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Home arrow newsitems arrow EU, USA, China, Russia +G20 finetune Various Strategies against Virus : a Comparative OverView

EU, USA, China, Russia +G20 finetune Various Strategies against Virus : a Comparative OverView

Written by ACM
Saturday, 28 March 2020


*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- By a Timely "Coincidence", Both the EU and USA, as well as China and Russia, even G20, etc., reviewed, at Leaders' level, their Strategies against Deadly CoronaVirus' Pandemic, this Same Week. From a Comparison, at First Sight, (provided by "Eurofora"), appear Interesting insights, that a More Deep and Thorough Analysis could complete and develop further.

EU Leaders held a specific Summit on CoronaVirus the 26th of March, by Video-Conference, shortly after Member States had already announced relevant National Measures. The Next Day, on March 27, USA President Trump signed an Exceptional "Cares" Bill, and held a relevant, long Press Conference at the White House. On that Same Day (27/3/2020), Chinese President Xi Jinping chaired  a Key meeting of the Communist Party's Political Bureau, after speaking also at its Standing Committee since March 25. Russia had Earlier convened Top Governemental Meetings on Medical and Economic Measures since the 24th of March, followed by a Wider, comprehensive "Address to the Nation" by President Putin, on March 25. In parallel, an Extraordinary G20 Summit convened via Video-Conference, also on March 26, made an official "Statement on COVID-19".


* The EU, (which has Already become the "Epicenter" of the World in CoronaVirus' cases, and even Deaths, since Early March 2020), still Explicitly Focused on "Limiting the Spread" of the virus, as the Latest EU Leaders' Summit stressed, (See: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/differentstrategiesagainstvirus.html, etc), while some Key Leaders Warned that "the Worse lies Ahead".

On the Contrary, Despite a Recent "Explosion" of Infections and Death cases in the USA, President Trump, (who had Already eyed the "Slowing the Spread" target Earlier, since 3 March), seems Now Hesitating between Still "Flattening the Curve" (See also: ..., etc), and "see that Curve start Heading Down in the Other direction, at a Minimum", already "Hoping" that a Way Out of the Virus might emerge "Sooner" than several "Months", as he said at his Press Conference, promising a Reply on Strategy just after a Key Experts' Meeting scheduled for next "Tuesday".

As for China, (where WHO Recently saw an encouraging "Hope" for the World), After having been Hit by that Virus the First, and Hard, at its Central Core area of Wuhan, since December 2019, it is Nowadays notoriously Preparing People to progressively "Return Back to Work", aiming "to consolidate and sustain the Positive Trend in Containing the Epidemic", in order "to Ensure" that it "Keeps Moving steadily in a Positive Direction", (while Also "preventing infections influx from Abroad and epidemic Rebound at home", as it's Recently "Facing increased Pressure of Imported cases").

Neighbouring Russia, (which hadn't, during a Long Period of Time, but Only ...2 Infections, of Chinese Citizens), Soon After "Importing" Dozens of Virus cases '"from Abroad" Later on, mainly Via the EU, Now it seeks "to Prevent the Threat of a Rapid Spread of the Disease", while still "Managing to Contain" it, since Moscow "canNot Fence itself Off from the Threat" completely, as President Putin Warned, (particularly since "a Million People have Arrived in Russia over the past 10 Days" from "Abroad", as Officials point out, speaking of "Risks", for which, Experts do Not Exclude any "Scenario" yet).

+ "G-20" Leaders Ambitiously vowed Now "to Overcome the Pandemic", by "Contain(ing)" it and "Tackling ...its interwined Health, Social and Economic Impacts", as their "absolute Priority".


* However, it's also a Fact that Most EU Member Countries, astonishingly, did Not take, Timely, Any drastic Measure to Contain the Virus' Spread, Not Even from nearby Italy's Tragic "Hot-Spot" (See, f.ex.: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/delaytoprotecteupeoplefromvirus.html, etc), including, Astonishingly, its Neighbour : France, (whose Strasbourg's Region of "Great East", soon became the Core of Deadly Infections from its Adjacent North-Eastern Italian Region of Lombardy, the notorious "Mecca" of Italian Record-High Deaths), and EU itself did Not call to Shield Europeans from incoming Foreign Air-Flights but Only, obviously, Too Late, i.e. long After the EU had been, Meanwhile, declared "Epicenter" of the World for CoronaVirus by the WHO, in Late March...

USA did Block Flights from China, and, Later-on, also from the EU, etc., But, apparently, Not completely and/or Not Timely enough, so that, After an Initial Period, during which it appeared quite "Shielded" against the Virus, Suddenly the official Number of its Victims "Exploded" Nowadays there, (Perhaps, also, due to an eventual Downplaying, at first, Followed by possible Exagerations Later-on, in some Statistical ways to Present things).

China, Notoriously, Succeeded in Containing the Virus inside Wuhan's Region with a Drastic Blocus, (i.e. Protecting, f.ex., Beijing, Shanghai, and even Xiyang Regions, etc), But faces, Recently, a Risk to Disseminate "Imported" Infections "from Abroad" accross several Other Areas of the Country, Even if the Chinese Authorities have Just Decided to Block InFlights from Foreign Countries Nowadays.

As for its Neighbour and Ally, Russia, it Benefited from an Immediate Closure of Borders to China, staying for a Long period of Time withOut Any Death, Not even Infections, (with the Only Exception of ...2 Chinese Citizens !), But committed the Error to Leave Open other InFlights from the EU, etc., (as Italy, France, etc), which Started, Recently, to "Import" Dozens of Infections at Nearby Saint-Petersburg, etc., Spreading Fast into around a Thousand cases Now, Dispersed at 60 Different Regions. However, Russia is, still, one of the Rare Countries (as Hungary, etc) which now Decided to Close All its Borders (from the End of March), while having "Only" Five (5) Deaths...


* Concerning the Crucial Issue of Medical Treatments and Vaccines, etc., against the Virus, the Latest EU Summit simply Reiterated that EU Commission had earmarked for relevant "Research" about "140 Millions €", (already since the End of February 2020). Obviously, this is Only a Pale reflect, compared to the ..."27 Billions $" that the USA have Just Decided to give for such New Drugs and/or Vaccines' relevant Research, as President Trump announced Nowadays... But it's also true that in Europe, Scientific/Technological Reseach is, still, Mostly Funded by National States, and Not so much by the EU, so that a Serious Comparison should, logically, Add Both the Member States' and EU's own Fundings Together. Moreover, French President Macron has, recently, boasted that Europe has "all trumps" to discover a Virus' Antidote, (See: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/macronandeuagainstvirus.html, etc), while EU Commission intervened (with an exceptionaly rapid Funding) in order to Keep in Europe a German Company developing a Vaccine, that USA reportedly attempted to recuperate. However, Vaccines seem to need too much Time, given the current, Fast growing Life or Death Urgency, so that many Focus now on possible Treatments, and particularly "Remdesivir", (developed by a Private Company supported by USA Government), and "HydroxyChloroquine", considered as "Cheaper and Simpler" than others, (initially Backed by some in China, and particularly by controversial but hyperactive French Professor Didier Raoult, which, for US President Trump, "is supposed to be the Better of the two", and "seems to have some good Backing", as "there are Signs that it could be doing well" : "we’re going to find out Soon", as, Nowadays, there is "a Lot" of "Tests" going on - Both in the USA and in the EU especially France - as he said on March 28).

+ Meanwhile, Russia also started to prepare 7 possible Vaccines, and Invented a Diagnostic Test reportedly giving Results (as "Positif" or "Negatif" in CoronoVirus) in about "2,5 Hours", in Addition to a "ROCHE" Company's Fast Test just bought by the USA Government, and to another French Company's rapid Testing method, in the process of being Commercialized, Together with a Different Chinese Test-method.

But for Life-Saving Treatment, more Interesting seems Russia's announcement, Now, that, just in a Few Days, it managed to Invent a New type of "Ventilator", (an Equipment currently Scarce throughout the whole World, compared to Growing Needs), able to work for 2 or 4 Patients at the Same Time ! In parallel, USA President Trump announced Nowadays Deals with big Private Companies, (including even by Forcing them, via a Legislation on ...National Defense, as f.ex. vis a vis "General Motors", etc), to Produce a Large Number of "Ventilators", (f.ex.: "100.000 in 100 Days", etc), Part of which Might be Sold Abroad to Help f.ex. demanding EU Countries such as the UK and Germany, (where Chancelor Merkel reportedly Tries also to ReOrientate the Car Industry towards producing Ventilators), as France has too Started to cooperate with High-Tech Business, (f.ex. "Air-Liquid", etc) to produce similar Medical Equipments. Meanwhile, the EU Leaders asked EU Commission to "Accelerate ... Help ensuring urgent and adequate provision of Medical Equipment", including "Joint Procurement initiatives for Personal Protective equipment (Masks, Gants, DisInfectants, etc), Ventilators and Testing supplies".

+ "G-20" vowed to "Protect People, especially the Most Vulnerable", But did Not Mention yet any crystal-clear Concrete Measures, (See also Infra), except from "Expand(ing) Manufacturing capacity to meet the increasing Needs for Medical Supplies and ensure these are made Widely available, at an affordable Price, on an Equitable basis, where they are most needed, and as Quickly as possible" (sic !), as well as "proportionate Border management Measures", and  "to SafeGuard our People’s Health through the Postponement of major Public Events", (including by ReScheduling the Olympic Games", etc).


* On the Socio-Economic aspects of the Fight against Virus' Dramatic Consequences, concerning, First of all, Poor People, USA President Don Trump pointed, as Number 1 Measure inside an UnPrecedented, 2 Trillions $ Package Bill (Extensible up to 6,2 Trilliions $), that All Poor Citizens with Low or No Revenues at all, would, Exceptionally Receive "Direct Cash Payments" of 1.200 $ for One Person, 2.400 $ for Two Persons, or "3.400 $ for a typical Family of Four", Monthly, during at least a Three or Four Months' Period of Time, for which is consecrated an initial "300 Billions $" part of that Budget. In Addition, 2 Regular Meals Each Day would continue to be served to Poor Children, who Depended on (now Closed) School Cantines for that, and Even Delivered at their Family Home in Remote Areas, if necessary.

+ In parallel, Russian President Vladimir Putin, announced to "Pay all Families, ...eligible for Maternity aid, an additional + 5.000 Rubles a Month, for Each Child up to Three Years Old", During "the Next 3 Months", (while also Accelerating, for "Children aged 3 to 7", a "New Support package" from June). In addition, in order to "Support" Workers "on Sick Leave and Peple who have Lost their Jobs", all "Sick Leave Payments payments should be calculated based on the amount of at least one Minimum Wage a Month", "Until the End of the Year" 2020. Moreover, the "maximum Monthly UnEmployment Benefit", currently Limited to Only "8,000 Rubles", will be "Increased to ... 12,130 Rubles per Month", he added. At the same time, all Persons who "Face a Difficult Situation", (if their "Monthly Income Declined ... by over -30%"), will "have the Right to ...Stop Debt Servicing", and "ReSchedule" "Loan(s) and Mortgage(s)" "temporarily", while "any Penalties are Out of Question", and "the Bank of Russia" was requested "to set up a Similar ReScheduling mechanism for Self-Employed people, too", "If" they "are Unable to rePay their Debt for Objective Reasons" during the Virus' Crisis. In parallel, "Small and medium-sized Businesses and Micro Businesses, ....now facing objective Difficulties", will see "All Taxes on SMB (except VAT) Deferred ...for the Next 6 Months", and "Micro Businesses should also be granted a Deferral on their Contributions to Social Insurance funds", as well as "Struggling SMEs and Micro Businesses"' "Bank Loans ...must also be Deferred, for the Next 6 Months". (But, at the Same Time,  "those Expatriating their income as Dividends to Foreign accounts should Pay a 15 % Tax", and Rich "people with Over 1 Million Rubles in Bank deposits" (i.e. "Only about 1 % of deposit Holders") , whose "Interest Earned is Not Taxed ...at all" currently, should also Start to "Pay a 13% Tax on this Income", he added, as a matter of "Fairness", since "People with Modest Salaries -Already- pay an Income Tax of 13%" ).

+ Son after, it's also China's CPC Political Bureau, chaired by President Xi, which "Deliberated on 2 Reports about Proverty Eradication" : "The Country will ...Help ImPoverished People Return to their Posts and get Employed, and ... Support those Slipping back to or Falling into Poverty, Due to the Epidemic", it was reported, "Call(ing) for Enhanced Endeavors to Win the Battle against Poverty, as the COVID-19 outbreak has brought New Difficulties and Challenges". In parallel, "Local Governments were Urged to adopt a Targeted approach towards Poverty Relief, keep Anti-Poverty Policies Stable, and Improve Rural weak Links".

+ However, on the Contrary, the latest EU Summit's official "Joint Statement", does Not make any Explicit Reference to the Fight against Poverty risks from that Virus' Crisis, except from a simple, vague Mention of "Tackling Socio-Economic Consequences", and "Flexibility" for EU "Member States" having taken "extensive Action to ... alleviate Social and Employment Problems", as well as to a "proposed Amendment to the EU Solidarity Fund", added to simple Compliments for "the EIB Group's contribution ... for Bank Guarantees to -and Investment in- European Companies, particularly SMEs". Inside EU Member States, f.ex. in France, President Macron had Earlier spoken about Poor People being cared by Humanitarian "NGOs" and "Local Authorities", (i.e., mainly Municipalities), etc., followed by various concrete Measures announced Nowadays by his Prime Minister Philippe, such as : No Expulsions and No Power Cuts for No Payment of Rent or Bills until the End of May ; Extension of UnEmployment Indemnisation during 2 Months ; 1.500 € Monthly, during the Next 2 Months for Self-Employed ; Extension of Aides to Handicapped People, Social Housing, Access to Health Care, Minimum Income for Solidarity (about 600 €), etc, during the Virus' Crisis.

 + In parallel, it's Also in the UK that "BREXIT" Party's Chief, former Long-Time MEP, Nigel Farage, (Rightist), reportedly called to Exceptionaly establish a Universal Basic Income of 1.100 £ Monthly, (as a so-called "Helicopter Money", i.e. Only during a Few Months), for the Poorest People, precarious or withOut any revenue, (who are reportedly estimated to be around 11 Millions there), partially Echoed also by a "Labour" (Socialist) MP, mutatis-mutandis.

+ As for the "G-20" Summit, they "Called upon" the "WHO, IMF, WBG", etc. "to support emerging and Developing Countries facing the health, economic, and social shocks of COVID-19", and "Particularly (the) ...Least Developed Countries, ... notably in Africa and Small Island States, where health systems and economies may be Less Able to cope with the Challenge". "G-20" also mentioned "the particular Risk faced by Refugees and Displaced persons", and promised to "Address Risks of Debt Vulnerabilities in Low-Income Countries due to the Pandemic", while also Asking "the ILO and OECD to Monitor (its) Impact on Employment", in addition to "G-20" Member States' own "Immediate and Vigorous Measures to...Protect Workers, ...expecially Micro-, Small and medium-sized Enterprises, ...and Shield the Vulnerable (People) through adequate Social Protection".


* On Mainstream Business, and the Economy at large, the Latest EU Summit simply Observed, at First, that EU Member States and taken Extensive Action to Support their (National) Economies, and, for that reason, they "Needed Flexibility", (vis a vis EU's Financial Stability Rules), provided by EU "Commission's Temporary Framework for State Aid", and an "UnPrecedented use of the Geeral Escape Clause under the Stability and Growth Pact", as they underlined, Together with Exceptional Monetary Facilities by the ECB (for €uroZone Countries). In Addition, at EU level, the EU Commission proposed "a CoronaVirus Response Investment initiative", with "37 Billions €, ...under Cohesion Policy", while an "Amendment to the EU Solidarity Fund" would allow to be "also used for Public Health Emergency situations". Advancing Further, (But, practicaly, Postponing Action for Later-on), EU Leaders "invited (EU) Finance Ministers to explore ...possibilities to Scale Up EIB Group's" Bank Guarantees, etc, and, particularly, the "€uroGroup to present Proposals, within 2 Weeks" Time, (i.e. on April), for "a Comprehensive Response", "taking into account the UnPrecedented nature of the CV-19 Schock, affecting All our Countries", and to "Step up ... Further Action, in an Inclusive way", and "in Light of Developments". (+ ECB ?!)... Notoriously, mainly Southern EU Member States (led by France, Italy and Spain, but also Greece and Slovenia, etc), as well as several Commentators, deplored the Lack of Agreement for "EU-Bonds"' editions to support the Fight against the Virus. Mainly Nordic Countries (led by Germany and the Netherlands, but also Austria, etc), appeared afraid of eventual attempts to "Communotarize" (make Common) a Debt due to Others' Decisions, to which they had not participated, and pointed out that a More Adequate Tool would be ESM (the European Stability Mechanism), which currently Holds a Total of 410 Billions € for Emergencies. (As for the EU Countries which have Not Yet Entered in €uroZone, they reportedly plan to make an appeal to the IMF). Perhaps some Interesting Joint Projects funded by special EU Bonds co-signed by all Participating Countries (including Germany, if it found them Attractive) might provide a Solution, in the foreseable Future. But, in the Meantime, National Measures by EU Member States to Back Mainstream Businesses Focused, f.ex. in France, particularly on massive Tax Relief, Postponing Contributions to Social Funds, "Freezing" Debts, Rents, etc., while Germany offered "UnLimited" Loans, with State Guarantee up to 80% of the Risk, (90% for solid SMEs), etc.

+ However, it's Not obvious that this might Compete with USA President Don Trump's decision to Fund a 500 Billions $ Aide to Mainstream Businesses, mainly Industry, (Added to 350 Billions $ for SMEs), inside a Wider exceptional Package Bill of 2 Trillions $, (Extensible up to 6,2 Trillions $, as he said), to which, US House of Representatives' Chairwoman Pelosi reportedly added that various Other Measures to support Economy are due to Follow, Later-on...

+ In China, the above-mentioned CPC's Political Bureau meeting chaired by Xi, reportedly decided "a Package of Macro-Policies and Measures", including to "Raise the Fiscal Deficit ratio", to "Issue special Treasury Bonds" and "Increase the scale of special Bonds for Local Governments", as well as to "Guide the Interest rate to Decline in the Loan market". They also "underscored Financial Policies, such as ReLoan and ReDiscount quotas, as Deferring RePayment of Capital with Interest", etc, in order "to provide ...Financial Services for Epidemic Control, Work Resumption (for the People), and Development of Real Economy". This should be done in the Context of "efforts to Release Demands in domestic Market, orderly ... Resumption of Malls and Markets", as well as to "ensure Normal operation of the Service sector", so that "Household Consumption" would "Expand", "Public Consumption reasonably Raised", "Brick-and-Morta    r Business Activated", and "the prevailing Trend of New On-Line Consumption", (i.e.  via Digitalisation and Internet, as with the WebSites "Ali Baba", or "Amazon" and "Instacart" etc. in the West). In parallel, China seeks to "strengthen International Cooperation" for a "Global Logistics Supply Chain system", with a "smooth flow of International Freight Transportation", (whose Interest is Highlighted Nowadays, particularly for Deliveries of Protective Masks, Diagnostic Test Kits, DisInfectants, and Other Medical Equipment Urgently Needed by Western Countries, Both in Europe and USA, etc., to Timely and Sufficiently help face CoronaVirus).

+ In Russia, President Putin just announced "Govenment and Central Bank ...action to ensure Stable Lending to the real Economy, including through State Guarantees and Subsidies", as well as "a 6-Month Moratorium on Bankruptcy claims by Creditors", or "on the Recovery of Debts and Penalties". He also instructed "the Government to constantly Monitor developments and, if necessary, expand and review the list of the Industries requiring Support", (etc).

+ The "G-20" Summit vowed "to do whatever it takes and to use all available policy tools to Minimize the Economic and social Damage from the Pandemic", "Injecting over $5 Trillion into the Global economy, as part of targeted Fiscal policy, Economic measures, and Guarantee schemes". They promised a "bold and large-scale Fiscal Support", Backing to "the Extraordinary measures taken by Central Banks", "to support the Flow of Credit", and "enhance Liquidity in Global Markets", as well as "Regulatory and Supervisory measures ... to ensure that the financial system continues to support the economy", including to "Facilitate International Trade", for "the Flow of vital Medical Supplies, critical Agricultural Producrs, and Other Goods and Services Accross Borders", while also "Resolving Disruptions to the Global Supply chains".


+ Last, but not least, the "G-20" Summit's Leaders said that their Health Ministers are due to Meet "on April" for "a Set of ...Urgent Actions on Jointly Combatting the Pandemic", and asked their Trade and Finance Ministers with Central Banks Governors "to coordinate on a Regular basis", (in addition to a "Joint" meeting with Health ministers in the following Months), for relevant (Medical and Economic) "Response(s) to COVID-19", while also Declaring to "Stand Ready stand ready to React promptly and take any further Action that may be required", as well as their "Readiness to Convene again as the situation requires", throughout 2020.

In Addition, in order "to SafeGuard the Future", the "G-20" Leaders  "committed to strengthen national, regional, and Global Capacities to Respond to potential Infectious Disease outbreaks, by substantially Increasing our Epidemic Preparedness Spending", as well as "by work(ing) together to increase Research and Development funding for Vaccines and Medicines, leverage Digital technologies, and strengthen Scientific international cooperation", "including with the private sector, towards Rapid development, Manufacturing and Distribution of Diagnostics, antiviral Medicines, and Vaccines, adhering to the objectives of efficacy, safety, equity, accessibility, and affordability". For that purpose, the "G-20" Summit "asked the WHO, in cooperation with relevant organizations, to assess Gaps in Pandemic Preparedness ... in the coming months, with a view to Establish a Global initiative on Pandemic Preparedness and Response", able to "act as a universal, efficient, sustained Funding and Coordination Platform to Accelerate the development and delivery of Vaccines, (Partly near a Controversial "Microsoft" f. CEO Bill Gates' plan, But More Widely, also) Diagnostics and Treatments". Curiously, any mentions to all Other necessary and possible Preventive actions, to Protect Humans' Health (f.ex. Scientific Research to Strengthen the Immune System, ProPhylaxis, Hygiene, Security, Containment, etc), were Ommitted, in this paper, perhaps drafted in a hurry...

Currently, the "G-20" is Chaired by Saudi Arabia, which was among the few Countries to Start taking Immediate Actions to Protect its Citizens right from the Beginning of the Virus' arrival at its own Territory, (f.ex. Closing Schools, Blocking certain Foreign Flights, etc., Already Since no more than Only about 100 People had been reportedly Infected !).

Saudi Arabia was among those Countries which had been Hardly Hit, in the Past, by the "MERS" Virus, (2012 : meaning "Middle East Respiratory Syndrom"), which, by its Genetic Structure, Belongs also to that "CoronaVirus" Group, Similar to SARS (2003) and COVID-19 (2019) Mutated Variations, affecting Mainly Human Lungs, etc. That's why, SARS and MERS having been its Predecessors, as CoV-1 and CoV-2, Normaly, the Present Virus should Better be Called simply : "CoV-3".  









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Europe brings Development dynamics at Global Crisis' Summit debates


    Thanks also to EU Parliament Plenary's Strasbourg gathering, EU, during the French EU Presidency, managed to integrate the Development issues at Top Debates on the World Summit against the Economic Crisis  :

    For the 1st time, it's at the same moment with the Wahington G-20 Summit that EU Commissioner Louis Michel co-organizes here with the French EU Presidency parallel mega-events for the "European Development Days", starting from this Week-End and concluding at the eve of a landmark debate in EU Parliament, next Tuesday, on the outcome and follow-up of the Wash.DC Summit.

    EU and its Member Countries are the biggest donor for UNO's Millenium Development goals, with 56%, but the 27 are currently struggling to develop a collective leadership in Economic and social matters, that the 15 of EuroGroup (together with the UK and other countries interested to be usefully associated) are starting to spearhead, after the initial success of the 1st EuroZone Heads of State and Government Summit, of October 12 in Paris, according to a New Repport by MEPs Pervench Beres and Werner Langen on the 10 Years of EuroZone (1999-2009) debated Monday and voted on Tuesday.

    EU, CoE and World personalities will interact here with Heads of State or Government from Tanzania (African Union chair), Burkina Faso (CEDEAO + UEMOA chair), Zimbabwe (MDC chair), Madagascar, Haiti, Mali, Benin, etc, and some 3000 participants from the Economy, Civil Society, Media, Experts, etc, while the City of Strasbourg adds various related Citizen-events.

    Opened by French Secretary of State Alain Joyandet on November 15, and followed by a video-contact with EU Commission President Jose Baroso on the Washington Summit Sunday, the EDD are concluded by Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner on Monday, while their main concerns cannot be ignored in the Debate that EU Parliament will hold on Tuesday, (followed by a Resolution on Wednesday), jointly on the G-20 Washington Summit and on EU Commission's work program for 2009.

    A practical opportunity for EU to reflect where it's better to spend EU Citizens' money...

    The move is prolonged in several Paris' meetings of EU chair, French President Nicolas Sarkozy with African Heads of State leading regional Organizations, as from Tanzania (A.U. Chair), Burkina Faso (chair of Economic African organizations), Togo, etc, (in parallel with a Ministerial EU - African Union conference in Ethiopia, followed by a visit to Tchad), logically concluded by a meeting with Robert Zoellic President of the World Bank.

    Many have already warned that an eventual aggravation of Development's Gap accross the World might become much more dangerous to Global Economy, Security, Values and Quality of Life, than Global Warming and/or other, even more serious challenges...

    Will they find an innovative and voluntarist way to really deal with the Development Gap, which might also contribute to help face the Economic Crisis ?


2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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