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CoE Chair Ukranian President Yanukovych: Focus= Debate issues, Fast EU Integration, Fight Corruption

Written by ACM
Tuesday, 21 June 2011


Victor Yanukovych, President of Ukraine and CoE's Chairman for the period of May - November 2011, intends to valorize CoE as a "Focal Point"  to debate all issues related with European Integration, as he said from the outset to Journalists, including "EuroFora", stressing also Kiev's wish to "accelerate" Ukraine's EU aspitations.

But the New CoE Chairman, as well as his Foreign Minister Kostantyn Gruschenko, both focused also, in reply to MEP's Questions on the massive Fight against Corruption, currently engagd in Ukraine, in  a vital attempt to clear its Future from a Counter-productive, Negative Past, in a way and at a moment that it could give a Timely example which could usefully inspire also current efforts to free the majority of Greek People and all €urozone from an artificially growing Debt, initially provoked by Nepotism, Corruption and shady Political Deals mainly of the 1980-2001 Past period,, (including Athens' precocious entry into €urozone, earlier than normal, i.e. without doing previously necessary Reforms, in exchange of Turkey's controversial and unpopular EU bid, notoriously pushed by some former "Socialist" Governments : See previous "EuroFora"s NewsReports).          

    - "CoE is the Institution which serves as the Focal Point, where many Challenges faced by Europe meet together", significantly stressed from the outset President Yanukovych, speaking after a meeting with CoE's Secretary General, Thornbjorn Jagland, to Journalists in Strasbourg, including "EuroFora".

-  Ukraine's aim being to accelerate its EU Integration, we are ready to debate on all relevant issues, including Rule of Law and Human Rights, he replied later to a question by the Chairman of the biggest Political Group in CoE's Parliamentary Assembly, that of ChristianDemocrats/EPP, Luca Volonté from Italy.

- Meanwhile, Yanukovych got a "strong Support for Reforms and the Fight agaibst Corruption" also by CoE's Secretary Genera, Thornbjorn Jagland, from >>Norway, who reminded that Anti-Corruption Measures are included in CoE's  core Tasks, (particularly as part of its Democracy and Rule of Law activities).

-  As well informed sources from Ukranian President Yanukovych's entourage told "EuroFora", various Negative Consequences inherited from a Corrupted Past, are still one of the big Challenges that the new Government is decided to try to eradicate, using, for that purpose, a large panoply of various concrete measures, both for reasons of Justice and Healthy Democracy, but also in order to revigorate and boost a Healthier Economy :

- Thus, "a number of Laws .. specifically on .. Corruption", were adiopted recently in Ukraine, because "it was Necessary to Break through the Previous Years of Stagnation, which had proved to be a Challenge to progress", stressed Yanukovych.

- "Committed to routing out Corruption", despite "Opposition by individuals who had become Rich as a result of Embezzling Public Funds", Yanukovych denounced that "Corruption remained a significant Problem in Ukraine, but one which he had the Political Will  to resolve.

+ Added to a "Massive ¨Programme to Fight Corruption", the "DeRegulation of the Economy was also a part of this", (f.ex. by reducing 90% of State"s involvement into granting Permits, etc), while "all Publioc Functions would be Streamlined, and there would be a -30% Reduction of Civil Servants working in the Ministies", as he promised, observing that even the CoE itself "h    ad Cut out its Secretariat's Numbers by -60%"...

- Naturally, "there was a huge Resentment from Civil Servants and Bureaucracy, who were putting Pressure on the State to keep the Status Quo", because "it was a Painful process to Abolish the Previous Systems, but .. there was Now a System in place to Fight Corruption", he observed.     

+ Speaking earlier to the CoE, Foreign Minister Kostantyn Gruschenko, also accused "those who Governed before, to be Responsible" for what happened afterwards, and revealed that there are, currently, "more than 400 Cases" opened for Investigations: "It has to be Far-Reaching, and Nobody is Immune", he warned, stressing the need for "Resolute Action".

>>> All this inevitaby reminds, at tjhe present context, the "revolted" Greek People's Massive Demonstrations, these Days, inspired by the initial Tunisian "Jasmin Revolution", one of the demands of wom is that "those who usurpated Pubic Privileges must Pay" the Debt that they have provoked, (exposing the whole Country and even all €urozone to Speculative  Attacks afterwards, asking also to resolutey check for Corruption all suspected Public Post holders,, "without hiding behind any kind of Bureaucratic Time  Prescriptions", (a Populaer demand both in Greece and in Spain, etc).

=> Such kind of Popular demands, in the case of Greece, meet also the political Oppositiuons' older and recent proposals f.ex. to Investigate from the start in order to find out who really provoked that huge Debt, and to check all Public Officials' personal Properties for undue Enrichment cases, etc., both exte nded throughout all the crucial Time period of 1980-2010.

If adequately used, such Measures could certainly help to reveal Crucial Truths, as well as to radically Diminish the Debt due by Country, which, otherwise, risks to remain hostage of what really happened during the crucial 1986-2002 period, unless it's undone.soon enough.

The New Fact that Ukraine is, today, also Chairing the PanEuropean CoE, one of the main Taslks of which is to efficiently Tackle Corruption, might, eventually, offer interesting prospects for EU-CoE Cooperation also in the case of the "Greek" (in fact EU - Turrkey : See supra) Financiero-Political affair..

Indeed, seen in this way, CoE might really become a "Focal Point" for most European Challenges, as President Yanukovich just highlighted in Strasbourg (See supra)...


CoE chair Ukranian Foreign Minister Grushenko to EuroFora: Antonov plane HighTech ready for EU deal

Written by ACM
Monday, 20 June 2011


*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- CoE Chairman-in-office (May - November 2011), Ukranian Foreign Minister Kostyantyn Gryschenko, replying  to "EuroFora"'s questions after his address to Strasbourg's PanEuropean Parliamentary Assembly, confirmed that Kiev was "Ready" for any eventual Cooperation with EU Countries including on "AirLift", thanks to World-famous "Antonov" Aircraft manufacturer's High-Tech know-how, which is currently illustrated also by the New "Antonov 70" Project, able even to land in unprepared runways, as he pointed out, (while the old, controversial A400M project, after many notorious delays and funding problems, has just faced, both at the end of 2010 and at the beginning of 2011, even more Reductions of Germany's initial commands : - 26 A400M planes Less for Berlin, which has frequently observed earlier that Antonov is also "less expensive", comparatively).


Evoking the notorious problems of the Old project "A400M" (repeatedly Delayed, Too Expensive  : about 29 Billions €, Dating from "Socialist" Governments of the 1980ies, Low-Tech, Unable to fly Far enough, Nor with a Heavy enough airLift: f.ex. unable to take a Modern Tank as Leclerc III, etc., imposed in controversial circumstances just after the ill-elucitated 7/2000 Concord deadly crash in replacement of other, Ambitious High-Tech Projects for New Supesonic Airplanes, and obvously exploited by a lobby pushing Turkey's controversial and unpopular EU bid at that same period of the Past : Comp. earlier "EuroFora"s publications), "EuroFora" asked Gryschenko if Ukraine, which already has the famous "Antonov" Airplane Technology, might be open to any eventual Cooperation with the "persepective to associate Antonov" with EU Countries, (f.ex. in joint projects with EADS, etc) on such kind of Military/Dual Transport Planes, which would cost less, but be equally or even more efficient, (as recent German and/or Swiss Media have found), in the future.

Indeed, after Italy, together with most other EU Countries, refused to participate in the controversial A400M old project from the start, UK reduced its command on 2008, South Africa cancelled its order in 2009, while Germany also further reduced her command, with -13 planes less on November 2010, added to another - 13 Planes Less Reduction anounced on January 2011, (while a Definitive Deal has Not yet been Signed)... Just a year earlier, Airbus anounced that it is technically possible to re-schedule its overall production by re-orientating Technicians and Resources from the controversial A400M, towards other, more useful activities, and has already prepared a Plan for that hypothesis.

- Reacting positively, and with several concrete references, Gryschenko evoked, in reply to "EuroFora"s question, various  "AirLift projects with EU Countries and NATO", and also a range of various other "cooperation" with 3rd Countries. Already, "it works quite well with NATO now", he observed, citing also relevant "consultations" and "cooperation schemes" in general.

- Concerning Projects to create something "New", with Antonov's Know-how in cooperation with EU Countries, Gryschenko pointed at "Antonov 70" :

- "That will be a Major reach for a "Medium" range Air Transportation platform', he stressed, "able even to "land in Unprepared Runway", which (currently) is a "Unique" variation capability, "because, most other platforms, on the contrary, are in need of prepared runways, that and can't land but only there where  this kind of infrastructures exist, but not elsewhere.


- "And, today, "Operations more and more, are not in Areas where you always have this kind of Facilities. That's a difference", Gyschenko topically added.
Indeed, controversial and too expensive, delayed A400M's only supposed comparative quality would, reportedly, be, (as several Experts and/or key MEPs had earlier told "EuroFora") its supposed capacity to land even in areas without runways. But, now, it seems that Ukrania's well experimented Antonov airplane constructor would be able to do even that too...

The Foreign Minister concluded in his Reply to "EuroFora"s Question by reiterating that Ukraine is "Ready" to cooperate with EU Countries also on any other such AirLift High-Tech project of mutual interest.Such moves are also backed by EU Parliament's President, Polish MEP Jerzy Buzek, experienced former EU Rapporteur on Scientiifc/Technological Research and Development, as he has already said to "EuroFora" (See relevant previous Newstory).

The new Antonov 70 project, with its variations, is notoriously backed also partly by China, but mainly by Russia, particularly after important, recent (2010) strategic decisions for the next Decade.

Symbolically for this, and various other cooperation possibilities (f.ex. in Space High-Tech, etc) with the EU, (where Ukraine aspires to accede, as he confirmed earlier), Gryschenko inaugurated earlier at the CoE a landmark Exhibition, composed mainly by an impressive, Huge Landscape with Ancestral People pointing at the Sun over Mountains' Clouds, accross Rivers and Fields, obviously evoking a "Big Picture" about Historic Europe, painted by a Modern Artist, looking towards an ambitious and bright common Future.                 


    Meanwhile, with a steady upward Trend in Growth (+4,6%), a relatively Low Unemployment rate ("only" 7,8% due in2011), a recently Lowering Inflation (7% due in 2012), and almost Balanced Current Accounts, the 45 Millions People strong, Historic European Country of Ukraine, added to an important "Space Exploration" High-Tech program (including f.ex. "SeaLaunch" and "Tsyklon" projects, etc), obviously compares well with some other, controversial and unpopular EU Candidate, such as Turkey (+14% Unemployment, a Huge Deficit in Current Accounts, and more Inflation just for a slightly different growth rate, however volatile, for a 72 Millions over-Populated, notoriously problematic country : See Data published by "EuroFora"'s recent NewsReport after the latest Turkish Elections).


    Similar, and even more Crystal-clear Comparison,  with comparatively Good Standards for Ukraine, also on data concerning CoE's vocation to act particularly on Human Rights issues : F.ex., at the beginning of 2010, Ukraine had "only" 4% among the serious, "Reference Cases Pending" before CoE's Committee of Ministers for execution of ECHR's Judgements, (similar f.ex. to EU Member France), compared to 5% for Poland, Italy and Greece, 7% Russia,  8% Romania, 9% Bulgaria, and ... 15 % (!) for controversial and unpopular EU "Candidate" Turkey, (an exceptional, Record High Number of persisting Serious Human Rights Violations)...

    Moreover, with forthcoming EU Chairman Poland (July-December 2011, i.e. shortly before the 2012 joint Poland-Ukraine ..UEFA Championship hosting), and the biggest and strongest CoE Member : Russia, being among Ukraine's well-known allies, added to French President Sarkozy's famous statement, speaking, (side by side with EU Commission's President Barroso) as 2008 EU Chairman in an EU - Ukraine Summit in Paris, about Ukraine's officially recognized, undeniable European, Historic, Cultural and Geographic Identity, given , f.ex., that "it's enough to just walk around Kiev's streets in order to immediately realize that you're in a really European Country", as he had symbolically stressed then (See "EuroFora"s NewsReport from that Elysee Palace event), Ukraine seems to have an important political backing Potential in Europe.

    In these conditions, Ukraine's well known GeoPolitical vocation to serve as a kind of "Bridge" between EU and Russia, even on Gaz routes, and including several Central Asia's Energy Resources, is obviously a key "Plus".

    During its 1st CoE Chairmanship, that will be officially inaugurated Tomorrow also with the venue in Strasbourg of President Victor Yanukovych (Comp. "EuroFora"s previous Publications on the Ukranian President's earlier meeting with CoE's Secretary General, Thornbjorn Jagland), Ukraine is due, among various other of its Priorities, also to start developing an Interesting Strategy about "Preventing Human Rights Violations", (an idea which, naturally, could also include the notoriously much-needed Implementation of ECHR's Judgements, that CoE's Director of Monitoring, Christos Giakoumopoulos topically reminded last week), promote Children's Human Rights, as well as host a CoE's Ministerial Summit on Local and Regional Democracy, at the beginning of November 2011, as Gryschenko confirmed earlier speaking to MEPs at CoE's Parliamentary Assembly's Plenary session.


(NDLR : DraftNews, as already send earlier to "EuroFora"'s Subscribers/Donors. A complete and more accurate Final Public Version is due asap).


Russian President's G8 Envoy to Libya, Margelov, to "EuroFora": Monday move from London ?

Written by ACM
Sunday, 19 June 2011


Russian President Dmitri Medvedev's envoy for a mediation on Libya, Michael Margelov, speaking to "EuroFora" on Sunday evening, anounced his intention to visit London from Monday, June 20, while speculations about various Diplomatic a.o. movements trying to find a political solution for the departure of controversial Colonel Gaddafi from power and a stop of Military operations from all sides were reportedly growing, at the same time that Rebels were fighting Gaddafi's Army both at the Western and the Eastern side of the country, but still waiting for the Financial Help promissed by various International Donors, mainly by re-orientation of Libyan Funds "freezed" according to UNO's Sanctions.

Margelov is also an experienced Chairman of Russian Senate's Foreign Affairs Committee, former long-time CoE Assembly's MEP and Political Group President, earlier considered as possible new President of the Strasbourg-based PanEuropean Parliamentary body, which is holding its June Plenary Session next week in Strasbourg, with on-going developments in 3rd Mediterranean Countries at the focus of its Agenda, during the curernt CoE Chairmanship by Ukranian President Yanukovych, (May - November 2011), a well-known Moscow ally, aspiring also to EU integration, who is due to come here and speak to MEPs on Tuesday.

- In a brief Phone contact this evening, Margelov told "EuroFora" that he was now (Sunday) "in Moscow, but due to leave Tomorrow (Monday) for London with an Early Flight". Meanwhile, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin was due to meet with French President Nicolas Sarkozy in Paris the Day after, Tuesday afternoon, shortly before an important forthcoming EU Summit of Heads of State/Government in Brussels, at the end of next week (Thursday and Friday, 23-24 June).

Margelov's initial Mandate for his Libyan mission was to "mediate" between the CNT of the Rebels (already recognized by many Countries as legitimate Government of Libya) headquared at Benghazi, (that he visited 1st : See Margelov's earlier Statements to "EuroFora", made just Hours before he travels there on June 6), and colonel Gaddafi's regime, headquartered in Tripoli, (that he visited afterwards, in a separate trip), mainly on the modalities of Departure of controversial Colonel Gaddafi from power, and of the withdrawal of his Military from the scene of Clashes back to the Barracks, as it was agreed by Medvedev with Sarkozy a.o. during the G8 Summit of Heads of State/Government at the end of May in Deauville, (See relevant "EuroFora"s NewsReports from the spot).

Among various speculations, according to unverified sources, some parts of Gaddafi's entourage were initially discussing the issue by raising a series of Conditions, including on Immunity from ICC prosecution for Crimes, conveniant choice for his future place of Residence, Financial guarantees, the transfert of power to a kind of Collective Body which would include both partisans and opponents of his regime, tribal chiefs, etc., in an unclear yet proportion, on which covert discussions would have been going on, discreetly, etc.

But, suddenly, immediately after the re-election of Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan, (a ...Gaddafi "Human Rights Prize" winner back on November 2010), for a 3rd mandate in a row, thanks to an Election strongly criticized by OSCE and CoE mainly for Oppressing Freedom of Press, excessively high 10% nationwide threshholds, etc), last Sunday, June 12, the controversial Libyan Colonel suddenly pushed his Spokesman to anounce loudly that he doesn't intend at all to leave the country, and this was repeated, from now on, several times also to Margelov himself, when he visited Tripoli shortly afterwards.


So that when the experienced Russian Ambassador to France, former CoE Chairman in office during the 2007/8 Russian CoE Presidency, who was also present at the G8 Summit in Deauville, arrived, earlier this week in Strasbourg, for the installation of a New Consul General , he naturally appeared less optimist than before :

- "Margelov is not ...God, but he'll give it a try !",  carefully replied on Wednesday Orlov to "EuroFora"s question about the chances for success of Margelov's imminent visit to Tripoli the Day after, i.e. last Thursday... But, meanwhile, he also pushed another good pawn close to Libya by anouncing that he the current Strasbourg's Consul General is going to take over at nearby Tunisia, ("an important post", as he rightfully commented, in a coordinated Network-setting move, also linked to Paris, Orlov's long-time base)...

Thus, when Margelov visited Tripoli, from last Thursday, except from hearing that Gaddafi "wasn't ready" to leave, he was reportedly mainly shown some debris near to civilian buildings, said to have been caused by NATO's bombardments, some of whom have, indeed, committed tragic Blunders from the start of NATO's controversial involvement, also by delaying to protect the Dissidents, as its UN Mission imposes, or even ... striking, repeatedly, against .. the Rebels/Dissidents themselves (contrary to its official aim to defend them), particularly when they try to liberate from Gaddafi's troops the Strategic oil-routes crossroads of Brega, (as NATO has just acknowledged anew, expressing its "regrets", but leaving unexplained the astonishing Fact of 3 or 4 times repeated "Blunder" against advancing Rebels again and again "at Brega" City, as even mainstream Media noted now).

But all this doesn't but justify the French President Sarkozy's and others' initial reluctance to pass over NATO the command of the Libyan operation, initially led by the International Coalition which had started the move the day of the EU-USA/Canada-Arab Ligue-UNO Summit for Help to Libyan People that had met in Paris (See "EuroFora"'s NewsReports from the spot), apparently directed in an efficient manner, and without any blunder, until  a controversial transfert was made to NATO, (where Gaddafi prize's recipient, Turkish PM Erdogan takes part reluctantly, after notoriously .. "blocking" for 2 Days even NATO's Summit of Heads of State/Government which nammed Rasmussen as his new SG, on April 2009 in Strasbourg)...

Meanwhile, claims from Gaddafi's regime that it would be already holding secret Talks with the Opposition were reportedly bellied by the Rebels, a CNT Spokesman at Beghazi even threatening with sanctions whoever might attempt to do so without at least Gaddafi quitting power, and an EU Commission - African Union - UNO representatives' meeting, while expressing hope for a political solution, didn't, however, interfere in the issue of controversial Colonel Gaddafi's personal future..

It's not yet clear if all this sudden rush to find an exit door at this moment might be, eventually motivated also by colonel Gaddafi's unwillingness to have to pass, before the end of June, from African Union Ministers' forthcoming examination of the consequences to bring after Tripoli's refusal to respect the Judgement of the African Court for Human and People's Rights which has recently condemned the Gaddafi's regime for Serious Mass Violations of Human Rights committed by his Military against Dissidents since the start of the Popular Protests against his reign, ordering Tripoli to "Urgently" Stop any Armed attack against the opposition, (See "EuroFora"s relevant earlier Publication).

But developments on Libya, as well as on Syria (where civilian Dissidents are said to be hardly hit by controversial Bashar Assad's regime's Military a.o. attacks), and elsewhere might not even be discussed, next week in Strasbourg, during a CoE Assembly's session, however focused on 3rd Mediterranean Countries (as Tunisia, Morroco, etc), if the current opposition of the Socialist a.o. Group against the public discussion of a Report on "the Arab World" drafted by a ChristianDemocrat/EPP MEP, isn't lifted, or bypassed at the last minute, (i.e. next Morning, at PACE Bureau's meeting).

As for "London", except from colonel Gaddafi's son, Seyf al-Islam's reported wish to "live there", and with the exception of the blunder reportedly committed by a UK promotion company to sent ... 2012 Olympic London Games' tickets to Gaddafi and his son, as Media reported Today), Margelov's point is not yet obvious... Perhaps, the controversial Colonel might be better inspired to try to pass some 50 or 75 Billions € from his alleged fortune to "Socialist" Prime Minister Papandreou in exchange of a nice little property at an island in Greece, hoping to hide there from ICC, under pretext of an "Olympic Truce"...That could also be a "Colombos' egg" for €uroZone's current problems, wouldn't it ?...  



(NDLR : DraftNews, as already send earlier to "EuroFora"'s Subscribers/Donors. A complete and more accurate Final Public Version is due asap).



CoE SG Free Speech Envoy to Turkey, Stoudman, to EuroFora: All issues in 2 Visits 1 Report (Web incl

Written by ACM
Friday, 17 June 2011


All issues related to Free Speech in Turkey are due to be checked  by the CoE at the Top, in 2 Visits and 1 Report, starting from the next few days, said CoE Secretary General, Thornbjorn Jagland's envoy on Freedom of Expression in Turkey, Gerard Stoudmann, speaking to "EuroFora" at the eve of his 1st Visit to Ankara, immediately after OSCE and CoE Assembly's delegations denounced "Worrying developments, especially regarding Freedom of Expression, including Media Freedom", just after observing the latest Turkish Elections, snatched for a 3rd time in a row by Tayip Erdogan, the leader of pro-Islamist Party AKP, reportedly even with More Votes than in the Past, despite a sharp 2009 Economic Drop, rising Unemployment, Inflation and public accounts' Deficit, at the same time with a notorious Deadlock in the controversial and unpopular EU - Turkey negociations.

Stoudman revealed to "EuroFora" that he's due to start visiting Turkey, for the 1st time, in the next few days, but without being able to anounce yet any particular date.
He intends to add, later on, also another, Second viisit to Ankara, eventually from September.

The aim of his mission is to gather enough first hand, original material for a Report due to be published by CoE's Secretary General, Jagland himself, "on Autumn", Stoudman told "EuroFora".

This probably means before a New Annual 2011 EU Report on Turkey's efforts to meet European Standards, including on Human Rights, is adopted, as usual, on October or November, by EU Commission, which was notoriously Critical on Freedom of Expression problems in Turkey last time (2010).


The idea to send a Personal Envoy to check what is really going on now about Freedom of Expression, Media and Journalists in Turkey, was anounced by Jagland just after meeting with Erdogan, last April 2011 in Strasbourg, to CoE's Journalists including "EuroFora", when Turkey was close to end its CoE's rotating chair period (11/2010-5/2011).

+ CoE's Head is a well known supporter of Turkey's controversial and unpopular EU bid, and had pointed at his relations with Turkish Prime Ministe Erdogan before his 2009 Election. But, immediately after he took over the Responsibiliy to head the Strasbourg-based PanEuropean Organization for Human Rights, Democracy and Rule of Law,  he has also repeatedly declared his support to French, German and Russian Leaders, Presidents Sarkozy and Medvedev, as well as Chancellor Merkel's GeoPolitically Stategic Vision for a "Great Area" linking the EU with Countries such as Russia, Turkey, EFTA Group (Norway, Switzerland, Lichtenstein), etc., independently of any eventual EU aspirations, (See Jagland's replies to "EuroFora"s Questions on 2009, 2010, etc).


Stoudman has just given a 1st important proof of both his close and trustful personal links to CoE's Head Jagland, as well as of having acquired a unique overall view of CoE's activities related to the Warsaw 2005 Summit strategy focusing on Human Rights, Democracy and Rule of Law, by concluding a delicate initial Mission in the ..."hottest" issue inside Strasbourg's PanEuropean Organization, as Jagland's Representative for an ambitious internal "Restructuring" of its more than 60 Years aged Secretariat, which has recently started to overcome the manifold consequences of a Past Division of Europe during the former "Cold War", due to serve now almost 1 Billion People and their relations with Neighbouring Countries (from 3rd Mediterranean up to Asian States) and the rest of the World, in the New GeoPolitical a.o. realities of 21st Century.
     - "When you'll go to Turkey, please visit also our f. Collegue", (an Elected representative from the Kurdish areas of Turkey, member of CLRAE)" who is still in Prison" (since 2009), Stoudman was asked by Jean-Claude Frecon, experienced vice-President of CoE's PanEuropean watchdog on Local and Regional Democracy (CLRAE), and Chairman of its Chamber of Local Authorities, a Socialist French Senator.


    CLRAE's latest Session in Strasbourg, debated and adopted a Resolution on Turkey during March 2011, which pactically denounces the "Destruction of Democracy" in Local/Regional level, by the "Disproportionate" decision, taken by the Turkish Authorities shorty after the 2009 Local/Regional Elections (largely won by pro-Kurdish Candidates, massively Elected in Turkey's mainly Kurdish areas at the South-East, to systematically prosecute, arrest and throw to Prison some 2 or 3 Thousand People just for statements that they allegedly made, (See relevant "EuroFora"s previous NewsReport).
    + Meanwhile, "EuroFora" asked Stoudman if, in addition to classic "hard" problems on Press Freedom notoriously existing since long in Turkey, he intended, or not, to include in his New Mission also some controversial Draft Laws, recently denounced by various Popular Demonstrations, to reportedly submit Citizens' Access to Internet to preliminary checks of their Personal Data, (f.ex.. requiring an ID and a Password just to connect to the Web, etc.), that the Turkish AKP Government had reportedly prepared to start imposing from August or later-on.


    Such new issues have recently become of growing importance, particularly after the still on-going Popular Uprisings, with large aspirations for Democracy and  Social Development, in all other 3rd Mediterranean Countries, from Morocco up to Syria, with various repercussions, from Government-agreed deep Reforms up to Revolts, etc, where the World Wide Web is notoriously used by most Actors among Citizens' various movements, as well as even in the recent, 2011 "G-8" Heads of State/Government Summit, chaired by French President Sarkozy, last May at Deauville, (See related "EuroFora"s NewsReports from Paris and Deauville).

    - "All issues related to the Freedom of Expression", (protected by Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights), are normally included in my Mission, replied Stoudman to "EuroFora"s question in a crystal-clear positive way, obviously confirming the inclusion also of Internet-related Article 10 Press/Speech Freedom cases.


On the contrary, "EuroFora" didn't raise now with Stoudman the issue of Adali's Murder case, the dissident Turkish Cypriot Journalist who was killed with 5 Bullets at his Head out of his Family Home in the Territories of Cyprus Occupied by Ankara's Military, resulting in a 2005 Condemnation by ECHR of Turkey's failure to make any efficient Investigation to find and punish those Responsible, which was astonishingly "closed" on June 2010 inside CoE's Committee of Ministers immediately after the Turkish Government assumed the Responsibility of the Rotating Chair of its Secretariat, despite the fact that Turkey hadn't made any progress at all in that enquiry, contrary to its obligaion to implement ECHR's judgement. (See earlier "EuroFora"s NewsReports on Adali's case, compared with that of Gongadze, where, on the contrary, Ukranian Authorities show a will to accomplish their duty).


     But CoE Head's envoy should certainly have the means to be easily informed of Relevant Press Articles on important issues concerning his new area of responsibilities, particularly when they are written in English and published among the few long-time EU/CoE Press Correspondents based in Strasbourg as "EuroFora"'s co-founder, (+ 17 Years : +9/1993-2011).
    In fact, CoE's Head, Jagland's move on Freedom of Expression in Turkey can be based not only on the above mentioned agreement with Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan, after so many serious Concerns expressed on the matter by the EU, CoE, OSCE and other European, PanEuropean or International Organizations, but also, eventually, on the Powers that gives to CoE's Secretary General the Article No 52 of CoE's Statute, according to which, the S.G. of the PanEuropean Organization may ask any Member State (or States) to reply in questions concerning the way it intends to fulfill its obligations and commitments undertaken vis a vis CoE's principles. (An important institutional Power, which has already been used, in recent years, f.ex. for enquiries in all CoE's Member States, about rumours of CIA "Secret Flights", "redditions", "secret Prisons", etc., unofficially covered under "anti-terrorism" alleged suspicions, etc).

    But, as even USA Media critically denounced this week, obviously, a CoE move on Freedom of Expression particularly in Turkey seems more and more necessary today, because various actors "raise alarms, complaining of Mr. Erdogan’s abrasive, confrontational style, Islamist roots and thin-skinned authoritarianism", while even "the OSCE says Turkey has the Highest Number of Imprisoned Journalists (57) in the World — more than Russia, China or Iran !"...  


    Indeed, according to OSCE/PACE's official Conclusions, concerning "the 12 June 2011 Elections to the Turkish Grand National Assembly...  there were some Worrying developments, especially regarding Freedom of Expression, including Media freedom", (See earlier "EuroFora"s NewsReport).

- “To fully live up to its Democratic Commitments, Turkey must do More", pointed out the Head of OSCE's Delegation and OSCE Assembly's vice-President, Pia Christmas-Moeller (Denmark). -“Free expression and a Media Environment in which Reporters are Free from political Pressure and Intimidation, are Critical for Turkey", the Top MEP warned.

- In particular, "some elements of the Legal framework continue to Constrain activities of the Media and political Parties, by Limiting Freedom of Speech".

+ In addition, "the 10 percent threshold for political party representation in Parliament – the Highest in the OSCE region – remains one of the central issues that Limit the Representative nature of the legis-lature. "

- Moreover, Turkish "Government Control over influential Media groups allegedly resulted in Biased reporting and self-Censorship".

- The latter is an understandable consequence of the Fact that "Observers noted the Detention and ongoing Investigations of more than 50 Journalists in Turkey", OSCE and CoE criticized.

"Limiting freedom of the media is a violation of the 1990 Copenhagen Document and a host Council of Europe documents", they warned Turkish pro-Government MEPs.

CoE's Assembly has recently adopted texts making National Delegations of MEPs Responsible for their Government's failure to implement ECHR's Judgements, and this is due to be further discussed and voted also next week in Strasbourg at a Report drafted by the President of PACE's Legal/Human Rights Committee, Christos Purgurides from Cyprus (ChristianDemocrats/EPP) on Thursday.

"Putting journalists under the permanent Threat of Criminal lawsuits", resulted, according to "many observers, including the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media", by a "ruling" of "2 May 2011", by which, "the Turkish Constitutional Court amended the Press Law to extend .... filing Criminal cases against Journalists from 2 Months to 8 Years".

Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan astonished many CoE observers, last April in Strasbourg, when he replied to critical questions on Press Freedom Violations in Turkey, by merely boasting that he had been, himself, persecuted in Courts and Jailed (for 2 Months), but afterwards created a new Political Party, won elections, and got the top political job.. I.e. practically challenging Dissidents, many of whom are systematically submited to Harassing Attacks, Censorship, Criminal Prosecution, many Years of Imprisonment, and/or killed, without the instigators of their Murderers ever found until recently ! (Comp. f. ex. Turkey's condemnation by ECHR even in the famous Armenian Journalist Hrant Dink's cold-blood 2007 Murder, in a Judgement taking into account all developments in the investigation until it was published in Strasbourg at the Autumn of 2010, revealing several astonishing Facts on the behavior of Turkish Authorities vis a vis Murderers of Critical Journalists, obviously able to provoke a Chilling effect, Intimidation and/or Self-Censorship during the crucial following Months at the eve of June 2011 Election...

ECHR's Revelations on a scandalous treatment of the Hrant Dink Murder case by Turkish Authorities came shortly after Turkey managed to "close" CoE Committee of Ministers' examination of Ankara's duty to implement ECHR's Judgement which had condemned her for totaly failing to make any efficient Investigation on the cold blood Murder of Dissident Turkish Cypriot Journalist Kutlu Adali, shot with 5 Bullets at his Head in front of his Family Home in the Territories of Cyprus Occupied by Ankara's Army. (See earlier "EuroFora"s Publications on that case).
 - "On 2 May 2011 the Turkish Constitutional Court amended the Press Law to extend the statute of limitations for filing criminal cases against journalists from two months to eight years. This ruling has been cited by many observers, including the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, as put-ting journalists under the permanent threat of criminal lawsuits.

+ In addition, "Many stakeholders raised Questions about re-markable Changes in the Number of registered Voters in recent years, and the printing of a Dispro-portionally high number of Excess ballot Papers", OSCE/PACE critically observe, (obviously because all this might have been abused for any kind of Mass Fraud), apparently without getting any convincing Answer.. .

- "There was Heavy police presence and Tensions in parts of the South East, as well as isolated reports of physical Attacks".

+ Moreover, "there were initial Problems with the Registration of some Independent Candidates", merely notes the OSCE/PACE delegation's rapporteur, apparently ignoring the Fact that even a Child (Orenc) was reportedly killed by Bullets during an attack by Turkish State Agents against Demonstrators protesting for the Exclusion of 12 Independent Candidates in the Kurdish areas.

A Swedish and a Danish MEP from CoE and OSCE's Assemblies, Kerstin Lundgren and Pia Christmas-Moeller, headed the joint Delegations.


(NDLR : DraftNews, as already send earlier to "EuroFora"'s Subscribers/Donors. A complete and more accurate Final Public Version is due asap).


ECHR vicePresident Sir Bratza to EuroFora on Human Rights in Europe compared to America, Africa, UN

Written by ACM
Thursday, 16 June 2011

ECHR's 1st vice-President, Sir Nicolas Bratza from Great Britain, (forthcoming CoE Chair: 11/2011-5/2012), speaking to "EuroFora" at the conclusion of a landmark International Conference organized by UNHCR with Heads of European, American and African Courts for Human Rights, stressed his "Optimism" that, despite recent setbacks (provoked by "Pressure" from some States, as other Top EuroJudges criticized earlier, mainly before and after a controversial Ministerial meeting on ECHR in Turkey), risking paradoxically to let a Stronger protection of Refugees, "Missing" persons, etc. in Inter-American Court's and UNO's standards than in Europe, nevertheless, the PanEuropean Court could succeed, in the foreseable Future, to find anew its initial landmark preeminence on Human Rights which had built its reputation Worldwide.


Sir Bratza was specifically replying to "EuroFora"s Questions concerning not only the Principle of Refugees' right to Restitution of (or, if impossible, Compensation for) their Family Homes, Ancestral Land and Private Propertes, but also for "Missing" Persons' Families to lodge a complaint to learn what happened to their beloved ones, find and punish those Responsible for their enforced "Disappearance", as long as these crucial questions have not found answers, according to ECHR's case-law.

 As EuroJudge Peer Lorenzen had reminded earlier, the first Principles, specifically on Refugees, had been initially proclamed by ECHR in the landmark "Loizidou" case on Greek Cypriot Refugees/Displaced persons, while the main principles on "Missing" persons, (which often coincide with Refugees/IDPs obliged to flee Violence, as some Latino-American Legal Experts observed), were initially proclaimed by ECHR on the equally landmark "Cyprus v. Turkey" inter-State case, (in the Hearing and Judgement of which, Sir Bratza had personally participated).

This ECHR's case-law was often cited by UNO's relevant bodies at nearby Geneva, and UNO's High Commissioners on Refugees and on Human Rights  have published since 2007-2008 a famous Handbook called "Pinheiro's Principles" on Refugees' Rights Worldwide, (comp. UNO Rapporteur, Professor Sergio Pinheiro's statements to "EuroFora"s co-founder on 2008, etc), while also UNO's Experts on "Enforced Disappearances", based at nearby Geneva, worked accross similar lines to ECHR's initial rulings, (comp. f.ex. their fomer President, Professor Corcuera's relevant statements to "EuroFora"s co-founder).

But, recently (2009-2010), two other ECHR's rulings, ("Varnavas" and "Demopoulos" on Cyprus' Refugees/IDPs and "Missing" people, as Sir Bratza recalled), included some highly Controversial points, which appeared to set, for the 1st time, serious Limitations on Refugees' Right to Restitution, Compensation and Return, as well as some Time Deadlines on "Missing" persons' Families' right to lodge a complaint as long as nothing is known about  the fate of their beloved ones, and/or who was responsible for their enforced disappearance, (f.ex. if they hadn't taken any Legal action for many Years earlier, etc).

The move had emerged shortly before Turkey took over CoE's rotating Chair (11/2010-5/2011), and while Top level InterCommunal Talks for a Solution on Cyprus' issue were  intensified, so that it was seen by several observers as an eventual attempt  to ease mainly Turkey's obligations.

+ Experienced President of ECHR's Section, EuroJudge Josep Casadevall from Andorra, (another forthcoming CoE's Chair from 11/2012),  speaking earlier to "EuroFora", acknowledged that, indeed, such kind of subsequent restrictions on ECHR's initially proclamed Principles on Refugees' and "Missing" people families' Human Rights, were, indeed, provoked in a larger context, recently, of "all this Pressure from some (CoE's) Member States"... 

Another ECHR's Expert had denounced, earlier, an "Extreme Pressure" reportedly exerted on the Court by some States, particularly during a controversial Ministerial meeting on ECHR organized on May 2011 by Turkey, when it hold the rotating chair of the CoE, curiously at a city famous for a totally unpunished Massive Massacre and "Ethnic Cleansing" : "Izmir", alias "Smyrne", as it was originally named by a predominantly Greek Population which inhabited there for more than 2 Thousand Years of History, before it was brutally chassed out, after Criminal origin Fires destroyed many Family Homes and killed many People, targetting Armenians and Greeks. The move looked even more as a "Negationist" attempt, when people realized that Turkey had chosen to organize such a delicate CoE's gathering on the Reform of the European Court of Human Rights ... just the 1st working Day after the Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide (May 26, 2011) !...


It was the 1st time in CoE's History that ECHR's President, professor Jean-Paul Costa, was practically obliged to launch a Public Call asking Help to protect EuroCourt's ..."Independence", supported by International Human Rights NGOs vis a vis unprecedented Threats, indirectly but clearly visible through the language used in the Draft-paper initially presented by the Turkish rotating CoE's chair : Even if, as several EuroJudges noted with "EuroFora", "most CoE's Ministers were Absent at Izmir", the exceptional "Pressure" on the ECHR was reportedly present there...


The point also is that, as UNHCR's 2011 International Conference on Refugees' clearly proved, the recent ECHR's Restrictions,  largely diminished its case-law's initial importance, giving the 1st place in the World,  for the Protection of vulnerable People obliged to flee Violence, to ...  the Inter-American Court, and to  UNHCR's "Pinheiro" Principles, which have no Time-limit and keep Refugees' mainly Restitution Rights theoretically alive :

- Indeed, as the 1st vice-President of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, José de Jesus Orozco Henriquez, confirmed to "EuroFora", as long as a Person "Disappears" without notice, his/Her Family can lodge a Complaint at the Inter-American Court whenever it wants, at Any Time, without Deadline limits. Moreover, Refugees/IDP's Rights haven't been recently restricted, compared to the Past, neither at the Inter-American Court, nor at UNHCR's intangible principles (Comp. supra), President Henriquez added.                                                 


- Thus, after Sir Bratza carefully verified, at first, whether "EuroFora"s question beared, indeed, on the Greek Cypriot "Missing" persons and Refugees'/IDPs-related "Varnavas" and "Demopoulos" cases (See supra), he didn't deny that ECHR recently lost its earlier preeminence as, initially, the most Protective Human Rights Court in the World, after these two controversial 2010 rulings, which obviously left the Inter-American Court as a Better protector than ECHR, with the astonishing consequence for Human Rights to be better protected in ... Latin America than in Europe !...

- But, nevertheless, "I am Optimist !", stressed voluntarily ECHR's 1st vice-President
- In particular, "I think that we must see, first, what happens, how things evolve on these issues, (Cyprus' Refugees' Restitution Rights and "Missing" persons) and make an assessment

- "We (ECHR) are still examining that area, he added.

- Therefore, "it's Too Early to say", whether ECHR would be outpaced by the Inter-American Court, etc (See supra).

- "We'll see that", Sir Bratza concluded,  agreeing with "EuroFora" that ECHR "may adapt", i.e. Change anew its "case-law", in these highly controversial points concerning Refugees and "Missing" Persons, according to the results which may have been obtained in real practice on Cyprus and other relevant hotspots.  


- Meanwhile,  ECHR, in general, intends to "Focus on Priority cases, of real importance, to ensure that they get proper treatment, and then,  simplify the expedition of clearly non-admissible cases, in order to tackle the still remaining backlog of more than "150.000 cases Pending," the Brittish Top EuroJudge added to "EuroFora", showing a similar concern on reducig the Number of pending cases as also earlier Swedish EuroJudge Elisabet Fura, a.o.

- Nevertheless, Sir Bratza didn't shy from critcizing those CoE Member States which "Regretably ignored" ECHR's main instrument on Asylum-Seekers a.o. apliquants, which is EuroJudges' power to ask "Interim Measures" to be taken by the respondent State's Authorities, in case of Urgent need to prevent irreversible consequences of a possible violation of human rights, (f.ex. to "abstain from removing a person" until his/her fate has been correctly examined).

But, in general, those Member States which stressed ECHR's "Subsidiary" role, as they said, compared to the "primary" responsibility for National Courts' duty to check Human Rights' violations, must now really start to use their National Courts as an efficient tool against violations, he added.

+ This is related also with the current Need to find out "how to convince all CoE Member States to "respect their Commitments", added at the Conclusion of UNHCR's International Conference, the Director of CoE's Human Rights' "Monitoring" bodies, Christos Giakumopoulos.

- At any case, "ECHR is not alone" to work for this purpose, since CoE "has also other Mecanisms" which can contribute to Human Rights' respect, such as, f.ex., the Committee to Prevent Torture, the Commissioner for Human Rights, CoE's Parliamentary Assembly, etc, Giakoumopoulos reminded.

- However, this UNHCR's Conferences'original idea to "Bring  Together 3 Regional Courts" from al over the World, (Europe, America and Africa), to examine and discuss how to better make respect Human Rights of Refugees, etc.,  will certainly serve to compare between differend situations in order to reach the necessary Conclusions, added ECHR's vice-President, who certainly has now a concrete case on the need to bring ECHR anew at the forefront of the World on Human Rights Respect, instead of a back stage....

(NDLR : Draft-News, as already sent earlier to "EuroFora"s Subscribers/Donors. A complete and more accurate Final Public Version is due asap)


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