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EUParliament President Buzek to EuroFora: MEPs to check controversial Technocrats Report on EUFuture

Written by ACM
Sunday, 09 May 2010


    Elected MEPs will hold debates and probably vote on a controversial Report on EU's Future, Turkey's impopular EU bid, etc., prepared behind closed doors by an obscure committee of Technocrats, EU Parliament's President, Jerzy Buzek anounced to "EuroFora" in Strasbourg.

    - "We (EU Parliament) shall certainly do that !", sharply and positively replied President Buzek to "EuroFora"'s question if MEPs will examine, discuss and debate on the controversial Report released yesterday by former Socialist Prime Minister Gonzalez in Brussels, which curiously claims that EU "must" (sic) include Turkey's impopular EU bid in the Enlargment process, (See yesterday's "EuroFora"s Newsreports).  

 Buzek, (who has brillantly won the 2009 EU Elections in his mother country Poland at the head of the ChristianDemocrat party, and was strongly supported by Strasbourg's MEP Joseph Daul, the President of the European Christian/Democrat/EPP Group, the largest in EU Parliament), has already confirmed, earlier to "EuroFora" that he's personaly in favour of an accession prospect for unquestionably European (both from a Cultural, Historic and Geographic points of view), Democratic and Developed Countries as f.ex. Ukraine, while, on the contrary, the controversial Report drafted by Gonzalez at the head of a group of Technocrats, astonishingly prefered Turkey to Ukraine or Serbia etc. in EU Enlargment horizon. (See supra).

    - "This is naturally part of our (EU Parliament's) normal and usual business", Buzek added in his reply to "EuroFora"'s query (See supra) on MEPs check on the controversial Technocrats' Report on EU's Future. This reaction fits well with EU Parliament's President recent agreement also with mainstream Heads of State/Government, as f.ex. with French President Nicolas Sarkozy, earlier this year in Paris (Comp. previous "EuroFora"'s NewsReports), for MEPs not to be limited only into their Legislative work, but also to be able to advance towards big Political Debates on main European issues which interest EU Citizens' lifes, beliefs and expectations.  

 EU Parliament's reaction to the astonishing claims made by the 35 pages controversial Report drafted behind closed doors by a Technocrats' Committee, after 2 years-long meetings once per Month, which reportedly  costed more than 1 Million €, under the Chairmanship of the Socialist former PM Gonzalez, with a Secretariat headed by an Expert ..on Web networks, Dr. Turk, whose only continuing Job with a Foreign University is at .. Istanbul's Technical Faculty (Turkey), and most Members personally linked with Socialist parfties and/or former Governments as well as with UK/USA interets, which notoriously belong to a lobby traditionaly pushing to impose Turkey's impopular EU bid, is awaited with great interest, because June 2009 EU Elections were largely won by Political Parties opposed to Turkey's EU claims in many Countries, (not only France and Germany, among the biggest, but even in Holland or the UK, where f.ex. the 2nd big British party of MEPs was exceptionaly elected under the banner : "No to Turkey's accession to the EU !"'), in addition to several other National (Parliamentarian and/or Presidential) Elections in mainstream EU Countries recently, as f.ex. since 2007 in France, 9/2009 in Germany, etc).

    Blatantly ignore and bluntly reject, "in 4 small lines", as former Socialist Politiian Gonzalez noted, the Democratically expressed Political Will of the Majority of EU Citizens both in EU Parliament and in National Elections, through their directly elected MEPs  and/or Heads of State or Governments, should normally be impossible for a mere ad hoc Committee of Technocrats or "Wisemen" led by a Chairman belonging to a Political trend which lost the latest EU 2009 Elections (Socialist, instead of the winner ChristianDemocrat/EPP political family). Particurly when even inside this obscure Technocrats' Committee, the proTurkish claim couldn't be adopted but only after "intense discussions" and differences of views, only by a Majority, and not at all Unanimously, as Gonzalez was obliged to admit.

    EU Parliament's President, Jerzy Buzek, who was in Strasbourg to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of Shuman's Historic Declaration for the creation of the EU, which coincided also with the 65th Anniversary since the Victory in the 2nd World War against Nazism, also stressed that MEPs intend to deal, during the forthoming Months and Years, with many big outstanding issues, including the current struggle against the Global Financial Crisis, Climate and Clobal Warming as well as EU's Energy Independence and Solidarity, Scientific/Technologic Innovation and Development, etc, while also fostering better direct links between EU Parliament and EU Citizens, not only once in 5 Years, but even during MEPs' mandates, in order to suceed to overcome a notorious previous "Gap" (which appeared since the 1999-2004 unprecedented Majority Abstention in EU Elections, followed by 3 "No" to EuroReferenda between 2005-2007, largely motivated by EU Citizens' opposal to Turkey's impopular EU bid), by trying to use various "Innovative" ways.     

Buzek pleaded in favor of Robert "Shuman's Community Method" and "the Founding Fathers' Spirit which makes EU a success", launching in addition a Call for EU Citizens to make their observations and aspirations heard to their MEPs, symbolically speaking in front of delegations of Young People from EU Member Countries, side by side with the President of the European Court of Human Rights, professor Jean -Paul Costa, while EuroCorps Army, headquartred in Strasbourg, raised the European Flag.



Sarkozy recalls Ardennes Nazi counter-attack while Socialist Gonzalez Report claims Turkey is a must

Written by ACM
Saturday, 08 May 2010


*Colmar/- In an inspired, Symbolic plaidoyerie for People's Right to their Historic Identity, French President Sarkozy reminded, on the occasion of the Anniversary of the Victory against Nazism and Fascism in the 2nd World War , that even towards the end of War, Nazi had launched the Ardennes attack to take back Strasbourg, speaking the same day that, in Brussels, Socialist former PM Gonzalez published a controversial Report abruptly claiming that Turkey is a "Must" for the EU, (which would have No real Identity), regardless of EU Citizens' Votes on many National and EU Elections even in the biggest Countries.   

 - Historic "Last Liberation act" from Nazism, which opened a new Horizon for a Democratically reUnited Europe, was symbolically honored by French President Nicolas Sarkozy near Strasbourg, at Colmar, reminding that the AntiDemocratic regime of "Nazis .. fought back relentlessly" when "Hitler gave orders to launch the Ardennes Counter-offensive (alias "Battle of the Bulge"), whose Revanchist "aim was to re-conquer Strasbourg" back, (nowadays CoE, ECHR and EU Parliament's plenary sessison Headquarters).   


 Sarkozy said that the same Day that EU Council's Chairman, Herman Van Rompuy, was handed in Brussels a controversial Wisemen Report on "Europe's Future", which, surprisingly, dictated that the notoriously impopular Turkey's EU bid was a ..."must", and EU must be obliged to return back to its Past stance, regardless of EU Citizens' opposed votes in the Biggest EU Countries since 2007-2009 and even in the latest, June 2009 EU Elections, which led to conclude that EU - Turkey negotiations were Not for Accession (as EU Parliament's Votes twice confirmed in 2009 and 2010 : See Facts cited in "EuroFora"s earlier NewsReports), but only for an "Open-Ended process", as EU Council has repeatedly stressed during Recent Years. 


The French President spoke in Colmar, near CoE, ECHR and EU Parliament sessions' capital Strasbourg, at the Double Anniversary Day of Shuman's Declaration for the creation of the EU, and just before a Moscow Heads of State/Government gathering to celebrate 65 years since the Victory against Fascism and Nazism, and more than 20 Years after the end of the "Cold War", overcoming Past regimes oppressive of Liberties, making possible and necessary a new European era officially referring to Human Rights, Democracy and Rule of Law, as also Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov recently pointed out at the CoE in Strasbourg.
    Only one Hour later, Van Rompuy, speaking at the beginning of a join May 8 and 9 EU Parliament "Open Days" event in Brussels and Strasbourg, agreed that "in Politics, we must sometimes get some distance from the everyday's Crisis (particularly when we've been working on that "up to 2 o'clock in the Morning" as he reminded onYesterday's Brussels' EuroZone Summit, from which Sarkozy, meanwhile, flew to come here at Colmar), "in order to become able to see clearly in front of us (the Future) anew", as he said.
    However, Van Rompuy, carefully ...reserved for ..."2030, the Year that the Wisemen's Group fixed as Horizon", (according to President Sarkozy's proposal and EU Council's 2007 and 2008 Decisions), "when I'll have more than 83 Years of age", as he said, in ordrer to "re-read anew your Report to check if it's right" or wrong...


    Preceded by sounds ..of Brittish-Scottish Pipes, EU Council's President, Herman Van Rompuy was handed down a hard copy of the controversial Report, which considers Turkey's impopular EU bid as a "must", prepared by a Commission whose Secretary General, Dr. Turk, curiously keeps his only Foreign University Job .. in Turkey all long from 2001 up to 2010, with a Majority of Members linked to UK/ USA and/or with Socialist parties favoring Turkey's controversial EU aims, in obvious Contradiction not only against the latest French and German 2007 and 2009 National Elections, but also with the June 2009 EU Parliament's Elections, won by Parties clearly opposed or critical to Ankara's desiderata vis a vis the EU, in most Countries.

     Facts reveal that the Report supposed to render an Objective and Independent opinion on Turkey, was prepared in a non-transparent way by a Secretariat directed by Mr. "Turk, Secretary General", who holds a Paid Job for 10 Years at Istanbul's Technical Faculty in Turkey, and "without who(m) ...it would not have been possible", as its own text admits. Astonishingly, the Majority of the Controversial Group's Members have close links to the UK and/or USA, plus to Socialist Parties and/or former Governments, which are both notoriously pushing Turkey's impopular EU bid..


    - "That's why this (2010's) May 8, here, takes a so Particular and so Profound Meaning", Sarkozy enigmaically stressed the same Day at Colmar

    - Even after Strasbourg was liberated from Nazi Occupation Troops on November 1944, nevertheless, its region, "Alsace's sufferings didn't end soon : Nazis .. fought back relentlessly. On December ('944) Hitler gave orders to .. launch a Counter-Attack in the Ardennes" forest, whose "Aim was to get Back Strasbourg", (today's CoE, ECHR and EU Parliament's Headquarters), Sarkozy reminded.

    - So, "on January" 1945, Nazi "Tanks attacked Saverne" city (close to Strasbourg)", and, "the American Commander decided to retreat back, behind the Vosges' Mountains". But "this would mean abandoning Strasbourg to the Nazis"' oppressive regime, he denounced.


    The famous French Leader "General De Gaulle opposed that :  - "It goes without saying that the French Army cannot accept to abandon Strasbourg !", he stressed.

    - "We came close to to one of the most Grave Crisis between France and its Allies", Sarkozy observed.. "But, Strasbourg was saved" at the end, thanks also to De Gaulle's Voluntarism, he underlined.

    Thus, "the Last Act for Liberation... was played here, at Colmar (near CoE, ECHR and EU Parliament Headquarters, Strasbourg), the Last Occupied City", Sarkozy observed from the outset.

    - "I came here to pay hommage .. to all those who Resisted", "to the Volunteer Fighters, the Youngest of whom was roughly aged 16",  "who made hard Sacrifices, even of  their Lives,  for Freedom", that oppresive "Gestapo" methods "chassed, arrested, Tortured or even killed". "To the Refugees, who entered into Clandestinity, etc  They were Brave and came from all Areas"

    - Because it's only "after a Hard Battle, ... with Fervour, Tenacity, and Manouvering capacity", and many "Months of Heroic Struggles", that "the Last Occupied Area was  Liberated", he reminded, (as if he indirectly hinted that the 2007 and 2009 Elections in France, Germany and EU Parliament, were not enough yet in order to revive a European Project, in front of an opposition which, even after having lost many Elections, was obviously searching indirect ways to take its revanche, on Turkey's and other issues)...

    - "But I didn't come here, at Colmar, this May 8, only in order to evoke the Memory of those Fighters to whom we owe much". I came here also in order "to Repair an Injustice", Sarkozy added, Warning also on the subsistance of "a Profound and Hidden Wound, whose Pain hasn't yet gone",


    >>> "Those who Did Nothing to Prevent this Atrocity from being committed against innocent Citizens, but abandoned them, betrayed our Values, and were disgraced", the French President denounced.  

 However, the French ChristianDemocrat President didn't make yet any explicit comment on the former Socialist Prime Minister's controversial views on Turkey, apparently reserving that for a better opportunity asap.

    - "EU must (sic !) honour its commitments with regard to ... Turkey", loudly and unilateraly claims Socialist former PM Gonzalez-chaired controversial "Wisemen" Commitee Report on EU's Future.

    - Paradoxically, "at the same time", EU "should" practicaly ....exclude other Countries, even if they are unquestionably European, in Characteristics, Culture, Geography, History, Economic Development, etc., as, f.ex. Ukraine, Serbia, etc. It should offer, iinstead, "Intermediate stage Agreements", "prior to the launch of Accession Negotiations", the controversial Report adds.

    This claim is obviously the Contrary of the opening of an EU-wide serious critical Debate on EU's Future in order to check whether a Democratically strong and Political EU, with its own Identity and Borders, could accept Turkey's controversial EU bid without diluting and/or undermining EU's project, as French President Sarkozy had initially proposed, as part of a wider Compromise in order to accept the continuation of Turkey's lucrative EU Negotiations, despite his clear Opposal during the 2007 Presidential French Elections, to which EU Commission's President Barroso had replied by advocating to "leave it all up to a special Committee" of Technocrats.
    - "I acknowledge that there were Differend points of view inside the Group: ... each one had differend views on the reality", Gonzalez revealed, when he handed a copy to EU Council's President Van Rompoy.     

      - "There were very Intensive Discussions" inside his Group on Turkey, and the Decision was "not Unanimous, but by a Majority", Gonzalez admitted, speaking of his Group which was obviously composed by individuals (most of them Unknown to EU Citizens) , which worked without Transparency vis a vis EU Citizens nor even EU Parliament, and regardless of EU Citizens' democratic votes. ( Comp. Supra).

    EU President Van Rompoy had only met Gonzalez "Twice", and the latter, since 2007, had just made "one (1) informal Oral briefing" to EU Heads of State/Government, only on the sidelines of March 2010 Brussels Summit, while it was dealing with Economic affairs, as he observed. Meanwhile, curiously, both EU Citizens and even EU Parliament as such were kept in the Dark, (contary to what would seem natural for a Report destinated to EU Citizens)...

    - "My Personal opinion is that if (once in the Past) EU Council had decided that a Country (as Turkey) is a Candidate and had "held Negotiations" with Ankara, then, EU wouild be condemned to persist, (unless it finds that Turkey doesn' fullfil its EU obligations), even if facts prove it to be an Error, and whatever EU Citizens might think or Vote, and regardless of "certain EU Countries'" opposite position, (as France, Germany, etc), Gonzalez, apparently believed, (curiously choosing to speak only in Spanish, and without Translation by EU's TV)...
Gonzalez' astonishing ignorance on Merkel's famous "Pacta sund Servanda" reply to "EuroFora" founders' 2005 question on Turkey..


    - Because .. "Pacta sund Servanda !", otherwise "EU would not be credible", exclaimed loudly the Socialist politician, making an obvious reference to German ChristianDemocrat Chancellor Angie Merkel's famous Reply to "EuroFora" co-Founder's  Question on Turkey, back on 2005, as if this would impose Turkey's impopular EU bid regardless of EU Citizens' votes...
    But, by doing so, Gonzalez revealed an astonishing Ignorance of the Facts and of what really happened about this famous Merkel 1st statement on Turkey, (unless he was misled by some grossly Inaccurate or even False Media Reports) !

    In fact, when we Questioned Merkel, in her 1st Press Conference as Chancellor, back on November 2005, at Elysee Palace in Paris, together with former French President Chirac, we had asked "if they think, as Leaders willing a strong, Political Europe, that they could succeed to make Turkey respect its Commitments", (i.e. on Human Rights, International Law, Minorities, Cyprus, etc).

    Merkel's Reply to our Question was that "this is Simple (Clear : "Einfach" in the original in German) : For us, Pacta sund Servanda", (i.e. Commitments should be kept)".

    Our Question - Reply with Merkel logically came at a period when former French President Chirac had started to "be more Strict on the Conditions" of Turkey's controversial EU bid, as he had already declared in his concluding Press Conference at the EU June 2005 Brussels' Summit, because of the  "No" of French People to the Referendum on the EU Constitution, on May 2005, was notoriosuly motivated by EU Citizens' opposal to Turkey's EU claims.

    Notes, Audio Tapes, and Elysee's own trancript clearly attest of what really happened then. It's true, however, that we were suprised to find out later-on, that a transcript initially made in a German Translation (while we had spoken in French) at that period of Socialist-CDU/CSU CoHabitation back in Berlin, had somehow distorted our own Question, in a way which might mislead whoever wasn't present nor aware of the real Facts. Nevertheless, Merkel reportedly repeated in 2009 the Reply she had initially given on 2005 to our Question, (and, this time, exactly with the Meaning that we had given from the start !).  Facts are so crystal-clear, indisputable and easy to prove, that anyone who might claim to give them another, or even contrary Interpretation, would inevitably fail.
    And that's what happened in that obviously distorded version of Merkel's 1st ever official Statement as a Chancellor on Turkey, made in Reply to our Question (See supra) :

- Instead of focusing on Turkey's obligation to respect the commitments it has undertaken vis a vis the EU, (as we had asked Merkel), on the contrary, those who distorted our own Question, (in Dialogue with which, results obviously the meaning of Merkel's Reply "Pacta sund Servanta"), claimed that it was all only about ... EU's obligations vis a vis Turkey !!!.. I.e. those who distorted our Question, behave as if they attempt to turn the Earth upside down !...


    - My Group was "Independent and worked with its own Criteria", i.e. without asking the Opinion, not even taking into account what EU Citizens (fex. by their Votes), and Democratically Elected EU Parliament and EU Countries' Governments think on Turkey's controversial EU bid, Gonzalez, a former Socialist Politician, boasted moreover with a smile,  speaking of the 2 Years work which costed more than one Million € from EU Taxpayers Money, (including the Poor, who pay VAT on all their revenues).

    Questioned whether his stance was in accordance, or not, with "the Mandate" given by EU Council, on a proposal by French President Sarkozy, notoriously in order to examine mainly if Turkey's controversial EU bid was consistent, or not, with EU's Identity, Democratic Political nature, EU Conditions and EU Borders, etc., the Socialist politician claimed that this was no explicitly formulated in the Mandate (prepared by EU Commission's Chairman Barroso), even if he "knew, sufficiently well, that the move included the Debate whether EU should reply "Yes" or "No" to Turkey, as he said.
No European Identity ?

    In these conditions it's not surprizing that the Gonzalez and Dr. Turk's controversial Report doesn't even speak about a ""European" Identity" but only once, ..between braquets (!), only to claim that it might be still "emerging", and composed only of merely Subjective and Vague elements, such as "understanding", "vision", etc. or simply formal "EU Citizenship". For the rest, it repeats what one of its Members, Shustel, had already warned earlier "EuroFora" (See October 2009 NewsReport), about a Relativist Dilution into "Multiple Identities" (sic), including only "Local, Regional and National elements", (i.e. No European), which would "remain the key reference points for Citizens for a Long Time to come", as they claim pessimistically...


    - But, on the contrary, "there wasn't any Doubt on its Identity",  and "there wasn't any Doubt on its European Ideal", symbolically stressed the same day the French President, speaking about the struggle to liberate the  CoE, ECHR and EU Parliament Headquarters' Strasbourg's Region Alsace from the Nazi oppressive regime at the end of the 2nd WW.

    - Sarkozy pointed at People "who reflect on themselves in order to find inside them the strength to Open up to others, and, without forgeting nothing from their Past, to turn towards the Future".

    - Identity emerged from what a People "wanted", where "its Soul was", how "its Heart felt", "unable to (even) imagine" the contrary, he observed. - "The Tragic Fate of those People is part of our History, of our Collective Memory", and "we are linked tp them by a profound feeling of common belonging... betweeen People who shared many sufferings", he said.

    Sarkozy denounced as "a real War Crime", anti-Democratic, brutal ways to Deny a People's Identity : - "The Victims of Nazism, of the Worst Regime that History ever saw", were Annexated de facto : Whatever reminded their Country, whatever could express their Will to be part of it.., was Banned, Harassed, Punished : Their Language was probibited, even their Names had to be Changed, everything that used to link them together..; disappeared". ' "Towns were Divided in Sections, Cells and Blocks in order to be more easily Monitored. The Population was enroled in NAZI Organisations : Adults in (Obligatory) Work Service ..; All Young People aged 10 to 18 were obliged to enter in Hitler's organizations, 13.000 Men were incorporated by force to Hirler's Army, obliged to act against their beliefs, and sent to the Eastern Front, where 30.000 died and 10.000 went "Missing", while Prisoners faced atrocious conditions of detention. Threats of revenge against their Families didn't let a choice to theseVictims of Nazism.

- "But the worst of all sufferings was the most Hidden", he warned.

 - "It's very important for us that the President said that about the People of Strasbourg's Region Alsace in front of all", and, "as he (Sarkozy) stressed", it has a Meaning also for Europe", observed the new Chairman of Strasbourg's Region Alsace, Philippe Richert to "EuroFora".


     - "I think that the President made a Political choice", by coming here now  : "He wanted to honour an area which was the Last to be liberated" from Nazi oppression, and he chose Colmar near Strasbourg, CoE, ECHR and EU Parliament's Headquarters, and this is symbolic also of a"Voluntarism" which looks "beyond the present (Global) Crisis" towards an "2013" Horizon, said to "EuroFora" the City's Mayor, Gilbert Meyer, who has had a long experience also of the CoE.


      Meyer, before welcoming President Sarkozy on Saturday, topically inaugurated at the eve an exhibition of US Painter Joe Downing, (a Kentucky-born American turned French after the 2nd WW, who studied Physics of Light in Chicago before turning to Art), at the famous Unterlinden Museum, which hosts the wonderful Religious Art Masterpiece of painter Matthias Grünewald picturing a superbe Christ's "Resurrection", emerging from a bright Sun-Light surprising those who had slandered, oppressed, humiliated and eliminated him.    


    As surprising, but also positively welcomed, if not ardently desired, as the "Renaissance" of Europe, eyed by the famous July 2; 2007 landmark Speech by French President Sarkozy in Strasbourg, where he had already pointed at the 2 main concrete issues to be settled as a matter of priority for EU's future : that of EuroZone's Economic Government, and that of Turkey's controversial EU  bid.


Exceptionally, Sarkozy, after paying hommage also to "various People who came from everywhere : From Kentucky, Pensylvania" (and other American cities), even from Afrika, (who saw for the 1st time  Snowy Vosges' Mountains), or from Germany itself, (as a Memorial on Munich University Students' Group "White Rose", who were arrested and killed by Gestapo reminds in Strasbourg, in front of the ECHR and EU Parliament's buildings), (etc), concluded by reminding a Poem on "Young People" about the sufferings, sacrifices and struggles against the oppressive regime of Nazism and Fascism :


- "They have broken our Dreams, ...and much more". - "They have stolen our Joy and our Hopes, and much more", the French President cited, the Day that anyone who hoped for a strong and Democratic, Political EU with an attractive and popular Identity, was inevitably disappointed by the controversial, unilaterally pro-Turkish Report prepared by Socialist former PM Gonzalez and Dr. Turk of Istanbul's Technical Faculty, which leaves No "European Dream" possible...

But, isn't it precisely at such moments, that "Resurrection" and "Renaissance" Symbols (See supra)  fit better People's needs and aspirations ?    


Murdered Journalists Hrant Dink + Adali at ECHR: Turkey's acts since 2005-2007 questioned in 2010

Written by ACM
Wednesday, 05 May 2010

    Controversial EU Candidate Turkey's failure to make Efficient Investigations on Murders of 2 Journalists : dissident Turkish Cypriot Kutlu Adali and Armenian critic Hrant Dink, particularly since 2005 and 2007 up to 2010, was questioned in Strasbourg at a CoE-organized debate on the Anniversary of Press Freedom Day (May 5).

    The event brought together ECHR's Senior Legal Expert, Vincent Berger, International NGO watchdog on Press Freedom "Reporters without Borders"' Director for Europe and Central Asia, Elsa Vidal, PanEuropean Commissioner for Human Right's Office Director and several experienced Journalists, such as European TV ARTE's Reportage Director Marco Nassivera, the Organizer of CoE's Annual Journalists' Conference, Jerome Bouvier, Strasbourg Newspaper DNA's Director Dominique Jung, etc.
    The Family of the murdered Armenian Journalist Hrant Dink is currently in the process of pursuing an application against the Turkish Government at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, a key ECHR Official confirmed earlier to Strasbourg's Journalists including "EuroFora".  

    - "But what is really Worrying in Turkey, which is used to have Violent problems, is that most violations of Freedom of Speech, Journalists' Rights are the result of ambivalent (Turkish) Judges and of High-level Politicians, and this raises a very particular Problem", denounced from the outset the New Director for Europe and Central Asia of the International NGO Watchdog "Reporters without Borders", Elsa Vidal.

    - "A particularly interesting Paradox is that the Author of a Book published in Turkey on the Murder of the Armenian Journalist Hrant Dink on Januray 2007, which denounces what everybody suspects, i.e.  that the (Turkish) Police let the murder be committed, if it didn't even pave the way for (planify)  at the Highest level  the murder of the Journalisy, is currently threatened to be condemned into ...a longer Prison sentence than the presumed Murderers !", she criticized.

     - Moreover, "for those following the (Court's) Proceedings on the presumed killer at Istanbul, it's easy to realize that the (Turkish) Judges are in collusion and show their sympathy with the Murderer !", Vidal denounced.

    Indeed, Press Reports revealed, these same Days, that the Family and the Friends of the murdered Journalist and their Lawyers formally asked from the Turkish Authorities to urgently change the Judges and the Attorney, and replace them with really serious, objective and committed persons.


    Meanwhile, the aftermarth of Hrant Dink's January 2007 Murder, (which took place in Turkey after the 2005 killing of Catholic Priest Sandoro and the 2006 atrocious Torture and Murder of 3 Christian Protestant workers at a Bible editor), is extensively discussed in a New 2010 German Documentary Film with fresh research on original Letters and Testimonies from German, Swiss, Danish, Austrian, a.o. eye witnesses of the 1910-1915 Massacre organized by the former Ottoman - "Young Turk" regime, which is due to be soon translated and published also by the European TV Chanel ARTE.


But International Watchdog on Press Freedom "Reporters without Borders"' Director for Europe, Elsa Vidal, also anounced her intention to examine the case Turkey's total failure to efficiently investigate the cold blood Murder of a Dissident Journalist in the Occupied Territories of Cyprus, still held by Ankara's Army, despite its condemnation by an ECHR's Judgement since 2005.


    Vidal was replying to an "EuroFora"'s Question on Journalists' Murder cases, among which, as we observed, "some are very well known, while others, not" :

    - F. ex. , on the one hand, we have the famous Gongadze case, where ECHR had condemned in 2005 Ukraine because of the lack of an Efficient Investigation. But afterwards Ukraine proceeded to arrest and condemn to heavy Jail sentences 2 of them, who were suspects of having committed themselves the  killing, And later another, 3rd one, who is suspected to have organized those who killed, was also arrested. Even if the instigators have not yet been found, Ukraine, however, accepted even the interference of Foreign Experts in the on-going Investigation, and CoE's Committee of Ministers' Monitoring on the implementation of ECHR's Judgement, is continuing in Strasbourg", "Eurofora" observed.

    - " But, at the same time, few People speak of another case, concerning Turkey, which was also condemned by ECHR the same year of 2005, equally for lack of efficient Investigation in the case of the Murder of another Journalist shot with 5 Bullets at the Head out of his Family Home, in the territories of Cyprus Occupied by the Turkish Army : a dissident Turkish Cypriot, Kutly Adali. Here, on the contrary, the Turkish Government has not found, nor punished yet, not even one among the Murderers, nor those who planified the Murder, and persists, both before and after ECHR's Judgement, to claim that there it would be impossible for Ankara to ever find anyone among those responsible for the Murder. Suprisingly, however, CoE's Committee of Ministers, instead of pressing Turkey to make an Efficient Investigation and to threaten it with Sanctions, as it did many times vis a vis Ukraine, on the contrary, is ready to ..."close" the examination of this case for ever (reportedly on June), inevitably giving a Strange impression of Double Standards, "EuroFora" denounced.


    - "is it because in the case of Adali's murder, (unlike to Gongadze's murder case),  there is no Foreign State or Group pushing the CoE to ask Effective Investigations, but only the Wife and the Daughter of the Victim, who are still obliged to live under the illegal Turkish Occupation regime ?, "EuroFora" wondered.  The avove mentioned Difference of treatment, by CoE's Committee of Ministers, between these 2 cases of ECHR Judgements which had condemned 2 States (Ukraine and Turkey) for an initial lack of Efficient Investigations on the Murders of 2 Journalists, Gongadge and Adali respectively, risks today to practically annul ECHR's Judgement in the Adali murder case, "EuroFora" concluded.

    - "Reporters without Borders"' New Director for Europe and Central Asia, Elsa Vidal, was questioned by the organizer of CoE's Annual Journalists' Conference, Jerome Bouvier from France, if she had been previously alerted on Adali's murder case, or not.

    Vidal replied that, indeed, as "EuroFora" had observed, RWB had not been yet duly informed about what was really going on about Adali's murder case, and anounced that she was going to ask their new Correspondent of the International Press Freedom Watchdog in Cyprus to find out particularlmy the relations between the Murder and the Victim's work as a Journalist.

    As Vidal later said to "EuroFora", "Reporters without Borders" new Correspondent in Cyprus is a Turkish Cypriot living in the Occupied Territories of the island, as Adali and his Family did.

    Adali was a well known critic against Ankara's policies of massive imports of Turkish Settlers in the Occupied Territories of Cyprus, which threatened to modify the Demographic Structure of the area, by making of the local Turkish Cypriots a Minority vis a vis Turkey's own Citizens, risking to provoke a serious "Political Obstacle" to a Peaceful Solution of the issue of Cyprus and its ReUnification, as CoE's Parliamentary Assembly and CoE's Committee of Ministers have repeatedly denounced in Reports, Resolutions and Decisions adopted in Strasbourg since the 1999ies.

    Shortly before his Murder Adali had reportedly published also an article denouncing  suspicions for the implication of a Turkish Military Commader in the Plundering and the Destruction of Religious Christian Monuments in the Occupied Territories of Cyprus, from which their ancestral Greek Cypriot Majority Community has been evited and illegaly hindered to return since the 1974 Turkey's Military Invasion and Occupation, in reaction to a short-lived Coup by a few Greek Cypriot Nationalists aspiring to join the former Junta then in power in Athens, which was then overthrown and its leaders condemned to heavy Prison sentences. ECHR has repeatedly condemned Ankara for various Human Rights' violations related to its continuing Military Occupation of the northern part of Cyprus.

    According to the International Penal Court's Statute, attempts by an Occupying power to massively "replace" the original lawful Inhabitants of the occupied area by massive imports of its own Population, is denounced as a "War Crime".

    But the most dangerous effect of what Adali's Newspaper publications used to criticize, i.e. the illegal attribution of so-called Cyprus' "Citizenship" to the Turkish Settlers imported from Anatolia by the illegal Occupation regime, might be soon felt by the UNO and the EU at the Table of the InterCommunal Negotiations for the Solution of Cyprus' issue between Cyprus' President Christofias and the new 2010 Turkish Cypriot leader Eroglou, who is reportedly known for being more in favor of a "2 States"' stance, which obviously risks to permanently divide the island, than for a real reUnification of EU-Member Cyprus.

    Meanwhile, speaking earlier to "EuroFora" on the occasion of Turkey's total failure to make an efficient investigation of Adali's murder, CoE's PanEuropean Commissioner for Human Rights, Thomas Hammarberg, pointed, as a matter of general principle, at his Püblication for the Annual Press Freedom Day, which clearly stresses that "Authorities should Efficiently and Effectively Investigate any ...incidents" of ""Acts of Violence, Harassment and Intimidation against Journalists", "and prosecute and sentence perpetrators".

    - "Authorities should also take the necessary Preventive Measures against acts of Violence against Journalists", added Hammarberg's publication this week, in an observation closer to Armenian Journalist Hrant Dink's case (Comp. above). ” It should be recalled that violence, harassment and threats can have a chilling effect on media reporting and may result in self-censorship", Hammarberg also warns, pointing to the fact that such cases of non-elucidated murders of Journalists, as Adali, Hrant Dink, etc, can have much larger effects.



Lavrov call for EU-Russia Modernization Partnership is broad tells EuroFora PACE vice-Chair Kosachev

Written by ACM
Friday, 30 April 2010

PACE keynote speaker, Foreign Minister of Russia, Sergey Lavrov's Strasbourg call for an EU - Russia "Partnership for Modernization" is a "broad" concept, the Head of the Russian Delegation and CoE Assembly's vice-President Konstantin Kosachev stressed to "EuroFora".

He topically spoke shortly after Lavrov's inspired speech at the PanEuropean body made an overall dynamic overview on Historic Euro-Atlantic developments, et the eve of the May 9 Moscow Summit of Heads of State/Government for the 65th Anniversary of the Victory against Nazism obtained by sacrifices of all People involved (1945-2010), followed by concrete replies to MEPs' Questions on particular issues, as proposals to associate EU Countries in U.S.-Russia talks for a new "Alternative" on "Joint" Security, consideration of Sanctions for Nuclear Proliferation Risks from Iran,  plans to link EU - Russia Electricity Grids, foster a common view on Europe's History, etc.


- "Modernization... is a much broader concept than introducing New Technologies'', (as in Space, Energy etc).  It should also include other areas, (such as) the Social Policy, the functioning of the Political System, the Educational or Scientific aspects of our Development, etc", he observed from the outset, (apparently referring also to some aspects of a recent Franco-Russian Summit between Presidents Sarkozy and Medvedev : Comp. "EuroFora"s publication of March 2010).

- "Russia does need Modernization, definitively. So, I believe (that) we (Russia) can take much out of the existing Experiences within the EU. But, on the other side, I believe that the EU can also learn much out of the Russian Experiences, (including  f.ex.) the InterCultural or InterReligious Dialogue, the support given to the Educational System, (etc), (which) are .. good examples of Russian Experiences being of major interest for  EU Countries.  So , (Lavrov's call to boost an EU - Russia) "Partnership for Modernization is Not about Teaching. This is about Exchanging Experiences and Assisting each other (EU and Russia) in order to make better Progress" together, Kosachev concluded.


    Lavrov's proposal was made after dressing a far-reaching, Historic and GeoPolitical overview accross a wide spectrum of issues related to Europe's Past and Future role in the World, and in the framework of a larger idea for a comprehensive overall Pan-European Architecture for Today's needs :

    The experienced Russian Foreign Minister reminded from the outset that the Historic "Pan-Europa" Manifesto published by "the Founder of the European Idea", Richard-Nikolaus  Coudenhove-Kallergis, since 1923, (i.e. before the 2nd World War), pointed at "the Necessity to start establishing relations from Economy, including between the "United States of Europe" and Russia".

    Today, after 2 or 3 "Hundred Years" of Problems more or less dividing Europe in the Past, "the (European) Continent, once again, faces the same Choice : "Revival or Decline", he  warned

   - "The Disaster of World War II became a powerful Catalyst for the Europeans, who realized the need to build a Common Home", he reminded. "The European Project over the last 60 Years, which includes CoE, would not be possible.. if not for the huge ..Sacrifices made by all Peoples of Europe and North America", (as he said close to the Historic Symbol of Struthof NAZI Concentration Camp near Strasbourg, which  collected "specimens" of Prisoners from all over Europe and beyond, often submitd to atrocious Deadly "Tests", full of all People who struggled against Nazism and Fascism, from France and Germany up to Spain, Russia, Ukraine, Norway or Greece, Serbia, Romania, from the Caucasus, UK and Canada, even Australia, with the sole exception of Turkey among CoE's 47 Member States, since Ankara didn't take part).  "But first of all ..the peoples of the (former) Soviet Union ...took the Burnt of the Hitler Invasion" after "3/4 of the NAZI-led Troops were sent to the Eastern Front and were crushed there". However, "the War was won by all Allies of the anti-Hitler Coalition",  

   Today, "for the Future of Europe, it is important" to recall "that, in those years, the Victors of the "Brown Plague" rose above Ideological Differences : Communists, Monarchists and Anarchists, representatives of the Left and Conservative forces, all sacrificed their Lives selflessly in the Fight against Fascism". 

"Looking into the Abyss prepared for the European Civilization by the Ideology and Practice of Fascism", Europeans realized the need "to ensure reliable protection of Human Rights, Democracy, Rule of Law, and resolution of Social problems". "This is our Common Victory : The Victory of those Values that make us Human".

    - "Even when ..(we) .. lived on Differend sides of the Iron Curtain, and often happened to be ennemies in the Cold War" interval, "the Veterans, participants and witnesses of  World War II, ... in their Hearts, they shared Deep Respect for each other, Mutual Understanding and Brotherhood sealed by common trials and a common victory", he reminded.

    - "These same Feelings led to the Reconciliation of former Enemies", "the most Vivid being the Examples of the Franco-German and of the Russo-German Reconciliation", added also to "what has been happening in the Russian-Polish relations in the recent years", hoping and believing that the Sincere Grief of most Russians and Poles, and the spontaneous reactions of numerous simple Russian and other People weaping, bringing flowers or lighting candles after the recent Tragedy at Smolensk's deadly air incident where the Polish President with his wife and many Senior Officials lost their lives, "will become a Turning Point in overcoming common Tragic Past, thus contributing to the creation of a truly Greater Europe, inconceivable without normal Human Relations, .. and Free from Ideological constructions and Political expediency" :

Russia was and remains "ready" for the Joint work of Historians", and, while "strongly rejecting any attempts to Falisfy History",  "New Russia has officially condemned Stalinism, and never advocated its ideology and practices", added Lavrov, referring to revelations of some tragic errors as that of Katyn 2WW massacre, later attributed to Stalin, almost similar to Modern Germany's repudiation of Nazism and of "Shoa", (unlike Turkey's persisting refusal to recognize the Armenian Genocide, whose 95th Anniversary was commemorated earlier this week almost everywhere else in the World, including in Strasbourg, in the light of New Facts revealed by a 2010 German Documentary Film : http://www.armeniangenocide-aghet.com ).

    - After "the End of the Cold War, Globalization gave us wighty arguments to speak about the whole Space between Vancouver (in the U.S.) and Vladivoctok" (in Russia), beiliving that "there is No reasonable Alternative to this", and that "the situation requires a Radical Review of the existing Institutions", particularly "when the Global Politics is undergoing Regionalization".  "After the collapse of the Berlin Wall, the Dissolution of the Warsaw Pact and of the former Soviet Union, a New Era seemed to have come .. for de-ideologized relations between countries and peoples", and "a New Opportunity emerged to make the OSCE (where all CoE States participate, together with the USA, etc).

    - But, "apparently, the "Berlin Walls" of Consciousness turned out to be rather strong", and "False Ideas, Insticts and Bigotry of the Past were brought in... and have led to what ..Dostoyevsky called : "Self-Annulment of one's True Expectations" : "As a result, the .. Architecture that would unite ... every State .. in the Euro-Atlantic region into a Single Organization, based on Clear and Legally Binding Principles, and providing Equal Security for all" involved, "has failed", he denounced.

    - "The main problem" in the UE - Russia - US area was "that the principle of Indivisible Security, proclaimed in the Euro-Atlantic zone that the Highest level in the 1990s was not embodied in International Law, nor within the OSCE, nor any other formats", the Russian Foreign Minister criticized.

    - "For 20 years (1989 - 2009) Russia has sought New Relations with the West, sometimes Unable to find understanding and appropriate response", Lavrov regretted. Calling "Senseless" any "assurances by word of mouth, wth No follow-up action, nor changes", he warned that  "the Danger of Disappointment, ..is only one step away from the politics of Frustration and Vexation".  Therefore, we must find "ways to overcome the Confidence Crisis that has recently grown into stategic Misunderstanding, which made talk about "Cold Peace" or even "a New Cold War".

    - In fact, what is "at Stake" today,  "is the Future of the entire Euro-Atlantic Region, and its role in the increasingly ... PolyCentric International System of the 21st Century", the Russian Foreign Minister stressed, implicitly hinting also at China, India, the Arab Countries,  and other Emerging New Powers.  

    - Because, "Now, a Good Opportunity has come to overcome this Negative trend,.. and to resolve the Major Problem that Europe .. has been facing during the last 300 Years", Lavrov optimistically stressed.  Today, "we (Europeans) should not settle for mere Co-Existence, as during the Cold War era", when Europe was still divided. Because "the qualitatively New Environment that has developed in Europe" recently, (also in the Wider Context of "an indication for a positive turn in Euro-Atlantic politics" towards "traditional Values of International Relations, such as Moderation, self Restraint and Reconciliation"), "allows, and even demands us to move much Further, notably along the path to Harmonization of Interests", he advised.

    - New, Historic moves could and should be made in Europe now "in the framework of a Single Space for Security, Cooperation and Prosperity : I believe it necessary to say this Today in Strasbourg", Lavrov ambitiously proposed.

    - In particular, an "Open regional Collective Security System", "full-fledged, with Legal Obligations and Mechanisms ensuring its Compliance", "should become an inalienable component" now of the "Synthesis" that already the European pioneer thinker Coudenhove-Kallergis had found to be "the Key into realizing the Future of the European Civilization, and its decent place in the contemporary World", Lavrov stressed.  This should provide "Equal, Indivisible and assured Security of all the States" involved, not only "as a catchy Slogan", but also as a "Reality". "The initiative on the European Security Treaty (EST) put forward by (Russian) President Dmitry Medvedev in Berlin, in June 2008,  (and accepted for Discussion f.ex. at the OSCE by French President Sarkozy in agreement with German Chancelor Merkel since November 2008 and early 2009, reiterated at the November 2009 Berlin Wall Fall's 20th Anniversary Summit and partly highlighted at the December 2009 Corfu OSCE Summit : See relevant "EuroFora"'s NewStories from Berlin, Nov. 2009), offers a simple and clear Solution to the existing Systemic Problem of European Security", he reminded, speaking of recent moves.    

    Because "it is the Unresolved Problem of HARD SECURITY, tha relict agenda of the Cold War era, that (still) hampers the effective Development of .. Cooperation" in Europe, he denounced.        

     - Concerning CoE's specific potential, Lavrov said that he was "aware" of the fact that, according to its "Statute", "the National Security issues do not fall under the competence of this Organization". "However, due to Globalization processes and New Challenges related to them, the very Concept of Security has undergone qualitative Transformation : The question is no longer about Hostile States, against which old-style Coalitions had to be created". But, the "New Challenges and Threats that we are facing are represented by Trans-Border Problems, which ca,n be countered only by Collective unanimous efforts of all the States within the framework of the Broadest International Cooperation, for ensuring Personal Safety", he observed. 

-    Safety for elementary Human and basic Social or Cultural Rights of Citizens, including against deadly mass Terrorism, or Environment protection against Extreme Weather Phenomena (as, f.ex.  Global Warming, or the recent Icelandish Volcanic Ashes' Clouds, pushed by dangerous Atmospheric dynamics, which blocked all Europe's AirFlights, from Reykiavik up to Moscow and Cyprus, provoking wide disruptions and more than 1,7 Billion € losses), protection of Personal Data and/or Identity at the Internet and CyberCrime, safeguarding Cultural Heritage, access to Free Media and to Education, BioEthics, Democratic systems and fight against Corruption, Money Laundering, Human Trafficking, etc., together with certainty provided to Citizens and Businesses by Rule of Law, etc., seem to be among the various areas of action inside the Wide spectrum of CoE's potential eyed by Lavrov.


    - "CoE has risen from the Ashes of the World War II" and "its Activities in the Humanitarian domain are aimed at ensuring Security of every European, in its Broader meaning", the experienced Russian Foreign Minister observed.

    - "The Pan-European structure represented by the CoE", (with 47 Member States), ..is well functioning in the sphere of SOFT SECURITY, which is related to the Security of the Person and Human Rights", he pointed out, (referring mainly to the main Missions attributed to the CoE by the latest, 2005 Warsay Heads of State/Government Summit).  Because "the better the guarantees of the Social Conditions of Human Life are, the better the (Human) Rights' record is, the stronger the Economy is, the more Protected the Individual is in Society, the Less reasons he has to resolve Problems by using Force" : "This is felt especially strongly in the conditions of the Current Crisis".

    - "It's in this context that ... CoE (can) be a Humanitarian Pillar for the New European Security Architecture", he stressed. In this sense, "the primary Task of the CoE is to become an intrinsic Part of the comprehensive Solution of the European problem", according to Kallergi's Historic call. That's why, now, we "must enhance CoE's role as an establisher of a Common European Legal and Humanitarian Space", Lavrov proposed.

     - Already,  "a Common Legal Space of the (European) Continent" is "formed" by "a vast aray of Pan-European Conventions, (which) have been drawn here (in Strasbourg), are Legally Binding". ("Unlike OSCE's Political documents", "that makes a strong Contrast to the Sphere of Hard Security, where there is No such a truly Collective Organization with International Legal Personality", Lavrov compared).

    - "CoE must be the Leading European Lawmaker", the Russian Foreign Minister advocated, judging "Inadmissible" any attempts "to Diminish its mandate and competence, .. as well as to Limit its Independence, (or) transform the CoE into a Subsidiary body of Other European structures" (as, f.ex. the EU, etc). On the contrary, he would welcome for USA, Canada, and "all OSCE Members to adhere to CoE's Law", (many of its Conventions being already "Open" to International participation, as f.ex. in BioEthics, CyberCrime, etc).

    - "Owing to a more Effective CoE, our Continent will have every Chance to become truly Integrated ...with Human Rights promoted according to Unified Standards", he added.

    - But, also in a wider area of activities with real potential vis a vis People's lives, "all Europeans need an Effective CoE, because the terms of reference of this Strasbourg-based Organization include a Broad range of Large-scale and Topical issues affecting the most Vital Needs of the People", Lavrov observed.

    - This fits well with "Russian President Dmitry Medvedev's declared Policy of comprehensive Modernization.... based on the Values and Institutions of Democracy and Socially oriented Market Economy", he stressed. Today, "the interests of Common Survival require Pooling the Forces, Resources, and comparative Advantages of each Country" in Europe "in Practical terms", Lavrov also observed in this regard. "Such a Joined Movement could be initiated by establishing a Partnership for Modernization between the EU and Russia", he proposed, (Comp. supra).

    A Central part of it can also be "Russian Leadership's" decision to "make it a Priority to Invest in the People, as the Key Development Resource", (including, f.ex. Education, Scientific Research, etc., at the same time that the EU is notoriously focusing on how to really bring Knowledge and Innovation at the heart of its "2020" Economic and Social policy). After Miltary Power since Medieval times, and Private Property since early Capitalism, investing in the Development of Individual Persons' Capacities, such as Education, Health, Professional Experience and Scientific or Cultural Creation, added to a Citizenship actively participating into Democratic decision-making processes, might, indeed, become the 3rd Pilar of a geopolitical area's strength.

    - The "Strasbourg-based Organization" also is "especially Important with regard to the Social and Economic implications of the Global Crisis", added Lavrov, the same day that CoE's Assembly was debating and voting  in Strasbourg 4 Reports, precisely on various aspects of that. "In February 2009, Moscow hosted the 1st European Conference of Ministers responsible for Social Cohesion", and "we support the adoption of CoE's Action Plan in this field", he also said, shortly before Moscow also hosts another CoE's Ministerial Conference on Spatial Planning, which is obviously relevant to Cohesion.


    Moreover, the Russian Foreign Minister, Timely launched a Call in Strasbourg "to promote a series of Discussions on the Modern understanding of the European Identity, which should involve the Best Philosophical and Political Minds of our Continent", as he said just a few Days before EU starts debatting, precisely, on "Europe's Future", in order to react to a relevant Report drafted by a Wisemen Committee, obviously expected to be Controversial, according to a Political Agreement which had been prepared by EU Commission's President Barroso and French President Sarkozy, and officially endorsed by EU Council, as a part of an overall Compromise accepting to continue the controversial EU - Turkey Negotiations, (providing many Hundreds of Millions € each year to Ankara's regime since 1999-2001), despite a notoriously wide Popular opposal against Turkey's EU bid, which provoked 3 "No" to EuroReferenda, and was at the center of 3 Electoral Wins at the May/June 2007 French and September 2009 German National Elections by Sarkozy and Merkel, as well as in the June 2009 EU Parliament Elections, not only in France and Germany, but also in Austria and the Netherlands, even in Bulgaria, in the UK, etc. (See "EuroFora"'s relevant 6/2009 NewsReports for concrete Facts).

    But, "Cultural and Language Diversity is one of CoE's greater Treasures", added Lavrov, before symbolically inaugurating an Exhibition called "Ethno-Peace" aiming to promote Russia's "more than 1000" various ethnic origins of the People traitionally living in the huge area spreading from Saint Petersbourg and Caucasus up to Yakutia and Vladivostok. Russian Civilisation, Historically European, after emerging initially as "the road linking the Scandinavians to the Greeks (of the former Millenary Byzantine Empire at Constantinople), was obviously obliged, since the Ottoman Turkish invasion and occupation of Constantinople and the destruction of Byzantine Civilization, to search another free access to the Open Seas by gradually extending its Eastern borders throughout Siberia up to Vladivostok, at the Pacific Ocean.


    However, during the "Enlightenment" (18th Century) Russia notoriously linked with the rest of the Western European Culture, Art and Science, including French, German, Italian or Dutch, etc, while its main Ideas, Political structure and common Language remained Russian, i.e. traditionaly European, (since even its written form was notoriously invented by Byzantine Christian Monks Cyrile and Methodius, with many Letters inspired from the Classic Greek Alphabet). This was one more reason for Lavrov to ask CoE to "increase the use of Russian and other Languages (f.ex. German, Italian, Spanish, etc), in addition to the 2 Official ones", (French and English). Indeed, after the 1995, 2004 and 2007 EU Enlargements, in parallel with CoE's earlier extension Eastwards, recently, many EU and/or CoE Member States' representatives speak or understand also Russian, (from Bulgaria up to Finland, Estonia or Poland, and from Hungary and the Czech Republic up to Slovakia, Romania, Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, etc).

    Today, "our (European) Continent has every Chance to become a truly Integrated Space, ... where every Citizen of the Greater Europe would benefit from real Mobility, realized in the Free Movement of Ideas and People", the Russian Foreign Minister added, denouncing the fact that "It's quite hard to understand that the "Visa Iron Curtain" is drawn.. in the opposite side, (i.e. from EU's Shengen area), unlike the Cold War" period, (when it was mainly the former USSR which restricted the Free movement and Contacts among Europeans).  

    This is an Important issue, because, "Ultimately, the level of mutual Integration among European Communities" of People, and "the strength of Contacts between People, define mutual Understanding and Trust, and we can build Security only if we trust eachother", Lavrov observed.

    Concluding, the experienced Russian Foreign Minister launched a Call to "put into Life the Hopes and Ideals of the Founders of the European Integration, and of many European Generations". "Tragic Experiences of the 20th Century, ...should become a Purgatory on the way to Our Common Future".

    -  "The Europe left to us by those who Sacrificed their Lives during World War II to Liberate it from the Fascist plague, (and) paid a heavy price", gives us a Chance, but also "the Task .. to Jointly build it"
    The move seems to be warmly Welcomed by New CoE's Secretary General, Thornbjorn Jagland, who, after meeting with Lavrov, confirmed officially that : - "We, from the CoE side, want to provide more "Soft" Security in the overall framework of the Security concept for the European Continent".

    It fits also with the proposal made earlier by French President Nicolas Sarkozy, in agreement with German Chancellor Angie Merkel, accepted also by Russian President Dmity Medvedev and Prime Minister Putin, etc., to create a kind of larger PanEuropean Economic and Legal Space, where the EU could develop a Closer Strategic Partnership with big Neighbouring Countries, going from Norway up to Russia or Turkey, etc. (regardless of EU accession issues, or not).

    Questioned twice by "EuroFora" earlier, CoE's New Secretary General, Jagland, has Positively replied by strongly supporting such an Idea, (Comp. October 2009 and January 2010 "EuroFora"'s relevant Publications). And "it's only CoE" which can guarantee a Common Legal Space throughout all Europe, linking together the 27 EU Member States with 20 other Countries, including Russia, as he stressed anew this week while presenting his "Reform" Plan to CoE's Assembly.
Lavrov on Particular, Topical issues :
    Replying later to various MEP's Questions, Lavrov highlighted several  concrete points illustrating the above mentioned general principles :

     F.ex., on "Hard" Security in Europe, he unveiled Russia's proposal to the U.S. for a Collective Anti-Missile Shield with the participation of EU Countries, and he appeared to believe that some kind of conditional Sanctions against Iran's reluctance to cooperate with the International Community might become necessary in order to bring Teheran to the Negotiation Table.

On European "Integration", Lavrov anounced Russia's readiness to link,for the 1st time, its Electricity Grid together with that of the EU's, and to boost Cooperation between Historians from differend CoE Countries in order to find and write together objective reports on controversial issues of the Past, helping emerge an overall European view of the continent's History.

For a Collective, European anti-Missile Shield ?


-  Bulgarian MEP Yanaki Stoilov asked Lavrov what was  the position of the Russian Federation with regard to informations about resettling an Anti-Missile Shield by the US in the area of Eastern Balkans, and whether there were Discussions about this subject between US President Obama and Russian President Medvedev, when they recently met in Prague. And, if he things that there is a real possibility for the Russian Federation to engage into Negotiations with OTAN on the issue of an Anti-Missile Shield in Europe ?

- The Russian Foreign Minister replied that he "can tell that there were a lot of Russo-American meetings, and that this subject of the Anti-Missile Shield is always very High on the Agenda.

- "We consider Positive that the Obama Administration has set aside the Previous Plans for an Anti-Missile Shield in Europe, because that was a real Threat against the International Security and the Russian Federation", Lavrov reminded.

- "Certainly, we are Now looking with a lot of Attention on what kind of Alternative to that could be acceptable. And we are looking very carefully at how the position of the new American Administration on this issue is evolving, in practical terms."

-  "During the 1st meeting between (Russian) Presidents Medvedev and Obama, on April 2009 in London, (i.e. at the eve of NATO's Summit in Strasbourg : Comp. "EuroFora"'s NewsReports from the event), we (Russia) raised the Point that we need to Cooperate on Anti-Missile Defence, including also with the involvement of other European Countries interested in cooperating on that, and doing this on the basis of a Joint Collective Analysis of the Situation and of the Threats, to work together right from the outset : (I.e.)   to have Experts from all Countries involved, sitting around the Table , bringing to the Table their Assesment on what are the Missile Threats against them, putting that together, and, on the basis of a Common Analysis, working together to implement Joint Measures to reduce the level of such Threats", Lavrov unveiled.

- Collective "Measures that could  be Diplomatic, Economic, and ultimatelly Military, Technological, if it is decided that the Threats are Open and Direct", he explained.

- So, "there is an Agreement between Presidents Medvedev and Obama  to curry on the Discussions on the Joint Security Analysis  under the Russian - American Presidential Commission, which meets, views are exchanged,  discusses the Real Missiles' Threats. And , at the same time, there is Discussion of the (Anti-Missiles) Shields that the Obama Administration is thinking of putting in place.

- "But, what is a Pitty, is that these Discussions are taking place at a Time when an  agreement has been probably reached between Obama and some Eastern European States on the establishement of a(n) (Anti-Missile) Shield. So there is some  Contradiction in that", he Critically observed.

- "In so far as the Russia - NATO framework is concerned, at one point, there was almost a full Agreement on the Project along the lines, (I believe that even a Test-firing had been ready and Planned for),  I think it was a very Positive project", Lavrov revealed.

- "But then, on the Initiative of our NATO Partners, who may be were offended by something we did on this purpose, so that it was Frozen, it was put off the back shelf !", he regretted.

 - "What we would like to make sure is that it's really a Joint work, by Participation by Russia and the NATO on an Anti-Missile Shield, which are, or will be following the existing Inertia. Which constitutes in the Americans doing what they want to do, and then, NATO coming up with a  clone Anti-Missile Defence, which will be sort of subsued under the American Design, and only then, NATO be ready to consider including us (Russia) in the Implementation of this"... All of this, of course, is in Contradiction with what we want, which is Cooperation right from the Outset", he criticized.

- "(But), we are not losing Hope, and we believe that it could be possible  to have a genuinly Joint Project", the Russian Foreign Minister optimistically stressed.

- But, "at the Present time there are obviously two processes in Parallel,  which is somewhat in Contradiction", he concluded.
IRAN/Nuclear Proliferation : Conditional UN Sanctions possible
    Meanwhile,  it's also on a Topical GeoPolitical issue, such as the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and Iran, that the Russian Foreign Minister appeared closer to the stance of main European Union Countries, (contrary to Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan"s recent controversial claims) by starting to discuss conditional UN Sanctions, (even if he refused use of Force) :

    - "How committed is the Russian Federation to further Sanctions' Resolutions, in the event of Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, (and) how important is it, in Russia's view, that Iran does not obtain a Nuclear capability ?", asked him at first British Lord Anderson, on behalf of the Socialist Group.

 - "Well, i have spoken on this on several occasions, and so has the President (Mzedevedev), and the Prime Minister (Putin) of my Country (Russia), and I said that, for us, it is Inadmissible that any Violation of the Non Proliferation regime, and, of cousre, it will not be acceptable for us that Iran, or any other State, acquires Nuclear Weapons", Lavrov replied.

 - "Therefore, we are Resolutely Determined to Strengthen the Nuclear Non Prolifersation regime, and to resolve all the Problems that exist in this regard,  in particular, obtaining full  Transparency and Clarity about the Iranian Nuclear Program. so that everyone can be convinced that it is of completely Peaceful nature".

 - "When that occurs, and when All of the Oustanding Questions of the (UN) Security Council, and of the International Atomic Energy obtain answers, then, Iran will have all of the  Rights that a Nuclear-free State of the Non-Proliferation regime has".

- But, "we (Russia) find it Regrettable that Iran is Not responding to the many Proposals that have been submitted to it, in particular by the  3 + 3 Group, which includes France, Germany, U.S., China, Russia and the UK. Its Proposals were aimed at engaging a Constructive Cooperation in order to Answer the Oustanding Questions and seek Good Dialogue between the IAE and Iran." If such a negative attitude persists, then, it's not excluded that (UN) Sanctions might become unavoidable. 

- "Currently, we are working on new Steps and New Measures, that could be taken into consideration by (UNO's) Security Council with a vew to convincing Iran that Cooperation is at its best Interest", (i.e. some kind of possible Sanctions), Lavrov revealed.

- However, "Sanctions are not always Effective. We, as Russian Federation, don't believe that they can be very Effective. There are a Number of Historic Examples, when Sanctions decided by the International Community, turned out to be Counter-Productive", he warned.

- "But, through Cooperation with Iran, it is quite Possible that Sanctions would become unecessary, and that is something that the (UN) Security Council will be looking at", Lavrov added, indicating a probably Conditional measure.

- "Sanctions should have only 1 Objective : Namely to incite Iran to resolve all the Outstanding Problems and Issues concerning its Nuclear Program, and to strenghen the Non-Proliferation regime. Sanctions should not be decided in a way that would Change Regime, or cause a Humanitarian Disaster in Iran, or to put Pressure on Iran", he explained, concerning the Choice among various possible Sanctions.

- "And, I believe that, on that basis, we can continue to work with Iran, and, through the Joint efforts of the International Community, it would be Possible for us, ultimately, to receive Answers to those Outstanding Questions (that) I mentioned", he concluded.
    - However, Iran was also at the focus of a follow-up question by Swedish MEP Ralf Lindblad : - "Mr Minister, I would like to follow up on the Question of Lord Anderson about Iran :  What gives you the Impression that more Talks with Iran would lead anywhere, as, so far, for Years there have been Talks going on, without anything coming out of that", he asked.

    - "And, also, you said that you are not in favour of a Regime Change. But, of course, then you  agree, that we won't have Enforcement withiout a Change. And you'd probably agree with me, that It would be beneficial for the Iranian Population if they had a Regime with Democracy, Rule of Law and Human Rights, instead of a Dictatorship in the line of the Soviet Dictatorship", Lindblad went on to add.
    - "This is another Rhetorical question, with the aim to be Heard by the House (i.e.  CoE's Assembly)", Lavrov reacted.  "This is Your (personal) Opinion, and I do Note it"

    - " As far as the Iranian regime is concerned, I repeat once again that the Sanctions which have already been taken in 3 Resolutions by the (UN) Security Council haven't born fruit, haven't yet led to Results", the Russian Foreign Minister criticized.

    - So, "we are going to have to come into an Agreement. You said that there should be Use of Force, but that's just Not Acceptable. Everybody ought to realize that we are going into a Catastrophe like this ! Europe could be affected by the  Effects of that, which could be so Negative in certain areas as the Caucasus etc.", he warned.

    - "Iran is a Difficult Partner. I have already said that we are Disappointed with how Iran has reacted to constructive Proposals made by the International Community. But, you know, Nobody is Perfect.. For the members which are part of the 3+ 3 Group Agreement, we ever say that we started by asking for a Two-Track Approach :  "We are insisting and trying to create stimulus for Iran to come round to the Negotiating Table  with us.  But, at the same Time, we are using the (UN) Security Council to support, as much as possible, the causes for which the EIA has made demands, to solve some of these Unclear issues. And this Two-Track Approach is in all our Resolutions from the (UN) Security Council"

    - "So, there is No Simple Answer to your Question. What convinces me that we need  to Talk ? "Of course we have to Talk to People. That's why Diplomacy has been created for :  To Talk to People, to try to convince the People who don't agree with you. If I understood well, You felt that there is no point in Talking to Iran, and that we should resort to Force. But that is out of question", Lavrov refused that last point, applauded.
EU - Russia Electricity Grid link ?
    As a concrete new move in a particular but Strategic domain, inside the General Context earlier described for EU - Russia cooperation by Lavrov (See supra), replying to a Question raised by Lithuanian MEP Ms  Birutė Vesaité, he anounced Russia's intention to consider linking its Electricity Grid with that of the EU, starting from Kaliningrad.

    This Topical issue is of great Importance for the EU, as it was recently shown by the Call launched, earlier this Month in Strasbourg, by the New EU Energy Commissioner, Gunther Oettering, to ensure that all EU Power Grids are interlinked together, so that they become able to easily transport Eletricity from one Country to another, according to availability and needs. (Comp. also other Oettinger's statements to "EuroFora" on this occasion).

    - "Recently, the Russian Federation anounced its intention to build a new Nuclear Power Station in Kaliningrad.  And Belarus also anounced that it will be building a New Nuclear Power Station. ... Since the Electricity Power to be produced in Kaliningrad by far exceeds the Needs of that Region,  does this mean that Russia will be integrating its Electricity Grid with the EU Grid ?", Lithuanian MEP Vesaité asked Lavrov.

    - "We (Russia) are Open for Cooperation, in the Broadest possible sense, with others, in the Energy sector. President Medvedev has anounced in 2009 that he wants Energy Cooperation to be lifted up to a New Qualitative Level, both in so far as it concerns and  Nuclear Power, and Oil and Gas. Such Cooperation would be in the Interests of Producers, Consumers, and Transit Countries", replied Lavrov.

    - "I'm not going to get into Details are this Stage", but, "'we are prepared to Cooperate with Belarus for the construction of a Nuclear Power Station there, and we are Prepared to integrate the Kaliningrad Electricity Grid with the Grid of the EU as a whole, in order to meet the needs of Consumers (also) elsewhere', the Russian Foreign Minister anounced.

    - "We are prepared to Cooperate in any Practical, Effective Project on the ground, that would contribute into the Energy Security of all Countries in the (European) Continent. I think that is in the interest of al of us, and or our Sustainable Growth and Development", he concluded.
    However, concerning EU - Russia practical Links, curiously, Lavrov wasn't questioned by any MEP now on the recently emerging perspectives to establish High Speed Train links with the EU through Berlin and/or Budapest :

    Both are obviously important in order to start using European Continent's GeoPolitical potential to build the Biggest High Speed Rail backbone link in the World, going from Spain, France and Germany to Russia, all over Siberia up to the Pacific Ocean, at Vladivostok, close to China and facing Japan, as well as USA's Alaska. This would naturally be also an Ideal context for the development of New, Very High Speed Trains, as f.ex. the TTGV prototype recently presented by France's SNCF between Paris and Strasbourg, which reportedly is due to reach more than 650 kms. per hour.

    CoE's Headquarters and EU Parliament weekly Plenaries' Host City of Strasbourg could soon fit particularly well to such Mega-Projects, and facilitate their realisation, since it's part of the "Magistrale" High Speed Rail Network, planed to link Paris to Stuttgart, Munich, Wienna and Budapest, where Russia was reportedly considering recently to create a  link with its famous TranSiberian Rail Network. Thus, the forthcoming, Jan. 2011 Hungarian EU rotating Chairmanship might provide a Timely opportunity to add a Strategic but Easy to build "Missing link" in such a PanEuropean and Euro-Asian Mega-Project. This could also serve as the Main Backbone for various other "Vertical" Railroads to be progressively added in the Future, linking together also many other European destinations in an overall High Speed Rail Network, able to easily achieve a Unique level of Transport Integration in the World.
A common view on Europe's History ?
    Meanwhile, replying earlier to a Question on his "Vision on History Teaching", raised by Irish MEP Ms Keaveney, Lavrov agreed that, "for Historians, to cooperate with each other in order to shed more Light on the Past, whenever there are still various points of view and interpretations, it's something extremely important".

    - Even if "we cannot re-write the Nuremberg's Judgements (against NAZI Crimes against Humanity), nor the various UN Resolutions, or the documents adopted by the OSCE and by the CoE : We can't re-write History", as he warned.

    - "But we already have such Groups of Historians between Russia and Germany, as well as Russia and Poland, and we'd like to have also the same with Baltic States, and with other States which might be interested", Lavrov anounced.

     - "Just recently, we had a 1st Conference of Ministers of Education from CIS' Countries (former USSR), who agreed to prepare a Joint Project and seek a common View on the History, in order for Young People to have access to common Historic material Facts."

    - "At CoE's level, it would also be an excellent idea to launch such projects, if we want to forge a United Continent, and not a continent which is divided by Nationalistic reactions during Centuries", Lavrov proposed.

    The move could obviously fit quite well also the Russian Foreign Minister's proposal to start debatting "Europe's Identity" and focus on "Our Common European Future".


(See also Lavrov's Statements to "EuroFora" and other Journalists at the CoE in Strasbourg,  inside a differend "EuroFora"'s NewStory).           



CoE Legal/Human Rights Committee Chair Purgurides to EuroFora: Whistle-Blowing Crisis+BioEthic risks

Written by ACM
Thursday, 29 April 2010

It's only if Whistle-blowers are Free, Safe and really Heard when they speak out also in Public, that we might avoid Global Finanial Crisis as that which was triggered by Lehman Brothers' collapse, and/or BioGenetic Risks from doing harm to People and Societies, stressed in substance the President of CoE Assembly's Legal and Human Rights Committee, ChristianDemocrat MEP from Cyprus, Christos Purgurides, to "EuroFora", giving a Critical support to a new CoE Resolution on "the Protection of Whistle-Blowers", that he finds "good" but "insufficient", because it's only a "a Compromise", as he told us.

    - CoE "recognises the Importance of "Whistle-Blowing - i.e. concerned individuals sounding the Alarm in order to stop wrongdoings that place fellow Human beings at Risk - as an Opportunity to strengthen Acountability and bolster thy eFight against Corruption and MisManagement, both in the Public and Private sectors", a PACE Resolution adopted this week in Strasbourg stresses from the outset.

    But, "potential whistle-blowers are often decouraged by the Fear of Reprisals, or of the Lack of Follow-p given tio ther Warnings, to the effective Management and Accountability of Public Affairs and Private Busines", it observes.

    Therefiore, all CoE's 47 Member States are invited to adopt Legislation which "should Focus on providing a Safe ALternative of Silence" : F. ex : It "should afford "bona Fide Whistle-Blowers reliable Protection against any form of Retaliation", .. "investigating the "whistle-blowers"' complaint and seeking Corrective Action".
    But, for the President of CoE Assembly's Legal and Human Rights Committee, the adopted Resolution, even if "it's moving in the Right Direction, definitively", nevertheless, "that wouldn't be enough".

    - "This "Resolution is not enough, because it's a Compromise", Purgurides explained. - "It's not enough because there are Situations which cannot be covered by such a Provision".

    - F. ex., "it should have proposed Protection also for People who cannot be regarded as Whistle-Blowers, but, in fact, they are : For instance, there are Employees who draft a Letter or a Note internally, in believing that what is done is wrong. These People should be encouraged to carry OUT their activities also. Out of the Board, Out of the Company", Purgurides advised.

    - But "the (adopted) Resolution is Not Explicit about this, which is very Important", the President of CoE Assembly's Legal and Human Rights Committee criticized.

    - However, eventually, "this might be deduced by ECHR's Case Law", he speculated.

    Indeed, the adopted Resolution only asks for "Information" to "reach Senior Management, in good Time", and protects only those who "maker use of .. Internal whistle-blowing channels", asking also for "incentives to Government and Corporate Decision makers to put into place (only) Internal whistle-blowing procedures".  Even "concerning the CoE itself", its Committee of Ministers should "draw up a proposal for a strong ... whistle-blowing Mechanism" which should be only "Internal", an adopted Recommendation adds, revealing a real Gap.

 It's only "where Internal channels either do not exist, or hve not functioned properly, or could reasonably not be expected to function properly, given the nature of the Problem raised by the whistle-blower, (that) External whistle-blowing, inluding through the Media, should be .. protected", says the "comromise" Resolution.
    - Moreover,  it's only "if the Information"  provided by "whistle-blowers on Lehman Brothers ...6 years ago" "had been heard" and treated Responsibly", that "the current Financial Crisis ... that is affecting the lives of so many millions of people would have been avoided". "They informed the Press and the (US) Authorities that, if Lehman Brothers carried on its business as it had been doing, the company would collapse in the near future". "But nobody took any notice of what they were saying then", Purgurides denounced earlier, speaking in CoE Assembly Plenary's debate.

    This also goes for another new sector of Crucial importance today : BioEthics : "What we (CoE) said about Whistle-Blowers applies also there", Purgurides admitted.
    A New Measure drafted by French Minister of Education, Science and Research, Ms Valerie Pecresse, reportedly allows a Researcher to denounce that a Project carried out by a Labo (fex. on Human Genetics, etc) might be Dangerous for Human Health and/or Human Dignity, Natural Environment and/or for the Society, etc., and obtain that it's "Freezed", as well as that a New Scientific Research is launched to either prove that the project concerned is, in fact, Safe, or find ways to protect People and/or Nature from probable Risks,

Thus, instead of less, we could have more Scientific Research, by protecting People and Society from possible Risks.     

CoE's Legal affairs and Human Rights Committee President agreed with "EuroFora" that "yes, this certainly is a Good Way to conciliate Scientific Research with the Principle of Precaution", as he observed.  

 However, CoE's Rapporteur on, Whistle-Blowers Dutch MEP Pieter Omtzigt, speaking also to "EuroFora", carefully observed that Valerie Pecresse's draft measure on Scientific Research, which could be applied on BioEthics, Environment protection, etc.,"sounds a Difficult Topic to me. But it's worth trying".   

 - In fact, "it sounds Interesting. It would be nice to have a Folow-up on that, and see what other Countries are doing" on such matters, CoE's Rapporteur on Whistle-Blowers advised on the idea of the French Minister for Scientific Research.


(Photo above : Purgurides speaking -"whisle-blowing"?-  with new President of ChristianDemocrats/EPP Group, the largest in CoE's Assembly, Italian MEP Luca Volonté).

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