EU Chair, Hungarian President Pal Schmitt to EuroFora: Manifold potentials from Danube Energy..
The huge potential of Danube River Strategy's contribution to bring Energy strengthening Europe is manifold, from Natural/Economic up to Cultural/Moral aspects, said in substance EU Chairman, President of Hungary, Pal Schmid, to "EuroFora", at the Conclusion of his Press Conference at EU Parliament with his President Buzek, (that he knows well as former MEP), where he addressed MEPs at a crucial juncture, in the middle of the current Hungaran EU Chairmanship (Jan. - June 2011 : See also Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Urban and Foreign Minister Janos Martonyi, to "EuroFora", on 12/2010 and 1/2011).
Energy can be partly produced by Danube itself, but it can also be transported through it, not only among its own Riverside Countries, but even in many others thanks to its links to Rhine, which bring also European People and Culture closer together, observed in substance the EU chair, speaking with "EuroFora", to whom he pointed also towards his Speech at EU Parliament's Plenary in Strasbourg, facing the PanEuropean Court of Human Rights, where Pal Schmitt was inspired to evoke also EU's Cultural and Religious, Christian roots, as parts of its Historic and Modern Identity, a notoriously much needed "Moral Fuel" in order to re-launch the motor of Popular Support to EU's development and role in the World.
- "EuroFora" asked EU President in office Pal Schmidt whether the 2011 Hungarian EU Chairmanship really aimed to "link Danube Strategy with Energy" issues for the benefit of the European General Interest, particularly "on Transport" matters :
- "Yes, in certain parts, yes", calmly but clearly replied the 2011 EU Chairman to "EuroFora"s question.
+ "There are even some Parts" of Danube River, "which can be utilized (also) as a Source of Energy", (f.ex. Hydro-Electric Dams, etc), Pal Schmitt added.
When "EuroFora" pointed, in particular, also to the Strategic issue of "Danube - Rhine Ship Transport links with the Black Sea", Pal Schmitt acknowledged ;- " Yes", that's also "for Oil, etc. shipping", "I mentioned it", he noted.
+ But, enlarging the issue, President Pal Schmitt insisted to indicate also that Danube's EU input could even have "Cultural", a.o. GeoPolitical dimensions
- "Danube Strategy,n it's also Culture, Environment, Energy, and Water, Religion, etc. which are all very close to its particular(regional PanEuropean) Dimension", the 2011 EU Chairman stressed in conclusion to "EuroFora"..
+ Pal Schmitt also pointed "EuroFora" towards what he had just "mentioned in my Speech", as he said, to EU Parliament's Plenary, mainly about "Danube Region Strategy" as "Geopolitical asset", "Egine of common projects", and "a Cltural link", recently "taking shape in about 40 different Programs, with the participation of 14 countries", "that is to be approved in June" 2011.
> Pal Schmitt's hint indeed, looks pertinent : GeoPolitically, Historically and Culturally, Danube brings closer together Eastern with Western Europe, including undeniably European Countries such from Ukraine up to Croatia (EU Candidate due to join in 2013), Serbia (another Western Balkans probable next EU step, and the only "Missing Link" for a full EU appropriation of Danube River 100%), as well as Russia, etc., i.e. contributing also to the reunification of all Christians, from Catholics and Protestants up to Orthodox, as well as of Latin, German, and Slavic, together with Jewish a.o. traditional cultures.
- While also giving Direct Access for Central/Western EU (i.e. France, Germany, BENELUX, even the UK, Denmark, Sweden/Norway via North Sea/Rhine river) right to the Black Sea, Caucasus and Caspian sea Area, of obvious interest for more Independent, Safer and probably Cheaper Energy supplies.
At this particular moment of Europe's History, when almost all Big EU Countries' leaders have just denounced "MultiCulturalism" and re-started to praise "Integration", including of immigrants, as well as Cultural Identity and Historic "Roots", (f.ex. German President Angie Merkel, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, Brittish Prime Minister David Cameron, etc.), including mainly Europe's well known Greco-Roman and Christian roots, (notoriously revendicated also by Italy, Poland, Spain, etc. and many other EU Countries, i.e. by representatives of the Largest Majority ever, quasi-totality of EU Citizens,
- Because what we should have "here", in "the EU Parliament", "is not a simple laboratory of legislation, but much more: the Soul of Europe : ..... Indeed, Europe has its own market, its own currency, its own policies and laws – but it also has a Soul and a Spirit.... The Crisis situations of the Recent past have also shown what happens if we consider the fate of People with a mere ..Technocratic approach", EU Chair Pal Schmitt pointed out in his Plenary speech.
Therefore, EU Parliament's main mission is, now more than ever, to develop the role that "the Culture of Open Debate plays in European Thinking", as "a guarantee for Democratic Decision-Making". Restraint and attentive Openness to others is what fits best "From the outset, this alliance was more than a community of coal and steel. Its founding fathers brought it to life to guarantee peace with a view to establishing a strong Europe. It has changed a lot since: today, more than 500 million citizens of 27 countries live in the EUée²t is not easy to establish consensus among half a billion people.I consider it a special grace that Hungary assumed the rotating presidency now, in the midst of Grave Dilemmas, struggles, and fateful issues...."
- "We (Hungarians) live in a country which, thanks to King Saint Stephen, was established as a tolerant, accommodating, multiethnic, Christian community which looks back on one Thousand years of statehood, and which testified to its deep rooted love of freedom with revolutions", he reminded, speaking of the Historic Central European Country which had succeeded, as early as since 1600-1700, to attract Solidarity from many Countries all over Europe (England, France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Sweden, Poland, etc), to the point to send Soldiers to Fight hard (in a kind of .. Spontaneous Precursor of what could become in the Future a European Defence/Army, 500 Years before today !) for the Liberation of Budapest from a Past Military Invasion and Occupation by the former Ottoman Turc empire.
And , concluding, he "quoted ..from a popular Hungarian writer, ..Márai: - “We need to Build this way of life further. We have to fill it with everything that is Modern; we have to preserve everything in it that is Timeless. (...) We have everything we need, all we need is Faith and stubborn Will : Faith in our role and the Will to fight against the Tyranny of stupidity ... Where can Europeans start this work? ...I think they have already begun.”
EU Energy Commissioner Oettinger to EuroFora: Energy ST Research issues part of Competitivity pact ?
Scientific Research and Technologic Innovation on Energy could be part of €uroZone's and all EU's Competitiviy Pact, due to be decided by an exceptional Brussels' Summit on Friday, said to "EuroFora" EU Commissioner in charge of Energy, Gunter Oettinger from Germany, speaking after a Press Conference in EU Parliament in Strasbourg, just a few Days after Chancellor Merkel stressed that Germany's "High-Tech Strategy" is a key factor of EU's "Competitivity", in which "Innovation" should be included, as French President Sarkozy earlier observed at an earlier EU Summit, (See previous "EuroFora"s NewsReports from Brussels).
Among the particular Energy RST issues worthy "to examine" in future is also some Pioneer Scientists' surprising claim that research and innovation could succeed to transform in Future Fuel" and/or useful new "Materials" the polluting CO2 which is due to be captured and stored in Europe in order to fight against Climate Change, according to EU Commission's Plans to reduce CO2 pollution before 2050, as decided today in Strasbourg and presented by EU Climate Commissioner Connie Hedegaard, (Comp. Hedegaard's 2 long Replies to" EuroFora"s 2 Questions at her 1st ever Press Conference after the Copenhagen UNO Summit, (Comp. "EuroFora"s NewsReports from the spot).
Such moves could prove to be crucial for EU's Climate and Energy Plans, since the EU Commission CO2 Emission Reduction Roadmap "requires the large-scale introduction of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Technology, which "would increase Costs in Energy intensive Industrial sectors by more than 10 Billion € annualy in the Decade up to 2050", threatenin to "raise Competitiveness Concerns" "if Climate Action weren' taken Worldwide", provoking "Industrial ReLocation out of Europe", as Hedegaard's draft warns, unless something is done to prevent that.
Questioned by "EuroFora" if he thought that Innovation on Energy Efficiency and a Lower Carbon Economy could be included in the "Competitivity Pact" due to be decided by an extraordinary €uroZone Summit on Friday in Brussels, Oettering appeared optimist :
- "In some points" concerning "our Missions, (i.e. Energy for Oettinger, and Climate for Hedegaard), there is a good Cooperation here on Carbon (CO2) at working level".
+ Moreover "several of our proposals and our views are included in this Package", he observed.
- Inter alia, f.ex., concerning "some Scientists' belief that they could transform CO2, after it's captured and stored, into useful Materials or in some kind of Fuel in the Future", EU Commissioner Oettinger agreed with "EuroFora"s suggestion : - "Yes, of course", this "could, indeed, be something interesting to examine. I'll check", he promissed.
- Because "this might be in line with our (main) ideas, i.e. to innovate and modernize in order to have a new, more clean economy, f. ex. also on cars and other vehicles, etc", he observed, promissing to willingly consider ways to eventually participate personally to the forthcoming EU Parliament's STOA workshop on that issue, on the 22th of March.
- Meanwhile, the experienced President of EU Parliament's STOA (Scientific and Technological Options Assessment), Austrian ChristianDemocrat MEP Paul Rübig, Speaking to "EuroFora", pointed out that a relevant "Hearing" is "organised by the (EU) Commission on March 31" : Officially dedicated to "Carbon's Transfert", it could also "cover all" such related issues, including "also CO2 recycling", as Rübig told us.
Such Moves could prove to be particularly useful, since key EU Climate Commissionner Hedegaard, who has just anounced an action plan until 2050, speaking briefly to "EuroFora" after learning about the Group of Scientists' initiative on "Co2 as Future Fuel", acknowledged that she "didn't know yet" anything about this technological possibility ! But EU's CCS Mega-Plans, "envisaged today, should (Timely) take into consideration that the CO2 shoud be retrieved from the Earth in Future" in order to be recycled into new Fuel and/or useful Materials, that Pioneer Group of Scientists warns. (See relevant "EuroFora""s recent Publication).
- "Regarding the Competitivity Summit, on March 11, (German) Chancellor Merkel has just evoked, a few Days ago, inter alia, also a "High-Tech Strategy", which would be included among all other concerned Measures, such as Fiscal, Employment, etc., (French) President Sarkozy has also evoked the question of "Innovation", in Brussels' EU Summit, also in relation to Competitivity. Does EU Parliament support this kind of action in a sector (RST) which can be very important for EU's Competitivity in the Future ?", "EuroFora" asked.
- "I'd underline that EPP welcomes this High-Level Ambition, that our Heads of State and Government want to express, as regards raising Competitiveness and Productivity and Convergence in the EU". "There are some Amendements which highlight also such a High Level of Ambition, for instance with regard into transporting the Growth and Stability Pact objectives into National Law, with regard to Employment's ambition, and with regards to the MacroEconomic Surveillance, where some indicators with regard to Competitiveness have to be taken into account", etc, she replied.
Meanwhile, it's also EU Commission's President, José Barroso, who, despite his well known demand for €uroZone's Competitivity Pact to follow the so-called "Community method", nevertheless,pointed out, in EU Parliament in Strasbourg, that "if Budgetary cpnsolidation and Structural reforms are essential for Comptetitiveness, Investment in sectors of importance forthe Future, like Research and Innovation, is just as necessary".
- "But it can't be fully separated, this Competitiveness (at a Global level) from the Legislative Package currently on the Table : (where) 2.000 Amendments are currently tabled !" she revealed. "We just entered into Discussion in this Parliament, and ... for us (MEPs) it's important to take a clear view, on how the Heads of States and Governments want to implement, this Competitiveness Pact. Our President pointed out that, for us, the Community Method is an important point, and, where this Competitiveness affects the Legislative pack, there EU Parliament has its co-Legislative competence, and we shall have to discuss it during the upcoming Months" (.... ) Wortman - Kool warned.
+ Indeed, as EU Parliament's President, Jerzy Buzek, pointed out to "EuroFora" : - "Well, you know, this is a very, very important Issue : We (EU Parliament) expect that we can go, Step by Step, with the Community method, for the Solutions on particular issues, particularly on Markets, etc., and it would be....important to have all 27 Member States, because 27 are responsible for the Common Market, etc", as the Polish MEP observed before Poland's forthcoming EU Chairmanship, from July 1st, 2011", (Comp. Polish Foreign Minister, Sikorsky's Replies to "EuroFora"s Questions).
- "So, it's a long, long way...", Buzek concluded, as things stand now, from his point of view.
However, at least as far as €uroZone core, big European Countries are concerned, the speed and volume of developments in the current World-wide Competition on the way out of the Global Crisis, obvioysly make it crucial to act fast and efficiently.
Therefore, it all looks as if those who attempt to delay EU, inevitably incite €uroZone to advance forward more resolutely and clearly...
Will there be at least the beginning of an adequate reply at the forthcoming, original, EU and €uroZone Summit, Friday, March 11 in Brussels, (the 1st in History to be officially "double" or "composite", i.e. formed out of 2 different parts : One for al EU 27 focusing on Mediterranean developments, and another, for €uroZone's 17, focusing on the Competitivity Pact) ?
EPP Group Chairman Daul to EuroFora on G20/Raw Materials prices : Bread as Oil ?!
- "On the Raw Materials' Prices (for Agrficulture/Food), I think that we (EU Parliament) are going to debate anew", Positively replied Daul.
- "You know that it's my Dada, but I didn't think that it was going to evolve si Fast", acknowledged with a smile the experienced President of EU Parliament's biggest Political Group, apparently surprises by the Efficiency of MEPs' own work...
- "But we've not yet finished with the issue of Raw Materials Prices' augmentation. ; If you do your job and have a look around you, on Agro-Food Businesses' prices, that I contacted anew last week, it seems that Prices will go up anew", he predicted.
- "So, we must find, there, some Solutions", Daul stressed. "I propose one, Today, even before discussing it with my Group, so it's a Personal (Idea) :
- "We (EU/G20) must find the Same solution, for Agricultural Prices, as for Oil !", Joseph Daul stressed.
=> I.e., "If the prices rise, - and I take as example a piece of Bread, because it's the 1st Food product that we find everywhere-, well , if Bread's Price augments 4 cents, because Wheat's price augments, then, as we do for Oil, we must augment accordingly. And if the (on the Contrary) Wheat's prices fall, then, also Bread's prices must, automatically fall", (i.e., so that nobodody can speculate against others)..
- More generally, "we (EU) must create a New Thinking about Food, since, as you know, f.ex., between 55-57% of Latino-American Soja production has already been bought by China for the 2 next Years !", he revealed. "So that we (EU) can find satisfactory solutions for issues which concern 500 Millions of -EU) Consumers", Daul concluded.
Commissioner Rehn+EUParliament ECON Chair Bowles to EF: 1999-2001 Political context=Greek Debt cause
The realization of the fact that the real cause for the recent financial problems unveiled in Greece might be not €uroZone itself, despite some gaps currently filled, but mainly the Political Context of a period of the Past extending during the years 1999-2001, probably involving also shady deals related to Turkey's controversial EU bid, (See previous "EuroFora"s relevant NewsReports), came several steps closer, after some interesting Statements by EU Commissioner Oli Rehn, and of EU Parliament's Economic and Monetary Committee's Chairwoman, British Liberal MEP of the new Governing Coalition, Sharon Bowles, to "EuroFora", as well as from other MEPs, during a long "Exchange of Views" until late Monday Evening.
The crossed moves were topically made in Strasbourg shortly before Greece's Prime Minister for Greece, Georges Papandreou (Soc) exceptionally meets on Thursday in Paris, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, at the eve of €uroZone's and EU's composite Summit in Brussels next Friday, due to deal with all EU's Strategy in front of on-going dramatic Changes in most Mediterranean Countries, as well as with €uroZone's further Integration focusing on the adoption of a "Competitivity Pact", (See "EuroFora"s NewsReports from the latest, February 4, EU Summit in Brussels).
The 1st iteresting point was a specific, critical Observation by Rehn to a question raised by a German "Green" MEP who "claimed to be always in favor of Monetary Discipline"
- But, In fact "The "Green" Party in Germany was, in the Past, part of the Coalition Government of Schroeder (B : 2002-2005), and, therefore, it bears at least a part of Responsibility for the Watering down" of Monetary discipline which characterized that period, of "Socialist-Green" power, denounced EU Commissioner in charge of Economy and Monetary affairs, Oli Rehn, (a Finnish Liberal).
The former leader of the then "Green" Party in Germany, former Foreign Minister Joshka Fischer, famous for having politically eliminated most among the Historical Founding members of that Party, has notoriously been hired, recently, by an Economic Lobby serving the interests of the controversial, too long, expensive, and risky Gas Pipeline old project "Nabbuco", which zig-zagz far away from Europe, throughout Turkey..
Another relevant figure of the same period, former EU Commissioner for EU Enlargement, Gunter Verheugen, a "Socialist" also confirmed by the same "Shroeder B" former Coalition Government criticized by Oli Rehn, has just been hired in 2010 also by a Turkish lobby aiming to promote Ankara's Foreign Trade and Exports towards the EU...
- "I remember that, during that early period", when the famous "hiding" of the Debt of the former "Socialist" Government in Greece took place, notoriously allowing it to enter €uroZone earlier than normal, and without the necessary Reforms, they (i.e. those Governments in power throughout the EU, mainly "Socialists") had made some serious Critical remarks for some other Countries, pushing them to make needed Changes, but, on the contrary, they didn't say practically anything for other Countries, apparently moving according to Political, and not Economic criteria then, criticized also the President of EU Parliament's Economic and Monetary Committee, Brittish MEP from the currently Governing Liberals-Conservatives coalition, Sharon Bowles, from Oxford, speaking to "EuroFora".
It's a Fact that, shortly after the then "Socialist" Government of the Past in Greece (since 10/1999) closed its eyes on Turkey's threats at the Aegean, on the persisting Military Occupation of Cyprus and totall disrespect of Refugees and Missing persons' Families' rights, on Ankara's persisting refusal to recognize the Armenian Genocide, on the serious violations of Human Rights which continued to be committed in Turkey, etc., suddenly, as if in exchange, several "Socialist" Governments and/or EU Officials started also to.. close their own eyes on the huge Debt provoked by notorious Nepotism, Corruption, Discriminations and Arbitrariness, etc, (including even several strange "Deaths" of key persons in suspect circonstances, such as, f.ex. Investigators in grosse corruption cases, and other potential critics, etc.) since the massive recruitments of supporters of that regime mainly during the years 1980, giving the False Impression that Greece would have been ready to enter immediately the €uroZone, already at the eve of April 2001 National Elections, thus won by a former "Socialist" Government..
* The Political Consequence was Turkey's controversial EU "Candidacy" and even the opening of "Accession Negotiations" back on 2004, which notoriously provoked the most serious Institutional Crisis in EU's History, with 3 "No" to EuroReferenda in France, the Netherlands and Ireland (2005-2007), blocking EU's new Constitutional draft for many years, until the French President Sarkozy was brillantly elected with the Electoral commitment to stop Turkey's unpopular EU bid, in agreement with German Chancelor Merkel and a growing number of various other EU Countries' Top Politicians winning National Elections between 2009-2011, so that, at least, as "Simplified" version of EU's New Institutions managed to enter into force since December 2009. (I.e. with almost 5 Years of Delay, plus several diminutions/restrictions of the original plan...
* The Economic Consequence was to risk to undermine €uroZone's stability, by inciting the then "Socialist"' Government of Greece to enter precociously and unprepared inside the €uroZone, so that it exploited that in order to usurpate April 2001 National Elections. On 2009, one of its "Socialist" party successors suddenly said that he discovered for the 1st time the huge Debt provoked by his predecessors since 1980, and, accused of Excessive Alarmism, presents a Tragic Situation obliging the EU to start moving and taking Measures in order to ensure Stability inside €uroZone, at a crucial juncture for Global Competition, in the aftermath of the Global Crisis, when every Region in the World is focusing on how to become faster and more Competitive than others...
Thus, EU paid ..Twice, even until Today (2009-2011) an unacceptable Political Blunder apparently committed during that period of the Past : 1999 -2002, which has not yet been fully investigated, nor Justice yet done vis a vis all those who were Responsible for what really happened.
- Such kind of events clearly indicate that the main, real Cause which provoked the current Financial Problems in Greece may have nothing to do with €uroZone itself, but is due to absolutely Differend, Other Factors, specific to the particular situation of Greece then, stressed in conclusion to "EuroFora" the experienced EU Parliament's Rapporteur on several Monetary issues, mainstream French MEP Jean-Paul Gaugés, from the Governing Party UMP (ChristianDemocrats/EPP Group).
It's well known that in that context of the Past, there were not adequate Tools, and sometimes not even a Political contraint, nor real wish to keep an effective Monetary discipline, while now, EU has recently decided to adopt an important "Monitoring Mechanism" and to "reinforce its Economic Governance", added earlier Rhen, in reply to a question raised by Gaugés.
At present, "the most important" task is "to restore the Competitivity" particularly of Countries who are more exposed to risks, (f.ex. Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, etc), Rehn added later in Conclusion.
- Now "the €uroZone will have a completely New Architecture", and sufficient means to ensure that Financial "Speculation won't be profitable", he underlined.
EU Parliament's Constitutional affairs Committee, has just adopted, indeed, this Monday Evening in Strasbourg, the package of €uroZone's Permanent "Stability Mechanism", already agreed by Heads of State and Government at EU's December 2010 Summit, (Comp. "EuroFora"s NewsReport from Brussels then), after a long Vote of several "Compromise Amendments" among .. 130 in all, at the Report drafted by Italian Socialist MEP Roberto Gualtieri and experienced German ChristianDemocrat MEP Elmar Brok.
+ Meanwhile, "the Real Economy in the EU is Recovering, and it becomes Strong and Sustainable", while even "unemployment figures recently were, for the 1st time, much "better" than in the Past of the latest Global Crisis, Rehn concluded optimistically, speaking for the entire €uroZone/EU area.
CO2: Enemy or Chance ? Can Nature inspire Science to change Pollution into Energy, Materials+ ?
(Draft). While EU Commission is due to adopt, next week in Strasbourg, its overall Plan for a "Low Carbon Economy by 2050" and "Energy Efficiency for 2011", Pioneer Scientists and even Industry have already started to explore a breakthrough idea to change harmful CO2 into useful Future Fuel and Materials, able to contribute with even more Economic means to the overall EU and UNO efforts to fight against Cimate Change and for Europe's Energy Independence, which will be discussed, together with MEPs and EU Commission in a forthcoming Scientific and Technological Options Assessment (STOA) workshop organized by EU Parliament before the end of March's EU Summit in Brussels, the experienced Secretary General of the European Materials Research organization, Paul Siffert, told "EuroFora".
Various Mega-solutions on how to Capture and Store CO2 in order to contribute into fighting against growing Atmospheric Pollution and dangerous Climate Change not only in long-term Global Warming, but also reportedly linked to recent destructive and even deadly Extreme Weather Events (f.ex. record-high Heatwaves, Floods, Storms, etc) , are currently prepared by EU Commission and several Member States, sometimes provoking certain Social Controversies, particularly on the underground CO2 long-time storage : It's in this framework that several Scientists and parts of Industry want to explore the "complementary" possibilities for CO2 recycling into Future Fuels, Materials and other useful applications, partially inspired by Nature's photosynthesis, which might also alleviate some fears about uncertainties for long-time CO2 underground storage, particularly if it becomes reversible, i.e. open to possible re-use of the stored CO2 when Scientific and Technoilogical Research might discover workable solutions in order to recycle it in New Fuel, Materials, etc.
Due to be anounced immediately after EU Commission President Jose Barroso's paper on 2050 Climate and Energy stategy, next week at EU Parliament in Strasbourg, a special event, jointly organized by STOA, MEPs' Scientific and Technologic Options Assessment committee, and the European Materials Research Society (EMRS, based in Strasbourg), aims to bring together EU Commission, Parliament, top Scientists and High-Tech Industry, as well as the European Press Media and other stockholders, in order to start seriously discussing the New Horizons which could be opened by Pioneer, Breakthrough Research :
- "Such Projects have already started in the USA, China, etc; as well as in some parts in Germany, etc. so that Europe should not loose the opportunity to fast coordinate its overall Research action" in an area able to create potentially immense New Possibilities for Economic Growth and a Healthier Environment from the forthcoming Decade(s), EMR's Head, Dr. Siffert added to "EuroFora".
The Key-note Speaker on how to transform CO2 into a Future Chemical Fuel, Professor Jacques Amouroux, experienced f. President of the prestigious Paris University Pierre et Marie Curie, who also drafted recently France Top Research Funding Agency : ANR's Report on Solar Energy breakthrough perspectives, speaking recently to "EuroFora", observed that simple mathematic calculation proves that even if the Electric and/or Hydrogen-powered New Cars could and should develop quite fast in the forseable Future, nevertheless, the total Number of existing Cars is so huge that it's economically impossible to replace them all soon enough, so that a new, alternative and comparatively less polluting and cheaper Fuel would be stilll necessary for quite a long period of time.
- In general, "our natural allies are mainly Chemistry and Electric Power producers, while some Oil/Gas Companies seem curiously more reserved", observed also to "EuroFora" the hyperactive Dr. Jean-Pierre Massue, former President of EMRS and long-time Director of CoE's EurOPA Agreement against Major man-made or natural Hazards throughout all the European continent, from Portugal up to Russia and well beyond, who currently extends his experience also at relevant International bodies.
Massue, particularly experienced into bringing together European Politicians and Scientists around Inno, also urged EMRS Head, Siffert, to outline the Future Horizon with a clear Timetable estimation about when he expects for Professor Amouroux's idea to start becoming functional in real practice, "so that MEPs, Government and EU Political leaders can have more clear perspectives". Siffert replied, smiling, that it should be certainly ..long "before 2050" Horizon that EU Commission has picked for its forthcoming Report due to be published next week at EU Parliament in Strasbourg...
EU Parliament, EU Commissioners, Scientists and Industry are due to explore Pioneer Research on Recycling CO2 for Economy and Climate "in the context of the energy and climate change targets for 2020 and beyond", focusing on "the audacious concept of generating hydrocarbons by taking hydrogen from water and combining it with CO2", according to a STOA-EMRS anouncement. This "would have a twofold Strategic benefit: - 1) the reduction of the atmospheric emissions of CO2, complementing other technology initiatives, such as the Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) programme funded by the European Commission", and - "2) the production of transportable and storable synfuel, a 'standby' source of power for handling, on the demand/supply side, the peak loads and the intermittence of renewable sources".
- "In the long run, the reduction of the European dependence on imported oil and the enhancement of the European Competitiveness could also be envisaged as promising perspectives for a large scale, fuel production process, using CO2 as raw material", the organizers add, topically speaking shortly before €uroZone's forthcoming 11 March 2011 Summit on a European "Competitivity Plan", initially proposed jointly by French and German leaders President Sarkozy and Chancellor Merkel, with the agreement in principle of all 27 EU Member Countries at the recent February 4 Brussels' EU Summit, (See "EuroFora"s NewsReports from the spot).
Sarkozy has already indicated to "EuroFora" (see supra) that Scientific Research and Innovation could be part of €uroZone's Competitivity Plan, open also to all other interested EU Countries, and Merkel recently made it also clear that a main aim of the move is to inspire all those involved by a "High-Tech Strategy", which distinguishes between RST investment and necessary Budget Savings, in order to boost a coherent European competitive economy able to face a galoping Global Competition at this crucial juncture of a Post-Crisis period of the return to a sustainable Growth.
The March 22 EU Parliament's Workshop, "will present the state of the art of a technology breakthrough aimed at recycling and transforming harmful carbon dioxide (CO2) into fuels", and will provide an overview of the ongoing European and international R&D and pre-industrial initiatives aimed at developing and industrializing the proces", while "European Commission (RTD) will illustrate the framework of the ongoing and forthcoming EU funded programmes in the energy sector". Finally, "a round table, moderated by Dr. Rolf Linkohr (former MEP and long-time EU Parliament's Rapporteur on ST Research), will give MEPs and participants the opportunity to engage an open discussion with S&T experts, economists and representatives of the industry on the future technological and economic perspectives".
(NDLR : See earlier 2010 "EuroFora" NewsReports", already sent to Subscribers/Donors, and Full Interview of Professor J. Amouroux, which will be published asap)
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Speaking exclusively to "EuroFora", the New EU Parliament's President, former Polish Prime Minister, ChristianDemocrat/EPP MEP Jerzy Busek, welcomed proposals by EuroFora about innovative ways for EU Citizens to attend EU debates before important final decisions which affect people's lives.
- "We (EU Parliament) must be transparent", Buzek stressed from the outset. "We must have clear answers also for delicate questions. If we don't touch a problem, you must know why, and when shall we decide in the nearest future".. "Because "we (EU) must think about Europeans, first of all : They don't understand well what is going on in the EU. So, it's our duty to inform them, to make discussions here more interesting".
"EuroFora" congratulated President Buzek for the anouncement he made, from the 1st day of his election in Strasbourg (on Tuesday, 14 July 2009), on his intention to make transparent debates, exchanges of views, etc. before the final adoption of decisions in EU Parliament's Plenary, when issues are evolving inside Committees, (See earlier publication).
And we reminded, in this regard, that "EuroFora" has been advocating a project for EU Citizens' active involvement in pluralist EU debates before important EU decisions, since more than a Decade : 1997-2007+
- "Thank you. We (EU Parliament), indeed, have exciting debates", Buzek replied. But, in practice, "without a possibility for our Citizens to see them, not even by the Press, the Radio or TV, etc., because it is in Committees", he regreted.
- "But, they (i.e. Media, Citizens, etc) might interact with you, with MEPs, etc, May be we can imagine something", "EuroFora" proposed.
- "Yes, (but) it needs, a quite new idea", Buzed observed.
- "Why not through some innovations ?", "EuroFora" suggested.
- "Precisely, "EuroFora" has such a project, since more than a Decade (1997-2009), to use new technologies for public debates before major EU decisions are taken", we reminded.
- "If you have such proposals, please come to us, come to us. We must" do something, agreed the new EU Parliamen's President.
For that purpose, obviously information and debates are valuable, but purely instrumental, procedural means which can help focus on, and highlight a substantial content, attractive to EU Citizens, which needs to be determined by other, political, and not mediatic factors.
Buzek spoke about the urgent need to overcome the Global Economic Crisis, the struggle for Human and Civic Rights, Democracy, etc., the Eastern Partnership, links with Russia, strategic partnership with USA and emerging countries, etc.
But he also used (while speaking both to "EuroFora" and other Media) the expression : "The Europeans", for EU Citizens. This points right towards what several important EU leaders (including French President Sarkozy, German Chancellor Merkel, etc) have started to highlight particularly during the recent years : That there is a vital need, and an historic opportunity, for the development of a European Conscience, to stimulate e renaissance of a European Identity able to attract Popular support, for the EU to become a strong player in a Multopolar World : In other words, the revitalisation of a project for a "Political Europe".
By a coincidence, this was indirectly but surely reminded, earlier in Strasbourg, by another ... Busek (this time with a "s") :
Speaking to more than 650 participants from CoE's member countries, at the conclusion of the 2009 Summer University of its Political Schools, Erhard Busek, (with an "s"), former vice-Chancellor of Austria and EU Coordinator for South-Eastern Europe, pointed at the current need to revitalize Europe's "Identity", forged by Greek philosophy and Roman Law, Christian values and Enlightment's ideas, etc. through the ages.
- "We have almost the same name with Jerzy Buzek (EU Parliament's new President, who is a former Polish Prime Minister), because both our Families come ...from the same village, located at the Heart of Europe, which was often shared between Poland, Germany and the Czech Republic. But my family emmigrated a long time ago to Austria, while Jerzy Buzek's family remained in Poland", explained f. vice-Chancellor Erhard Busek to "EuroFora".
An astonishingly concrete and simple example of European Integration from the grassroots : Starting by EU Citizens, i.e. those "Europeans", that EU Parliament's new President, Jerzy Buzek (this time with a "z"), wants to bring alongside MEP's decision-making proces, (according to "EuroFora"'s main idea : Comp. supra)...