CoE Chair, Armenian D. Prime Minister Gevorgyan to EuroFora: The most Important is Local Democracy !

*Strasbourg/CoE/Angelo Marcopolo/- Invited to speak on a large variety of issues examined by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe (CLRAE), during its Autumn 2013 PanEuropean Session, from Economy up to Roma People, Self Administration, Culture and/or Political Extremism, etc., COE's Acting Chairman-in-Office, Deputy Prime Minister of Armenia, and Minister of Territorial Administration, Armen Gevorgyan, replying to an "EuroFora"s Question, stressed that, in his personal view, the main point is "Local Democracy" :
- "For me, Local Democracy is the most Important of all !", among various other CLRAE issues, underlined the Armenian Deputy Prime Minister, smiling to "EuroFora".
- Particularly when "fostering Democratic societies", and "strengthen European standards on Human Rights and on the Rule of Law"; are two among the four "Priorities of the Armenian Chairmanchip of the CoE" as he recalled earlier.
- Indeed, "further Develop Local Democracy", "given its role in Modern Europe and the CoE's Agenda", is a "Major Priority", already from the previous, Andorran, as well as it "will be (also) for (the forthcoming) Austrian" Agenda, "with whom the Armenian (CoE) Chairmanship shares Common Prioriies", as Gevorgyan observed in this regard.
- Already, "2 important Conferences", recently organized "on Participatory Democracy at Local Level", and on the "Challeng" of "Making a MetroPolis Citizen-Friendly", "provided an opportunity to reflect on how the Local Authorities can become Closer to the citizens and ensure their Increased Participation in the Decision Making Processes with regard to the local and regional issues", as well as "to Exchange Ideas about (how) the Capitals, as socio-Economic driving forces, Public Solidarity ...and ...model of ..Civic Participation" which "generate Challenges conditioned by Intensive economic developments, ..... should ensure a(n) Urban Environment ...for Human Habitat focused on the Citizen", as he said previously in his Speech to CLRAE's Plenary.

The 1st gave "Benchmarks for further Development of Participatory Democracy ....and ...for Dissemination of Principles ... as well as for Implementing them", where, "New Mechanisms for Citizens’ Participation in local Government, is especially Important given the ....Technological progress of Today", ... with "New ....Opportunities ...for Formulating a Collective Opinion ....and for making local Authorities Listen to that", by "mov(ing) forward with the Principles of local Self-Governance and ...Effective ...Model(s) ... for Practical application". The 2nd, concerning "Capitals of CoE member States", from such points of view as, f.ex., "Environment protection; ... Urban Development.... ; Infrastructure Efficiency; as well as ...public interest(s) Compatibility", focused on "Solutions" for the "Organization" of ...cities with Extra-Dense Habitation", he noted.
=> - In this regard also, "Decentralisation (is) at a Crossroads" Today in Europe, as it will be stressed at a forthoming landmark Strasbourg's seminar; co-organised by CLRAE's President Herwig Van Staa, together with the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)'s President Wolfgang Schuster, on the History of respectively 60 and 25 Years since the adoption of the "European Charter of Municipal Liberties" (1953) and the entry into force of the "European Charter of Local Self-Government" (1988).
Significantly, the event is placed at the eve of CoE's 2nd Annual "World Forum for Democracy", scheduled for the end of November 2013, which focuses, this Year, on Exploring the manifold Potential of New Information and Communication Technologies in the ReVitalisation of Citizens' active Participation to old and new Democratic Institutions.
+ In this wider Framework, it's Interesting to note that, already, right from the Start, CoE's Charter of Local Self-Government, had conceived Local Democracy as a way to find a "Level" where the General "Right of Citizens to Participate in the conduct of Public Affairs", as "one of the Democratic Principles .. shared by all CoE's Member States", "can be Most Directly Exercised", as the PanEuropean Charter of LocalSelf-Government states in its Preambule.
That's one more reason for which CoE Charter's Article 3, §2 clearly stated that, the provisions for Elected Assemblies of Local Representatives, don't exclude at all, nor even "affect", an eventual "recourse to Assemblies of Citizens, Referendums, or Any Other Form of Direct Citizen Participatoin , where it is permitted by Statute".
In consequence, CLRAE, ", through the different labs that it will sponsor during the" World Democrady "Forum", which is dedicated into "“Re‐wiring Democracy" by: "Connecting Institutions and Citizens in the Digital Age”, "intends to contribute "to the various debates", by "identify(ing) ..the actions, which ...will ensure their effective Involvement in the local processes", but will also "Curtail their possible Misuse for purposes contrary to the values of Human rights, Democracy and the rule of Law"; as he said to CLRAE's Plenary, speaking as Acting Chairman of CoE's Committee of Ministers.
WFD's wider aim is to face "a Decline in .. Participation, .. often viewed as a Symptom of Detachment between Citizens and Institutions", by examining the Potential of "Social media and ...networks enabl(ing) individuals to ...act and interact with Politicians ...Outside institutional systems", and by "bring(ing) together elected Politicians and civil Society leaders to discuss the impact of this technological change on Established Democratic... institutions”, as Gevorgyan noted.
+ All this doesn't mean that CoE's Chairman-in-office, Armenian Deputy Priime Minister, Gevorgyan, would not be interested also to certain other important issues, related to CLRAE, including, among various others, also of potential "Cultural Routes"' links between CoE Member States' Cities and/or Regions with interrelated "Historic Cultural Heritage", f.ex., an idea that he "certainly support(s)", as he told "EuroFora".
But, Questioned earlier Today by several CLRAE Representatives from various Political and National Horizons, about "Monitoring" CoE's 47 Member States' compliance with the Principles of Local/Regional Self Administration, Gevorgyan, speaking officially as CoE's Committee of Ministers' (the PanEuropean Organisation's Highest Political body) Chairman-in-Office, also stressed that this made of CLRAE a "very Important instrument".
- Particularly when the "Format" of CLRAE's Monitoring can Never be accused of eventually being "Discriminatory", if it is "Applied Evenly to All its Member Countries", including in those who can be largely engaged on a "Post-Monitoring Dialogue", which can be an "Important" means for "Local and Regional Reforms", as well as in order to "respond to New Challenges", as he added later-on.
Gevorgyan's move Timely came at the same CLRAE Session during which the President of its Monitoring Committee, Swedish representative Lars O Molin, is presenting Tomorrow a Threefold Report on "Updating Key Texts on Monitoring and Election Obsevation Activities", in a consolidated form, extending from Votes' checking, up to Visits for Monitoring COE Member States' Obligations and Commitments through Full Regular or Specific only Reports, eventually also "Fact-Finding Missions", added to "Post-Monitoring", etc.
+ A fortiori when, as far as it concerns also the overall developments in Strasbourg's PanEuropean Organisation for Human Rights, Democracy and Rule of Law's main Role in General, "Now, it's Important to Ensure a Full and Complete Implementation" of its Standards and Values, by "ReInforcing all Monitoring Mechanisms", whose "Full Potential has Not Yet been Explored", including f.ex. the Charter of Local Self-Administration, which is one of "CLRAE's Key Assets", as CoE's Secretary General, Thornbjorn Jagland from Norway, stressed Today, launching a Call to "Improve the Follow-up of Monitoring" procedures, and to forge a "Joint Vision" enabling an efficient "Coordinated Action of various Monitoring Bodies" of the CoE.
In this regard, some among the "Hotter" Topical Issues that CLRAE has to face Today, are obviously the continuing Pre-Trial Imprisonment of some 2.000 Kurdish Mayors and other Elected Local or Regional Represetatives in Turkey, since 2009, as a Question raised by a Collegue during Van Staa's Press Conference, earlier Today, reminded, as well as, inside EU area, the persisting Threats of up to 3 Years Jail, Heavy Fine and/or Dismissal, against French Mayors who protest, on the basis of their Freedom of Conscience, vis a vis the Obligation, imposed to them by the current "Socialist" Government, to Personaly celebrate Same Sex Marriages, which could now be followed even by "Adoption" of Childrens by Homosexuals, largely Unpopular, (See specific NewsReports), etc.
("DraftNews", as already sent earlier to "EuroFora"s subscribers/donors. A more accurate, Ful Final Version, might be published asap]
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Paris - Bruxelles - Strasbourg, 2 septembre 2008
Le spectaculaire succès du Président français, Nicolas Sarkozy, (en tête de l'UE jusqu'a décembre), à obtenir de suite un cessez le feu inattendu entre la Russie et la Georgie, immédiatement après sa visite aux Présidents Medvedev et Saakashvili, au pire moment de tensions et heurts violents meurtieurs, qui avaient tué plusieurs innocents et provoqué le deplacement forcé de réfugiés par milliers, lui donne incontestablement une stature vraiment européenne :
A ses liens personnels bien connus avec l'Hongrie, la Grece, l'Italie ou l'Espagne, en sus de son amitié avec la chancelière allemande Merkel, son souhait d'essayer d'attirer l'Angleterre au jeu européen, etc, s'y ajoute, maintenant, une réussite, fragile certes, mais importante, au combat pour la Paix dans la "grande" Europe du général De Gaulle, "jusqu'a l'Oural", qui inclut naturellement la Géorgie, l'Arménie et d'autres pays, et ne peut exister qu'avec rapports de confiance et partenartiat stratégique avec la Russie.
Apres avoir réussi à debloquer la situation au Liban, (pays avec liens culturels historiques en Europe), lors du Sommet pour la Méditerranée à Paris, juillet dernier, (comme atteste maintenant le prémier accord d'echange d'Ambassadeurs avec la Syrie), Sarkozy activa maintenant une présidence française de l'EU bien entreprenante, à l'autre bout de l'Europe, à Moscou, où, contrairement à Napoléon, il a été reçu avec soulagement par le nouveau président russe, ami de l'experimenté Vladimir Poutine.
Cet homme politique rélativement nouveau au plan politique européen, avec une vision souvent critique ou même critiquée, à tort ou a raison, mais ambitieuse et concrete a la fois, qui aime s'adresser aux "Européens", comme il dit, n'est-il pas bien placé pour stimuler le fameux débat sur l' "Identité de l' Europe", qu'il a proposé au Parlement Européen récemment à Strasbourg, moins d'un an avant les Elections européennes de 2009 ?
En 2007, il a réussi à faire monter spectaculairement la participation citoyenne aux élections présidentielles en France, obtenant des récords historiques :
N'est-ce pas, justement ce que l' Europe a bésoin, apres 2 abstentions majoritaires sans précedent aux Elections de 1999 et 2004, et 3 "Non" aux réferenda pour ses institutions en 2005 et 2008, pendant une décennie trouble 1999-2008, (marquée surtout par la demande controversée de la Turquie d'entrer dans l'UE eclipsant les avancées de la Monnaie unique et de la liberté de circulation à l'espace Shengen, avec consequences mal-ressenties par la majorité des citoyens, bien au-délà des clivages du passé), qui a failli stopper l'integration européenne ?
Et cela, au moment même ou une globalisation galopante met l'Europe devant un choix crucial entre saut qualitatif en avant, apte à valoriser une occasion historique exceptionelle à se développer résolument, après les vaines destructions, querelles et tensions des guerres "chaudes" ou "froides" qui lui ont couté son rang dans le Monde, ou réculer définitivement en décadence...
Alors, que certains de nos amis à la Commission en Bruxelles, lui laissent au moins un peu d'espace de mouvement, et qu'ils l'aident à tenter d'insufler de l' oxygène frais et vivifiant aux rapports entre les citoyens et une Europe qui a manifestement bésoin et mérite de retrouver d'urgence un nouveau dynamisme populaire, avec un souci de réalisme mais aussi une vision passionante pour son avenir !
Après tout, les Etats Unis d' Amérique ne se sont pas faits à coups de bureaucratie, nécessaire et utile, mais manifestement insuffisante : Sans l'impulsion d'hommes politiques originaux, d'intellectuels vraiment engagés, et, surtout, sans l'enorme énergie émanant de la conscience d'enjeux à la fois pratiques et grandioses, bien resentis par des millions de citoyens, stimulant leur adhésion active comme pioniers d'un nouveau avenir commun à construire, ils seraient encore une ex-colonie périphérique, affaiblie par stériles divisions, passif et impuissant spectateur des convulsions tragiques d'un Monde à la dérive...
Que les vrais "européens" ré-lisent au moins les fameux discours historiques sur l' Europe d'un Sarkozy bien inspiré à Strasbourg, aussi bien avant qu'après avoir gagné les élections françaises, le 21 février et le 2 juillet 2007, après son 1er sommet des Bruxelles, qui a adopté le nouveau Traité de l'UE en conclusion de la presidence allémande : Bonnes lectures pour cet été 2008, afin de préparer l' avenir qui s'ouvrira (ou fermera) à partir des élections européennes de 2009.
Peut-etre revelera-t-il plus, en ce sens, lors de ses 2 discours-debats prochains avec les eurodeputés, prévus lors des sessions plenières du Parlement Européen a Strasbourg en octobre et décembre 2008...
Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner had already unveiled President Sarkozy's intentions, during a particularly "hot" Press Conference in Paris, where he faced some's insistance for "sanctions", with a call for "a common EU stance". In the meanwhile, he was consulting "all these days" most of his EU, Russia and Georgia counterparts, (as Sarkozy's Spokesman, P-J. Henin confirmed to "EuroFora"). This allowed him to obtained the desired result, as EU Chairman, at a short, exceptional EU Summit in Brussels, afterwards.
But, Sarkozy's No 1 official, Presidential palace's Secretary General Claude Gueant, active at Elysee during the 2008 Ambassadors' Conference, (together with his Top Diplomat, the experienced David Levitte), is well known for having an overall view : A link with 2009 EU Elections at the horizon ?