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SemiOccupied Cyprus' MEPs join PACE President Agramunt-launched "NoHateNoFear" move v. Terrorism

Written by ACM
Monday, 20 June 2016

*Strasbourg/CoE/Angelo Marcopolo/- All MEPs of Cyprus, the Only EU + €uro Member Country to remain still Semi-Occupied by a Foreign Military : that of controversial Turkey, were Among the First to Join CoE Assembly President, Pedro Agramunt's  Exceptional Move to launch, Today, a "#NoHateNoFear "Move at the Internet against Deadly Terrorism of ISIL's atrocious BeHeaders, even of Innocent and Defenseless Civilian People.

Speaking Earlier this Morning with Strasbourg's Journalists, including "Eurofora" at a special event in his CoE Office, Agramunt called, in substance, inter alia, to "Resist" against recent Attempts to Divide the People and make them Betray even elementary Human Rights, Democracy and Rule of Law "Values", by Hateful Reactions to Dreadful Terrorist Aggressions, as those recently in Paris, Brussels, Kopenhagen and MagnanVille in Europe, or Saint Bernandino and Orlando in the USA, (etc).


He spoke also from Personal Experience, coming from Spain, which has had notoriously Suffered both by the ill-elucidated 2004 Mass Attack iin Madrid's Railroad Station, and from some Violent Separatist Movements in the Past, (as well as Italy, back in the Seventies, UK's Northern Ireland, Germany, in a lesser degree, Russia by some Tchetchen BeHeaders Extremists in the 1990ies up to the Beslan School Horrible Massacre by a few Cowards attacking even underage Small Children and their Mothers at an Elementary School on 2004, Japaese People hit even by BioWarfare Gas at Public Areas, some Chinese Cities attacked by Knife-throwing  Extremist Islamic Terrorists, etc.

On the Contrary, Agramunt advised all involved to Inspire themselves from the Emotional Move of a French Journalist who had just Lost his Wife at the November 2015 Brutal Attacks killing Hundreds of Innocent Civilian People at Paris' "Bataclan" Music Hall, Coffee Bars, FastFood and/or Sport outlets, etc. by a Group of ISIL's Terrorists, many of whom had Infiltrated Europe by Hidding themselves among the Unprecedented, Massive Asylum Seekers/Irregular Migrants' "Tsunami" which came through Turkey, and via EU (and Schengen) Member Greece, inside EU Countries as Hungary, Austria, Germany, France, Sweden, etc :

- Refusing "Hate", "Scare", "Suspicion", and/or "to Sacrifice Freedom for Security", Reporter Antoine Leiris of FranceInfo vowed that his Kid, aged just 17 Months, would "Defy" Terrorists "by being Happy and Free" "all his life", "Because you'll Never have his Hatred".

Cyprus is notoriously one among the First CoE's member Countries, during the 67 Years old History of Strasbourg's PanEuropean Organisation (1949-2016+), to have Faced the Challenge about 2 Thousands "MISSING" People, without anyone having ever been Found Responsible and Punished for their Forced Disappearance until now, and more than 20% of its Population obliged to Flee as Refugees/Internaly Displaced People, Forced to Abandon their Family Homes, Private Properties and Ancestral Land, and still Hindered to Return Back Home and/or have any Access to their Belongings, even 42 Years Since the 1974 Military Invasion and Occupation by Ankara's Troops at the Northern Territories of the Island, despite and Contrary to several UN Security Council's Resolutions, followed by a Long Series of landmark ECHR Judgements, from 1996 up to 2014, etc. Condemning Turkey for many "Continuing" Violations of Human Rights, which persist until Today.

This was Preceded in History particularly by the Notorious Cold Blood Murders of 2 Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot Trade Union Workers, one among the Symbols of Unity of the People of Cyprus, which bursted out amidst a growing series of various Violent Attempts and/or Hate Propaganda obviously aimed at Dividing that Strategically located, and Historically as well as Culturally European Island.

Several People have often Named all that, (Added also to the Notoriously Brutal and Anti-Democratic, quasi-Systematic Violations of Human Rights and Oppression even against various Dissidents inside Turkey, by an excessively Authoritarian Regime), as a Symptom of a so-called "State Terrorism", (reportedly Fueled mainly by Ankara's "Deep State" Networks).

But, at any case, recent developments indicate a Hope that Most Greek and Turkish Cypriots, as well as many among their manifold Friends in Europe and elsewhere in the World, have progressively forged, Nowdays, a possible and much-needed Trend towards a Reconciliation and ReUnification of Cyprus, now a CoE, UNO,  and EU, as well as €uroZone Member Country, whose People could Live Peacefully Together, with at least an elementary Respect of all's Human Rights, under basic Democratic Principles and EU Law, in a Strategically Located Island, endowed by Nature with several Resources, (including Oil-Gas Sea deposits).

I.e., for once, withOut "Hate", Neither "Fear", but "Happy and Free", according to Leiris' wording, citted by Presiident Agramunt's initiative, mutatis-mutandis, (Comp. Supra)...

Mutatis-mutandis, should, also, f.ex., even "Missing" Persons' Families and/or Greek Cypriot Refugees/IDP's Human Rights, (constantly reaffirmed by ECHR, more and more Clearly since 1996 up to 2014 and beyond), be, perhaps, Pushed Aside, "Freezed" or otherwise see their Application in real Practice Postponed, etc., as Turkey currently Asks CoE's Committee of Ministers to do, particularly by Postponing for Much Later its Duty to Act for the Implementation of ECHR's Judgements, under the Pretext that, otherwise, Peace Talks might be "Compromised", as Ankara claims ?

Certainly, the New Turkish Cypriot Leader Akinci, and Cyprus' President Anastassiades, are Both People known (and generealy, and by "Eurofora" personaly) for their Wish to Make Peace, Reconcile and ReUnify the Island, all the People of which, has Suffered Too much in the Past. But eberybody knows, also, that they are Not Alone in their UNO - sponsored Talks, (held near Ankara's Invasion/Occupation Army, etc).

Moreover, Political Talks are notoriously Dealing also with Power-Sharing, Territorial give and take, Security Guarantees, Trade matters and/or Natural Resources, etc. Should all these various Considerations, obviously Irrelevant to Human Rights, Block or "Freeze"' ECHR Judgements' execution for so long (that f.ex. several Refugees have already Started to Die, vainly Waiting, again and again, for Justice to be done) ?
And, also from another point of view, Even concerning specificaly the still on-going Political Talks for Cyprus' ReUnification : Shouldn't Political Choices be somewhat Guided, or at least incited to be Inspired by ECHR's case-Law, (Risking, Otherwise, to be pushed to go Against even elementary Human Rights' Principles) ?



Every kind of Terrorism must be "Countered", Justice done, and "Security endured", for the Victims and All People targetted, "But we must Not Fall in the Trap" of those who Seek "to Divide us", Neither "unduly Limit our Freedoms, ... Nor Curtail Civil Rights", etc., PACE President Agramunt stressed Today, as a matter of General Principle.

- "Terrorism seeks to Destroy Our Way of Life, by instilling Fedar and propagating Hate. We must Not Fall into the Trap of Terrorists. We must Not Allow this Barbarism to Triumph over Democratic Values and Liberties", Agramunt Urged Today.

Could, perhaps, (Both Here, as also Elsewhere), a Fully-Fledged, Real Humanism, with an Active Fighting Spirit, Help Find some Key Solutions, against any kind of Brutal Terrorism which attempts to trample Human Dignity underfeet, Manipulate and Divide People, Undermine and Destroy entire Societies, their Best Values and Civilisation ?







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In a last-minute, surprise move, New EU Chairman, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, anounced a proposal in Strasbourg to open an EU Parliament debate on Europe's Identity in the ranup to 2009 Election :

    - "I am conscious of the fact that there is, today, a real Crisis on Europe's
Identity", he replied earlier to a question by Greek MEP Ioanis Varvitsiotes, who had asked him to "advance beyond those who don't really want a Political Europe",

    - "Why not a real Debate on what is Europe's Identity ?", proposed
Sarkozy, in this regard.

    -  "EU Parliament could organize such Debates", he suggested :"It's
better for EU Parliament, than for National Governments, or EU Commission, to
define what is the European Identity", the French President proposed.

    A diplomatic way to avoid obstacles by some Governments and/or some Brussels' bureacrats, reportedly opposed to really free and popular, critical European debates on hot political issues..

    Sarkozy brillantly won the 2007 Presidential and Parliamentary Elections in France in 2007, in the line of the principles anounced at an important Speech in Strasbourg, February 2007, about a Political Europe, and a European Identity on issues which matter to the People.



2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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