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Home arrow newsitems arrow EPP preSummit: Merkel, Buzek, Orban for a Stable and simplified action on EU Economy with solidarity

EPP preSummit: Merkel, Buzek, Orban for a Stable and simplified action on EU Economy with solidarity

Written by ACM
Thursday, 16 December 2010



*Brussels/Meuse Castle/EPP pre-EU Summit/Angelo Marcopolo/- Decided to find practical solutions to strengthen and develop a sustainable EU Economy out of the Global Crisis and able to prepare a long-term Future in a simplified manner, appeared mainstream EU Leaders, most of whom belong to the ChristianDemocrat/EPP Party, the big winner of the 2009 EU Elections, as well as of several National Elections in various EU Countries recently,  which is meeting at Meuse's Castle just a few hours before the official EU Summit starts in downtown Brussels 


    EU Parliament would be ready to discuss a deeper and more comprehensive Economic Governance in 2011, while a "simplified" modification of EU Treaty could make legally possible, meanwhile, the Permanent Anti-Crisis, Stabilisation Mechanism that EU Heads of State/Government currently prepare to decide at Brussels' European Union's Council, stressed from the outset EU Parliament's President Jerzy Bouzek, at his arrival at the ChristianDemocrats/EPP Summit at Meuse's Castle, a few kms away, which actually gathers most EU leaders, including EU President Van Rompuy, before the official procedure starts afterwards downtown.   


     Buzek pussed aside questions on "EuroBonds, etc., preferring a thorough picture of all the means used at a precise moment : EU's Economic policy should be taken as a whole, without isolating one element out of many, he underlined.    German Chancellor Angie Merkel, who arrived unusually late (perhaps because of ast-minute contacts with her close ally French President Nicolas Sarkozy), but just after Buzek, confirmed that EU Summit should succeed to find "a strictly limited" change of EU Treaty.   

 Merkel expressed the hope that the December 2010 EU Summit sends a '"clear signal" for a strong and stable €uro in a stabe EU, as she stressed, adding also that solidarity is already implied as part of the overall EU Mechanism currently finalized.


    Earlier, incoming EU Chairman, Hungarian ¨Prime Minister Victor Orban, alike Buzek and earlier Merkel and Sarkozy, dropped a question on 'EuroBonds", saying that "they are not included at our Program", for January - June 2010.         

On the contrary, Orban focused on an agreement, recenty discussed also with other Heads of State from Central-Eastern EU Countries (of the Visegrad circle) on concrete detais of the forthcoming February 2011 EU Summit under Hungarian chairmanship, consecrated on Energy.     

Both EU Commissioner on Energy Oettinger and incoming EU Chairman Urban are well aware of the enormous potential for Danube River (whose navigation is monitored in Budapest by a special instition) for strategic Energy Transport of Gas and/or oil by ships, thanks to new liquefied Gas technologies, particularly because of the topical possibility to import them from Central Asia directly  towads the EU via the Black Sea, up to the Rhine River and even the Northern Sea, crossing via the most Industrialized areas at EU's Franco-German core, (See relevant EuroFora's Newreports).


    Meanwhile, Greek main Opposition Leader, former Foreign Minister and former MEP, Antonis Samaras, met earlier with the President of EuroGroup, Luxembourg's Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker, the 1st Head of State to arrive on the spot. Samaras was distinguished earlier for denouncing the fact that the reportedly huge Public Debt with which previous Governments had burdened Greece had nothing to do with a supposed "Crisis" of the €uro, but much more with an earlier, mis-management by former "Socialist" governments dating back to 1998-2001 and even 1982-1988, (covered up only thanks to a back-room deal to close eyes on Turkey's controversial EU bid in 1999) that he criticized.

 Therefore, Samaras, speaking to "EuroFora", agreed that, "of course", the 2009 problems in that country were, in fact, unrelated with the introduction of the €uro, since their main cause was very much anterior to that. He concluded by an appeal to revitalise Euro's "Political" dimension also, and, while safeguarding the necessary monetary stability,  to keep aware of Europe's need also to make key investments for its future..


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2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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