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Home arrow newsitems arrow EUParliament vicePresident Charanzova to EF on Digital Act+Press Freedom/Classic Vaccine: "Not Easy"

EUParliament vicePresident Charanzova to EF on Digital Act+Press Freedom/Classic Vaccine: "Not Easy"

Written by ACM
Tuesday, 14 December 2021


*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- The "Hot" Topical Issue of EU's Digital Act against DisInformation, and respect of ECHR's well Established case-law on Democratic Freedom of Expression, particularly when it comes to Delicate Issues, such as, f.ex., Press Liberty, and EU's Strange Insistance to still Delay any Authorisation of Not even 1 "Classic" Technology Vaccine, (of the kind invented by Louis Pasteur and Tested during 2 Centuries), against the Deadly Virus, Despite the existence of Many, including 3 already Officialy Recognized by the WHO, "is Not Easy !", acknowledged EU Parliament's vice-President, and Shadow Rapporteur, Czech MEP Dita Charanzova, in Reply to an "Eurofora" Question at an Hybrid Press-Conference Today, together with the President of mainstream "ReNew" (Liberal) Group of MEPs, Stefan Sejourné from France.

    With more than 255 Amendments Tabled in Plenary, (All of them in "RCV"), just for the "Market" Part, followed by about ...3.200 Amendments in Committee, for the "Services" Part, more Crucial for EU Citizens' and/or Press Medias' Liberty, (Now Voted in Committee, and due to be Voted in Plenary on January 2022), the overall EU "Digital Act", (Drafted, respectively, by German MEP Andreas Schwab, a Christian-Democrat from nearby Baden-Wurttemberg, [Comp. Schwab's past Statements to "Eurofora", f.ex. at http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/schaublemnacehollandecontretraiteeurzone.html, http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/eucommissionermimicaondigitalnetworksandconsumerstravelapp.html, etc], and Danish SocialDemocrat MEP Christel Schaldemose), is a Huge "Submarine", whose Votes extend from Tuesday to Wednesday, 14-15 December 2021, up to 18-19 January 2022 included, i.e. Starting Negotiations with EU Council's Member States' Governments during the incoming French EU Presidency, (January - June 2022).

 including a lot of possible Variants, particularly on so-called "GateKeepers", and/or "Compliance Officers", etc., around various eventual "Complains", concerning Member States, EU Commission, etc., often complicated... But its Supporters' basic Claim is that People feeling that they might have, eventualy, be Unfairly Treated, particularly by Content Suppression and/or Internet Accounts' Freezing, etc., would, at least, have "a Complain" Mecanism at their disposal, (but mostly Avoiding to go into Concrete Details now at this Delicate Issue : See also Infra).



    - "Eurofora"'s Question, pointing at the Fact that "ReNew"'s President Sejourné had Spoken Both of the forthcoming EU Brussels' Summit of Heads of State/Government, particularly on "Vaccines", (also Discussed in EU Parliament on Wednesday), AND of that "Digital Act", raised a Couple of Topical Issues of Crucial Importance for EU Citizens :

⦁        (A) Whether, in order to Alleviate a Current Mistrust vis a vis the only Available 4 Vaccines inside the EU, (All Based on Novel Tools, such as "mRNA", "Virus vector", etc), it might be Helpful to Facilitate Vaccinations also by Authorizing for EU Citizens at least 1 new Vaccine based on the "Classical" Technology Invented by World-Famous European Louis Pasteur (former French Professor at Strasbourg University), well Tested and widely Used in massive Practice during around 2 Centuries now :

⦁    By a Timely Coincidence, the WHO has Just Authorized also a 3rd such "Classical" Vaccine against the COVID Virus, on November 2021, added to 2 Others, which had Already been Authorized many Months Earlier, (i.e. 2 from China, and 1 from India = 3), which had, apparently, some Positive Effects, and Started to Circulate throughout All Continents of the World, (probably Followed by Other 2 from Cuba soon, etc).





+ Moreover, it's Also a Fact that the Absolute Majority of 180 Vaccines which have Reached a crucial "Phase 3" Trial until recently, were, precisely, Based on a Similar "Classical" Technology, (wich does Not Affect the Human Genome : See http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/majorityvaccinesclassicbutnotyeteu.html)...

⦁    However, Curiously, EU's EMA Still Persists to Abstain from Authorizing Not Even One among all those "Classical" Technology Vaccines, thereby Insisting into practicaly Submitting all EU Citizens only to a Few Controversial Novel Tech. Vaccines, (which all Affect the Human Genome, either through the "mRNA" or the "Virus Vector" New and Controversial Tools, which have Notoriously Started recently to Show their Limits and/or Open Question Marks : See Facts, inter alia, also, f.ex., at : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/fewfakevaccinesfascismcrashes.html + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/germanpeoplevoteotherright.html + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/pfizerfakevaccineboomsvirusinaustralia.html, etc). And this, Despite also the fact that those Few (4) Authorized Fake-"Vaccines" notoriously proved Unable to face New "Variants" of the Virus, unless they are Modified and/or Repeated, again and again, during the Forthcoming Months, f.ex. via a 3rd or Even 4rth "Dose", in Addition to a "Booster", etc., each 3 Months, (something Unheard of in the whole History of True Vaccines !), and Nonobstant "Variants", as that of "Delta", or particularly the Latest "Omicron", which apparenly risk to make those few Controversial "Vaccines" almost Inoperant, by seriously Altering the 1 Protein of the "Spike" of the Virus, notoriously Targeted by those "mRNA" Novel Tools, (while, on the Contrary, the "Classic" Vaccines aim at a much Wider OverView of the whole Virus, reportedly being Able to Spot it Also in Various Other Ways).

    + (B) On this Occasion, We Also asked which were "the Essentials" in those "Complain" Mecanisms, thanks to which, EU Citizens eventualy Feeling that they might have been Treated "UnFairly", (f.ex. by excessive Censorship, etc), could, reportedly, Ask an efficent Redress, according to the well Established Case-Law of the PanEuropean, CoE's Human Rights' Court, in Strasbourg, and/or EU's Act on Rights, monitored by EU's Court of Justice at nearby Luxembourg, particularly as Journalists' Freedom is concerned in "delicate" cases.



    - Mainstream "ReNew" (Liberals) Group of MEPs' President, Stephane Séjourné, immediately Replied that he took "Eurofora"'s Question as raising an Issue about "Vaccines and Press Freedom", as he Resumed the overall move, (also excusing himself for having mainly missed its first part, particularly after a rapid switch-over from an Initialy English to a finaly French presentation of the above-mentioned points), and urged EU Parliament's vice-President Dita Charanzova to react on that entire matter, (Kindly Adding that he would be "Glad" to, eventualy, Personaly Reply Also to the Part that he had Missed, if we Noted it at the Video-Chat linked to that Hybrid Press Conference).



    => Vice-President Charanzova, (who participated, just a few Minutes Later, Also to a Specific Press Conference dedicated on EU's Draft "Digital Services Act" : Comp. Supra), agreed with "Eurofora" that : - Indeed, "the Biggest Discussion we (EU Parliament) had around that topic, was how to Find the Right Balance between the Freedom of Expression, between the Freedom that we have now at the Internet, and the spread of DisInformation and Fake News on line".

     - "It's Not an Easy Task !", she acknowledged...

    -  "But (EU) Parliament went Further than the (EU) Council, because We (MEPs) Wanted the (Web) Platforms to take a much More Responsible stance !".

    => "So, they (Web Platforms) will have to go through the Risk Assessment : To see What is actually happening in their Websites. How it Influences the Society as such. How Far they (Internet Users/EU Citizens) have gone, and What they have actually done".

    - For that purpose, "there is a Lot in our hands, and there will be Legal Pressure on them (Web Platforms) to do so", she Warned.

    >>> "And I will be Happy to see - Because, I think, one of the Topics was on Vaccination politics (Comp. f.ex. also "Eurofora"'s Question's 1st Part, above) - that Fakes and DisInformation on Vaccination Stops on line : It's one Example of what will Happen, If this New Legislation (Digital Services Act) is adopted", Charanzova vowed.


     Surprizingly, however, "Eurofora"'s above-mentioned Question did Not receive a real Answer, now in Strasbourg, Neither on whether the Authorisation, by the EU, of a "Classical" Technology Vaccine (among the 3 Already Authorized by the WHO, which do Not Affect the Human Genome, etc) might Facilitate Vacinations of still Hesitating EU Citizens, Nor on What are the Essentials of that "Complain" Mechanism in the Draft Digital Services Act which would Respect ECHR's case-Law on Press Freedom of expression, avoiding Eventual Abuse of Censorship by some uncontrolable, Big private Web Platforms, (Comp. Supra)...




    + Indeed, Not Even a Written Reminder of that 1st Part of Our original Question, Added also through that "Hybrid" Press-Cnference's "Chat", (as "ReNew" Group President Séjourné had Proposed : Comp. Supra,and Attached Herewith), did Not Receive any Answer Today, Despite also the Fact that this is a Topical Issue, and integral part of the Forefront in the forthcoming EU Summit's official Agenda for Heads of State/Governments in Brussels, just a couple of Days Later-on (16 Dec. 2021) !

    => How could, then, in Consequence, EU Citizens Believe such Blatant "Fake News" and "DisInformation", as some (Other) Establishment's Politicians served them, through Big Medias, by Claiming, Recently, that, on the Contrary, EU Countries would "Give a Free Choice" to the People about "What kind of Vaccines" they Prefer (i.e. Including Between "Classic" Technology, Already Tested during 2 Centuries since Louis Pasteur, which do Not Affect the Human Genome and do Not have too Many Risks to provoke UnKnown yet, seriously Negative "Side Effects" some Years Later,  or, on the Contrary, some "Novel Tools", as "mRNA" and/or "Virus Vector", which notoriously May Affect the Human Genome, and/or, Perhaps Reveal some Never Seen Before "Side Effects" during the Next few Years) ?

    >>> Let's leave the Answer to that Question to current and future Readers, on such a Topical and Crucial Issue for Human Health and even Life, as well as Democratic Press Freedom, particularly in Europe Nowadays (for the 2nd Time at the EpiCenter of a Deadly Pandemic), which Obviously Deserved a Serious, Urgent, Science-Based and Crystal-clear Public Debate by All involved, instead of Risking to be Swept Under the Carpet...









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Brixen-Bressnone/ACM/10 August 2008


Pope Benedict XVI launched a call "in the name of the common Christian heritage" of "all Christians", to "immediately stop military actions", and "resolutely take, the road of negotiation and dialogue", with "Initiatives" for a "peaceful and sustainable solution" in South Ossetia.

It's with "profound anxiety" that we read "the news, more and more dramatic", on "these tragic events ..which have caused many innocent victims and obliged a great number of civilians to leave their homes". All involved must "avoid to cause more, and worse sufferings to the population", he said.



He warned against "more violent confrontations and retaliations, which may degenerate in a conflict of even larger scope".


To avoid this risk, "the International Community and the most inffuent countries" should "make every effort to support and promote .. initiatives" for a stable Peace, he stressed, shortly before his visit to France, where President Nicolas Sarkozy is the current EU chair.

"Together with our Orthodox brothers, we pray for these aims, and we entrust them to the intercession of her sanctity, virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus and of all Christians", he concluded.


Pope Benedict XVI spoke in front of more than 12.000 People during the Angelus of an Open-air Mass at Brixen-Bressalone (north of Italy), at the end of his short stay at the Alpes, close to German chancelor Angie Merkel's restplace, where he received the visits of two f.Italian Presidents, Ciampi and Cossiga, together with Minister Tremonti.


Pope's spokesman, Federico Lombardi, said ttesterday that he highlighted Brixen-Bressanone's synthesis, a peaceful and mutually enriching meeting point of many cultures, as "a model for Europe".






2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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