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Home arrow newsitems arrow Belarus: CoE for Dialogue But Tikhanovskaya=Ultimatum+Threats+Order to Lukashenko: Resign in 12 Days

Belarus: CoE for Dialogue But Tikhanovskaya=Ultimatum+Threats+Order to Lukashenko: Resign in 12 Days

Written by ACM
Tuesday, 13 October 2020


*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- With an Official Call on Belarus, launched Today from Strasbourg, CoE's Leadership urged for "Respectful Dialogue" , among the Goverment and Civil Society, including Dissidents, while, Paradoxically, this Same Day, an alleged Leader of Most Opponents to Belarusian long-time President Lukashenko, Tikhanofskaya, speaking from Abroad, Explicitly launched an "Ultimatum", with an "Order" for the Head of State to "Resign" in "13 Days", while Also, reportedly, Asking from Everyone, including the Country's Law and Order Agents, to "Declare in Public" that they "doN"t Back the Regime", Threatening them that, Otherwise, they would be considered and treated as "Accomplices to (State) Terrorism" !


 - In a "Joint Statement" on Belarus, the Chairman of CoE's Highest Political body, that of its Committee of Ministers, Greek Minister for European affairs, Miltiadis Varvitsiotis, Together with CoE Parliamentary Assembly's President, Rik Daems from Belgium, and CoE's Secretary General, Marija Peicinovic-Buric, a former vice-Prime Minister from Coatia, "Condemn(ing), in the Strongest possible terms, Any further use of Violence", "Firmly recall(ed)", "in particular", "that there is a Need to Start Genuine and Respectful Dialogue, with the Representatives of Civil Society, in view of the Constitutional Reform, long-Awaited by the Whole Country", "with the Participation of All, Including those who Oppose the Authorities", offering CoE's eventual "Help" on the "Way to Genuine Reforms", as they said that they were "Stand(ing) Ready" to do asap.

Alexander Lukashenko, re-Elected as President of Belarusia since the 1990ies, who was Officially attributed a Landmark Win also on the Latest, August 2020 Elections, with more than 80% of the Votes, against Only a little-bit over 10% for Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, (who soon Fled Abroad, at the Neighbouring Baltic State of Lithuania), has reportedly Initiated, Recently, a New, due to be Transparent, Constitutional Reform process, allegedly Open to Any Citizens' Participation, as well as to Public Dialogue, also with the Country's Authorities, f.ex. on Courts, Law and Order staff, etc, including even on the "Hot" Issue of Eventual New Elections in the foreseable Future, and, (while apparently Trying, at least Initialy, to Drop any irregular "Collective" as such, consisting of Opponents who Triggered 2 Months-long recuring Public Demonstrations at Minsk and Other Cities, sometimes provoking troubles and/or threatening worse (See Infra). Nevertheless, Lukashenko, these Days, went as far as to Even Visit, Personaly, in Prison, some among those considered to be the regime's most Harsh Opponents, (as, f.ex., Babariko, a former Banker accused of Fraud, but allegedly Popular would-be Candidate to the Latest Presidential Election, who reportedly appeared Glad after that meeting, while one of his closest Assistants was immediately Freed and spoke on TV, precisely, about Dialogue with the Government, etc). The move was Backed also by Russia, which reportedly incited also to associate even more Dissidents in such Debates, But wasn't of the likes of an alleged "Hard" Core, of irreductible Opponents, pursuing Other Agendas...

In that Context, Svetlana's Tikhonovskaya's reported Publication, Today, at the "Telegram" Web Network, often used by Dissidents, looks Surprizing, because it, apparently, pursues a Different Aime from that Officially adopted by the CoE, and, most of all, with very Harsh Methods, absolutely Contradicting the "Respectful Dialogue" arbored by the CoE (Comp. Supra) :

- Indeed, Tikhanovskaya reportedly Launched, Today, an Explicit ..."Ultimatum" (sic !) against the Belarusian Government, Boasting that the Opposition would be "More Powerful than the Regime", and Giving the "Order" for President Lukashenko to Immediately "Resign", in a Tight "execution Deadline" of "13 Days" Only (sic !), Blackmailing with Threats that, Otherwise, After "October 25", She will Trigger a "General Strike, in All Enterprises", and "Block All Roads" (re-sic !!), "Stop Selling to Public Entities", with "Everybody going ... to the Streets", (etc), so that the whole Country would "Paralyse" !

+ Moreover, in the Meantime, she Asks from All those Working for the Government and/or the Law and Order Services, to "Declare, in Public, that he Stops Backing the Regime" of the Country, Because, Otherwise, "WhoEver has Not Yet Decided to Pass on the Side" of her Opposition, will be Considered as ..."Accomplice to Terrorism" (sic !), since she Dismissed the Belarusian Government as mere "State Terrorism"..., (Obviously Abusing, perhaps withOut Knowing it, in Fact, of Similar Oppressive Methods to Notoriously Anti-Democratic Powers, as, f.ex., that of Turkey, whose so-called "Anti-Terrorism" Legislation, Abusively Slanders as alleged "Terrorist", and Hits with Harsh Measures, practicaly Any Critical Dissident Thinking Differently)...

=> So Brutal Personal Threats, at Nowadays' Context in Belarus, Inevitably Become, irresponsibly, Very Dangerous, against Not Only All those Civil Servants and/or Law and Order-Keeping Agents, so Massively Threatened, But ...Even to the Detriment of their entire Families, Old People, Wives and Children included, since Mrs Tikhonovskaya's Opposition Notoriously has, Recently, Launched Many Repeated Operations of Totaly and Shamelessly Violating any "Personal Data" Protection, by Systematicaly Hanting and Spying on Any Information Targeting Civil Servants and/or Law and Order Agents' Individual Person and Family, (including, Particularly, Even ...Photos of their Private Life with their Wife and Children, as those "Dissidents" own Propaganda Reveals, when they Boast at the Internet of their "Exploits"), so that, When, Afterwards, those Abusive "Opposition" Fractions, Massively Unleash, Scandalouslly ... Publishing at the World Wide Web, their Victims' Name, Private/Family Adress and Phones, etc., Together with their Elders, Wife, even Children, etc. Names, Photos, Whereabouts, Occupations, Jobs or Schools, etc, to the point that Many, among those Unfortunate People, have reportedly, Been Already Targetted, Bullied, Insulted, Slandered, and Brutaly Threatened by Various Anonymous Thugs, (f.ex. to be Agressed at the Street, Hit, Raped, etc), with UnPredictable Consequences..., as Many Victims' Testimonies, Various Medias, Public Services, and Even Web Networks (reportedly Trying to Erase from the Internet such Massive Aggressions, Published by Lots of Thousands !), have Recently Denounced, Revealing a Real daily "Terror", (Sometimes, even against the Wrong Persons, and, at any case, Including Many Innocent and Fragile Victims : Comp. Supra)...



+ Such Sly and Odious Threats, also Explain and Show the Double, Manifold Gravity, in Fact, of those Recent Brutal Aggressions (sometimes of Even 2, 3, 4 or 5 Cowards Attacking just 1 Person Simultaneously, as Various Videos at the Internet Reveal), Seeking to ...Destroy the Personal Protection Face "Masks", SafeGuarding against Infections by the Deadly Virus, several Law and Order Agents, taken as Targets by Numerous Relentless so-called "Demonstrators" (See http://www.eurofora.net/forum/index.php/topic,955.msg1274.html#msg1274, etc) :


Indeed, as certain Technical Videos Shamelesly Reveal, it's enough to just Unveal even a Small Part of a Human Head, in order to Find, via some Sophisticated I.A. Softwares, (f.ex. found at some Technocratic Hubs as USA's "Socialist" California, etc), in just a Few Seconds, the Personal Identity of a Targeted Victim, Together with that of his Family, including Elders, Wife, Children, their Names, Adresses, Occupations, Schools, Photos, etc)...

=> So that, in Fact, the Real "Big Brother" of Orwell's "1984" World Famous "Hell", Risks to be Hidding, Nowadays, (as the Concrete Example of Belarus just Revealed), No more inside Any National State, But, rather, and much More Dangerously, among some, (Only Apparently "Anodynous"), Civil Society informal Secret Global Networks.












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They voted to "freeze" UK Government's draft to put People in jail for 42 Days on "anti-terrorist" suspicion without charge, or they abstained. Don't they look suspect ?

CoE's debate on UK controversy stirs PanEuropean check of anti-terror suspects' imprisonment

Former Leftists of the Sixties would boil in hot water if they heard PACE's debate on the controversial 42 days detention without charge, currently drafted by the British Government :

A "Socialist" Government, a Socialist PACE Rapporteur and a Socialist Chair of PACE's Legal Committee, opposed a .. "Conservative" amendment (supported by .. Liberals, Democrats, etc), to freeze the measure, in order to protect Citizens' Freedom, by "waiting" until CoE's Venice Committee checks its conformity with Human Rights' principles.

"Left"'s support to Conservative-Lib.Dem's criticism, wasn't enough to obtain a majority, nor to make things as they were back in the good old days, when "Left" and "Right" had a clear meaning, as "liberty" and "restrictions"...

Conservatives and most Democrats were joined by the Left in voting for the "freeze", as well as Liberal Paul Rowen, while Socialist MEP Ivan Popescu, an experienced MEP from Ukraine (PACE Member since 1996-2008) abstained. But most Socialists, added to a few Liberals and EPP's Right, voted against.

Fortunately, someone inside PACE had the wise idea to shorten the Debate for less than 1 Hour, and put it on the Agenda only at the end of an exceptionally busy day, towards the end of the Evening, when most MEPs had already gone to taste wins and foods at various Receptions all around Strasbourg's "European" area : As a result, not even 42 MEPs weren't present..

Socialist Lord Tomlinson accused the leaders of the PanEuropean Assembly, in its highest body : the "Bureau", to "lack wisdom" by deciding to hold a Debate on an issue that neither the Socialist Chair of the Legal Committee, nor its Socialist "reluctant Rapporteur", did "not want to do", ...


Finally, everybody (critics and supporters alike) was happy to agree, in substance, that the controversial measure "may" gravely violate Human Rights, and therefore, PACE asked Legal Experts of Venice Commission to check UK Government''s plans.

But this might take more than .. 42 Days to do, since PACE's Rapporteur asked the Experts to enlarge their study in a PanEuropean comparison of all that is happening on "anti-terrorism" legislation in 47 CoE Member Countries, including Russia, Turkey and Azerbaidjan..

Bad lack : "The existing 28 days’ detention without charge in the UK is, in comparison with other CoE member countries, one of the most extreme : In Turkey, the period is 7,5 days, in France 6 days, in Russia 5 days, and in .. the U.S. and Canada just 2 and 1 days respectively", denounced Democrat MEP Ms WOLDSETH from Norway..


"Numerous respected human rights organisations, including Liberty and Human Rights Watch, have expressed serious concern" "The proposed legislation ...could easily lead to extensive abuses. ...Detention for 42 days means six weeks in which one is taken away from one’s family, friends, home and livelihood only to be let off without being charged. That will destroy lives and isolate communities", she added.

- "3 years ago, the UK Government sought to increase the period of pre-charge detention from 14 days to 90 days. Not long before that, it had been only 7 days. There was a vigorous debate ...and a ...compromise was reached of 28 days. We have to ask whether there are proper safeguards in place to extend the period to 42 days. I suggest that there are fatal flaws", reminded British Conservative Clappison.

- "What sort of society holds someone in detention for 42 days and does not have to tell the person who is in prison why they are there, or explain the suspicions that arose and led to their detention? What sort of society believes that that is the way to treat its citizens? That is an appalling injustice, ...A 42-day detention period will not make the UK safer. Instead, it will be the first step to giving in to terrorists; it is saying that we are prepared to sacrifice our democratic rights and the principles for which we have stood for centuries", criticized British Liberal Michael Hanckock


"Comments made ...by Norwegian delegates are unfortunate", replied British Socialist MEP Ms.Curtis-Thomas, accusing them to "besmirch the reputation of our police force, which is one of the Best in the World", as she said, believing that "there are significant safeguards ...to ensure that individuals are not subjected to unlawful detention"


PACE "has serious doubts whether ...the draft legislation are in conformity with the ...case-law of the European Court of Human Rights. A lack of ..safeguards may lead to arbitrariness, resulting in breaches of ... liberty and ...right to a fair trial". PACE "is particularly concerned that: ..the judge ..may not be in a position to examine whether there exist reasonable grounds for suspecting that the arrested person has committed an offence;"; that "... representation by a lawyer may be inappropriately restricted or delayed;" that "information on the grounds for suspicion of a person ...may be unduly withheld.. ;" that this "may give rise to arrests without the intention to charge;", and; in general, that "prolonged detention without proper information on the grounds for arrest may constitute inhuman treatment", says Klaus De Vries' Report, adopted with 29 votes against zero.


Records don't say if it took him 42 Days to draft his Report, but, at least, he knew why...


2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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