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Home arrow newsitems arrow EU to EF: Trump may be Right on Mail-in Votes +OSCE to EF: US Election Check=Still On-Going Process

EU to EF: Trump may be Right on Mail-in Votes +OSCE to EF: US Election Check=Still On-Going Process

Written by ACM
Tuesday, 22 December 2020


*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- it's Not Excluded that Trump Might be Right, particularly on Mail-in and various Absentees' Votes, a matter Decided by the States, and, at any case, Monitoring on US Presidential Election is "Still an On-Going Process", told "Eurofora" 2 European Top Senior Officers, of the EU and Trans-Atlantic OSCE, respectively, in relation with his 1st Legal Complaint to the US Supreme Court on alleged November 3 Vote's Fraud and Irregularities, lodged just Yesterday, while Just 2 Weeks remain before the Official Reading on States-certified Electors by US Federal Congress on January 6, 2021.

Until Now it's an UnExpected Historic Paradox that USA's Federal Supreme Court has Not yet Examined, Neither Judged on the Merits, Any Legal Complaint on such a "Hot", Serious and Topical Constitutional Law as that of the Still Contested 2020 US Presidential Election, Contrary, f.ex., to what happened Back on 2000, in the Famous "Bush v. Gore" case, Even if the Main Issue raised Nowadays is, in Fact, very Similar to what late Justice Scalia had Named then as concerning the Not-Counting of "Questionable Legality Votes", for the sake of "Democratic Stability" based on People's "Trust", (See, his Opinion, joined also by Other Judges, at : www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/usasupremecourtandvotefraud.html, etc).

President Don Trump has Recently Denounced, in his Latest (and "Most Important of all", as he stressed) Speech on alleged Massive Fraud and Gross Irregularities of this 2020 Election, (See : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/usa2020electoralfraudproofgrows.html, etc), among others, also the Fact that almost All European Countries Refuse to Accept "Mail-in" and/or other "Absentees'" Ballots, the USA being practicaly Alone to do so Nowadays, (After mainly "Dems"-Governed States, Notoriously Decided to use such kind of Controversial Ballots, Exceptionaly on 2020, Triggering Many Controversies, precisely Because of Fears for Easier "Fraud", and nonobstant about ...400 Cases in Courts, throughout 44 States, which were All Ruled by quite UnTrustworthy Judges ...according to "Partisan" Criteria, as OSCE's Preliminary Report on these 2020 US Elections Denounced).

- EU Commission's Chief Spokesman Eric Mamer, Replying to an "Eurofora"s Question earlier, whether Trump's Claim that the Fraud Risk in US Elections, due to Mail-in, Absentee Votes, etc., would Not exist in Europe, Because Most Europeans Prohibit such Votes, with a Few Exceptions, under Strict Control, is the Truth, or Not, significantly, Did Not Exclude that Trump might be, indeed, Right. He simply Reminded that, in principle, "Elections are Organized by Member States", so that "Questions" about the Existence, or not, of such Fraud Risks, should be "Answered" by the concerned "National Authorities".

= And, Indeed, f.ex. in France, "Eurofora" found that the Legislation does Not Accept Any kind of "Mail-in" or other "Absentees"' Vote, (Even on 2020, f.ex. in Mayors' Elections, Nationwide), But Only the Unique Possibility for a Voter to be, if Necessary, "Represented" to the Polling Station through a "Proxy", i.e. Someone Else : Something Exclusively Reserved for ..."Handicaped" People and/or "ExPats", who Must, Previously, Meet Personaly with a Public Authority's Agents, in order to Officialy and Personaly Declare their relevant Will, with their ID Cards, and by Signing an Official Document "in theur Presence"...

 + In the UK, where some Exceptions existed on "Mail-in" Ballots, a Big Scandal of alleged Fraud in favor of Controversial former PM Tony Bliar's "Labour" Party, Marked the 2005 Parliamentary Elections, with several People Condemned f.ex. in Birmibngham, and CoE's Assembly making afterwards an Investigation and a Hotly Debated in Strasbourg Report, while PM. Bliar was Obliged to Resign a few years After that, (Conservatives taking over the Government Since 2010, until Now).

=> Precisely Because of various Similar and/or Other such Reports of more or less Wide-Spread Fraud and/or Gross Irregularities, Most European Countries had, indeed, to Confirm and Perpetuate, or Introduce an Electoral System withOut Any such Controversial, and Easy to Maipulate or even Buy, "Mail-in" or other "Absentee" Ballots, (which in USA's 2020 Elections' case went as Far as to Add, Also, so-called ...."Drop Box" [sic !] Ballots, even in the Streets, "Parc" Ballots, "Drive Through" Ballots, etc., Often Skip ID Photo and/or Signatures' Verification, etx), as some US Publications Warned, Already Since August 2020...


+ A TransAtlantic OSCE (where USA is a Full, Prominent Member) Senior Official, speaking to "Eurofora" Today, under condition of Anonymity, pointed at the work of a PanAmerican OAS' Election Observation Mission, which Monitored too these 2020 US Presidential Elections, as they did also, Recently, f.ex. for Bolivia's 2019 Presidential Elections, where, Notoriously, Morales was Ultimately Obliged to Resign and Flee to Mexico, after Criticism for Suspicions of Fraud, mainly Based on alleged "UnExplained", "Statistical" ImProbabilities and on Late Ballots Suddenly Reversing an Initial Victory of a Candidate, by an AbNormaly Big Number of Votes for that "Socialist/Liberal" Former President, who was, therefore, Discredited as illegitime, Faced Popular Demonstrations and Lack of Military Backing, (etc), before being Replaced Later-on.... Moreover, According to relevant Press Sources, a Parallel EU Foreign Policy Report on those Controversial Presidential Elections has made a Similar Criticism on 2019.

>>> By a striking Coincidence, the main Discrepancies reportedly Reproached by that OAS 2019 Report against Morales, are Astonishingly Similar to a Key part of those made Nowadays Also against Biden on 2020 in the USA : F.ex., Many "UnExplained", "Statistical" Improbabilities, Sudden Reversal of Results, (initialy Won by a Competitor), through Late and Controversial Ballots, DisPrpoportionaly Favoring him, (a Pattern, indeed, Repeated in All or Most of the Crucial 6 "Swing" States), etc. !

++ CoE's PaEuropean Ortganisation's (where USA is Not Member, But has a Special Status) Press Officer Mikaela Catalano told "Eurofora" earlier that, this time, its Parliamentary Assembly (which Usually Follows OSCE's Electoral Observation Missions)  had Not Send any Delegation to Washington DC, But, given the Big "Hot" Controversy about this US Presidential Election 2020, she did Not Excluded a priori that the Assembly Might, Eventualy, Decide, Later-on, to Draft a Report and/or Hold a Public Debate, (as CoE has Already done in the Past, on other Human Rights/Rule of Law/Democracy Issues in the USA), given the Current "Hot" Controversy and International Interest on that Topical Issue.

CoE's, as well as OSCE's, EU's, and OAS' Established Standards on Elections' Monitoring accorss the World, Notoriously include, inter alia, Particularly the overall Press coverage, (which should Not be Excessively Unilateral and Biaised, But basicaly Pluralist and Fair), Transparency, (f.ex. via Multi-Partisan and International Observers, etc), Respect for Rule of Law, proper Votes' Counting, etc.,

while that US 2020 Presidential Election is Notioriously Marked, among others, also by an Obvious, UnPrecedented Level of pro-Biden, Unilateral and often Biaised stance by almost All Establishment's Medias, (as "OSCEé"'s Prelimiary Report, Already Noted, added, Meanwhile, Even by "Turn-Coat" "Fox-News", and even "Breitbart", which Started to Censor massively its own Faithful Readers' Comments, for the 1st Time : All in the process to be, apparently, Replaced by a New Kind of "Citizens' Press", facing, however, GAFA "Big-Tech"'s Censorship in Social Media), Added to Notorious Bullying and Obstruction against Republican, pro-Trump "Observers" in Polling Stations, Violations of US Federal Constitution on "Mail-in", "Absentees", "Late", a.o. Votes or Signatures' Checks, etc., (Comp. Supra),  as well as a Big Row (with Various Gross "Errors" Already Found) on Votes' Counting, (Both in Paper Ballots, and in Controversial "Dominion" Electronic Machines)...

+++ At any case, Meanwhile, OSCE's Electoral Observation Mission Continues to Monitor Nowadays all the notable Relevant Developments in the US about that UnSettled Yet Controversy about alleged WideSpread Fraud and Gross Irregularities in the 2020 Presidential Election, and, particularly, to Watch "How are Handled possible Legal Complaints", as the Heads of that Mission had Already Warned, in a Press Conference at Washington DC, from the immediate Aftermath of the Vote, on November 4, (See: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/usasupremecourtandvotefraud.html, etc), and this was Confirmed, Today, also by the Replies of an OSCE's Senior Official to "Eurofora"s relevant Questions :

- Indeed, "We (OSCE) are Still Analysing" and "Seriously Following" relevant Developments, about the Outcome of these US Presidential Elections,  Because it Remains, Nowadays, "an ON-GOING PROCESS", he/she significantly told us, (speaking on condition of anonymity, due to the delicate character of this Issue).

=> Indeed, OSCE's crucial "Final Report" on these Controversial US 2020 Presidential Elections is "expected to be Published for about Mid-January" 2021, he/she told "Eurofora".

>>> In other words, OSCE's Final Conclusions on this Elections' Results are Expected, by a Significant Coincidence, ...Just After that Decisive US Congress' Official "Reading" about "Official" and "Alternate" slates of Electors from the "Swing" States, currently Challenging each other, (one for Biden, and one for Trump in Each of those "Battleground" States), Notoriously Scheduled for January 6, and which is, precisely, the Target of President Trump Legal Team's 1st Petition to the US Federal Supreme Court, Yesterday, (with a Demand for Urgent Action since Today and particularly Tomorrow, December 23).

+ At least anotOther 1 to 3 such Legal Complaints to the Supreme Court, should, Reportedly, soon Follow, Adding Other among those 6 "Swing" States' very Controversial cases, according to Lawyer Guliani, (while some Other People, in parallel, Dream to become "Proud" Members of an Eventual "Class Action" by "We the People", if possible, as they have Recently Informed "Eurofora"s Readers, on the Entire Range of alleged Wide-Spread Fraud/Gross Irregularities of that Controversial 2020 US Presidential Election).

Thus, it canNot be Excluded a priori that even OSCE's crucial Final Report (Comp. Supra), Might, Perhaps, be Delayed Further, in case of Relevant Unforseen Events, that Senior Official added to "Eurofora", while the usual "Inauguration" Day for whoever might become POTUS has been, Notoriously, Scheduled for January 20, (already surrounded by the "Electric Mist" of Various Other on-going Rumours/Hypothesis, more or less credible: See, f.ex.: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/usa2020electoralfraudproofgrows.html, etc)...










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