Virus: Life-Saving Parcel China to France/EU Diverted to UK+Fishy spots, picked by Qatar + Delayed !

*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- Another Urgent Life-Saving package, related to the Fight against the Virus, send from China to the EU, was UnExpectedly Diverted Further Away, grasped even by ...Qatar (Turkey's lobby !), unecessarily Ping-ponged to various Other Fishy spots (Hotspots of key BioTech. Lobbies with Special links to the Virus), Risked to be Blocked or Lost, and even considerably Delayed, received only after various Anxious, Time and Energy-Consuming demarches by the Lawfull destinators, (to whom many had even Warned that a normal expedition seemed to have been interrupted by a Strange "Hoax", etc)...
During all that Time, scandalously Wasted, Many Hundreds of People Died in our area of Strasbourg by the Virus, Many Thousands in France, and several Tens of Thousands in the EU, where, in addition, Hundreds of Thousands of People were, these Same Days, Infected.
Already, Earlier, a Collective, bigger Package, also of Life-Saving Equipments against the Virus (as Masks, Protective Clothes, Respirators, etc), send from China to France, had been, notoriously, Blocked at Czech Republic, and even Confiscated, allegedly by an "Error"...
Even Worse : Meanwhile, a whole Airplane Payload, expected at a Special Flight organized by the French Government in China, suddenly ..."Disappeared", reportedly snatched by Americans... It seems that it wasn't the US Federal Government, but rather some Private US Companies cooperating with the Public Authorities, in order to Help them in Logistics Urgently needed against the Virus.
=> Is the EU, and even its Biggest Member States, as France, perhaps ...Cut off from China, so dramatically, that it might have become Unable even to simply receive on Time and withOut UnDue Interferences or other Risks, an Urgently Needed Parcel send by Post ?
This time, a similar but smaller Parcel Send from China to France the 25 March, arrived on 29 to ..London (Stanwell). The 30 March is send a Vague SMS about it, (withOut Phone or Postal Address, Nor Email, Neither Fax, an Empty WebPage, withOut any Reply even after Registering on 31 March to the only Formulate indicated at a Texto/SMS, which was quite Obscure). It's only After many Time and Energy Wasting, Desperate Researches (during which, Official Services Warned that there was something Fishy, probably "a Hoax") that, at last, on May 9, the existence of a shady Intermediary "Broker" was Confirmed, and Once he was Paid 2 Undue Sums of Money, (allegedly for himsef and for an undue UK "VAT"), they send the China Parcel back to France after the 10 of April. It wasn't Delivered to its original Destination in France, but Only as Late as on April 15. I.e. with a Delay of 3 whole Weeks, and a Lot of Trouble, Obscurity, UnExpected Obstacles, AbNormal Zig-Zags, and Anxiety, (instead of just 3 or 4 Days, clearly and directly, as Other such China-France Parcels)...
+ Moreover, the Victims were Surprized to find out (by the usual International Official Tracking) that, Curiously, the parcels send from Mainland China Big Cities towards France, in fact, Transited from Troublesome Hong-Kong, and, then, send ..Out of the EU, to the UK (long after the notorious BREXIT), apparently Transported Not by any Chinese, French or other EU, or any other International Airplane Carrier, but ... through a "QATAR" Airplane (sic !).
The Problem is that Qatar, (Long After having been, at a remote Past, in frequent close Contacts with France and the EU in general), on the Contrary, has Recently been openly Denounced, also by USA's President Don Trump and Many Others (including, f.ex., UAE, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Bahrein, etc), to Back dangerous Extremist Islamists, even Terrorism-prone. To which was, soon afterwards, Added also a blatant political Manipulation of Qatar, exploited by ...Turkey, (including even Turkish Military Troops exceptionaly send Abroad by Ankara at an Army Camp there)...
Turkey's own Historic Origin, stems mainly from an Osmanli tribe, which had arrived to Asia Minor, and initially settled at a Small Area in the Anatolia Plateau, all the way from North-Eastern Asia, on the sidelines of the Tchengis-Han's Mongole armed Invasion, during Medieval Times, and had Started to Grow after Systematically practicing ...Armed Hold-ups and Violent Roberries against Peaceful Caravanes Transporting various Goods, Parcels and Merchandises from China to Europe, through the Capital of the Over-Millenary Greek-Christian Byzantine Empire : Constantinople (330-1453).
As for Turkey's notorious Contradictions vis a vis the EU, moreover certain Key European Countries as France, etc., and particularly Against Human Rights-related circles of Strasbourg, they are well-known nowadays...
++ In Addition, instead of being, at least, Straight-forwarded, in that Return from the UK to France towards Strasbourg, via London and Paris, etc., on the Contrary, that Chinese Parcel, surprisingly "Transited" though ...Lyon, (i.e. much More Eastwards and Southwards than Strasbourg : See a Map), where it Stayed for a whole Night, between the 14 and 15 April, (from 20h at the Evening, until 6h at the Morning, Next Day), Before arriving here.
Or, Lyon, by anOther strange Coincidence, is notoriously Home of a Similar Bio-Tech. Labo, (including even Bio-Weapons/Bio-Defense, etc), level "4", almost Identical to that of ...Wuhan City, which became World-Famous as Number 1 "Hotspot" for Spreading the new Deadly CoronoVirus (alias : COVID-19 or, more accurately : SARS COV-3), given also that Both were ...Build by the Same French Company, (as former Prime Minister Cazeneuve had stressed in an Official Speech at a Franco-Chinese event), closely linked to "INSERM" (France's Public Bio-Research Headquarters) and his current CEO, Husband of a former Healh Minister notorious for her Opposition to "HCQ" (Cheap and simple, already Known since a Long Time, and Free of any Rights) probable Treatment against that Virus, (replaced by President Macron recently), on which Strasbourg's WebNews Media "Eurofora" has Published an exceptional article recently, Dated 3 April 2020... Moreover, it's also a ...Lyon University Professor who is Coordinating, in France, an EU Program to Test 4 or 5 potential Treatments against the Virus, including by HCQ, But in a way which, reportedly, would probably Doom its chances from the start, (See, f.ex., at : ..., etc) !
* To this is Added also anOther, quite Similar, Deviation, Earlier in the UK, where the China-France Parcel was, Curiously, transported to Leicestershire, where it Stayed during ...2,5 Days (from 11 to 13 April), Near to Leicester University, well Known for its "Life Sciences" (Number 1 among its various Colleges), which Include, in particular, its Medical, Biological Sciences, and Allied Health professions' Academic Schools, but Also the Genetics and Genome Biology, Molecular and Cell Biology, Institute of Structural and Chemical Biology, Health Sciences, Precision Medicine, and Infection and Immunity's Departments of Research. Thus, Leicester University is among 8 UK University Hospital Trusts due to Massively Test People for CoronaVirus' Infection, and is also known for a Project to Invent a Mask which Traps, instead of Expelling, Microbes, in order to Test for infections.
** The Same Area hosts Also Big American MultiNational "Bio-Medical" Industry Company "3M"'s European regional Headquarters, (while its USA Main Base is located at Minnesota, Saint Paul).
"3M" includes a Big "Pharmaceutical" Unit, (worth more than 2 Billions $ on 2006), and a Huge, Brand New (37,000 m2) Research-and-development Building that cost $150 million on 2016. "3M" has been Particularly involved in Lungs' Respiration since the Beginning, (f.ex. by Producing an "Asthma InHaler" from late 1950ies, etc). It has Productive units in about 37 Countries accross the World, including a Plant for Masks in Shanghai, China.
On 2020, the Virus' Pandemic mixed the Company in 2 public Controversies, concerning Masks and Ventilators : New York asked on March for 3 Millions Masks, and US vice-President Mike Pence, while visiting a "M3"'s Factory at Minnesota, was reportedly told that there were 35 Millions Masks available for Health Workers. But, Later-on, "M3" said that its Manufacturing Capacities as well as Sales' Volume and Destinations, were "Confidential" Data, Not Disclosed publicly... As for its Shanghai Plant for Masks, it would have Sold all its production, already Before the Virus' Pandemic outbreak. Moreover, the White House learned on April that Even Masks produced in USA-located Factories by "M3" would be destinated partly for Abroad. But, when US President Don Trump invoked a National Defense Production Act, asking "M3" to Stop Exporting US-made Masks to Foreign Countries, and to Deliver inside USA a big Number of Ventilators, the "M3" reportedly reached a compromise Deal on such critical Anti-Virus equipments.
Perhaps, someone might, eventually, Claim that this Transport to Leicestershire for 2,5 Days (Comp. Supra), might be due Simply to the fact that, at least Some Transport Companies have WareHouses there.
But this does Not Explain, at all, why, then, it wasn't transported there but Only as Late as ...Immediately After the Lawful Destinators of that Parcel managed to, at last, Find out Who was that Obscure Intermediary Broker, How to get in touch with him, and Paid All the required Sums of Money (even those which, normally, weren't due : Comp. Supra), i.e. After the 10th of April (from 11 to 13). While, on the Contrary, that Parcel had been ...quietly "Sleeping" at Stanwell (London) Airport, During More than ...12 (+Twelve) Days, Previously, between its Arrival to London (Stanwell) on March 29, and its Transport to Hinckley/Leicestershire only as Late as on April 11 ! Didn't they need any such "Warehouse" before ?...
NDLR : If the Lawfull Destinators of that Parcel had Not managed to Find out Where exactly it was, and How to Activate that Obscure Procedure on April 9 to 10 (Comp. Supra), then, just 2 Days Later, on April 12, it may have been Returned ...Back to China, as "UnDeliverable", (i.e. Never reaching France) !
Last, but not least, it's, at any case, an Obviously Strange (and apparently UnExplained) Fact, why that same Parcel had managed to Travel ... All the Long way from China to FarAway Europe and even up to the Remote UK in Only Four (4) Days (25-29 March), ...while, on the Contrary, in order to just cross a much Shorter area, from the UK to its Neighbour France, it took as Long as more than Five (5) Days (10-15 April) !
=> In Consequence, During all these 22 Days of Scandalous Diversions and Delays (25 March to 15 April), just Here, in France, an Average of More than 681 People were Killed Each Day, in Addition to more than 3.727 People Infected Each Day. (I.e., approximately, a Total of about 15.000 Killed and 80.000 Infected, during All that Period which was Wasted). And this Strasbourg's Area has Notoriously become a "Capital", Number 1 Hotspot of the Virus in France, (Member State of the EU : the World-wide Epidemic's current "Epicenter")...
The Parcel's Destinators could have been one of those Victims, Before its Delayed Arrival. (Perhaps with Symptoms to appear only After the Next 14 or 24 Days, i.e. until the eve of mid-May !)...
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The official presentation of a "Program" respecting People's choices voted in the June 7, 2009 EU Elections, to be debated in EU Council and EU Parliament during its 1st Session on July in Strasbourg, is the No 1 Priority, according to Democratic principles, for the Franco-German axis, said the main winners at the ballot box, French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angie Merkel.
They stressed that the New EU Commission's President must have a "Program" in favor of an EU which "protects" its Citizens, regulates financial markets and aims at a "Political" Europe" : a wording they have used as incompatible with Turkey's controversial EU bid.
They also declared ready for a "political" endorsment of "Mr. Barroso's candidacy" in June's EU Council, considering that an official decision would have to be made after EU Parliament's debates and votes, possibly from next month (July), with the legally necessary final acceptance shortly after Lisbon Treaty's entry into force, hoped for September or October.
- "A Program, and Mr. Barroso" : This resumes, in substance, the anouncements made by Sarkozy and Merkel, on the question of current EU Commission's President, Barroso's declared wish to succeed to himself for a second mandate, to be extended during the following 5 years.
In their 1st meeting after EU Elections, they observed that "the Franco-German axis counted in European Elections' campaign... But, we both keep a realistic view : We saw the number of those who abstained, and we must absolutely give them an answer. We also see the disilusionment of an important number of Europeans vis a vis Europe, and we are aware of the responsibilities we have".

- The "Duty" of the new EU Commission's President, after June 7, 2009 EU Elections' result, "is to act for a Europe which protects the Europeans, to commit himself into working for a better Regulation of Financial transactions, ... and to have a Political will for Europe", underlined Sarkozy.
Therefore, "we have asked M. Barroso... to clarify, to officialy present the intentions he has", he anounced.
- "We want to speak also about the Programme", explained Merkel.
- "It's important that for the next EU Parliament's mandate (2009-2014) we take the right Decisions for Europe. Obviously on Persons, but mainly Decisions on Issues", she stressed.
- "It's not simply a question of a Person, it's also a question of a Programme". We are "really asking Mr. Barroso to commit himself on a Program, and on Principles, on Values", Sarkozy added.
EU President-in-office, Czech Prime Minister Jan Fischer, accepted the Franco-German stance :
- "Barroso must present his Programme. The Czech Presidency agrees with that", Fischer reportedly said later, after meeting Sarkozy.
But Press reports from Brussels claimed that Barroso had preferred to be officially appointed by EU Council since June, (i.e. next week), "because this was implied by the current Treaty of Nice, according to him", and considered any delay until the possible ratification of the new, Lisbon Treaty on September/October, as "undemocratic".
- "At any case, independently of what Germany and France ask, it's also EU Parliament's wish". "We shall propose Mr Barroso's candidacy... But even in the framework of Nice Treaty, EU Parliament has to be associated in this Decision", the French President observed.
If this is correctly done, then "we support Mr. Barroso's candidature", and "if the (EU) Parliament agrees, we might ratify this decision since July", (i.e. next month), they both said.

- "France and Germany support Baroso's candidacy, But we want to speak also on the Program. We believe that this Program should be established in close cooperation with EU Parliament, and that's why we have followed an appropriate way", said Merkel. - If EU Parliament wants, this election can take place on July, but this must be done in full agreement.
- "We shall support Mr. Barroso's candidacy, without doubt", said Sarkozy. "But we have asked from Mr. Barroso, as I told him yesterday, to put into detail.. his intentions, at the eve of his 2nd mandate, if the situation avails itself.
France and Germany "don't want to take an Official Legal Decision by writting" during "the next (EU) Council" (on June 18-19), declared Sarkozy. Because they prefer, at this stage, only "a Political decision" on June, "so that we (EU Council) can work together with EU Parliament", which starts to meet only Next Month, since July in Srasbourg, "leaving a Legal decision by writting for later".
- "If the Conditions are fuillfiled in EU Parliament, we (EU Council) are ready to give the agreement and make it offficial", said Merkel
- "But, now we are working in the base of Nice Treaty. If tommorow we want to work in the spirit of Lisbon Treaty, we have to find a proper way", she added.
- "Of course it's Legally complicated, because we are going to make a Political proposal to the forthcoming Council, for an EU Commission's President, on the basis of Nice Treaty : So, we (EU Council) will not appoint the Commissioners. Only the President. If EU Parliament agrees, it could endorse this position on July", explained Sarkozy.
But, on Autumn, "if Ireland ratifies Lisbon Treaty, there will be, at any case, a 2nd Decision, to appoint the Commission's President, this time on the basis of Lisbon treaty, and then, we, the EU Member States, would have to appoint (also) the EU Commissioners", he added.
As for the precise Timing : - "Everything is suspended until the Irish vote... Now, we must all make everything possible to help Ireland to say "Yes"" to Lisbon Treaty... The Irish Referendum, ..will take place either on September or on October. It's a Question which depends on the Irish. And, then, we shall have the Choice of the Candidates for the permanent Institutions of Europe".
However, "if Ireland says No, we, French and Germans, have to assume our responsibilities, and we'll do so", he concluded.
But British and Swedish governments were reportedly eager to have a final EU Council decision on Barroso since this month, on June's European Council. While the other EU Member Countries are divided, several of them preferring to wait until EU Parliament pronounces itself, on July, and/or until Lisbon Treaty might be ratified by Ireland at the beginning of the Autumn. Barroso's current mandate ends on November.
There are also various, contradictory and/or unpredictable reactions inside EU Parliament vis a vis Barroso's wish to continue a 2nd mandate, because many MEPs are openly or secretly opposed, reluctant, or hesitating.
In the biggest EU Countries, as France and Germany, EU Citizens voted on June 2009 EU Elections for a renovated, non-technocratic but Political Europe which cares for its Citizens, with an Identity, Values and Borders, declared incompatible with Turkey's controversial EU bid, by mainstream, pro-European Governing Parties. Similar choices were also supported in several other small or medium EU Countries.
On the contrary, whenever, in other Countries, Governing and other mainstream Parties didn't make these choices or eluded them, EU Citizens massively voted for euro-Sceptics whenever they were the only ones to to promise anti-bureacratic change and oppose Turkey's demand to enter into the EU, (f.ex. in the UK, Netherlands, etc).
It's seems to be an Open Question whether Sarkozy and Merkel's conditions will be really accepted by Barroso, who was appointed on 2004 in a different political context, (with Socialist Prime Ministers in Germany, France, etc), had rejected in the Past the idea of EU becoming "equal to the USA" as "ridiculous", and pushed for Turkey's contoversial EU bid, trying to "soften" or contain the changes desired by the People who voted for Merkel and Sarkozy with another policy vis a vis Turkey on 2005 in Germany and on 2007 in France, as they did all over Europe on 2009.
In addition to many EPP Governments, it's 3 remaining Socialist Prime Ministers : Gordon Brown in the UK, Zapatero in Spain, and Socrates in Prortugal, who support Barroso, as well as Liberal Swedish Prime Minister Reinfeldt. But their Parties lost the June 2009 EU Elections.
Questioned whether there was still "Time" for "other" possible "Candidates", Sarkozy and Merkel did not deny, nor made any comment on that, but simply said that "it's not for us to make publicity for any candidates. We anounced our choice ("A Program, and Mr. Barroso"). But we respect any other candidate".
Among various other names cited are former Belgian Prime Minister Verhofstadt, former UNO's Human Rights Commissioner Mary Robinson of Ireland, Italian former EU Commission's vice-President Monti, etc. Meanwhile, Luxembourg's PM Juncker, (who had been unanimously accepted by EU Council for EU Commission's Presidency on 2004, but refused), announced his intention to resign from "EuroGroup"'s Chair. Thus, he might be available for another Top EU job.
As "EuroFora"'s "opinion" said (See publication dated 9/6/09) : - "If the current candidates (i.e. Barroso, etc) to the Top EU jobs promise and guarantee to respect People's democratic choices, then, it's OK".
"Otherwise, Europe must find new candidates, really motivated and able to implement these democratic choices of the People."
Because, "in Democracy, the forthcoming choices for EU's Top Jobs,...should be made according to EU Citizens' Votes in June 7, 2009 European Elections, and main EU Governments' strategic policies".