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Home arrow newsitems arrow CoE Chair's Harvard+Einstein-educated Prof. Tsiodras (Greece/Australia): HCQ+ is Safe Cure v. Virus

CoE Chair's Harvard+Einstein-educated Prof. Tsiodras (Greece/Australia): HCQ+ is Safe Cure v. Virus

Written by ACM
Monday, 01 June 2020


*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- KickStarting the 1st ever PanEuropean CoE Series of High Level Public Debates on the Pandemic Virus and Human Rights, which aims to "Examine All the Angles" in order to Prepare, at the End, the "GuideLines" on Pandemics, for 47 Member Countries (including Russia, etc), due to be adopted by CoE's  Top Political Body, its Committee of Ministers, at their Summit of November 2020 in Athens, as said Today the New CoE's Chairmann-in-office, Greek Minister for European affairs, Miltiades Varvitsiotis, (a Young but Experienced Long-Time former MEP at CoE's Parliamentary Assembly, where he was Recently Elected vice-President of its Biggest Group, that of Christian-Democrats/EPP),




the "Harvard" and "Einstein"-educated Professor Sotiris Tsiodras, PhD, Head of the "National Team of Experts" on the Virus in Greece (which Chairs the CoE from May to November 2020), Specialized on Infections, including HIV, and Leading-Author of a Recent Study on "COVID-19" Published at the USA,  

Surprized Positively by stressing that "HCQ+AZ" Cure is "Safely" still "Used" to Help "Cure" People against that Deadly Virus,  

Despite Recent Controversies "in Some Countries", notoriously Provoked Only by a (as "Eurofora" found, See: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/bogusmoveagainsthcqdrugvvirus.html, etc) "Bogus Study" (with more than 11 Big Flaws : See ibid), Earlier published by an Indo-Pakistani Cardiologist (sic !) at a UK Review, currently with an Anti-Trump Manager, (which served as Pretext for some "Temporary" Doubts, Falsely Attibuted to the "WHO" itself, as "Eurofora" observed, Based on Facts : See Infra, and at: ..., etc).


Even if he spoke, as a matter of Principle, at least for the 850 Millions of COE's Total Population at the PanEuropean Area, (including Russia, etc), nevertheless, even the particular Experience of Greece, appears Interesting, Because of its Moderate/"Good" Results, with Comparatively Less Infections and Deaths than Many Other Countries in Europe. However, Tsiodras' Overall View on the Pandemic, naturally Includes also China and the USA, etc., as we shall see, (Comp. Infra).



Australia-Born (Sydney) Tsiodras, after Graduating as a Dr. of Pathology from Athens' University, Worked at "Albert EINSTEIN HealthCare (and Research) Network", HeadQuartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (USA), and Specialized in Infectious Diseases at "Beth Israel Deaconess" Medical Center and "HARVARD" Medical School, (USA), where he Became a "Research Fellow", and Obtained a "MASTER of Arts" on Medical Science, before his "PhD" Thesis on "HIV Infection", at Athens University, "Cum Laude".

+ Recently(April 2020), Professor Tsiodras became the Leading Author of a New Collective Study on COVID-19's Origins, Published by USA's "National Center for Biotechnology Information" (NCBI), part of the NIH Network, i.e. "the Largest BioMedical Research facility in the World".

++ In Addition, he has Nowadays become very Popular, according to several Polls in Greece, (as Head of the National Team of Experts in the Fight against the Virus), according to several Polls, as well as many Medias, including the French mainstream Newspaper "Figaro", and "RFI", the "New York Times", etc.



- "Therapy was a Big Issue", Because, "as it's well-Known, there was No Proven Therapy When all this Started", (around December 2019 in China, and February 2020 in the EU), Professor Tsiordas Carefully stressed from the outset.

=> - That's why "we are talking", more Precisely, "about <<Potentialy Effective Therapies>> against the Virus", until Now, he observed.

>>> This includes, First of all, "ChloroQuine" (HCQ+), "and the Combination between (Hydroxy)ChloroQuine and Azithromycine, from a French Group, against the CoronoVirus, and Some Other Combinations", he Characteristicaly Resumed.

    + "Including Anti-<<HIV>> Medication (i.e. "Lopinavir", etc. : See Infra), and Other Medications, like One which had been Tried, in the Past, against <<Ebola>> (in Africa, But notoriously Failed there, i.e. "Remdesivir" : See Infra), that we found (but, until now, Only) in the Lab, to be effective also against this Virus", he added.

    - Another, but Related (See Infra), "Big Thing, was : - <<Who to Treat ?>>. And there was (Initially) a Consensus, accross (most) Countries, and Decisions by Scientific Councils, to Focus" (at First) "on Therapy for <<Moderate to Severe>> Diseases' Patients" mainly, Tsiodras Observed.

    - "Some Countries elected to Treat those Patients by Including them Only into Clinical Trials. Certain Other Countries, prefered to give them WhatEver was supposedly Effective, at this Point, and, then, Add, any New Therapy, as an <<Add-On>> Therapy", he continued with Flexibility.

     - But, this "was Not Allowed for Some Protocols, like for the <<Ebola>> Drug, <<Remdesivir>>, so they Had to give them Just that (Only). And, we Moved accross a very, very <<Thin Line>>, in order to Decide what to Give to our Patients", intialy mainly "Moderate and Severe Patients", (Comp. Supra), he Warned.   

    + "And, especially, gain ACCESS : Give Access to Everybody who Needed it, Not Only to the High-Risk Patients", (But Also to those who, at least Initially, appeared to have, comparatively, Moderate Symptoms, up to a certain point : See Infra).

    - In Fact, ..."Nobody Knows" Yet, if something is Only a so-called "Confort" Drug, but, perhaps, "Not an Actual" Drug, which can Cure, as some say. "Until you have the Results of what we call <<Randomized>> Clinical Trials". I.e. there, "where you give to (about) Half of the People a <<Placebo>>, essentialy a Non-Drug, But a Pill which (Only) Looks like the Drug to receive, or a Vial, for the Intra-Veinus Injection (in the case of "Remdesivir"), and the Other Half gets the (Real) Therapy", Tsiodras reminded Carefully.         

    + "And", there, "People have what we call <<Adapted Design>>, that could Give you 4 or 5 Different Regiments" : F.ex., "A Man has taken the So and So ("HCQ+AZ") Regiment, anOther has taken the "Ebola" Drug ("Remdesivir" : Comp. Supra), Others have taken the "Combination" Drug (... : Ibid), and anOther was given the "Placebo". In order to Ensure that the vast Majority of Patients would be Receiving something Potentialy Efficient". "But", perhaps, "Potentialy Toxic, as well", he Admited..., (at least as long as there is Not Yet a sufficient Scientific Knowledge of a Virus).

    * => - "This is part of our List", showed to the Audience, Professor Tsiodras, pointing Today at a Board where ..."HCQ" (with or withOut "AZ") Figured at ...the FIRST RANK, of 3 Main Groups of potential Cures against the Deadly Virus, (even Marked with a Mention to an Official "GUIDANCE", apparently concerning the Way to Use it efficiently)...

    * On the Contrary, "Remdesivir" figured Only at the 2nd Rank, and accompagnied by a Mention of the Fact that it aWaited, still, for the Results of "Clinical Trials" to come. (Particularly after 2 Trials in China were Notoriously ... Abandoned, while a 3rd one, Resulted in very Negative Conclusions, Revealing Dangerous "Side-Effects", No real Cure, and Even a Risk for slightly More Deaths ! See : ..., etc).

    * At a 3rd Group, figured at least Three "Other" Potential Cures, considered in a "Dynamic (i.e. currently Evolving) Process", for which another "Guidance" was also mentioned (Comp. Supra) :

- (a) -  "Lopinavir" etc., ("Anti-HIV" Drug) in "Combination" with "Interferon" (Comp. Supra) ;

- (b) - "Immune...=> Anti-Corps, Convalescent Plasma", (an initialy Practiced in China Idea, Backed in the West, particularly by the Director of USA's powerful "Food and Drug Administration" : FDA, with some Reserves, however, on the Quantity or Quality of Various possible Versions) ;

- (c) - Vaguely, a Diverse Group of "Other Trials", including, f.ex., with "Colchicine", different Anti-Corps, and/or "Solidarity", (Series of Collective Projects, currently by 17 Countries, inside the WHO, [the Two Thirds of which is, however, Composed, once again, by "HCQ+" and "Remdesivir" ... Comp. Supra]), "etc"...

    => Indeed, according to "Our List", "we Gave <<ChloroQuine or HydroxyChloroquine, (HCQ)>>, with or withOut <<AZ>>, which was Included in our Scientific Guidance", Professor Tsiordas confirmed, from the outset.

    + But, "Remdesivir we gave as a Part, Initially, of what we called "Expanded Access" Program, then a "Clinical Trial" Program, and Now an "Early Access" Program, where several Hosts Participate", he analytically highlighted. "And, Now, (i.e. Just After the Slandering of "HCQ+" via a Bogus "Study", full of Big Flaws: See .., etc), I Hear that the EU's Medicine Agency (Earlier Based in the UK) is going to Fast-Track this Drug, in order for People to have it", he noted.

    - However, even if "this Drug has shown to be, Approximatively 60% Effective in Severely ill Patients" Only, Nevertheless, "we do Not Know (yet) what its Effect might (eventualy) be in Mild to Modestly severe Diseases", he pointed out.  And this is Part of the Problem", he Regretted : I.e., "When you face a New Virus, a New Pandemic, there is No Established Therapy !"

    + "At the Same Time (Comp. Supra), there was a New Protocol Published for the (initialy) Anti-HIV Drug "Lopinovar" (?) with "Ribavirin", a well Known Anti-Virus Agent, But with some Toxicity"..., he Warned.

    - Together "with Inteferon, (See in relevant overall Schema), which is a Normal Reply to Viruses. This <<Combined>> Regiment, (L + R + I) is, Now, part of a New Guidance, which was Issued Last Week (f.ex.) in Greece, and Can be Given to Patients, Alone, or With the "Remdesivir", IF they have it", he Announced.


    >>> However, "We Continue (to Use) the Guidance for "HCQ" (i.e., initially the 1st, and Most Popular Candidate Cure, as even an International Poll among Doctors, recently Published at "Washington Times" clearly revealed : Comp. Supra), Professor Tsiodras Firmly stressed.

    - Even if there has been, Recently, "a Big Debate, about it, and Some Countries actually Banned the Use of "HCQ" among the Patients and Populations", he Observed. (Curiously, f.ex., France, which has, paradoxically, Both some among its Best Supporters, and the Most Dogmatic Opponents of it...).

    - Tsiodras attributed that Sudden Negative Move, Mainly "Because they said we Want to See the <<Randomized>> Trials", i.e. "<<Placebo>> Versus Drug", (Comp. Supra).

    But he certainly Knows that this InSufficiency of Trials with "Placebo" Groups in such Trials (i.e. Patients who do Not Take Any Drug against this Deadly Virus) Pre-Existed, Already, since a Long Time ago... It's, moreover, an Obvious HYPOCRISY to Ask for More Trials' Data, at the Same Time that some, notoriously, look Eager to Hinder not only the simple Use, but also the Trials of HCQ+ (sic !), Undermining even Science !



    + And, as he, Also, Observed Himshelf, Later Today (See Infra), there is, indeed, "an Ethical Problem" about Not Giving, to some Patients, Any Drug for Cure at all, against a "Deadly" Virus, But "Only a Placebo" which canNot Protect their "Lives", when they are at Stake, as it's Obviously the case Nowadays vis-a-vis "COVID-19", which, Already, has Notoriously made a Record-High Number of Deaths in Europe, transforming it in ...the Most Deadly Continent, by that Virus, in the World ! (This was, by the way, also the Main Argument of the Strongest Supporter of "HCQ+" in France, Professor Didier Raoult, evoking, at this point, Every Medical Doctor's Main Duty to Heal and Save Human Lives, (according to the Elementary "Oath of HIppocrates" !).

    ++ In fact, he shouldn't ignore, no more, that the Main Pretext for such a Sudden "U-Turn", (and/or a Serious Aggravation of the Obstacles Curiously Put by some Against "HCQ"'s use in the Fight versus "COVID-19"), was, just a Few Days Ago, the Publication, in a UK Review, (currently Managed by an Openly "Anti-Trump" CEO !), of an Excessively Negative and mainly ...Bogus "Study", led by an Indo-Pakistani ...Cardiologist (sic !), Not a Virus/Infections' Specialist, and Stained by at least ...11 Big Flaws (as "Eurofora" found : See ... + ..., etc),  made by a Team who ..."Never Saw, Not even One, Patient" affected by that Virus, (as Professor Raoult Denounced), But Merely ...Copied Remotely Collected Data, Registered by Other People, Elsewhere in the World, and, therefore, Practically very Difficult, if not Impossible, to Check and Verify, Automatically Harvested Only via Internet Computer Networks set up by a Commercial Company, (Founded and Controlled by one of those Controversial co-Authors) !    

    +++ - Moreover, even Nowadays, "We saw some (real, Direct Trials') Data, from the initial Group (pro-HCQ) of (French) Professor RAOULT, that went (Recently) Up to MANY THOUSANDS OF PATIENTS", (More than 2.600 Now, and about 6.700 in Total, "Retrospectively", i.e. Since the Beginning of his Many, Successive Trials on HCQ+AZ), "with VERY GOOD RESULTS", (Nowadays Concluded on a ...99,5% Survival of People Affected by that Virus, i.e. "the Highest Survival Rate in the World !"), "and, thus, We DECIDED TO KEEP IT !", (the HCQ+ Cure), at least "For the Moment", Professor Sotiris Tsiodras, carefuly but clearly Announced.

    ++++ In Addition, - "We did NOT HAVE ANY Signal of TOXICITY IN OUR PATIENTS' Population !", by the Use of HCQ, Also Revealed Tsiodras Today, Contrary to what that Bogus "Study", Full of Big Flaws, (Comp. Supra), Obviously, had Excessively Claimed. - "But, I remind that Our Patients' Population (which uses HCQ+ Cure) is received at the Hospitals, it's ver, very Close to (Medical) Observers' Environment", he noted, (as Also that of Professor Raoult, whose Studies' Conclusions -particularly, f.ex., that of 1.061 Patients, Published Earlier- clearly show an Important "Attention" on eventual Counter-Indications of any kind).

    +++++ "And", (at any case), "We Shall Analyse Our Data (on HCQ+), as well, for some MORE EVIDENCE...", Finaly Announced the Key Medical Representative of CoE's Greek Presidency, (speaking, Timely, at a Moment when the WHO, at Nearby Geneva, is reportedly Seeking Urgently more relevant Informations on that "Hot" Issue).


    - Meanwhile, "Colchicine" (Comp. relevant "List" Supra), was Also Part of a Big Trial inn Greece, the very Interesting "GRECO" Trial, by Cardiologists, Because Colchicine has a Cardio-Protective Effect. It's a very Cheap Drug, (as, notoriously, also the HCQ), its' only Side Effect is Diarroia. Friends from the University have Used it, in More than 100 Patients, and we had some Good, but Preliminary, Data". So, "we'll see how this, very Cheap, and very Easy to use Drug, May Help in the Future Management fof this Disease", he, Optimistcally, observed.

    + "AnOther Big Thing was "Immune Modulations" (Comp. relevant "List", Supra), "Because, as it's well known, part of what was Important, for this Virus, were the Severe Manifestations, that, Usually, were seen a Few Days after the Initial Attack by that Virus", he added. Thus, "5 or 7 Days Afterwards, People would Develop that Huge Inflammatory Reaction".

    - But, in some cases, "we could be Talking, as we Talk Now, and, in a Couple of Hours, I would be InTubated !", he Warned. "That would be Part of he fact that the Virus was Attacking my Lungs, and giving me No Reserve, But would Follow in a Precipitacy"... Thus "it's very Important". "People speak about a Pulse ... to Monitor Oxygen, (and) we Face it (even) in the Hospital !", he Warned.

    - "So, in This Part of the Inflamatory Reaction, No Anti-Virus would be Succesful". On the Contrary, "the Only thing that Could be Succesful, would be Anti-Inflamatory Medication, like <<Anti-IL6>>, (Comp. relevant List, Supra), which was one of the Anti-Inflamatory Anti-Corps, that the Human Organism was Producing". But, initialy, "we were Beiieving that it was Part of a Reaction, which was Harmful"...  Also "anOther Big Greek Group, which was a Pioneer, from my Hospital, did Similar Studies", he confirmed.

    - However, "this one Can Have some Other Harmful Side-Effects :" F.ex. "it  Can Increase what we call "the Potential to be Attacked by Other Bacteria !", he Warned...

    => "So, it Supresses the Inflammatory Reaction, which is Part of your Body's Response to the Virus, But, at the Same Time, it Can Give you Susceptibility to Other Bacteria". I.e., "It's sort of <<Walking at the Edge>>, as we say"...


    + "And, of course, you have Heard about <<Convalescent Plasma>> (Comp. relevant "List", Supra), which is Plasma that comes from Donors, who had Suffered by this Disease" (COVID-19), But managed to Survive, "that we Take with a Special Procedure", he added.

    - F.ex., "a big Study from the University of Athens, is Coordinated for giving Plasma, and it's, I Think, 6 or 7 People who have Got it, so far, and we had, also, some Encouraging Results from Abroad, Last Week", he Optimisticaly observed.

    + "And we are Following the Convalescent Plasma, by (Angio)Therapy : It's a Cheap Therapy, where we use the People who passed the Disease, and they Give you the Plasma in 3 succesful Donations, every Other Day. Some Data to become Hopeful may come from Abroad, since, at least for the Time being, it's Too Early yet, for Countries like Greece, etc. since Only (comparatively) a Few People have already got that convalescent Plasma from Donors in Greee.


    Meawhile, "it's very Important to have Stock-Piles of Medicine, when you deal with such kind of things", "in Times of UnCertainty".  So, there was, f.ex. Procurement of "HCQ", etc., he observed.


    + And, as "whenever you Face something which is potentialy Lethal", there are "very Important" "Ethical Dilemmas with Placebo Trials", Professor Tsiodras added, saying that he's publishing on such BioEthical Issues mainly "with French and German collegues".

    Thus, f.ex., concerning, in particular, HCQ+ Trials, the "PLACEBO" Issue raises Key "Ethical Problems", as Also Professor Raoult has observed, (Comp. Supra), on the occasion of "Control Group" discussions, in relation to Trials, and the Need to Save Human Lives.


    For the rest, Professor Tsiodras Highlighted the current Importance of efficient Cures agaist the Virus, since a Vaccine (among the Many which are being prepared and Tested currently) might not arrive before the End of the Year, approximatively, at best..

    In fact, we do Not want to Hastily fabricate something which might Not be well "Accepted" by the People, he stressed, in substance,  in order to Avoid a Similar "Big Failure" as that which notoriously occured Back on 2009, (against the H1N1 Virus), when Most People had "Refused", then, the proposed Vaccines...


From this point o view, Obviously, the issues of a Vaccine and/or a Cure against the Virus, appear somehow interrelated :

- An Efficient and Well-Accepted Vaccine would, probably, Need a little bit More Time to prepare, so that, Meanwhile, (and as long as the Number of Deaths remains as High as it is now), Everything would practicaly depend from the Timely Existence of a Life-Saving Cure, of the Largest possible use...

On the Contrary, if there is Not Any Cure able to, at least, alleviate the current Gravity of that Virus' Threat against Human Lives, then, inevitably, the Pressure for an Urgently Needed Vaccine would Augment considerably, with the Risk to Push towards some too Hasty, precipitated, and/or Incomplete moves for a Vaccine, with the obvious Risk to make something too Hasty resulting in a Failure, as back on 2009 (Comp. Supra).

The WHO had, apparently, well understood that InterRelation, so that, Since March 2020 it had Not Launched, nor funded Other Research Programs and Trials, but just for Urgently Needed Cures, (such as HCQ+, Remdesivir, Lopinavir, etc. Comp. Supra), also because Vaccines would take a Too Long Time to Safely Develop...  

=> But, when, Recently, a Bogus "Study" appeared to Threaten and/or Delay the HCQ+ Cure Solution, (Comp. Supra), then, Suddenly, the WHO Announced its Decision to Start Launching also ...Vaccine Research Programs and Trials, for the 1st Time, just Last Week, from May 27 !


Now, Back on the Obviously Crucial Issue of Cures, Already since March 2020, in an Extensive Analysis Published at the Review "Science", the Authors clearly Leaned towards Not Predicting Any serious Chance to WHO's Cure Research Program's 3rd Branch, that which was related mainly with "Lopinavir", etc. The Following Developments, and even Professor Tsiodras' analysis Today, (Comp. Supra), Basically do Not Refute that prediction...        

Meanwhile, if not the Only, at least One of the Few Fully Published and Credible Studies, until now, on Trials with "Remdesivir", that of a Chinese Team, (even cooperating with "Gilead" Company which pushes that Drug), notoriously gave Negative Results : I.e., Not Any perceptible Amelioration of Patients' situation, (on the Contrary, even a slight trend towards More Deaths !), and, in Addition, much More Patients ...Abandoning the Remdesivir Group (Not the Others), because of Negative Side-Effects !

And, Notoriously, Remdesivir is much More Expensive, and Patent-Controlled by Big Pharma's "Gilead" Company, even More Cumbersome : Indeed, it needs an ...IntraVeinous Injection, every time, (Instead of a Simple Pil).

Last, but not least, "HCQ+" and "Remdesivir" (the 2 main Branches of WHO's Cure Research Program, until now), appear Based on clearly Opposed Strategies and even Philosophies :

- "HCQ+AZ" reportedly Aim to, basically, Help Strengthen the Natural Human Immune System, (particularly when Associated, more and more Often, also with "Zinc"), by Fighting against the Infection of Cells by the Virus, through the Protection of their DNA.

- On the Contrary, "Remdesivir"'s reported Aim is to Penetrate inside Human Cells' DNA, (already Infected by the Virus), and make some Genetic Manipulations which would Block the Virus' Replication (ReProduction) inside that.  

+ In Addition, "HCQ" is, notoriously, a Well Known and Succesfull Drug, largely Used, Already since the ...2nd World War, so that all its Contre-Indications, eventual Side-Effects, etc., are perfectly Known, making Easy for Medical Doctors to be able to do what is necessary in order to ensure the Protection of their Patients. That's one reason more, for which, if Patients are treated Carefully, it's generaly considered as a "Safe" Drug.

On the Contrary, the (initially) "Ebola"-designed "Remdesivir", notoriously is a Novel Drug whose Eventual Side-Effects and/or Counter-Indications, do Not yet Seem Entirely Controlled, (Comp. Supra), while, its Possible ...Long-Term Effects (f.ex. Years Later), Obviously still stay Completely UnKnown ! (F.ex., particularly by Manipulating Genes, it's like Jumping inside UnChartered Waters)...                                            


=> In these Conditions, it appears Both Astonishing and InComprehensible, for which Real Motives, some Lobbies, Suddenly, Rushed, even with a lot of Balderdash, Obviously Excessive and/or UnFounded Accusations and ill-Documented Claims, Abusing of Misleading and/or "Fake News", Caricatural Methods, Avoiding any Serious Public and/or Scientific Debate, constantly Multiplying blatantly Narrow Ultimatums, (f.ex.: "in 2 Days", "in 24 Hours", "in 1 Day", etc), adding Censorship (See Infra), and, in general, UnWarned Attacks, full of Relentless Hostility, etc., in order to rapidly and at any price, totaly Undermine, Restrict, and Exclude that "HCQ+AZ+Zinc" Cure against the Virus !

- However, it's notoriously Becoming the Most Popular Anti-Virus Drug in the World, (See, f.ex., recent International Poll, recently published by Washington Times, etc).

- However, in the Current Circumstances, as well as they were Today Resumed by Professor Tsiodras, in the above-mentioned CoE's Video-Conference, (Comp. Supra), "HCQ+"'s Potential Use, Also for "PROPHYLAXIS", (like, f.ex., even US President Don Trump just revealed that he did with his Medical Doctor, as well as Others in the USA, etc), appears, a priori, very Interesting and badly Needed, at least to Explore.

- However, it's probably the 1st Time in History that such a Bogus "Study", Abusing of an Exagerated Compilation of Remote Data automatically gathered by Others, and full of, at least, 11 Big Flaws, (See: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/bogusmoveagainsthcqdrugvvirus.html, etc), Serves as unique Pretext in order to "Kill" a Medical Cure, which has, apparently, Helped Save several Lives, and is Used, with Positive Results, as it seems, throughout a Growing Number of Many Countries in the World.

- However, it's Curious and Ridiculous to see some Erroneously Claim that an almost 200-Member States-strong, international Organisation as the "WHO" would have "Decided" a Temporary Suspension of HCQ Tests, While, in Fact, this was a move, Behind Closed Doors, by Only ...Ten (10) States, (the Biggest of whom is ...the SAME State whose Ministry notoriously Harasses pro-HCQ Professor Raoult to Stop his, apparetly Succesful Trials and Cures, neverheless Adopted by Many Other States in the World)...

+ As well as to watch, a so-called "High Scientific Council" Restrict a whole People's and Medical Doctors' Right to Try to Save (even their own) Human Lives, withOut Even Citting ...Any Scientific Argument, and WithOut Any Public Debate on the Scientific Issues at Stake !

++ As well as to see a so-called "Medical Drugs' Agency"  Suddenly Prohibit  ...Sixteen (16) Authorized Medical Trials, (seeking to Test, Check and Verify the Efficiency and Safety of a Life-Saving Drug), by Blocking Science in Only 1 Day Time and withOut Publishing Any Scientiic Argument !

*** As well as to see the Current Manager of a formerly respectable "Scientific Review" (LANCET), who has Openly Declared his personal Hostility against the Elected US President Don Trump, suddenly Publish a Bogus "Fake-Study", with more than 11 Big Flaws, grossly Slandering the HCQ+ Life-Saving Drug that Trump just used to Protect his Health against recent Virus' Infections in the White House, - while, on the Contrary, at the Same Time, that Manager Refused to Publish and Censored ... 2 Other Scientific Medical Studies, by the Specialist Professor Raoult and anOther Team of Medical Researchers, (as they have just Denounced), i.e. practically ...Muzzling any Scientific Debate, on such a "Hot" Issue Affecting the Lives of Millions of People Worldwide, traped in a Deadly Pandemic.      

(On All those Points, for more Concrete Details, See Facts cited also at : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/bogusmoveagainsthcqdrugvvirus.html + ..., etc)    


    For all those reasons, Today's CoE's Conference/Debate with Professor Tsiodras, Medical Expert of the current Greek Presidency of the PanEuropean Organisation, is really Timely, and Honours its Organizers.










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It's at a splendid Natural landscape, inside a Forest plateau with superbe view over Paris, at Saint Cloud, that the incoming French EU Presidency had the good idea to join together all EU Member Countries' Ministers of Environment and Energy, in two overlaping EU Councils in a series, from 3 to 5 July 2008.

Fresh rain happily dissipated July's heatwave, before a bright Sun shined at the conclusion of the EU gathering around a huge statue of Earth (See Photo).

French super-Minister of State for Energy, Transport and Environment, Jean-Louis Borloo, and Minister for Environment, Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet chaired the first EU Ministerial meeting at Paris' area, together with EU Commissioners Demas and Pielbags, surprising Journalists with improvised Press-points, at key-moments of the discussions.



Environment and Energy are key to the development of New Technologies to boost Europe's role in the World, while also responding to Citizens' concerns, stressed Borloo, speaking to Journalists earlier in Strasbourg.

According to well-infomed sources from the French EU Presidency, the aim is to stimulate a growing trend inside EU Parliament, via various on-going Reports developping in parallel, towards achieving the necessary targets before December.

For this purpose, Top-level representatives from Borloo's super-Ministry are expected to come in Strasbourg during EU Parliament's plenary, next Wednesday, a key official told "EuroFora".


2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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