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Accueil arrow newsitems arrow New Chinese leader Jinping's call for "1 Heart and Mind with the People" to open CoE link ?

New Chinese leader Jinping's call for "1 Heart and Mind with the People" to open CoE link ?

Ecrit par ACM
jeudi, 15 novembre 2012

*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- New China's leader Xi Jinping's call to have "1 Heart and Mind with the People", as he stressed while meeting the Press at the conclusion of a crucial CPC's Congres in Beijing earlier this morning, which adopted Changes in its Constitution and a Report pointing at "Democracy", "Rule of Law" and "a Mechanism" to "Check the exercice of Power", might boost China's links with the CoE, reviving a pioneer suggestion, by the current President of its PanEuropean Parliamentary Assembly, French ChristianDemocrat/EPP MEP Jean-Claude Mignon, to create a special status for Beijing inside Strasbourg's Organization for Democracy, Human Rights and Rule of Law, (See "EuroFora"s previous, relevant NewsReports : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/irish/china.html  + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/euchinaculturaldialoguecoeassemlynewchairmignonandchina.html ).


China is today the only Permanent Member at the New York headquarted UNO's Security Council, which hasn't yet got a special Status within the CoE, since USA, Canada, Japan and even Mexico negotiated and obtained such special "Observer" links to Strasbourg when Russia became a full CoE Member, already from 1996, associating PanEuropean and Global Multilateral Diplomacies together. But PACE's President Mignon has recently reiterated, speaking to "EuroFora" immediately after his election, earlier this year (2012), his initial 2008 idea to create an adequate CoE - China permanent link in Strasbourg, where Beijing's Government has already started, since several years, to regularly send some particularly experienced and well qualified diplomats in an important Consulate General.



    A Resolution of CPC's 18th National Congress on its revised Constitution, stresses, in particular, that "making (of) People's Democracy more Extensive, Fuller in scope and Sounder in practice, and improving the socialist system of Laws with Chinese characteristics, are objective requirements for keeping to the socialist path of making Political advance ..., carrying out political Structural Reform both actively and prudently, and strengthening efforts to build a socialist country based on the Rule of Law".

    Jinping also pointed, earlier, at the importance of the Report presented by Hu Jintao and approved by CPC's 18th Congress, which includes the requirement not only "to ...promote Reform of the Political structure and make People's Democracy more Extensive, Fuller in scope and Sounder in practice", but even to "ensure ...the position of the People as Masters of the country and Law-based Governance; .....enhancing the vitality of the Party and country and keeping the People fully Motivated", by "expand(ing) Socialist Democracy, improv(ing) the system of socialist Consultative Democracy, ...Community-level Democracy, accelerate the building of a socialist country based on the Rule of Law, establish a sound Mechanism for conducting Checks and oversight of the exercise of Power", (i.e. something strikingly similar to the European "Controle de Légalité des Actes Administratifs", etc), according to the official text.


Speaking to Journalists today, that he met together with all the 7 freshly elected Members of CPC's Politburo's Standing Committee, (including Li Keqiang, reportedly due to become Prime Minister), Jinping made a landmark reference to the "5 Thousand Years" of Chinese "Civilisation's evolution", that famous Greek Emperor Alexander the Great had vainly dreamed to unite with all other Ancient Civilisations known at his time when he arrived up to the Silk Road (3rd Century BC), long before the  Italian merchand from Venice, Marco Polo, succeeds a Round Trip between Europe and China on the 12th Century AC, uniting them for ever with his famous Book on the "wonders of the World", full of innovative Ideas which notoriously helped to boost Europe's Technological Development, and even facilitate Spanish explorer Colombo's discovery of America, soon afterwards (14th Century AC), before Maoism inspires part of the "Non-Aligned" International Movement and Budhism the Anglo-American "Hippie" mode during the 1960ies, followed by the Chinese "Cultural Revolution's" debates on the pro and cons of various Socialist Regimes' contradictory developments, as well as the World-wide Respect that today's basically Peaceful and Economically dynamic and cooperating China inspires, particularly during the current search of the best ways out of the recent Global Crisis in a more Democratic, Multi-Polar World.


Xi Jiping, who studied Chemical Engineering and worked also in Agriculture etc., before embracing Politics, is reportedly linked both with Protagonists of the Historic 1949 Revolution (including his own father : an important Politician, pushed aside at a stage of the "Cultural Revolution", but rehabilitated during Deng Xiaoping), and with Shanghai, (China's most "International" City, similar to New York, Geneva or Strasbourg, etc, currently visited anew by "EuroFora"s Scientific Advisor, Dr. Constantin Marcopoulos), where he served as Head of the CP, while he also met recently a Delegation from Shanghai, (for which he reportedly wished "a new situation"), led by Yu Zhengsheng.


Among Western Leaders, he has already met with former US President GWBush and Russia's Medvedev in the Past, and one of his most recent meetings was, on August 2012, with German Chancellor Angie Merkel (a former Scientist on Physics, married with a Professor of Chemistry), while French President Hollande has just anounced that he accepted his invitation to visit soon China,  (comp. recent statements of Hollande's Diplomatic Sherpa to "EuroFora" on China, during the latest EU Summit in Brussels : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/frenchpresidentsdipomaticadvisoronchina.html ).


 - Thanking and encouraged by the "Trust of CPC's Members" and the "great expectations of the People" from the new 7-Member strong Leading Team, Jinping promissed to "strive to be worthy" of that "important responsibility", "and fulfill our mission".  Pointing at China's Historically "indelible Contribution to the progress of Human Civilization", he reminded, however, that "in Modern times, ...China endured untold Hardships and Sufferings, and its very survival hung in the balance", while countless ...patriots rose up one after another and fought for the renewal of the ...Nation, but all ended in Failure, as he said, until CPC  "made great Sacrifices and forged ahead against all odds", for 90 Years,"rallied and led the ..People in transforming the poor and backward, old China into an increasingly prosperous and powerful New China, thus opening a completely New Horizon for a great renewal". "Our responsibility Now is to rally and lead the entire Party and the People of all ethnic groups in China in taking over the "Relay Baton" passed on to us by History, and ...stand rock-Firm in the Family of Nations, contributing even more to the Humankind", as he said.

- Praising the "Beauty", "Harmony" and "Culture" of the "Homeland" built "in the long course of History", by " the Chinese People, ...working with diligence, bravery and wisdom", Jinping observed Today's "People's desire" for  "better Education", "stable" and "good Jobs", "Income", "Social Security", "Medical and Health Care", "Housing" and "Environment", as well as "sound Growth" and "a more enjoyable Life", and promissed to "rally and lead ... in making continued efforts to Free up our Minds, carry out Reform and Opening up, further release and Develop the Productive forces".

As a Journalist observed, immediately after that Press encounter, it's mainly about "Continuing to Develop Production, but without losing Contact with the People", while on-going Debates with Western and Chinese Experts focused also on how to "bridge the Gap between Rich and Poor", fight Corruption, etc.


- Indeed, "under the New Conditions, our Party faces many Severe Challenges, and ...Pressing Problems within the Party that Need to be resolved, particularly Corruption, being Divorced from the People, ...Formalism and Bureaucratism caused by some Party Officials", Jinping denounced, launching a call to "make every effort to solve these ("Major") Problems", until when "we must stay on Full Alert", as he warned, because "the Party must Supervise its own conduct".

- For that purpose, CPC must "maintain Close Ties with the People", because "it's the People who have Created History",  "who are true Heroes" and  "the Source of our Strength", since "United as one, we'll create an awesome Power" able to " certainly overcome all difficulties", if we "serve the People with Dedication", "share the same destiny ...and ...work together and diligently with them for the public good, so as to live up to the expectations of both History and the People", conscious of the fact that "our Responsibility is heavier than Mount Tai, and our Road Ahead is Long", as Jining warned in Conclusion.




(Mount Tai, between Beijing and Shanghai, is the most important among China's 5 "Sacred Mountains", a UNESCO World Heritage site, with more than 3.000 Years History of worship, and Higher than 1.500 m.. Traditionaly associated to Sunrise/Dawn, Birth and Renaissance, but also to Innovation, Unity, Stability and Peace, Emperos used to pay hommage to Heaven and to Earth at its Top and at its feet, linked by a long path curved in stone).




(NDLR : "DraftNews", as already sent earlier to "EuroFora"s Subscribers/Donors. A more accurate, full Final Version may be published asap).



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*Paris/ACM/12 October 2008/-

When Europeans really feel a vital need to urgently launch common replies to challenging World Crisis, as the present Financial turmoil of Global Markets, they forge new decision-making tools and new dynamics :

The 1st in History EuroZone Heads of State and Government Summit, organized in Paris at the invitation of French President, and current EU chair, Nicolas Sarkozy, with the participation of 15 national leaders and EU institutions' chairmen, partly enlarged to British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, after a highly symbolic duo with German Chancelor Angie Merkel, at General De Gaulle's birth-village, 50 Years after he welcomed there former German chancellor Adenauer (1958-2008), may have not one, but two results :

- The first, and more urgent, was to launch an "ambitious", "coherent", and "efficient" common European movement, able to stimulate "solutions" to the World Economic Crisis, as Sarkozy anounced from the outset : State Garantees (to new Bank debts up to 5 years), fresh Capital input (f.ex. by buying shares), support to distressed banks, (while also restructuring them), incite the European Central Bank to facilitate commerial bills europe-wide, etc.

"Acting swiftly", from tomorrow, national measures will quantify all these targets, with coordinated actions from all EuroZone's Governments : France, Germany, Italy and others, decided to anounce, at the same time, such concrete measures, according to agreements that we have already made all together, revealed Sarkozy at the final Press Conference, flanked by EuroZone's chairmen : EuroGroup's Jean-Claude Juncker, and Central European Bank's Jean-Claude Truchet, as well as EU Commission's Jose Baroso, to solemnly stress the will to find common European solutions.

- "United and Determined, all EuroZone's Countries will act to prove that Citizens can Trust" the Economy, Sarkozy concluded. If we attract also all EU's 27 countries, Wednesday in Brussels, then we can coordinate action with our American Friends at a Global level, he anounced.


- "With this new Toolbox, we do not want to serve Bankers, but to work for Europe and its Citizens' interests", added Juncker.

- "For the moment, we want to act urgently to regulate the Crisis. But the time will come when those responsible for this, will have to account for their actions. Yes to real Capitalism, No to Speculators. Those who abused, will face sanctions, Sarkozy warned.

Need stimulates activities which create new organs, say biologists, and Gordon Brown, compatriot of Spencer, the famous bio-Historian, would certainly not deny that, after his surprise visit to EuroZone's Summit in Paris, which attracted him one hour more than scheduled...


Decisions include also the creation of a Crisis-management European mechanism, which "requires constant Monitoring", as well as strengthening Economic policy cooperation between EuroZone's countries.

Sarkozy will be judged by History not just by the immediate Economic results, expected at the end of this week's decision-making proces at National and EU level, but also by the more far-reaching consequences at the aftermath of this Historic EuroZone 1st Summit : Will it succeed to become a precursor forging a New era in European institution's revitalization ?

Significantly, the French President sat, during discussions, between German Chancelor Merkel, and British Prime Minister Brown, facing the chairmen of EuroGroup, Juncker, ECB : Truchet, and EU Commission, Baroso, with Prime Ministers of Spain, Zapatero (a hot partisan of EuroZone's Summit) at his right side, and Italy's Berlusconi, at his left, surrounded by Austrian, Belgian, Cyprus', Finland's, Greece's, and Ireland's leaders, as well as Slovakia's, Slovenia's, Portugal's, Netherlands', Malta's and Luxembourg's leaders.


Meanwhile, those who tabled for a rift between French and German positions were faced with a smiling Merkel at De Gaulle-Adenauer's meeting place, a sunny Saturday morning, and a particularly active-looking Merkel inside the French Presidential Palace at Elysee's gardens on Sunday, (as happy few photographers discovered)..

- "De Gaulle's hilltop, at Colombey-les-2-Eglises, gave an astonishing overview to a huge landscape, entirely surrounded by splendid Nature, as far as eyes could see", said to EuroFora an obviously charmed German Journalist.


She was describing Saturday's inauguration of a High-Tech Memorial close to the Historic Giant Double Lorraine's Cross, built by famous Novelist Andre Malraux, to perpetuate the Memory of his famous call for "Resistance" to NAZI, and his vision for the creation of New Institutions and Franco-German reconciliation, to foster Europe's role in the World, also for the Future.


Children playing at Elysee's gardens before the Historic 1st EuroZone's Summit : What Europe's Future will look like ?


2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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