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Home arrow newsitems arrow CoE honors Journalists risking for Truth on Crimes after revelation on Adali Murder link to Missing

CoE honors Journalists risking for Truth on Crimes after revelation on Adali Murder link to Missing

Written by ACM
Thursday, 28 November 2013


*Strasbourg/WFD/Angelo Marcopolo/- Just a week before CoE's Committee of Ministers make a crucial check on Turkey's obligation to complete "efficient Investigations" on some 1.500 Greek Cypriots gone "Missing" since the 1974 Military Invasion and Occupation by Ankara's Army of Cyprus' northern Territories, for whom ECHR has condemned the Turkish State twice, CoE honored with a Prize several Journalists a.o. for taking Risks to find and say the Truth on serious Crimes during the last 25 Years, only a few Days after a Dissident Turkish Cypriot denounced that Ankara-Critic Journalist Adali had been Murdered on 1996 because he was investigating a Turkish mission to Destroy Evidence on cold-blood Mass-Killings of defenseless Greek Cypriot prisoners, victims of Enforced Disappearances, (See Infra).


- CoE's Secretary General, Thornbjorn Jagland from Norway, who handed personaly the 2013 Falcone prize, (named after the famous Italian Judge who had succeeded to find and punish a great number of Mafia Criminals before being murdered himself), together with Lawyer Laurent Hincker, President of the Falcone Foundation, also to French Judge Mrs Myriam Quéméner, (comp. another "EuroFora"s recent NewsReport : .....), as well as to Paris University II's Center for Research on contemporary Criminal Threats (DRMCC), together with a Young French-Arab Journalist and the Head of Algeria's public Radio-TV (See Infra), in a ceremony placed in the framework of the 2013 "World Forum for Democracy", reiterated that Democracy cannot exist without a Free Press, etc., as well as ECHR's well-established, relevant case-law which stresses that Freedom of Expression is necessary both for a Democratic Society and for all other Human Rights' respect in real practice.

- Director General of the Public Radio-TV in Algeria, Tewfik Khaledi, speaking to "EuroFora", confirmed that the main reason for which some "136 Journalists have been Killed" in the country "since 1992", (i.e. practicaly since the notoriously "Imported" emergence of various Extremist movements more or less with an "Islamist" cover-up, in several countries), was "because they were revealing certain Truths", of which their murderers were afraid.

- Karim Baila, a young but already famous independent Journalist from Marseille, who has worked with important Radio-TV and other big French Media (including RTL, Canal Plus, TF1, etc), particularly on Investigative Reporting about several Trans-National Criminal Networks, speaking afterwards to "EuroFora", clearly pointed at "Traffickers of Drugs f.ex. from Afgfhanistan, of Women, f.ex. via Albania, and/or Human Organs, "Missing" peuple, etc..

- Baila also advised "EuroFora" to carefuly watch a Video that he had brought to show in Strasbourg on this occasion, which contained a selection of a series of such NewsReporting that he had realized mainly since 2005 : It started with an original TV-film on "Drug Trafficking from Kabul to Paris", which showed, on the spot, how Heroine was massively imported in Europe from Afghanistan, "through Pakistan, Iran, Turkey" etc., entering Bulgaria and other EU Countries up to Germany, etc.

+ Austrian Permanent Representative to the CoE, Ambassador Rudolf Lennkh, who is the incoming Chairman-in-office of the PanEuropean Organisation for the current period of November 2013 - May 2014, was present Today during the award of the Falcone Prize, reminding the Topical fact that "Safety of Journalists" and Freedom of Expression, particularly of Whistleblowers, is "No 1 Priority" for the incoming Austrian rotating COE Presidency, so that on an important PanEuropean Thematic Debate is scheduled on that issue by the CoE's Committee of Ministers later this Month of December 2013, as vice-Chancellor Michale Spindelegger had anounced, earlier in Strasbpurg, (comp. "EuroFora"s relevant, previous NewsReport, also with Statements that gave us the Austrian v.Chancellor + Foreign Minister Spindelegger : ......)


+ 18 and 37 Years Earlier...


- Meanwhile, in an indirectly related, and largely symbolic, but much awaited move, the Algerian Government has just anounced, Yesterday, that it has just accepted a demand by a French Judge to visit the Country at the Beginning of 2014, together with a Team of Experts, in order to procede to an Autopsy of the remains of 7 Christian Monks gone "Missing" 18 Years Earlier (3/1996), whose Skulls were found later-on, away from their Monastery of our Lady of Atlas, (also known as "Thibehirine")

in not completely elucidated circumstances, (reportedly murdered by an Extremist Islamist Group which had kidnaped them, when Negotiations with the Paris' Government broke down, even if this is partly contested by some).

=> Even more Earlier Crimes committed on "Missing" Persons 37 Years Before, are expected to be soon Elucidated, after a Spectacular recent Finding, at the beginning of November 2013, of some former Military Archives in Argentina : They reportedly contain a kind of "Black List" with the Names of Persons who should be kidnaped during the 1976 Mlitary regime, as well as Technical Advise on Claims to oppose against Press Questions on their Disappearance, together with the Payments made by Bankers and others to the former Chunta of the Country where various cases of "Missing" Persons had already started to emerge since the 1960ies, i.e. more than 40 Years before now... Crimes for which several former Senior Officials have already started to pay a heavy price, including various Prison sentences).


+ But the most Astonishing recent move, linking together the Need to Protect Journalists and the Fight against Serious Crimes such as about "Missing" Persons, was made in the Middle of this Month, by a Publication of Dissident Turkish Cypriot Journalist Sener Levent, which denounces that a Witness revealed him recently that the 1996 cold-blood Murder of his Famous collegue : T/C Journalist Kutly Adali, a well-known Critic of Ankara's policies in the Occupied Territories of Cyprus, was, in fact, linked to the Cyprus' "Missing Persons" tragedy :

- Even if Adali was notorious mainly about his Opposition to Ankara's systematic attempts to Alter the Demography of Cyprus' Occupied Territories, by Hindering Greek Cypriot Refugees' Return back to their Family Homes, and imposing their Replacement by Massive Imports of Turkish "Settlers" from mailand Turkey, nevertheless, it is also known that a Newspaper Article on which Adali was working at the eve of his Murder concerned, on the contrary, an Investigative Journalism' enquiry about a Greek Cypriot Religious Heritage in the Occupied Territories, about the forcibly abandoned Christian Church of Apostolos Varnavas, close to the fenced City of Famagusta.

However, Adali, who had also been called then by the Turkish Military Command's office, where he had been Threatened and asked to Stop his Apostolos Varnaves' Press Reports, in fact, wasn't dealing with a simple Cultural Heritage issue, as everybody had initially thought, (linking f.ex. a reported Excavation at the Monastery's Yard with a supposed Search for a kind of "Treasure", such as Golden Cups, Historic Icons, etc), but with something absolutely Different :

- Remains of Greek Cypriots "Missing" Persons, taken from Mass Graves initially scattered around the Island where they had been Murdered after 1974, reportedly were Hidden inside St. Barnavas' Garden, as well as in certain other secret areas known only to a few people, according to the Witness who spoke recently to Sener Levent, and the reason of the 1996 Excavation apparently was to find, take and throw them away, f.ex. to the Sea, in order to definitively Destroy any Evidence of those Crimes, because Turkey had started to be Afraid of the possible Consequences which might have a forthcoming Greek-Cypriot and Turkish-Cypriot Humanitarian Agreement on "Missing" People in general, if it contributed to discover all the Truth, and had sent Special Teams to the Occupied Territories of Cyprus to scrap all Material Proof...

Indeed, less than a Year later, President Clerides and Tuckish Cypriot leader Denktash, notoriously reacched, for the 1st Time in History, a landmark Agreement on how to deal with the issue of "Missing" Persons in Cyprus, both Greek and Turkish, on merely Humanitarian Grounds, Journalists (incuding "EuroFora"s Co-Founder, then publishing at MPA Press Agency), following the UNO-sponsored Top level Political Talks on Cyprus at the other side of Geneva Lake : at Montreux's Glyon Hights, during the next Summer 1997.

+ Meanwhile the 1998 "Susurlik" Scandal had also, reportedly, revealed that at least a Band of Thugs led by Gang-leaders Abdullah Çatlı and Mehmet Ozbay, (similar to those who were linked to Drug-Dealers' and/or "Missing" Persons, Organ Trafficking, a.o. Networks from Afghanistan to Pakistan, Iran and Turkey, etc., similar to those denounced by Franco-Algerian Journalist Karim Baila : Comp. Supra his Statements to "EuroFora" on the occasion of the Falcone Prize award), had visited Cyprus exactly at the time of Adal's Murder, as it was reported later-on by several other sources.

Curiously, even if Adali's cold-blood Murder, with 5 Bullets shot at the Head in front of his Family Home in Occupied Kyrenia, (for which ECHR strongfly Condemned Turkey, in a 2005 Judgement, because it didn't ever do any Efficient Investigation to Find ad Punish the Killers), was linked together with that of Ukranian dissident Journalist Gongadje, whose be-headed Skull (a sign notoriously Typical of Extremist Islamists, as in the case of Tibehirine Monks : Comp. Supra) was found shortly after he went "Missing" at Kiev, (giving also way to another famous ECHR Judgement of the same Year : 2005, condemning Ukraine for lack of effective investigations on the Jouralist's Murder), nevertheless, these 2 "Twin" cases had, until now, an Astonishingly Differend sort, when Politics inevitably started to play a role, at the "Execution" stage, inside CoE's Committee of Ministers :

- In the Ukranian "Gongadje" case, that CoE's Committee of Ministers still continues to Monitor, the Authorities of Kiev were obliged to Find, Arrest and Condemn to Jail at least 2 Suspect Killers, soon followed also by a 3rd, suspected to have Hired them, as well as to accept an International Monitoring, through the Active Participation, f.ex., of USA's FBI Agents in he on-going attempts to find also the 1st instigator.

- On the Contrary, in "Adali"s case, CoE's Committee of Ministers has Curiously abandoned already any attempt to find and punish anyone among those responsible for the Murder, even if the respondent Authorities, those of Turkey, didn't ever find, nor caught anyone among the Killers, nor among the Payers, and even less among the iInstigators : None at all, totally Failing 100% to do any Efficient Investigation ! Moreover, the Adali case's ECHR Judgement suddenly "Disappeared" from CoE's Committee of Ministers' List on June 2010, I.e. precisely when Turkey took over the rotating Chairmanship on the Execution of ECHR's Judgements, 6 Months before assuming also the overall Political Chair of the CoE, towards 2010's End... (See http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/adalimurderinvestigationstopedwhenturkeychairscoe.html? )

According to some CoE's sources, the ECHR's landmark 2005 Judgement in the Adali case, would have been .. "Silently" erased from the List of Pending Cases at the ¨PanEuroepan Organization's Committee of Ministers, through a Procedure which allows such kind of moves, if a case is included in a Long List of various cases which are considered as implicitly "Closed" if Nobody Objects in a period of 3 or 6 Months' time...

>>> Despite those apparently Scandalous Facts, nevertheless, ECHR's landmark Judgements on the Murders of Adali and Gongadze, in Occupied Cyprus and in Ukraine, respectively, both published in Strasbourg on 2005, currently serve as Top Examples for the General Principles on States' Obligation to make Effective Investigations on the Killings of Journalists, as presented in the most Recent COE's Publicationb on "Standard-setting" for the "Protection of Journalists", according to a 2013 Report by Professor Leach, which was examined a few Days Earlier, during the PanEuropean Conference of Ministers on Media and Communication at Belgrade, Serbia, this November 2013 ! (See, hereby, relevant PHOTO on the "Principles which can be drawn from the case- law of the European Court of Human Rights relating to the protection and safety of journalists", presented at the CoE's Conference on Ministers responsible for Media and Information society, on "Freedom of PExpression and Democracy in the Digital Society", 7-8 November 2017)...

So Huge Contradictions should reflect Big Political Stakes, in order to explain such a Scandalous practice, back on 2010-2011, which doesn't really honour CoE's reputation !.. .

=> In an attempt to at least alleviate the desastrous Impression that inevitably leave such Political manouvering inside CoE's Committee of Ministers' Secretariat, the Experienced long-time ECHR's Grand Chamber's Jurisconsult, Author of many Books on ECHR's case-law, and currently Professor at the University of Bruges, (Belgium), etc., replying to an "EuroFora"s Question, didn't exclude at all a Possibility to find a way to re-open the Adali case, until an efficient investigation is done, according to CoE's General Principles :

- F.ex. eiher by lodging a New Application at the ECHR, eventually arguying of the "New Facts" recently revealed on this case of manifold Importance (Comp. Supra), and/or by inviting CoE's Committee of Ministers to simply "Re-Open" its own Supervision of the Execution of ECHR's 2005 Judgement in this case, (given particulrly the Fact that, neither many Victims' Families, nor CoE's competent body, hadn't been informed, until now, of the serious Importance that the Adali case could, indeed, have, particularly if Sener Levent's November 15, 2013 Article reveals, indeed, more or less well, a real problem....


+ Just a few Days later, an exceptional, official call was launched by new Cyprus' President Nicos Anastassiades on "the Issue of Missing Prersons in Cyprus", characterized as the "Most Tragic Dimension of the Drama that the People of Cyprus live through for a few Decades now". Specially their "Families", who "experience this drama Every Day", during "Half a Century for all those who have Missing Persons dating from the events of 1963-1964, and for nearly 4 Decades for all those who lost track of their own People during the (Turkish Foreign Military) Invasion" of 1974, and who "are Tormented and .. Suffering from the Agony and the Uncertainty, the Doubt and the Fear about the Fate of their Loved ones", he reminded.

- Meanwhile, "the Time Limits for the Effective Investigation of the Fate of our Missing have Narrowed, and are being Exhausted with every Day that goes by", Anastassiades warned.

=> Therefore, Cyprus' President "appeal(ed) to all those who Know or have Information about the Sites where there are Burried Missing Turkish Cypriots or Missing Greek Cypriots and falled from the 1963-1964 period and/or the Two Phases of the (Turkish Foreign Military) Invasion of 1974, .... to provide the appropriate Authorities and the (UN-sponsored) Committee on Missing Persons in Cyprus (CMP) with all the Evidence in their possession".

- In his regard, "the Primary and Indispensable Condition for the Entire Process of the Investigation" to start, develop and conclude efficiently, "is to Secure the Necessary Information", including, in particular, "to Locate and Excavate the Sites where Missing (Persons) are Burried", as "the First and decisive Step, the 1st Phase for the Beginning of the Arduous Scientific Process that Follows" furher-on, he observed.

- Because, "we must Now Act Decisively, to Find and Open the Graves", as welll as "to give Answers to the Relatives of the Missing about the Fate of their loved ones, and to Heal the Wounds of the Past", as he said, knowing that ECHR's well-established case-law always asks, in such kind of serious cases of grave violations of Human Rights, that Full and Effective Investigations go as far as to Find and Punish those Responsible for the Victims' Enforced Disappearances.

- For "this purpose", "I expect from All those who can Contribute .... by providing Information and Evidence, Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, to perform their Ethical, Humanitarian and Patriotic Duty", including, naturally, the respondent State, (already Condemned by the ECHR more than Twice for having Failed to do so until now), i.e. "Turkey, in particular, to Respect its Legal Obligatiuons and its (CoE) Treaty Commitmentrs, and to Contribute Decisively to the Solutiuon of this Enormous and Lingering Humanitarian Issue", President Anastassiades added.

=> This can be done mainly "by Opening the Archives of the Turkish Military, and by Allowing Free Access to the CMP ... to the Military Areas in the Occupied Territories" of Cyprus, (still controlled by Ankara's Invasion Army since 1974(, "but also in Its Own Territory", (i.e. at Turkey's mainland, where f.ex. many Greek Cypriots had been notoriously Imprisoned, and later-on transfered back to the Island, according to an agreement with the International Red Cross Committee), he concluded.

On this occasion, Cyprus' President also thanked "Thank(ed) publicly the Government of Kuwait for.. provid(ing) the Amount of 200.000 € to cover the needs of the (UN) Committee on Missing Persons in Cyprus", (i.e. practicaly the ...Double from what the Responsible State : Turkey gave to the CMP this year : Only 100.000 €).


- But, on the Contrary, "it is Astonishing" that Turkey "is allowed to get away with this Inaction and Silence", all those years, which "actually amounts to what, in Common (as well as in US) Law would be considered as "Contempt of Court"", denounced one of the most Experienced Lawyers of Victims' Families in the "Varnava" case of 9 "Missing" Greek Cypriots, where Ankara's Government was strongly Condemned by the ECHR on 2010, for having Violated the Human Rights to Life, to respect of Family and for Inhuman/Degrading Treatments, for Lack of Efficient Remedies, etc, (in addition to the landmark ECHR's 1st Judgement in the InterState "Cyprus v. Turkey" case of 2001), Achileas Demetriades.

=> In a Letter sent to Strasbourg Today, he, "therefore, Call(ed) upon the (CoE's) Committee of Ministers to Take whatever further Action is required to Bring about the Enforcement of the said Judgement", in Varnavas' case, (Comp. Supra) .

A much needed ReAction, since, more than 8 Years after a Controversial process initially focusing on CMP's too Limited Mandate just for establishing the Identity of "Missing" Persons' remains, without ever doing any among the Necessary Forensic Investigations in order to Discover what really Happened to them, Find and Punish those Responsible for their Enforced Disappearance, (as ECHR's Judgements repeatedly asked Turkey to do), only about 400 out of the more than 2.000 Missing Greek and Turkish Cypriots have been found, and, among them, some rudimentary "Criminal Investigations" have reportedly "started" in Less than 300 cases, but ... NONE of them hasN't yet produced Any Result at all, (as a Letter sent by Turkey today reveals) !

+ At the same time, (as "EuroFora"s co-Founder has repeatedly Denounced in the Past, already since February 2007), according to pertinent Informations given to us both by well-informed CoE's sources, as well as mainstream International NGO's on Human Rights, such as AMNESTY, Human Rights' WATCH, etc, the fact that CMP's initial Mandate is so Limited (Comp. Supra), provokes a real Danger for precious material Evidence of serious Crimes to be Destroyed for ever, during that controversial process of Exhumations of Victims' remains, without Any Forensic Examination, but Returning, neverthemess, the remains to the Families, most of them in order to Burry the Victims' bodies, etc., with the inevitable Risk to even unknowingly Erase any Proof of what really Happened to them :

Something which becomes Obvious when one considers the fact that ECHR, f.ex., could only distinguish, in a case of a Person found Dead in Turkey, if he had been just Killed during an Exchange of Armed Fire, as Turkish Authorities claimed, or, on the contrary, Murdered in cold-blood, by Gun Shots fired at Short Range, while being hold as a Defenseless Prisoner, just by making some Chemical Tests for GunPowder on the Victim's Shirt !... (Or, f.ex. that a dead body might have resulted from a cold-blood Murder, or, on the contrary, from a Border-crossing Accident, accoding to the exact Position of the Victims' Bones in relation with a nearby Guards' Stop, etc).





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 In Democracy, the forthcoming choices for EU's Top Jobs, as the New EU Parliament's President, new EU Commission's President (+ probably EU Council's President, EU Foreign Minister, etc) should be made according to EU Citizens' Votes in June 7, 2009 European Elections, and main EU Governments' strategic policies.

At the heart of the biggest EU Countries, in France and Germany, EU Citizens clearly voted for a renovated, non-technocratic but Political Europe based on Values, declared explicitly incompatible with Turkey's controversial EU bid.

This main choice was also supported in several other small or medium EU Countries, such as Austria (cf. promise of a Referendum), Spain (cf. EPP program's reservations vis a vis Enlargment), etc., while EPP Parties won also in Poland, Hungary, Cyprus, etc.

In other Countries, whenever Governing coalitions didn't make these choices or eluded them, continuing to let a Turkish lobby push for its entry into the EU, they paid a high price, and risked to damage Europe, by obliging EU Citizens to massively vote for euro-Sceptics whenever they were the only ones to offer a possibility to promise  real change and oppose Turkey's demand to enter into the EU :

It's for this obvious reason that British UKIP (IndDem) succeeded now (after many statements against Turkey's EU bid) to become Great Britain's 2nd Party, unexpectedly growing bigger even than the Governing Labour Party, as well as the Liberal party  ! Facts prove that it's not an isolated phenomenon : A similar development occured in the Netherlands, where Geert Wilders "Party for Freedom" (PVV) became also the 2nd biggest in the country, (after EPP), boosting the chances of a politician who had withdrawn in 2004 from an older party "because he didn't agree with their position on Turkey". And in several other EU Member Countries, even previously small parties which now focused on a struggle against Turkey's controversial demand to enter in the EU, won much more or even doubled the number of their MEPs (fex. Bulgaria, Hungary, Greece, etc).

On the contrary, whenever Socialist and oher parties were explicitly or implicitly for Turkey's controversial EU bid, they obviously lost Citizens' votes and fell down to an unprecedented low.

In consequence, EU Citizens clearly revealed their main political choices, in one way or another : They voted to change for less Bureaucracy, but more Politics and Values in a Europe really open to EU Citizens, but without Turkey's controversial EU bid.

Recent political developments are obviously different from the old political landscape which existed in the Past of 1999-2004, when Socialists based on Turkish 1% vote governed undisputed not only in Germany, but also in the UK, Greece and elsewhere, France followed old policies decided when it had been divided by "cohabitation", before the 3 "NO" to EU  Referenda since May 2005, before Merkel, before Sarkozy, etc.... before the surprises of 7 June 2009 new EU Elections.

If the current candidates to the Top EU jobs promise and guarantee to respect People's democratic choices, OK.

Otherwise, Europe must find new candidates, really motivated and able to implement these democratic choices of the People.

The beginning of crucial, final Decisions are scheduled for the 1st EU Parliament's plenary session in Strasbourg, in the middle of July, and they could be completed towards the October session, when Lisbon Treaty's fate will have been fixed.

See relevant Facts also at : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/2009electionsandturkey.html



2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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