EU Zakharov Prize Mediterranean Democracy activist Mahfouz to EuroFora : Bouazizi = Hero for us all
The Tragic Symbol of Tarek Bouazizi's deadly sacrifice in Tunisia, which notoriously triggered the Democratic Awackening in 3rd Mediterranean Countries and beyond, still "speaks" to Young People who consider him as "a Hero for all of us", stressed to "EuroFora" EU Parliament's 2011 Zakharov Prize winner for Freedom of Thought, Asmaa Mahfouz from Egypt, after the Official Ceremony in EU Parliament's Plenary, full of MEPs, where its President, Polish MEP Jerzy Buzek, awarded today the prestigious prize to 5 persons who emerged from the still on-going Popular movements, from Morocco up to Turkey's borders.
Bouazizi's nomination, together with 4 other activists from Egypt and Syria, was hailed, earlier this Month, by the Chief of the greatest Political Party in the EU, that of ChristianDemocrats/EPP), former Prime Minister, Wilfried Martens, at the Bi-Annual Congress which took place in Marseille last week, with its main Agenda focused on the "Mediterranean Democratic Awakening", (See "Eurofora"'s NewsReports from the spot). The overall move was supported by most EU Parliament's political Groups, in a rare demonstration of quasi-Unanimity.
Freedom to work without harassment, bureaucratic obstacles and humiliating oppression by corrupted officials, obviously stands at the heart of Tarek Bouazizi's case :
Buazizi had been repeatedly Harassed by local Officials who had targetted him for years and hindered his freedom to work under various bureaucratic pretexts including controversial requirements of "cards", etc., in a context of corruption, reportedly abusing of an humiliating and brutal behavior, including insults, refusal of previous fair hearing, exclusion, violent obstruction, etc., until they pushed their victim to despair.
Reportedly a Computer Technician initially, the 25 years old Bouazizi had been obliged to sell fruits and vegetables on the street, after he was refused normal jobs, while his Father had died leaving him alone to support a whole Family, but he was hindered by petty bureaucrats even to work as a street vendor, humiliated in public, brutalized and denied a timely Fair hearing, until he set himself on Fire and died atrociously, sacrificing even his physical Life in a desperate protest which spurred Popular revolt.
"EuroFora" asked Asmaa Mahfouz if Bouazizi, the young man who was killed by fire in Tunisia, is really important for protesting Young People like her, and if his case "speaks" to them, also in Egypt and elsewhere accross 3rd Mediterranean Countries.
- "Yas. It was very important ! We were very impressed by Bouazizi", the Young Arab Lady, EU Parliament's 2011 Zakharov Prize winner for "Freedom of Expression", spontaneously replied, in a short but crystal-clear way to "EuroFora"s question, preferring that among several other sollicitations by various collegues' differend queries.
=> + "Bouazizi is a Hero, for all of us !", Asma Mahfouz, the Egyptian Young Arab Lady, who reportedly supported also the "Occupy Wall Street" American Popular Movement in the U.S., significantly stressed to "EuroFora" for the Young Tunisian, generally considered as founder of Democrary in his country where he triggered an original Mass Movement still spreading accross Arab and other 3rd Mediterranean Countries, but, in less tragic forms, even in Spain, Greece, the USA and elsewhere in the World.
- "Asmaa Mahfouz" is "a young and remarkable woman.. who Mobilized Egyptians (via her Video-Blog+) to go out to Tahrir Square and demand their Rights. She is a shining Example and a Symbol of how an Individual can make a Difference, Leading by Inspiration and by the strongest possible Conviction of Human Rights, despite the Risks and Intimidation by the Authorities", said EU Parliament's President, Jerzy Buzek, speaking earlier to the Plenary Session for the Sakharov prize Awards.
- "Looking back at this Year's events, following the Jasmine Revolution in Tunisia, we witnessed the removal of a Dictator and recently Free Elections. To honour the Courage of the Tunisian People, we award the Sakharov Prize to the late Mohamed Bouazizi, a Young Street Salesman. He set himself on Fire after his Authorities repeatedly Denied him the most Basic elements of a Life of Dignity. Since then, History swept across North Africa and the Arab World and many lost heir Life for Basic Freedoms and Human Dignity". "In Many places the Struggle is ongoing, as we speak". F.ex. "in Syria protestors' demands are met by Bullets, TearGas, Taanks, Arbitrary Detention and Torture. The latest number of Deaths reported exceed 5.000, including 300 Children", denounced President Buzek, asking MEPs "to stand and observe a Minute of Silence", "in order to Honour and Remember Mr. Bouazizi, and all those who lost their Lives in the Struggle for Freedom and Dignity".
Astonishingly, however, despite President Buzek's words, and almost all EU Parliament Political Leaders' support for awarding the Zakharov Prize to Tarek Bouazizi and other People's fight inspired mainly from his sacrifice which notoriously triggered the "Arab Spring" pacific revolts, the staff in charge of materializing the practical implementation of the 2011 ceremony hadn't invited in Strasbourg anyone among the Family and/or Friends the Killed young man in order to represent and Speak for him, contrary to what is usual and has already been done many times in other such cases...
- "I was a Prisoner of conscience .. for 31 Years, including 9 in Solitary confinement, I was tortured, denied Health Care, humiliated. But I never lost Hope, ..and I didn't abandon my Human Dignity"... "I thank the International Community for its help. But I have to say that our European Neighbours were the 1st to support us, despite the lack of weapons, and, thanks to that support, we managed to get rid of a Totalitarian Regime which had oppressed the country for 42 years"... "I hope that the Zakharov Prize will allow ...also Other States, still suffering from oppression to become Free", concluded the old Libyan dissident Ahmed El-Senussi.
Contrary to Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan, who had visited with big Mediatic Publicity the late Colonel Kadhafi in Libya only a few weeks before Popular Revolts : at the End of November 2010, in order to receive the infamous .... "Khadafi prize for ... Human Rights" (sic !) , EU Parliament's President Buzek revealed in his Press Conference on 2011 Zakharov Prize for Freedom of Conscience, that, when he had recently been obliged to go to Libya for the 60th Anniversary of Tobrouk's battle (2nd WW), he had managed to manouver in order to .. "avoid meeting Kadhafi", as a "gesture" to dissidents.
But "the question of Human Rights stands for every Human Being in the World", including "North Africa and the Middle East region, spreading also well Beyond" that, President Buzek warned too.
- "Nothing is more important than protecting Human Rights and Human Dignity, Outside of the EU, but also Inside the EU when necessary. During the 2,5 Years of my (EU Parliament's) Presidency, (7/2009-2011), I always considered it as very important", stressed later, speaking to Journalists including "EuroFora", EU Parliament's President Buzek, of the Majority ChristianDemocrat/EPP Group, who is due to be succeeded, according to a routine deal, by Minority leader Martin Schultz, a long-time MEP from the Socialist Group next year (2012-2013).
Asmaa Mahfouz rightfully observed that "the People who were targetted (by oppression) and fell, were People who didn't have Weapons, but they had the (Right) Words to tell the Truth".
Syrian laureate Razan Zaitouneh, "forced to live in Hiding", according to President Buzek, was hindered to come to Strasbourg, but sent a Letter where she "dedicate(s) the prestigious Zakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought" to "little Ghiyath", a baby whose "Father, 26 years old Matar Ghiyath, the non-violence Activist from .. Damascus' countryside, (who) was Killed under Torture in a Security branch last September"
. + But another Syrian dissident, Ali Farzat, "able to Flee from Syria after being Beaten up by Security Forces in August", when "both his Hands were Broken", Cartoonist Ali Farzat, whose "images speak more than a thousand of words in Syria and the entire Arab World", as Bouzek said, stressed in a Video sent to Strasbourg, where he denounced the fact that People were still being killed in Syria all this time, that, despite all these hardships, he was happy that "after 15 Years during which (his) Voice couldn't be heard", at last now it can.
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In a last-minute, surprise move, New EU Chairman, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, anounced a proposal in Strasbourg to open an EU Parliament debate on Europe's Identity in the ranup to 2009 Election :
- "I am conscious of the fact that there is, today, a real Crisis on Europe's
Identity", he replied earlier to a question by Greek MEP Ioanis Varvitsiotes, who had asked him to "advance beyond those who don't really want a Political Europe",
- "Why not a real Debate on what is Europe's Identity ?", proposed
Sarkozy, in this regard.
- "EU Parliament could organize such Debates", he suggested :"It's
better for EU Parliament, than for National Governments, or EU Commission, to
define what is the European Identity", the French President proposed.
A diplomatic way to avoid obstacles by some Governments and/or some Brussels' bureacrats, reportedly opposed to really free and popular, critical European debates on hot political issues..
Sarkozy brillantly won the 2007 Presidential and Parliamentary Elections in France in 2007, in the line of the principles anounced at an important Speech in Strasbourg, February 2007, about a Political Europe, and a European Identity on issues which matter to the People.