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Home arrow newsitems arrow CoE Rapporteur on WhistleBlowers, Waserman to EF: Assange's Freedom must be Protected !

CoE Rapporteur on WhistleBlowers, Waserman to EF: Assange's Freedom must be Protected !

Written by ACM
Monday, 30 September 2019

*Strasbourg/CoE/Angelo Marcopolo/- World Famous, Controversial "Wiki-Leaks" co-Founder, Long-Time Persecuted and Recently Jailed in the UK Leader Julian Assange's Freedom Rights should be Protected, mainly Because his Activism is Part of the overall Process of Journalists' Work, stressed to "Eurofora" CoE's Rapporteur on WhistleBlowers, Sylvain Waserman, vice-President of the French National Assembly, whose Conclusions on "Improving the Protection of WhistleBlowers all over Europe" are scheduled to be Debated and Voted Tomorrow in Strasbourg, by the PanEuropean Parliamentary Assembly of the 47 Member States-strong Organisation for Human Rights, Democracy and Rule of Law, just Before a landmark Speech by French President Emmanuel Macron, on the occasion of the celebration of CoE's 70th Anniversary 1949-2019.

The Move comes while a relevant Controversy has Recently become very "Hot", particularly in the USA, which have notoriously Asked for Assange's Extradition, since Even Traditionnal, Former "Free Speech" outlets, such as "Washington Post" Newspaper and other "Liberal/Leftist" actors, are Now Publishing, on the Contrary, Ferocious Libbels Against "WikiLeaks" and Assange in particular, Accused to be "Not a Free Press Hero", "Neither a Journalist, Nor a WhistleBlower", but only "a Foreigner" (sic !), who may have allegedly comploted with the Russians in order to interfere in the 2016 American Presidential Election, against Dem. Party's former Candidate Hillary Clinton, as Controversial former Attorney Mueller's notorious Enquiry, (Often Denounced as a Partisan "Witchhand" by US President Don Tump and other "Deep State" Critics, even of an Anti-Establishment's Left), strived vainly to establish, with uncertain results.

CoE's Rapporteur had Never Taken explicitly any position on Assange's concrete Case until now, as he Reminded "Eurofora" Today, and his Report, Focused mainly on Proposals for Legislative Reforms to Protect "WhistleBlowers" in general, appears quite Balanced, and, at least in its Current Version as a "Draft" Bill, (as Recently Voted in a CoE Meeting in Paris), Even contains a sentence with vague but real Criticism of "Wikileaks" in general.

But, surprisingly, Today, he took an apparently Crystal-Clear stance for the ImPrisoned Activist's Freedom of Expresssion Rights, while he Recently Confirmed, Also, CoE's Support for the Number 1 World Famous "WhistleBlower", Edward Snowden, for whom, it's Also a Previous CoE's Rapporteur, Peter Omtzigt, a ChristianDemocrat/EPP from the Netherlands, who has Already Pleaded to give him "Asylum" : Something that former French President Hollande's Government had Declined to do, and, as even recently a French Minister also repeated, But New French President Macron has Not Yet explicitly confirmed or changed such a position, while Snowden has Just, notoriously, Revived his Asylum Demand to a Western European Country as France.

Waserman had organized, recently at the CoE in Strasbourg, a landmark Tele-Debate with Snowden, under the auspices of the competent COE Assembly's Committee, where "Eurofora" and other Journalists participated in a 2 Questions/Replies Topical exchange with the World Famous Whistleblower, (See: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/snowdenfriendshelpwhistleblowers.html + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/snowdenlaughonlongmuellerspyingtrump.html).




Concerning Assange, Recently a "Pink Floyd" Legend Rock Group member, Roger Waters, exceptionally performed their landmark Song "I Wish You Were Here !", right in front of the UK's JHA Ministry in London, where Thousands of People had Gathered, in order to Ask "Freedom for Assange", (Comp.: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/muellerand911.html, etc), that a UNO Panel of Top Human Rights Experts has notoriously Found to be a Victim of Manifold and Repeated Violations of his Basic Rights, for Too Long, already Since he was Tracked and Obliged to Seek Refuge in Ecuador's Embassy in London, until a Political Change of Leadership in that Latin-American Country provoked his Expulsion and Delivery to UK's Police arrest, which was Searching for him since a Forgotten, former Demand by Sweden's "Socialist" Authorities, Pretexting of a Controversial Private Affair, which had been, meanwhile, even Officialy Droped, but, suddenly revived...


+ It's also a quasi-homonymous, but unrelated, Specialist Expert, Professor from Berkeley University on Journalism, Dr. Edward Wasserman, who recently Published, Both at Berkeley's own Media outlet, and in a "New York Times" Op., a landmak Article on "Julian Assange, and the Woeful State of Whistle Blowers" accross the World, who, "as the Medias' indispensable HelpMates", should "Deserve a Constitutional Protection too", as he concludes.

But CoE's Rapporteur, French MEP Sylvain Waserman (from Macron's own Political Party), told "Eurofora" that he didn't even know yet exactly that, apparently Similar, position taken by USA's University Professor Edward Wasserman, with whom he seems, Now, to quite agree, at least in Substance.

Previously, it's also a former EU Parliament's Rapporteur on WhistleBlowers, a Small Centrist Party's Leader, former MEP Virginie Rogier, who Replying to "Eurofora"s relevant Questions at a Press Conference in Strasbourg, clearly Pleaded for Assange's need to Protection, as a matter of General Principle, (See : ..., etc).

But CoE, as PanEuropean Organisation for Human Rights, Democracy and Rule of Law, which Now Celebrates its 70th Anniversary (1949-2019) also by boasting that, contrary to UNO's Historic "Universal Declaration on Human Rights", its European Version added also some Legal and Political Mecanisms due to seek Practical Implementation of such Rules, in order to Protect Victims of Human Rights' Violatons, is reaally Put at a Timely "Test".

The UK, which is notoriously, still Struggling Nowadays with its "BREXIT" Popular Plans to Leave the EU, on the Contrary, stcks to its Membership in the CoE, being Proud for Winston Churchill a.o.'s Historic Role for its Creation, since back on 1949, and even "BREXIT" Party's Leader, Top MEP Nigel Farage, has told "Eurofora" in Brussels, that if he enters into the House of Commons, he would Like to participate in the UK's National Delegation at CoE's PanEuropean Parliamentary Assembly...










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    EU-educated charming young Chinese presence started to be felt in Council of Europe's corridors in Strasbourg at the aftermath of an Historic Resolution adopted by its Parliamentary Assembly in favor of opening the possibility to give China a special "Status" in the PanEuropean Organization.

    - "My proposal to offer to China an official status as "Observer", in short term, under conditions, was welcomed" by the CoE : "The road to Dialogue between China and the CoE has now been opened", declared after Strasbourg's debates and votes the Head of France's delegation, MEP Jean-Claude Mignon.


    "Neither complacency, nor a mere condamnation of China", but a "wise approach of a political issue of great importance", advised Mignon to all those who'd either overload claims on Democracy, Human Rights or Minorities, or close their eyes to anything, there as elsewhere... A balance which was not exactly followed during debates, contrary to Mignon's personal stance, which appeared rather even-handed.

    China is the only UNO Security Council permanent member which has not yet any status at the CoE, being still obliged to be represented in Strasbourg by a General Consul : USA and Canada, even Japan and .. Mexico, have already got a special Status at the CoE, following Strasbourg's decision, back in 1995, to counter-balance the accession of Russia (1996) by creating special links to traditional "Western-world" allies.


    All former "Socialist" Eastern European countries started to have relations whith the CoE through its former sector on Culture and Education, before becoming full Members of Strasbourg's paneuropean organization. Speculations were unfolding recently about establishing a probable concrete link with China through the topical issue of anti-doping in Sport, on the occasion of the 2008 Olympic games.

    More spectacular, a meeting co-organized a few years ago in Strasbourg, by EuroFora and the International Space University between EU Parliament's long-time Rapporteur for EU's Satellite Navigation system "GALILEO", German MEP Brigitte Langenhagen, and a group of postgraduate students, attracted special interest from Chinese experts, and was followed, in less than a month, by the anouncement of China's intention to support EU's GALILEO project with a participation of 200 million €.

    Compared to that, revendications of .. "Turkish" Minorities, by Turkish MEPs, this week in Strasbourg, spreading through a wide area extended ...from Greece up to China, appeared less worrying, than pittoresque...

    Meanwhile, France's political will to start involving China and other important countries in European and Global affairs was due to be raised also at the forthcoming G-8 Summit in Japan by President Nicolas SARKOZY, (NDLR  : confirmed on July 5)


2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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