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Inicio arrow newsitems arrow Human Life gets Born Earlier, Marks Victorious Turn in Fight v. Deadly Virus+ at House of Rising Sun

Human Life gets Born Earlier, Marks Victorious Turn in Fight v. Deadly Virus+ at House of Rising Sun

Escrito por ACM


*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- At an Exceptional Event, Human Life had to be Born Weeks Earlier than normaly expected, reportedly in order to Help an on-going, Hard General Struggle against a Deadly Virus, at the House of the Rising Sun, in China,"Eurofora" learned.

Indeed, a Baby due to be Naturaly Born around the Middle of February 2020, was, Instead, Born with Cesarian Surgery, much Earlier : on the 6th of February, (i.e. 1 or 2 Weeks Before its Natural Outcome), with Risks of Health Issues, at a Hospital of the Chinese Internationalized, Cosmopolitan Mega-City (Similar, mutatis-mutandis, to New York, Geneva, Strasbourg or Saint Petersburg, etc) :  Shanghai.  

"New York Times" Later Published a Long Article on "Pregnant Women" alleged "Problems" in Virus-Hit China, (on February 25 : UPDATED), But did Not Mention Any Case as "Hard" as that on which "Eurofora" was alerted, by well informed sources...

By an Incredible "Coincidence", the Prelude of that Baby's Birth was Full of various, converging Tensions, Anxiety, Risks and Threats, at Different Levels, related to a Daily Growing Deadly Virus' Epidemic, inevitably mixed also with several Socio-Political Issues of our Times (See Infra).

While, Astonishingly, the Aftermath of its Birth was, UnExpectedly, Synchronous with the Beginning of a Real, New Facts-Based, Hope to eventually Win that Collective Battle for Human Lives, as, for the 1st Time, that Deadly Virus started to Decelerate, and Even, apparently, indicating a Trend to be Contained, perhaps gradualy Diminish, Compared to the Past Weeks/Months, (See Facts Infra)

However, Questions still appear to remain Open, particularly about the, eventualy, more or less Harsh Prize, that this Too Early New Born, might, eventualy, have to pay in its Life, and that of its Family, for Having been Deprived of 1 or 2 Weeks Time of Development inside the Womb of its Mother, as was its Natural course, in normal circumstances.

And this was the Family's 1st and Unique, yet, Child-to-be, while China's NHC had Just Deplored anOther Year of "Low Birth Rate" Problems on 2019, which had Already led President Xi to Launch from 2016 a Policy of "2 Children" Per Family, (Istead of Only 1, until then), as an Annual Population "Decrease" Persisted, more or less, (with - 630.000 Less NewBorns on 2017, - 2 Millions Less on 2018, and - 580.000 Less on 2019), inciting the Government to Create a New, UpGraded, Infant Care Service, for Children Under 3 y.o., from 2020.


Previously, the still Pregnant Mother and the Father had a Discussion with an Hospital Official, who, reportedly, Warned them that, in addition to Notorious "Transport' Restrictions", amidst the Virus' Crisis, the Medical Staff "might Not have the Means" to Properly Care for that Birth, if  it was Allowed to Complete its Natural Course, Up to 1 or 2 Weeks Later, adding that an Early, Artificial Birth might, Perhaps, be even less dangerous for the Future Baby's Health.

The "National Health Committee" (NHC) had, reportedly, Already spoken about "Reasonable Arrangements, as SOON as possible", with Pregnant Women ready for Birth, But this concerned, officially, Hospitals newly designated for Virus treatments, and it had not yet happened in that case.

However, theirs was a Public (and Not Private) Hospital, (that the Family had EnTrusted on a Warm Recommendation by close Friends at Shanghai, Paying something More in order to get Promised Better Services at a Special Department), and, therefore, at least theoretically, Subject to Any Eventual Instruction, by Regional and/or National Public Authorities for Possible Urgent Transfert of Medical Staff and/or Supplies towards the Overwhelmed Epicenter of the Virus at Hubei Province, during the Next Few Days...


Indeed, Even if, Until around Middle January 2020, China's NHC had been Routinely Occupied with Various Other, entirely Different Issues, (as, f.ex., "Life Expectancy" Reaching "82,2" y.o. among Beijing Residents, Research on "TB" by Shanghai Labs, or Robot-Asssisted "Brain Angiography" and Surgery for Replacement of Feet's Bones, etc), Suddenly, on 20 January, NHC Officialy Announced that the New, Deadly Virus has been Proven to be "Transmissible" Between Humans, (in Fact, on January 29, it was Proven that such Transmissions Already Existed Since ..."the Middle of December 2019"), while, However, Top Experts Still Expected, Initially, that this New Virus, probably, would "Not" Spread as far as the "Scale" of SARS had done, Back on 2003, as they Claimed...

- But, Since January 21, China's President XI Orders "All-out Efforts ...to Curb the Spread of Virus", Including to "Mobilize All Available Resources", Followed by the "Strictest Measures" are also Announced against what they Called, then, "Viral Pneumonia", on January 21, (with 291 Infections and 7 Deaths then), which "Continues to Spread" and "Might Spread Further". Already, Since January 29, this New (2019-2020) Virus' Infections "Exceeded" those of SARS, Back on 2003).

>>> Most Important : It's at the Latest Since the 26th of January 2020, NHC's Director, Ma Xiaowei, Warned that China was "at a Crucial Time", in its Hard Struggle against that, UnKnown yet, New Deadly Virus' Spread, so that, inter alia, also Public Transport Suspensions and Other Transports' Restrictions might be Necessary, even at Schanghai, in Addition to "Medical Staff" and "Supplies"' Transferts towards Hubei Province's Epicenter, (where +5.000 More Hospital Beds were going to become available Soon : the Biggest, that of "Thunder God's Mountain", with 1.500 Beds, Scheduled for February 6, was Finaly Ready just 2 Days Later, Adding +100 Beds More), Promising for Virus' Patients the "Best Hospitals" and "Best Medical Resources". Before and After that, NHC was Full of various Announcements that Medical Staff from several Other Provinces was Going to Fight the Virus at Hubei/Wuhan.


=> Thus, Already, since the 27 of January, "959" Medical Staff from Various Provinces had been Send to the "Hardest Hit" Areas of Hubei (Wuhan, etc), and they were Due to be Followed asap. Also by anOther "1.600". On January 29, about "6.000 Health Workers" were Arriving at Hubei "From Accross China", (Following "a 1st Team from Shanghai"). On February 2, there are "8.310 Medical Staff members From ...Accross China", Coming from "15 Provinces and Municipalities, including Shanghai" (Cited 1st) "Despite Their own Difficulties", NHC Announced. On February 2, "1.400 Nurses" coming from ''NationWide" are Added, and on February 4, the Government "Assigns anOther +2.000 Medical Workers" at Hubei, (i.e. a Total of about + 11.700). To whom, Beijing's Hospitals Added anOther "667 Medical Workers" on February 8, while Hubei Still "Needs +2.250 More"... On February 10, a Total of "Nearly 30.000 Medical Workers accross the Country" had been "Assigned to ...Hubei", and "19 Other Designated Provinces" were due to Send Even "More" ! (This Includes "1.430 Shanghai Doctors and Nurses", "as of Feb 11", when anOther +214 were Added from Just 1 Hospital, NHC Noted).  And Hubei Government Decided, since February 2, the "Allocation of Secure Accommodation, and Daily Necessities" for InComing Medical Workers, Adding also "Protective Equipment" and various "Subsidies", Including "Daily + 43 $" more, (etc).

But, "Medical Supplies", (including "Masks" and Other "Protective" equipments, "DisInfectants", "DeContamination Materials", etc), Initially were, Still, InSufficient throughout the Country, to the point that, on January 31, China was Glad to Receive such an Aid by a Air-"Cargo" from Lukashenko's "Belarus", and on February 6, "Masks" from "Brunei" !  On February 1st, Prime Minister Li Keqiang asks to Give "More Medical Supplies to Regions Hit Harder" by the Virus. This became a Government Policy from February 2, with a "Priority" to "Accelerate" Medical Staff and Supplies towards Hubei, (While "Other Provinces" were "Urged" to organise "Flexible Ways ... to Arrange Work in Other Sectors")... + "20 Mobile Hospitals" are Added "from February 4" to "Wuhan" Virus' EpiCenter". On February 5, the Government announces that  "some Multi-Speciality Hospitals will be Transformed" and "Dedicated" to Virus' "Infected" Patients. Indeed, from February 4, NHC's Focus is "On the FrontLine" (i.e. at Hubei + against the Virus), "withOut Time to Spare !".

Meanwhile, the Numbers of Infections and Deaths caused by that Virus were Growing Each Day, Even with a considerable Acceleration Since 27 to 28 January, and at a Regular Pace at least Up to February 5 included : F.ex., on 28 January Infections Jump from 2.744 Up to 4.537, on 30 January they Reach 7.736, Jumping 1 Day Later up to 9.720, Growing to 11.821 on February 1st, Afterwards 14.411 (2 February), 17.238 (3 February), 20.471 (4 February), and Reaching 24.363 on 5 of February.

In Parallel, Airlines like USA's "Delta" Examine to Suspend Flights to/from China After "February 6", as the "Turkish Airlines" have Already Decided to do so, from that Date.

Even Direct, Open, and Harsh Political Attacks against the Chinese Government, (targetting particularly President Xi Jinping), and Attempting to Exploit the Virus' Crisis in order to Provoke Frustrations and Revolts, had been Launched at the Internet, (rapidly Echoed by some Foreign Medias, as, f.ex. UK's "Socialist/Liberal"-leaning Newspaper "Guardian", etc), f.ex. on February 4, (See Facts Infra).


=> It's in these Exceptional Circumstances that the Family was led to Accept an also Exceptionaly Artificial (i.e. by Cesarian Surgery) and Early Birth (on February 6), as it had been Clearly Suggested by that Hospital's Authorities for them.

They Obviously Believed that, Given all those Exceptional Circumstances, such an Exceptional Sacrifice (of a Week or More of Human Development inside the Mother's Womb, and of a Natural Birth) Might be the Right Solution for All involved, and that, in real practice, probably they couldn't or shouldn't do otherwise.


Indeed, Meanwhile, the Numbers of People Infected by that Virus (Both in All China, and particularly at Shanghai), and of those Killed by it, were Regularly Growing, almost Every Day, at least Until February 5, included.

+ Moreover, the Harsh Political Attack against the Chinese Government, and particularly President Xi Jinping, (Comp. Supra), that was Lauched from February 4, at the Internet, soon Echoed by some Medias in the Foreign Press, (f.ex. UK's "Guardian", etc), had Obviously Attempted to Exploit "the Great Virus"' (sic !), as it Characteristicaly called it, in order to Discredit the Public Authorities, Provoke Anger and Mass Revolt, Even Claiming that it was Doubtful whether a Change in China Nowadays could be made Peacefully, and Urging People to "Rage" and "let (their) Lives Burn" (sic !), for a "Break through", (etc), After which, would follow a ..."post-War (re-sic !!) ReConstruction" !

 - Accusing China's Government to be "InCompetent in Dealing with the CoronaVirus", and to have "made a Mess in Hubei province", added to Wider "InOperability", "DisCombobulation" and "Impotence", the Writer of that Pamphlet Titled : "VIRAL ALARM" (sic !),  former University Professor Xu Zhangrun, Destituted on 2019, Claimed that  the Chinese Authorities would be Responsible for a provoked "Economic Slowdown", added to "Isolation" by Other Countries' "Travel Restrictions", and for having "left the country withOut even enough face Masks", and with "CountLess numbers of People Unable to get adequate Medical Attention, ...Abandoned as they wail in HopeLess Isolation", Even for "the ever-Increasing Death toll [caused by the Virus]", pushing towards " a Vast Chasm" where "there is No Refuge from this Viral Reality", so that "Because of this Great Virus, the People are enRaged", and the "Only Hope" would be "that in the Wake of the CoronaVirus, the People will Reconsider their Situation, and...Will Awaken to its predicament", as he says...  

>>> - Interestingly, (while some  Notoriously Suspect a "Labo-Frabricated" Virus, including former Twice-Elected Iran's President Ahmadinejad, "NOBEL" Prize French Professor Montagnier, etc.: See http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/ahmadinejadonlabomadevirus1.html + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/ahmadinejadonlabomadevirus2.htmlhttp://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/nobelprofonlabmadevirus.html), that former "Professor of University",  so Fond of the "Great Virus" (Comp. Supra), Accuses what he calls a "Tyranny" in China's Nowadays "Governance, to be "Undermining a Technocratic System" (sic !), that he Praises, Based on "a vast Corps of competent Technocrats", who would "form.. a Highly Capable Coterie of Specialists and Administrators", in what he Openly Names as a "New TechnoCracy" and Even a "TECHNOCRATIC CLASS" (re-sic !!), seeking "Personal Advancement" and "Self-Improvement" and "Promotion", that would be particularly "Rewarding", in a "Modern Bureaucratic System".

- On the Contrary, China's President Xi Jinping, with an "Instruction" of January 27, had Urged, certainly, "the Party" to "Leed and Unite the People", But, mainly to "Rely on the People" in order "to Win the Fight" against the Virus, ("Scientifically", with "Precision" and "Unity").

=> - Thus, Professor Zhangrun Heavilly Criticizes, particularly the Chinese President Jinping, for what he Claims to be a "Communist Party's ...<<Red 2nd Generation>", with a "ReVival of <<Red Culture>>" and "the appearance of Revolutonary Committees", during "Recent Years", "run by People nurtured on the “Politics of the Sent-down Youth” ["that is, of the Cultural Revolution era—...during the late 1960s and early 1970s", as his Translator in English Reminds], representing "the Worst Political  Team to have Run China Since 1978" (sic !), [i.e., Since the Suppression of that "Cultural Revolution" ; Comp. Supra), and especialy "over the Past 6 Years" ["under Xi Jinping", as the Translator notes], in what he calls a "Leninist-Stalinist", "Maoist Style" (re-sic !!)...


 >>> However, Contary to those Scary "Predictions" of that self-styled "Prophet of Doom" (Comp. Supra), Suddenly, by an Incredible Coincidence, ...Immediately After the Early Birth of that Child, (Comp. Supra), i.e. Since February 6, a Surprizing "U-Turn" Appears in the Fight Against that Deadly Virus, with the Number of Infections Starting to Regularly Fall Down, Day after Day, until they Form a Crystal-Clear and Steady Downward Trend, (towards a probable Containment of the Virus, possible Prelude of an eventual Future Victory of China's Anti-Virus Struggle) !

    - Already, Since January 29, a Senior Expert had Warned that the Virus would Reach its "Peak" in "1 Week or 10 Days" Later, (i.e. around February 5 or 8). This Obviously meant an Augmentation of Dangersous Tensions, Until then, and the Start of a Better Trend towards Overcoming the Virus(' Crisis, After that... And, by an Astonishing Coincidence, those Dates Matched the BirthDay Fixed for this Shanghai Baby, much Earlier than Normal and with an Artificial (Cesarian Surgery) instead of a Natural Birth (6 February)...  

    => If its Family (Simple Private Citizens) might, eventually, had Missed those Medical News, is it possible that Even that Public Hospital's Direction had Nothing Heard about such Important Progonostics made by an Official Public Announcement of China's National Health Committee (NHC) ?     

    + And, was, then, Vain the "Sacrifice" that this Baby's Father and Mother made, (with Even Risks for possible Health Issues in the Future ; Comp. Supra) ?   

    At any case, it's a Surprizing FACT that, Precisely Since that Crucial Date of February 6, 2020, the Numbers of Infections by the Virus Started to Become Lower and Lower, almost Every Day, Both throughout All the Country and in Shanghai City itself !    

    F.ex., while Between the 1st and 5th Day of February, the Total Number of New Infections per Day in China Constantly was Growing Higher, from + 2.212 New Cases, Up to + 2.590 New, +2.838 New, and + 3.893 New,  

    on the Contrary, Precisely Since February 6, (i.e. Just After that Early + Artificial Birth : Comp. Supra), Suddenly, the Trend Radically Changes, and it Becomes  predominantly Downward, with the Daily Total of New Infactions Falling from +3.893 Down to Just 3.697 (February 6), and Afterwards even +3.151 (February 7), Followed by + 2.657 (February 9), +2.484 (February 11), +2.068 (February 12), +1.820 (February 13), +1.506 (February 15), +1.121 (February 16), and so on...          

    => To the Point that, for the 1st Time Since the Beginning of the Virus' Epidemic, (Officialy from the Middle or End of December 2019), Already on February 4, NHC found some "Encouraging Signs", at least in "Statistics" showing a "Dropping Fatality Rate", (probaly After Recent Measures taken Also on Drugs, such as "HCQ, Remdesivir, or Ritonavir", etc., out of an Initial Study of "30" Possible Drugs against the Virus, made by Shanghai's "Institute of Materia Medica"), as well as "Mild Symptoms" in a Large Majority of cases, Urging People "Not to Panic"...

    + On February 8, NHC Officialy Announced in a Press Conference, that "Recovery" cases "Rise" (Including Even of an Old Man, Aged 91 y.o. !), While, on the Contrary, the "Infection Rate" is "Lowering" (See Numbers cited Supra), as well as the "Fatality Rate", particularly After the Recent Massive "Transferts" of "Medical Staff" from "Allover China" towards "Hubei"'s Hotspot.

     - Concerning "Shanghai", on February 10 is Announced that it had Only "1 Dead" from the Virus, out of "295" Infections, (Among a Population of More than ..33 Millions of People !). Meanwhile, "From the 2 of February", the City's "Subway" Transported around "800.000" People per Day, while its "Ground" "Public Transports" more than "1 Million" Daily, (i.e. the 1/8 of its Usual Traffick, But, Still, Fair Enough, Considering Also that this was a "Holiday" Period, with Many People's "Return" between "7 to 10 February").

    ++ On "Cure Rate", a "Remarkable" Augmentation Up to "6,1%" on February 10, From Only "1,7%", on January 27, was Observed at "Hubei" Province Hotspot, according to the NHC, Mainly "Thanks to the Transport of Medical Personel coming From All along the Country", (Comp. Supra). But, Even at the Total of China's National "Proportion of Patients Cured" from the Virus, the Amelioration is Bigger : Up to "8,2%" From Only "1,3%", Between February 10 and January 27 !

    +++ On February 12, the NHC Announced Officialy that the Number of "China's New confirmed Cases" of Virus' INFECTIONS, "Outside Hubei Province, ...has been DROPPING for 8 Consecutive Days" ! Indeed, "the Numbers of New" Infections "in These Provinces, from February 3 to 11, were  : 890, 731, 707, 696, 558, 509, 444, 381 and 377"... And, Later, (after this Number Fell Down to "176" on February 15), NHC Added that such New Infections Continued to "Drop" during "12 Consecutive Days", until Feb. 16.

    ++++ "Fewer New Infections, More Cured !", locaciously Titled NHC's Headline News, on February 12.

    +++++ "Since February 7, (i.e., practicaly From the Early Birth of that Baby : Comp. Supra), Each Day has seen Some 500 Patients walk Out of Hospital, after Recovery !", Enthousiasticaly revealed the NHC in a Press Conference on Feb. 13. (Mainly "Anti-Viral" Drugs and "Oxygen" Support, were Credited with that Result).

    ++++++ For the 1st Time, China's President Xi Jinping, after a High-Level CPC Meeting on February 12, reportedly Hailed "Positive Changes" in the "Situation of the Epidemic", and "Hard-Won Progress" by "All Sides" in the Latest "Results", Urging to "Focus on Priorities", "withOut Any Let up", in order to "Win the People's War against the Epidemic".

    +++++++ Moreover, NHC Announced, on February 19 (UP-DATED), that "China's Daily Number of newly Recovered Virus' Patients has Surpassed that of New ...Infections, for the 1st Time", (since "1.824 People Recovered" Today, While "new ... Infections" were Only "1.749", i.e. Less). In Other Words, New Recoveries Started to OutNumber New Infections.


    => Obviously, All this, Opens a Way towards ultimately "Winning" the Fight against the Virus in China.

    However, that Shanghai Early NewBorn and its Family, do Not Know Why its "Sacrifice" (Comp. Supra), by being Deprived of 1 or 2 Weeks of Human Developmen in its Mother's Womb, and having an Artificial (Cesarian Surgery) Instead of a Natural Birth, with a Risk of Health Issues, practically Coincided with a Crucial "U-Turn" in China's Hard Fight vis a vis the Deadly Virus, (Comp. Facts cited Supra).

    Nevertheless, they have Seen, at least, that its' Tragic BirthDay de facto "Marked" that Astonishing "U-Turn" towards a Possible Victory of Chinese People against the Virus (Comp. Supra) !



                                    + But How is it Possible for that Hospital's Direction to have Ignored NHC's Official Warning that the Virus' Crisis was Reaching a "Peak" at the Beginning of February (Comp. Supra), so that Soon, things would Go Better, and that Child (as also others) might have been Born Naturally, After Completing its Normal Development in its Mothers' Womb, withOut Needing Cesarian Surgery, Neither Risking to provoke this or that Health Issue ? Why did it Commit such a Big Error ?

    This was an, Apparently, Respectable, Big Hospital, Linked to an Important University, and Founded (along with Various Other Social Outlets) under the Auspices of a late Historic Personality in China's Socio-Political Life during a Long Time in the Past, which had been, in Addition, Warmly Recommended to the NewBorn's Family by a Friendly Couple, that they EnTrusted.

    However, Who was Responsible for the Direction of that Hospital in Real Practice, at that Period of Time ?

    A Press Investigation by "Eurofora" found that, in Fact, during the Last 2 or 3 Years, (Since 2017) it was Directed by a Typical "TechnoCrat", (precisely of that Kind of "Technocratic Class" that Renegate former Professor Xu Zhangrun was Calling to Revolt Against China's Government, and particularly versus President Xi Jinping and the CPC Party, on pretext of the "Great Virus", in his February 4 Published Text of Harsh Propaganda : Comp. Supra), since she had, apparently, done Nothing Else, throughout a Long Life, than to  Exclusively Focus, Selfishly, on her Own Personal Career, as an "Expert"...     

    +Moreover, she is widely Known for mainly 1 thing : To have been Always Pushing towards Giving to a "Technocratic" Lobby the Controversial Power to ...Artificially Fabricate Children, (Excluded from Natural Births), inside their Labos, through "Artificial Reproduction Technologies", as so-called "Test-Tube Babies", of "In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF)", etc, under Various Pretexts ! As, f.ex., the Incredible (and UnSubstantiated) Claim that ...More than 25% of Chinese Couples, (i.e. 1/4), would have Become Nowadays "InFertile" (sic !)... (While Even the UK Experts, usualy Fans of Tech., speak of Just "1 in 8" Cases, i.e. the Half of that). This had Started right from the Beginning of her Career, when, After having been an Ordinary Provincial Medical Student, she Briefly Studied at a UK-Influenced outlet in ...Hong Kong, before Returning Back to her Province During Many Decades..., (with, Afterwards, Only some Short Stays at Cincinati/US or at Kiel/Germany, etc., much Later, Towards the End of her Career).

    ++ In Addition, she Systematicaly Pushes to Give to "Technocrats" Also Power Not Only on the (Artificial) Process of Births, But Even over its Substantial Content ! Indeed, she's Obviously a Fan of "Gene-Editing" and other Genetic Manipulations on Human Embryos, (Added to Pre-Implantation Genetic Screening, etc., Practically allowing to "Chose" those who Will be Born, or Not, according, f.ex., to "the Parents' Expectations", and/or if their Genes Match Various Requirements, etc), also under Various Controversial Pretexts : Including, f.ex., the Alleged Recent "Discovery" of "More than 10.000 Genetic Diseases" (sic !), as she Claimed, Suddenly, Only During the Last Few Years, i.e. When Controversial and Dangerous for Humanity, "Gene-Editing" Technologies (threatening to Affect Even Future Generations) notoriously Emerged at the Forefront of Actuality, (at the Latest on 2017/2018, etc)...

    Obviously for that Purpose, she Now Heads 2 Labos, on Human "Embryos" (at Shanghai) and on "Genetics" (in her Province), and has Just co-Signed, on 2019/2020 a Controversial Publication on "Recent" Developments in (mainly Artificial) "Reproduction" of ..."Mamals" (sic !), where ..."Mouses", "Dogs", "Pigs", "ZebraFish", "Monkeys" or "Baboons" (etc), are examined Together with "Humans", particularly on ..."Hyper-Andro-Genism" (sic !) Characteristics affecting Women, (already Suprizingly Apparent at Most of Her own Photos), added to Men's alleged "InFertility", etc., and Various Other Alleged "Genetic" Problems, (Comp. Supra), for which, Controversial "Gene-Editing" Technologies are Presented as if they would be the Only "Promising" Solution of the "Future", Even if, at least Until Now, they Stil Fail by InAccuracy or InEfficiency,  and even More by Serious Risks of "Off-Target Effects", (sometimes "Unlikely to be Detected"), as she Admits, (in Addition to "Serious Risks for Diabetes and CardioVascular Diseases" Threatening More those Born Artificialy, Instead of Naturaly), Threatening to Provoke particularly "Cancers"...

    All that, Added also to Claims for "Gene Editing Technologies", very "Rapidly" developed in "Recent Years", as  "the prefered Tools for Species-oriented Transformation" (sic !), and Various "Adverse Effects"' "Trans-Generational Transmission", (etc), particularly After the November 2018 Scandal of Genetic Manipulations on Human Embryos HERITABLE by Future Generations in 3 New-Born Babies Secretly Fabricated by a Chinese Technocrat Educated, Funded, Led, and Publicized by a USA Lobby close to Former "Socialist/Liberal" POTUS Barack Hussein Obama, (See: ... + ..., etc), could make any "Eurofora"-related Person, here in Strasbourg, (Given our Notorious and Crystal-clear Opposition to such Serious Dangers against Humanity) a Probable Target of Hostility, from some among Such Controversial Technocratic Lobbies, where a Possible "Motive of (Any Eventual) Crime" would be Obvious...

- But, What about that Family of this Curiously Early-Born Child in Shanghai (Comp. Supra) ? At any case, this Controvesial recent Director of that Hospital (Comp. Supra), was certainly Conscious about the Precious Value of 1 or 2 Weeks More in Human Development inside its Mother's Womb, Until the Completion of that Embryo's Maturity and its Natural Birth, Later than February 6 (Comp. Supra), since she (that Hospital's CEO) Often Speaks hershelf about the Importance of the "Development Process", of any Still "Developing Embryo", and, particularly, of its' "Timing", concerning precise "Stages", Measured Not in Months, but in "Weeks" or Even "Days", accross "3 Levels" made of (a) Bones, Skin, Arterial network, etc., (b) Organs, and (c) Brain, Nervous system, etc., at the "Outer Layer", (i.e. also the Last)...

+ As for those "Technocrats", that renegate former Professor Xu Zhangrun Attempted to make Harshly Revolt against China's Government, and particularly versus President Xi Jinping, under Pretext of wjat he called "the Great Virus", in his February 4 Published Text of Propaganda,  (Comp. Supra), the Way that this Hospital's Controversial CEO Concludes her Latest Paper that she Recently Co-Signed, Together with some other Like-minded Experts, Focused on Controversial "Gene-Editing" "Applied" to the Artificial Fabrication of Children in Labos, (Comp. Supra), appears Blatantly Characteristic and Typical :

Indeed, just After a more or less Clear (even if, at least Partly, Controversial) Claim that :

- A given Technological "Method" would have "been "Successfully" used for Brain and Cancer tissue sections", according to them, via the "above-mentioned Methods ...(which would be) Useful, But ... do Not provide ... (the Wished) ReSolution",

+ Suddenly Appears the Following Block of Astonishingly InComprehensive Text :

"The transcriptome in vivo analysis (TIVA) approach uses a photoactive tagging strategy for capturing mRNA from single cells in live tissue (Lovatt et al., 2014). Sequential fluorescence in situ hybridization (SeqFISH) and multiplexed error-robust fluorescence in situ hybridization (MERFISH) technologies are based on single-molecule fluorescence in situ hybridization (smFISH) (Chen et al., 2015; Lubeck et al., 2014; Shah et al., 2016). "SeqFISH uses a temporal combinatorial barcoding approach. For a given transcript, "a limited set of fluorophores is used, and "the transcript is barcoded by sequential probe hybridization" (Lubeck et al., 2014; Shah et al., 2016). ["CRYSTAL-CLEAR" !!!???...] MERFISH uses temporal combinatorial barcoding with a two-step labeling approach. The encoding probes are composed of a RNA-targeting sequence and two flanking readout sequences, which are designed for targeting hybridization followed by readout hybridization (Chen et al., 2015). MERFISH applies a modified Hamming code for correction of errors in the temporal barcode. Three in situ-based sequencing methods, including targeted in situ sequencing (ISS), fluorescence in situ sequencing (FISSEQ) and spatially-resolved transcript amplicon readout mapping (STARmap), have been reported (Ke et al., 2013; Lee et al., 2014a; Wang et al., 2018c). These methods use rolling-circle amplification (RCA) to amplify the signal, and the product is then subjected to sequencing-by-ligation methods. STARmap, in particular, uses a specific amplification of nucleic acids via intramolecular ligation (SNAIL) approach to omit the reverse transcription step", (sic !) thus Increasing Efficiency (-AH !...) (Wang et al., 2018c).

- Did you Hold your Breath ?...

+ Immediately Afetrwars, commes the Final "Conclusion"'s, controversial but clear Claims :

- "In Summary, Scientific Research on Reproductive Biology has been Greatly Prompted by ... Novel Technologies. In particular, ... Modifications of mammalian Germ-Line cell development and human Infertility. In the Future, We Expect that the Continuing development of....Gene Editing Technologies, and their Applications to the field (i.e. Artificial Fabrication of Children) Will Enable ...deep understanding of ...Development and Diseases, which will eventually lead to better Diagnosis and Therapy approaches for Human Infertility. ( Sic ! => IBID, PMA/ART)

++ Follows the usual Mention on :

>>> "Compliance and Ethics :  The Author(s) declare that they have "NO CONFLICT OF INTEREST", (sic !)...  

- Really ? Nobody among them doesn't Head "Labos" involved in Genetic Manipulation of Human Embryos, which Seeks Public Authorisations, Recognition/Promotion, and Funds ?...

=> Such peculiar Prose would Obviously Deserve to be placed Side by Side with ...World-Famous Modern Litterature Writer, ...James Joyce's "Ulysses" Tragi-Comical Master-Piece !






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    The incoming Swedish EU Presidency (July-December 2009) may still remain in favour of Turkey's controversial EU bid, despite June 2009 EU Elections' results, but it has "very strong demands on Turkey"'s obligation to respect EU Rules, said the Head of Swedish Foreign Ministry's Press Service, Cecilia Julin, to "EuroFora", reacting to critical Press reports.

    - "I know (that) the link is often made also to Sweden's position on Turkey"'s controversial EU bid. Indeed, "we (Swedish EU Presidency) are very much engaged in the future membership of Turkey, but not without fullfiling all the Criteria".

    - "It's very clear that we (Swedish EU Presidecny) have very Strong Demands on Turkey, in a sort of concept for Future membership of the Union, ...which will be a Long Process...", she stressed.

    This means, in particular, "the Copenhagen Criteria (on Human Rights, Democracy and Rule of Law), and also the adaptation to the Acquis of the European Union".

     - "If you listen to what Mr. Bildt (the Swedish Foreign Minister) says on Turkey at different occasions, it's very clear : We want Turkey to become part of the Union, in the Future. But we want it to fullfil all the Criteria : The Acquis of the European Union. That's very clear", she concluded.

    The Senior Official of the Swedish Foreign Ministry was reacting to critical Press Reports, from Brussels' Journalists invited by EU Commission's secretariat to Stockholm, who claimed that Bildt was abusing of a ..."Whip" (sic !) against Cyprus, by "threatening" the presence of UNO's Peace-keeping force at the "Green line" which separates the island's Government-controlled areas from the territories occupied by Ankara's army, if Nicosia didn't accept any political solution, regardless of Turkey's demands, before the end of 2009.

        Governing AKEL Party's new Secretary General, Andros Kyprianou, reacted by declaring that no-one can threat the People of Cyprus : -"We shall decide for our Future, and nobody else",  he reportedly said, asking to "keep calm". "In order to find a Solution soon, certain basic Principles must be respected", he stressed, calling those who feel an urgency to use their influence on Turkey. Other Political Parties were more critical.

    This was a reference to recently reported statements by Turkish Minister Bagis, Prime Minister Tayip Erdogan and Turkey's National Security Council (a Military-Political body), accused to push towards a partitionist "2 States" solution, contrary to UNO SC Resolutions for Cyprus' reunification.

    December 2009 is a crucial moment for EU's appraisal of Turkey's controversial EU bid, because EU Council has decided to review then Ankara's compliance with the European position on the recognition of Cyprus' Government, which was clearly set out by an EU reply of 21 September 2005 to Turkish Prime Minister Tayip Erdogan's claims, refusing to recognize even the existence of EU Member Cyprus, in controversial statements he made to London (former EU chair) on July 29, 2005.

    EU Parliament's latest Resolution on Turkey, adopted on March 2009 in Strasbourg, warned Ankara that "the non-fulfillment of Turkey's commitments... by December 2009, may further seriously affect the process of Negotiations" with the EU.

    In practice, the issue boils down to Ankara's "embargo" against Ships and Airplanes using Cyprus' seaports or airports at the strategic EU island, which traditionaly hosts one of the World's biggest Shipping flags. EU has already "freezed" 6 relevant Chapters in EU - Turkey Negotiations since December 2006, after Ankara refused to fullfil a commitment it had undertaken when EU had decided to open controversial "accession" negotiations with Turkey, back on December 2005.

    - "As far as EU - Turkey relations are concerned, it's clear that Turkey needs to fullfil its obligation of full, non-discriminatory implementation of the additional Protocol (to "EC-Turkey Association Agreement"),  This is an important issue....and should be addresseed as soon as possible as it clearly affects the pace of the accession negotiations.Issues covered by the Declaration of September 2005 will continue to be followed up, and progress is urgently awaited", warned earlier in Strasbourg the out-going Czech EU Presidency (former vice-Prime Minister Alexander Vodra).

    But the Head of the Swedish Foreign Ministry's Press Service, Cecilia Julin, dismissed "interpretations" by "some" that Foreign Minister Carl Bildt was reportedly "threatening" Cyprus with consequences on the UNFICYP, if it doesn't accept any solution until December 2009, while Turkey is reportedly delaying in an attempt to impose a partitionist "2 States" solution.

    On the contrary, Julin, stressed that "Sweden has strong demands on Turkey'"s respect of "Copenhagen Criteria and EU Acquis".

    Meanwhile, Sweden  is "concerned" about the risk of "Stalemate" in Cyprus' Talks, but is well aware that "the main responsibilities lie with the two leaders and the UNO", Europe playing only a role of "facilitator".

    After carefully verifying, the Head of Swedish Foreign Ministry's Press Service, stressed to "EuroFora" that Bildt's reference to UNFICYP "was not linked to a Threat", and dismissed those who "interpreted" it so.

    On the contrary, the Swedish EU Presidency acknowledged the fact that Peace Talks are mainly for the UN and the leaders of the Cypriot communities, EU's role being limited into that of a "facilitator".

    As for Turkey's reported attempts to impose a "2 States' solution", the Head of the Swedish Foreign Ministry's Press Service sharply replied by stressing that Turkey must respect the "EU Acquis" rules.

    In particular :

    - "Basically he (Bildt) underlined that it's the leaders of the two communities in Cyprus and the UN that have the main responsibilities for solving the problem", started to say the Swedish Senior Official to "EuroFora", referring to the above-mentioned "briefing".

    - "But the EU had a role in sort of pointing out the benefits and facilitating a little bit the outcome for the settlement of the whole Cyprus' issue", she added.

    - "And he did state the Fact, that the rest of the World (i.e. USA, etc) will, of course, look at the differend issues which are at the table, and the future of the UN Peace keeping force is part of what is at the table", she admitted.

    - "I understand that some have interpreted that as a Threat, by the Swedish Minister" "But", in reality, "it's a statement of a Fact, that, when we'll look at the differend issues, one of the issues on which we shall have to take a stand on, is the future of the UN Peace keeping force in Cyprus".

    Indeed, one of the questions usually raised for a Solution of Cyprus' issue is what International and/or European or other Guarantees, by a Peace-keeping force, might be needed afterwards, eventually for a transitory period.

    Questioned anew by "EuroFora" whether (according to critical Press Reports) this could be taken as a veiled warning that, if Cyprus didn't accept any Turkish demand for any solution whatever, it might be left alone to face Ankara's Military Invasion/Occupation, she denied :

    - "He (Bildt) didn't say it in that way"... "It was not linked to a threat, or anything like that", the Head of the Swedish Foreign Ministry's Press Service stressed.

    On the contrary, "he (Bildt) underlined that the main responsibility lies with the parties concerned on the island". "The EU can try to facilitate and show the benefits of reaching a settlement. But also, when the EU and the rest of the World (i.e. USA) will have to look at it, they will look at all the Facts on the table, and the presence of the UN Peace-keeping force is one".

    And "he (Bildt) didn't speak about that at all", she replied to "EuroFora" question on Turkey's reported attemps to impose, in one way of another, a partitionist "2 States solution".

    Asked whether Bildt's aim was to incite both parties to move forward efficiently, she agreed :

    - In fact, "the EU is really very concerned with the Stalemate in the situation. Yes !", the Head of Sweden's Foreign Ministry's Press Service anounced. That's why Bildt "was hoping for the two parties (i.e. for Turkey's also) to engage and break, a little-bit, the present stalemate, come to a solution of the issue" of Cyprus.

    But, replying  to a "EuroFora"s question on the risk, denounced by several politicians in case of strict Time Deadlines, for Turkey to provoke a stalemate and wait for the time to come to impose a partitionist "2 States' solution", she reacted by pointing at Turkey's obligation to respect "EU Acquis" :

    - "Turkey must fullfil the EU Acquis : That's clear !", the Swedish Senior Official stressed.

    More details are expected when Swedish Prime Minister Reinfeldt will debate his Programme with new MEPs at EU Parliament's plenary mid-July in Strasbourg, that he has visited already in 2008.

    Foreign Minister Carl Bildt became familiar with Strasbourg's CoE last year, when Sweden chaired the PanEuropean organization of Human Rights. As EU chairman-in-office, he will also chair the 27-member States strong EU Group inside the 47-member States strong CoE.

    Minister for EU affairs, Cecilia Malmstrom is well known at EU Parliament, where she has been an active MEP of the Liberal Group for many years, following also Press Freedom issues.

    Both have already made various statements at "EuroFora", on differend topical matters.



2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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