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Haupt arrow newsitems arrow Brittish Prime Minister Cameron, speaking as CoE's chair, explains refusal of "State Multi-Culti"

Brittish Prime Minister Cameron, speaking as CoE's chair, explains refusal of "State Multi-Culti"

Geschrieben von ACM
Wednesday, 25 January 2012


*Strasbourg/CoE/Angelo Marcopolo/- Incoming CoE Chairman (11/2011-5/2012), Brittish Prime Minister David Cameron, replying to MEPs' questions at CoE's PanEuropean Assembly in Strasbourg, gave a definitive and crystal clear confirmation of the main EU Leaders' refusal to admit "Multi-Culturalism"'s divisive effects against European Society's cohesion, reiterating in an even more detailed manner his agreement with German Chancellor Angie Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy on a key Socio-Political issue that some Turkish networks, (including in the recent Past even Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan) had notoriously attempted to exploit in order to keep "their" immigrants in separate, "parallel" groups, socio-culturally cut-off from host EU Countries' History and Culture, instead of integrating it, to the obvious and well known detriment mainly of young Children's learning potential, notoriously risking to provoke "Ghettos" controlled from the ourside by Foreign States, (as some Danish. a.o. Experts had initially warned at CoE's Conferences in Strasbourg, as early as since the 1990ies)..

    - Asked by Azeri MEP Seyidov to "clarify" his "understanding" of the refusal to accept more "Multi-Culturalism", the Brittish Prime Minister referred from the outset to his "Speech in Germany" on 2011, while also praising Britain's "demonstration how you can tackle racism and have people from different cultures and countries living Together", "with full rights and full participation", from "People from all over the world", living inside "a successful multiracial democracy", as he said.

    -  "MultiRacial democracy is .. possible". "I say yes to the building in Britain of a multiracial democracy", and, both "we in Britain", as well as "many of the countries represented here", at CoE's PanEuropean Assembly,  "are showing how it can and should be done", he distinguished. I.e. "Those people who come and live in your country are not just expected to assimilate into your culture: they are bringing something to your country that is going to be different and will benefit you", he acknowledged at first.

    >>> But this goes only if and when "you build something positive together", Cameron stressed, apparently as a central, key condition.

    =>  Thus, launching a strong Criticism of Errors committed by others in the Past, the new Brittish Prime Minister denounced the fact that, "however, ....we have sometimes made Mistakes. ...there was a time when we had an approach that ...as "State Multi-Culturalism", ...almost as if the State were encouraging people from different countries and cultures, instead of trying to Integrate more, and build a new home together"

    - "The State was almost treating them as Separate cultures and entities... . That ...has been a Mistake, ... State Multi-Culturalism has Failed !". "People" "should Not" be "treated" "as representatives of Different Blocs", Cameron denounced.

    - F.ex., referreing to the way in which UK's "Chief Rabbi in Britain (Comp. his earlier replies to "EuroFora"s Questions at EU Parliament) has put it particularly well: we are Not trying to create, he said, a series of Different, Segmented houseS; we should be focusing on a Home that we are Building Together", as he characteristically said, naturally pointing at social and cultural Cohesion.

    => Therefore, "I say No to State MultiCulturalism, that treats people as members of (separate, differend) Groups. We should treat our citizens as Citizens – as individuals with full rights – rather than just thinking that they belong to a Different Bloc", Cameron concluded, widely applauded by many MEPs from various European Countries on this landmark point.



(NDLR : "DraftNews", as already sent earlier to "EuroFora"s Subscribers/Donors. A more accurate, complete Final Version may be published asap).




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    UK Prime Minister, Gordon Brownn's promise to French President Sarkozy that Great Britain will proceed to Lisbon Treaty's ratification was certainly fuelled further by MEPs' warning, meanwhile in Strasbourg, that all Enlargement stops until EU can have efficient Institutions for more than 27 member Countries.    

    EU Parliament's President, German MEP Hans Gert Poettering, formally announced this position, after consulting all Political Groups' Chairmen, Monday in Strasbourg, and most MEPs made the point crystal clear during Plenary Debates on Wednesday.   

     Thus, from Thursday, UK's House of Commons, at Westminster, gave its "Green Light" to Lisbon Treaty's ratification, which was completed later-on, after ovecoming some last minute attempts to block the process.

    - In only 3 other Member Countries we feel some "hesitations" : Poland, Czech Republic and Cyprus", said, meanwhile, EU Chairman-in-office, Slovenian Foreign Minister, Dr. Dimitri Ruppel, speaking to EU Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee in Strasbourg, However, "I didn't hear any explicit refusal", he carefully added.

    Rupel's fears were later bellied in Cyprus' case, where a wide majority of political parties confirmed their support to the EU Treaty, but fears were confirmed in Poland's case, while Czechs said they waited for their Constitutional Court to pronounce itself.

    A paradox is that the Polish President Lech Kaczynski, who reportedly expressed concerns about Lisbon Treaty, had personally signed himself its blueprint, while, on the contrary, Cyprus' new President, Christofias, despite its own party's opposal, declared that he'll respect the signature of his precedessor, former President Tassos Papadopoulos, in favor of EU Treaty.

    But, "all that noise is a misinterpretations by some Western Media : Poland will ratify the EU Treaty, and even earlier than some other Member Countries", declared to "EuroFora", in a surprisingly optimistic tone, the Polish Chairman of EU Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee, Jacek Saryuswolski...


2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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