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Home arrow newsitems arrow Big Alsacian Majority votes Referendum, but technicality blocks. Strasbourg 70% eve of Election 2014

Big Alsacian Majority votes Referendum, but technicality blocks. Strasbourg 70% eve of Election 2014

Written by ACM
Sunday, 07 April 2013

*Strasbourg/- A big Majority of Alsacian People voted in favor of the Popular Referendum for the reUnification of Alsace at a level as high as 57,8 % against 42,2%, with  more than +67.600 votes' Advance for the "Yes", vis a vis the "No" : More than 255.400 for, against some 187.800 only.   


(Comp. : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/alsacereferendumcavada.html )    
Nevertheless, Bureaucratic conditions didn't allow for that big Majority of Alsacian People to freely decide the Future of their region, allowing a Minority to technically block the process by seizing a tiny majority only at one area : Upper Rhine, (the smallest out of 2 Departments which compose, taken all together, the Alsace Region), where the "No" got 55,4% against 44,3%, even if in the Biggest Department, that of Lower Rhine, where Strasbourg is located, the "Yes" marked a Record High of .. more than 67,5% of Votes, (against only 32,4% for the "No")...



But the Organizers of the Popular Referendum     succeeded to bypass another Condition : on the rate of Popular Participation, reaching something well beyond 34%, despite of the rather Institutional content of the issues at stake, and even if the opposed "Socialist" Municipality of Strasbourg (whose Mayor Ries had reportedly declared that he'd "stay Home", and closed the City Hall on the Vote Day, contrary to the tradition..) invested heavily in various Deviations these Days, including a 2-Day International Conference on Europe, and even Mass Sports for Heart's Health, etc... I.e. almost a Similar Participation to that of EU Parliament's Elections back to 2004 : 38%, and not far away from that of 1999 : 42%, not even from the latest June 2012 French National Parliamentary Elections : 49%...


 - "We thank the Alsacian People, who, despite the appeals to stay home, and the campaigns of slandering, dared move to vote in favor of the Referendum for Alsace with a very Large Majority", declared from the outset the President of Alsace Region, Philippe Richet. "Nevertheless, the (legal) process stops here, because inside  the (smaller among the 2 Departments which compose Alsace region) Upper Rhine, a slim majority voted against. We respect that, as everybody must respect the clearly expressed will of the overall Majority throughout the entire Alsace region", he soberly added, without explaining yet in concrete detail what exactly he meant by that for the Future, (particularly on the Political aspects of the event, and their consequences).


+ 71% in Strasbourg !!!

* But perhaps the most important Political Revelation in this April 2013 Popular Referendum for Alsace was the Astonishing Fact that it succeeded, well beyond all expectations, to win with ...more than + 70% for the "Yes" Vote, against only 29% for the "No", throughout all the City of Strasbourg, (the Biggest in Alsace, and Headquarters of its Region, as well as of European Institutions such as the COE, EU Parliament's Plenary Sessions, ECHR, EU Ombudsman, Schengen System, EuroCorps, International Space University, etc).

Coming just 1 Year before the crucial 2014 Municipal Elections in France, such a Huge Distance taken by 71% of the People vis a vis its Governing "Socialist" Team, (the local "Socialist" Party having made a heavy Publicity against the Referendum, clearly calling to vote "No", despite a few ambiguities by some Individual politicians apparently scared by the Polls...), obviously reveals a "cinglant Desaveu" by Strasbourg's Citizens vis a vis their "Socialist" Municipality as it stands.


+ >>> Moreover, by succeeding to Win 58 %- 42 % throughout Alsace region, ad with such a large Margin as + 67% in the Biggest, "Lower Rhine" Department, even  more than + 70% in Strasbourg, mainly on the sole Political basis of an unprecedented  Center-Right ChristianDemocrat and "Greens"' objective Alliance, for the 1st time in History, (See "EuroFora"s relevant previous NewsReport, dated April 5 : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/alsacereferendumcavada.html ), i.e. even without Any Vote from the Rightists of the "National Front" (FN : particularly Strong in Alsace), the UMP and Centrist Parties proved, well beyond any expectation, that they have all their Chances to Win Strasbourg Mayorship at the forthcoming Municipal Elections, next year (2014), while, on the Contrary, the local "Socialist" Party revealled that it's dangerously Disconnected from the People....    


+ In addition, the results at the 3rd City of the region : Colmar, where the experienced ChristianDemocrat/EPP Mayor Gilbert Meyer (UMP : same party as Richert) had reportedly expressed some concerns, as well as in the "Upper Rhine" department in general, apparently indicate that even People who voted "No" now, weren't, in fact, against the main idea of Simplification and RerUnification of Alsace, but only worried about an eventual risk to downgrade the role of their area inside the overall Regional structure. In other words, even them might be willing to vote in favor of Alsace's reunification if they had been better ensured to keep playing a notable role.

Meanwhile, as things stand today, it all seems as if it was an unsatisfactory (and probably illegitimate)  : - "Democracy v. Legalistic technicalities" !


 But History teaches that the Political message given by a crystal-clear Majority of  People (as now among Alsacians) always finds a concrete manner to satisfy Citizens' will, sooner or later, in one way or another,... particularly ifit concerns some among the various other topical and more "substantial" socio-political issues...


And, at any case, it certainly cannot be ignored.-



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ECHR's President to "EuroFora" on Journalists Gongadze and Adali murders : Principles must apply to all States, without discrimination.

+ ECHR's Statistics on Freedom of Expression (See below).

 European Court of Human Rights' President, Jean-Paul Costa, questioned by "EuroFora" on Journalists' murders, as in Gongadze and Adali's cases etc., strongly stressed all CoE Member States' obligation to make efficient Investigations to find and punish those responsible, and underlined that ECHR's case-law's principles must apply to all without any discrimination.

His call was clearly supported by various Top MEPs who denounced a risk of "Double Standards" if some Journalists' murders are investigated, while others don't.

To avoid such risks, CoE's Parliamentary Assembly adopted a Resolution, on the occasion of Ukranian Journalist Gongadze's murder, "stressing", as a matter of general Principle, "the importance it attaches to the safety of Journalists and political activists, especially those linked to opposition groups, in ALL member states of the CoE". All "crimes against journalists and political activists must be investigated ... as a matter of priority, without political interference".

Costa was replying to "EuroFora"s question on the fact that, after CoE's Committee of Ministers, also CoE's Assembly had just adopted a Resolution on Gongadze murder case, based on an ECHR's judgement of 2005, asking a full Investigation from Ukraine, who has found and condemned  in 10 years of jail 2 executants, but not yet the instigators.

While nothing similar was yet done for dissident Turkish Cypriot Kutlu Adali's murder, with 5 bullets shot at his head out of his Family's home in the territories of Cyprus occupied by Ankara's army, despite another ECHR's judgement of the same year 2005, and despite Turkey's claim that nobody was found among those responsible for the murder, and that there was nothing more to do..

In order to be credible and efficient, CoE's mechanisms shouldn't find a way to at least ask for full investigations of all Journalists' murders anywhere they might be committed, without exceptions ?


- "On the larger question that you raised, I'd like to say, since we are in a period of stock-taking on ECHR's 50 Years, that the Court's case-law developed certain concepts ....such as the Positive obligations of States, part of which are also the procedural obligations", started to reply ECHR's President.

 - "Whenever Journalists, Lawyers, Defenders of Human Rights, or even simple Citizens are murdered, the States are held responsible, not only if its their own security forces' agents who committed these murders, but also if they didn't make sufficiently substantial and efficient Investigations", he stressed.

- "I want to strongly underline that we (ECHR) have found in many cases numerous violations of Articles 2 and 3 against States, ....(about) murders or torture, ...because they didn't make enough Investigations in order to try to find and punish those responsible".

- "We (ECHR) do that vis-a-vis all 47 (CoE) Member States, without any discrimination".

"Naturally, the circumstances in each particular case may be differend, and we can't ommit to apply the rules of proof, or the rules of criminal procedure".

"But we try, by all means, to apply these principles of our case-law, to all States", he concluded.


      Costa's call was strongly supported by several Top CoE MEPs, from various Political areas

- "To investigate the murder of one Journalist, and not of another, looks like Double Standards", denounced the President of EuroLeft Group in CoE's Assembly, Dutch MEP Tiny Cox.  

- "What is the reason ? Politics or specificity of a case ? Of course, if Cyprus and Turkey are involved, it's always a Political case"..

- "Murders of Journalists should always be fully investigated, because killing Journalists is not only killing persons, but also killing Free Press".  "We (CoE's Assembly) should do our outmost to help People who are working on Free Press and they are under threat or murdered".

Because for Free Politics, Free Press is a pre-requisitive : Parliamentarians  cannot  function without a Free Press. Not investigating, is not protecting ourselves".

So we should investigate all Journalists' murders : We are talking about Gongadze, about the Cypriot man (Adali), about the Journalist murdered in Moscow one week ago, etc", Cox concluded

- "CoE can' look at these cases differently. CoE can't wear Blinckers  !".
- "If the one is investigated, so has to be also the other. Why there wasn't full investigation ? Why's that ?", wondered British  Socialist MEP, Alan Meale.

- "A good idea" would be to "make a Motion for Resolution", and "join all Journalists' murders. Adali and Gongadze etc", said to "EuroFora" EU Parliament Political affairs Committee's President, Goran Lindbland, ChristianDemocrat MEP from Sweden.

(See also earlier News at "EuroFora" on similar issues).

ECHR's Statistics on Freedom of Expression :

    Almost Half of condemnations by ECHR for violations of Freedom of Expression in 2008, concern Turkey : 20 out of a total of 48 for all CoE's Member States.

    Russia, Poland, France and Moldova were condemned only 3 times. Romania, Greece, Portugal, 2 times, and the other CoE Member States only 1 time, or none.
    During the last Decade : 1998 - 2008, Turkey was condemned for violating Freedom of Expression in ..169 cases, while Austria only in 24.

    France and Moldova in 14 and 13, respectively, closely followed by Russia and Poland with 11 and 10, respectively. The rest of CoE Member States had less than ten condemnations.    


2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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