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Home arrow newsitems arrow EU Parliament President Buzek to EuroFora:EU Global partner in E.Mediteranean for Egypt/Tunis+Energy

EU Parliament President Buzek to EuroFora:EU Global partner in E.Mediteranean for Egypt/Tunis+Energy

Written by ACM
Friday, 04 February 2011

*Brussels/Angelo Marcopolo/- EU as Global Partner must have a Strategic presence also in South-Eastern Mediterranean, where Political developments on Egypt, Tunisia a.o. currently unfold, parallel to new Gas a.o. Energy findings and projects, replied in substance EU Parliament's President, Polish MEP Jerzy Buzek, to "EuroFora"'s Questions, at the opening of EU's 2011 Energy and Innovation Summit, which, making an U-turn, firmly supported, later-on, such GeoPolitical moves, both by a special Communiqué of EU Council's President Van Rompoy, and by strong statements from French President Sarkozy and German Chancellor Merkel at its conclusion.

- "Mr. President, in your Speech, and according to recent Events, we see that Political developments are closely linked with Raw Materials' Prices, including Energy, i.e. Oil, Gas, etc", "EuroFora" observed from the outset, in a series of Questons raised during EU Parliamen's President's Press Conference in Brussels, right after he spoke to EU's Heads of State and Government.

=> "Do you think that, in future, EU Parliament should approach Energy a.o. Raw Materials' developments in an integrated way, taking into account both Political, Foreign and Security/Defence Policy, and Democracy/Human Rights, as you said, together with -but not only- the Economic Factors ?", we asked Buzek.


+ In "a 2nd, related Question", "EuroFora" noted that EU Commission's President "Barroso, and others (f.ex. Heads of State/Government), as well as your (Buzek's) own observations, highlighted the fact that, as it is well known, S/Eastern Mediterranean is a growing Energy (Gas) hub in the Future, close to the EU and partly European Land", (thanks to EU Member Cyprus).


- Therefore, "don't you think that EU should be much more Present in that Area ?", we asked.
    - "Of course, Energy issue is a most Important matter for the EU and for the whole World : It's a Global problem Today. We should have something like a Global response", at least "as far as the EU" is concerned, EU Parliament's President stressed from the outset in Reply to "EuroFora"s Questions.


    - So it is one of the, may be most important points in our European Energy Community : Coordination in our Joint Actions Outside of the EU, in purchasing Energy from our Foreign Suppliers", Buzek pointed out.

    + Uniting, in a strikingly simple and crystal-clear way, both EU Summit's official Agenda Items : Energy and Innovation, in relation with current developments in the Mediterranean, Buzek, (a former University Professor on Science, who was also EU's Rapporteur for the on-going 7th Research and Technology PluriAnnual Program), observed that "It's also connected, in this Specific Case that You mentioned, with the so-called "Mediterranean Ring" for both Electricity and Gas supply" :

    - "We (EU) need such a Ring to deliver Solar Energy from Northern Africa in the Future, because it's not finished yet that big project, (i.e. "Desertec" for Solar energy production throughout all Sahara desert, and "TransGreen" for massive Transport overseas), and also to have a Free Suppy and Access to Gas, in all the Countries around the Mediterranean Sea", he explained.

    - "So, it's very important, not only for the EU, but also for our Neighbours. And (therefore), it's also important for our Neighbourhood Policy :", he concluded.

    + Moreover, "if we think about the EU as a "Global Partner", and we'd like to be a very important player in G20+, G8, with USA, China, Russia, Brazil, India, and so on, let us (EU) be Well Organized in our .. Surroundings, and our ..Surroundings are our Neighbours".

    -"F.ex., in the "Western Balkans, thanks to our (EU's) Initiative to open the gate for (EU) Membership, we could solve the problems : Our Soft Power became much Stronger, than Hard Power is in that region : They are no more fighting eachother ; they are trying to achieve Requirements for (EU's) Copenhagen Criteria", (on Human Rights, Democracy and Rule of Law, etc). So it's quite a New Spirit in this part of Europe", the experinced Polish poltician noted.

    - "We (EU) have a similar approach, without, of course, talking about Enlargement, trying to influence the situation, in the Eastern part of the European Continent, in our Eastern Partenship, (which is) very important for us", Buzek s observed in addition.

    + "And it's similar in the Mediterannean Sea, towards our Neighbours" there" : F.ex. "Tunisia, (which) is just 300 km from Malta : very Close. (In fact, even closer to Italy : only 200 km, and already linked with an Algeria-EU Pipeline). And the same goes with Egypt and in the Middle East", (close to EU Member Cyprus), etc.

    - "So, our Energy issue, our Energy Policy and Energy Agenda is also connected with our Neighbours : In the Eastern part of Europe, in Western Balkans, in the Mediterranean Sea", concluded EU Parliament's President, making, in reply to "EuroFora"s questions (See supra) a compehensive overview of EU's Strategy vis a vis its surrounding areas.


    + On this occasion, EU Parliament's President added, immediately afterwards, that, according to some "Worrying News", several "Human Rights Defenders were arrested today in the Mubarak International Centre in Kairo", including some working for "Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International", whose "whereabouts are (currently) unknown, and we (EU) are very much Worried about that. It's a new Bad Example (coming now) from Egypt", as he denounced. "We (EU) are worried about that. We must support Democracy and  Civil Society in Egypt", Buzek concluded, before being strongly supported on that Press Freedom point also by subsequent statements of Sarkozy and Merkel (See infra).
Meanwhile, an impressive shift, in line with on-going Developments cited by "EuroFora"s Questions and EU Parliament President Jerzy Buzek's Replies (See supra), added to the Franco-German motor's call to boost €uroZone's Competitivity, was marked in EU Summit's overall focus :

- Initially, EU Council President, Herman Van Rompoy's "Opening Remarks" this Morning, briefly mentioned "Tunisia and Egypt" events (added at the last minute in the Draft Agenda) only at the End, long after "Energy", "Innovation", and "€uroZone's Financial problems", due to be "discussed over Luncheon".

- But, on the contrary, later this Evening, his concluding "Remarks ... Following the meeting of Heads of State or Government", focus right from the Start on "the Dramatic Events at Europe's Southern Borders", now mentioning only as "Second Topic" the "Energy and ..Innovation" issues, concluding by anouncing, in, addition to a scheduled "full Package in March" with measures on the "Economic Situation in Europe and in the €uroZone", also of the "17 €uroZone Countries"' "new" decision to advance towards "a stronger Economic Convergence, by working closer together in National Policies increasing Competitiveness", open also to other EU non-€uro countries.
- Speaking now in Larger terms, much more for all or most of "EU's Southern borders", Van Rompoy focused preferably on all "those Countries in the (Mediterranean) Region, which pursue Political and Economic Reforms",  in "public squares where a Fight for Freedom is taking place, .. Close to us all", as he said.

- And he anounced EU's decision to "commit" itself in"to a New Partnership" with these countries, "determined to give the Union's full Support for a Democratic Transition, with Free and Fair Elections and respect for Human Rights and Pluralism", by "develop(ing) a Support Package for the Region", and rapidly adapt(ing) the instruments to promote Social and Economic Development in the Region".
+ Meanwhile, EU Summit made an unexpected, long "Declaration" both "on Egypt" and "on the (ider Mediterranean) Region", where it stresses, in conclusion, that "the EU is determined to lend its full Support to the Transition Processes (in plural) towards Democratic Governance, Pluralism, improved Opportunities for Economic Prosperity, Social Inclusion, and Regional Stability".

For that purpose, on Strategic Policy terms, EU "is comitted to a New Partenship, involving more effectice support in the Future to those Countries which are pursuing Political and Economic Reforms, including through the European Neighbourhood Policy (usually destinated towards Eastern areas), and the Union for the Mediterranean", (which was created during the French EU Chairmanship, by President Sarkozy, on July 2008 in Paris by a 37 Heads of State/Government strong Summit).

- "In this context", EU Heads of State/Government "invited the High Representative", Cathy Ashton, "withing the framework of this ("New") Partenership, to develop a Package of Measures aimed at lending EU support to the Transition and Transformation processes ..., and to link the European Neighbourhood Policy and Union for the Mediterranean more to those objectives", which include, in particular, the "strengthening of Democratic Institutions, promoting Democratic Governance and Social Justice, and assisting the preparation and conduct of Free and Fair Elections", (i.e. mainly Strasbourg-based Pan-European CoE's, but also Wienna-based OSCE's traditional business).

+ They also "invited the High Representative and the (EU) Commission to adapt Rapidly the Instruments of the EU,  to make Humanitarian Aid available", but also in order to propose Measures and Projects to stimulate Cooperation, Exchange and Investment in the Region, with the aim of promoting Economic and Social Development".


- Even more focused on the emergenece of a New EU Strategy for the whole Mediterranean Region, EU Summit's official Conclusions, "emphasize" that "Developments in the Mediterranean Region make it even more Urgent to respect previous Peace Agreements, and to achieve Rapid Progress in the Middle East Peace process", included.

For that purpose, EU Council, which sends for the 1st time its President, Herman Van Rompoy, to participate to the Security International Conference, tomorrow in Munich (Germany), where a Middle East "Quartet meeting" will also take place "on 5 February 2011", "expressed the expectation that (it) .. will make a substantive contribution".
In this overall context, some or most of 3rd Mediterranean Countries could Upgrade their EU links through a kind of "Adanced Status", as that which should be prepared now, f.ex., for "Tunisia" (a Country already closely linked to EU Member Italy via an Algeria-EU Pipeline, sas well as Morocco does through Spain) , EU Summit pointed out.
    + Inside the Larger framework EU's "Southern Borders" and/or of "the Region", cited 4 times, "Egypt" and/or Tunisia is mentioned 3 times [in Van Rompoy's concluding remarks], in order to express EU's "Deep Concern", "condemn Violence and Intimidation", and "call on the Egyptian Authorities to meet the aspirations of the Egyptioan People, with Reform, not Repression", so that "a...Transition should begin right now", as EU's President stressed, obviously avoiding external interference in Egypt's national affairs on the thorny issue whether Egyptian President Mubarak should leave after September's forthcoming Elections, or immediately now, as USA President Barack Obama was accused to have asked for. (See specific "EuroFora"s NewsReport on EU and Egypt+). ??? Cathy Ashton, EU's High Representative was "asked" to "convey these messages on her forthcoming Visit to Tunisia and Egypt", for which no date was fixed yet.

    ++ Expressing its "outmost Concern" for "the Deteriorating Situation in Egypt", EU Summit's special "Declaration on Egypt and the Region", (See supra),  "condemned", meanwhile, "in the strongest terms, the Violence and all those who use and encourage Violence", from any side.

    - "It Emphasized the Right of all Citizens to Demonstrate Freely and Peacefully, under due Protection from Law-Enforcement Authorities", declaring that "any attempt to Restrict the Free Flow of Information", such as "Aggression and Intimidation directed against Journalists and Human Rights Defenders, is Unacceptable". ..

    ... "All Parties should show Restraint and avoid further Violence, and Begin an Orderly Transition to a Broad-based Government. EU Council underlined that this Transition Process must start Now", (even if it might conclude later-on).

     - "The Basis for the EU's relationship with Egypt must be the Principles set out in the Association Agreement and the Commitments made", EU recalled. In particular, EU "saluted the Peaceful and Dignified expression, by the Tunisian and Egyptian People of their Legitimate, Democratic, Economic and Social Aspirations, which are in accord with the Values the EU promotes for itself and throughout the World".

    - EU Summit "emphasized that the Citizens' Democratic Aspirations should be addressed through Dialogue and Political Reform, with Full Respect to Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, and through Free and Fair Elections", "calling on All Parties to engage in a Meaningful Dialogue to that end".
EU on Egypt+ : Stick on Democratic Principles, without Foreign Interference
    + Meanwhile, on the "hottest" issue of these days, EU Summit made it clear that Europe strongly supports respect of Democracy and Human Rights in Mediterranean Countries, as well as Economic Development prospects, but, unlike others, rejects Foreign Interferences inside their internal affairs :

    - "Orderly" Transition to "a Broad-based Government", by a "Process" which "must Start now", on the "Basis" of "Principles" and "Values", "through meaningful Dialogue", so that People's "Voice" is heard, by meeting "the Peaceful and Dignified expression, by the Tunisian and Egyptian People of their Legitimate, Democratic, Economic and Social Aspirations", mainly thanks to the "preparation of Free and Fair Elections", are, indeed, main messages highlighted in EU Summit's official conclusions (cited supra), contrary to other attempts, reportedly by some in USA, Turkey, etc., to rush to impose the immediate resignation of the entire Government of the Country, to be hastily replaced by this or that among their preferences, even before the People has any chance to see, think and choose its representatives democratically...     


    + "We (EU) support the Political Reforms" and "we are determined to support the processes that occur there, and want to create a "New Partnership"" in such Mediterranean Countries, stressed also German Chancellor Angie Merkel, making a large mention to the on-going events and perspectives in the Mediterranean at her introductory remarks.

- "We (EU) asked to avoid further Violence and to respect the Egyptian People's Right, as well as of other Peoples' in that Region, to express their legitimate Democratic, Economic and Social Aspirations", she added, confirming the enlargement to an overall EU Policy in several Countries of that area.

- "EU made it unanimously clear, in the strongest terms, that we condemn Violence, and reaffirm all Citizens' Right to be able to make Free and Peaceful Demonstrations, under the Protection of Security Forces", while also "we found that any attempt to influence the Free Flow of Information , and in particular Journalists' work is unacceptable".

- "We (EU) have reiterated that we strongly support the Countries in that Region expecting that the Principles cited in our Association Agreements are respected in the Future even more than it had been done in the Past", the German Chancellor anounced, citting f.ex. the case of "Egypt, which has received in the last 3 Years some 500 Million €, as part of EU's Neighborhood Policy" : "These Agreements don't go without Values, but, on the contrary, have clear Expectations that we want to be implemented, perhaps more accurately than in the Past", Merkel underlined, inevitably making people think about eventually similar developments in the future also for Turkey, which receives from the EU some 1 Billion € each year...

- Merkel pointed out at EU "High Commissioner Catherine Ashton's forthcoming Travel to the Region, where ... she would arrange a "Package" of Measures to support Democratic aspirations on the preparations of Elections, etc", both in Tunisia and Egypt, etc.

+ Highlighting the unity of EU's "Foreign Policy as a whole" in that Area, Merkel concluded on that point by adding that "EU believes that, now, in such circumstances, the Middle East Peace process cannot be deferred, nor delayed, but that, on the contrary, they should work with great Intensity", as she said, pointing at the Timely "meeting of the (Middle East) Quartet, which will take place Tomorrow, at the sidelines of the Munich (International) Security Conference, which gets, now, a Special Significance".

- "In this context, naturally, we (EU) made it clear that any Future Government that may come in Egypt after Elections, to be held according to Democratic Principles, must respect the Peace Treaty that was concluded between Egypt and Israel, in connection with our (EU's) expectations on the situation in the Middle East", Merkel added, letting also suppose that EU would similarly expect from Egypt to continue to respect the Treaties signed according to the International Law of the Sea, in order to delimitate the Exclusive Economic Zones with Cyprus and Israel, for a Peaceful exploation of Oil/Gas resources at the Eastern Mediterranean...

Concerning Lady Ashton's forthcoming visit to Tunisia and Egypt, the German Chancellor confirmed that EU's High Representative "has our support", as "our Representative" of all EU's Heads of State/Government, "on the basis of the Principles on which we have agreed", particularly "in view of the Preparation of Elections" in these Countries, where the EU could "help with our know-how, shared expertise and, whenever appropriate, Material support".

But, she also agreed with French President Sarkozy (See supra) that this doesn't mean at all that EU Leaders, Heads of State/Government, wouldn't  have to say no more any word on Egypt, Tunisia, etc., since "everyone will have to comment on that", because "we shall all contribute, of course, our Ideas about the New Partnership to be concluded with the (Mediterranean) Region", while "the situation is due to change, from one day to another, so that we'd all have to take anew positions", and to be "free to speak whenever we have something to say about the process" which is still going on, as she warned.


    - "It's not a coincidence if the "Union for the Mediterranean" (See supra) is explicitly cited" in EU Summit's Official Declaration, observed later-on French President Sarkozy, who strongly contributed to its creation, on 2008. "In front of such as situation, the UFM is necessary, even if we might have to wait a little bit until the situation becomes more stable".

    >>>  - "We (EU) clearly condemned .. all violations of Human Rights, (and) of Press Freedom. .. I've been shocked by what happened vis a vis Journalists, independently of their Nationality, .. in Cairo. Threats against Medias are inadmissible", Sarkozy stressed from the outset. Moreover, "Egyptian People's aspirations for Democracy must be satisfied".

    - But, "for the rest, I am not an Egyptian, and it's certainly not for me to say who should take over (the Government), when, and how", underlined the French President.

    - "What counts is that the Democratic Transition is realized without Delay. The Egyptians themselves will will have to lead this movement, in full Sovereignity", Sarkozy pointed out.

    - Because, "I'm not persuaded that we should, we, who are not Egyptians, interfere on the Timetable, on the Modalities or on the Personalities which might lead this process" : "We clearly condemn violence (and) what happened, but we leave it up to the Egyptians themselves to decide who must lead it, and how", he explained.

    + Moreover, "we (EU)  can't refuse a Democratic process only because there is a Risk for it to deviate towards (Islamic) integrism", and/or "a risk to contaminate" the whole area, he replied to earlier questions.

    - "I've seen, as you also have, a number of Statements about Foreigners' interventions", etc. That's why I think that,  if someone sincerely supports Egyptian People's Democratic Aspirations, as well as Tunisian People's, etc., then, he must clearly Stic on Principles, strongly proclaimed and defended, but resist to the temptation to interfere, which would, then, turn against all those who hope for an authentic Egyptian democracy. Because you know the History of these Countries, and the Sensitivity of these issues".

    => "So that, more we (EU) Strongly insist on Principles, more, I think, we should Resist to the temptation ... to put Names on the top, so that this or that Political Personality in these Countries would appear as being supported by Foreigners. As you know, this happened many times in the Past, and didn't always give a good solution", he warned.


    This obviously delicate point was also made in Brussels by the President of the EU Member Country which is located closer to Egypt : Cyprus' President Demetris Christofias, in a parallel Press Statement, where he expressed his "Concern" for the recent events, "as well as the need for a Normal transformation of the situation, in a way which respects the Democratic Rights of all Citizens, who must decide themselves for the Future of their Country, without Foreign Interferences", warning to be "Careful" because of possible consequences to the Middle East issue "and to the wider Region", (as noted the Head of the Neihbouring EU Country which has notoriously concluded official agreements with Egypt on the Economic Exploitation of possible Oil/Gas findings in S/Eastern Mediterranean).

    - F.ex., "Violence and Intimidations against Journalists" must "stop" : This will show if it was a "bad but spontaneous movement", (which will stop once the Egyptian Authorities wish to put an end to that), or, on the contrary, an "organized" one. Otherwise, i.e. if it persists, "we (EU) cannot accept it",  Sarkozy concluded.

    - Already, "what happened is unacceptable. And if it would continue, this would have Serious Consequences in the Relations that we might have with a Country, whatever, which would allow such behaviors against Journalists, of whatever Nationality they might be", the French President warned.

    + Concerning EU's High Representative, Cathy Ashton's forthcoming Visit to Egypt and Tunisia "during the next 15 days", as a collegue asked, Sarkozy made it clear that "Mrs Ashton speaks as our representative, on our (EU's Heads of State/Government's) behalf, taken collectively", so that "each one of us", individually and/or bilaterally, etc., "can contribute with his modest added-value whenever needed". Particularly when, "there are some EU Member Countries which know better certain Arab Countries than others", as he observed.  

    Sarkozy's strance (as always in agreement with German Chancellor Merkel : See supra) and, in particular, his latest hint, fitted well with Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou's anouncement, later this evening in Brussels, that he intended to take an Initiative to visit Egypt, after having spoken to bothe EU and USA, Russia, a.o. political representatives, including accross various Egyptian parties :


    - "Egypt has a special interest for us, as Neighbouring Countries, affecting more directly our Economy and Security, including, f.ex. in case of an eventual explosion of Refugees towards Greece, but also because of the Historic existence of (culturally) Greek Communities in Egypt, of  Alexandria's (Christian Greekl Orthodox) Patriarchate (competent for all the African Continent)", Papandreou reminded, revealing that he had already spoken about his Initiative not only with "Mubarak","El Baradei", and "Mussa" (SG of the Arabic Union), but also "with several EU Leaders", as well as with USA's "Clinton", Russia's "Lavrov", etc.


    + "Moreover, if recent reports about important Oil/Gas findings at the Eastern Mediterranean, as f.ex. in Israel, Cyprus, etc., prove to be true, then, precisely, it could have a Strategic Importance for Peace and Security in that larger area to link the Eastern Mediterranean with the European Energy Network", the Prime Minister of Greece concluded at his Press Conference after the EU Summit,


    looking straight towards "EuroFora", sitting close to "Bloomberg News" (both with blue colors), among other Journalists from Greek Media (with red colors), at his left side, (right from the door)...


(NDLR : Public Version partly Updated compared to the initial DraftNews sent earlier to "EuroFora"s Subscribers/Donors )



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    Strategically located between Paris and Prague, Strasbourg offered a natural location for the French and Czech EU 2008 and 2009 Presidencies to tune their agendas for a resolute European move towards Renewable Energies, during an exceptional Joint Parliamentary meeting on "Energy and Sustainable Development", co-organized here by the Presidents of EU Parliament, Hans Gert Poettering, French National Assembly, Bernard Accoyer, and Senate, Gerard Larcher, on November 20 and 21.

    Concluded by a busy-looking French super-Minister of Energy, Environment and Regional planning, Jean-Louis Borloo, the exceptional gathering of Top MPs from all 27 EU States' Parliaments hoped that a Ministerial meeting prepared by Borloo, will pave the way to an overall agreement at the level of EU Heads of State and Government Summit chaired on December 2008 by French President Nicolas Sarkozy, allowing the next EU chair, the Czech Republic, to start working from the beginning of 2009 on concrete measures.   

Speaking to "EuroFora" President Accoyer resumed the general feeling by stressing that "Europe has no Oil-Gas resources, but an important Scientific-Technologic potential. Therefore, we must develop Renewable Energy sources". "Since the Sun is the most abundant and free RES,  we must do the outmost to boost Solar Energy" solutions, he added, at the eve of a special meeting on Solar energy and the Mediterranean organised by Borloo on Saturday.     

Oil-gas supplies' security and diversification were also examined by the EU gathering, after which, President Accoyer replied  to our question on risks of long, expensive and fragile pipe-lines' projects, crossing through foreign countries out of the EU, compared to new possibilities for Sea and River Ship direct EU transport even of Gas, thanks to New Liquification technologies : - "We have just écreated the Union for the Mediterranean for concrete projects like these", Accoyer stressed, speaking of Sea-River Ship Highways, fundeable under EU's TENS programs.     

 Rapporteur on "Energy innovation and sustainable development", Dr. Bedrich Moldan, vice-President of Czech Senate's Environment and Regional Development Committee, added that Climat issues, price uncertainties and diminution of accessible Fossil energies, played together with EU's RST potential in order to make RES both a need and "an opportunity". However, in cases as "Solar Energy, even if the main Scientific ideas are already here, we have to make some technologic breakthroughs in order to find how to produce it on a large scale, store and transport it", Dr. Moldan added to "EuroFora".     

Czech interest for RES was also expressed, earlier in Strasbourg, by Jan Kohout, the deputy Minister pf Foreign Affairs who participated to a workshop on "Renewable Energies" organized by the French EU 2008 Presidency : - "The focus is on Development", he told us.    

On this and other RES issues, Dr. Moldan anounced the Czech EU 2009 chair's intention to organize an important 2-days Conference on Renewable Energies and Sustainable Development late January 2009 at nearby Prague.                


2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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