply pass through a closer view to UNO Security Council Resolutions, EU basic Rules, and Human Rights' principles.



(NDLR : DraftNews, as already sent earlier to "EuroFora"s Subscribers/Donors. A complete, more accurate Final, Public Version is due asap)


EPP vicePresident Kool to EuroFora: Determined on EU Economic Governance for Growth without Fraud

Written by ACM
Tuesday, 05 July 2011


EU Parliament's biggest Political Group, that of ChristianDemocrats/EPP, is "Determined" to vote soon the EU Economic Governance legislative pack, its vice-President, Dutch MEP Mrs Corien Wortman-Kool stressed in Reply to an "EuroFora" Question at the Press Conference of the EPP during EU Parliament's Plenary Session which debated the hand-over of the Hungarian to the Polish EU Presidency, both of which underlined the urgent need to rapidly set up this New EU Mechanism due to avoid Errors of the Past (as that which had been committed, a long time ago, f.ex. in Greece, etc), and Guarantee a Solid Future for EU Economy, particulary at a crucial period for Strategic decisions on the road Ouit of the Global Crisis, (Comp. aso relevant "EuroFora"s NewsReport dated Monday, 4 July 4).

 - "EuroFora" reminded that, "concerning the Economic Governance mechanism, that you highlighted, as it was said both by outgoing EU Chairman, Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban earlier today, and also by incoming Polish EU Chairman in office, Polish Finance Minister Rostowski yesterday (See Rostowski's statements to "EuroFora", already published previously), one of the Advantages of this Mechanism is to be able to Avoid, and to Saveguard the EU from Errors as that which were notoriously committed in the Past, f.ex. when some ("Socialist") former Governments in Greece had falsified Statistics (in 1998-2002, so as to enter earlier in €uroZone, before/without doing previously the necessary Reforms, in exchange of Turkey's controversial and unpopular EU bid : See relevant "EuroFora"s publications),  which didn't reflect the Real Situation of what had happened during the 1980ies and 1990ies, i.e. Before €uro's creation".


- "But now we have that delay". "at the moment when, as it was said, (by the Polish incoming EU Chairman in office, Finance Minister, Professor Rostowski; See previous "EuroFora''s NewsReport) we are at a Crucial, Strategic Period, on the Road Out of the Global Crisis, when Investors decide where they might invest for the Future Years, while Trust is something important for this, concerning also the Growth objective, which is No 1 Priority of the (incoming) Polish EU Presidency" (July-December 2011),


=> In consequence, "don't you think that, if this Delay was extended even further to September 2011, because of some Contradictions by certain Politicl Groups, (mainly "Socialists", but also, in another way, Liberals, etc), then, it would Risk to Undermine the Pötential for Growth that EU has at this Strategic moment, so that a Timely Solution is absolutely necessary ?", "EuroFora" asked.


 - "They "Cooked" the Books. They lied", and they brought the Country to a (Financial) Disaster !", strongly denounced, earlier Today, the out-going EU Chairman, Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban, speaking to Journalists in Strasbourg, including "EuroFora", when he Criticized some former "Sociaist" Governments in Hungary's Past.

- "Remember : We (Hungary) were the 1rst to have a Financial Breakdown, back on 2008, i.e. Before Greece, but few People spoke about that, because we weren't yet Members of €uroZone", he reminded. Thus, "we had to take Measures to Redress the Situation and the Credibility of our Country", the New Prime Minister of Hungary noted.


    - "You Rightly stated that there are Important Improvements in the Package based on proposals by (EU Member) States, which relate to Independent Statistics"; agreed from the outset with "EuroFora" the experienced vice-President of the ChristianDemocrat/EPP Group, Dutch MEP Mrs Corien Wortman - Kool.

    + "But also Independent, proper Budget Planning, and this makes it Better also for (EU) Member States' National Parliaments to get a really Clear Picture about where it stands : A Government can No longer Cheat with this", vive-President Kool pointed out.

     - "It's also Important in order to sent the Right Figures to Brussels" about National Economies, "and, if there is Fraud on Statistics, there will be Sanctions, based on Proposals of the (EU) Parliament", she observed for the New Mechanism.

    + "At the same time, we have Broadened the package : It's not only about Fiscal Discipline, but also about the Growth and Jobs' strategy : This has to be an Integrated Surveillance, because you cannot achieve Growth, if you haven't solved your Debt probems, (but) on the other hand, but, on the other hand, if we don't get our (EU's) 2020 Strategy really Seriously, based on the Community Method, with Real Commitments, then, we cannot improve the Competitiveness of the EU, vis a vis other parts of the World", EPP's v.President noted,


(apparently pointing, indirectly, also to a main point in Greece's main Opposition Party's Leader, Samaras' recent Criticism in Brussels on what he finds insufficient or unbalanced in a Financial Deal negotiated by the current "Socialist" Government of G. Papandreou).

=> - "So, indeed, EPP is Determined to take care of the 98% of the (Legislative) Packet that we achieved, that we Build further on this, and .. it's 2% yet to Solve, it is Difficult to do so, but we are Convinced that we Can do so, and we shall do Everything possible, because we have to Vote", the vice-President of the Biggest EU Parliament's Political Group of MEPs promissed, in Reply to "EuroFora"s Question.

 - "We (EPP) wanted to Vote on July. It's not our (EPP's) Responsibility for the Postponement of the Vote Now. But there are Others ("Socialists" and/or Liberals, etc) who asked for that. We wanted to have a Vote this week" in Strasbourg, "but it is, indeed, postponed. However, we shall do everything to find an Agreement on September", she promissed.

- "And I listened very carefuly, both to (EU Council's) President Van Rompoy, last week, and to (EU Commission's) President Baroso this week".

- But "we count both on the Council and on the Parliament to find an Agreement", she concluded, apparently pointing at a kind of compromise on the sensitive issue of several MEPs insistance on some Automaticity of the Sanctions scheduled in case of financial rules' violation : Something which, notoriously, has not yet convinced the entire EU Council...


(NDLR: DraftNews, as already sent to "EuroFora"s Subscribers/Donors. A complete and more accurate Final Version is due asap.)


EU Cohesion Rapporteur Dr Pieper to EuroFora: Turkey entry would have Extremely Severe Effects

Written by ACM
Tuesday, 05 July 2011


EU Parliament's Cohesion Rapporteur for the 2013-2023 Strategy, vice-President of Regional Committee, German ChristianDemocrat/EPP MEP, Dr. Markus Pieper, whose Report was adopted Today by a lage Majority of 506 against only 48 Votes, replying to "EuroFora"s Questions, warned that Turkey's controversial and unpopular EU bid, in fact, threatens not only EU's Cultural/Historic Identity, as well as Human Rights and Democracy standards, but also its Economic Cohesion, risking to have "Extremely" adverse effects against many EU Member Countries, including even the incoming EU Chair, Poland :


- "EuroFora" asked EU's Cohesion Rapporteur, during his Press Conference at EU Parliament in Strasbourg, if he was well aware of the Fact that, "in the Past, were expressed some Concerns, a long time ago, as it regards EU Cohesion, warning that, if we had big Enlargements, not Small, but really Big ones, then, EU's Structural policy should be adjusted. F.ex. Turkey, regardless of the well known Controversy, but taken as an Hypothesis, could it be Compatible with what you advise for EU's Cohesion policy in the Future ?"


- Referring to "EuroFora"s "Question about EU Enlargement and EU Structural Funds", Dr. Pieper pointed at "the Draft Calculations about what it would Cost ..if Turkey joined the EU", as he speculated.

- On these Hypothesis, "as (EU Cohesion) Rapporteur, I came to the Conclusion that, under the Current Rules, we (EU) could Not Integrate such a large (and comparatively Underdeveloped) Country as Turkey !", Dr. Markus Pieper anounced.

>>> - Because, otherwise, "we (EU) would be sending out some 120 Billions € to (only) 1 Country, under Today's Rules", EU Cohesion Rapporteur revealed.

Indeed, inter alia, also a recent 2011 Study on "EU's Structural Funds for the Period 2007-2013; in relation to Turkey and Croatia", by Professor Untiedt, found that "if Support were given at a rate equivalent to new Member States as a proportion of GDP, the Additional Financial Requirement, would be 9,3 Billions € for Croatia' and 99,8 Billions € for Turkey's share"; while, "on the assumption that (they) .. receive support ...at the same average Per Capita level (i.e. according to their respective Population), the .. Financial Requirement would be 7,6 Billions € for Croatia and 124,9 Billions € for Turkey's share" !


=> - "And this would have an Extreme Effect on Eastern and Southern Europe, i.e. those Regions which receive a lot of (EU Structural Funds') support now, ... if we (EU) had the same Rules as now", he denounced, i.e. warning even the incoming EU chair, Poland, that it risks to lose precious for it EU Structural Funds' support, if Ankara and Diyarbakir compete Warsaw in the Future...  

In other words, if Turkey acceded into the EU, this would provoke "Extremely Severe Financial Consequences for Cohesion Policy", and "EU's Capacity to Absorb  New Members would, on the basis of these Figures, be Severely Overstreched", as denounced also an Amendment tabled on Markus Pieper's Report, (which wasn't yet submitted to MEP's votes for unclear Technical reasons in a last minute move by EU Parliament's Secretariat).
=> - "And, that's why, in the Draft Report I also Suggested that the Preaccession Instruments should be used in such a way that we do Not have a "One-Way-Street" towards (EU) Membership",  the EU Cohesion Rapporteur stressed in his Reply to "EuroFora"s question.

>>> "We (EU) have to Move Towards Gradual Approaches, Various, Specific Types of (EU) Memberships", etc, he advised

- This goes "if you Calculate the Effect, the Uptake Capacity of the EU, and we should always bear that in mlind", EU Cohesion Rapporteur stressed, obviously referring to EU Council's well-known Decisions since 2006 to add an "Absorption/Integration capacity" Condition for any eventual EU Enlargement.

=> "In other words, ...we (EU) canNot accept Full Membership (of Turkey) in a few years time, not alone because, in terms of Structural Funds, it would Not work !", Dr. Markus Pieper concluded, pointing at one reason more for the EU to avoid Turkey's controversial and unpopular EU bid.  

The adopted Resolution on Dr. Markus Pieper's Report, "stresses the Relevance of EU Enlargement Process for (EU) Cohesion", and "calls on (EU) Commission to Identify the Problems in the current functioning of the Preaccession Assistance Instrument (IPA)", and "recalls (that) the Original Aims of the IPA (were) in particular (to) finance Capacity and Institution Building and (to) support Candidate Countries for Full Implementation of the (European) Community's Acquis (only)  at the Time of Accession", and not before that, i.e. clearly distinguishing between these two Differend Stages and Realities.


. The 2013-2020 Multi-Annual Financial framework is a "most mportant and most Challenging task", Polish Minister for EU affairs, Mikołaj  ² Dowgielewicz, told MEPs. Poland will open the Debates on EU's Financial Perspectives with an "Enlightenement Phase", proposing, particularly, a September 2011 Conference with "Transparency", and developments towards Final Decisions will follow a 18 Months RoadMap, in close "Cooperation" with EU Parliament, according to the Method agreedy by the "Trio" of the next 3 EU Presidencies, i.e. together also with Denmark and Cyprus (July 2011 - December 2012).


Other sources from the incoming Polish EU Presidency, corroborating previous input from experienced German MEPs, speaking both recently to "EuroFora", indicated that, after an initial shaping of the flow of EU Debates during the Polish EU Presidency (See relevant Replies of Polish Foreign Miniser Sikorsky to "EuroFora"s Questions, alreadey send previously), the 2013-2020 Financial Perspectives could be agreed towards the "end of 2012", i.e. probably during  the July-Devember 2012 EU Presidency by Cyprus.

- "EU Cohesion is very Important, because without it, EU Solidadity cannot exist, and, wihout Solidarity, European Union is impossible", meanwhile stressed, as a matter of General Principle, EU Commission's President, Jose Barroso, in EU Parliament's debates on the Financial Perspectives 2013-2020.

- "Cohesion policy", is also one of the most important focuses persistently highlighted in Strasbourg earlier by EU Commissioner on Budgets, Lewandowski from Poland, the incoming EU Chair.          



(NDLR : DraftNews, as already sent earlier to "EuroFora"s Subscribers/Donors. A complete, more accurate Final, Public Version is due asap)



EU Finance Chair Polish Minister Rostowski to EuroFora on €uro-Tools v. problems of the Past (Greece

Written by ACM
Monday, 04 July 2011

Incoming EU Chairman-in-office on Economy (6-12/2011), experienced Polish Finance Minister, Professor Jacek Rostowski, speaking to "EuroFora", stressed that, efficient fight against False Statistics, (as those which had allowed an earlier than normal €uroZone entry for Greece in exchange of Turkey's controversial/unpopular EU bid), made even more necessary to conclude the final adoption of a "Well-Designed" New Economic Governance legislative pack, but that EU's efficiency also implied some further Measures, not only of Preventive, but also of Reactive nature, in order to definitively Strengthen €uroZone as is required, particularly at this Crucial point of time, when Investors seek Trust for the next Years after the Global Crisis, while Worldwide Competition for "Growth" meets Polish Presidency's No 1 Priority.

 + The move came shortly after Polish Minister for EU affairs, Mikolaj Dowgielewicz, speaking earlier to EU Parliament's Constitutional Committee in Strasbourg, stressed that "it's Essential, today, to show to all Europeans that, by using the EU Construction, we can make our Society Better, and address present Challenges", warning that "Times are not easy", because the recent Global "Crisis made the EU idea less popular than before", as he said.     


- That's why "we (EU) are trying Now to Rectify many Mistakes made in the Past", the key Polish Minister stressed, topically using a Similar Wording to that of French President Sarkozy's recent Statement in the latest EU Summit in Brussels that "we (EU) haven't finished paying for too hasty EU and €uroZone Enlargements witghout due prepation", (See "EuroFora"s earlier NewsReports from the spot), surprisingly close to "EuroFora"s critical analysis of the main aspects of the Debt Crisis provoked in Greece, as a consequence of a 1999-2001 cover-up of a careless Clientelism/Nepotism which had massively hired too many pals mainly of former "Socialist" Governments during the 1980ies and 1990ies in counter-productive but cushy jobs at the Public Sector.

Subsequently, Rostowski spoke to "EuroFora" after holding a landmark Debate with MEPs in EU Parliament's Economic and Monetary Committee, chaired by the very active British Liberal MEP Sharon Bowles, of the New Cameron-Clegg  Governing Majority Coalition, (PHOTO), which was, as she said to "EuroFora", going  to continue working even after the end of MEP's Debate with the Polish Chairman-in-office after 9 p.m....


 - "You said (in EU Parliament's Economic/Monetary Committee) that you hope that the Economic Governance Mecanism should be further strengthened in the future. What exactly do you think that it should be done more, in order to avoid situations like (that which was provoked) in Greece, before they risk to approach bankruptcy threats ? May be something in order to prevent False Statistics, as in the 1999-2001 period (which had notoriously hidden a Big Debt provoked since the 1980ies and 1990ies by former "Socialist" Governments' Clientelism and Nepotism) ?", "EuroFora" asked Rostowski.  

This obviously referred to the Politico-Financial Deal, brokered by several former "Socialist" Governments then, on Greece's Earlier than normal €uroZone entry, even before necessary Reforms, in exchange of closing its eyes on Turkey's controversial and unpopular EU bid, (See relevant "EuroFora"s previous Publications), which provoked both an Institutional Blockade (with the 2005-2007 "No" to EuroReferenda in 3 EU Countries) and a Financial Crisis (with a big Debt in Greece, exploited by Speculators) in the EU.

- "I think that, before any bankkruptcy might be threatened, for Dealing with the Problems of the Past, we (EU) have Strong Sanctions, right now, which have been introduced by EU Governments, and I think that this is Suitable and has been Accepted by the (EU) Council, and, I think, soon also by MEPs. But, generally, I think that the 6-Package (also known as "€uro-Plus") is Well-Designed  to Prevent the Same kind of Crisis from occuring", Rostowski ensured in reply.

- "But, you know, (Financial) Crisis are, a little-bit, like other unfortunate incidents :  They are Never the Same !", the experienced Polish Finance Minister and Economy Professor, incoming ECOFIN Chairman warned.     

=> "Therefore, we (EU) need Additional Mechanisms (particularly in order) to help us Deal with Crisis once they happen", he pointed out

- "Because, I think, this is more where whe (EU) have a Lack, more than in the Preventive aspects of the Economic Governance package. That, I think, is Well-Designed", Rostowski concluded in his reply to "EuroFora"s question.

 In other words, EU has managed to build good and safe Architecturaly designed Buildings. It has even prepared well-equiped Hospitals, to take care of Victims in case of accidents.  But it still lacks .. Fire-Fighters, able to act swiftly and efficiently in any case of eventual emergency, before it becomes nasty, according to the competent Polish Minister's analysis.

I.e., for Rostowksi, considering also what he said earlier to MEPs (See infra), EU currently needs both to finally adopt the ready Economic Governance and 6-pack Mechanisms, as well as to add, the soonest, a kind of "Bank Crisis Resolution Mechanism", as he explained.
    The point has a big topical Importance, because the Economic Governance package, still pending for agreement between EU Parliament and EU Council, includes Tools needed by €uroZone in order to be sure to prevent any new Debt Crisis as that which has hit Greece, from occuring anew in the Future, particularly by excluding any eventual False Statistics, as that which allowed Greece to enter earlier than normal in €uroZone, in exchange of accepting Turkey's controversial and unpopular EU bid, as an EU Parliament Spokesman's reply to "EuroFora"s questions made it clear, earlier this day ;


    - "EuroFora" asked, during EU Parliament's Press Briefing for the July Plenary Session in Strasbourg this week, if MEPs, who were discussing now Swaps, had also dealt with how to avoid repetitions of the notorious USA Goldman Sachs' 1999-2001 Swaps to a former "Socialist" Government in Greece which had largely hidden a growing Debt resulting from the 1980ies - 1990ies, i.e. before €uro's creation, as an Investigative Hearing in Brussels had illustrated last year (See relevant "EuroFora"s NewsReport from 2010).                                 


 - "That's the Strategy of the New Economic Governance legislative package, which includes Measures against Manipulation of Statistics", the EU Parliament's Spokesman replied to "EuroFora"s question.

    + Meanwhile, EU Parliament is also dealing, this week in Strasbourg, with "a Different Srategy" on Swaps and other Derivatives, aiming mainly to useFinancial Markets Supervision to prevent Speculation as that which had occured in the USA on Hedge Funds leading at the 2008/2009 Global Crisis, he added.
    - But, EPP Coordinator, mainstream French MEP Gauzes denounced Disagreements of the Socialist Group vis a vis the ChristianDemocrats/EPP, as the cause for EU Parliament's current "problems" to adopt the "Economic Governance" package, adding that he doesn't understand Liberal Group's stance, which, according to him, should help the EPP to ensure the soonest the adoption of the package as it is, overcoming the Socialist obstacle.


    - In this regard, Rostowski warned MEPs that the Polish Presidency wants to be sure to avoid "another Slow-Down" of the Economy, and for that purpose, EU "needs for the (Economic Governance and €uro-Plus) packages to be adopted" asap.

    - "The (recent Global 2008-2009) Crisis revealed Flaws in (the Past) EU Construction, and this (Economic Governance) Package is destinated to Repair most of these Flaws" of the Past, he observed, (apparently including also the Greco-Turkish Politico-Financial 1999-2001 Deal with several Former "Socialist" EU Governments, whose obviously Catastrophic Consequences surfaced during the Global Crisis)...

    The incoming ECOFIN Chairman regretted that "we have Divisions", as inside EU Parliament, also between EU Council Member States, and warned all involved that Time might be short, because, as we saw f.ex. in the case of Ireland, a State whose Fiscal situation was Good on 2004-2006, suddenly deteriorated because of certain other events.

    The Polish Minister said that he had really expected from the outgoing, previous Hungarian EU Presidency (Jan.-June 2011) to have wraped it up, and regrets that both EU Parliament and EU Council had to postpone their Votes (on June), but hopes that MEPs will help to find a Solution asap.

    - "It's important not to allow this to Drift Endlessly, also because the situation in the Real Economy is not improving as it was earlier, and I have the Feeling that it's Uncertainty which could drive Business :

    >>>  Because, Worldwide, "we have reached Now a Point of Time, when Businesses must take Decisions on strategic Investments for many years, and there, Confidence is Key", Rostowksi warned Europe, in relation with American and other Competitions in this Crucial Period of the Road Out of Crisis.

    + Moreover, "Crisis in €uroZone's periphery are an important issue, but nothing is more important than a Bank-Crisis Resolution Mechanism : We (EU) have to have a Tool" for that purpose, in order to be able to act "before Sates reach Bankruptcy threats". Even if it might be too soon in 6 Months time of Polish EU Chairmanship, "at least we'd better Start Thinking about it Seriously", Rostowski stressed.

    ++ In fact, there are "so Many Things that we have to put together", for which there is not just one brief answer, and it's not even the responsibility of Poland's rotating EU Chairmanship, but rather of EU Commission and of EU Council "as a whole". However,  "we are Ready to get grasp" with it", even if I don't have yet a ready Answer, because "we identified the Right Questions, but we don't yet have Ready Answers on a Shelf", as he admitted.

    => In particular, pressed by several MEPs to furher explain what he had reportedly declared, elsewhere recently, about the need to work out also "Growth" in EU Adjustment Programs imposed to Countries facing problems like Greece, etc., (according also to the Polish EU Presidency's 1st Priority to boost "Growth" throughout the EU), Rostowski stressed even further this additional, topical point,

 (which meets, f.ex., at least part of Greek main Opposition ChristianDemocat/EPP "New Democracy" Party Leader Samaras' principal objections to the deal negotiated previously by "Socialist" Party leader, Prime Minister Papandreou, as he reportedly told EPP Leaders a few Days ago in Brussels : See "EuroFora"s NewsReport from the EPP Summit)  :

    - "I said that we (EU) need a Change of Philosophy, already since 1 Year ago", Rostowski stressed, "because Talks initially were only about Fiscal situations and Debt, etc, while it's only during Last Year (2010) that we (EU) started to speak also about "Structural Reforms", "Privatizations", etc., because we realized that we should start working also on the Denominator (GDP) and not only on the Nominator (Debt) in order to have a real chance to succeed to sort out the Equation, he noted.

    - "We (also) need to make sure that a(n Adjustment) Program can be "Wonderful", not only on paper, but even "if Assumptions turn out to be wrong". I.e.,
"we (EU) have to be Creative, work both on Debt and on GDP, while also being Realistic" : That's what I said, and I stand by that", Rostowski replied to MEP's questions, (while also apparently brushing aside mainstream MEP Gauzes' warning not to play too much with so-called "Growths based on Nenuphars")...

    This is due to stimulate also Poland's own will to do everything necessary in order to become able to enter €uroZone the soonest possible, particularly when it will have all the necessary Tools ready, he added in reply to a Swedish MEP who expressed himself too the hope for a new attempt to extend €uroZone throughout all the Baltic Sea EU Countries

    Therefore, the Polish EU Presidency "will do every effot to proceed in all fronts" and ensure final agreements, he promissed, but asked MEPs to help to be able to know on time that, when we'll present an EU Council position for a deal with EU Parliament, we shall "have a Real Chance", as he said, so that things would advance smoothly, without unpredictable reluctance from some MEPs, (comp. Supra).  


(NDLR : DraftNews, as already send earlier to "EuroFora"s Subscribers/Donors. A more complete and accurate, Final Public Version is due asap).


Top French Minister Gueant to EuroFora: Identity,Values,Integration,Future focus in EU 2012-14 Votes

Written by ACM
Sunday, 03 July 2011


*Brumath/Angelo Marcopolo/- Experienced former Secretary General of Presidential palace Elysee, and succesful Director of the winning 2007 Electoral campaign of French President Sarkozy, current Interior and Local Authorities' Minister, Claude Gueant, speaking to "EuroFora", confirmed that the issues of Identity, Values, Culture/History, internal Cohesion and Future role in the World, will be at the focus both during next year's 2012 Elections in France and in all Europe, which has important similar Electoral Rendez-vous immediately afterwards, f.ex. with the 2013 German and the 2014 EU Parliament's Elections, (held by a Symbolic coincidence, the same year with that of Strasbourg-City)...


Sarkozy faithful, Gueant's move comes as a concrete application of recent Top Level Statements against some old and controversial "Multi-Culti" approaches of recent Past years, accused to hinder Integration, but provoke, instead, "Parallel Societies" with Different Communities living Separate in a kind of Cultural AppartHeid, as it was denounced both by German Chancellor Angie Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy, as well as by New British Prime Minister David Cameron, and other EU Leaders, subsequently endorsed even by CoE Assembly's Votes (See relevant "EuroFora"'s previous NewsReport).

Topically, the Key French Minister was speaking near Strasbourg, at the eve of next week's EU Parliament's Plenary Session, during which, are due to debate with MEPs  both out-going EU Chairman (for January-June 2011) Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban, who has recently prepared a New Constitution where Historic and Cultural Identity, including of Christian roots, is strongly stressed, and subsequently endorsed, (under certain, already fulfilled, conditions), even by CoE's Venice Commission of Top Jurists on Constitutional Law, as its Director, Thomas Markert confirmed in reply to "EuroFora"s questions last Month, (See relevant previous NewsReport, already sent to "EuroFora"s Subscribers/Donors), and in-coming EU Chairman (for July-December 2011) Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, whose country is famous both for its Human Rights and Democracy struggles against Nazism as well as with Solidarnosk, and for its Christian millenary culture, including naturally the popular, late Pope John-Paul II, close personal friend and collaborator of which was also the current Pope Benedict XVI, who has just decided to start an astonishingly Popular Beatification process in Rome, to judge just by the Endless Flux of People spontaneously coming in great numbers to pay homage to his relics 24/24h. during many Days after a special International event at the Vatican on May 1st, with "live" participation through Internet from all Continents of the World, attended by many Heads of State/Government from Europe and Worldwide, final Decsisions having been scheduled for October 2011, i.e. in the middle of the Polish EU Chairmanship.


- Carefully, the French key Minister made it clear that "the Choices of Religious Beliefs" made by all People must naturally be always free and respected. But he also stressed, in his 1st Political Speech in Public, addressed to a meeting organized by the Governing Majority's UMP Party (UMP) in Strasbourg's Region Alsace, together with its recently elected President and new Minister for Territorial entities Philippe Richert, and several MPs, that, "as our Neighbours, in Germany, the British in the UK, or the Americans in the USA, are often Proud to speak about their Culture, History and Future of their way of life", we should do alike for France and Europe.
 - "EuroFora" asked Gueant "if the struggle for Identity, Values and Future" that he had just highlighted as a Focus for France's 2012 (Presidential and Parliamentary) Elections, would concern not just France but also all the E.U., as President Sarkozy had initially asked, (since his landmark 2007 double electoral win, as well as shortly afterwards, during one of his visits to EU Parliament in Strasbourg) ?


 - "Yes, of course, certainly !", Gueant clearly stressed in a positive reply.

+ He also agreed, earlier, that such moves would practically mean to "renovate 2007's and 2009's Vitality", as "EuroFora" reminded him, obviously pointing to Sarkozy's succesful National Electoral Campaign whose main points included a Political Europe with an Identity to which EU Citizens can adhere, something which notoriously guaranteed also that Turkey's controversial and unpopular EU bid would be droped, as it was also, mutatis-mutandis,  reiterated in German Chancellor Merkel's 9/2009 National Elections, soon after a succesful joint Sarkozy-Merkel launch in Berlin of EU Parliament's 6/2009 Election, with a similar appeal.
 - "Without any doubt, in our (2012) Debates, one of our concerns is going to be Europe's Future", confirmed, referring earlier to President Sarkozy's commitments and action on this same point, also Philippe Richert, New Minister for Territorial entities and experienced President of Strasbourg's Region Alsace. Richert had already stressed, recently, speaking to Journalists including "EuroFora" at EU Parliament in Strasbourg together with former Mnister for EU Affairs Alain Wauquiez (at present new Minister for Scientific Research and Universities), that the very Meaning of EU Parliament's presence in Strasbourg was to serve as a Symbol for the struggle for a Political Europe with a Cultural Identity, based on Historic Reconciliation as between France and Germany, and East-West ReUnification, respectful of Human Rights' values and open to EU Citizens.

Europe's capacity to succesfully play a role in the World is now recognized, as, f.ex. in the case of the fight against the Global Economic and Financial Crise, or when it stopped the Russian-Georgian War from escalading, etc., as he reminded, pointing at some among several succesful EU actions to which actively contributed French President Sarkozy in agreement with his EU partners.
- Our vision for France and Europe  "is not just that of an Assembly of Groups without any Common Identity nor Future", Gueant criticized.

- On the contrary, "I firmly believe that a .. Community cannot exist and project itself on the Future but only from the point that what divides and differentiates us becomes less important than what unites us all together".

 - Because, an area "where People have nothing in common, don't share anything, don't project themselves together into a common Future, but each Group and Category evolves in Parallel to others,  until they lose even the meaning of General Interest, has a Cloudy, Dark Future", he warned.

 - But, "this is not our way to live Politics", Gueant stressed, largely applauded.

- "That kind of France", as well as of Europe, "that we want, cannot be reduced just in the Accumulation of Social and Economic Rights, of Public Services, etc. These Rights and Publc Sevices are also part of our Heritage, to which we naturally want to remain Faithfull".

- But, "fist of all, be French" or European, "is share the same History, the same Values, the same Way of life". And "what we want to do is to transmit, Tomorrow, these Values and Way of Life to our Children", Gueant underlined, applauded.

=> "In this regard, the 2012 Vote will have an Essential Importance, because it will be a Vote on Values. It will be a Vote of Civilisation. It will commit our Identity and our relation to the (rest of) the World", President Sarkozy's closest counsellor, and current key Minister, firmly anounced.

>>> - "It will be the Choice of what we want for France" and Europe "to be Tomorrow", Gueant concluded on this point, obviously referring to President Sarkozy's famous call to start debating "Europe's Future", (comp. relevant "EuroFora"s Publications since 2007-2010).
    - Another 'Value which marks profoundly our Difference in Today's Political Debates, is a "Serious Issue", about which, nevertheless, nobody speaks openly, even if People often think  about it, and that's precisely related to the meaning of Values

    Each one of us has, unfortunately, had an experience, either in his personal life, or by watching the TV :

    - When we see, f.ex., parents aggress Violently some Teachers because they didn't like the way they spoke to their sons, (as, f.ex., it happened recently in Strasbourg with a Turkish origin "Socialist" Municipal Counselor, in charge of Local "Security", who reportedly supported another Turkish compatriot of his, even when he Brutally aggressed, repeatedly Hitting his Head with his Fists, and throwing down a Teacher who dared expulse for a few Days his son for inappropriate behavior). Or People being accused of so-called "Discrimination" just for saying that, after so many "Uncontrolled Immigration, People sometimes end up without recognizing their own country", as he observed, applauded.             

    But, Sometimes, there are certain Behaviors which have no place in our Society, not because their Authors might not be French Citizens, but simply because they are incompatible with out basic Views on the Society, Womens' role, etc.:  As, f.ex. when someone prohibits to his Wife to get out of the House, or to Speak without his Authorization, while another even refuses to greet a Public Agent because it's a woman, etc. We can't accept that. Our Common Rules must be Respected.                 
 - "The Years 1980 were those of the establishment of "Multi-Culturalism", mainly by former "Socialst" Governments, in several EU Countries, (such as France, Germany, the UK, Italy, Spain, Greece, etc).

- "Some were concerned much more for the Entry and the Identity of Immigrants, than for the Identity of their Host Country !", he denounced, applauded. "Assimilation" was stigmatized, and some started to speak about a "Right to be Differend", etc.

=> "Thus, we arrived at a great Paradox :"

"While, previously, the Republican State had asked from the 1st waves of Immigrants coming from Italy, Polland, Spain, Portugal, etc., i.e. (European) Countries with which we (France) shared, nevertheless, many common values and a similar Culture,

on the Contrary, we didn't have similar Requirements with those who arrived more Recently, from Countries whose Culture and Way of Life was very much Differend from ours", Gueant denounced.

- "A few Months ago, when I spoke about "Assimilation" in a TV, after seeing some Reactions in the Medias, I had the impression that I had pronounced a Bad Word", he ironized.

- "But, now, I persist and sign  : I say that a Stranger who comes to live in France must be really Integrated, i.e. Respect our Laws, Adapt to our Way of Life, Speak French Language, (etc)

- "And, if he wants to establish himself Permanently in our Country, and particularly if he wants to acceed to the French Nationality, he must not only be Integrated, but really Assimilated : I.e. adhere totally, and without any reserve, to our Values, and fully enter in our Community of Life and Community of Destiny", Gueant added, largely applauded.

This reminds an authentic event described by an Alsace Media : When the issue of helping them to overcome obvious Cultural Integration Problems was raised with a Turkish Community near Mulhouse, their reaction reportedly was to claim with anger that they didn't need any help since they already "had got the(ir) Nationality) Papers" !...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
=> "There can't be many "Frances". We want a Unique and Coherent France. We want to have a real Communion in our Society", Gueant stressed.

 - "This is not a Negation of Differences : It doesn't, naturally, contest the attachement that some may have to the Country of origin of their Parents, or ancestors etc., and we are Respectful of Religious Choices", he carefully added.

=> "But it's the expression of a Will for Liberty. It corresponds to a  a Strong Will to remain Faithful to our Values".

- "It's in the same Spirit that I anounced the Reductio of the Legal Migration : -"It's simple Logic : Wa can't continue to Bring in France, each Year, even by Legal means,  the equivalent of Rennes' City, i.e. 200.000 Inhabitants, and be surprised that it's difficult to integrate them !", he criticized.

+ "We must also have the Capacity to Integrate" those new Immigrants.  

- "That's the condition of the Preservation of Fraternal relations inside the National Comunity", and, more largely, a  Condition for the preservation of a good Social Cohesion", Gueant concluded.
- "I know that these are Difficult Issues", and that "whoever tries to approach them, risks to be constantly Misquoted, Ridiculized, Disqualified by some Medias, etc. - "But, you must Resist !

 - "Those who call us "Populists", don't like the fact that we are simply Willing to Hear what the People have to say, and Respond to its Expectations".
 - But "it was them who had brought inside the Parliament some 30 MPs from the (Far Rightist) "National Front" in the Past", he reminded.
 - However, "OverSimplified remedies are no more good", he denounced, accusing some proposams of the NF.

- F.ex. "you know very well, here near Strasbourg, what it would mean to drop Europe, risking to bring back Conflicts of the Past". + And "get out of the €uro-area", according to another NF idea, "would Ruin the country, with Unemployment exploding, pushed into Poverty and Misery", etc.

- "What is at stake is too important in order to abandon it at the Hands of  Sorcerer's Apprentices, of some Irresponsible groups, he warned.

=> On the contrary, "the Real and Just Fight is that for the Reform of European Institutions" in order to really Change them for the Better, stressed Gueant in conclusion, as far as political action on EU level is concerned.

+ This reminds me of "Cameron (who) made an u-turn, at the top helm of a big Ship which needs some time to move around", commented afterwards a Brittish Journalist to "EuroFora", speaking of the Brittish Prime Minister's agreement with French President Sarkozy and German Chancellor Merkel against the Social Damages provoked throughout Europe by a "Multi-Culti" , AppartHeid like policy of former "Socialist" Governements, to the point that "I really didn't recognize my own country !" (the UK), as he said for the really .. Spooky feeling also "EuroFora"s co-Founder had when, visiting London during the 2005 UK EU Presidency, just after the Deadly Terrorist Bombings at the Subway, when obliged to suddenly stop and get out to some Suburbs, we were surprised to find ousrelves, once in .. Pakistan, another time in .. India, and another.. in Latin America, or right inside ..central Africa ! (etc).

Indeed, each Suburb had been let to become a quasi-Exclusive Homeland of only one Foreign Region's Immigrants, living in Parallel, entirely Separate Communities, as if they were Differend Countries, or even Continents...



Even without, perhaps, becoming necessarily the main issue for the forthcoming electoral campaign yet, a "message" on the differencies between the Republican Majority UMP and the "Socialist" Party, certainly is that Europe's Future is to Deepen the European Integration, and not to always pursue an endless Extension (Enlargement), told "EuroFora" MP Jean-Philippe Maurer, who had previously initiated in Strasbourg's area  Public Debates on France and EU's Identity and Future, that he prefers, from now-on, better focused on "Values" as he said.

 I.e. the Focus should be to build a European Political Project able to advance EU's integration, including for an efficient Economy, etc., as President Nicolas Sarkozy stressed, working together with other willing EU Member Countries, and particularly Germany, etc. On the contrary, EU's Expansion just for Expanding is not a clear aim at all, and certainly not a political project, he concluded, without his vice-presidency in the Friendship group with Turkey putting any obstacle on that, (since, obviously, even close friends are not necessarily obliged to be also both members of the same organizations, if they respect eachother's specific identity). 


+ Among our Values, what distinguishes us from other Political Movements, is, first of all, Man's Freedom, which implies also a Responsibility of every Man and Woman for their acts, and this has several repercussions also in terms of Penal and Social policies, added earlier Gueant :

    - F.ex., whoever violates Republican Laws must bear the consequences", he pointed out, denouncing those who reportedly "had made the figures for Delinquency explode" in the Past, "creating a Generation of Destabilized People, unable to distinguish between what is Good or Evil". On the contrary, "we want for Society to be Protected, and Law applied vis a vis those who aggress Honest People", he stressed, citing recent figures which indicate that Delinquency seriously diminished, compared to the Past, making Hundreds of Thousand of Victims Less than before.

    - "Similaly, on the Social field, awful Damages had been provoked in the Past", when "the "Socialist" Party had led the foundations of Assistanship, by Distording  the good idea of Solidarity", he denounced.

    - "Solidarity is about giving a Hand to those in need, to Help them use a chance to become able to work it out by themseleves, .. It's not about pushing People into the Culture of Permanent Pauverty", he criticized.

    - F.ex., "Socialists accuse us for refusing to admit that Unemployed People could continue receiving Benefits even if they refuse for more than 3 Years Jobs which correspond to their Level of Education", he observed.

    But this is a matter of Respect both to these People and of Justice also vis a vis those who work hard in order to earn a living, he added. Because Real Solidarity, is to support Work, Effort, Merit, and this is not contrary to an Ambitious Social policy, not by imposing Equal Salaries in whatever situations, but by giving to all an Equal Chance and helping People to become able to succeed.

F.ex., speaking of some Concrete Measures recently taken,  it was doing "Justice" to :  - "Exonerate Over-Work from Taxes, so that by working f.ex. 2 more Hours per week, People can add a Revenue even bigger than a 13th salary". - "Lower for Two Thirds the Revenue Taxes for the Poorest Taxpayers, even during the Global Crisis. - Revalorise Family allowances according to Inflation, in order to allow Families to preserve their purchasing power.  - "Augment + 25% the Minimum Allowance for Elderly or Handicaped People, even during the Global Crisis. - Set up a Minimum Service during Strikes in Public Transports, etc., so that People obliged to depend on them are no more taken "Hostages" by a Minority. - Save the Retirement System, while it was threatened, revalorize pensions for Widows, the Minimum for Old People, and Rural Retirement benefits. - Free 85% of Families from Succession Taxes. - Create "Excellence" Internships allowing to Brillant Students whose environment wouldn't allow to develop their capacities, to become able to enter in the Best, Prestigious Higher Schools (Universities). - Double the ReInsertion Allowances. - Raise the issue of Financial Support to Old People obliged to depend on others' help. - Put in order Public Debt so that our Children won't have to pay in future for what we spend today (etc), as he pointed out.



Meanwhile, in the framework of "Horizon 2012" "Forums" on "Convention Europe", Young but also Adult Members of the French Governing Majority Party UMP, with the help of Senator Fabiene Keller, a.o., already started to debate Future EU policies on the spot, in a convivial but also serious ambiance, close to the beer, and hopefully coffee and fresh water buffet... , surrounded by a beautiful country natural landscape, able to inspire fresh ideas.



(NDLR : DraftNews, as already sent earlier to "EuroFora"s Subsrcibers/Donors. A complete, more accurate, Final Public Version is due asap).



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Europe brings Development dynamics at Global Crisis' Summit debates


    Thanks also to EU Parliament Plenary's Strasbourg gathering, EU, during the French EU Presidency, managed to integrate the Development issues at Top Debates on the World Summit against the Economic Crisis  :

    For the 1st time, it's at the same moment with the Wahington G-20 Summit that EU Commissioner Louis Michel co-organizes here with the French EU Presidency parallel mega-events for the "European Development Days", starting from this Week-End and concluding at the eve of a landmark debate in EU Parliament, next Tuesday, on the outcome and follow-up of the Wash.DC Summit.

    EU and its Member Countries are the biggest donor for UNO's Millenium Development goals, with 56%, but the 27 are currently struggling to develop a collective leadership in Economic and social matters, that the 15 of EuroGroup (together with the UK and other countries interested to be usefully associated) are starting to spearhead, after the initial success of the 1st EuroZone Heads of State and Government Summit, of October 12 in Paris, according to a New Repport by MEPs Pervench Beres and Werner Langen on the 10 Years of EuroZone (1999-2009) debated Monday and voted on Tuesday.

    EU, CoE and World personalities will interact here with Heads of State or Government from Tanzania (African Union chair), Burkina Faso (CEDEAO + UEMOA chair), Zimbabwe (MDC chair), Madagascar, Haiti, Mali, Benin, etc, and some 3000 participants from the Economy, Civil Society, Media, Experts, etc, while the City of Strasbourg adds various related Citizen-events.

    Opened by French Secretary of State Alain Joyandet on November 15, and followed by a video-contact with EU Commission President Jose Baroso on the Washington Summit Sunday, the EDD are concluded by Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner on Monday, while their main concerns cannot be ignored in the Debate that EU Parliament will hold on Tuesday, (followed by a Resolution on Wednesday), jointly on the G-20 Washington Summit and on EU Commission's work program for 2009.

    A practical opportunity for EU to reflect where it's better to spend EU Citizens' money...

    The move is prolonged in several Paris' meetings of EU chair, French President Nicolas Sarkozy with African Heads of State leading regional Organizations, as from Tanzania (A.U. Chair), Burkina Faso (chair of Economic African organizations), Togo, etc, (in parallel with a Ministerial EU - African Union conference in Ethiopia, followed by a visit to Tchad), logically concluded by a meeting with Robert Zoellic President of the World Bank.

    Many have already warned that an eventual aggravation of Development's Gap accross the World might become much more dangerous to Global Economy, Security, Values and Quality of Life, than Global Warming and/or other, even more serious challenges...

    Will they find an innovative and voluntarist way to really deal with the Development Gap, which might also contribute to help face the Economic Crisis ?


2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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