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Home arrow newsitems arrow CoE antiTorture watchdog CPT on Children ill-treatment, Isolation, Fires+Casualties in Turkish Jails

CoE antiTorture watchdog CPT on Children ill-treatment, Isolation, Fires+Casualties in Turkish Jails

Written by ACM
Tuesday, 06 November 2012




*Strasbourg/- Denonciations of Childrens' ill-treatments in Turkish Prisons and "severe casualties" after Fires who broke out in Jails recently, are among the questions examined by CoE's anti-Torture watchdog CPT with Ankara's authorities, revealed a Report published today by the PanEuropean Organization for Human Rights, while Hundreds of Political Prisoners are reportedly anew in Hunger Strike throughout the country to protest also for arrests and persecution of Kurdish politicians added to a prolonged total isolation of Ocalan at Imranli jail, without, however, making any impression to Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan who, replying to Press Questions earlier in Berlin, simply dismissed all that as a mere "show off", claiming that Doctors' warnings about Human Lives' risks after 60 Days of Hunger Strikes were useless since Turkish Security Services were ready to intervene by force to impose "treatments" to anyone whose Health might be endangered.

    - The latest "ad hoc Visit to Turkey" by CoE's Committee to prevent Torture and Inhuman/Degrading Treatments (CPT) "was triggered by the allegations of ill-treatment of juvenile prisoners (including Children aged 15-18, treated by Turkey as adults, contary to European standards), held at Pozantı Prison (Adana Province) which had come to light earlier in the year", its 2012 Annual Report reveales, referring to the revival of an obviously chronic problem in Turkish prisons since the notorious 1994 Scandal of rape and other torture inflicted to the "Manisa Children", aged 10 to 12, which had been arrested merely for political Graffitis written at a City's walls...
    For that purpose, "the CPT’s Delegation visited Ankara-Sincan
Juvenile Prison, to which all the juveniles previously held at Pozantı had been Transferred, as well as Istanbul-Maltepe Juvenile Prison and the juvenile units of Diyarbakır and Gaziantep E-type (controversial isolation) Prisons" at the end of June 2012, CoE's Report observes.


    + Moreover, CPT "also discussed with the Turkish authorities the Fires which had broken out in June in several Prisons in central and south-eastern Turkey, resulting in a Number of Severe Casualties", denounces the PanEuropean Organization's official document.
    ++ In addition,  "further discussions (which) took place in Ankara on the occasion of the Committee’s ad hoc visit to Turkey", raised the issue of "the situation of Abdullah Ocalan and other prisoners held at Imralı F-type High-Security Closed Prison", by "paying particular attention ... to the possibility in practice for these persons to receive visits from their (Family) Relatives and Lawyers", on which, already, "CPT representatives had Talks in Strasbourg with senior Turkish officials" earlier this year.   

During Previous Hunger Strikes in Turkish Jails more Deaths had been prevented on 1996 by timely publications of CoE's and EU's reactions, also in reply to "EuroFora" co-founder's questions (see f.ex. "TCWeekly" then), but, later-on, a second wave of massive Hunger Strikes by Prisoners in  Turkey on 2000-2001 against threats of Isolation in controversial tiny cells where they were afraid for more ill-treatments, didn't receive enough echo, resulting in many Deaths and even brutal Killings during Fires and violent clashes provoked by reactions to a controversial intervention by Turkish Armed Security Forces.       

  Torture and Inhuman/Degrading Treatments in Turkish Prisons were the 1st Violations condemned by ECHR right from the Start of its Judgements on Turkish cases, already in the famous "Aksoy" case of 1995, concerning a Youngster who had Lost the use of his Hand after serious ill-treatments in Jail, before being even Murdered by bullets shot at his Head after refusing to drop the 1st complaint ever lodged in Strasbourg's PanEuropean Court against Torture in Turkey. This was followed also by many other Condamnations of the Turkish Authorities by ECHR for Torture/Inhuman-Degrading Treatements, most of which, however, notoriously remain still without being implemented by Ankara's Government, particularly concerning the crucial issue of the dangerous and scandalous  Impunity of torturers. 



At the latest CoE's PanEuropean Parliamentary Assembly's  (PACE) plenary session in Strasbourg, on October 2012, the Head of Turkey's Delegation, Mesut Cavusoglou, had vainly attempted to discredit and block a New Report drafted by German MEP Christoph Strässer (and supported by CoE's Legal and Human Rights' Committee's President, Brittish Conservative ME Christopher Chope), on the crucial issue of the "Definition of Political Prisoners", which was, finally, adopted by PACE with a strong Majority after an exceptionaly "Hot" Debate and Vote which succeeded to attract the active participation of the greatest Number of MEPs among all various other Topical issues discussed during that weekly session, (Russia and even Syria included) !




Earlier, other CoE's official Documents revealed that the overall Number of Prisoners in Turkish Jails has Multiplied dramatically during recent years, (comp. previous relevant "EuroFora"s NewsReports).

 Meanwhile, in a related political development, the Leader of main Opposition Party CHP, Kilicdaroglou, called the Turkish Prime Minister ..."Tayip ASSAD Erdogan", in order to denounce the Turkish Government's decision to outlaw a Popular Demonstration organized on the National Day, and his allegedly Oppressive attitude against Democratic movements, as well as on many other Human Rights problems.





(NDLR : "DraftNews", as already sent earlier to "EuroFora"s Subscribers/Donors. A more accurate and full Final Version may be published asap).



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    The recent paradox of freezing EU Talks with front-runner Croatia, while continuing controversial EU - Turkey talks, despite Zagreb's acceptance of Refugees' Human Rights to return, that Ankara refuses fex. in Cyprus, while both have "Good Neighborhood" problems vis a vis Slovenia, or Greece, Cyprus and Armenia respectively, can it be justified by the non-fullfilment of EU criteria, as Slovenia says, or, is it "Double Standards" ?    

The question became unavoidable after statements by Presidents of Slovenia and Croatia, Tuerk and Mesic, respectively, to "EuroFora", exclusively or among Strasbourg's journalists this week at the CoE, on the sidelines of its 2009 Summer University for Political Schools, which topically brought them together as successive key-note speakers.

    Comming only a few Months before EU checks Turkey's compliance to its commitments on Cyprus, etc., scheduled for December 2009, this obviously has a special importance for the coherence of EU Enlargement's principles.

     Suspension of EU Negotiations is a normal consequence in case of a Candidate Country's failure to fullfil EU Conditions, such as "Good Neighborhood relations", stressed at first Slovenian President Danilo Tuerk, current CoE's chair.

    But, regarding EU's Criteria,  there shouldn't be any "Double Standards",  reacted Croatian President Stjepan Mesic, commenting the fact that Turkey's controversial EU negotiations continue, while they were recently "freezed" in the case of Croatia, an "unquestionably European Country", which oficially accepts to respect Refugees Human Rights, contrary to Ankara's notorious refusals or reluctance.                                       

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           - "EU itself has set as a Criterium (for EU Enlargement) the "Good Neighborhood relations",  and their absence justifies the "Suspension" EU Negotiations, (f.ex. with Croatia), because of a Border dispute affecting the territorial integrity of an EU Member Country, stressed Slovenian President, Danilo Tuerk, CoE's Chairman in office (May - November 2009), speaking to Journalists in Strasbourg including "EuroFora".    

Questioned earlier what "consequences on EU's Enlargement policy" can have the "Ban on EU Membership Negotiations", imposed to Croatia, Tuerk replied that "this question comes down to the fulfillement of (EU) Criteria for membership. One has to look at each Candidate Country ., from the point of view whether it fullfils the Criteria that EU has set. One of them are Good Neighborhood Relations, I'd like to remind. And also, there are other factors, such as Justice, Home affairs, Rule of Law, and others".

    - "Now, ..Candidate Countries are at Different Levels of fulfillement of Criteria", he observed.

    - " Croatia is obviously the closest to that. I'm rather optimistic : I think that in the coming Months we'll have an opportunity to look at all these issues constructively and hopefully we'll be able to make progress". "My main concern, at this point, is the situation in Bosnia : We haven't seen enough progres domesticaly. We haven't seen enough during ..political parties within their country.We need a New Energy, a new energetic move towards the Candidature for EU membership. "Other (Western Balkan) Countries (Serbia, Montenegro, FYROM, Albania) have been making soaring Progress, and I think that they should be ready, in a few Years, for the Candidate status".

    - "As far as the Western Balkans are concerned, .. nobody should be left outside" the EU, Slovenian's President concluded, ommitting to mention Turkey's controversial EU bid.

    - "This process may be seen as Slow, but..  Slovenia has also has also been exposed to various "Booms of Slowness" in our accession period. But now we can say that the process was relatively quick, because changes which occur after becoming EU member, are quite large, and they require proper Preparations before the (EU) membership becomes a new factor, an impacting line for a new (EU) member country".

EU "Solidarity" ?

Slovenian statements made some participants from certain 3rd Countries as FYROM, etc. claim that "the Principle of EU Solidarity" would "produce a.. rising European Union Nationalism (sic !), against Non-EU Countries", as they said, asking unhappy foreign countries to form a "bloc" to exert pressure on the EU...    

But Croatian President Stjepan Mesic dismissed that, supporting "EU Integration", "after the Economy also in Political" issues, as "the achievement" of our times. In EU there is "diversity, but it's United", he stressed, "EU has to be United so that it can become a central factor of Peace" also at the surrounding areas, he replied.


Speaking later exclusively to "EuroFora", the experienced twice President of Croatia, former President of the International "Non-Aligned" movement, denounced "Double Standards" in the way EU treats recently Croatia compared to Turkey :   

 - "I think that there shouldn't be Double Standards", stressed the Croatian President, in reply to a Question comparing the freeze of EU - Croatia talks, with the continuation of EU - Turkey talks, despite the fact that Croatia is an "unquestionably European country", while Turkey's EU bid is notoriously controversial.

    Mesic was reacting to the observation that, even if he confirmed his "respect of Refugees' Human Rights to return, etc. (See infra), nevertheless, EU talks are suspended with Croatia.. While for oher, controversial candidates, who refuse to respect Refugees' Rights to return, etc., as fex. Turkey does in occupied Cyprus and elsewhere, EU negotiations continue".

    - "I believe that Croatia's accession will confirm that all European Countries who fulfill all of the Conditions and achieve European Standards, have to join the EU. There shouldn't be any Double Standards", went on to add in reply President Mesic.

    In this relation, Croatia's President found "of paramount importance", CoE's "mechanisms enforcing ECHR's judgements"
    - "On Refugees and Displaced persons, the process will be completed only after the last person demanding to return will be allowed to do so !", President Mesic Croatia stressed earlier, setting a general standard of obvious importance also for otherr candidates, as f.ex. Turkey, often accused to exclude or heavily restrict Greek Cypriot Displaced persons' return to their Family Homes and ancestral land, provoke difficulties to Turkish-Kurd IDPs return to their home regions at the South-East, etc.

    Some "2.000 People are still reported Missing" in former Yugoslavia, for some Years, (as in Cyprus, modern Europe's oldest case, for 3 Decades. Nagorno-Karabach, Tcecnya in Russia, etc, more recently), and Investigations "will only be completed after establishing the fate of the last one of them", he added.
    Speaking earlier on "War Crimes", President Mesic stressed that "Leaders are responsible for (the) Wars (of the Past), not the People", and called against Impunity :  "Individuals have to be held Responsible for Crimes. International Penal Tribunals have to persecute those individuals", perpetrators of War Crimes, he underlined.

    Such statements naturally made Mesic rather popular at ECHR, whose President, French EuroJudge, Professor Jean-Paul Costa, looked particularly smiling when he welcomed him later on Wednesday afternoon, after Slovenian President Daniko Tuerk earlier this week.



2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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