French EU Minister Lellouch to EuroFora: Franco-German Environment coop +Iceland Volcano Ash Clouds
Franco-German and larger EU cooperation on Environment might include also Atmospheric Dynamics if it's really needed to face extreme Weather Phenomena such as this week's Icelandic Volcano Ashes' clouds, which blocked practically all EU AirFlights and even EU Parliament's votes in Strasbourg, replied in substance the new French Minister for EU Affairs, Pierre Lellouch, to "EuroFora"s questions.
"EuroFora" referred to the fact that both 2003's exceptional Heatwave, which killed more than 15.000 People in France alone and threatened Energy independency (by restricting Water needed for Nuclear Power Plants), and Katrina 2005 giant Tornado in the U.S., which devastated New Orleans and threatened Texas, as well as 2010's Icelandic Volcano Ash-Clouds, which provoked some 1,7 Billion € losses to EU's Air Companies, (etc), were all due, reportedly to strange Atmospheric phenomena : F.ex. an Atmospheric Depression pushing Sahara's Hot Air masses towards the EU, in the 1st case, or Iceland's Volcanic Ashes towards the UK, France and Germany, in the 2nd case, while another strange Atmospheric event changed a routine tornado among many usually ccoming from the Pacific Ocean, into devastating Katrina shortly before it arrived at US Coasts, (etc).
But, while the American Authorities immediately reacted after August 2005 Katrina's destructions, also by deciding to create many "Weather Science" Research Projects throughout several U.S. Universities, as 'EuroFora"'s co-founder, who was exceptionaly visiing New York and Chicago then, remembers that U.S. Media abudantly anounced throughout the country, on the contrary, still today, even at EU's core, in Strasbourg, a pre-existing "Franco-German Center for Research in Environment", remained paradoxically .. empty and abandoned inside an otherwise Performant Natural Sciences' conglomerate concentrating Top Research in Physics, Chemistry and Biology at Cronenbourg's Campus, which was by a coincidence celebrating this week its 50th Anniversary since it was founded by a former student of World famous Polish-French Scientist Marie Curie (1960-2010), Marguerite Perey, and inaugurated by former EU Parliament's President Pierre Pflimlin.
Initially located close to Strasbourg's outer Hills, on the heights of which Pflimlin had dreamed to build all EU Parliament, CoE, ECHR and other European and PanEuropean Institutions' Buildings (See earlier, specific "EuroFora"'s Publication on that), Strasbourg's Franco-German Center for Research on Environment was curiously abandoned at about 2001-2002, i.e. only a year before the 2003 Giant Killer Heatwave, followedf by the 2005 devastating Katrina in the U.S., etc., revealed that it was, on the contrary, necessary to develop it, as its former Director, Dr. Cilliox (who has just contributed to a 2009 overview of Scientific Research in the surrounding Alsace Region, and is currently S.G. of a National Organization dedicated to make all Industries able to face any risk of pollution etc.), observed to "EuroFora" earlier this week.
While Strasbourg has the rare privilege to host a performant "Earth Science Institute" (EOST) currently headed by World-famous Professor Granet, (a well known Earthquakes' specialist, who has organized an important research pole on Terrestrial dynamics, etc), and keeps solid research on Water Bassins' and/or Atmospheric pollution, etc., curiously it seems to lack a noteworthy perspective on the Dynamics of the Atmosphere, contrary to a High-Tech Atmospheric Dynamics' research spearheaded by nearby German Institutes from Baden-Wurtemberg up to Bavaria, risking also to miss a rare chance to develop a coherent, large and full "Earth Science" Modern Technology, highlighted by Strasbourg-based European Science Foundation's 2005-2010 RST Overview Report, despite the co-existence also of Strasbourg's Astronomic Observatory, SERTIT's Earth Observation fast-track Mapping centre, and International Space University, ESA's "Space Control Centre" at nearby Darmstadt (Germany), EU's GALILEO Satellites' construction bid won by a SME headquarted at nearby Stuttgart (Germany), not far away even from the European Austronaut Centre at Koeln, etc, while EU is currently developing its GMES Space Program : "Global Monitoring for Environment and Security", as EU Commission's vice President Tajani recently stressed in reply to "EuroFora"'s questions (See previous NewsReports from Jan. 2010).
Meanwhile, new Strasbourg-headquartered Alsace Region's President, Philippe Richert, has repeatedly anounced his intention to boost a new "Eco-Technology" pole here, in close cooperation with nearby German and Swiss research centres and enterprises, (See earlier "EuroFora"'s publications on this point), and French President Sarkozy has already anounced his intention to examine the possible creation of such a "New Competitivity Pole" and/or of a new "Pole of Excellence" in this direction here, as he revealed in his December 2009 statements on future Billions € of investments, nationwide, thanks to a "Great Loan" due to unfold in the forthcoming Months, "EuroFora"'s question also reminded at Lellouch President Sarkozy and German Chancelor Merkel's recent anouncements, last February 2010, of a joint Franco-German intention to create common "Poles of Excellence" in University Education and Research, as well as an "Eco-Mobility" show-case between Stuttgart and Strasbourg.
- "Even Today, in fact, Iceland's Ash-Clouds, which have blocked EU's AirFlights and even EU Parliament's Votes, are not due to the sole Volcano by itself, (already expected since January 2010), but to an Anticyclone near UK's Seawaters which is pushing Ash-Clouds towards France, Germany and other EU Countries, by provoking at the Atmosphere strong Winds.
- "I'm not a volcanologist, nor omniscient", joked initially Lellouch. "Recently we created at Berlin a Franco-German Institute on Climate, and decided a joint Satellite project on CO2 Observation", he started to reply Lellouch to "EuroFora"'s question, apparently realizing, however, that these good steps were insufficient to cover also the "Key" sector of "Atmospheric Dynamics", of crucial importance in both the Heatwave, Katrina and Iceland's Volcano Ashes (See supra) :
- "But, is that really complete", and enough to meet all the present needs for Franco-German cooperation on Environment at EU's core, "or should we add, perhaps, also some other components, here in Strasbourg ?", Lellouch started to reflect.
- "May-be yes !", the French Minister for EU Affairs concluded with an "open" reply...
EU's Franco-German motor, in possible cooperation with other Countries, should start moving in such Strategic directions for the development of Key Technologies, even more when one considers Lellouch's expressed concern that Europe is currently threatened to be over-shadowed by other Poles in the World, such as not only the U.S., but also China, India, and other "emerging" areas, risking to become too small in the future, compared to the rest of the World, as he said.
Considering that, probably, he didn't mean that only from a purely quantitative Population point of view, since it would be obviously difficult to prefer the situation .. f.ex. of Indonesia, or India to that of EU Citizens', just because of their number, (which never hindered Europe, the smallest continent in the World, to lead Global Historic developments for Thousands of Years), it's much more in the direction of the development of Key High-Tech on Strategic "Weather Science" and other knowledge-power sectors, that the comparison between USA's reaction to Katrina, (See supra), and EU's reaction to Iceland Volcano's Ash Clouds, should lead.
At any case, it would certainly be much more profitable, (including in unexpected by-products), to invest 1,7 Billion € in order to boost Scientific Research and Modern Technologies on Atmospheric Dynamics and other "key" Environmental issues, instead of having to pay heavy damages for cancelled AirFlights allover Europe..
Lellouch, who also participated to the inauguration of an Exhibition in EU Parliament together with its President Buzek, saw with his own eyes the unprecedented spectacle of MEPs hindered to vote during all the April 2010 weekly Plenary in Strasbourg, and cancel its Thursday's debates, just because a British AntiCyclone pushed towards France and Germany Iceland's Volcano Ash-Clouds, hindering most MEPs from arriving here by Airplane..
EU Parliament Socialist Chair Schulz to EuroFora on Turkish Cypriot head Eroglu: Unilateralism fails
Commenting the recent April 2010 Political developments in the Territories of Cyprus Occupied by Ankara's Army, after a Change in the leadership of the Turkish Cypriot Community living there since the 1974 military invasion by Turkey exploiting a short-lived coup by ultra-nationalists inspired by a former Military regime in Greece (1967-1974), EU Parliament's SocialistDemocrat Group's President, Martin Schultz, declared to "EuroFora" his opposal against any "Unilateralist" turn that might eventually be triggered by controversial pro-Ankara Dervis Eroglou :
- "In case he (Eroglou) will realize what he anounced during the "election" campaign, an Unilateral approach, then, we must tell him that he will fail !", Schultz warned,
This obviously concerned Eroglou's traditional "2 States" preference, with only a loose Confederation between the initially 78% Greek Cypriots and 18% of Turkish Cypriots who used to live together at the island before its forced partition, at variance with UNO SC. Resolutions on Cyprus' reUnification.
- The previous T/C leader, "Mehmet Ali Talat was, in my eyes, a honest negotiator", Schultz regretted, referring to the intercommunal Talks for the reUnification of the island with Cyprus' President Demetris Christofias, while also acknowledging that several Top-level meetings went on, "despite a lot of Difficulties".
- However, "if, after the "election" (Eroglou) is prepared to make Compromises. ... , we shall cooperate with him", he promissed.
- Therefore, "we shall see if Mr. Eroglou is really such a Radical, as he is considered". "This is an Open Question", Schultz concluded on the Consequences of the April 17 Political Changes in the Occupied Territories of Cyprus.
The stance to be taken by the President of EU Parliament's second largest Group on EU Member Cyprus' developments, was particularly discussed after an earlier Controversy on several Socialist MEP's reported stance vis a vis Turkey's desiderata on the Occupied Territories of the Strategic island, which became since 2004 an EU land at the crossroads of 3 Continents and facing the Suez Channel, providing logistical help to EU-led International Peace-keeping force for Lebanon since 2006.
Meanwhile, at another, parallel possible development, Turkey's recent moves were reportedly heading towards a de facto "freezing", at least for the time being, of the ratification of 2 Protocols previously signed with Armenia.
But for Ankara it's obviously important to try to show, somehow, a cooperative profile on Cyprus, Greece, Armenia, Iran, and Democracy/Human Rights issues, in order to keep going its Lucrative negotiations with the EU, which pays Turkey more than 600 Millions € each year after 2001-2004.
EU Commission President Baroso to EuroFora: EU Citizens' Initiative can be useful for "New Alliance"
EU Citizens' Initiative can become useful for a "New Alliance" able to stimulate all pro-Europeans' urgently needed active contribution to boost Europe's role in a modern World facing the challenge of Globalization and other emerging geopolitical areas, if it succeeds to really bring together People from various even nationaly conflicting Socio-Political origins, but motivated by a common aspiration towards European Union's General Interest and values, replied in substance the President of EU Commission Manuel Jose Barroso to one of "EuroFora"'s questions (*).
Speaking to Journalists at a Press-point in Strasbourg, Barroso stressed that he had "just launched here an urgent call for political ambition to create a New Alliance of all pro-Europeans", during a bi-annual gathering dedicated to Citizens' participation in EU's activities, where he pointed to the need to start implementing and giving political substance in real life to EU Lisbon Treaty's innovations, such as stronger EU Parliament's rights, a unique EU Council President, an EU Foreign Minister with EU Diplomats for External actions, more areas for joint action at EU level, etc.
But "EuroFora" asked Baroso if he believed that the new Right given to EU Citizens by EU Lisbon Treaty (which entered into force since December 2009) to undertake Popular Iniatives able to trigger new Legislative Bills for vote in EU Parliament, could attract Citizens' active participation to the development of EU's action for General Interests of importance to the European Society, (pointing at an EU Lisbon Treaty main innovation which, curiously, had not been mentioned yet in his earlier speech).
- "Yes, of course", replied positively EU Commission's President to "EuroFora"'s question on the potential of EU Citizens' Initiative.
- "We (EU Commission) have already put that in" the pipeline of EU decision-making "We have already made a Proposal" on how to organize it in real practice, Barroso added, referring to a recent Draft publised just a few days ago. (See infra).
- "EU is, still today, the biggest Financial power in the World : EU's GDP, taken all together, is bigger than that of USA's. EU is, by far, the 1st Trade power, ...and the 1st Aid Donor in the World". And "our (EU's) Economic and Social Model is more advanced than in those Countries where there is no Workers' Rights, no respect of the Environment, no real Democracy, etc. I think that we (EU) are (in fact) stronger than those Countries where there is no respect of these Values", he answered to another Journalist who had asked Barroso "why Europe isn't as strong (Politically) as USA, or China, etc.". "But it's true that we (EU) don't manage always to translate this into more Political influence", he admitted.
But the first, spontaneous reactions by many EU Citizens to some Draft Proposals recently made by controversial new EU Commissioner Sefcovic are strongly critical and express deep disapointment against risks for excessive restrictions and a too long series of procedural complications added at the last minute, which could raise bureaucratic obstacles to EU Lisbon Treaty's only innovation for regular and active direct Popular involvement of Europeans, together with their elected MEPs, instead of merely contacting them only .. once in 5 Years with a notoriously and dangerously declining participation, (in fact ..Majority Abstention in EU Elections since the 1999-2004+ shock, which notoriously created a "Democratic Gap" that has to be somehow bridged)..
Barroso stressed earlier that "Divisions between pro-Europeans were exploited by Euro-Sceptics or EuroPhobes who don't want for EU to advance further", trying to bring together those who are for more Common Market, and those who aspire for Political Integration.
EU Commission's Chair also criticized "some who, paradoxically, make, on the contray, an inter-Governemental reading of the Changements" brought in by EU Lisbon Treaty (since December 2009), instead of "more Community approach". "Some men or women Politicians at National level want to play their own National games and don't want to play EU's game", as he said. "But, we'd be much stronger as EU, if ..Member States acknowledged, once for all, that they should work together with EU Institutions", so that "EU speaks in One Voice". "Because our Member States, even the bigger-ones, have not enough Influence to speak as Equals with the USA, or China, etc. Even the bigger (EU Member) States must accept to be represented, all together", Barroso added.
But, (in addition to the obvious fact that EU Governments direct Electoral mandates can bring in some Fresh Oxygen in Europe, when it lacks to the People, at least as long as we don't have yet a Direct Election of any EU Head except in EU Parliament and in EU Council), he would certainly gain to realize that Euro-Sceptics exploited also many, more or less legitimate or at least understandable reactions against what was felt as counter-productive and/or anti-democratic , technocratic "Bureaucracy" by numerous EU Citizens who, in fact, were, are or can be among Europe's Real Supporters, if it succeeds to find efficient, simplified, intelligent and substantial ways to become more EU Citizen-friendly.
Particularly by actively involving EU Citizens in main EU Decision-making public Debates, as "EuroFora"s co-founders have formally proposed as early as since 1997 and 2006-2007, i.e. already before, and after the infamous Majority Abstentions in the 1999 - 2004+ EU Parliament Elections, and in the 2005 - 2007 "No" to 3 EuroReferenda.
Today (2010), it's evident that careful, and serious consideration, with various proposals and ideas, is urgently needed before final decisions are taken, with large, pluralist and transparent enough Public Dialogue, focusing on real EU Citizens active involvement and real EU-wide political debates on topical decisions of importance to People's lives and concerns, without one of the most important EU Lisbon Treaty's innovations (EU Citizens' initiative) being muzzled or hijacked by anyone :
- Neither sterile "EuroScepticism", nor counter-productive and unpopular Bureaucracy ! Whatever hypocritical "mask" anyone might abuse to hide its real aims, against today's Historic chance to resolutely develop Europe's real potential by stimulating a strong Popular support among EU Citizens.
Meanwhile, Barroso anounced today that EU "Commission will present Next Week (during EU Parliament's May Full Plenary session in Strasbourg) a Program of concrete activities which will complete the Common Area of Justice, Freedom and Security", as a way to respond to "a demand for means to use in practice more efficiently Citizens' rights", so that EU's "Community of Law" can better "serve the Europe of Citizens", as he promised.
[ (*) NDLR : See also another "EuroFora" Publication" on more extensive Replies given by the EU Commission's President, Jose Barroso, to "EuroFora"'s Questions on differend topical issues : High-Tech Solar Power projects "Desertec" and "TransGreen") ]
EU Energy Commissioner Oetinger to EuroFora: Carbon Tax at EU borders = RES stimulant? (June Summit)
An anti-Carbon, CO2-based Financial Adjustment at EU's External Borders against Environmental Dumping by Foreign Countries who don't respect Climate protection rules as EU Companies, could act as an incitment to adopt "clean" Renewable Energy sources (RES), where EU could help by Technology transferts, EU Commissioner on Energy, Gunter Oettinger from Germany, agreed with "EuroFora", while a related Carbon Tax Debate was growing also with French EU Minister Lellouch's statements, after President Sarkozy and Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi's Letter to EU Commission's Head, Barroso, in view of EU's forthcoming Summit in Brussels on June.
- "Eurofora" asked Oettinger if he finds that "a good Incitment to advance towards "Clean", Renewable Energy Technologies", "could be ..the idea to study a Financial Adjustment in the External Borders of the EU, against CO2 Pollution" by Foreign Countries, that EU could help by Technology Transferts : "Issues for June's EU Summit on which French President Sarkozy with German Chancelor Merkel have spoken several times, recently also with Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi".
- "I think, Yes !", the competent EU Commissioner on Energy replied to "EuroFora"s question positively.
- "There are some Details, that we (EU) have to Discuss", Oettinger advised, apparently open to Debate, without excluding any possibility for the moment.
- "Not all is decided" yet, "but..." it will go on, he said on the anti-Carbon Dumping Financial Adjustment at EU Borders, carefuly but optimistically.
CO2-"clean" Technology Transferts by the EU, mainly to Developing Countries, are also expected by the EU according to UNO Heads of State/Government December 2009 Copenhagen Summit's Agreement, where they are among the more advanced points, as EU Commissioner on Climate, Connie Hedegaard anounced in her 1st Press Conference, last March 2010 in EU Parliament in Strasbourg, (See "EuroFora"'s publication on some from Hedegaard's replies to our Questions).
- At least, meanwhile, "Noone inside "EU Commission shouldn't shoot down a fundamental idea even before it's discussed, and while EU Commission is expected to present on (EU Heads of State/Government's Summit) in June a Report on a Carbon Tax at (EU) Borders", as French Minister for EU Affairs, Pierre Lellouch, said to Journalists in Strasbourg, including "EuroFora", after he was invited to react to Press Reports about a controversial reluctance attributed to EU Climate Commissioner Connie Hedegaard.
- "We (EU) face a major Global Competition, with other Poles (of development), and if the same Rules on Environment are not respected by all, we (EU) are going to Import Pollution and export Jobs ! It's not what we want : We want a Fair System", he denounced.
- Moreover, "a Carbon Tax at the Borders already exists in U.S. Legislation,(where) the U.S. House of Representatives has already voted a text on this issue, and the American Senate is due to propose a Bill this week. Our wish simply is that the European and American Laws are put in parallel, and influence other Economic Poles. This is reasonable", Lellouch observed.
- "So, when I saw (in some Press reports) that a Commissioner in charge of (Climate) would have anounced, urbi e orbi, that the idea was droped, even before it had been studied (by the EU's collective bodies), I say "No. This isn't right !", he concluded.
"EuroFora" had already raised, recently, with EU Commissioner on Climate, Connie Hedegaard, the topical question if her "International Efforts ... before Bonn('s June 2010 UNO meetings) and in view of Cancun (UNO December 2010 Summit)" to exert "increasing Pressure to make it difficult for those (3rd Countries) who might not agree, Mexico", as she had anounced, in the context of "an International Campaign, ...all over the World", at her 1st Press Conference, in EU Parliament's Plernary in Strasbourg last March, might be facilitated by "Proposals, (already made before Copenhagen, but even more important afterwards, in order to have some Legally Binding effects), try to convince other Countries, raising ..a "Financial Adjustment" at EU's Borders, "if there is .."Enviromental Dumping" in External Economic Relations" by disregard of Climate protection rules.
The main thrust of Hedegaard's reply to "EuroFora"s question on March was not to exclude a CO2 Financial Adjustment at EU Borders in Future, but to "question" if it was "the right Time", or not, as long as there were still hopes, then, to include more big polluting countries in UNCCC's efforts to reach an agreement at December 2010's Summit in Mexico. Something which, afterwards, reportedly appeared to be rather impossible, as UNO's Officials warned. But, meanwhile, Global Warming was reportedly continuing f.ex. by melting Poles' ice, while it was unclear what could be really expected by those who preferred to wait until a non-specified Time limit... (See relevant "EuroFora"'s NewsReport : )
Meanwhile, in a joint Letter by Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and French President Nicolas Sarkozy to EU Commission's President Jose Barroso, the two leaders stress that "it would be Unacceptable for the ..ambitious efforts that we agreed in the EU for the reduction of WarmHouse effect Gas emissions, as it was decided at the EU (Heads of State/Government) Summit of December 2008, to be compromised by CO2 leaks resulting from the absence or the insufficiency of certain 3rd Countries' actions".
- Therefore, "it seems necessary for the (forthcoming EU) Commission's Report to fix, without "a priori", the Conditions in which could be established an Adjustment Mechanism at EU's Borders", they underline.
- "This Mechanism" could "incite 3rd Countries to adopt Measures to reduce their (Gas) emissions", because "everyone would know that, if he refuses to undertake sufficient commitments, .. his products would face a (Financial) Compensation equivalent to EU's scheduled efforts. It we didn't (adopt such a Mechanism), this would be as if one created a strange incitment to never undertake such commitments", the 2 leaders observe, (according also to the question raised by "EuroFora" to Hedegaard on early March : See supra).
- "Therefore, this is an indispensable tool, that the EU must be able to use if we want to preserve the integrity of our Environmental efforts, while also ensuring the commitment of our main Partners", they conclude. "Fair Trade meets here the struggle against Climate Change".
- "In the U.S.A., similar measures were introduced in Bills currently under examination", while "available Studies, as a joint Report prepared by WTO and UNPE Secretariats on June 2010, show that it can be possible to meet the necessary condition" for "any such Adjustment Mechanism at the Borders to be fully Compatible with WTO Rules".
Reminding Barroso's "confirmation, at the last" (March 2010) EU Summit, that EU "Commission will present, next June, a Report to evaluate if some Industrial sectors are exposed to an important risk of Carbon leaks, together with appropriate Proposals", the Franco-Italian Leaders' letter stresses that its very "important for the Report that the Commission will present on June, in particular on the Adjustment Mechanism at EU's Borders,... to usefuly contribute to EU Heads of State/Government Summit's work on the Means to advance in our action in favor of the struggle against Climate Change.
( See also other, more extensive Statements by EU Energy Commissioner Oettinger, to "EuroFora", on other topical issues, in another NewsReport).
EU Commission Head Baroso +Energy Commissioner Oetinger to EuroFora on Desertec+TransGreen Solar RES
The biggest two recent High Technology Mega-Projects for Solar Power linking Africa to Europe accross the Mediterranean, Desertec and TransGreen, led mainly by Germany and France respectively, could be funded also by EU's anti-Crisis' Budget, and are complementary and useful for EU's policies, replied EU Commission's President Barroso, and the competent Energy Commissioner Oettinger, to "EuroFora"'s questions, respectively.
- "EuroFora" asked Jose Barroso, at a Press-point in Strasbourg, "what (he) thought about the New Technologies' projects Desertec and Transgreen" to produce and transport Electricity from Solar Energy at Africa's mega-Desert Sahara, accross the Mediterranean.
- "I think that any project which aims to guarantee more Energy Security to Europe deserves our interest", Barroso replied to "EuroFora"'s question on Desertec and TransGreen.
- "Now, I'm not going to pronounce myself, in concrete terms, on one project, or pre-project", before EU decides to support it, EU Commission's President carefully said.
- "But, as you know, in the framework of (EU's) reply to the (Global Financial) Crisis, (EU) Commission proposed to use 5 Billion €, which had not been used by the (European) Community's Budget for certain actions", he observed in particular.
- "We have have placed there, precisely, certain actions in the domain of Energy Security and TransEuropean Networks, and sometimes also by linking European Countries to other (3rd) Countries", he added.
- "We have placed that among the Priorities for funding such projects", EU Commission's President stressed.
Hopefully, Barroso's new statements to "EuroFora" might open possibilities for more EU investment to both the TransGreen and Desertec, Environment-Friendly, High Tech. projects on the best Renewable Technology : that of the Sun, instead of risking to waste Hundreds of Millions € of EU's funds to controversial Turkish Pipeline "Nabucco", still searching to find Gas from Central Asia, (even Iran), etc., despite the fact that it's too Long, too Expensive, Low-tech., exposed to Dangers of Conflicts, Political Blackmails, and/or Earthquakes, far away from E -controlled areas, despite various other (already existing and/or possible) Alternative Transport solutions, faster, safer and cheaper (Comp. "EuroFora"'s earlier publications).
Contrary to what a last year's, 2009 Draft of EU Commission's proposals (before "Transgreen"' was added to "Desertec") had unfortunately indicated some Months earlier, before tEU Council and EU Parliament elect the New EU Commissioners...
- "EuroFora" also asked new EU Commissioner on Energy, Gunter Oettering from Germany, if he found that "Franco-German projects Desertec and TransGreen can be complementary".
- "Yes, I think Yes !", positively replied the competent EU Commissioner to "EuroFora"'s question.
- "I think that both projects would stick together", fitting well in an overall trend. "Nobody says that it can't come" true in Future, Oettinger added.
- However, "may be, we need (to advance in) Steps, therefore, may be not all in one moment.. But, in a longer term, ", he methodically advised.
- At any case, these two Strategic Mega-Projects concern a real "Partnership between the EU and Africa", the EU Commissioner on Energy stressed.
- All this "is really good for Economic and Cultural (Scientific/Technologic) Policies", added Oettinger, who is well known, as former Prime Minister of the nearby German Federated State of Baden-Wurtemberg, for ambitions to develop "European Institutes of Technology, performant as new MIT(s)", as is called the famous American body.
Speaking at a Conference in Strasbourg on EU's Energy policy, the competent EU Commissioner highlighted Europe's needs for the foreseeable Future and various possible solutions.
Oettinger, who stressed mainly the need for the EU to boost its internal Energy "Networks", also criticized the paradox that "we are paying for Windfarms to produce Electricity at the outer coasts of Scotland", towards the U.S., "but it isn't yet easy to transport Electricity not even from Strasbourg to Stuttgart", i.e. at Europe's heart !..
( See also other Statements by EU Commission's President Barroso, and EU Energy Commissioner Oettinger, to "EuroFora", on other topical issues, in separate NewsReports, as well as longer draft texts already sent to "EuroFora"'s Subsrcibers/Donors).
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- Franco - Italian Sarkozy - Berlusconi 2010 Summit: For EU Autonomy on Energy, Defence, and Economy+
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Speaking exclusively to "EuroFora", the New EU Parliament's President, former Polish Prime Minister, ChristianDemocrat/EPP MEP Jerzy Busek, welcomed proposals by EuroFora about innovative ways for EU Citizens to attend EU debates before important final decisions which affect people's lives.
- "We (EU Parliament) must be transparent", Buzek stressed from the outset. "We must have clear answers also for delicate questions. If we don't touch a problem, you must know why, and when shall we decide in the nearest future".. "Because "we (EU) must think about Europeans, first of all : They don't understand well what is going on in the EU. So, it's our duty to inform them, to make discussions here more interesting".
"EuroFora" congratulated President Buzek for the anouncement he made, from the 1st day of his election in Strasbourg (on Tuesday, 14 July 2009), on his intention to make transparent debates, exchanges of views, etc. before the final adoption of decisions in EU Parliament's Plenary, when issues are evolving inside Committees, (See earlier publication).
And we reminded, in this regard, that "EuroFora" has been advocating a project for EU Citizens' active involvement in pluralist EU debates before important EU decisions, since more than a Decade : 1997-2007+
- "Thank you. We (EU Parliament), indeed, have exciting debates", Buzek replied. But, in practice, "without a possibility for our Citizens to see them, not even by the Press, the Radio or TV, etc., because it is in Committees", he regreted.
- "But, they (i.e. Media, Citizens, etc) might interact with you, with MEPs, etc, May be we can imagine something", "EuroFora" proposed.
- "Yes, (but) it needs, a quite new idea", Buzed observed.
- "Why not through some innovations ?", "EuroFora" suggested.
- "Precisely, "EuroFora" has such a project, since more than a Decade (1997-2009), to use new technologies for public debates before major EU decisions are taken", we reminded.
- "If you have such proposals, please come to us, come to us. We must" do something, agreed the new EU Parliamen's President.
For that purpose, obviously information and debates are valuable, but purely instrumental, procedural means which can help focus on, and highlight a substantial content, attractive to EU Citizens, which needs to be determined by other, political, and not mediatic factors.
Buzek spoke about the urgent need to overcome the Global Economic Crisis, the struggle for Human and Civic Rights, Democracy, etc., the Eastern Partnership, links with Russia, strategic partnership with USA and emerging countries, etc.
But he also used (while speaking both to "EuroFora" and other Media) the expression : "The Europeans", for EU Citizens. This points right towards what several important EU leaders (including French President Sarkozy, German Chancellor Merkel, etc) have started to highlight particularly during the recent years : That there is a vital need, and an historic opportunity, for the development of a European Conscience, to stimulate e renaissance of a European Identity able to attract Popular support, for the EU to become a strong player in a Multopolar World : In other words, the revitalisation of a project for a "Political Europe".
By a coincidence, this was indirectly but surely reminded, earlier in Strasbourg, by another ... Busek (this time with a "s") :
Speaking to more than 650 participants from CoE's member countries, at the conclusion of the 2009 Summer University of its Political Schools, Erhard Busek, (with an "s"), former vice-Chancellor of Austria and EU Coordinator for South-Eastern Europe, pointed at the current need to revitalize Europe's "Identity", forged by Greek philosophy and Roman Law, Christian values and Enlightment's ideas, etc. through the ages.
- "We have almost the same name with Jerzy Buzek (EU Parliament's new President, who is a former Polish Prime Minister), because both our Families come ...from the same village, located at the Heart of Europe, which was often shared between Poland, Germany and the Czech Republic. But my family emmigrated a long time ago to Austria, while Jerzy Buzek's family remained in Poland", explained f. vice-Chancellor Erhard Busek to "EuroFora".
An astonishingly concrete and simple example of European Integration from the grassroots : Starting by EU Citizens, i.e. those "Europeans", that EU Parliament's new President, Jerzy Buzek (this time with a "z"), wants to bring alongside MEP's decision-making proces, (according to "EuroFora"'s main idea : Comp. supra)...