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PanEuropa Germany Head Posselt +to EF: Europe's Freedom Idea, Basis of the World order ?

Written by ACM
Sunday, 17 October 2021

(NewsViews express the Ideas of their Writer, and not always of "Eurofora". But We Thank "PanEuropa Germany"'s President, CSU Euro-Politician, and Experienced former Long-Time top MEP at EU Parliament, Bernd Posselt, for sending us for Publication, via his Press Offfice, this Interesting and Topical Question as well as Suggestion, the same Day of the Conclusions for the EU "Conference on Europe's Future" Citizen Panel on Foreign Policy and Europe in the World, that we have just attended in EU Parliament in Strasbourg.

Follows, herewith, the full Original Text, in Deutsch).


56. Andechser Europatag: - Europe's Freedom Idea, as the basis of the World order

56. Andechser Europatag der Paneuropa-Union Germany

17. 10. 2021  Andechs.

With the theme of freedom, the 56. Christian Europe Day of "Paneuropa-Union Deutschland" in the Oberbayerischen Monastery Andechs.

Its president, the CSU European politician Bernd Posselt, quoted Paneuropa founder Richard Graf Coudenhove-Kalergi, who called for resistance to National Socialism immediately before the outbreak of the Second World War, and said: "Europe is not just a continent, but an idea, and this is "Freedom"."

The basis for this is the conception of Human Dignity, which is widely used by Christianity and Humanism. This is also the starting point for the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.

Today, the World is faced with a Test of tears: On the one hand, the possibility for the human being to be Destroyed almost infinitely, and in the digitalised and globalised "world village", everyone is more Dependent than ever before, as the pandemic crisis has proven. On the other hand, the common cultural and ethical basis of the international order will always weaken. In Afghanistan, it has been shown in a dramatic manner that the colonial export of Western ...companies was doomed to failure.

However, this should not mean putting into question the universality of human rights, that the United Nations had, at least in theory, achieved after the Second World War. The way out of this dilemma can only be in a patient and knowledgeable Dialogue between the different world religions and cultures. In order for this to be successful, one must meet one another at eye level, listen to the other, know something about him and, as Pope Francis called for, also "go to the margins". He only creates who "Co-works, loves and suffers". If you think this is an illusion, you can "pack it right."

At the well-attended Meeting of theologians Prof. Veit Neumann with the subject of "Freedom and God", Johannes Modesto, who is responsible for the archdiocese of Munich and Freising for seligration proceedings, with Romano Guardini and the White Rose, the religious philosopher Beate Beckmann-Zöller, with the philosopher and European patroness Edith Stein, (who was murdered in Auschwitz), and the Prague political scientist Blanka Mouralova with the totalitarianism concept of Hannah Arendt.

In an "evening of freedom" at the Klostergasthof, Robert Wild sang for the guitar freedom songs, and Francis Posselt of the Pan-European Youth made himself in a confessed literary form as their "courier" to the voice of the Statue of Liberty. Celebrant of the festive service in honor of the Holy Hedwig in the pilgrimage church was the Polish Minorite Father Prof. Zdzislaw Josef Kijas from Rome. The topic of "Freedom and Courage-engines for a Living Europe" was discussed at the final podium of the professor from Rome, by the psychologist Consuelo Gräfin Ballestrem, the restaurant founder and chef Johannes Belling from France, the Czech diplomant Jan Šícha, the youngest district president Hessens, Johannes Volkmann, as well as the media lawyer Dirk H. Voß.


56. Andechser Europatag: Europas Freiheitsidee als Grundlage der Weltordnung

56. Andechser Europatag der Paneuropa-Union Deutschland

Europas Freiheitsidee als Grundlage der Weltordnung

17. 10. 2021

Andechs. Mit dem Thema Freiheit befaßte sich der 56. Christliche Europatag der Paneuropa-Union Deutschland im oberbayerischen Kloster Andechs.

Ihr Präsident, der CSU-Europapolitiker Bernd Posselt, zitierte den Paneuropa-Gründer Richard Graf Coudenhove-Kalergi, der unmittelbar vor Ausbruch des Zweiten Weltkrieges zum Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus aufgerufen und dabei gesagt habe: „Europa ist nicht nur ein Kontinent, sondern eine Idee, und diese ist die Freiheit.“

Grundlage dessen sei die von Christentum und Humanismus weltweit verbreitete Konzeption von der Menschenwürde. Diese bilde auch den Ausgangspunkt der EU-Grundrechtecharta. Heute stehe die Welt vor einer Zerreißprobe: Einerseits sei die Möglichkeit des Menschen zum Zerstören fast unendlich geworden und im digitalisierten wie auch globalisierten „weltweiten Dorf“ sei jeder von jedem abhängiger denn je, wie die Pandemiekrise bewiesen habe. Andererseits werde die gemeinsame kulturelle und ethische Basis der internationalen Ordnung immer schwächer.

In Afghanistan habe sich auf dramatische Weise gezeigt, daß der kolonialistische Export westeuropäischer Gesellschaftsvorstellungen zum Scheitern verurteilt sei. Dies dürfe aber nicht bedeuten, die Universalität der Menschenrechte, wie sie die Vereinten Nationen nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg zumindest theoretisch verwirklicht hätten, in Frage zu stellen.

Der Ausweg aus diesem Dilemma könne nur in einem geduldigen und kenntnisreichen Dialog zwischen den verschiedenen Weltreligionen und –kulturen liegen. Damit dieser gelinge, müsse man einander auf Augenhöhe begegnen, dem anderen zuhören, etwas von ihm wissen und, wie dies Papst Franziskus gefordert habe, auch „an die Ränder gehen“. Dies schaffe nur, wer „mitarbeitet, mitliebt und mitleidet“. Wenn man dies für eine Illusion halte, könne man „gleich einpacken.“

In Fachreferaten befaßten sich bei der gut besuchten Tagung der Theologe Prof. Veit Neumann mit dem Thema „Freiheit und Gott“, Johannes Modesto, der bei der Erzdiözese München und Freising für Seligsprechungsverfahren zuständig ist, mit Romano Guardini und der Weißen Rose, die Religionsphilosophin Beate Beckmann-Zöller mit der in Auschwitz ermordeten Philosophin und Europapatronin Edith Stein und die Prager Politikwissenschaftlerin Blanka Mouralova mit dem Totalitarismusbegriff von Hannah Arendt. Bei einem „Abend der Freiheit“ im Klostergasthof sang Robert Wild zur Gitarre Freiheitslieder, und Franziskus Posselt von der Paneuropa-Jugend machte sich in gekonnter literarischer Form als deren „Kurier“ zum Sprachrohr der Freiheitsstatue. Zelebrant des Festgottesdienstes zu Ehren der Heiligen Hedwig in der Wallfahrtskirche war der polnische Minoritenpater Prof. Zdzislaw Josef Kijas aus Rom. Das Thema „Freiheit und Mut – Motoren für ein lebenswertes Europa“ diskutierten beim abschließenden Podium der Professor aus Rom, die Psychologin Consuelo Gräfin Ballestrem, der Restaurantgründer und Küchenchef Johannes Belling aus Frankreich, der tschechische Diplomant Jan Šícha, der jüngste Kreistagspräsident Hessens, Johannes Volkmann, sowie der Medienanwalt Dirk H. Voß.


Paneuropa-Pressestelle, Dachauer Str. 17, D - 80335 München


CFE Panel 4: EUCom VP Suica Leans towards EF Project (Dialogue Citizens-Politicians Before Decisions

Written by ACM
Friday, 15 October 2021


*Strasbourg/EU Parliament/Angelo Marcopolo/- Just After Welcoming Citizens Participants at the 4rth and Last Panel (on "Europe in the World") Before an Important Plenary due to Start Discussing Citizens' Initial Proposals for the Future of Europe Next Week, EU Commission's vice-President for Democracy, Dubravka Suica, suddenly came Closer than ever, Until Now,  to "Eurofora"'s Project for "Dialogue" between EU Citizens and Politicians, Before Decisions Affecting their Lives and/or Society at large !



Indeed, Speaking to Accredited Journalists, as "Eurofora a.o., Soon After EU Parliament's Coordinator for the Conference on Europe's Futur, Guy Verhofstadt, former President of  "Liberal" MEPs and Prime Minister of Belgium, (Cf. Verhofstadt's Reply to "EF" Question, previously, at: ..., etc), had Announced that, this "Unique" "Combination of Both Representative" and "Participatory Democracy", in a "2nd Track", at "a PanEuropean Level", was "Requested from Citizens", Already "from the 1st Panel", to be "Made a Permanent Process", and this "Could be among the Final Conclusions of the Conference", Suica Revealed that, in fact, "We (EU) Want to Make European Citizens Part of a European Policy-Drafting Mechanism", as she Characteristicaly stressed.

- "We (EU) Want to Listen to them (Citizens), All the Time", and "Take into Consideration their Ideas and Problems, While Drafting our Policies", EU Commission's vice-President on Democracy underlined, in this regard.  In  Fact, this is "Participatory Democracy and Deliberative (Decision-Making Process) Democracy", taken Together, which "are New Exercises, and they Can Help us a lot", she explained*

*A First Idea towards making Citizens' Dialogue with Politicians before Decisions a Permanent Reality was accepted by French President Macron, agreeing with a relevant proposal by "Eurofora" (Based on the existing EU's Lisbon Treaty), as Early as, Already since April 2018, at Saint-Dié, (i.e. just a Day After he had Inaugurated the 1st EU Citizens' Consultatin at nearby Epinal, (See: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/macronforcitizensdebatesalsoafter2019.html, + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/macronlauncheseucitizenconsultations.html, etc).



    => In Consequence, "there is No Coming Back : This Conference (CFE) Will Deepen European Culture, From the Roots Up !", and Opens up a truly European Space !", Suica stressed  earlier in the Plenary, (apparently using Terms familiar from German Philosopher Jurgen Habermas, of Nearby Frankfurt, nowadays in Bavaria, with his Landmark, premonitory Book on "The Structural Changes of the Public Space", i.e. Area for Collective Discussions).

    >>> Indeed, "We (EU) Need" to "Bring Citizens into the Heart of European Decision-Making", she Emphasized.

    Already, "thanks to the Conference on the Future of Europe", "Each Citizen has a Chance to Participate in a PanEuropean Discussion, on Issues that Matters to them". "From Ireland to Malta, from Latvia to Lisbon,..., you Can Exchange your Ideas, have your Voice Heard, and Stimulate Change". "This brings Not Only the Right to Participate, But Also the Possibility to Create Ideas". And "We Want to Listen to them", to "Take into Account" their "Ideas and Contributions", Suica Ambitiously Vowed. "Europe not only wants to Listen to you.... EU Commision is Ready to Follow up Whatever is Agreed by this Conference, (as von Leyen stressed).

- -"It might take us a bit More Time to get Started, But we (EU) are Able to Find Solutions" that work, she boasted. -"Because we want a Union which really Belongs to its People. That it can Inspire, and Protect Everyone of us".

    - This "Euopean Dream" has Already Delivered : Peace, Prosperity, Openess, Equality of Rights, and Our System of Values. But we canNot Guarantee that it will be assumed for Ever, and that it will rest easily...  In Fact, "Our Union has been Disputed, and is being Challenged, Both Internally, and Externally". But, also, "Whenever the Righs of an Individual Person are Denied, our European Dream is Damaged".

    => Therefore, "It's Important that we Regularly Assess Where we Are, and Where we want to Go"...."Take a Time to Look at the Hights and Lows we have come Together". This is also a Time to "See Where we can Expect Better f", Suica welcomed good-faith Criticism, with Lucidity.


    However, it's also a Fact that Nowhere Emerged yet a Crystal-clear and fully-fledged EU Citizens' Right to be Informed, Heard, and Receive Timely Replies to their Critical Observations, which should be Sufficient, Real and Legal, concerning any Proportionate Restriction of their Legitimate private Interests motivated by a General Interest Aim, (all this being placed under Control of a Judge, able to Cancel any Controversial Administrative Measure, eventualy does Not meet all those Conditions), as it should be done according to that kind of "Dialogue", between Citizens and Politicians Before Decisions Affecting their Lives, and/or Society at large, according to "Eurofora"s Proposal : See ...,, etc).

    So that, until this is unequivoqualy done, a Critical Reserve is obviously required from "Eurofora"'s part, on this Key Point.

    +For the Rest, and, Particularly, as it concerns the overall Methods used into Treating the Way that each Pannel of 200 Radomly Chosen Citizens are Consulted by EU Institutions on their Wishes vis a vis the EU Decision-Making process, and certain Major Key Topical Issues on EU's foreseable Future, (Economy, Democracy, Environment, and Foreign Policy), a Surprizing Big Change was Observed by "Eurofora" Today :


    - Indeed, instead of only One (1) special Room, Usualy reserved into a Discreet and Remote Location of EU Parliament's Building, for those "Moderators", "Experts", "Secretariat", "Facilitators", and "Observers", etc., who were used to Handle Citizens previously, on the Contrary, Now, there were as Much as ... Seven (7) such special Rooms, reserved to that purpose, (in this Pannel for Foreign Policy and Migration), i.e. a Spectacular Augmentation of X 700 % !...

    As usual, "Eurofora" will Examine Further such Organisational Issues Tomorow, on Saturday, i.e. the Most "Busy" Day.









Macron's Top MEPs to EF: Need for New Drugs+Vaccines against Virus Not Denied (as EU seeks to Move)

Written by ACM
Monday, 11 October 2021

*Strasbourg/Press Club/Eurofora/- As Europe is the Only Continent in the World where Virus' Infections Grow and even Head towards Record-High levels, (UPDATED), while the Few Controversial Fake "Vaccines" Authorized in the EU (Excluding Various Others, particularly "Classic" type vaccines faithful to Pasteur's basic principles), are Obviously Failing, (See, inter alia, also : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/pfizerfakevaccineboomsvirusinaustralia.html + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/fewfakevaccinesfascismcrashes.html + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/fewfakevaccinesfascismcrashes.html, etc), embattled French President Emmanuel Macron's Top MEPs on Health and WhistleBlowers, Replying to a "Eurofora"s Questions in Strasbourg's Press Club Today, did Not Deny a current Need for New Medical Therapies and Vaccines the soonest.

This Results from a Press Conference where Participated 5 Strasbourg's MEPs of the Presidential Majority, including, mainly, a vice-President of the French National Parliament, former Key Rapporteur of CoE's Assembly on "Whistle-Blowers" : Sylvain Waserman, who has extensively Dealt with Edouard Snowden (See Infra) and Assange's "Wikileaks" (Inter alia, See also: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/coerapporteurforassangeprotection.html + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/coerapporteurforassange.html, etc.)related also to various Critical Issues raised by "Eurofora" in the Recent Past about the Virus' Pandemic, as well as another Key French MEP : Thierry Michels, full Member of the relevant Committees on European and Health affairs at the French National Assembly, and Expert at US-Headquartered MultiNational Medical Research Company "Lilly"'s EU outlet here.



+Topically, this comes Shortly After EU Health Commissioner Stella Kyriakides, (Cf. various Kyriakides' Replies to "Eurofora"'s Questions, in her former role as CoE Assembly's President, f.ex. at : ..., etc), had just announced EU's Intention to Try to Boost, in Addition, some Drugs against the Virus, at least as long as, Despite the existence of some controversial vaccines, nevertheless, People are Still Infected and/or Dying from COVIT-19. Meanwhile, Kyriakides spoke also at CoE Parliamentary Assemly's Plenary, Recently in Strasbourg, where she pointed at the Paradox of the Achievement of a 70% Vaccination Target in the EU (i.e. in 27 out of PanEuropean CoE's 47 Member States) on Summer 2021, (Limited to Only the 4 which were Authorized), Despite the current Fact that Infections and Deaths still Persist, and sometimes are even Growing in Europe...

The competent EU Commissioner, Replying to various MEPs' Questions, Acknowledged that there is "a Gap" vis a vis Many Citizens that "we Need to Address" on the Issue of those Few and Controversial "Vaccines", But said that the Main Role belongs to the Member States. And, Even if a Question on some WHO-Recognized Vaccines Not Yet Authorized by the EU, was, Unfortunately, "Forgotten" during the PACE's Debate, nevertheless, Kyriakides, Interestingly, Admitted that, normaly, Member States Could Authorize, in principle, Any Vaccine that they Wish, Independently and in Addition to those already Accepted by EU Organisations, (Nonobstant the Fact that, in Real Practice, such a Possibility seems, at least until now, to be Largely Excluded by a Majority of EU Governments, as, f.ex., was seen at the Pressure exerted on some Slovakia or Greece cases, Contrary to that of Hungary, etc).


+ So, in Our Question, Today, "Eurofora" Observed mainly that those Few so-called "Vaccines" Authorized by EU Bureaucrats currently look to be rather Failing, given, inter alia, also the Fact that Europe has become,; Nowadays, the Only Continent in the World where particularly Infections, but also Deaths are currently Growing, while Even Pseudo-"Vaccinated" Individuals can Infect Other People, in Addition to themselves Becoming Infected, (Contrary to what happens for All "Classic"-style, Real Vaccines, during 2 Centuries since Pasteur's Invention), at least 4 European Countries have Just "Suspended", these days, one of the Controversial "m-RNA" Novel Tools, Affecting the Human Genome, (Denmark, Sweden, Iceland, Finland, etc), after UnExplained Deaths Soon after those Jams' Shots, in several Countries accross the World, including France, USA, New Zeland, etc., Following "Astrozeneca"'s Notorious earlier Discredit, to the point that even poor Serbia did Not Find Volunteers to get it, (as Also Australia, and Many Others), being Obliged to "Donate" the Unused stocks to More Poor Countries..., Added to "BioNTech/Pfizer"'s 1st Fall in Stock Markets this August 2021, Following, inter alia, also the revelation that it was Fading Out, Losing efficacy Only in 4 Months Time, and needing a "Boost" (or may be, soon a 4rth Intervention, etc), as well as quite Inefficient vis a vis the New Variant "D", responsible of a massive "Flop" on Infections and Deaths in Australia nowadays, (etc).

=> In Consequence, we Asked a Group of 5 Macron's MEPs, including Top Personalities on Health and Whistleblowers in Europe, (See Infra), whether the French President, who had shown, Initialy, a landmark Ambition for Europe's Role in Succesfully Fighting, throughout the World, that Health-devastating or even Deadly Virus' Pandemic, (including by Breakthrough Scientific Research), wouldn't feel now at least Misleaded by some Controversial, Unscrupulous and/or InCompetent Technocrats or Counsellors, Provoking obviously negative Popular Reactions, (particularly at the Eve of Crucial 2022 Presidential and Parliamentary Elections), so that, inter alia, he Might Agree to Find a practical and realistic Way to frankly convince People to get Sufficient Medication, particularly by Adding some New, No Controversial and more Efficient Medical Therapies and Real, Classic Vaccines, to be Authorized the Soonest possible.

Indeed, Macron had shared his Dream for the possible Invention of "a European Antidote" to that Deadly Vaccine, at a landmark Speech, right from the Start of this Pandemic (See: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/macronandeuagainstvirus.html, etc), But, on the Contrary, Later-on, Europe appeared Divided, leaving the World's Medical Leadership Only to ...Turko-Americans or Otherwise purely USA, added to Post-BREXIT UK, as far as it concerns a Few Controversial Fake-"Vaccines" related to COVID-19 and Affecting the Human Genome, which proved to be quite InEfficient, sometimes Dangerous, and even UnPopular...



 - What you ("Eurofora") evoked, reminds the fact that, when I worked on the Coordination of European Countries vis a vis that Sanitary Crisis, one of the Ideas that we had Supported was the Creation of an EU Agency able to Face such Public Health Crisis, equiped with some 7 Billions €, for Drugs or Vaccines, including, mainly, by Stimulating Breakthrough Medical Research, observed Top French MEP Thierry Michels in Reply. This may become quite Topical, Nowdays, in the framework of the 2021-2022 Conference on Europe's Future, while, in the Past, almost Nobody spoke about such a development, he pointed out...

 + Meanwhile, indeed, EU Health Commissioner Stella Kyriakides has Just proposed something apparently Similar, as she described in her above-mentioned intervention, Recently, at CoE's Assembly (Comp. Supra), All EU Member States have just Benefited from EU's Joint Purchace Strategy on aquiring Vaccines against the Virus, and the EU has notoriously emerged at the 1st Place in the World for the percentage of Vaccinations among its Population, as Michels reminded, (citting also, f.ex., about 80% for France, i.e. much More than Switzerland, etc).

=> Now, concerning your ("Eurofora"'s) Question on the eventual Authorisation of New Vaccines, we (EU) are Waiting, f.ex., that Producer Countries, as also Russia, China, and/ors, Present their Files to the competent European Authorities,  as EMA, etc. But it's true that, f.ex. Russia is Not precisely an Example in Vaccinations' percentage, while, at any case, the EU brought us a way to collectively Manage that Health Crisis, Michels concluded, (apparently Skipping, however, the Fact that the WHO has Already Recognized 2 Chinese Vaccines near Pasteur's "Classic" principles, which have Not Yet been Authorized by the EMA, as "Eurofora" reminded)...



++ Vice-President of French Parliament, and Rapporteur on "WhistleBlowers", initialy of the CoE, and Now of the National Assembly of France too, MEP Sylvain Waserman, Replying also to "Eurofora"'s Question, prefered to Focus  mainly on the point concerning Macron's Decision-Making on Key Issues about the Deadly Virus' Pandemic Crisis, in order to Challenge the view that the French President might, eventualy, be, sometimes Influenced by some Bureaucrats :

- Indeed, he referred, inter alia, Also to certain Crucial and Difficult Choices, Already made in some Strategic Importance Dillemas, including, f.ex., the DeConfinement of Summer 2020, etc., Stressing that President Macron had always carefully "Heard", before deciding, what several Scientific Experts and other stakeholders had to advise, But, Finaly, had Chosen Independently of that, according to what he sincerely Believed to be better for the People, the Country, and all Europe. And he observed, in this regard, Also the Fact that, Despite some undue Warnings about Alleged "Catastrophes" branded by certain sides, Nevertheless, such Risks have Not materialized at all. On  the Contrary, Waserman pointed, on this occasion, at Macron and Merkel's notorious Success to broker a landmark Franco-German and afterwards EU Agreement, on July 2020 in a Brussels' exceptionaly Long Summit, for a New kind of Strong joint Financial Support to a European Recovery Plan, (currently Starting to be Implemented from 2021), etc.

=> Therefore, he Obviously implied that, Also on "Eurofora"s above-mentioned Question about Eventual New Therapies and/or Vaccines, an Adequate Decision Could be made asap, withOut any Undue Influence by anyone else.

+ Interestingly, as far as it concerns, in Addition, Public OvberSight, Transparency and Democratic Accountability of various such Hard Choices, after the Adoption of his 1st Report on "Whistle-Blowers" by CoE's PanEuropean Assembly, (Following a long Investigation, which included even a landmark Video-Press Conference with World-Famous dissident Edouard Snowden at the CoE, where "Eurofora" participated actively : See http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/whistleblowersineuandcoe.html + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/snowdenfriendshelpwhistleblowers.html + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/snowdenlaughonlongmuellerspyingtrump.html + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/muellerand911.html, etc), Waserman Examined this same Key Issue also in relation with EU's similar, but not identical, latest Regulation, in order to Conclude in a New Report for a Draft Legislation in France for the 1st Time, which would be Officially Presented, for Final Adoption by the National Assembly, in Paris Soon. (That may cover, also, at least some among "Eurofora"'s relevant Press Investigatory and Critical Publications on Crucial Issues about the Virus' Pandemic : Comp. Supra +).








Czechs Vote pro-Babis' Majority, But Late Count +Health Issue try to Undermine it...

Written by ACM
Sunday, 10 October 2021


*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- In what might probably be marked as a Record-High Bad Faith in Establishment's Medias, Vote Counting, and Strange Health Care services, Prague, at Europe's Heart, Before Chairing the EU Next Year (2022), gave, in Fact, a Landmark Popular Support to the Main Ideas and Values Supported by its embattled Prime Minister Andrej Babis, who, (against False Appearances), practicaly Succeeded into stimulating Almost an absolute Majority of 54% among the Voting People !

This was Against a distand Minority with Not even 44% of Votes, in a dispersed Opposition, hastily and clumsily set up in some Shaky pseudo-"Coalitions", among Even Opposed or Heteroclite, various Small Parties, (Including with ...Pro-Babis' Ideas in certain cases : See Infra), which attempt to Hide the Fact that those who are Mainly Opposed to the current Prime Minister on Topical Key Issues, Lost badly, being the most Rejected by the People (Ibid)...

Spectacularly United, in Public, Together with the Prime Ministers of Hungary, Victor Orban, and Slovenia's Janos Jansa (currently EU President-in-office for 2021), as well as USA former Vice-President Mike Pence, at Budapest's Castle recent Heads of State/GovernmentSummit for Europe's "Demography", and Against Replacement by a Massive Immigation, from Non-European Foreign Countries, mainly Islamic, wihOut any Cultural Integration in the History and Values of the Host Country, some Days ago, Babis, (already a Critical, Outsider element in EU Politics), was Suddenly Hit, at the Last Minute Before the Election 2021, by unproven allegations Against his personal Integrity by Mediatic so-called "Pandora" Papers, where some Accused him to have, Reportedly, a link to ..."a Castle in France', through Czech off shore Companies, Bought ...Since 2009" (sic !) ...i.e. about 12 (Twelve) Years Earlier, (which, at any case, Already Belonged to Other Czech Companies Also Before that)...

Babis immediately Denounces Fake "Slandering", and observes that this is "Not any International" move, But Only something pushed by a "Mafia" in his own Country, Czechia, which seeked Revenge for his Anti-Corruption Fight, during Many Years, Since 2013, (See Infra). However, Despite the Fact that Even "Wikipedia", (which has an Extensive Record of Many and Various Accusations against him) does Not Publish that rocambolesque Claim Hitting him, Nevertheless, a Few Days Before the Vote, Only the Words : "Babis ...  Pandora Papers ...Chateau in France" (sic ! ) Repeated by a lot of Establishment's Medias without Explanations, reportedly Might have Misled some Voters, serving as a Pretext for an (Otherwise Suspect) Blow up of Opposition's Bulletins OverNight, and/or a Simultaneous Exceptional "Disappearance" of some pro-Babis Candidates' usual Bulletins, Dissuading eventual Denonciations of Last Minute "Fraud" in favor of his Opponents at the Late Night Counting, (almost as f.ex. at the Infamous "Biden v. Trump" Row on the Results mainly of Controversial Postal/Absentees' and/or Electronic Votes OverNight on November 2020)...  

So, his Competitors, echoed by most Establishment's Medias, Hurry up to Claim an alleged Tight "Victory" for them, at the Last Minute, ...Even if a Careful Analysis of the Votes, on the Contrary, Reveals a quite Strong Popular Support for pro-Babis' Political Views by a clear Majority of Czech People, and several Converging Facts provoke legitimate Suspicions of probable Electoral Fraud Against him, (See Infra) !

Indeed, all the First Indications on the Electoral Date, when the Ballot Boxes Closed, was that Babis was clearly Winning the race, with his Big Party "ANO" (means "Yes !") coming clearly 1st, with Slightly Less than 30% of the Votes, and most probably due to Govern anew.

+ This was Expected to be done, with the conditional Cooperation, inter alia (See Infra), Also of an Atypical New Rightist Party, credited with about 10% of the Votes : that of "Freedom and Direct Democracy", (Created by Japan-Origin Tomio Okamura, mutatis-mutandis, as Also mainstream "PanEuropa" movement Founder, Coudenhove-Kallergi, Born at Tokyo by a Japanese Mother and a European, Austro-Hungarian Father), as well ns with a smaller and atypical, Old "Social-Democrat" Party. In fact, Prime Minister Babis had Succeeded to broker an Original Alliance between atypical Rightist and Leftist Parties ! (See Also Infra).

That's why he was Already Supported Even by an Historic "Communist" (sic !) Party, to which were Expected to be Added, this time (from 2021 Elections) Also Many Other Small Parties, particularly New ones :  Such, as, f.ex., of the "Oath", just Created by the former Attorney who had Denounced a Large Corruption in a Governing Party Back on 2013, Against which Babis Entered Politics for the 1st Time, Created his own Party ("ANO"), and Became Deputy Prime Minister, and Finance Minister, (i.e. a Potential new Ally, who Succeeded Now to Arrive 1st among All Small Partis !). As well as probably Supported and by anOther Small Party, which had just managed to Double its Voters : the "Free Citizens" Party, of an Atypical Right, until recently Member of Nigel Farage's Group of MEPs in EU Parliament. Perhaps Backed also by the Small Rightist Party "Free Block" or "Sovereignity", which has just Tripled his Votes between 2013 and 2021, (etc).


Facing them was Not Any Big Party at all, But Only 2 Coalitions, both composed from Various Medium or rather Small Parties, often of quite Different Orientations :

    - F.ex. the 3 Parties' Coalition "Together", with Two Center-Right Parties : The "Christian-Democrats", and  "Tradition" (alias "TOP 09"), as well as the Conservative "ODS" ("Civic Democratic") Party, whose Joint Results Approached Babis' Party Result.

    - Most Probably Allied to the Heteroclite "Pirates" and "various Mayors" (sic !) Coalition, simply Named "Pirates and Mayors" (re-sic !!), Expected to score a Little-bit More than the Above-mentioned Rightists of "Freedom and Direct Democracy", Babis' Allies (Comp.Supra).

+ But these Dispersed Opposition Parties had Obviously Exhausted their Political Forces on 2021, withOut Hope to Attract Any Eventual Ally among various Smaller Parties, (Except, perhaps, of the "Greens", who Fell Now Down to Less than Only ...0,9% (sic !) of the Votes, Becoming Irrelevant)...


=> Finally, (and Even taking into Account those Last-Minute Changes, UnExpectedly made by Late Counting and that Suspicious Last-Minute Slandering of Babis, with Fake Accusations : Comp. Supra + Infra), the Results of the Czech People's Votes were the Following :

- Leaning FOR Prime Minister Babis : His own Party "ANO" ("Yes") 27,13% (First in MPs : 72), + Atypical Rightists of "Democracy and Direct Democracy" 10%, New Party "Oath"  4,68%, "SocialDemocrats" 4,65%, "Communist" Party 3,60%, "Free Citizens" 2,76%, "Sovereignity/Free Block" 1,33%, etc. => i.e. a Total of an Absolute Majority of Czech People's casted valid Votes at about 54 % !

- Opposition AGAINST him : Coalition "Together" 27,79% (But Second in MPs: 71), Coalition "Pirates + Mayors" 15,61%, "Greens" 0,9%, etc. => I.e. a Total of an obvious Minority of People's Votes at about Only 44%...


>>> Nevertheless, a strange Late Counting of Ballots, Suddenly seems to have Systematicaly Altered, at the Last Minute, OverNight, severalé Initialy much More "pro-Babis" Czech People's Vote Results, (Comp. Supra), Pushing towards an Astonishingly Harsh Elimination of Many such Votes and Even of Too Many Small Political Parties, Old and New, Favorable to the current, embattled Czech Prime Minister :

- In Fact, ALL Small Parties which would Cooperate with Babis, Suddenly saw the Number of Ballots giving them Votes, Systematicaly Slashed, Reduced, Cut and Thrown Lower than the Crucial Threshhold of 5% Needed in order to have any MPs in the Parliament, as NEVER BEFORE in the History of the Country !

Indeed, f.ex., the "SocialDemocrats" (Part of Babis' Government) were thus Excluded from the Parliament, for the 1st Time since 1990 (i.e. practically Since the Fall of Berlin Wall) !... And the "Communist" Party of Czechia, (which Supported Babis' Government), was Also Excluded from the Parliament, for the 1st Time (Since the Liberation from the NAZIs) on 1945-1948 ! Even The Frontrunner, New and Biggest among All Kinds of Small Parties, the "Oath", (Created Now by the Attorney Famous for having Revealed the Largest Governemental Corruption in the Country, back on 2013 : Comp. Supra + Infra), was Excluded in an Identical way... Same Methods Abused also OverNight in order to Exclude anOther 2 or 3 pro-Babis' Small Parties, Old or New, (Comp. Supra).

=> Thus, a Total of More than 915.307 valid Votes casted by Czech Citizens, (Almost 1 Million of People), in a Country like Czechia, with just 10 Millions of Inhabitants, ie. the Equivalent of More than 17% of the Votes, something Like the 3rd Biggest Political Party in that Country, were Entirely Wiped Out of the Democratic System, just by that Strange, Last-Minute OverNight re-Counting of the Ballots, (a Notoriously too "Easy" Moment for Eventual Fraud)...


    + Remains, as Last Resort, the traditional and Crucial Decision of atypical and popular President Milos Zeman, on Whom he is Now going to Give an Official Mandate to try to Form the New Government of the Country.

    A Meeting between Zeman and Prime Miniser Babis had been Scheduled for Sunday, October 10. Popular President Zeman has Already given to Others and to Babis himself a Mandate to try to forge a Government Even with a Minority, at the Beginning, and has Vowed to Always choose the Head of the Biggest Party in the Parliament : I.e. Now too Babis' "ANO" ("Yes !"), which has Just Got the Biggest Number of MPs (72, instead of 71 for "Together"), and is a real Autonomous Party, Instead of a Mere Coalition of Smaller Parties, as those of the Opposition, (Comp. Supra).

    >>> But, Suddenly : - AnOther Last-Minute Patatrak ! The President of the Country, reportedly, is obliged to Enter in a Hospital, with his Health Suddenly Affected by UnKnown yet Events, for This precise Moment ! And Rccently, Suspecting a kind of Sympathy, between Zeman and Babis, the Opposition, and particularly the "Pirates", had Asked to Give a part of that Competence to Name a Prime Minister, instead, to the Speaker of the Parliament...


+ Meanwhile, however, it's Also the main Political Choices, made by the Czech People's Votes, which Reveal anOther Crystal-clear pro-Babis' positions Preference, by Droping his Most Fiercely Opposed Adversaries :

>>> Indeed, Even Among the Various Components of that Opposition's 2 Coalitions (Comp. Supra), the "Pirates", who were, Notoriously, the Most Aggressive Against Babis' Counter -  Massive Non-European, mainly Islamic Migration Policy, and were Accused by him to Push for LGBT Lobby Interests, "Same Sex" Marriage between Homosexuals, Drugs' Legalisation, and even to "Destroy the Visegrad Group" Alliance with Hungary, Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, etc., Surprizingly Lost an Auful Lot of Votes and MPs, Falling Down to Only ... 4 MPs, (Instead of the 22 MPs they had Before), i.e. Losing - 18 MPs Less ! To the point that, If they were Not in Coalition with Various "Independent Mayors", they Might Even have been Excluded from the Parliament, (as having become a Too Small Party)...

+ In Addition, among the 3 Participants in the Other, "Together" Coalition of the Opposition, it's Not the 2 Center or "Center-Right" (EPP) Parties, But Only the "Conservative" Party of "ODS" (alias "Civic Democratic" Party), with its Anti-Mass Migration, Critical vis a vis the EU, and pro-Cultural Integration Policies, who Won the 1st Place. "ODS" is Also reportedly Favorable to a Cooperation with "ANO", in case Babis withdraws.

++ Moreover, the FrontRunner Party of the Opposition is Not Just Anyone : "ODS" (alias "Civic Democracy"), Indeed, was Governing the Country during ...the Biggest and Wider-Spread ever Scandal of Corruption in the whole History of Czechia, Back on 2013, when Even the Then Prime Minister himself, Together with Many Ministers, other Top Politicians, etc., had been Obliged, by a Growing Series of Damning Revelations and Scandalous Findings, to Quit, one after another, Until an Entirely New Governing Team was Elected to Replace them All, while Many had Already been Detained into Prisons, as profoundly Corrupted, in an alleged Plot to Influence the State for their Personal Enrichement... In the Meantime, about 400 Policemen had Raided the Government's Offices, and of various Top Lobbyists, Confiscated  Tens of Kgs in Gold, etc., as several Security Officers (even of the Military) were Accused for "Abuse of Power" and "Corruption", including for having Bribed MPs, Manipulated the Prime Minister's Wife, etc. Andrej Babis, originaly a Businesman, had notoriously Entered in Politics then, and Created his succesful Party "ANO", in order to, precisely, Fight against such kind of Widespead State Corruption (Comp. Supra).                                                             

=> In Consequence, (and given Also a Growing Number of various New Small Parties in Czechia, More radically Opposed to Mass Migration, EU Bureaucracy, LGBT, etc., that "Eurofora" had Not even the Time to Mention here), the Question seems Raised, Whether those who obviously Strived to Undermine Babis' Government, (Comp. Facts cited Supra), Might, Eventually, Soon Find themselves at an Even "Worse" Situation for their Interests, Than Before...








ECHR Raises Critical Questions v. Compulsory Controversial Vaccines against Human Rights in France+

Written by ACM
Thursday, 07 October 2021

*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- With an Important Series of Moves, which may Affect, Directly several European States, (but Also, indirectly, USA and Other Countries in the World, holding a Special Status at the CoE), the Strasbourg-Based PanEuropean Court of Human Rights (ECHR), strong of 47 Member States (including Russia), for the 1st Time, Raised Critical Questions versus making Compulsory a Few Controversial Vaccines, (while Many Others, Already at the 3rd, Final Stage of Tests, are Still Not Authorized in the EU : See http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/majorityvaccinesclassicbutnotyeteu.html, etc), against Human Rights, particularly in France, Expecting a full Reply well Before the Crucial, forthcoming Presidential and Parliamentary Elections of April and June 2022, respectively.

ECHR's relevant Moves Follow a Critical Warning by CoE's Secretary General, Marija Buric-Pejcinovic, (former Vice-Prime Minister in Croatia), Published as Early as, Already Since March 2021, (See: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/coewarnsoneuvaccinationpassports.html), and a Damning Resolution by CoE's Parliamentary Assembly, Later this Year (on June 2021 : See http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/coeslamsviruspassrisks.html, etc), After a Critical Report by CoE's Committee on BioEthics, as well as Several concrete Points Raised, meanwhile, by the French Higher Administrative Court ("Conseil d'Etat"), in the Meantime, and Refers, in Addition, to Similar (but Not Identical) Legal Complaints recently Lodged against equivalent Controversial Measures taken in Greece, (even if in Partly Different Circumstances and/or Official Motivations). ECHR stands at the Core of the CoE, the PanEuropean Organisation for Democracy, Rule of Law and Human Rights, which hosts Also the International Treaty on "BioEthics" (alias Human Rights and Medicine or Biology), the Only Legaly Binding Convention, Open for signature by Any Country in the World, in that Topical Area, known as "Treaty of Oviedo" (since 1998). ECHR's Presidency had Recently expressed, on 2020, its Readiness into Interpreting such BioEthical Legal Principles and Rules, (See, f.ex.: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/coesgburiconechrbioethicsinterpretation.html, etc).


    The Main Case of Today concerns a Legal Complaint lodged by a French Fire-Fighter, Pierrick Thevenon, aged 33, against a Law of August 5, 2021, which Imposes, to some Categories of Workers, a Compulsory Full Vaccination, with one of 4 Vaccines Authorized in the EU, (Comp. Supra + Infra), Otherwise being Suspended from their

    This is, Currently, the Only such Application Pending on that "Hot", Topical Issue, as some Other, Similar but Not Identical Cases, in France and Greece, have been Rejected, for Procedural Reasons, related to their own Claims. + But 712 Other Persons have Already Declared their Intention to Lodge an Identical Application to the ECHR, as Thevenon did, on this Same Issue asap, the EuroJudges observed.  

    The 4 Questions Raised by the Court's 5th Section, Chaired by ECHR VicePresident Miss Siofra O'Leary from Ireland, Professor at Cambridge University, and Vice-Chair Mārtiņš Mits, University Professor from Lund, Sweden, include, in particular, whether the Suspension sine die of his Salary, after Refusal to get Vaccinated by certain Jabs, was "a Breach of his Right to the Enjoyment of his Posessions" (Article 1 of the 1st Protocol to the ECoHR, which Protects mainly Private Property), and/or if he faced a "Discrimination, based on his Occupation", because, "Unlike Other Workers", he was "Obliged" to Obey to that as Order, (in Violation of Articles 14 and 8 of the ECoHR). In addition, ECHR Also asked whether such a "Compulsory Vaccination" with certain Jabs was "a Breach of his Right to Respect for his Private Life", (but also if he had "Exhausted Domestic Remedies" in France, as a purely Procedural Requirement).

    The competent French Authorities were given by the ECHR a Time Deadline for Reply until January 27, 2022, i.e. Well Before the above-mentioned Presidential and Parliamentary Elections, but in the Middle of the relevant Socio-Political Debates, (Comp. Supra).

    In ECHR's Long History and relevant Case-Law, the Violation of Private Property clause (Comp. Supra), has Notoriously been Used by EuroJudges also in order to Sanction some Very Grave Violations of Human Rights, such as, f.ex., the still Persisting Deprivation of Greek-Cypriot Refugees/Displaced Persons' access to their Family Homes, Belongings, and Ancestral Land, by the Turkish Military Invasion and Occupation of the Island's Northern Territories since 1974 : - "That's what we really Wanted to Condemn, But the Tragedy is that most EuroJudges prefered to put it under the <<Private Property>> clause", had characteristicaly Told "Eurofora"'s Co-Founder Refugee Miss Tina Loizidou, Already since 1994, when she was the 1st to Win such a Landmark and World-Famous case...

    Even if this 1st Individual Application by Mr. Thevenon might, Eventually, be Rejected Later-on for Purely Procedural Claims, (as, f.ex., the "Non Exhaustion of Domestic Remedies", i.e. if he DidN't yet Find the Time to Previously Address himself to All the Competent French Courts, as All Applicants routinely have to do Before comming to Strasbourg), then, Obviously, Nothing Hinders Both Himself, Afterwards, and/or Any of those Other 712 Victims of the Same Problems, who have Already Declared their Intention to Lodge asap. a Similar Application to the ECHR, as EuroJudges noted (Comp. Supra), to eventualy Repeat All or Part of those Same Other 3 Key Points, mentioned in Today's ECHR's Decision.

    + Moreover, Earlier, (as ECHR's Services Reminded Today), a somewhat Similar, But Not Identical, Collective Application Lodged by Greek People, (30 Health Workers, Private Doctors or Public Hospital staff), had Also Raised Many Other, Interesting Legal Points, including Also, f.ex., alleged Violations of the Human Right to Life, Inhuman/Degrading Treatment, Forced Labour or Slavery,  Liberty and Security, Fair Hearing, etc.., referring to Articles 2, 3, 4, and 5 of the European Convention on Human Rights. (Even if their 1st such Move had been Droped, on September 2021, for Various Points Specific to the Particular Way that They had Presented that Initial, concrete Application, then).

      On "Liberty", a Fundamental Principle of CoE's landmark Convention on BioEthics is the Need of a well "Informed Consent" to Any eventual Intervention on Human Health : A Rule Notoriously steming from the Nuremberg Trial against Nazism's notorious InHuman Methods in Concentration Camps, where Detainees were abused as "Cobays" submited to various "Tests", (as those Abused Previously by the Ottoman Turkish Empire against Armenians)...

    Concerning at least the Life/Inhuman-Degrading Treatment/Security relevant Issues, Nowadays, After a Notorious Discreditation of "Astrazeneca"'s Jab, Following several Deaths and Many Suspensions in Various Countries accrosss the World, it's Yesterday Also "Johnson Johnson"'s "Jennsen" Jab which was Suspended in current EU President Slovenia, after a Death, and even the Controversial "m-RNA" Novel Tool used by "Moderna" and "BioNTech/Pfizer", which was Suspended Today in Sweden, Denmark, and Finland, (on the Occasion of "Moderna"), after Several Tragic Incidents, particularly on Heart Inflamations, Even of Young and Healthy People.

Meanwhile, a North American Judge reportedly Suspended a similar Mandatory Vaccination as "BioNTech/Pfizer"/"Moderna", etc., on certain Workers, as in Europe, for Questions of Violation of Christian Religious Beliefs, because of Human Parts from Aborted Embryos allegedly used in such Controversial Jab, (an Issue that has Not Yet been Raised at the ECHR). In Addition, Something Fishy Seems to exist around the Precise Numbers of Deaths due to Side-Effects of suh m-RNA "Fake Vaccines" as those of "BioNTech/Pfizer", given the Fact that some Mainstream Medias cite about "5" Cases throughout all Europe, (plus anOther in New Zeland), while Others, later, cite "6" Cases Only in France. ! But Official Sources are Also cited for alleged ..."386" (sic !)Deaths Questioned after taking a "Pfizer/BioNTech" "Vaccine", Only in France, Just at the Beginning of 2021... However, Astonishingly, ..."Only 1" among them was reportedly Examined as, perhaps, due to those Controversial "Fake Vaccines" !  + Similar Inconsistencies also in USA's relevant Data : Some mainstream Medias (at close periods of Time) point at "Hundreds" of Deaths after taking such "m-RNA" so-called Vaccines, while Others speak of ...several "Thousands" ! Obviously, much More Clarity and Serious Criteria are Needed, in order to Ensure that there is Not any Hidden Blunder or Massacre there...

 *Already from the Beginning, Top Medical (pro-vaccine) Doctors in France had been reportedly Surprized, since 2020, according to Mainstream Press, by an Exceptionaly Long List of Side Effects in this case, to the point that they had Initialy Advised to Better leave such "Vaccines", at least for the Time being, withOut Using them, in order to "Wait", rather, for some "Better Vaccines" than that, (with the Unique Exception of those Too "Fragile" People who Could Not take the Slightest Risk to Wait, Not Even a bit)...*But Others had Even gone Further, f.ex. Warning that Such kind of "m-RNA" Novel Tools Risked, inter alia, Particularly Also to, Sooner or Later, in one way or another, Reveal some Serious Problems against Human Health, concerning mainly "Hemorragies" and/or "Inflamations", with Dangers around "Thrombosis" and/or Heart Issues, as "MyoCardite", "PeriCardite", etc. Indeed, such kind of Dangerous Issues, (including, particularly, Even Young People, apparently in Good Health), seem to have been Multiplying, Recently, Even to the Point to Raise Life or Death matters, (as Recent Facts have just Shown : Com. Supra).

    + However, the Worse, may Still Remain to be Discovered Later-on : Indeed, in Addition to some Possible Syndroms of Facial or Arms' Muscles' Immobilisations, (sometimes Painful, for the latter), etc., at least in Medical Theory, it's not exAcluded a priori that Such "m-RNA" Novel Tools might, Eventualy, Trigger some "Toxic" Reactions "in X Years", certain Medical Experts Warned, according to Mainstream Medias. +More Important Concern, at least from "Eurofora"s point of view : As "BBC" and Others have, Already, Warned, "Proteins", which Notoriously are the "Target" Number 1 of such "m-RNA" Novel Tools, have, Generally, a so "Complex" Molecular Structure, that it has to be Clearly Known and Carefuly Handled, as Any Eventually erroneous or clumsy Change about them "might Provoke Catastrophes !" around the Human Genome... Particulary when such "m-RNA" Novel Tools of "BioNTech" allows "Individualized" Treatment, Special to "Each" Person, Group or Category in the Society, as Mainstream, Professional Medical and/or Financial Medias had Already Noted when Bill Gates Suddenly Invested more than 55 Millions $ in "BioNTech" as Early as Back on September 2019, (i.e. Just at the Eve of a Premonitory "Pandemic" Event Conference that he Notoriously Sponsored at Hopkins University on October 2019 ("Event 201")...

    ++ At any case, concerning at least alleged "Efficiency", t's Certainly a Noteworthy Fact that, While "BioNTech" and "Pfizer" Initialy Announced an Only 90% Efficacy to the American FDA, on the Contrary, just After Competitor "Moderna" Announced a "94,5" Efficiency against the Virus, ... then, Immediately, they Changed and, (in Only 1 Day's Time !), Suddenly Claimed that an "Error" had been Committed, Modifying his "BioNTech/Pfizer" Vaccine's alleged Efficacy by considerably Upgrading it all the way Up to ..."95%", Back on December 2020 ! (But, Nowadays, i.e. After the Middle of 2021, "Pfizer" Finaly Acknowledged an Efficiency of Just about 91%, ...and that Only for a Few Months' Time : See Infra).

    +++ However, it's Obviously much More Grave that "BioNTech/Pfizer" did Not Warn at all, at that Time, (i.e. When USA's FDA and EU's EMA were Considering, Back on December 2020, whether and in which Conditions to eventualy give an "Urgent" Authorisation for his Merchandise), that their "Vaccine" might be Unable to Prevent Infections (by a Pseudo-"Vaccinated" Recipient) to Other People in the Society, (Contrary to what is Traditionaly done by All Other, Real Vaccines, during some 200 Years since European Louis Pasteur's Invention against All kinds of Viruses : 1821-2021) ! So that Both the USA and EU competent http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/pfijfyjhjh.html, etc). In Consequence, Nowadays, (i.e. Later than Middle 2021), when such a Risk has Become, at last, Obvious throughout the whole World, (Even at  ..."Nature" prestigious Scientific Review, on August 2021), throwing Countries like the USA, UK, Israel, etc. into a Mess of Growing Massive Infections, it has Become Inevitably Too Late to fully Rectify things and Re-Start from scratch... The Dangers provoked by giving Credit to such Novel Tools Before any real Scientific Evidence on a so Crucial Point, can, indeed, have "Devastating" Effects, as also the Council of Europe clearly Warned on June 2021 (See : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/coeslamsviruspassrisks.html, etc) !

    ++++ In Addition, they did Not Warn Even on anOther Important Risk : that for all those Pseudo-"Vaccinated" Recipients of his "BioNTech/Pfizer" "Fake-Vaccine", to get later ...Infected Themselves ! So that when the current US President Biden was Surprized on 2021 to Find that Even several Pseudo-"Vaccinated" Staff ...in the White House had been Infected by the Deadly Virus, he didN't hesitate, among others, also, f.ex., to Block Also such Pseudo--"Vaccinated" Individuals' Entry into the USA by Crossing the Borders of Canada, Recently, as well as to Order "Mask-Wearing" also for them Even Inside their own Family Home's Confined spaces, (etc)... While, in France, even an important New Region's (PACA) President-elect, Despite the fact that he had been "Vaccinated" by such Novel Tools, Neverheless was Found severely Infected, soon After his Election, inevitably making his Mandate Difficult to serve, almost at the Same Time that simple Young Women were Desperately spreading Tears, Schocked by the Fact that they were ...Fired from their Jobs, Because they had been Hired with "Certificates" of being "Vaccinated", but Soon Found ...Infected by the Virus, Despite such "Fake-Vaccines", as those Sold (Expensively) by "BioNTech/Pfizer".

    +++++° But, When their Merchandise had been Authorized, as an "Emergency" Measure, Back on 2020, they had Not Warned the People, Neither the Government Officials, No More, for anOther kind of Big Problem, Even More Heavy and still UnExplored in its Real Dimension, which Remains UnKnown : - I.e. that the Duration of such "Fake-Vaccines" was, in fact, very much Limited in Time, Because their alleged "Efficiency"  was ...Evaporating too Fast, so that All Recipients would Soon have to take anOther, "3rd" "Boosting" Dose, in a Semester, (and withOut Excluding also the Possible Need, perhaps, for an Additional ..."4rth" Dose, Before the Year ends, as some Officials reportedly just Thought at Israel, under condition of Anonymity)... Medical Experts are Cited by Mainstream Press as Attasting that Such Problems had Never been seen Before in Any Vaccine in the World's History, (and "Doubt" whether the People would Accept to be Submitted in so Many "Doses" Each Year).

=> It's for All those Reasons that Experienced French Professor Christian Perronne Rafused to even Call such Novel Tools as "Vaccines", (Except, may be, of "Fake Vaccines")..., Prefering the more Realistic Name : "Gene Therapy" Tools, (in a December 2020 Publication, already)...

 - It's True that some Health Ministers, (as f.ex. the French one), Recently Focused their Claims on Repeatedly supporting that the existing "m-RNA" "Fake-Vaccines", at least, would "Protect from Death or Heavy Hospitalisation up to 95%"... (F.ex., See, inter alia, Also Official Motivation in Text presented to the Highest Administrative Court, "Conseil d'Etat", in the Middle of 2021, etc). >>> But, then, What to say, f.ex., for China's "Classic" Vaccine "CinoVac", which Protects People's Lives or Health from Death or Heavy Hospitalisation reportedly for Up to ..."100%" Each (sic !), according to Official Data of the "WHO" itself, Published since the End of August 2021 ? (It may be true that, Aged People's situation wasN't, reportedly, Sufficiently examined yet in these cases. But, then, all Other Ages are, already, OK).

      Meanwhile, however, the Absolute Majority of Anti-COVID Virus' Vaccines having Reached the 3rd, Final Stage of Tests, are of a "Classic" Technology, similar to that of World-Famous Inventor Louis Pasteur, i.e. already Known and Tested during almost 2 Centuries since his birth : 1821-1921 (See : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/majorityvaccinesclassicbutnotyeteu.html). But None among them hasN't been Yet Authorized by EMA inside the EU... Not Even those which have been Authorized by the WHO, f.ex. as China's CINOVAC + CINOPHARM, etc ! And that, Despite even German CDU/CSU Health Minister Span's recently Expressed view that the Authorisation of, at least, Some "Classic" Vaccines, would Incite several Hesitant People to get Vaccinated... And/or Despite the Fact that Countries where such a Plurality and Diversity of Vaccines exist, Included of "Classic" Technology, i.e. Based into Stimulating the Natural Human Immunioty System, (in Addition to Public Health Protection [Non-Pharmaceutical] Measures), Tragic Errors of the Past have been Bypassed Efficiently, as Infections and Deaths have almost Stopped, (f.ex. in Hungary, San Marino, etc, added to China, etc). Contrary to those Countries where People have been Traped into the Narrow area of Only 4 Fake "Vaccines" affecting the Human Genome, (as Most EU Member States, Until Now, UK, Israel, the USA, etc), where the Deadly Virus Explodes, according to WHO's Official Data...


    Meanwhile, in order to practicaly Facilitate Citizens' Access to the ECHR for the Judgement of such cases, during the few Time still Available Before the Situation becomes Too Hard for those affected, ECHR took,; Today, the Exceptional Initiative to Publish even :

- (1) a Video-Guide on how to Lodge Applications in Strasbourg, (2) added to an Overview of All its current Case-Law on Issues concerning the Virus' Pandemic Crisis, and (3) an Analysis of "Interim" Measures, that EurJudges can take in case of Urgency, (including via Critical "Questions" Raised to Governments, as those which were used in Today's above mentioned affair)...

Interestingly, on this occasion, the ECHR reveals that, Recently, its Case Law Multiplied the Number and the Categories of Cases in which EuroJudges accept to Take "Interim Measures" in order to Face Urgencies Seriously Threatening to Provoke Irreversible Harm.

In other words, they, indirectly but Obviously, Warn that they Might Soon take relevant "Interim" Decisions asap, withOut having to Wait until a Final Judgement, probably Also in such Cases of Compulsory Imposal of a few Controversial "Vaccines" Affecting the Human Genome, (while Still Excluding all the Others)...

Inter alia, this Might become Necessary Also because of an Astonishing Spread of "Hate Speech", recently, against Dissidents, (Scandalously Including often Even Public Officials fuelling Intolerance), which can Obviously Undermine elementary Human Solidarity, pushing towards Dangerous Hate even inside Socio-Medical and/or Public Hospital areas, considerably Aggravating Risks against Human Health and Lives.








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   Renew Europe's Historic Legend with Parthenon's pure white marble at the eve of crucial 2009 EU Elections, was the ambition of an interesting Art Exhibition, with more topical Symbols than expected, organized by EU Parliament's 1st vice-President Rodi Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou and MEP Marie Panayotopoulos- Cassiotou, Chair of the Inter-group on Family policy, during March A session in Strasbourg.     

According to the Ancient Legend, God Zeus, charmed by young Girl Europe, was trasformed into a strong Bull with Wings, and when she tamed him with Human affection, they flew over the Sea to live together in a New Land with large, fertile landscapes.  

- "There, they saw the Continent with a "Large Front" ("Eureia -opse" in Greek => Eur-opse => Europe)", reminded the Sculptor, Mary Papaconstantinou, of the European Women Association, honored by awards in Paris, Athens and Strasbourg.

    Thus, Europe's Legend combines Symbols of Energy and Strength, with caring Human personality, to bring towards New, large Horizons :

    - "Modern Art for this Ancient Greek Legend here in Strasbourg reminds that Europe, placing Human dignity at its heart, always finds the strength to overcome any Crisis towards New achievements. And EU Parliament offers Citizens a chance to artfully interact", said MEP Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou.


    Structured like some Rembrand's pictural sequences, Europe's sculptural exhibition forms a series of many statutes, sized and flat as a PC screen, representing many scenes inspired from the original Legend, "according to Moschos' text, a Writer of the 2nd century B.C.", said Sculptor Mary to "EuroFora".  

    Made by sparkling pure white Marble full of Symbols, they incite to think but also to act, as in front of a Book with half of its pages full of written text, but another half, free to write on white paper..

    While several EU politicians think that one of the most important characteristics of the 2009 EU Elections is that from their outcome may depend Europe's Identity and Future, Culture Minister of Greece, Antonis Samaras (a former MEP) send the message that, precisely, such modern Art linked to Historic legends may help "EU Citizens search the origins of Europe's Identity".

     - "The Legend says that they founded a New City, Thebes, and that reminds us that Europe is always a project of Invention and Creation", added EU Parliament's vice-President, Rodi Kratsa - Tsagaropoulou.

    Sculptor Mary Papaconstantinou said that she "tried for years to find the same White Marble from Penteli Mountain that was used by Praxitelis and all those who created Parthenon", symbol of Democracy and one of the 7 wonders of the World.

    - "By shaping this millenary Greek Marble to revive Europe's Ancien Legend with Modern Art, it reminds that Europe is a Hope for a better Future after Crisis, combining Energy for Development, with care for the Human person", said the sculptor's compatriot from Chios island, famous from French artist Delacroix's historic painting, MEP Panayotopoulos - Cassiotou.
    She now lives with her Family close to Rhine river, at EU's heart, near Bonn, where had started to work for the first time on European issues the new EU Parliament's Secretary General, Klaus Welle :

    By a symbolic coincidence, Europe's legend built anew with Parthenon's marble, marked for ever the beginning of young and energetic Welle's duties as new head of EU Parliament's administration, since he saluted the retiring, out-going S.G., the experienced Harold Rohmer, shortly afterwards, at another gathering on the same floor of Louise Weiss' superb building in Strasbourg...

    Organisers of both events said that it was a pure coincidence. People are free to believe them, or hope otherwise...


    They disagree in almost everything, except from one thing :

- EU Parliament's Art unites even opposed politicians in a common belief for Europe : Cyprus' example...


Rarely united together, but posing for "EuroFora" with the statute of Europe and Zeus flying over the Sea, ChristianDemocrat/EPP's MEP Yannis Kasulides, a frontrunner Presidential candidate in 2008, former Foreign Minister and Government Spokesman, and EuroLeft's MEP Kyriakos Triantafylides, Chairman of EU - Palestinian Council delegation, from the governing party AKEL (new Left) of the elected President, disagree on almost everything, except from their common claim that Europe of the Ancient Legend, when she flew with God Zeus from Ancient Phynecia to the West, must have crossed the island of Cyprus !

Hard to prove the contrary, 3.000 years later...


2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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