Franco-German push and US guarantee overcame Turkish VETO at 2009 NATO Summit. But how ?
The New situation inside NATO, with a united Franco - German Sarkozy - Merkel couple, after France fully re-joined its military component, working closely together with new US President Obama, apparently succeeded, for a 1st time, to overcome Turkish VETOs, starting from Ankara's opposal to new NATO's SG, Danish Prime Minister, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, which threatened to undermine Strasbourg's Summit for the Trans-Atlantic Organization's 60th Anniversary up to the last minute.
But was it a "Pyrrus' victory", obtained at a too high price ? Did new US President Obama inspire himself from Strasbourg's tradition to make "larger deals" on the occasion of NATO moves, as "EuroFora" has observed ?
(See :
It's only when the unknown yet concessions reportedly made to Turkey will be revealed, during the next weeks or months, that this question will find a reply...
Naturally, this Historic 2009 NATO's 60th Anniversary Strasbourg Summit, will remain in History as marking France's return to NATO's Military command, new USA President's acceptance of a strong European Defence, (symbolised here by its Franco-German hosts' common aspiration with other interested EU Member Countries), and NATO's further Enlargment to Croatia and Albania, while also re-starting the process of discussions for "Strategic" cooperation with Russia, and developping a NATO policy on Afghanistan, at the same time that it officially launched a global re-thinking to change NATO's overall Future Strategy for the 21th century, etc.
But all this was largelly decided beforehand, leaving few gaps to fill during the 2 Days-long Strasbourg Summit which brought together 28 Heads of State and Government, with their Defence and Foreign Ministers, moving accross both the French and German sides of Rhine River, from Strasbourg to Baden-Baden, and from Kehl to Strasbourg, highlighted by a symbolic, spectacular walk over the bridge of the "two shores' garden".
When out-going NATO's Secretary General, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, announced to astonished Journalists in Strasbourg, after a 2 Hours delay to the scheduled Agenda, that Chiefs of State/Government had "taken a decision a few minutes ago" to "unanimously" appoint Anders Fogh Rasmussen as New NATO's SG from Summer 2009, after a 2 Days-long Turkish opposal, when most were thinking that there will be no decision at all, this had the immediate effect of a surprise.
But when people started raising questions on how this was achieved, most main actors eluded, in one way or another, a clear answer, and soon nobody was there to tell Journalists the insiders' story with convincing accuracy, since the protagonists moved immediately to nearby Prague, for a scheduled EU - USA Summit..
- "You know that during 36 Hours there have been much discussions" about this, but, finally, "a solution has been found also for the concerns expressed by Turkey", simply added de Hoop Scheffer, without revealing them.
- "We said that the Summit should conclude into decisions, including for the appointment of a new SG", and "from this point of view, the Franco-German axis' force counts : We had supported Mr. Rasmussen and he was gladly appointed unanimously", said French President Nicolas Sarkozy from the outset, showing that he had taken it as a challenge.
"Thanking" also for Obama's "strong involvement in all decisions we took", Sarkozy stressed that "hearing the US President speak in favor of a European Defence, for Europe to be more present in the TransAtlantic Partnership, and that it needs strong Allies, able to stand on their own feet", "he kept his leadership", while also "replying to France's commitment to take anew its seat in the common commandment" of NATO's military structure.
All this, finally shows that "our efforts", together with German Chancellor Angie Merkel, "for Europe to play a larger role in the TransAtlantic organization", starts already to be the case : "With France returning its full membership inside the organization, Europe will have a better say".
Strasbourg Summit's results in Security-Defence, can contribute, (together with that of London's G Summit in Economy) to "change the way things go, and prepare the arrival of a New World" order, Sarkozy concluded.
Replying to a question on "how (they) succeeded to convince Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan", both Sarkozy and Merkel stressed that the move was part of a larger "New stage" or "New Page" in "Trans-Atlantic" or "Euro-American" links :
- "A large number of Allies were determined for Danish PM Mr. Rasmussen to become our SG, but unanimity was required, so we discussed with (Turkish) PM Gul, and, at the end, it's the will for Unity which allowed to decide, because, given the present conflicts, it would be unthinkable that we don't agree", Merkel added.
-"We might have disagreements, as in the G20, but we are part of the same family" and "we must settle them in a constructive way. .. The times of misunderstandings and of mutual suspicions are gone", said Sarkozy.
- Rasmussen "respects Human Rights, he is a Democrat. There was no reason to have any pressuposals against him", stressed the French President. - "I think that the message was received", up to Afghanistan, "that we are present in order to defend values, and we don't compomise on Human Rights", Sarkozy added, speaking as a matter of general principle.
- "Let's focus on great, substantial World issues, and no more on secondary differencies, susceptibilities or misunderstandings", he said, after a 2 Days-long Summit during which Turkish claims against Rasmussen wasted precious Time.
He added that this is also "a new stage in the Franco-German pole", where "we saw that when we decided to take initiatives together, this had a considerable force".
But both Merkel and Sarkozy remained on general declarations of principles, without revealing conrete details, keeping a similar attitude to all other protagonists :
- "We are also ready to take necessary measures", added Merkel, without specifying. - "Everybody made an effort", added Sarkozy, without going into concrete details no more..
Out-going NATO's SG, de Hoop Scheffer, simply said that "according to Mr Obama, a SG, Anders Rasmussen, was chosen unanimously;" and "I think that" Sarkozy and Merkel "share my view that he's very competent". "What counts are results", he added, without a word on the way this was obtained..
Even Gul, the Turkish PM who reportedly delt with Obama and Rasmussen, avoided twice to give a concrete reply to Journalists' questions in Strasbourg, (at least in the translated version provided by NATO's services)..
US President Obama declared from the outset that Rasmussen had "an extraordinray reputation" and the "competence to move NATO with a vision for 21st Century's challenges".
But Obama admitted that "important efforts" were made "to ensure that Turkey, who was raising some concerns on Security issues, will be certain that NATO's SG will address them".
However, he didn't reveal their content, and simply added that he learned from EU leaders that when there are disagreements they don't forget why they are allies, and carefully search how to make both sides decide together. At any case, "America cannot face Global challenges alone, neither can Europe", Obama stressed as a matter of general principle.
Exceptionally, he avoided Strasbourg Journalists' queries, restricting all "non-American" (as he said) Press in "only 2" questions, both out of the main issue : A vague one by Austrian TV, and another on Balkans, from Albanian Media, leaving many EU Journalists who waited for Hours his concluding Press Conference, without any chance to raise the hot "how" question, (while, a day earlier, he spend an Hour to reply to anodynous questions by teenagers)...
- "This is an Historic Day,...because we are celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the most successful Peace movement in the World", (as he called NATO, which claims that it guaranteed "Peace without firing a bullet until 1994"), "and . today, the Franco-German friendship, the European Unity and the Trans-Atlantic partnership", are ready and eager to develop "efforts to transform NATO, in order .. to deal with new challenges of 21th century", declared Anders Rasmussen, who takes over on August 1st.
The latter includes, according to Hoop Scheffer, NATO activities' official extension also far away from the US and EU, "to fight Piracy", as well as to the "World Wide Web" (Internet) for "CyberDefence", "Afghanistan", end other orientations.
- "We wanted, both Nicolas Sarkozy and myself, to mark this Anniversary with a very Symbolic gesture, by crossing the Bridge of two shores, in that River which saw so many conflicts. We are glad to be able to build a Future on the foundations set by our ancestors. We think that there are still many missions to accomplish for today's generations, and when we se what remains still to be done, we are glad to .. see that NATO is recognized as an alliance able to adapt" and evolve, added German chancellor Angie Merkel.
It's an exceptional, one Hour-long, direct meeting between New US President Barack Obama and Turkish President Abdulah Giul, later joined by Danish PM Anders Rasmussen, that reportedly succeeded to curb Turkey's obstruction.
But it was never anounced, in a crystal-clear manner, which were the concessions reportedly made by OTAN member-countries to Turkey, in order to convince her to lift her veto.
Turkish Prime Minister Tayip Erdogan reportedly said from Ankara that Obama "guaranteed" a series of concessions made to Turkey by NATO member countries, without revealing them. On the spot, Turkish President Abdulah Giul, despite repeated questions by Journalists during a Press Conference, ommitted any reference to the content of the deal...
Wild Speculations..
=> Thus, it was inevitable that the most wild speculations start to circulate in Strasbourg,...
Some thought that Turkey simply backed down, stopping to block all other NATO Member States, bowing to growing pressure over Ankara by angered EU Countries angered by the Turkish blockade which threatened to eclipse NATO's 6Oth Anniversary Summit , in agreement with the new US President.
It's true that PM. Abdulah Gul, speaking to Journalists in Strasbourg, complained against EU Commissioner Oli Rehn's criticism, accusing him to be "unfortunate" and "unpleasant". He threatened that, if EU didn't stop that, Turkey "would bring issues on the table, which would be unpleasant" for the EU..
Rehn, reportedly, warned Turkey that if it doesn't lift its VETO, it would endanger its controversial EU bid, giving also the impression that it didn't learn to respect Freedom of Expression, (a hint to the Kurdish TV row).
But Mr. Adbulah Gul also boasted to Journalists in Strasbourg that, after the 2 Days' blockade, "now, everybody understood Turkey's importance !"..
Other sources said that Turkish demands were so provocative that they reportedly asked even to France's return to NATO's Military command "under conditions", and "under supervision" by NATO's secretariat, to check that Paris will fullfil these conditions , (contrary to the US and all other NATO Member Countries' warm welcome to France's decision to come back home)....
Gul also stressed that NATO's "SG clearly ensured that the concerns (Turkey) raised will be settled in the Future".
Some suspected that it might be linked with a promise to "look anew" into Turkey's controversial EU bid, particularly by those who are notoriously the most opposed, and happen to be the Franco-German hosts of Strasbourg's Summit, naturally eager to make it a success. Didn't this make them obviously the 1st hostages of Turkey's obstructionism which threatened to undermine it, from Friday to Saturday ?
A version of this scenario was that Turkey got a promise that the EU would close eyes in 2009 on Ankara's failure to fulfil commitments it undertook vis-a-vis the EU, without that disrupting, in any way, the flow of more than half a Billion € of EU taxpayers' money given annualy to Ankara..
An indice was the strange fact that it was mainly "socialist" journalists favorable to Turkey's entry to the EU who claimed that Ankara simply bowed to pressure, and that's all, (as if they wanted to hide something). While, christiandemocrat or centrist journalists critical to Turkey's controversial EU bid, appeared more reserved and cautious, giving the impression that they suspected something fishy..
Or was it simply an Ankara's attempt to waste Time in order to avoid discussing the "Turkey and Cyprus issues which affect EU - NATO cooperation", (i.e. the Turkish VETO against EU Members Cyprus' and Malta's participation, recently denounced by an EU Parliament's March 2009 Resolution in Strasbourg), that Merkel wanted to debate with Obama, hoping for a solution ?
Some indicated that promises were given to Turkey to get influential posts inside NATO's Hierarchy, as. fex. a Deputy Secretary General and NATO's Representative at Afghanistan, while also closing down a Kurdish-language independent Radio-TV reportedly broadcasting from Denmark, etc.
But this list was neither complete, nor clear : Was it "the", or "a" NATO Representative in Afghanistan, "the" or "a" deputy SG, and with what competences ? How could one legally justify the interdiction of a Media without any other change but only because a foreign government asked that ? And what could it mean in Denmark, since, as a German Journalist found surprised, that Media claimed to be headquartered .."in Belgium" ? And how could people (even many NATO Member States' Governments absent from the Obama - Gul talks) know whether Ankara didn't get, behind closed doors, even more concessions, (f.ex. against EU countries, Human Rights, etc) ?
Last, but not least : What "example" is given to all other NATO's Member Countries, when only one among its 28 Members can block with impunity all other work on several crucial common issues, at an exceptionally important Summit, merely for a bilateral claim it has against a politician, and get away with it all, without any Sanction, but, on the contrary, get more advantages and privileges than other, loyal countries ? Should they also start blackmaoking by abusing of VETO ?
Strasbourg's DNA Newspaper says that Rasmussen was an US favorite, because he had supported Iraq war, and raises the question of what Turkey got "in exchange" for withdrawing its theatrical opposition to his candidacy. Citting various possible issues, he concludes with "Cyprus".
German chancellor Merkel had, indeed, anounced some "Turkey and Cyprus issues", affecting the cooperation between EU and NATO, to be discussed with new American President Obama during the NATO Summit in Strasbourg-Kehl. But, curiously, nothing clear became known about this matter shortly after the Summit's conclusion.
A mainstream Greek Journalist noted that "what Turkey got in exchange", in order to lift its blackmail, "remains unknown".
This was obvious also at Turkish President Abdulah Giul's Press' Conference in Strasbourg, where, despite many Journalists' questions, he repeatedly avoided to spell out the concrete "concerns" raised by Ankara, and accepted, as he claims, by Obama (and Rasmussen).
It seems that even several American Journalists were not yet aware, when they were leaving Strasbourg for Prague's EU - USA Summit, what kind of "assurances" had been obtained from Obama by Gul...
As for French President, Nicolas Sarkozy, when asked by a Journalist, he just gave a general reply, stressing Rasmussen's "democratic" profile, and the need to "overcome misunderstandings", swifting immediately the focus away, by "thanking Strasbourg's Citizens for their patience vis a vis the trouble provoked during the Summit...
Turkish PM Gul limited himself to say that "this will be seen in Future", while other Turkish sources told "EuroFora" that it's rather a questiion of ... "weeks".
Violent Destructions when Turkish VETO culminated...
Curiously, it was when a Journalist asked French President Sarkozy about Turkey's opposal to Rasmussen as New NATO's SG, that he remembered to add his "thanks to Strasbourg's City, as well as '"excuses for the troubles provoked to Citizens"...
From the start, Obama was unexpectedly delayed in his meeting with Sarkozy at Rohan Palace, the 1st in his arrival to Strasbourg, for some 40 minutes ! (instead of 11.15, after 11.52)...
One of the reasons may have been the public anouncement of Turkish Prime Minister Abdulah Erdogan's refusal of Danish Prime Minister Anders Rasmussen's candidacy to the post of new NATO's Secretary General, reported by foreign Media almost at that moment. Unless it was anew the continuing saga of the expected N. Korean "satellite" launch, suspected to be a cover-up for a missile-test, later-on...
Turkey's obstructionism notoriously delayed NATO's Summit for many Hours, provoking a sleepless night even for Journalists and Photographers since Friday. But it affected also the Demonstrators on Saturday, indirectly paving the way to tension leading to destructions, according to facts reported by Media or witnesses on the spot :
F.ex., curiously, a Christian Church and a pharmacy known as long-time "Greek Consulate", were brutally attacked by masked mobsters in Strasbourg, at the same time that anti-Obama demonstrations in Turkey were aired by Turkish TVs, precisely when "Hard Poker" Political discussions on how to overcome Turkey's blockade, what concessions to make, or not, etc., were culminating at NATO's Summit : At 1 or 2 p.m. !
But, shortly after a political deal was agreed, around 3 p.m., suddenly, the series of violent attacks and fires stopped, and demonstrators started to progressively advance and disperse much more peacefully...
French Police had concerns, according to Media, about foreign "Ultras" coming not only via Germany, but also UK, Belgium, etc, even directly "from Turkey". This is confirmed at an "Indymedia" report by dissidents, which cites at least a German "Bus" with Turkish Kurds, the presence of a group "TKP Turk" on the spot and time of destructions, and a 3rd group "from Berlin, with DIDIF's Turks".
Greece's General Consulate's long-time address, at Europa Bridge's drugstore/pharmacy, was "burned down, in an ambiance of urban Guerilla" and intense violence, DNA Newspaper observed. (French Foreign Ministry's website, continues, indeed, even after its transfert, to indicate "Europa Pharmacy" at the "Bridge of Europe", as location of the "Consulate General of Greece")..
A small but Historic and Symbolic Christian "Chapel of the meetings", at the Bridge of Europe was curiously attacked : In addition to Graffiti, Photos shown to "EuroFora" by a German Photographer, picture the small Christian Church surrounded by Giant Flames !.
For the rest, nothing seems equally important : A small Ibis Hotel was reportedly "due to be demolished" anyway, and the former Customs Office at the bridge was not used and "empty"...
Despite some 300 arrests, it's astonishing that not even one (1) among those who set the fires wasn't yet found, making it look as a "Professional job"..
Happy few...
Contrasting to violent clashes close to Europe's bridge at the border with Germany, Strasbourg's center was calm :
"EuroFora" saw a small peaceful demonstration of several Hundredrs of people "sitting-in" at the Tram's rail towards the NATO Summit's area .
Meanwhile, the wifes of Heads of State/Government were visiting Strasbourg's Cathedral, where USA's 1st lady, Michelle Obama, was greeted by France's 1st Lady, Carla Bruni-Sarkozy,
but stayed most of the time with Turkish 1st Lady Mrs Giul, as Medias noted. However, afterwards Michelle Obama decided to drop the visit to Turkey, and return to America.
Meanwhile, Greek Prime Minister Costa Caramanlis, was among the "happy few" to have a short (but symbolic before a Turkey visit) meeting with new US President Barack Obama, at which they took also RDV later for the White House at Washington DC, and Athens' exchange of visits, in view of Greece's taking over of Kabul Airport's management in 2010.
But Caramanlis' and Obama's brief Press points occured at another room in PMC building, while most Journalists were practically "chained", waiting for the "big-oBam" Press Conference, (exhausted after a sleepless night, hours of walking through blocked streets, and unexpectedly deprived even of a drop of Water for 5 Hours : 11.30 am. to 4.30 pm, after a series of delays), threatened to lose the few seats available if they move away for 5 minutes... (It already happened to "EuroFora" before the 1st Press Conference of Sarkozy - Merkel)..
Finally, while Portuguese Prime Minister Socrates a.o. looked busy at his phone, eve of EU - US Summit, next morning in Prague, after the Greek Defence Minister Meimarakis, it's only Croatia's Prime Minister, Ivo Sanader, who emerged cool and relax : - "It's very good, excellent !", he said to "EuroFora", about his "feeling" to be, from now on, "in" NATO
Apparently Sanader thought that Croatia's NATO entry (together with Albania) during Strasbourg's 2009 Summit, might help his country's popular and easier EU bid to definitively "decouple" from Turkey"'s controversial and cumbersome EU bid, as he had said last year at the CoE in Strasbourg.
Finally, "EuroFora" agrees with Mr. Gul on a key point : "We shall ALL see in the Future", the real outcome of Strasbourg's 2009 NATO Summit :
- F.ex., Will it really succeed to boost Euro-American links, while also developing an autonomous European Defence ? Will the US - Russia differend over missiles be settled with EU's participation, or worsen, over EU's head ? And, most importantly, seen from the Heart of Europe, Strasbourg : What consequences will have the concessions reportedly made to Turkey in Human Rights' terms inside the European Union ?
Obviously, it's from the replies to be given to such questions, that History will definitively judge the exceptional 2009 Strasbourg NATO 60th Anniversary Summit for what it really deserves
Sarkozy agrees with Obama a strong EU Defence in NATO, but Turkey a.o. keep the brakes on..
The quite good personal relations between French President Nicolas Sarkozy and new USA President Barack Obama, added to their explicit agreement for a "strong EU Defence policy" between "partrers", could have convinced that fears expressed by dissidents on France's famous Gaulist "independence" could be excessive in a "Nea Era" starting now in Euro-American relations, if it wasn't for Turkey's moves in NATO's Summit, which provoked unanswered questions..
Turkish reported obstruction on election of new NATO SG, would dash Sarkozy's hopes for smooth EU - NATO relations after France's full reintegration ?
- "President Obama wants a strong alliance, he wants defence able to stand on its own feet !", stressed French President Nicolas Sarkory, after his 1h talks with the new American President, shortly after his venue in Strasbourg.
- "We (USA) don't look how to be EU's patron. We are looking to be partners", echoed the American President in reply.America has promissed to help Europe, and Europe has promissed to help America, that's why during all Cold War NATO didn't have to fire a shot to protect Western Europe from any eventual threat Eastwards, from the former Soviet Union, added Obama.
With the new "Climate of Confiance" between Europe and America, US could agree more easily on the development of European Defence, said to "EuroFora" NATO's Policy Director, Jamie Shea. At any case, NATO cannot be Europe's defence : EU has to create its own Defence, and develop its own capabilities, he added.
Well informed sources, on the sidelines of the on-going NATO's Summit in Strasbourg, indicated to "EuroFora" that, in fact, "France's return to NATO's military commandment had already started, progressively, since .. 1994", because of Balkan wars. Step by step, similar moves were extended later, following other crisisn, which needed to send soldiers and military equipment abroad, inside multinational or international teams.
Critics, however, did'nt point only to the US itself, but also to "the UK, Turkey, Poland, as former PM Dominique Villepin reportedly observed the same day. Villepin was with Dupont-Aignant and other dissidents from the governing party, who came, eartlier this week to Strasbourg to voice his dissent, anouncing an independent list to the June 2009 EU Elections, which respect proportionality of votes, instead of the majority-takes-all national election system in France.
German Chancellor Angie Merkel has already clearly stressed that EU must discuss with the new American President how to overcome a "Turkey and Cyprus" issue, as she called the "regrets" expressed by an EU Parliament's Resolution on March in Strasbourg, for Ankara's "obstruction" against a smooth EU - NATO cooperation in all cases, asking them to "drop" it asap.
In brief, Turkey perisists to block EU - NATO joint activities each time they involve EU Member Cyprus that Ankara still refuses to recognize, despite a crystal-clear EU call, since 21 September 2005, which "may affect" even more gravely its controcersial EU bid if it's not corrected before the end of 2009..
A "New Start" on efforts to solve this issue, eventually with a fresh "Package" deal, including EU moves on Cyprus, appeared probable on the sidelines of Strasbourg's 2 Days Summit, according to NATO's experienced former Spokesman, and current Policy Director, Jamie Shea, as he said to "EuroFora".
But, once again, Turkey intervened : Now it's about Ankara's objections against Danish Prime Minister, Anders Fogh Rasmussen's candidacy as new NATO's Secretary General, which should, in principle, be decided by the Heads of State/Government Summit, tonight.
New US President Obama reportedly backed Rasmussen's candidacy, and most of his EU partners apparently agreed. But Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan accused Rasmussen in public to be impopular among some Islamic movements, because he had defended freedom of expression against some excessive reactions to the provocations by a controversial artist in the famous case of anti-Moameth "Cartoons", that hilmself had also condemned, but not censored.
But, facts indicate that, the real reasons for which Turkey might block the election Danish PM at NATOs Summit would be much more selfish : Denmark has had, indeed, in the past also another "Freedom of Expression" row vis a vis Turkey itself, on a Kurdish language Radio-TV.
Buit the most important seems to be the InterState application lodged by the Danish Government agains Turkey for Torture/Inhuman-Degrading treatments, by offering protection to a Danish Citizen of Turkish origin, who had denounced that torture was largely practiced by Ankara.
Later on, Denmark and Turkey agreed to drop the case by "Friendly Agreement", earlier in Strasbourg, once Ankara promissed to eradicate Torture all over the Country, and to take, all necessary measures to fight against Impnity and Inhuman and degrading treatments.
However, EU Parliament's latest Resolution oin Tukey, adopted in 2009, denounces, on the contrarry, the fact that the Number of reported cases of Torture "is growing" in the country...
So that, if anyone denounced this fact into CoE's Committee of Ministers, then, Ankara would be anew exposed for persistent failure to comply with ECHR's judgements on a core-Human Rights issue..
Now, it might be that it wasn't so much Liberal Rasmussen himself, bur rather his ChristianDemocrat Foreign Minister, Per Stig Moller, of another party, who could have been more active on such issues..
But, at any case, a brake is a brake, ... unless all this was just hard bargaining behind closed doors... .
What's the real motive behind Turkey's blockade of NATO ?
Until MidNight local Strasbourg time, Turkey was blocking NATO's Heads of State and Government Summit, insisting on its opposition to the election of frontrunner candidate for new Secretary General, Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Journalists learned in susbtance from an unexpected, improvised Press point, held by NATO's Spokesman, James Apparturai. Apparturai spoke by VisioConference from the German side of Rhine River, where NATO Leaders still were working, to the Press Center located at the French side, where the official Summit is due to conclude tomorrow, Saturday, in an attempt to save precious Time..
The Turkish move dashed hopes of German chancellor Merkel to have the decision on the new NATO's SG taken tonight, at Baden-Baden, as she had reportedly anounced, and bypassed new US President Obama's public support to Rasmussen, reportedly supported by almost all other among NATO"s 28 Member Countries, except mainly of Ankara.
Worse : By blocking the Summit's discussions until now, on the name of new NATO's SG, obliged to postpone the decision for tomorrow, without even knowing if it will be taken, or not.
The Turkish obstruction provoked such a huge waste of Time, that on the main substantial issues, as on Russia and the missile crisis, NATO was hindered to conclude, obliging the Chiefs of State/Goveernment to continue even later tonight, while, tommorrow's discussion on Afghanistan's no 1 urgency, might also be affected.
(Journalists reduced into playing at NATO's Summit, by the Time wasted by the Turkish blockade of the 28 Member States' Organization.).
So that NATO's spokesman, James Apparturai, even if he insisted that Russia and mainly Afghanistan debate WILL be held, because of their topical importance, on the contrary, could not exclude a further postponement on the election of the new Secretary General..
Most Journaliists from various countries and mainstream Media; who participated in the Press Conferene were strongly critical of Turkey's obstructionism :
A French Journalist asked how NATO would explain to the World that the best candidate should be excluded because he defended Freedom of Expression.
An Anglosaxon Journalist asked whether there was only 1 State which was refusing the Candidate accepted by all the others, etc, and how NATO would find anew the TIME wasted until now
In an attempt to break its isolation, Turkey tried to push any other candidate...
New US President Obama reportedly backed Rasmussen's candidacy, and most of his EU partners apparently agreed. But Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan has accused Rasmussen in public to be impopular among some Islamic movements, because he had defended freedom of expression against some excessive reactions to the provocations by a controversial artist in the famous case of anti-Moameth "Cartoons", that hilmself had also condemned, but not censored.
But, facts indicate that, the real reasons for which Turkey might block the election Danish PM at NATOs Summit would be much more selfish : Denmark has had, indeed, in the past also another "Freedom of Expression" row vis a vis Turkey itself, on a Kurdish language Radio-TV.
Buit the most important seems to be the InterState application lodged by the Danish Government agains Turkey for Torture/Inhuman-Degrading treatments, by offering protection to a Danish Citizen of Turkish origin, who had denounced that torture was largely practiced by Ankara.
Later on, Denmark and Turkey agreed to drop the case by "Friendly Agreement", earlier in Strasbourg, once Ankara promissed to eradicate Torture all over the Country, and to take, all necessary measures to fight against Impnity and Inhuman and degrading treatments.
However, EU Parliament's latest Resolution oin Tukey, adopted in 2009, denounces, on the contrarry, the fact that the Number of reported cases of Torture "is growing" in the country...
So that, if anyone denounced this fact into CoE's Committee of Ministers, then, Ankara would be anew exposed for persistent failure to comply with ECHR's judgements on a core-Human Rights issue..
SG Hoop Scheffer : on Afghanistan+, NATO needs Human Rights Values to succeed
NATO needs Values to succeed in its present and future tasks, said at the Human Rights Capital : Strasbourg, Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, speaking about one of the most important issues for the 2009 Summit : Afghanistan.
He was addressing his main message for NATO's future on the horizon of 2020 to "young leaders" from many countries all over the world at the eve of the TransAtlantic Organizations 60th Anniversary Summit of 28 Heads of State and Government, hosted by France and Germany, including new USA President Obama, which has to decide, in the following 2 days, both on Afghanistan and on NATO's change of Strategy.
- I can't send a 19 years old boy to Afghanistan without telling him that he's going there to defend Values, stressed de Hoop Scheffer.
And I need to be able to say to a Mother and a Father, when they get the body of their son killed in Afghanistan, that he fought for respect of and defence of Human Rights Values, NATO's Secretary General Strasbourg, .
- "In Afghanistan, NATO's Military cannot make the difference. Because the key question will be a Political - civil one", stressed the experienced former OSCE Secretary General, f. Dutch Foreign Minister, and outgoing NATO's SG.
- "I do not believe in the "Clash of Civilisations", but "I believe in Universal Values", he pointed out, brushing away a pretext often abused by some to try to cover-up human rights abuses.
But, "never forget : Values don't come accidentally. They have to be protected", he added.
A first occasion for that might be given immediately at Strasbourg's Summit, where the frontrunner candidate for his succession to the post of New NATO's SG, Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen, already endored by Germany, the USA, and many other big countries, leads a government known as defensor of basic Human Rights' Values, such as Freedom of Expression in various cases, and fight against Torture.
In this regard, Denmark had filed an Interstate application versus Turkey at the European Court of Human Rights in order to protect a Danish-Turkish Citizen from Torture and Inhuman/Degrading Treatments, which concluded in a "Friendly Agreement" with Ankara formally promissing to the ECHR that it would do everything at its disposal to curbe exceptionally sky-rocketing Torture figures in the country.
ChristianDemocrat Danish Foreign Minister, Per Stig Moller's statements in favor of the tortured young man had made headline news some years ago.
But EU Parliament's latest Resolution on Turkey's contriversial EU-bid, adopted on March 2009 in Strasbourg, expresses "concern" for the "growing Number" of Torture cases reported in Turkey.
New US President, Barack Obama, has often linked his decision to completely close the Guantanamo prison, (already on, the way out during the 2nd term of his predecessor, former US President G.W.Bush), with a clear rejection of any Torture and inhuman or degrading treatments.
Strasbourg's tradition for larger deals on NATO moves, a chance for Obama ?
Few people know that the most important NATO's changes have been politically decided in Strasbourg the recent times, and that all indicates that this tradition will be probably kept now too, at its forthcoming 2009 Anniversary Summit, on Friday and Saturday.
It's indeed in Strasbourg, on 1997, that the most unthinkable change since NATO's creation, back at the Cold War, its 1st Historic Enlargement to Central - Eastern European Countries was in fact decided, after an EU Troika meeting with the f. Foreign Minister of Russia, Evgeni Primakov.
The decision had been taken at an EU - Russia meeting, a Monday before EU Parliament's session starts, and the protagonists, 4 Foreign Ministers, immediatedly came to the Europeran Press Center (IPE 3) to announce the result to Strasbourg's Journalists.
But, "EuroFora" did not exist yet, ...and this radicallly important News remained practically hidden to the World, with the exception of a Greek and Turkish Media, and a local French radio...
Thus, the Foreign Ministers had to repeat the same exercice, one day later, at nearby Luxembourg, where several Brussels' Journalists had routinely gathered, for a banal ... Agriculture budget meeting..
There, Strasbourg info on NATO enlargement became immediately Headline "News", particularly once it was cited by US Agency AP, ... even if it was 24 Hours old !...Ironically, the most important GeoPolitical development in Europe's modern History, had to get the help of ... Cows or goats, in order to "exist" for our scandalously stupid Mass Media...
In fact, the real NATO - Russia GeoPolitical deal had a much broader scope : Primakov remained critical against NATO's Enlargement to former Warsaw pact countries, but accepted that Moscow let it be, in exchange of EU's promisse to boost its mainly Economic Framework agreement with Russia opening an era of more intense exchanges.
At the same time, the 1997 Strasbourg's diplomatic landscape had already radically changed recently, allowing for this unprecedented event to take place : Since February 1996, the same Primakov had formally signed Russia's entry to the CoE, as full Member : An immense change in the former Cold War-style Organization of Strasbourg, which had also accepted, meanwhile, since the end of 1995, ... the USA, under a special Status
Thus, CoE had already become .. Trans-Atlantic, without making big noise.!.. This fact obviously had facilitated the presence in 2006 in Strasbourg of both the f. Russian Foreign Minister Primakov, who had reportedly come for CoE's affairs, and the discreet contacts with some American diplomats.
The rest (i.e. attracting here EU's Troika at the same time) had been done thanks to EU Parliament's regular sessions in Strasbourg, which include, in addition to MEPs, also the rotating EU Council's Presidency, in the Top level form of Foreign Ministers, often even Prime Ministers.
It's probably nowhere else in the World, but in Strasbourg, that you could find, regularly crossing each other's routes, both EU, CoE, Russian and American Top Political Players, and even in such a "soft" and natural way, that they could have been discreetly meeting unofficially for Months, without anyone noticing, since they were, at any case, here, on the occasion of various differend other meetings, special to each one of these organizations which coexist in the same time and space..
Strasbourg : ATA 1999 - NATO 2009
This was made even more clear shortly afterwards, in 1999, 10 Years before NATO's 2009 Summit, during Atlantic Treaty Association ('ATA)"s Conference, organized in Strasbourg the same year that the 1st NATO's Enlargment Eastwards was enacted in real practice :
All the week-long, f. French President Jacques Chirac, f. NATO's SG Robinson, f. Presidents of Romania and Bulgaria, Constantinescu and Stoyanov, together with several Foreign and/or Defence Ministers, focused on parallel NATO and EU Enlargements :
There also, Defence, Security and Political levels had, oficially, nothing in common, but in fact, they were allowed a complex interplay on several concrete occasions : Both practically and symbolically, the 1999 ATA Conference took place ...inside CoE and EU Parliament's buildings all the week long..
France and other EU Countries' wish to be both inside the NATO, and "Autonomous" in their development and use of their own Defence capacities, inevitably marked the event.
And Now ?
A Decade later, New US President Obama's visit to Europen has also a broaderr GeoPolitical scope :
From Globall Finance in London, at the West, he heads towards EU issues at nearby Prague, Eastwards, showing anew that Strasbourg is in the middle pf it all..
NATO's Defense matters, once again, cannot and will not be treated alone, but in relation to all other main topical issues.
Russia is anew a crucial factor in Strasbourg Geo-Political issues in 2009, even more than at the beginning of this Decade in 1999, 1997 and 1995.
Collectively, thanks to a Franco-German idea, suggested by President Sarkozy and supported by Chancellor Merkel, to try to use OSCE to start examining the idea of a PanEuropean Security system, in order to avoid a Russo-American Missile Crisis in Europe. And/or bilaterally, by developing further an American idea to incite Russia to intermediate vis a vis Iran, while also cooperating closer on Afghanistan, Moscow's de-gel with NATO will anyway be on the Agenda.
But, obviously, the most intrigating issue, is the future of Euro-American links :
New US President Barack Obama, obviously has raised several hopes in Europe, including in French President Sarkozy, but he'd better try to start using this positive ambiance into building together something concrete the soonest possible, before Time runs away and unpredictable events or the usual routine, may threaten to take away more or less of this alchemie.
It's true that an American wish to try to ameliorate relations with Europe started also to be shown during former US President G.W.Bush's second mandate, since 2004/2005, while even his unsuccesful competitor, Senator Kerry, had insisted during the electoral campain on that point.
On March 2009, EU Parliament in Strasbourg, has just adopted a Report on Euro-American relations, drafted by ChristianDemocrat MEP Francisco Millan-Mons, which strongly supports new concrete steps in developing a closer Trans-Atlantic partnership, including by Institutional changes.
Meanwhile, it's not only France which fully re-joins NATO, but also the USA which might join the European defence in Strasbourg !
- EUROCORPS' Headquarters expect "probably during this Summer" 2009, that the American Army joins the MultiNational PC as "Sending Nation", said earlier to "EuroFora", EuroCorps' PIO Chief, colonel Raul Suevos.
But a crucial test will inevitably be whether a new US position might make good use of Sarkozy's bold move to bring France back to NATO's joint Military commandment, by allowing Europe to equally develop its Defence capacities, particularly in the High-Tech sector, and safeguard its independence of thinking in some major strategic choices, while also being a faithful and reliable ally..
In particular, it seems that, as EADS-Astrium's chief expert on Security and Defence policy, General Molard, recently told "EuroFora" in Strasbourg, the main component which still lacks for Europe to acquire an independent capacity of modern defence, including on anti-missile protection, is to develop an Airborn and/or Spaceborn "Early Warning system", which, if the right decisions are taken in 2009, could be ready before 2016.
(See full Interview, for the moment sent only to "EuroFora"s Subscribers/Donors),
With this, and other similar concrete issues, is also linked the core question on whether a new US policy might accept to share and cooperate with the EU, and/or accept its parallel development, more largelly on all main Scientific and Technological breakthroughs related to Security and Defence, and particularly Air-Space Research and Development matters, without big exclusions.
- "This is not done "against" the Americans. Our American Friends (already) have a capacity to evaluate the situation. The Europeans will have their own capacity to evaluate the situation. So that we can discuss together. Because as the Americans don't always see everything, and aren't always right, also the Europeans don't always see everything and aren't always right. But, together, we (EU and USA) are stronger", concluded on the crucial question the experienced General Molard.
- "I think that what Sarkozy does is the right thing : The development of a European Defence with the capacitty to act in an autonomous way, is not contradictory with France's return to NATO's military command. In fact, it can be mutually reinforcing", replied recently to "EuroFora" also EuroCorps' Chief of Staff, Georg Nachtsheim from Germany.
Last, but not least, at another front, new US President Barack Obama may also make good use of another unique opportunity in Strasbourg, this time mainly vis-a-vis Civil Society and Citizens : A key sector in the foreseeable Future also for NATO, if it really wants to develop a new role also in direction of Civil Society (as current plans clearly indicate), and to become more Popular :
It's well known that a part of Obama's driving force among the People, both inside the US and abroad, are his personal symbolic links with the Historic American Civic Rights movement, initiated by Martin Luther King. Some CoE Diplomats told "EuroFora" that they remember of Obama when they worked at WDC and US Senate's Black Caucus. Meanwhile, recent developments towards the closure of controversial Guantanamo bay prison, denounced by MEPs, that even f. president Bush had started to overcome, add in this same direction.
This is partly linked to a renewal of the classic "American Dream", to the point that even former US President G.W.Buish recognized that when he spoke of Barack Obama's personal course, from Chicago to Washinghton DC's White House.
But Strasbourg is also known in all Europe and the World as the "Capital of Human Rights", mainly because of Council of Europe's No 1 priority since the 2005 Warsaw Summit, and of the unique work done by the European Court of Human Rights the last decades.
Thus, it would certainly be a nice idea for the new US President, Barack Obama, to try to find a moment and a way to visit or otherwise link, symbolically and/or in real prtactice his 2 Days-long stay in Strasbourg with the CoE, and/or the ECHR.
After all, it's since 1995 ("Clinton A" era) that the USA have got a status inside CoE, and, by a positive coincidence, both ECHR and CoE buildings have been located inside the NATO Summit's Security perimeter (See MAP in related Newstory dated 31/3/09), just a few minutes way from the PMC building where the Summit takes place and Obama will stay overnight...
Even in the American and worldwide controversy on public funds for Human Embryo's use for Research, which opposed Obama to Bush, a right US move towards the CoE may help to alleviate fears against risks of abuse :
Strasbourg-based CoE has, indeed, a unique in the World legally binding mechanism for the protection of Human Rights in the domain (of growing importance world-wide) of Bio-Medicine, which includes some safeguards against possible abuses dangerous to individual persons, and to Humankind. American Legal Experts have worked together with European Experts from the start, since many years ago, to draft this International Treaty, (known as "Oviedo" Treaty, from the Spanish village in which it was signed at a special CoE event).
"EuroFora" has already communicated such points and suggestions to some CoE's staff, Months earlier. Shortly after that, CoE's Secretary General, Terry Davis, decided to visit Washington DC, on the occasion of a public event, at the eve of NATO's 2009 Summit here.
On all these points, results will be seen during the following days in Strasbourg, But what is sure is just that the way such questions will be treated here, is due to have an important impact on the Future.
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Benedict's "Source" to revitalize Europe : - "The World needs Hope", Pope says, calling to relaunch E.U. via Human Rights !
Paris - Lourdes - Strasbourg : 12 - 17 September 2008.
The vital need to re-launch Europe can be succesfully met by defending fundamental Human Rights of the People, said Pope Benedict XVI in his 1st speech in France, at his meeting with President Nicolas Sarkozy, who currently chairs the EU.
Sarkozy replied by welcoming Christian and other religions' contribution to indispensable Public Debates on crucial issues which affect Human Dignity, Europe, even Humankind, as BioGenetics.
- "When Europeans will see and personally experience that the inalienable Rights of the Human Person .., those of their free Education, their Family life, their Work, ..their Religious Rights, ..are respected and promoted, then, these Europeans will fully understand the greatness of the European construction and will be actively involved in it", Benedict XVI stressed.
- "It's important that during France's EU Presidency, there is, indeed, a desire for the Church to contribute to protect Human Person's integrity, and I think that there is also a growing Conscience, beyond any polemics, to defend Human Rights, and, thus, contribute to ensure respect for Human Dignity", added to "EuroFora" the Pope's Spokesman, Vatican's Press Director Federico Lombardi.
- "Nobody really told us here that Lisbon Treaty was good for this or that reason to the People. They only told us that we "had" to ratify it, and tried to scare us, but failed", said 2 Irish pilgrims to "EuroFora", after 2 Majority Abstentions in 1999 and 2004 EU Elections and 3 "NO" to Referenda in France and the Netherlands in 2005, followed by the Irish "No" in 2008, during a Decade of EU Crisis since the controversial Turkey EU- bid (1999-2008).
More than .."224 cases of Murders, Torture, "Disappearancies" or Destructions" by "agents of Turkish Security forces", where all those responsible for so heavy Crimes still remain scandalously unpunished, despite regular condemnations of Ankara by Strasbourg''s European Court of Human Rights from 1996 to 2008, were examined the same week by CoE's Ministers, who decided to launch a fresh call "urging" the Turkish Authorities to end this dangerous "virtual Impunity" of criminals, without comparison to European countries.
- "Why not Ukraine, instead of Turkey ?", asked EuroFora a Journalist from "Kiev : the city where it's enough to cross the streets in order to realize that it's a European town", as Sarkozy recently said, before solemnly declaring this week, together with Ukranian President Jushenko and EU Commission's chair Baroso, EU's "recognition that Ukraine is a fully European Country, linked to Europe by culture and History".
Europe's "Christian roots" and Values, with "openess and mutual respect" to other cultures and beliefs, were highlighted by Sarkozy in harmony with Benedict XVI.
The Human person should be protected "from his inception until his natural death", added the Pope, faithful to BioEthic principles defended by his predecessor and collaborator, John Paul II, of topical importance in France, Europe and the World today, as Sarkozy announced :
- "Fast and important progres in Genetic Science and procreation raise delicate BioEthical Questions to our Democracies", which "involve our view of Humans and Life, and can lead to Social Mutations. That's why they cannot remain only a business of experts", hestressed.
- "It's Politician's responsibility to set a proper framework for such Public Debates", as "France will do on BioEthics in 2009". "Religious and Philosophic traditions must take part, with their ideas and centuries' long experience : A positive Laicity is an open invitation to Dialogue", he said.
- "France engaged in Europe at another Debate on how to make Financial Capitalism more moral", and the "Social doctrine of the Church fits well what is at stake in modern Globalized Economy"
- "But, a "Real Dialogue is not for an elite of a Globalized world : It penetrates deep into the People : That's why Churches should actively participate : .. It's bringing New Oxygen to Public Debates", stressed Sarkozy.
- "Democracy must not be cut off Reason", which is "compatible with Faith", thanks to "the meeting between Christianism and Greek philosophy ", he added, referring to Pope's views. "It means to advance with logic arguments, search what's best and respect common principles of thinking :... It's an everyday need for Public Administration and the Political Debate", he added.
Pope Benedict's 1st visit to France looked like the start of a brillant, manifold demonstration that this was well-founded and could become true in the lives of the People : After its Theoretical foundations unfolded at a "speech to the world of Culture", inaugurating Bernadins' cultural centre, and its dogmatic instrument shaped at an address to the Clergy in the Historic Notre Dame' Cathedral, he started to resolutely reach out to the People :
The move went upwards like Bach's music : Begining with a call to more than fifteen thousand enthousiastic Youngsters gathered at Notre Dame's parvis with overnight celebrations, it gained strength in an impressive open-air Mass at Paris'central Invalides'area facing Alexander III's bridge, attended by more than 150.000 people, French Prime Minister Fillon, many Ministers, Foreign Ambassadors, etc, and culminated in a series of pan-European Mega-meetings at Lourdes 150th anniversary, together with all French Bishops, EU Commission's vice-Chairman Barrot, and some 200.000 enthousiastic People from all over Europe and beyond : After a Sea of Lights astonishingly braved Saturday Night's rain, an open-air mass at riverside fields among Pyrenees' Mountains Sunday Morning, was followed on Monday by a Sea of "Compassion" to those facing Health or Life threats, surrounded by an endless gathering of People, whose gigantic dimensions obviously surprised the organisers..
Meanwhile, Benedict had the occasion to speak to the French Priests at Notre Dame of Paris, and with the Bishops at Lourdes, where they prepare a crucial November plenary meeting, due to take important decisions on imminent EU debates and choices about Europe's identity, BioEthics, etc.
- "A new way of thinking about Laicity has become necessary", agreed the Pope with President Sarkozy at Elysee. While keeping the "distinction between Politics and Religion, to guarantee Citizens' Liberty", "religion is important for shaping Consciousness and contributing, together with others, to create a basic Ethical Consensus in society".
- "Searching Essential realities", (as "God" for christians), needs "Speech : "Logos" in greek, i.e. Reason", "able to shape a Community","with creative work transforming Human History". But "Dialogue" is instrumental for "Reason", because it's the way to "search" for Truth", in "Liberty", according to Greek Platonic Philosophy, with Socrates' dialectics. "Reason" implies "Spirit and Liberty", hence the polyphonic "Music" of "Dialogue", in a responsible, "well balanced" way, to avoid "destruction".
Starting with a "Dialogue between christians and intellectual or artistic movements" highlighted at Bernardins' Cultural Center. with former Presidents Chirac and Giscard d'Estain, UNESCO's chair Anastassopoulos, etc., as well as representatives of Muslim Communities, (including a separate Turkish), after contacts with Jews at Vatican's Embassy, the Pope turned towards the People :
To French Priests : "Church built on the rock" !
- Speaking to thousands of French Priests at Notre Dame's Cathedral, Benedict highlighted a solid "Church built on the Rock" of conscious and active persons, transmitting "a lively, energetic and sharp" "God's Speech, actively working on Human History".
"Praying together" with "representatives of Christian Churches and ecclesiastic communities", (as Orthodoxes, Armenians, Protestants, etc), he called "to reinforce the Unity of the church", against "any form of Division", around Holy Spirit', "the Word","Christ's Justice", and "Love" to fellow- humans : Essentials which "resume all holy scripts", as he said.
To Young People : "New Horizons"
To some 15.000 enthousiastic Young People at Notre Dame's parvis, along Seine's river, Benedict spoke about "the Energy of the Holy Spirit" and "the Mystery of the Cross" : - "The Holy Spirit opens New Horizons to Human Intelligence .. and makes it conscious of the real greatness of Christ's sacrifice, dying and resurecting for World's life".
Some "may slander you as crazy, laugh at you, or even persecute you. But, "the Holy Cross is a symbol of God's love", and "givesmoral strength" : "Witness of People's pains, it's at the same time, a precious, unique expression of their Hopes", he told them at Paris' dawn.
Invalides' plateau : "People chosen to become God's friends"
At the 1st open-air Mass in Paris' center area of Invalides, facing the Grand Palais, along the river Seine, during an impressive gathering of more than 150.000, French Prime Minister Fillon, Ministers Alliot-Marie, Bachelot, Dati, Jouyet, Assembly's President Accoyer, Senate's Chair Poncelet, former 1st Lady Bernadette Chirac, former Prime Minister Raffarin, many foreign Ambassadors, and other political personalities were present. (While earlier, from the Socialist opposition, Paris' Mayor Delanoye, artist Robert Hussein a.o. assisted at the Elysee meeting).
But the "Entry Song" focused on the "People chosen to become God's Friends". The September 11 mass was Dedicated to "Saint Chrysostomus, that great priest of Constantinople", with his "wonderful eloquence and great courage to face challenges", who "made out of despaired and godless people, a people of brothers", opening a possibility to "become all one complete entity", as Pope Benedict reminded.
- "Reason never enters in real contradiction with Faith", stressed Pope Benedict, who prepared his speeches for France during a short Summer rest at Brixen/Bressanone's Seminar, whose Library honors both "Faith and Science".. - "We must use not only our Reason, but also our Faith" : "Get away from Idolatry", "cupidity", "avidity for money, power or even knowledge deviating from essential aims", and other "falses appearances". and "build your Home on the Rock", "with the force that Holy Spirit gives to those who let it act in them", he said to the People of Paris.
Benedict at Lourdes : - "Become Light (even) in the Dark !"
- "Our World needs Hope", stressed Pope Benedict, addressing an impressive TorchLight procession at Lourdes' sanctuaries, where a Sea of Lights held by Hundreds of Thousands of People gathered at Pyrenee's Mountains from all over Europe astonishingly kept their flames despite a heavy Rain at a windy Dark Night...
- "150 years earlier (1858 - 2008),, in the cave, ... a simple young girl, Bernadette .. saw a Light". "The everyday life of her Family was, however, made of Misery, Sadness, Sickness, Misunderstandings, Rejection and Poverty... It was hard to live in Jail". Today, "we think to all Human Beings who suffer : The innocent Victims who face Violence, War, Terrorism, Hunger, Injustices, Catastrophes, Hate and Oppression, Violations of Human Dignity and of their fundamental Rights, of their Liberty to act and think. We also think to those who face Familial problems, sufferings from Unemployment, Sickness, Infirmity, Isolation, or their situation as Immigrants, without forgetting those who suffer and die for the name of Christ", he said.
- "But the Shadows of the Earth, did not hinder Sky's Light to shine : <<The Light shines in the Dark>>" ..."A Way full of Light opens in Human History even in its Darkest moments" : ..."As Night falls, Christ tels us : <<- Keep your Lamps alight !>>."Hold a Light while walking in the Night .. sums up our condition as Christians on their way : "We need light, and we are called to become Light !", Benedict stressed to People setting in motion Lights, Flags and Songs with enthousiasm.
"<<- She looked at me as a Person, who speaks to another Person>>, the poor girl had noted."Light emerges from such a Dialogue", stressed the Pope : "A small Flame called Hope, Compassion and Tenderness dwells inside those who return after being moved by Lourdes' experience". "Christ .. entrusts us with the Mission to let the Light of Charity shine : To make of our Prayers an Act of Love to our brothers and to Fraternal Charity", he concluded.