CoE hails f.Jailed Politician who asks Turkey to Stop Terrorizing Kurds but face IS Terror at Kobane
*Strasbourg/CoE/- A key CoE body with Elected Representatives from 47 Countries, gave an exceptionaly Strong and long Applause, most MEPs standing up in honour of a Kurdish Woman Politician who had been scandalously Jailed in Turkish Prisons for many Years, only for alleged Statements, for which she was never Judged until now : Leyla Guven, a former Member of the PanEuropean Congress of Local and Regional Authorities (CLRAE), who launched Today in Strasbourg a vibrant call for Ankara to Stop accusing not only PKK but even the Syrian Kurdish Party "DYP" as "Terrorists", while, at the same time, the Turkish Government notoriously helped even ISIL's brutal Extremist Islamic Terrorist BeHeaders, to find Sophisticated Arms (including Tanks, Missiles, etc), recruits, Money and logistical support through the Turkish/Syrian Borders, that Ankara, on the contrary, insists to keep "Closed" near the embatled Syrian Kurdish City of Kobane, Hindering any kind of Help, even Humanitarian, to the Defenders of its Civilian Population, which is surrounded by ISIL's continuing Attacks, with Water cut, and trying to resist without adequate defensive arms, (particularly Anti-Tanks), as she denounced.
After CoE's Parliamentary Assembly, it's also UNO's Envoy for Syria, as well as the UN underSecretary General for Emergency Relief, Valerie Amos (who threatened, otherwise, with a "Stain on Humanity", if those People are abandoned to ISIL's brutal BeHeaders), and even UNO' s Secretary General Ban Ki Moon himself, followed by French President Hollande and several other Top European/International Leaders, (etc), who have vainly urged Turkey at least to Stop Blocking any Urgently needed Aid to the Syrian Kurdish People still Resisting to the Attacks of ISIL's brutal Terrorists, notoriously equiped even with "Humwee" and/or "Avraam" Tanks, launch-Missiles, etc.
Leyla Guven had notoriously been arrested and jailed, together with more than 2.000 other Elected Kurdish Mayors/Regional Counsillors, Lawyers, Politicians, Journalists, Party Members, etc, shortly after .. Winning in the 2010 Local/Regional Elections in Turkey. They were all kept inside Turkish Prisons, just for some alleged Statements, without ever being Judged, during all the period of their 4 Years Electoral Mandate (that they here obviously Hindered to serve), and only recently liberated, after Ankara launched New Local/Regional Elections, from which they were, thus, excluded... CLRAE has strongly denounced such a scandalous Turkish oppressive practices as "Destructive for Democracy", according to a Resolution adopted in Strasbourg already as early as since March 2011.
(NDLR : "DraftNews", as already sent to "EuroFora"s Subscribers/Donors, earlier. A more accurate, full Final Version might be published asap).
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It's at a splendid Natural landscape, inside a Forest plateau with superbe view over Paris, at Saint Cloud, that the incoming French EU Presidency had the good idea to join together all EU Member Countries' Ministers of Environment and Energy, in two overlaping EU Councils in a series, from 3 to 5 July 2008.
Fresh rain happily dissipated July's heatwave, before a bright Sun shined at the conclusion of the EU gathering around a huge statue of Earth (See Photo).
French super-Minister of State for Energy, Transport and Environment, Jean-Louis Borloo, and Minister for Environment, Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet chaired the first EU Ministerial meeting at Paris' area, together with EU Commissioners Demas and Pielbags, surprising Journalists with improvised Press-points, at key-moments of the discussions.
Environment and Energy are key to the development of New Technologies to boost Europe's role in the World, while also responding to Citizens' concerns, stressed Borloo, speaking to Journalists earlier in Strasbourg.
According to well-infomed sources from the French EU Presidency, the aim is to stimulate a growing trend inside EU Parliament, via various on-going Reports developping in parallel, towards achieving the necessary targets before December.
For this purpose, Top-level representatives from Borloo's super-Ministry are expected to come in Strasbourg during EU Parliament's plenary, next Wednesday, a key official told "EuroFora".