
European POLICIES and ISSUES => Politics => Topic started by: HelmutD. on October 04, 2013, 08:50:20 AM

Title: 6 Ministers for 4 Votes asked by SPD to almost Majority-winner CDU/CSU (Germany)
Post by: HelmutD. on October 04, 2013, 08:50:20 AM
I.e. Socialos practically demand 1,5 Ministries (including that of Economy !) per only 1 (one) MP Vote at the Bundestag,

 where Germany's Christiandemocrats have won almost the Absolute Majority of MPs, except just 4 (Four).

=> Isn't that too Costly ?

Isn't there any Other Solution, less expensive and more "Competitive" ?....

CDU/CSU can find these 4 MPs' Votes somewhere else, among the various existing possibilities : F.ex. with the PSD, or with the Greens, may be with Individual MPs, or even with a "Constructive Abstention" of just a few MPs in case of Motion of Defiance or Confidence, unless they simplify things by deciding to go on and Govern the Country, Democratically based on an Election which gave a clear Absolute Majority of People's Votes to the center-Right, (including 2 or 3 non-represented parties), leaving up to anyone who might push a Motion of Defiance the heavy Responsibility to eventually provoke another money/time-wasting Election, etc)....

Title: If "Greens" revitalize, restore + renew their Historic Human Ecology values...
Post by: GVK369 on October 09, 2013, 09:38:11 AM
It all depends on a ReVitalization of "Greens", if they restore + renew their Historic "Human Ecology" Values in the Modern World,
(while also droping opportunists/corrupted chieflets of "Joshka"s pro-"Socialist" Past, rejected by the People) : 

Apparently, Chancelor Angie Merkel, who likes Symbols, clearly indicates, also by keeping for many Days her "Deep Green" jacket, that she had chosen to wear immediately after her latest Electoral Win, and even by accepting to be anew Photographed with that for her official Podcast, in front of a Background image full of Natural Green Trees, etc., that

 she probably keeps still Open "a Window of Opportunity" for a possible ChristianDemocrats/Greens brand New Governemental Coalition,

but on condition that it concerns real and sincere Ecology and Human Values-driven "Greens" revitalize their main Agenda, also by renewing their lost links with the Historic "Green" Movement Tradition which includes also "Human Ecology" values, f.ex. BioEthics (issues of growing importance recently), Family, Education, as well as Europe, etc., in addition to RES.

Some politicians' infamous Opportunism, Cynical Deviations which had practically eradicated inside the Party its Traditional Values on BioEthics, Cultural/Educational Integration, Openess/Democracy/Trasparency, etc., and eliminated several former "Green" Representatives of great Human and Intellectual Value, by imposing certain "Chieflets" and their Cronies, sometimes tele-guided from outside, cynical Clientelism and/or "Multi-Culti" Communautarism, in certain cases even Corruption and too much links of servile subordination to "Socialists" etc., particularly during the late period of "Joshka", Ozdemir, Trintin, and Cie, who vainly attented recently to hide themselves behind Katrin Goering, while grossly sabotaging and Manipulating her even from far away, through their party bureaucratic cronies, pushing her and others to serious Blunders that the German People has just punished, must be clearly rejected, opening really New Horizons to those Honest and Able, new and old, authentic German "Green" Movement People who remain Faithful to its Historic Founding Principles and Values, while also wishing to revitalize and renovate them in the Modern World.
That's the only Way to really Advance Forward, in the Present Times and in the Future.