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Home arrow newsitems arrow Virus Pass: CoE Warns v. Discrimination/Coercion/Infection Risk (Doubtful Vaccines, Less Protection)

Virus Pass: CoE Warns v. Discrimination/Coercion/Infection Risk (Doubtful Vaccines, Less Protection)

Written by ACM
Tuesday, 22 June 2021

*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/-  A Stern Warning Against Risks to massively Infect UnWarned innocent People by Jombies Lurring via False Appearances with a few Controversial "Vaccines" of UnKnown + Shrinking Efficacy in, perhaps, Stoping, or Not, the Deadly Virus' Spread, (and Recently found to unexpectedly Expose Many Recipients to Infections ! S. Infra), was Launched by the 47 Member States-strong (Russia + UK included) Organisation for Human Rights, Democracy, and Rule of Law, Strasbourg-based, Council of Europe (CoE), the Oldest PanEuropean Organisation (1949-2021), by adopting Today a landmark Resolution on the Topical Controversy about the Virus' "Pass"/ "Certificates" of Vaccinations, Tests, or Recoveries, Voted by an Overwhelming Majority of MEPs in its Parliamentary Assembly : 96 in Favor, Against Only 2, and 19 Abstentions, (apparently by Some who Wanted an Even "Sharper" Resolution, f.ex. Respectful of Citizens' "Religion", withOut "InEquities", etc., about "Vaccines", as a Blocked Amendment had asked).


>>> But, Interestingly, it's with a Landmak "Unanimity" that CoE's PanEuropean Assembly Voted a Crucial Amendment Calling to Not "Institute COVID Pass regimes (but) ONLY WHEN Clear and Well-Established Scientific Evidence exists that such regimes Lower the Risk of the Transmission of the SARC-CoV-2 Virus to an Acceptable Level, from a Public Health point of view"... I.e. a Key-Element, which Currently Lacks, at least until Now, (See, among many others, f.ex. also : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/euandgenemanipsviavirus.html,
http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/pfijfyjhjh.html [NB*];
http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/fdaandcontroversialvirusvaccines.html ,
http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/hoxmerkelwillgoinhistory.html, etc
, and Infra). "This means that Nothing that might Affect Public Health Measures (i.e., f.ex., DeConfinement, etc), should be Done withOut a Sufficiently Certain basis in Scientific Evidence. This certainty is Only Now "Emerging" for the effects on "Transmission Risk" by users of some Controversial "Vaccines", points out CoE's Resolution, Confirming what "Eurofora" had earlier Found, (See : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/pseudovaccinespassportstohell.html, etc).  "Only once there is Certainty about the Effects of Vaccination, recovery from infection, and negative Test results on Transmission Risk (including in particular information on the Effectiveness of different Vaccines, the Duration of protection, etc., it Will be Possible to Evaluate the relevance of Introducing such documents (as the Controversial "Virus' Pass"+) for Non-Medical Purposes, and define the Limits on their use", CoE stresses, as far as the crucial matter of "Timing" is concerned.


    - Among 3 main Risks, as things sand Nowadays, the First : that of Massive Infections which Might be Provoked in any Society particularly by Less Public Health Protection Measures (Non-Pharmaceutical : f.ex Distancing, Masks, Ventilation, Quarantine, etc) Dangerously Exposing UnAware Innocent People in front of a lot of "Jombies" Boasting to have Official COVID "Passes" or "Certificates" and Lurring by the False Appearances of a few Pseudo-"Vaccines", based on some Novel Genetic Technologies of UnCertain Yet Consequencies, particularly on Spreading, or Not, the Deadly Virus to Other Persons, Contrary to All "Classic" Vaccines, and Never Seen Before in Humankind's History, is, Obviously, the Worst. It Might Result into an "Explosion" of Virus' Spread, sooner or later, with a Lot of Innocent Victims "Trapped" among 3 Controversial Public Policies, (Hasty DeConfinement, MisLeading "Passes/Certificates", with Only a Few, UnCertain Fake-"Vaccines", and practically No Therapy Drugs).

    - AnOther Serious Risk is that of Coercion, eventualy Obliging UnWilling Citizens to be Submitted in one or another Vaccine (among those Selected by some Public Authoriies, Excluding Free Choice), which is, in Principle, an illegal act, Contrary to the General Prohibition of any Imposed Bio-Medical Intervention in a Humann Person's Health, Opposed to his/her Wish, (Requiring an "Informed Consen"), already Since the InFamous NAZI "Tests" in Concentation Camps, (But Even USA's Secret "Tests" on Black a.o. People in a remote Past, etc : See Also World-Famous Swedish Film-Director, Igmar Bergman's awsome Warning in : "The Serpent's Egg", etc), as Human Rights' case-law and CoE's PanEuropean "BioMedical Ethics" Convention (1998) Clearly Prohibits.

Obviously, these 2 Risks Might be Combined, particularly When People Hesitating to Sumbit into Some Controversial Vaccines, may be, in real Practice, Threatened by that Deadly Virus' Infections provoked by "Jombies" whose Dangerosity, or not, is Nowadays Scientificaly UnKnown, as CoE's Report Denounces, i.e. so-called "Vaccinated" Individuals, If they have taken Only some Controversial Novel Tools, (as f.ex. of mRNA-Technology, which, Currently has a Surprizing ..quasi-Monopoly inside the EU..), in the Current Absence of Any Serious and UnContested, Real Scientific Knowledge abou their Dangerosity for Other People and the Society, (Contrary to "Classical" Vaccines, which, Since Pasteur's times, Notoriously Protect All Contacts from any risk of spread of a virus by the recipients of a real vaccine : A quality still Denied to those Novel "mRNA" Tools, by some Senior Medical Scientists, at least in the Present state of Scientific Knowledge, as things stand Nowadas : See Infra). Such a Double Risk may exist particularly If Public Health Protection ("Non-Pharmaceutical") Measures might be Lifted, as far as those "Jombies" are concerned, withOut any due Protection for all Other People that they might Lurre and Infect !

    - 3rd (and Most Probable) Danger, by those Controversial "Virus Passes or Certificates", naturaly might be a Massive, undue "Discrimination" against All Other, UnVaccinated People in a Country, which Manifestly Risks to be Provoked by a Lot of Various Concrete Measures with which Some Public Officials scandalously Attempt to exert Pressure on the People to Submit even to some Controversial so-called "Vaccines", by Allowing them certain Activities which are Prohibited for UnVaccinated People, withOut due Reason, and/or DisProportionaly. Obviously, this, Also, might be Combined to the Above-Mentioned Risks, in order to, eventualy, Impose an (otherwise Prohibited : Comp. Supra) Coercion...

F.ex. CoE, ECHR, and EU Parliament plenaries' Host-City Strasbourg is due to Illustrate such an Example, by Famous Greek Compositor Theodorakis' Musical adaptation of Pablo Neruda's "Canto General", followed by "Jazz" Music, etc, at the superbe Franco-German "2 Shores" Garden on the Rhine river, whose Access is reportedly to be submitted to a "Virus' Pass" Certificate... And things become even More Nasty, when Even the Access of Workers to some Sectors of Activities, (f.ex. Restoration, Health Care, Schools, etc), is Recently Threatened to be Reserved Only to such "Virus Pass"' Holders...


>>> CoE's Rapporteur, Swiss Liberal MEP Damien Cottier, (seconded by Opinion Rapporteur from the Social Affairs Committee, Center-Right ChristianDemocrat/EPP MEP Ms Carmen Leyte from Spain), Consulted several TrustWorthy sources, such as 2 Eminent Experts : Professor Siobhan O’Sullivan, Chief Bioethics Officer at the Department of Health in Ireland, Professor of Healthcare Ethics and Law at the Royal College of Surgeons, Vice-President of EU Commission’s Group on Ethics in Science, and Vice-President of CoE's Committee on Bio-Ethics (DH-BIO); and Professor Ross Upshur, of the University of Toronto's School of Public Health, Canada, Co-President of the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) Ethics and Covid-19 Expert Group. As well as Professor Samia Hurst, Bio-Ethics Expert, Director of the Institut Éthique Histoire Humanités at Geneva University, and Vice-President of the Swiss National Covid-19 Task Force. Moreover, that CoE's Resolution is Also Based on an Important CoE's Secretary General, Marija Buric - Pejčinović's Written "Statement on Human Rights and the <<Vaccine Pass>>", issued on 31 March 2021, (See : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/coewarnsoneuvaccinationpassports.html, etc), and on CoE's BioEthics' Committee's "Statement on Human Rights considerations relevant to <<Vaccine Pass>>", as well as on CoE's Personal Data Protection's "Statement on Covid-19 Vaccination, Attestations, and Data Protection". To all this was, Meanwhile, Added also a Pioneer CoE Assembly's Debate on those Issues, held on 19 April 2021, (just Before German Chancelor Angie Merkel's Key-Note Speech), that Nowadays' Rapporteur Cottier Includes among his Main Sources.

    + A Landmark Input, from the Legal point of view, is, particularly, the French Highest Court on Administrative Law : the prestigious "Conseil d'Etat"'s Ruling of last April (1/4/2021), which Judged that those kind of so-called "Vaccinated People (mainly by RNA Genetic novel tools), could ... Still Carry the Virus, and, thereby, Contribute to its Spread, to an Extend that was, at Present, Difficult to Quantify". And this Fact, "Based on the Evidence Available at the Time", Still depends on "Scientific Knowledge (which) Evolves" Currently, having Not Yet Concluded, as CoE's Rapporteur rightfully observes.

    ++ In Addition, EU's European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), reportedly Found, on 21 April 2021, a real "Risk of Developing Severe Covid-19 Disease for an UnVaccinated adult who has been in Contact with a fully Vaccinated person (by Controversial "RNA" or Other Genetic Novel Tool, Contrary to Classic Vaccines)exposed to SARS-CoV-2 Infection", at least in a real "moderate" form of "Risk in Older Adults, or Persons with Underlying Risk Factors".  Moreover, ECDC "took into Account a Study from Scotland that Virus' <<Transmission can Vary, by Vaccine product, Target Group, and SARS-CoV-2 Variant>>"

    => As a Consequence, among others, "“in the Current Epidemiological context in the EU/European Economic Area, in Public Spaces and large Gatherings, including during Travel, NPIs (Non-Pharmaceutical interventions, such as Masks and social Distancing) should be Maintained, Irrespective of the Vaccination status of the individuals”, ECDC concluded.

    >>> In Such a Context, "a Document issued under the authority and aegis of EU would presumably be Perceived as ... trustworthy by much of the Population, who may Give it Greater Significance .... This could Lead to an unwitting Increase in Risky Behaviour by holders of Covid Passes, providers of, f.ex., Tourism services, and public Authorities in travel-destination countries, with potentially DEVASTATING Consequences",  CoE's Report Warned.

 That's, apparently, the reason for which the Most Controversial "Vaccines"-using European Country : the UK, has recently faced an UnExpected Boost of Infections, to the point that Medical Authorities have Warned of a Risk for People Waiting to find a bed in a Hospital to pass from 5,3 Millions to more than 13 Millions "in the coming Months" ! (Partly UPDATED). Similar Problems of Recent Virus' Spread "Boom" also Elsewhere, when such Controversial Vaccinations went on, as, f.ex. from Sheychelles up to the Netherlands, with a Sudden "Jump" from 500 to 7.000 Infections in just 1 Week !



    => Therefore, CoE's Assembly Resolution "Calls" on its 47 Member States, First of all, to "Continue implementing the Full range of Public Health Measures Needed to bring Covid-19 under Control".

Indeed, f.ex. China and Australia, etc., who have Focused, Not on Controversial Pseudo-"Vaccines", But, Mainly on Public Health (Non-Pharmaceutical) Measures, have Astonishingly well Succeeded, (Already Since 2020, When any "Vaccine" had Not Yet been Authorized anywhere), to almost Eradicate Both Infections and Deaths, whose Numbers have, since, miraculously Fallen to about Zero or just 1 or 2...






    + "Covid Pass regimes" must Not be "instituted" But "Only When clear and well-established Scientific Evidence exists that such regimes Lower the Risk of Transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus", (i.e. Not Yet. For that purpose, States Must "take into Account of the Latest Evidence and Expert advise".

     ++ At any case, States must "Avoid Discrimination", particularly by Ensuring that "the extent to which the holders of different categories of Covid pass are Exempted from Restrictions is consistent with the extent to which the Risk of their Transmitting the SARS-CoV-2 virus is reduced", (If and When this Might, Perhaps, be Scientificaly Proved).

    +++ In particular, they Must "take due Account of ... the Relative Effectiveness of Different Vaccines and vaccination regimes, in Preventing Transmission of SARS-CoV-2". Something which, at least for the Time being, has  Not Yet been realy Proven in the case of Novel RNA Fake-"Vaccines", as f.ex. that of the Turkish-USA/Pfizer, of the Amenian-USA Moderna, etc.

Indeed, Recent News, f.ex. from Canada, Israel, and Greece, etc., Denounce a Diminished Protection for the Recipients, reportedly Falling Down to about 75% or Even 64%, particularly on Virus' variant Delta, While Virus' Infection Clusters in Israel and Greece were found to Contain around 45% or 55% of so-called "Vaccinated" Individuals ! - UPDATED).

 On the Contrary, f.ex., among others, Hungary, which Notoriously decided to use Many and Various Vaccines, withOut being Limited Only to those Few and Controversial Genetic Tools Authorised by EU's EMA Bureaucrats, (such as Turkish-USA Pfizer, USA-Moderna, UK's Astrozeneka, USA-Johnson), But Adding also Russian, Chinese, etc., as well as Drastic Public Health (Non-Pharmaceutical) Measures, apparently Succeeded, Recently, to Sharply Reduce, almost make Disappear, Both Infections and Deaths, according to WHO's Official Data... +Something Similar, reportedly goes Also for San Marino, which would have just Won against the Virus, and ReStarts its Economy Nowadays.





      ++++ CoE also Denounced "TRANSMISSION RISKS involved in different Activities that might be Permitted for holders of Covid Passes, especially where they may come into Contact with people who have not acquired immunity through vaccination or prior infection and whether those people are at a higher Risk of severe illness or death from the illness".


    **** Most Important : Considering "the situation of those who for Medical reasons cannot, Or, for reasons of personal Opinion or Belief, Decline to be Vaccinated", "any system of Covid Pass must NOT become tantamount to COERCION and make VACCINATION COMPULSORY", CoE's PanEuropean Human Rights Organisation clearly EXCLUDES, in Conclusion. (Comp. also Supra).










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    Strategically located between Paris and Prague, Strasbourg offered a natural location for the French and Czech EU 2008 and 2009 Presidencies to tune their agendas for a resolute European move towards Renewable Energies, during an exceptional Joint Parliamentary meeting on "Energy and Sustainable Development", co-organized here by the Presidents of EU Parliament, Hans Gert Poettering, French National Assembly, Bernard Accoyer, and Senate, Gerard Larcher, on November 20 and 21.

    Concluded by a busy-looking French super-Minister of Energy, Environment and Regional planning, Jean-Louis Borloo, the exceptional gathering of Top MPs from all 27 EU States' Parliaments hoped that a Ministerial meeting prepared by Borloo, will pave the way to an overall agreement at the level of EU Heads of State and Government Summit chaired on December 2008 by French President Nicolas Sarkozy, allowing the next EU chair, the Czech Republic, to start working from the beginning of 2009 on concrete measures.   

Speaking to "EuroFora" President Accoyer resumed the general feeling by stressing that "Europe has no Oil-Gas resources, but an important Scientific-Technologic potential. Therefore, we must develop Renewable Energy sources". "Since the Sun is the most abundant and free RES,  we must do the outmost to boost Solar Energy" solutions, he added, at the eve of a special meeting on Solar energy and the Mediterranean organised by Borloo on Saturday.     

Oil-gas supplies' security and diversification were also examined by the EU gathering, after which, President Accoyer replied  to our question on risks of long, expensive and fragile pipe-lines' projects, crossing through foreign countries out of the EU, compared to new possibilities for Sea and River Ship direct EU transport even of Gas, thanks to New Liquification technologies : - "We have just écreated the Union for the Mediterranean for concrete projects like these", Accoyer stressed, speaking of Sea-River Ship Highways, fundeable under EU's TENS programs.     

 Rapporteur on "Energy innovation and sustainable development", Dr. Bedrich Moldan, vice-President of Czech Senate's Environment and Regional Development Committee, added that Climat issues, price uncertainties and diminution of accessible Fossil energies, played together with EU's RST potential in order to make RES both a need and "an opportunity". However, in cases as "Solar Energy, even if the main Scientific ideas are already here, we have to make some technologic breakthroughs in order to find how to produce it on a large scale, store and transport it", Dr. Moldan added to "EuroFora".     

Czech interest for RES was also expressed, earlier in Strasbourg, by Jan Kohout, the deputy Minister pf Foreign Affairs who participated to a workshop on "Renewable Energies" organized by the French EU 2008 Presidency : - "The focus is on Development", he told us.    

On this and other RES issues, Dr. Moldan anounced the Czech EU 2009 chair's intention to organize an important 2-days Conference on Renewable Energies and Sustainable Development late January 2009 at nearby Prague.                


2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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