Dutch vote for Center-Right Majority 93 to 45
Dutch People, in June 2010 Parliamentary Election, clearly rejected Past Cohabitation with Socialists, and strongly voted for a New, large Center-Right Majority, which Wins with a Big difference of more than 93 Center-Right MPs compared to only 45 Socialist MPs. The move comes at the eve of an exceptionally important Election at neighbouring Belgium, (closely linked with the Netherlands both through BENELUX's grouping and culturally in its Flamish Region), which will start Chairing the EU from the 1st of July.
Biggest single Winner in 2010, the Freedom Party PVV, (whose Founder, Gert Wilders, was notoriously obliged to leave Old Parties in Disagreement on Turkey's controversial EU bid), almost Tripled the number of its MPs growing from 9 to 24 MPs, by gaining nearly + 10 % more Voters, adding + 15 MPs more.
Other Winners are the Liberals (VVD) with some + 5% more Voters, adding + 9 MPs more (from 22 to 31 MPs), the Democrats (D66) with + 4,9% more Voters, adding +7 MPs more (from 3 to 10 MPs ), and, at a lesser degree, the "Greens", with + 2% more Voters, adding + 3 MPs more (from 7 to 10 MPs).
On the contrary, Past Co-Habitation with Socialists in previous 2006 Compromise "Mixte" Governments is clearly rejected by the Dutch People now in 2010 , since all its main components Lose more than - 43 MPs less in 2010 compared with what they had back in 2006 :
Socialists lose - 14 MPs. (I.e. SocialDemocrats PvdA lose - 4 MPs and Socialist Party SP loses - 10 MPs, Falling from 33 to only 29 MPs and from 25 down to only 15 MPs, respectively), and the compromising trend in the CDA/ChristianDemocrat Party which had accepted concessions to Socialists, loses - 20 MPs, (going down from 41 to 21 MPs).
Among Small Parties, the Reformed Christians SGP (Evangelists/Calvinists : strongly opposed to Turkey's controversial EU bid), win almost +10.000 more Voters (+ 0,2%, reaching almost 2%), and keep their 2 MPs. While the "Proud Netherlands" (TON) New Party (also opposed to Turkey's controversial EU bid, founded by former Minister for Integration Rita Verdonk, who resigned in 2007) wins + 52.339 more Voters (+0,6 %), gets no MP this time (after Winning earlier Local/Regional Seats), but vows to go on.
On the contrary, Animal Defenders ...lose some - 50.000 less Voters, but keep their 2 MPs, (with 1,3%).
Some + 50.000 more Voters were Dispersed to 7 New Parties, from "New Netherlands" up to "Christian Evangelists", etc., which didn't get any MP, (including the New "Pirates'" party against Copyright restrictions, which, after its Swedish success, appears also in the Netherlands with the banner "Knowledge is Power - Give us back our Knowledge !" and gets more than + 10.400 votes).
To this is added also a Big Growth of Abstentionists with + 550.000 (+half a Million !) more Citizens Fleeing the election in 2010 compared to 2006, which adds to an obvious general Rejection in 2010 of the Out-going "Co-Habitation" Government with Socialists, (See supra).
The Strongest Group in 2010 Election is a Relative Majority composed of Christian and Freedom Parties with more than 52 MPs all together, (I.e. 24 Freedom Party PVV and 28 Christian MPs : 21 ChristianDemocrats CDA, 5 United Christians CU, 2 Reformed Christians SGP).
This can obviously form a Large Absolute Majority at the Center-Right with 93 MPs, (against only 45 MPs for Socialists), by bringing together all Center-Right MPs from Liberals (31 MPs), Freedom Party PVV (24 MPs), Christians (28 MPs: ChristianDemocrats CDA 21 MPs, United Christians CU 5 MPs, and Reformed Christians SGP 2 MPs), as well as Democrats D66 (10 MPs), etc.
They could be Selectively joined also by 10 more "Green" MPs particularly on BioEthical issues, (which notoriously oppose "Greens" to "Socialists" everywhere, in almost all Countries in Europe and the World).
Mark Rutte, leader of Front-runner Free Democrats Party VVD (Liberals : 31 MPs), questioned on prospects to form a New Government based on a Majority including the bigger single Winner "Freedom Party" PVV (of Gert Wilders : 24 MPs), positively replied that he "does Not Exclude any Party" democratically voted by the People.
However, mainstream Dutch political Experts normally exclude any compromise between winning Liberals and losing Socialists (See supra) also because of sharp oppositions among contradictory Economic policies.
The same acceptance for a Government Coalition with the fastest growing "Freedom Party" (which almost Tripled its MPs in 2010 Election Growing from 9 to 24 or 25 MPs), goes also for ChristianDemocrats CDA (21 MPs), reported "Bloomberg" News Agency.
On the contrary, the New ChristianDemocrats' Leadership (after the Resignation of its Previous Leaders, accused to fail after Past Compromise Cohabitations with Socialists were rejected by Dutch People in 2010 Election), would logically refuse to fall back to another controversial cohabitation compromise with Weakened Socialists, according to Political Experts.
All these moves came at the conclusion of a Week during which a Brutal Turkish Group suspected of Terrorist links from Bosnia to Tchetchenia up to Asia and the Middle-East, had provocativelly threatened Israeli Officials to "Push (i.e. manipulate) the Arabs against the US, as back on September 11 at New York"'s (2001 massive Terrorist Deadly Attack which Killed some 3.000 Innocent Simple People), and Violently Aggressed with Knives, Metal Bars, Stun Grenades, Fire from stolen Arms, Clubs, etc. some isolated Israeli Soldiers, Sadically Hitting them (in Lynch Mob Aggressions : many against one) even Disarmed, Fallen Down to the Floor and Helpless, Brutally Throwing their Victim to Lower Floors, Wounding them Gravely, Bleeding, etc., obviously Provoking their Collegues (surrounded and brutally attacked by Violent Turkish Mobsters armed with Knives, Clubs, Metal Bars, Stun Grenades, etc.) to Fire back in Self Defence at a Non fully Elucidated yet Exceptional Incident provoked only in one Turkish Ship, among 6 International Ships heading to Gaza, which all surrendered Peacefully their Supplies to Israeli Authorities to be distributed to Gaza, with the Sole Exception of the Violent Turkish Mobsters' Ship alone ! The same Week, the Head of the Christian Catholic Church in Turkey, Bishop Luigi Padovese, was atrociously Murdered, Stubbed to Death from behind and almost be-Headed in a Bloody Aggression by a Turkish driver which had benefited from regular pay by the Church, just one Day before Pope Benedict XVI visits Cyprus : The only EU Country where Ankara persists in a 35 Years old Military Occupation of its Northern Territories, whose initially Christian European Majority Population, (Greeks, Armenians, Maronites, Catholics, etc), have notoriously been obliged to Flee since the 1974 Turkish Military Invasion, and are still Hindered to return to their Ancestral Land, contrary to established European and International Human Rights' standards, while Ankara persists in its "Ethnic Cleansing" moves by systematically replacing the Greeks, Maronites, and/or Armenians and other Ancestral Inhabitants with Colonists massively imported from Turkish Anatolia, and Destroying their Historic, MillenaryCultural and Religious Heritage in the Turkish Occupied Territories : A "War Crime" according to the International Penal Court's statute, that Turkey persists to ignore. This was added to Turkey's Isolation at UNO's SC, later this week, after a 12 against only 2 votes Majority UN SC Resolution (greater than expected) strongly rejected Ankara's controversial attempt to dangerously get in Turkish soil Enriched Uranium by opportunistically exploiting Iran's Nuclear Bomb Proliferation Risk, too close to Pakistan's bad precedent and to the sensitive Middle East region.
During the last 5 Years, a large Majority's (more than 67%) Opposal to Turkey's controversial EU bid had notoriously pushed Dutch People to Vote "No" to an important Euro-Referendum, as the only means that they had then to react to Turkish aims vis a vis the EU, .."despite" Dutch People's pro-European usual stance. Amplifying the same phenomenon, the same year, in France, back in 2005, followed even by Ireland in 2007, which was notoriously overcome only with new French President Sarkozy's crystal-clear Electoral promise to Stop Turkey's controversial demands to enter inside the EU.
Or, was it, rather : - "... because of .." ?
Curiously, indeed, the Past Concessions to "Socialists" a.o. in the Outgoing Compromise Coalition Governments, did not take into account Dutch Citizens' obviously Growing Will to Stop Turkey's controversial attempts to infiltrate inside the EU, (which was also reiterated in the 2009 EU Elections), and didn't join yet openly French President Sarkozy and German Chancellor Merkel's explicit refusals to Alter, Weaken and undermine EU's Cultural Identity, Finances and Human Rights' Values by imposing Turkey's controversial EU bid.
This obviously anti-democratic stance, which had persisted to deny Dutch People's repeatedly expressed Democratic Will, was severely punished now in the 2010 National Election, (See relevant Facts supra).
A Center-Right Majority, well aware of Dutch People's growing protest on that Key-issue, would naturally bring the Netherlands closer to the Franco-German Governing Majorities. (And probably also Italian : See recent 2010 "EuroFora"'s NewsReports on the Head of the Governing Italian Majority's delegation in EU Parliament, Top MEP Mario Mauro's critical statements vis a vis Turkey's controversial EU bid). Not so far away even from UK's recent political developments, (f.ex. unpecedented Gains of UKIP which came 3d at 2009 EU Elections when it campained under the banner "No to Turkey's entry into the EU !", and New Conservatives - Liberal Government after the May 2010 British Election : The only one since the Historic Lloyd George - Winston Churchill 1918 - 1922 World War winner Government, strongly opposed to former Ottoman-Turc Empire and Turkey's military aims, which was overthrown after Overseas opposal from the American continent against UK's Criticism of Attaturks' threats to European Countries and refusal to respect the International Treaty of Sevres, 2010). As well as to various other Similar recent Developments in many Small-Medium EU Member Countrie, from Bulgaria up to Hungary, etc.
Given the well-known Close Links between BENELUX Countries, (Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg), added to the Cultural relations with the Flamish Region in Belgium, this crystal-clear expression of Dutch People's political Will may inspire similar trends also in the forthcoming Elections in Belgium, mutatis-mutandis : I.e. unless the Belgian ChristianDemocrats timely guess the main danger and re-orientate their Policies to bring them closer to Citizens' obvious Wish.
Another unexpectedly Positive, possible Development, in this regard, considering also the Historic Christian areas inside the French-speaking Wallony Region, particularly after the recent incidents (See supra), could even be to succeed to find a New Ideological and Political Link between French and Dutch speaking Belgian Citizens, which might help them to succesfully overcome Past Divisions if they are both inspired by the growing EU-wide Conscience (See f.ex. "EuroFora"'s Analysis of the June 2009 EU Parliament Elections' results) of the Need to save Europe's Future.
But it might also contribute into shaping Wider and much more Far-reaching recent New Trends in the EU.
(Comp. : http://www.nrc.nl/international/election2010/article2561211.ece/The_Netherlands_shifts_to_the_right + http://www.nrc.nl/international/election2010/article2561617.ece/Dutch_election_results_demand_unorthodox_and_post-haste_solutions )
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Before the end of 2009, France and Germany will take strong initiatives to open "new Horizons" needed by Europe and the World, going well beyond the current Crisis' management, anounced French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angie Merkel, reassuring that both a judgement on Lisbon Treaty by nearby Karlsruhe German Federal Court, and the forthcoming National Elections in Germany would confirm their capacity to act.
They were replying to Press questions in Berlin, after key-regional elections on Sunday, where Merkel's ChristianDemocratic party kept everywhere a strong 1st and won the possibility to forge a New Majority with Liberals at the largest of 3 Landers : Saxony (4 millions inhabitants), while its main competitor, the Socialdemocrat party fell to unprecedented lows : Tackled by the small "Linke" (left) party in Saarland (1 million inhabitants), it became even smaller than it in Saxony and Thuringen (3 million inhabitants), where SPD arrived only third. While its usual partners, the "Greens" also fell down, contrary to CDU's new partners, the FDP Liberals, who go up.
- "At any case, at the end of the year (2009), if things go as scheduled, we shall take strong initiatives, showing that Europe needs a Franco-German axis, as well as the World, even if it never excludes other" countries to join, replied Sarkozy to a question if France and Germany will revive the "European dream", by "relauncing the EU motor" for the Future, with actions going further than the mere management of the global crisis, (as it was done fex. in the Past with the creation of the "Euro" Monetary zone, etc).
- "I am convinced that the Franco-German friendship must be constantly nourished by New Projects", he added."There are many areas of cooperation where we intend to take, very soon, some Franco-German initiatives, which will allow to open more Horizons" to the EU, Sarkozy stressed.
But if "we don't speak about that now, it's only in order to avoid interfering in important elections coming in Germany", he observed. However, "we have already started to consider the Future with the (German) Chancellor, and what we can do in order to honour our predecessors". "We are already speaking about that, and we are preparing things". "I am working very well together with Mrs Merkel, and I wish that it goes on", Sarkozy concluded.
- "It's important for EU's credibility that France and Germany advance forward together", stressed Merkel from the outset. "Don't worry about Germany's capacity to undertake initiatives" with France, she added. "France and Germany will be perfectly able to make proposals" for the EU.
- "After-crisis" plans must be prepared, meanwhile, with measures "advancing progressively", Merkel anounced. And, for the short term, we must deal also with EU Citizens' dismay since they feel that it's a Scandal for some in the Financial Markets to be paid with excessive "Bonuses", etc, she agreed with Sarkozy.
- "Abuses in financial markets must stop", stressed also Sarkozy. Backing Merkel's announcement that France and Germany call for an EU meeting to forge "a crystal-clear European position" in view of the G-14 Summit at Pittsburg, he warned that "everyone will have to undertake his responsibilities, in front of World's Public Opinion. particularly those who don't want to make the same effort of regulation as France and Germany".
Moreover, "Global Trade cannot be correctly dealt, without taking into account also Environmental and Social rules", Sarkozy added, referring to recently expressed positions against Unfair Competition via Environmental and/or Social Dumping, (See earlier "EuroFora"'s publications).
Such moves are obviously linked to the need to ensure at least an elementary respect for Human Rights by Third Countries, (f.ex. exploitation of Children's work, etc) in order to avoid, precisely, any such Social Dumping.
- "EU has Values, protecting Human Rights and Human Dignity", and "it cannot close its eyes" in front of grave violations, particularly "Torture and/or killings", added, indeed, Sarkozy.
Thus, "the time comes, where decisions must be taken". But, in case of "Sanctions", "all International opinion should be convinced of the need to take action", he observed.
Expressed on the occasion of recent developments in Iran, the same principles should logically apply also to other similar cases, including fex. that of Hundreds of ECHR judgements' condemning f;ex. Turkey for grave crimes, (as Torture, brutal Killings, Enforced "Disappearances", Destruction of Family Homes, harassments and oppressive violations of Freedom of Speech, etc).
Meanwhile, questioned on (EU Commission's chair) Barroso's bid to succeed himself for a second mandate, they both expressed a "wish" or a "feeling" that "EU Parliament"'s various political Groups might fix a date for decisions "during September". However, is he is endorsed before the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, it will be legally necessary to re-vote anew for a full term of office afterwards, according to EU Legal Experts, revealed recently in Strasbourg the experienced former President of EU Parliament's Constitutional Committee, German Socialist MEP Jo Leinen. And Germany will not vote for Lisbon Treaty's ratification but only "on September 8 and 18", revealed Merkel, ( i.e. after EU Parliament's plenary session in Strasbourg).
- Therefore, "for EU Commissioners' appointment, it's too early yet, because we must wait for the ratification of Lisbon Treaty" by all 27 EU Member countries, including naturally Ireland's Referendum on early October, said to "EuroFora" the influential President of EU Parliament's largest group of MEPs, Joseph Daul, expressing, however, the hope that a controversial deal with the head of the Socialist Group of MEPs, Martin Schultz of Germany, might hold for Barroso alone, at a forthcoming vote due to fix the Strasbourg plenary's Agenda.
But MEPs reportedly just "postponed" for 1 week all their previously scheduled group meetings (See : http://www.euractiv.com/en/future-eu/barroso-unveil-summer-homework-week/article-184825 );
However, while the choice of a new EU Commission's President by EU Parliament is supposed, according to many MEPs' wish, take place according to EU policy issues, paradoxically, this would mean that Barroso's bid would pass before even the anouncement of France and Germany's "initiatives" for EU's "new Horizons"...