ECHR President Costa to EuroFora:Serene on Human Rights Interlaken reform despite Attack+Negationism
ECHR President, professor Jean-Paul Costa, replying to "EuroFora"'s questions just a day after Shoa's Anniversary, said that he was "relatively serene" and hopeful for Human Rights' future in Europe, despite some growing systemic problems and even certain "attacks" against the Strasbourg's Court, at the eve of an Historic "Crossroads", "only 3 weeks before" an important Reform planned by a February 2010 PanEuropean Conference at Interlaken (Switzerland).
Meanwhile, the desecration of a Jewish cemetery in Strasbourg, on the Anniversary of the Holocaust, strongly condemned by CoE's leadership and French Minister of the Interior Brice Hortefeux, who made un urgent visit here, brought to the forefront the issue of any "Negationists" who strive to hide even the most horrible Crimes of the Past, provoking Impunity of Criminals and augmenting the dangers to see them repeated, in one way or another, also in the Present times, unless European Court of Human Rights helps to guarantee that at least an elementary Jusice will be done, so that People can hope for a better common Future.
A topical concrete example was given by what is generally considered to be "the most grave Violations" of Human Rights : the plight of "MIssing" Persons, (who may suffer from Torture, deprivation of Liberty, Murder, etc), as it was recently illustrated "in the oldest case at ECHR", that of thousands of Greek Cypriot Missing people in Cyprus, where some Victims' Families and their Lawyers were recently "surprised", finding "unjust" and "uncomprehensible" the fact that their applications were, for the 1st time in ECHR's 60 years old History, declared Time-barred and "inadmissible" by a small ECHR Chamber with only 3 members, (out of 47 for the whole ECHR), despite ECHR's traditional case-law that violations of Human Rights in "Missing" persons' cases are "continuing", as long as there is no efficient enquiry to find what happened and who is responsible.
"EuroFora" asked ECHR's President if he was "afraid" of any "dangers" by "pressures to diminish Human Rights' protection" after recent violent "attacks", even by writing, from certain Governments, and in particular one who is due to take the ro !tating Chair of CoE's Committee of Ministers during 2010, (after already taking the Top Job of CoE Assembly's Chairman, earlier this week, for the 1st time in CoE's 65 Years-long History), while, at the same time bearing the main Responsibility for grave "bottlenecks" in the PanEuropean system of Human Rights' protection, suffering now mostly by the failures to implement ECHR's Judgements condemning violations of Human Rights, with result to provoke many repetitive individual applications, even if justified, as it was denounced by ECHR's leadership.
It was obviously needless to "name" that State explicitly at the Press Conference, since everyone who follows Human Rights issues easily understood that it was Turkey, who holds a Record among 47 CoE Member States by being the No 1 in Non-executed yet ECHR's judgements founding violations : Indeed, Ankara toples 19% of the Failures to implement ECHR's judgemens, (i.e. 1/5 of the total for 47 Countries !), for the entire period of 1959-2009, according to ECHR's latest Statistics.. Comparatively, the non-implemented yet ECHR judgements condemning Russia represent "only" 7% of the total, as well as those for Poland and France : about 6%. Only Italy has more (16%), but concerning more lenient cases, mainly of judicial "delays", while the persisting violations concerning Turkey, on the contrary, relate to extremely grave crimes, such as Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatments, Enforced "Disappearances", Killings, arbitrary deprivations of Liberty, Oppression of Freedom of Expression, Destructions and/or Usurpations of Family Homes and properties, etc.
- "ECHR is obviously a "jewel" for the CoE, despite difficulties, but, just before (the) Interlaken (ECHR Reform Conference), may be in view of Interlaken, as it is more or less known, some Attacks against the Court, by some quarters, some of them by Writting, ..from certain States, inside (CoE's) Committee of Ministers, etc., where there are also some developments this year (2010) that might be delicate", observed "EuroFora", obviously pointing at the November 2010-May 2011 ur. Without naming nobody, as a matter of general principle, do you feel that the Court might be, eventually, be threatened by Pressure to diminish its action on Human Rights issues ? And, in that case, where shall you find your Allies, partially or totally, in CoE's Parliamentary Asembly, in Public Opinion, In CoE's Secretary General, INGOS, or part of the Press ?'"
And, on this occasion, "EuroFora" questioned a recent setback on "one of the "core" Human Rights' cases : Yesterday, it was the Holocaust Anniversary, and CoE's Secretary General, Thorbjorn Jagland, and others, evoked, in the Oral version of in his Speech, the fact that Memory of Crimes must be preserved an d protected, in order not to have such Crimes in the Future in Europe and elsewhere. There was a reference to Struthof, where was applied, as it's well known the "Night and Fog" decreet, on "Missing" persons for all Europe, and one of the oldest cases of "Missing" persons that you have in the Court, but unfortunately not the only one, is Cyprus', evoked here as a matter of General Principle. But, recently, according to Press reports, some Families of victims and lawyers were astonished by the fact that, for the 1st time, certain applicants were refused access for the 1st time to the Court, apparently because of the Time elapsed. ECHR's established case-law for all "Missing" persons, until now, which is cited everywhere : in Geneva, in Latin America, etc., says that, such kind of Crimes, which may involve Torture, Killings, Deprivation of Liberty, etc., are "continuing", as long as the Truth is not found, those that are Responsible have not been identified and punished, and there has not been an efficient Investigation to find out what happened and do elementary Justice at least. The Question raised, is if this kind of Exclusions because of Time elapsed, might, eventually, according to the real Legal point of the (recent) case-law, affect only some applicants who might have done nothing for Tens of Years, (and this could be understood by the People), or ...also ...Families who have tried, by many means, to find the Truth, but they faced Negation, and/or didn't manage" yet to overcome such opposal ?, "EuroFora" asked.Replying in French ("because I know that you speak French very well", as ECHR's President said to "EuroFora"), Costa obviously downplayed the 2010/2011 risk : - "I am relatively Serene", ECHR's President replied, carefully.
- "ECHR has often been criticized by certain States, but not necessarily the same : F.ex. a long-standing Member Country as the UK, had launched very loud criticism against the (European) Court (of Human Rights), when, 15 or 20 Years ago, it had issued some Judgements that it found controversial. But, despite that, the UK remained a very solid support to the Court. And, at another, even more striking example, Switzerland, a constant supporter of the Court, as proves also the fact that it has recently decided to host the (February 2010) Interlaken Conference (on ECHR's Reform) to help the Court. But, when we had issued a judgement (fex. Belilos v. Switzerland) condemning her, Switzerland was ready to ..withdraw from the Court and from the CoE, in order to protest against the Legal (not Political) Interpretation that we had made then ! "
- "In any proceedings, National or International, there is always a loser and a winner (someone who loses, and someone who wins)", and "I observe that States win more cases than they lose, since many applications are rejected as inadmissible". But, "when they lose a case, that they consider as important, often this provokes a kind of unrest in the Public Opinion, and, then, it's natural that , at that moment, a State might be not satisfied, nor be in a very good mood.. "- "I remind you also another affair in Germany : the case "Caroline von Hannover", (on respect for Private and Family Life, etc), where Germany did not threaten to witrhdraw from the system (of protection of Hum an Rights), but, nevertheless, ECHR was strongly criticized".
- "Well, this arrives often", and "the fact that the States" involved in such reactions "are not always the same, but change, this also proves that we (ECHR) are quite objective and impartial", he concluded.
- Naturally, "it's not the same States who criticize" now, ECHR's President observed in reply to "EuroFora"'s question which obviously pointed at Turkey, generally known for its Blackmail-attitudes, as fex. when Ankara blocked even NATO's Summit, on April 2009 in Strasbourg, because it wasn't satisfied with its new Secretary General, Anders Rasmussen's supposed stance over Freedom of Expression, or persists to block EU - NATO cooperation on Security issues, over Ankara's claims on Cyprus, contrary to repeated EU Parliament's Resolutions which strongly denounce such negative attitude, (etc).
But, in CoE's Institutional mecanism, the only obvious ways to eventually attempt to blackmail the Court, by anyone who might get hold of CoE's rotating Committee of Ministers' chair, seem to be either to obstruct or delay, for 6 to 12 Months, the execution of ECHR's Judgements, or to try to block, delay or diminish its Funding, which comes from CoE's General Budget. (Something which is "the only obstacle to a full Independence of the Court", as ECHR's President observed earlier). But would anyone who was given a task to fulfil in the European mecanism for the protection of Human Rights, place his own salary higher than People's Human Rights ?
President Costa : ECHR supports outlawing Negationism.
- "Your ("EuroFora"'s) second question is very complicated, and I'd like to make a few, short remarks. Because there are 2 problems in the issue of Memory", ECHR's President added :
- "F.ex., on the Shoa, it's clear that direct Victims or Families of Shoa's victims, could not, as such, apply to the ECHR, because these are incidents which had occured even before ECHR was established, even before the (PanEUropean) Convention was signed".
- "But, on the contrary, we (ECHR) had some cases in which appliquants complained, in the name of Press Freedom, because they had been condemned, in one or another Country, for Negationism. "Fex., in a case against France : "Garaudy", ECHR had an opportunity to say that the condemnation of Negationism, i.e. of the fact to deny that there have been Victims of the Shoa, of Mass-Killings, etc., the condemnation of Negationists, was not opposed to Press Freedom, because Holocaust was a kind of Historic Catastrophe, whose Memory should be safeguarded".
- "Now, there are (also) other (such) events, which could have been covered by the (European) Convention (of Human Rights) from the Temporary point of view", (i.e. more recent, contemporary), "but are not necessarily linked to admissible applications. Because, as you know, there are, among admissibility conditions, also rules such as, fex., to respect a (Time) Deadline of 6 Months since the last act, or since the exhaustion of domestic remedies". "This also means that any event which occured very far away in the Past cannot necessarily become object for an admissible application to Strasbourg", he added carefully.
- "To take also another example, for the grave events during the former-Yugoslavia's clashes, the applications are inadmissible, because they are addressed against States which were not yet Members of the European Convention on HR", Costa also observed.
- "To be complete, ...I should develop also further on the distinction, that you ("EuroFora") know very well, between what is an "instantaneous act", and a "CONTINUING VIOLATION" (of Human Rights)", ECHR's President observed. "As, fex. in cases of Refugees/Displaced persons' Homes and Properties' deprivation, where ECHR judged that deprivation of properties is a "Continuing" violation, which must be distinguished from the instantaneous acts, and, therefore, is not submitted to the usual Time Deadline limits.
- "But this (i.e. to "develop" the notion of "Continuing" Violations) risks to be too long", felt Costa, .. curiously leaving the specific cases cited at "EuroFora"'s question without a clearly expicit answer. ..
Unless readers are supposed to inevitably conclude that ECHR's President agreed with our question's observation that any Crimes eventually committed against "Missing" People, remain, according to "ECHR"s long-standing case-law, "continuing", i.e. without Time-limits and deadlines for Victims' Families' applications to Strasbourg, as long as the respondent State did not make any efficient investigation to discover the truth on what really happened to the victims, find and punish those responsible for their enforced disappearances. ..
- "I cannot comment on (small Chamber's) decisions, as long as there is not any Final Judgement" (by ECHR's Grand Chamber, or if applicants don't contest formally a controversial initial decision, as in this case), Costa observed earlier, at another affair, but as a matter of general principle.
Therefore, (and given also the fact that the latest ECHR's Grand Chamber's judgement on "Missing" people's cases : the "Varnava" affairs in Cyprus : October 2009, uses an unprecedented Formula, apparently introducing for the 1st time, eventual Time limits, but in a way which leaves it open to interpretation on the crucial point to know whether it is also the behavior of Victims' Families, and not only the mere passage of Time, which really counts, since the contrary, would risk to cover up grave Crimes, (such as Holocaust, Mass Graves, War Crimes, etc) that CoE's Secretary General, Thorbjorn has just denounced, in the name of a better Future for Europe (See supra).
Until this crucial point is settled in a crystal-clear way, legitimate quesions and concerns inevitably remain on whether violent attacks against ECHR (particularly by a State which holds Top CoE jobs in 2010/2011, while being at the same time the No 1 responsiblke for the problem of non-execution of ECHR's judgements - See supra) will oblige it to make some dangerous concessions on Human Rights, or, on the contrary, ECHR will succeed to mark a major breakthrough with decisive advances on Human Rights' protection.
After all, isn't it natural to feel that what will really happen on February 2010 at Interlaken, is a kind of "Mystery", at least for the moment, considering also the fact that this same location ; Interlaken, has been notoriously chosen even for famous Science Fiction writer Erich von Deniken for his .. "Mystery Park" ?
CoE Assembly Legal/Human Rights Chair Pourgourides to EuroFora: Save Haiti Children from trafficking
Europe's Human Rights watchdog, CoE, launched urgent calls to help and protect Haiti Children from imminent risks of "Trafficking", together with Italian Foreign Minister Frattini, as new President of CoE Assembly's Legal and Human Rights Committee, Pourgourides said to "EuroFora", followed by several MEPs, after worrying Press reports in France, the US, etc.
- "There, we must do everything we can so that the Children of Haiti can stay in their Country", stressed to "EuroFora" the experienced ChristianDemocrat MEP Christos Pourgourides from Cyprus, shortly after his election as Head of CoE Assembly's competent Committee, and such a call got strong backing also by Italian Foreign Minister Franco Fratini, as well as several MEPs from various Countries in a "Current affairs" PanEuropean Debate in Strasbourg.
- "Because it would be a Desaster to take all the Children of Haiti out of the Country", Purgurides warned.
- "Oh Yes", there is, indeed, "a risk of Human Trafficking in (post-Earthquake) Haiti, particularly of Children", agreed with "EuroFora" the new President of CoE Assembly's Legal and Human Rights Committee.
- "Everywhere you have Extreme Poverty, the exploitation of People is much easier", he added, in reply to another "EuroFora"'s question on former Central-Eastern European Countries' hard Economic Past, during the previous Decade, some Latin American Countries, etc.
- "200 Years ago, the World fought succesfully against Slavery", but, "200 years after, we have this (new) form of Slavery : Human Trafficking !", he denounced, speaking more generally, for all its various forms, including that of adults, fex. women, servants, etc.
- "We (Europe) must take up Initiatives to assist the Children of Haiti" : There are many "abandoned Children in Haiti, and we must all feel involved for the Fate of these Children", stressed also the experienced former EU Commission's vice-President in charge of Home and Justice affairs, Italien Foreign Minister Franco Fratini, who spoke earlier in CoE's Parliamentary Assembly.
- "Because there are Children who are disappearing from Hospitals, Orphanages, etc", and "we don't know what is happening to these Children", Fratini denounced.
- The "First" among the "Key Issues" that "the International Community had to consider with respect to Haiti", now that rescue operations concluded, is to face the fact that "many Children had become Orphans as a result of the Earthquake : There was a Risk that this would result in illegal adoptions", while "Haitian Children were (also) susceptible to Trafficking and Abuse", added also German MEP Marina Schuster, speaking on behalf of the Liberal Group.
- "It was therefore particularly important that their Rights should be upheld. The Rules for Safe Adoption should continue to be applied, despite the seriousness of the humanitarian situation", and "evacuation should be permitted only in Extreme Circumstances", she advised.
- "CoE should rapidly provide some Guidelines on what is acceptable and what is not when it comes to dealing with Children, taking account of the CoE's Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings. The UN Assembly has already provided Guidelines, and we should do the same as a matter of Urgency", said Brittish Conservative MEP John Greenway, from the EDG Group.
For Socialist MEP Ms Rosa del Blanco_Terran (Spain), In Haiti, "Children, had suffered a double Blow as a result of the Earthquake" :
- "There were 2 focal points for aid. The first was the UN, through agencies such as ...the UN Children's Fund and the UN's Development Programme. EU Countries had agreed to donate 0,7% of their GDP to the Development Programme, but many were not doing so. The other focal point was the EU. France and Spain both had permanent Offices in Haiti".
But, "Haiti was a failed State", according to the Socialist MEP. "The few Institutions that had existed were destroyed in the Earthquake. While it was difficult to say it, it had to be acknowledged that there could be opportunities arising from the earthquake: this was a chance for Haiti to avoid recrEeating a failed state and to build a Democratic, Free state", as she said.
- "On the subject of Adoptions, some were already in progress before the Earthquake. Countries, including Spain, had opened their consulates to allow these adoptions to proceed. But there were half a million helpless children in Haiti and they needed to be helped within the country. The issue of further adoptions was something that could be discussed at (a) New York meeting", Blanco anounced.
- "According to UN Statistics, prior to the disaster in Haiti there were estimated to be about 380 000 orphaned Children in that Country. It is now estimated that close to 1 million Children in Haiti are either Orphaned or Separated from their Parents in Refugee Camps which have been set up by the UN", explained new Estonian Liberal MEP Mrs Mailis Reps.
- "The Question is what will happen to these children. There are various Proposals :"
- "Just 2 days ago, the US Senate held a Debate in which some Senators called for easier Adoption Rules and proposed opening the borders for children regardless of whether they already had papers or were in the process of being adopted".
But, "various Reports from NGOs state that Children are already Disappearing not only from Camps but from Hospitals, she denounced.
- "So, if we make Adoption "Easier", by "opening our borders through easier adoption Rules, what will be the result?.... Not many Authorities in Haiti are functioning, so who will check on the Welfare of these Children?", the MEP wandered.
"Whose responsibility is it? As Mr Greenway said, it is partly the responsibility of organisations such as ours under the Conventions and Resolutions that we have adopted."
- " There have also been various proposals to Evacuate about 500 000 children to Europe, the US and Canada. It could be very effective if we evacuated these children temporarily. However, what is "temporary"? After the Yugoslavian crisis, many children were moved temporarily. After 20 Years, however, they were asked to return to a Country that they no longer knew. So if we move these children without intending to give them Permanent Residence or the status of Asylum seekers and full Rights to stay, it would probably be much better if they received any help in Haiti itself", Reps concluded.
- But, "these Children cannot be protected once they have been sent abroad to Unknown Destinations. I truly hope that in a few Years we will no longer regard these 1 Million Children in Haiti as Victims", Reps warned.
- "What is the Solution? Most Human rights and children’s Organisations are calling for Help, and not only monetary help, to help these Children. We should investigate some of the easier solutions, -(such as providing Playgrounds for children – something that can make a big difference in helping Traumatised children)", she proposed, among various other possible Measures to help them stay in their own Country, close to their families, relatives and communities.
Similar Dillemas on post-Mass Tragedy Children, who lost , or were isolated from, their Families as in Haiti on 2010, had been raised also earlier in South Asia's post-Tsunami period back on 2005, triggering a rare critical event described recently in Strasbourg by CoE's Deputy Secretary General, Mrs Maud de Boer-Buquicchio :
- She exceptionally related "a Personal Experience" : - "Some years ago", after taking "part in a TV Debate for a major TV channel in France", she had been "asked what (she) thought about" foreigners from other continents, massively "adopting Child victims of the Tsunami" in Asia. She replied that she found better, on the contrary, to "exhaust all suitable solutions within the (poor) country, indeed the Community of Origin, before considering Inter-Country adoption". But "the day after the debate, I started receiving messages ... expressing .. agreement or disagreement with my views. Among those messages was en extremely aggressive and anonymous letter from a person who had adopted a Child from abroad and who accused me of depriving Children from abroad of suitable (sic) Homes", denounced CoE's deputy Head, on the occasion of a recent CoE Conference on Adoption and Childrens' Rights.
CoE Secr.Gen. Jagland to EuroFora on PACE 1st Turkish Chair : Link EU to 3rd Countries. And Russia ?
Provide "a clear Connexion to Europe" for 3rd "Countries, out of the EU", (as Russia, but also Turkey, etc), and link them to "the same Rules", is a task of vital importance for the CoE, close to an idea recently proposed by French President Sarkozy in agreement with German Chancellor Merkel, Russian Prime Minister Putin, etc, observed in substance CoE's Secretary General, Thorbjorn Jagland, replying to an "EuroFora"''s question on this topical Geopolitical issue, afterTurkish MP Cavusoglou got, for the 1st time, the job of CoE Assembly's Chair.
- "The fact that Russia, as well as Turkey and 18 other Countries OUT of the EU, have a clear, formal connexion to Europe, through this organization (CoE), underlines" its main role, because, "without CoE these countries would not have this formal Links (to the EU) and be under the same Standards and Rules, as all the others", Jagland stressed.
- "So, I mean, If one, for instance, could say that CoE tomorrow could be abolished, then we would immediately have a new Dividing line in Europe, because of what I said. And 2 differend kinds of Case-Laws would develop (by Strasbourg's CoE and Luxembourg's EU Courts). Or to say, one case law in the EU, and, then, 20 others, throughout the other Countries. That's the Danger", he warned.
- "And that's why its so important to keep all these things together, under the same Rules and Standards, and under the same Court", new CoE's Head (2009-2014) concluded.
- "And this underlines the importance of the CoE, as you ("EuroFora") said", CoE's Secretary General agreed with the main thrust of "EuroFora"'s Question :
- "When you were elected (on September 2009), Mr. Secretary General, you said (in reply to an earlier "EuroFora" question, See relevant Publication), that you found interesting the outline of an idea that had been proposed by the French President Sarkozy, in agreement with German Chancellor Merkel, (Russian Prime Minister Putin) and others, about ...the creation of a big, Paneuropean Space, where Countries out of the EU, as Norway, Switzerland, Russia, Turkey, and others, could find a way to be closer to the EU, independently of what might happen on other issues, f.ex. if they accede, or not", "EuroFora" reminded.
- Thus, "today (on 25 Jan. 2010), we saw (for the 1st time) a very interesting Photograph : You (from Norway) were close, not only to (CoE President-in-office, Foreign Minister) Calmy-Rey, who comes from Switzerland, but also to (the new CoE Assembly's Chairman) Mr. Cavusoglou, who represents Turkey", (i.e. from 3 Non-EU countries), "EuroFora" observed.
- "Do you think that this (new development) might be a Step ..., or that it might help (to advance) in this direction (as cited above) ?" "But the only "Missing Link" (in that schema), for the moment, is Russia, (who didn't yet get any important CoE Top job), that you visited recently. If things go in this direction, then, what might be the role of Russia ?", "EuroFora" asked Jagland.
- Indeed, "the Russian Federation" should "not be regarded" "as a "Missing Link" (among CoE's leadership and main GeoPolitical tasks). On the contrary", the new CoE's Secretary General agreed with "EuroFora"s question.
- "Russia is a full CoE Member, and, by ratifying (recently) Protocol 14 (on the Reform of the PanEuropean Court of Human Rights), Russia has also stated very clearly that it wants also to strengthen ECHR, which we find very important", Jagland stressed.
- "The Russian Federation has taken a very clear stand now, as I think, and ...Russia has ratified protocol 14"', showing its will for a paneuropean space witghout dividing lines, "throughout all the European Continent" and well beyond (See supra).
- "And there is a clear political will from the EU to go in the same Direction", Jagland confirmed, speaking for the 1st time in Strasbourg after his recent Top meetings in Moscow, Berlin, London, Brussels, etc, in relation with the EU on how to firmly "connect" EU to neighbouring 3rd Countries "Out of the EU", as he said (See supra).
- "That is my Goal : To help this Process move forward", new CoE's Secretary General concluded in reply to "EuroFora"'s question.
While an enlarging CoE seems, thus, to be moving towards that "big Space" due to include more and more links to "Neighbouring" Countries, that Sarkozy and Merkel have described in agreement with Putin, Medvedev and ohers., at the same moment, the ratification of ECHR's Protocol 14 by Russia opens the way for EU's accession to the PanEuropean Convention on Human Rights, creating a "Gravity Center" with EU's 27 Member States' strong block inside Strasbourg's organizsation, as CoE's President-in-office, Swiss Foreign Minister Calmy Rey recently observed.
Incoming EU Commissioner in charge of Justice, Human Rights and Citizenship, experienced Luxembourg'"s MEP Viviane Reding, speaking recently to "EuroFora", stressed he will to boost such moves : - "I know that there is a hard but also very important" mission for Europe to start in 2010, agreed EU Commissioner-designate Reding with "EuroFora" about her new portofolio and EU/CoE prospects. - "I intend to strart immediately negiotiations between EU and CoE for the accession to the ECHR, but I cannot say when they could conclude", Reding added speaking earlier to MEPs in the same issue.
However, EU strongly supported a CoE Reform Plan presented recently in Strasbourg by Jagland, who stresses the "Political" will to "focus on CoE's main tasks", i.e. Human Rights, Democracy and Rule of Law", in a more "efficient" way, as he said here to Journalists, including "EuroFora", shorftly after receiving also an "unanimous" support by CoE's 47 Member States' strong Committee of Ministers.
It's in this context that Turkish MEP Cavusoglou, after 7 years in the CoE, got the PÄCE's top job practically unopposed, without public debate nor vote in the Plenary, since there wasn't any competitor, according to an old agreement between Political Groups to rotate on PACE's revolving chair. He comes from the small EDG group, recently chaired by British conservative MEP Wilshire.
A previously scheduled prolongation for 1 more year of the mandate of the out-going PACE President, the experienced Spanish MEP Luis de Puig (2008-2011), was finally dropped (with only "2 votes difference") behind closed doors at PACE's Bureau last Autumn, as this was confirmed on November by PACE's Standing Committee when it met in Bern, Switzerland.
In exchange, the rotating PACE Chair mandate was fixed at a shorter period than before : Only 2 Years.
However, back in 2005 this deal had been discontinued, when the scheduled EDG candidate was Russian MEP Margelov, and it didn't re-start but only on 2010, when it was the turn of Turkey's Cavusoglou.Thus, PACE lost an opportuniyt to have a Russian Chair, (obviously more in line with its recent spectacular Enlargement Eastwards), finding itself, instead, with a Turkish one. (Something which had not been done before, not even during the exceptional "Cold War" period, when Turkey entered the CoE as a counter-point to the former "Socialist" block then). .
But, several MEPs questioned this unprecedented move for Strasbourg's Organization of Human Rigfhts, Democracy and Rule of Law, independently of his own personality (often smiling and friendly, as f.ex. several times during the recent years with "EuroFora" in Strasbourg), mainly because of Turkish State's notoriously unique bad record on numerous grave Violations of Human Rights, as ECHR reminded also this week by anew condemning Ankara's Authorities in various cases of Torture, violations of Freedom of Speech, Unfair Trials, Arbitrary/Excessive deprivations of liberty, etc.
Reacting, Cavusoglou, obviously emotionally touched by the honour entrusted to him personally, said that even his father who had worked in a farm at Antalya (a well-known mass tourism Holiday ressort in Southern Asia Minor) couldn't dream of, and promissed at his inaugural speech to the PACE to be fair and objective in defending CoE's values on Human Rights, Democracy and Rule of Law, (defined as CoE's main task by the latest, 2005 PanEuropean Heads of State and Government Summit in Warsau, Poland).
At any case, the move concerning Cavusoglou of Turkey fits well out-going CoE Assembly President, Luis de Puig's anouncement, earlier this week in Strasbourg, that the PanEuropean organization is currently considering ways to extend its activities well "beyond Europe's borders" by involving also "South Mediterannean"; as well as Cenrtal "Asian" Countries, such as "Kazakhstan" and others.
A CoE Assembly's Resolution adopted earlier on 2009 asks for a special inter-Parliamentary "Status" to be given, under certain conditions on "Democracy" values, to Europe's "Neighbouring" Countries, from the Souhern shore of Mediterranean and/or among "CIS" Countries of the former USSR, such as Kazakhstan, Kirghistan, Turkmenistan, etc. (See relevant "EuroFora"'s publication);
"Morocco" (a previously unsuccesful candidate to EU accession), followed by "Cap Verde", has just succeeded to be welcomed by CoE into becoming a new Members of CoE's "North-South Center", based at Lisbon, Portugal, on 2009.
Meanwhile, Mexico, Canada, the US and Japan, previously got a Special Status at the CoE, in a process which started since Russia's Historic entry, after December 2005.
The only UN Security Council Permanent Member who has not yet got a Status in Strasbourg's CoE is China, but it has recently established an active General Consulate in Strasbourg, and took steps for links to the CoE through Sports, Health or Environment, etc., (as the former "Eastern" European Countries of the former "Socialist" block had started to approach CoE initially through Culture).
In addition, several important CoE's Legally binding Treaties are, in fact, International, because they are open to signature and ratification by any Country in the World which shares common values, such as, f.ex. on Extradition, CyberCrime, protection against Natural or Man-made Hazards, or on BioEthics, etc.
Such recent developments logically incited fex. the President of the International Socialist movement, Greek Prime Minister Giorgos Papandreou, to launch a call in Strasbourg for CoE's future contributiion to "Humanize" and set some Rules ("chosen by the Peoples through Democratic Political processes") on "Globalization", which can be a chance for progress, but also a danger, otherwise.
(See relevant "EuroFora"'s NewStories, already sent to subrscribers/donors).
Chirac to EuroFora : EU must get back to work !
*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- EU should get back to work also on Humanitarian issues, stressed at the start of EU's "Year against Poverty and Social Exclusion", Bernadette Chirac, President of "Hospitals of France" Foundation , and wife of the long-time former President of the country Jacques Chirac, speaking to "EuroFora" in Strasbourg, where she visited a modern Exhibition on concrete Projects helping People in need to get adequate Medical care , together with the City's Mayor, Senator Roland Ries, and MP Andre Schneider, Head of French Assembly's Commission on International/European issues, and CoE's Assembly's Member for Science, Culture and Education.
- "It's mainly because some important Professors in Medicine asked me to do so", that Bernadette Chirac (a 3 times "1st Lady of France" for 12 Years, who had experienced a tragedy in her own Family life) chose to give her time, energy and reputation to help People in Hospitals, as she told "EuroFora".
French President Nicolas Sarkozy honoured last year (2009) Bernadette Chirac's Humanitarian work in a special ceremony at the "House of the Sun", an aide and rehabilitation refuge for Teenagers in trouble, during which she was awarded one of the most important honorific titles, that of "Chevallier d'honeur". Since then, added also to other developments, the popularity of Jacques Chirac, long-standing former President of France (3 times) has rosen to a record high, according to Media reports.
The Humaniarian, issues at stake in terms of Human values and Health Science's progress are so important that they made a rare Unanimity between various Political personalities in the Majority and the Opposition, since Bernadette Chirac (notoriously a ChristianDemocrat of center-right) was first welcomed, near Brussels, by the Mayor of Lille and new Secretary General of the French ..Socialist Party, Martine Aubry (daughter of long-time EU Commission's former President Jacques Delors), immediaely followed by Strasbourg's new Mayor, Senator Ries (Socialist), long before she will meet fex. with the Mayor of Marseille Jean-Paul Gaudin, vice-President of the Union for a Popular Movement (UMP, Center-Right)..
She agreed with "EuroFora" that the fact that her venue to Strasbourg as head of a Humanitarian movement the 1st Month of 2010, came at the start of EU's "Year against Poverty and Social Exclusion", was "a good coincidence", and such kind of Humanitarian initiatives should "inspire" People throughout all Europe.
ECB and other Economic analysts' forecasts have warned the EU that even during the progressive return of Growth, in the current stage of the way out of the Global Crisis, high unemployment rates may persists for a while, in Europe as also in the USA and elsewhere in the World, and EU Commission''s President Jose Barroso has recently agreed with MEPs in EU Parliament in Strasbourg that, at least for the time being, a special care is needed throughout all the EU to prevent hard phenomena of Social Exclusion by provoked poverty.
Struggle against pain (physical and moral), ameliorate living Conditions, develop Activities (fex. Culture or Internet in Hospitals), take charge of suffering Teenagers, help Families to stay united, etc. are some the main aims of the Foundation "Hospitals of France".
Among various concrete Projects big, medium or "small", already funded, (pictured in High-Tech, huge Video-Screens, or partly reproduced inside the 2010 Exhibition's Train), are fex. areas specially conceived for small Children, meeting places for Teenages, or even well adapted living spaces created for Families in order to avoid dramatic separation, etc. all related to a better, more Human life of patients in need in Hospitals, (allowing fex. to keep in touch through Telecoms with relations and/or urgent work, at least in part, while being hospitalized, if needed and medically allowed, etc), which might also contribute to ameliorate the efficiency of Medical services.
Initially focusing on Young People and later also on Seniors, Bernadette Chirac's Foundation was sollicitated by Strasbourg's Mayor, Senator Ries, to think about the possibilities to help also "Adults in need", in addition to a new "House" for Teenagers agreed to be built in Strasbourg.
Learn how to become Popular "Benefactor" ?
An original but important way to support such Humanitarian activities is the current "Yellow Coins' operation", which gives a chance to all Citizens, rich or poor, adult or even children, to became a "benefactor" by taking a part in contributing to fund the Foundation's projects, even if it's by simply giving just a few Euros, or only 10, 20 or 50 Cents (which have a "Yellow" color in EuroZone), or even only a few cents (1 or 5), which have a "red" color, as shows a special Box set up for the Public by the "Bank of France" (which collects the coins and gives the final checque to the Foundation) : "The oldest pîece in the whole operation's History", as observed Bernadette Chirac, smiling.
After 21 such popular operations in more than 20 Years of existence (1989-2010), the Foundation was able to fund more than 9.600 concrete Projects, totalling more than 133 Millions €. In Strasbourg's central Hospital (one of the biggest and more historic in Europe, whose new super-Modern premisses were inaugurated last year by French President Sarkozy - 2009), the operation "Yellow coins" has got some 1 million € in grants to Pediatric Health care for Children.
Symbolically, starting from Paris, the "Yellow Coins 2010" Exhibition Train (with a Radio Studio inside !) started after Jan. 22 by approching the European Headquarters, first close to Brussels (at nearby Lille), advancing afterwards to Strasbourg, before it travels around all the rest of France : From Lyon to Marseille, Toulouse, Perigeux, Poitiers, Quimper, Tours, staying one Day in each City before it returns back to Paris, between the 24 and 31 January.
EU Ombudsman Diamandouros to EuroFora : Big Changes for EU Citizens' Rights after Lisbon Treaty
*Strasbourg/EU Parliament/Angelo Marcopolo/- The recent entry into force of Lisbon Treaty introduces many changes in favor of EU Citizens' Rights, stressed EU Ombudsman, professor Nikiforos Diamandouros, to "EuroFora", in statements made after EU Parliament re-elected him for a new period of 5 Years (2010 - 2014) :
- At first, new Rules, concerning EU Citizens' Fundamental Rights entered into force thanks to Lisbon Treaty, he observed.
- Moreover, our Monitoring extends now to all EU Decisions affecting Citizens, f.ex. all EU Council's decision-making, he added.
- It includes even EU Member States' activities when they are applying EU Law, he observed.
- Last, but not least, "I intend to largely use the EU Law clause which introduces Citizens' Right to a Good Administration", anounced Diamandouros. The move opens new possibilities for the creation of a kind of "Case Law" on EU Citizens' Rights, due to be progressively shaped by the practice and decisions taken by EU's Court of Justice and/or EU Ombudsman while monitoring EU institutions' acts, he acknowledged.
Another among Diamandouros' "Priorities" for the next 5 years is to strengthen evenmore the principle of "Transparency" in EU decisions, as well as to ameliorate the "Efficiency" in the way that his Office operates in real practice.
Diamandouros, a former University Professor from Greece, will soon complete a Decade as EU Ombudsman, since he was initially elected on 2003. His 2010 re-election was the result of a hard fought struggle vis a vis a strong competitor, Belgian professor at the Bruges College, Yves Monette, with 340 and 289 votes respectively, out of 648 valid votes (i.e. more than the absolute Majority).
During his mandate, the EU Ombudsman is due to work closely together with EU Parliament's Petitions Committee, whose new President, Erminia Mazzoni from Italy (ChristianDemocrat/EPP), held earlier a joint Press Conference in Strasbourg with Diamandouros : The 1st since Lisbon Treaty gave EU Citizens also the power to introduce a Legislative proposal with 1 million signatures, as it was reminded recently by EU Parliament's President, Jerzy Buzek, speaking to Journalists including "EuroFora".
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- Home affairs EU Commissioner-designate, Malmstrom to EuroFora: How to fight v. (in)Human Trafficking
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EU Rapporteur on Enlargment Strategy, maistream German MEP Elmar Brok, speaking to "EuroFora", welcomed the proposal made earlier this week by French President Nicolas Sarkozy for the EU to"start Now Talks with Turkey to create a common Economic and Security area", instead of full Accession, at a period when Ankara looks more and more unfit and/or unwilling to respect EU conditions.
- "For Europe to have strong Political will, it must stop dilutiing itself in an endless Enlargement. It must have borders...Diversities enrich, on the condition that they don't undermine European Cohesion, and don't weaken EU Unity", Sarkozy stressed.
- "Countries like Turkey share a part of common destiny with Europe, with which they have a vocation to build a Privileged Relation, to be closely associated, but not to become Member of the EU" : "Noone respects his friends by telling them lies. Noone respects his friends by making them promises that will be never kept", he added.
That's why "we'd better start, from now, negotiating with Turkey to create a common Economic and Security area", Sarkozy proposed.
Significantly, the French President was repeatedly and largely applauded by EU citizens, 3 times, when he made the Turkey point, (strategically placed between Europe's "Political Will" and its cultural heritage, historically open to mutually enriching dialogue with all the World, but never diluted).
- "We could propose such a great ambition also to Russia, which must not be percieved as an Adversary of Europe, but as a Partner. Thus, we'd create a wide area, of more than 800 Million inhabitants, sharing the same Security, the same Prosperity", he concluded.
Sarkozy's move was anounced at the eve of a Franco-German Top meeting with Chancellor Angie Merkel in Berlin on Sunday, to jointly launch the EU Elections campain, after an EU Summit at nearby Prague, to launch a new kind of relations, called "Eastern Partnership", with neighboring countries such as Urkaine, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaidjan, etc, (to which Russia, reportedly, is not - and does not want to be - included).
As for Ukraine, which has already expressed her wish to join the EU in future, "Kiev will have a special place, and a very important role to play", replied earlier this week in Strasbourg, to an "EuroFora" question EU Chairman in office , Czech vice-Prime Minister Alexander Vodra.
- "This direction is more Realistic for Turkey than Accession negotiations", reacted immediately EU Parliament's Rapporteur for Enlargment Strategy, mainstream German MEP Elmar Brok, commenting Sarkozy's idea for "EuroFora"
Particularly "as far as it concerns the respect of EU Rules by both sides", he added, hinting at Turkey's now obvious inability and/or unwillingness to abide with EU Acquis, EU Commitments (fex. on Cyprus, etc), and European Democracy/Human Rights rules. (Comp. infra).
Brok added that, in his view, a similar proposal might be made also to Ukraine and other neighbouring Countries, regardless if they have, or not, a "European vocation". This would not necessarily mean that there couldn't be any accession prospects at all." for all the countries that might be included in this area, according to Brok. But it's preferable, particularly for Turkey, "because it's a more Realistic approach than full Membership".
On this point, Sarkozy's proposal, (which he'll share with German Chancellor Merkel), seems more crystal-clear.
- "Turkey does not fullfil EU Criteria, and will never fullfil EU Criteria" on Human Rights, Democracy and Rule of Law. "Some have been lying to Ankara, but we must tell the Truth, and have honest and close relations with her", said meanwhile to "EuroFora" on the same issue also the President of EU Parliament's largest Group of MEPs (ChristianDemocrats/EPP), Joseph Daul.
"Hot" Debate at EU Parliament reveals CHANGE of mood towards "Suspension" of EU - Tukey talks.
Earlier this week, many MEPs, and even some of those who were previously in favor of Turkey's controversial EU bid, strongly criticized the persistance and even aggravation of serious Human Rights violations in the country, that ECHR continues to "unanimously" condemn ":
- "After winning a big victory in the latest Local Elections, the pro-Kurdish party DTP almost doubled its Elected Mayors from 52 to 98", but afterwards "more than 400 politicians were thrown to Prison and prosecuted" by the Turkish Authorities, denounced on behalf of the ChristianDemocrat/EPP Group, Belgian MEP Frieda Brepoels.
At the same time, "more than 1.500 Children are closed in Turkish Prisons", she added. "What will the EU Commission do" against these facts ?
- "Turkey appears to be at greater Distance away from Copenhagen Criteria after 4 Years of accession Negotiations, than when they started !", denounced on behalf of the Liberal Group, German MEP Alexander Lambsdorf.
"On the central issue of Press Freedom, Critical Journalists face obstacles for their accreditation, others are prosecuted, condemned, fined and/or jailed, Media blocked or closed", he denounced.
- "EU Made 2 grave Mistakes with Turkey : To start accession negotiations, and to continue them", despite everything, criticized Dutch MEP Bastian Belder, on behalf of the Ind/Dem group.