EU moves on UN Climate Change Conference : After Brussels' EU Summit, to .."Hopenhagen" ?
*Brussels/- Can forthcoming Copenhagen UN Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC), "be named ..Hopenhagen", as OECD's Secretary General, Angel Guria, advised "EuroFora" earlier in Strasbourg, after the successful outcome of Brussels' EU Summit ?
It seems too early to tell : EU Parliament's session, next week in Strasbourg, will provide a last opportunity for Public Debates and Transparent, Pluralist Votes in Europe on this evolving issue, of obvious importance for all Humankind, as UNO's Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon, just stressed, while various critics and opponents still challenge the move.
Europe succeeded in Brussels to agree on the most ambitious offer in the World for UNO's Climate change Conference, accepting a 30% cut of its CO2 emissions by 2020, (compared to 1990 levels), and giving 2,4 Billions € annually to help mainly the most vulnerable Developing Countries to meet the targets, out of a Global amount of 7 Billions needed for the "fast start" funds for 2010-2012, to be followed by "innovative funding" sources, etc. in the long run.
This should ensure the target of keeping Global Warming under +2% from pre-industrial period, for which purpose, CO2 emmissions should be reduced by 25 to 49% until 2020, from 1990 levels, in order to avoid the worst threats against Natural Environment, according to Experts of the InterGovernemental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
The main Condition put on EU's offer, is that of reciprocity : Ie. that "other Developed Countries commit themselves to comparable CO2 emission reductions, and that developing countres contribute adequately, according to their responsibilities and... capabilities".
- "The most Worrying" is that the Question whether other developed countries will respond as the EU to poor countries' financial needs to cope with UNO's CCC targets, remains still open, warned German Chancellor Angie Merkel. "Doubts exist when we see, fex. that our American friends are, for the moment, reasoning on a base of only 4% reductions, (which is already a progress, compared to the Past), while Europe speaks about 30%, Sarkozy also observed.
To guarantee such a Deal at Copenhagen's Global Summit, an agreement with "transparent international Standards" has to be reached, "for Measurement, Reporting and Verification", to "ensure Transparency and Compliance of Commitments", "in the context" of "efforts towards enhancing International Environmental Governance", according to EU's Official Conclusions. Something which would need, sooner of later, also to create a kind of International Organization for the Environment, in one way or another, starting by the practical needs for Monitoring rules' respect, as French President Sarkozy highlghted. Because "we need a Binding Obligation", and, therefore, to "negociate in what extend this will be supervised by an International Institution, able to secure comparable" results, added later German Chancellor Merkel.
Until now, UNO's various steps towards Global Governance on Environment were made in a separately : F.ex. UNEP (UNO's Environment Program) headquarted at Nairobi, ENMOD (UNO's Treaty against Hostile Modification of the Natural Environment), signed at Geneva since 1978, UNFCCC (UNO's Framework Conference on Climate Change), headquartered at Bonn since 1996, etc. But, now, after the Giant Killer Heatwave which killed more tahn 15.000 innocent People in France and other EU Countries in 2003, the massive catastrophes provoked in South Asia by a giant "Tsunami" in 2004, and the "Katrina" giant hurricane on 2005 in the US, as well as various other Extreme Weather Phenomena, together with the apparently progressing Global Climate Changes, obviously plead in favor of a coordination and unification of all UNO's Past and Future activities on Human Environment allowing rational use of resources and an overall view.
Dismissing Thursday night's rumours claiming that EU might be divided on how to share the sums needed to support developing Countries' participation to CO2 reduction, at an early Friday joint Press Conference with French President Sarkozy, Brittish Prime Minister Gordon Brown anounced an "agreement" for "fast start" Funds of some 1,2 to 1,5 Billion € each among the biggest EU Countries, and moves to support Africa's and other developing areas' Forests.
Both rejected criticism about the "Cost" of such aid, pointing at the stimulus for "a New Economy", able to "create Green Growth" jobs. - Only in the UK, "we estimate that we could create 5000 jobs during the next few years thanks to "Green" services and industries", observed Brown. This fits with OECD's Secretary General, Angel Guria from Mexico, remarks to "EuroFora" earlier in Strasbourg, that the International Economic Organization had just got a new mandate to focus on "Green Growth" during the "next 3 Years" (2010-1012).
- And "Africa is only 12 km away from Europe : We can't just abandon them without any help", on the contrary, "Africa and Europe must advance together", in a kind of "Alliance" towards the Future, stressed Sarkozy.
But, "the most important is that Europe is United" on UNO's CCC, stressed later French President Sarkozy, speaking after his final Press Conference to Journalists in Brussels, including "EuroFora". (PHOTO)
- In particular, "for EU's efficiency, it's necessary that France and Germany work together, but not enough : If we want for European Values to prevail in the World, the UK must be actively present with all EU. Gordon Brown recently invited me to a Commonwealth's summit, and I'll invite him to a summit with 10 African countries".. Meanwhile, "I met also with Brazilian President Lule, and this was helpful .. Earlier this morning, we were together all 3 of us (i.e. Merkel, Sarkozy and Brown). And for inviting US President Obama to be with us in Copenhagen on December 18, both Mrs Merkel and myself used the same words, explained Sarkozy, who also observed that the German Chancellor was, at the same time, in parallel contacts in the same direction.
During the next few days leading up to Copenhagen Conference's conclusion, scheduled for December 18, European leaders will be engaged in parallel Talks and various contacts with their counterparts mainly of Developing Countries : Fex. French President Sarkozy will host meetings with African leaders, together with British Prime Minister Brown, followed by the Indonesian President, and Ethopia's Prime Minister, Meles, Africa's Coordinator, at the same time that German Chancellor Merkel will meet with India's leaders, and incoming 2010 EU Chair, Spanish Prime Minister Zapatero with Latin American a.o. countries, etc. - "We decided to work all together, for the most ambitious possible deal" at UNO's CCC, stressed Sarkozy. This could be extended further at Copenhagen, where they plan to travel at the eve of US President Obama's arrival, due next Friday. When all 27 EU Leaders are really united, the group members' capacity to make in parallel many coordinated moves, can obviously augment the speed of EU's diplomacy in the World.
EU Leaders apparently gave such a Priority in Brussels to the Global Climate issue that they practically postponed for 2010 debates and decisions on EU's New Economic Strategy : An issue of obvious and topical importance, when everyone has to think how to shape the after-Crisis period and the new era at the "2020" Horizon.
They only agreed from December 2009 Brussels that EU will need "more Coordination in Economic Policy", and fine-tuned practical details on the way EU Council will function during the next years, after the recent entry into force of Lisbon Treaty, which highly concentrates EU's Decision-making power, by bringing "Reinforced Cooperations" between willing EU Countries, extending Majority instead of Unanimity decision-making, and by the appointment, for the 1st time, of an EU President until 2012, starting with former Belgian Prime Minister Herman Van Rompuy.
Logical moves, since the results of UNO's Copenhagen Summit on Climate Change will influence worldwide, in one way or another, the role of "Green Growth" and related Technology and Innovation, which is expected to play an important role in the post-Crisis' Economy, where, defining a long-term Strategy will need a more unified leadership.
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The incoming Swedish EU Presidency (July-December 2009) may still remain in favour of Turkey's controversial EU bid, despite June 2009 EU Elections' results, but it has "very strong demands on Turkey"'s obligation to respect EU Rules, said the Head of Swedish Foreign Ministry's Press Service, Cecilia Julin, to "EuroFora", reacting to critical Press reports.
- "I know (that) the link is often made also to Sweden's position on Turkey"'s controversial EU bid. Indeed, "we (Swedish EU Presidency) are very much engaged in the future membership of Turkey, but not without fullfiling all the Criteria".
- "It's very clear that we (Swedish EU Presidecny) have very Strong Demands on Turkey, in a sort of concept for Future membership of the Union, ...which will be a Long Process...", she stressed.
This means, in particular, "the Copenhagen Criteria (on Human Rights, Democracy and Rule of Law), and also the adaptation to the Acquis of the European Union".
- "If you listen to what Mr. Bildt (the Swedish Foreign Minister) says on Turkey at different occasions, it's very clear : We want Turkey to become part of the Union, in the Future. But we want it to fullfil all the Criteria : The Acquis of the European Union. That's very clear", she concluded.
The Senior Official of the Swedish Foreign Ministry was reacting to critical Press Reports, from Brussels' Journalists invited by EU Commission's secretariat to Stockholm, who claimed that Bildt was abusing of a ..."Whip" (sic !) against Cyprus, by "threatening" the presence of UNO's Peace-keeping force at the "Green line" which separates the island's Government-controlled areas from the territories occupied by Ankara's army, if Nicosia didn't accept any political solution, regardless of Turkey's demands, before the end of 2009.
Governing AKEL Party's new Secretary General, Andros Kyprianou, reacted by declaring that no-one can threat the People of Cyprus : -"We shall decide for our Future, and nobody else", he reportedly said, asking to "keep calm". "In order to find a Solution soon, certain basic Principles must be respected", he stressed, calling those who feel an urgency to use their influence on Turkey. Other Political Parties were more critical.
This was a reference to recently reported statements by Turkish Minister Bagis, Prime Minister Tayip Erdogan and Turkey's National Security Council (a Military-Political body), accused to push towards a partitionist "2 States" solution, contrary to UNO SC Resolutions for Cyprus' reunification.
December 2009 is a crucial moment for EU's appraisal of Turkey's controversial EU bid, because EU Council has decided to review then Ankara's compliance with the European position on the recognition of Cyprus' Government, which was clearly set out by an EU reply of 21 September 2005 to Turkish Prime Minister Tayip Erdogan's claims, refusing to recognize even the existence of EU Member Cyprus, in controversial statements he made to London (former EU chair) on July 29, 2005.
EU Parliament's latest Resolution on Turkey, adopted on March 2009 in Strasbourg, warned Ankara that "the non-fulfillment of Turkey's commitments... by December 2009, may further seriously affect the process of Negotiations" with the EU.
In practice, the issue boils down to Ankara's "embargo" against Ships and Airplanes using Cyprus' seaports or airports at the strategic EU island, which traditionaly hosts one of the World's biggest Shipping flags. EU has already "freezed" 6 relevant Chapters in EU - Turkey Negotiations since December 2006, after Ankara refused to fullfil a commitment it had undertaken when EU had decided to open controversial "accession" negotiations with Turkey, back on December 2005.
- "As far as EU - Turkey relations are concerned, it's clear that Turkey needs to fullfil its obligation of full, non-discriminatory implementation of the additional Protocol (to "EC-Turkey Association Agreement"), This is an important issue....and should be addresseed as soon as possible as it clearly affects the pace of the accession negotiations.Issues covered by the Declaration of September 2005 will continue to be followed up, and progress is urgently awaited", warned earlier in Strasbourg the out-going Czech EU Presidency (former vice-Prime Minister Alexander Vodra).
But the Head of the Swedish Foreign Ministry's Press Service, Cecilia Julin, dismissed "interpretations" by "some" that Foreign Minister Carl Bildt was reportedly "threatening" Cyprus with consequences on the UNFICYP, if it doesn't accept any solution until December 2009, while Turkey is reportedly delaying in an attempt to impose a partitionist "2 States" solution.
On the contrary, Julin, stressed that "Sweden has strong demands on Turkey'"s respect of "Copenhagen Criteria and EU Acquis".
Meanwhile, Sweden is "concerned" about the risk of "Stalemate" in Cyprus' Talks, but is well aware that "the main responsibilities lie with the two leaders and the UNO", Europe playing only a role of "facilitator".
After carefully verifying, the Head of Swedish Foreign Ministry's Press Service, stressed to "EuroFora" that Bildt's reference to UNFICYP "was not linked to a Threat", and dismissed those who "interpreted" it so.
On the contrary, the Swedish EU Presidency acknowledged the fact that Peace Talks are mainly for the UN and the leaders of the Cypriot communities, EU's role being limited into that of a "facilitator".
As for Turkey's reported attempts to impose a "2 States' solution", the Head of the Swedish Foreign Ministry's Press Service sharply replied by stressing that Turkey must respect the "EU Acquis" rules.
In particular :
- "Basically he (Bildt) underlined that it's the leaders of the two communities in Cyprus and the UN that have the main responsibilities for solving the problem", started to say the Swedish Senior Official to "EuroFora", referring to the above-mentioned "briefing".
- "But the EU had a role in sort of pointing out the benefits and facilitating a little bit the outcome for the settlement of the whole Cyprus' issue", she added.
- "And he did state the Fact, that the rest of the World (i.e. USA, etc) will, of course, look at the differend issues which are at the table, and the future of the UN Peace keeping force is part of what is at the table", she admitted.
- "I understand that some have interpreted that as a Threat, by the Swedish Minister" "But", in reality, "it's a statement of a Fact, that, when we'll look at the differend issues, one of the issues on which we shall have to take a stand on, is the future of the UN Peace keeping force in Cyprus".
Indeed, one of the questions usually raised for a Solution of Cyprus' issue is what International and/or European or other Guarantees, by a Peace-keeping force, might be needed afterwards, eventually for a transitory period.
Questioned anew by "EuroFora" whether (according to critical Press Reports) this could be taken as a veiled warning that, if Cyprus didn't accept any Turkish demand for any solution whatever, it might be left alone to face Ankara's Military Invasion/Occupation, she denied :
- "He (Bildt) didn't say it in that way"... "It was not linked to a threat, or anything like that", the Head of the Swedish Foreign Ministry's Press Service stressed.
On the contrary, "he (Bildt) underlined that the main responsibility lies with the parties concerned on the island". "The EU can try to facilitate and show the benefits of reaching a settlement. But also, when the EU and the rest of the World (i.e. USA) will have to look at it, they will look at all the Facts on the table, and the presence of the UN Peace-keeping force is one".
And "he (Bildt) didn't speak about that at all", she replied to "EuroFora" question on Turkey's reported attemps to impose, in one way of another, a partitionist "2 States solution".
Asked whether Bildt's aim was to incite both parties to move forward efficiently, she agreed :
- In fact, "the EU is really very concerned with the Stalemate in the situation. Yes !", the Head of Sweden's Foreign Ministry's Press Service anounced. That's why Bildt "was hoping for the two parties (i.e. for Turkey's also) to engage and break, a little-bit, the present stalemate, come to a solution of the issue" of Cyprus.
But, replying to a "EuroFora"s question on the risk, denounced by several politicians in case of strict Time Deadlines, for Turkey to provoke a stalemate and wait for the time to come to impose a partitionist "2 States' solution", she reacted by pointing at Turkey's obligation to respect "EU Acquis" :
- "Turkey must fullfil the EU Acquis : That's clear !", the Swedish Senior Official stressed.
More details are expected when Swedish Prime Minister Reinfeldt will debate his Programme with new MEPs at EU Parliament's plenary mid-July in Strasbourg, that he has visited already in 2008.
Foreign Minister Carl Bildt became familiar with Strasbourg's CoE last year, when Sweden chaired the PanEuropean organization of Human Rights. As EU chairman-in-office, he will also chair the 27-member States strong EU Group inside the 47-member States strong CoE.
Minister for EU affairs, Cecilia Malmstrom is well known at EU Parliament, where she has been an active MEP of the Liberal Group for many years, following also Press Freedom issues.
Both have already made various statements at "EuroFora", on differend topical matters.