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Home arrow newsitems arrow ECB Head Draghi calls €uroArea to boost Education (for Innovation,+Competitiveness=>Stability+Growth

ECB Head Draghi calls €uroArea to boost Education (for Innovation,+Competitiveness=>Stability+Growth

Written by ACM
Saturday, 13 October 2012

In a surprising message sent to "EuroFora" this Saturday from Frankfurt by the Press Service of the European Central Bank, his President, Mario Draghi, exceptionally focused on stressing Education's "Crucial" role in Europe's efforts to overcome the Global Economic and Financial Crisis by boosting Competitiveness and Growth through accelerated Innovations obtained by Scientific and Technological research.

Topically, ECB's Head was speaking at a Video message for the Historic University of Venice "Ca' Foscari"'s inauguration of the New Academic Year 2012/2013 and the "Luca Pacioli" Prize Award, (in the 1st in History University on Business, which teaches today, in addition to Economics, also Languages, Sciences and Humanities), while EU Parliament in Brussels and in Strasbourg has just started to discuss the 2014-2020 "Horizon" EU Research Programm, at the same time that EU Commissioner in charge of Education, Androula Vassiliou, has launched a review of the European University system in relation with other main players in the World, such as China, Russia, USA, Japan, Australia, etc., (See relevant "EuroFora"s NewsReport, with EU Commissioner Vassiliou's statements to "EuroFora" at the eve of that event : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/vassilioumodernizeuniversities.html).


 - "In order to grow, a country has to know how to innovate", ECB's President stressed today, as a matter of general principle in these times. In addition, "Innovation and Human Capital are all the more important the closer a country is to the Technological Frontier". Moreover, " It is vital to promote innovation, particularly in the European economies in which an Ageing population is tending to reduce the size of the working population", he doubly warned.

  - Indeed, while "in the 1950s and 1960s, growth meant learning how to use and replicate well-known technology", on the contrary, in the 21st Century,"this is no longer enough. We have to innovate,and to do this we need 2 things: Education and Competition", Mario Draghi explained.

- Because "Education improves the Quality of the Labour force, increasing the efficiency of a fundamental Factor in Production processes. Moreover, having highly-trained humancapital facilitates the Assimilation of technological progress and Innovative technology, increasing the overall Productivity of the economic system", ECB's Head clearly pointed out.

- In fact, " an economy's ability to be innovative depends in large part on its Human Capital. In this sense, improving human capital through High quality Education is Crucial in increasing productivity and, in this way, creating the necessary conditions for robust and sustainable economic development", he added.

- Already, "with the Rapid advances in Technology in recent years and the growing importance of emerging economies in international markets, human capital has played anincreasingly important role in guiding the Transformation of the productive structure found in Advanced countries which, although to varying degrees, have increasedtheir specialisation in activities requiring Higher levels of Knowledge", Draghi observed.

=> Therefore, " it is then clear that it is Vital for our economies that we exploit the skills and Capabilities of our Students in order to improve competitiveness and vigour of thefirms which offer these students work, or which the students themselves will go on to set up", the experienced ECB's President urged.

- Pointing to the Fundamentals, Draghi reminded that, "as economic theory teaches us, Growth is the result of Labour and Capital dynamics and of their Productivity", as he said particularly in a period where Fiscal Consolidation and the fight against Recessionist risks must notoriously advance hand by hand, everywhere in the World, but even more urgently  in Europe :

- "When devising new rules for public finances and financial Stability, it must not be forgotten that such matters are closely tied to issues of Competitiveness and employment. The issue of financial Stability in particular cannot be separated from that of Competitiveness and of economic development", Draghi noted.
That's precisely why Education, particularly in relation to Scientific and technological Innovation, was placed today by ECB's Head right at the heart of the topical  "issue of economic Structural Reform", particularly needed in EU Countries :

- "Within the European Monetary Union, progress needs to be made in 3 areas: budgetary policy, structural reforms and financial market regulation", he recalled :

"(1) With regard to budgetary policies and those aimed at strengthening the flexibility and productivity of the weakest economies, it is vital that there be real multilateral surveillance. The necessary solidarity between economies and countries which share the same monetary unit cannot be disassociated from a deep-rooted sense of joint responsibility. Economic policy decisions have in large part become collective decisions", he underlined.

"(2) With regard to financial markets, centralised authorities must be created in order to limit the excessive risks undertaken on the part of banks and increase the efficiency of common rules. Furthermore, a legal framework for managing and resolving banking crises, which safeguards public finances, needs to be put in place, as is happening in other countries. In this way, the EU Commission’s recent proposal for an EU Council Regulation which establishes a single Banking Supervision  Mechanism for the €uroArea – in which the ECB will play an important role – is a bold and necessary step towards creating a single financial market which ensures financial stability".

- Already, in "Europe, significant Progress has been made, but much still remains to be done, particularly in relation to devising a New Institutional Structure forthe €uroarea", Mario Draghi urged.

 - Because, in order for €urozone to soon become anew able to "create the necessary conditions for long-lasting prosperity for all countries in the area",  "it is clear ..  that we must move towards greater economic Integration" :  "No Union can be based on the assumption that a country can cause “externalities” and economic damage to other member countries by pursuing its own national economic policy priorities", he warned.

Similar conclusions are naturally useful even at a Worldwide level, as Europe's active involvement ina Globalized World extends further :  - "Major steps have been taken in Recent years to strengthen the financial system, both at the European and the Global level", Draghi reminded. "Both the G20 and the Financial Stability Board have taken on greater importance and have proven to constitute – together with the International Monetary Fund – a useful mechanism for brokering agreement on the launching of an agenda for necessary Reforms".

- Since "Today, the Consensus seems to be that if the Crisis that began in 2007 has taught us anything, it is that there was an extraordinary lack of Common Rules at the Global level, in particular in the field of Financial Stability", he added.

In the recent past, it's during a Press Conference in Brussels' EU Summit (of December 2011, followed also by that of January 2012 : comp. "EuroFora"s NewsReports from the spot), that former French President Nicolas Sarkozy had initialy hinted that, despite necessary Austerity in order to drastically reduce Public Debt, as scheduled in the New €uroArea Treaty's "Golden Rule"), nevertheless, "Education and Scientific Research" should be considered as main factors of Competitiveness, the development of which stands at the center of EU's Economic and Fiscal policies.

This issue was further clarified, confirmed and developed by German Chancellor Angie Merkel, in reply to a collegue Journalist's Question at a subsequent Brussels' EU Summit's Press Conference, on the occasion of the specific problems to solve on Greece's case, where the experienced former Scientist and Researcher in Physics (as well as wife of a University Professor in Chemistry), whole-heartedly agreed that Education and Scientific Research for innovation should be among the 1st to be even financially supported by EU Commission in order to try to boost Growth in Greece, able to create production, exports and Fiscal Revenues in the foreseable Future, despite necessary overall Economies on most other areas. A point on which, certainly, even the new French President François Hollande, who has explicitly spoken in favor of various measures to strengthen Education etc., wouldn't disagree at all.


+ By an astonishing coincidence, this ECB's President Draghi's exceptional message was send the same Day that "EuroFora"s Scientific Advisor, Dr. Constantin Marcopoulos, a young PHD holder from Strasbourg University on Physics, (specializd in Materials and NanoTechnology used in Physics applied to Biology, etc., in a context of PluriDisciplinary Research cooperation between several teams of scientists, including in Chemistry, etc), has just started an exploration of China's fast growing Economy precisely from the point of view of Education open to International cooperation in Science, and aims to visit also the world-famous Shanghai International Universities' Ranking system at Minhang district's Jiao Tong University.


The move timely comes while EU Commission prepares to launch, for the first time on 2013, a European Raking System on Higher Education, which has just started to be systematically reviewed in all EU 27 Member Countries; in comparison with American, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Australian and other quality standards accross the World, in view of the necessary EU Universities' Modernization, as the competent EU Commissioner on Education, Androula Vasiliou, (former 1st Lady of Cyprus, the current EU rotating President for July - December 2012), had initially revealed to "EuroFora" at EU Parliament in Strasbourg, before the official anouncement, next week in Brussels, of EU's decision to create a High-level Group, chaired by former Irish President Mary McAleese, on Quality Teaching/Learning and Digital technologies, etc., with a 3 Years Mission (See : "EuroFora"s relevant, updated NewsReport : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/vassilioumodernizeuniversities.html )

Meanwhile, Strasbourg's region (Alsace) - which comes 1st in France for the Biggest Proportion of Foreign Students, even on Master/PHD levels, and is particularly strong recently on Natural Sciences - is holding, on Monday and Tuesday, October 15 and 16, a series of Debates and Hearings on Higher Education and Research, for proposals to EU's "Horizon 2020" draft Programme, (named "Assises de l' Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche" 2012, See : http://www.assises-esr.fr/ ) which will be finalized in a Report by World-famous Seismologist, Director of Earth Science Institute, and experienced, former long-time vice-President of Strasbourg's University in charge of Scientific Research, professor Michel Granet.


Granet had earlier highlighted with Marcopoulos inter alia also the symbolic importance of Strasbourg's 1st three Nobel Prizes  : the famous Albert Schweitzer, Kaestner, and Lehn, to whom was added in 2011 also Hoffman, (whose wife described to "EuroFora" how they were surprized to learn about the Swedish Academy's decision while visiting Shanghai for a lecture), while Westhoff became recently Academician.

The 2012 - 2013 expected EU moves on Research-oriented a.o. Higher Education might also offer interesting new possibilities for International Cooperation (f.ex. starting with EU - China's Shanghai pioneer system) on developing a more comprehensive and widely agreed Global University Ranking system, in the foreseeable Future, able to take into account all relevant factors, and not only some among them, as it's currently the case, provoking a just criticism by several countries whose real potential, reportedly, is not taken into account by the existing system.

This latter fact might also explain why many good quality Chinese High Schools and Lyceums have decided to  channel their students' towards USA's Universities only, even if there is a vivid interest and curiosity about the real situation in Europe. But, as our Scientific Adviser Dr. Marcopoulos' told us, Chinese Scientists prefer to deal also with someone who represents a State, a Federation or any other Public Authority, instead of negociating between Universities only.

But an equivalent, additional move by the EU might risk to add even another Interlocutor for European Universities, among too many already existing in a field where Bureaucratic complications are often criticized both by Scientists, Students and Businessmen, (as even Strasbourg University's on-going consultations among the Academic Community confirm these days). Therefore, the best solution might be rather to "Simplify", precisely by concentrating main European University/Research operations in a less bureaucratic, but more democratic and efficient EU mechanism, able to facilitate also International relations and cooperation with Russia, USA, China, Japan, Australia, and other interesting, emerging hubs of the 21st Century's Knowledge Society worldwide.


(NDLR : "DraftNews", as already sent earlier to "EuroFora"s Subscribers/Donors. A more accurate, full Final Version might be published asap).


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3 EU Parliament votes to boost EuroGroup !


After EuroZone Paris Summit's succes, Sarkozy calls to "think anew how to re-construct Europe !

"EuroZone and EU Institutional debates pave the way to 2009 discussions on EU Future, including Enlargment, Turkey etc. ?

23 October 2008

After EU Parliament strongly suppported in 3 successive Votes this week in Strasbourg French EU Chairmanship's move to boost Euro-Group at EU's core, while ideas on EU Institutional problems are awaited on December, "it's an open Question now" if this may lead to a debate on EU's Future, or not, told us French President, Nicolas Sarkozy''s Spokesman, Pierre-Jerome Henin.

MEPs voted on Thursday fresh Funds to support EuroGroup, after adopting on Wednesday a Resolution asking a "further Evolution" to "the 1st ever meeting of Heads of State and of Government of the Euro-Zone, taking decisions in that capacity", while earlier this week a Report asked "a stronger Institutional setting" for "EuroGroup", extended from "competitiveness/industry" to "environment, employment and education", with "increased powers for Political decision-making", according to a text drafted by French MEP Francoise Beres and German MEP Werner Langen, "10 Years after the creation of Euro" (1999 - 2009).

- Brussels' subsequent "EU Council ..(simply)..ratified the measures decided by EuroGroup on October 12" in Paris, which "were necessary to contain the current Financial Crisis", Resolution observes, expressing also support to the new process succesfully initiated by Sarkozy and due to be completed by agreements with USA and other countries at a Global level.

From now on, it's between two differend but parallel moves : EU's delay, and EuroZone's acceleration, that Enlargement and particularly Turkey's controversial EU bid, will have to search its way :

Indeed, EU's 27 expect a "Roadmap on how to deal with the Irish problem" on Lisbon Treaty ratification after December, risking to pass even 2009 Elections and next Commission with the old Nice Treaty of 2000, out-dated and unfit even for 2004's Enlargement...

On the contrary, EU's core launches a real "Economic Governance for EuroZone at the highest level of Heads of State/Government" of the 15, which started in Paris on October 12 and was strongly supported this week in Strasbourg by Sarkozy and EU Parliament.
- "It's a good idea, to launch such a debate ("on EU's Future") in EU Parliament in view of 2009 Euro-Election : Perhaps some MEPs will seize an opportunity", told us mainstream French MEP Alain Lamassoure, former EU Minister and EU Spokesman for France's governing party UMP.

- "All MEPs' debates on such EU Councils are also part of the larger debate on Europe's future : Now with EuroZone, and even more when, on December, Irish Prime Minister is due to table proposals in Strasbourg on how to deal with EU Treaty's ratification", replied earlier to our question EU Parliament's Press Director and Spokesman, Jaume Duch.
Sarkozy has formally anounced his intention to open EU Debates on Economy, Identity/Enlargement (i.e. mainly Turkey), etc. both linked to a popular Political view of Europe, since his Historic speeches on EU in Strasbourg, on February and July 2007, when he stressed that "Europe needs a New Renaissance". At the beginning of the French EU Presidency, on July 2008, replying to a MEP, he suggested that EU Parliament takes an active part in Debates on EU's Future.

- Now, in 2008, "Crisis are an opportunity to re-think how to re-construct Europe", Sarkozy stressed. At any case, the Historic 1st EuroZone Summit of Heads of State/Government, which started replying to the Financial crisis,"is a Turning Point : After that, Europe cannot be governed as before, but differently" : People "like a Europe with Strong Will".

- "We must make the System move !", "Europe needs Innovation" and free political debates. EU "Elections are in a few Months", Sarkozy warned.

He invited EU Parliament to fully play its role as "the Democratic Heart of the Europe we want : United, Independent and Voluntarist, because the World needs Europe's voice".

- "It's no more possible for Euro-Zone to continue without an Economic Government" at the Highest Level of Heads of State/Government, who provide "Democratic Legitimity" and can take important decisions, he announced, strongly supported by EU Parliament's Economic Committee which just voted to boost the "Institutional" aspects of "EuroGroup".

Plasticity offered by the current absence of a special Treaty on EuroZone's Institutions "made it easy to adapt the organization of the 1st Summit with imagination, to efficiently meet urgent needs", he observed, on the occasion of Brittish Prime Minister's exceptionnal presence at the greatest part of EuroGroup's Paris Summit.

- "In EuroZone we have the same Bank, the same Money, and, thus, a same duty for Unity" : "By bringing together EuroGroup's 15 members States we suceeded to find a solution and prepare a Giant Plan of 1.800 Billion euros", Sarkozy reminded of Paris' 1st Historic EuroZone's Summit.

Afterwards, Brussels' EU Council followed the move, and USA's Paulson II Plan was inspired from that. "Europe must promote the idea of Global Economy's Refoundation", he stressed.


- "I was frankly astonished when I found, at the EU, a rigid system, where any New Idea was seen from the outset as a sacrilege, while, on the contrary, Europe needs Innovation !", he described.

F.ex. ,"'When we first spoke about the "Union for the Mediterranean", it was misunderstood as something extraordinary.. When later we had the Russia -Georgia crisis, it seemed against EU's custom to act "in the middle of August", instead of staying a passive spectator ! And when, in front of the Financial ciris, we gathered the 1st EuroZone Summit of the "15", some thought of it as a lese-majesté", he denounced.
On Geo-Political Principles :
- But, by moving resolutely, "EU obtained the ...withdrawal of Occupation Troops in 2 Months !", reminded Sarkozy, observing that Russia "fulfilled its commitments", in the Georgian crisis, where a "disroportionate reaction" from Moscow followed a "totally inappropriate action" from Tbilisi's troops. "It would be crazy to reply by military means : EU should not become accomplice of another Cold War, imposed by lack of cool heads".. as he said.

In future, "the creation of a common European Economic Area with EU and Russia, would also obtain a raprochment on our Human Rights and Democratic Values", added Sarkozy, in a statement which should logically be applied, a fortiori, to controversial EU "candidate" Turkey..

Particularly when, the same week that EU Parliament voted 2009 EU Funds for Turkey's controversial EU bid, ECHR took a series of judgements condemning Turkey for grave Violations of Human Rights, such as : Torture, death of a political prisoner in unclear circumstances followed by failure to conduct a proper Investigation, "enforced Disappearance" of a youngster aged 17, Killing of a sepherd with Tank Shells, persecuting Journalists for articles on "Missing" People, even a former President of Human Rights' Association, (etc)

- "We (EU) can defend our ideas on respect of Sovereignity and territorial Integrity, on Human Rights and other differences ... without confrontation", Sarkozy stressed, on the occasion of Russian/Georgian conflict, reminding that : "we were only 2 steps from catastroph", when a Peace agreement brokered in Moscow prevented, at the last minute, Russian troops' advance towards Tbilisi.

An EU Parliament Resolution adopted Wednesday in Strasbourg on the occasion of Russia - Georgia conflict, outlines a set of Principle which apply elsewhere too, (particularly when EU Rapporteur for Russia and Turkey is one and same person ; Dutch MEP Ria Oomen-Ruijtanen !)

Clearly rejecting any "military solution to the conflicts", MEPs "condemn ..all those who resorted to force and violence". They denounce a "disproportionate military action", "as well as (an) unilateral decision to recognise the independence" of brekaway regions, "calling.. to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity" of the concerned country, "and the inviolability of its borders recognised by all EU Member States". They warn that "EU must review its policy towards" a 3rd Country, "should .(it)...not comply with its commitments", and "stress that the withdrawal of.... troops from the areas ....is an essential additional step".

EU Parliament "calls for the safe and quick return of refugees, (accepted by Russian President Medvedev) accompanied by the deployment of EU observers on the ground", and "regrets ...that ..EU Monitoring Mission (EUMM) is not allowed to enter the ...breakaway regions". Moreover, "It's important to ensure that persons and NGOs ..engaged in defending human and civil rights can operate". "Until ...all remaining issues (are) resolved..., and notably the continuing ...Military presence", "relations with the EU ..cannot be fully normalised", MEPS warned.

As nobody likes to be accused to practice "Double Standards", this should be regarded as "Principles" applicable to any Third Country at EU's Neighborhood.. No ?


On Economy :

- "When Financial crisis shook US and EU's Banks, without result from the 1st (American) Paulsen plan, it was the common reply of the 1st EuroZone's Summit, involving some 1800 Billion euros, which started a positive move in the markets, soon strengthened by the follow-up of the US Paulson 2 Plan, noted Sarkozy.

- "Europe should not be only on the defensive, but, if necessary, know also how to take an offensive", he said, brushing away hesitationsto act on Economy: - "I'm for a refondation of Capitaliism, but against Speculators, who betray its values" : "Lack of Rules was profitable to speculators, Not to businessmen !" We must make sure to prevent any such crisis in future". "We, the rest of the World, cannot continue to bear the deficits of the 1st World power without saying anything !", the French President said, applauded by EU Parliament. All this needs "a New Global Governance", on which EU Parliament must debate. That's why "we proposed together with USA, several Summits from mid-November", to which G-8, enlarged to China, India a.o. countries, should participate. UNO's SG; Ban Ki Moon, the IMF, etc.

Financial crisis lowered shares' prices even for healthy companies, sometimes to 1/3 of their initial price, so that strangers might buy EU industries for only a portion of their real value, and Europeans may wake up one day with their main industries sold out to foreigners !

That's one of the reasons for which EU should debate about creating "Golden Shares" for States to jointly take Strategic participations to help European Industries until the end of the Crisis, particularly against distording competition, he suggested, pointing at USA's 35 billion $ plan for American Car Industry."We shall struggle for Europe to be able to build Airplanes, Ships, Trains, Cars, because we need a strong Industry", he concluded.

"F.ex. as we did back in 2004, when as Finance Minister, we bought Alsthom's shares for 800.000 euros, and, after restructuring, we sold them for 2 Millions : Help a company and make money is not so bad"...

As for the UK, "when Ireland announced that it would guarantee only Irish Banks, London City emptied from liquidities in 24 hours : It's the EU which helped to restore the situation, Not the UK alone !", reminded Sarkozy to nationalist British MEP Nigel Farage.


On the contrary, in a last-minute attempt for the EU to catch-up with its Institutional delay "before the European Elections" of June 2009, MEPs simply voted a call for a "set of proposals" to be made for the "Irish public opinion" at the end of the year...

- "As long as Lisbon Treaty is not ratified by all 27 EU Member States, there is an unanimous decision to stop Enlargement, reminded Wednesday in Strasbourg the French Minister for EU affairs, Jean-Pierre Jouyet..

Added to an indirect but clear warning that, without Lisbon Treaty, all 27 EU Member Countries may not have a Commissioner in the 2009 resuffle, MEPS in the Constitutional/Foreign affairs Committees applauded hoping that this might motivate their Irish friends..



2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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