Unanimous EU Parliament Votes on Ukraine : save Civilians, CeaseFire, Dialogue => Political Solution
*Strasbourg/EU Parliament/Angelo Marcopolo/(SHORTER VERSION)- EU Parliament's Plenary clearly Voted Today in Strasbourg, for the 1st time, UNANIMOUSLY, a Strong Call to "Protect Civilians", "stick to a Cease Fire" and "establish an Inclusive National Dialogue" in Ukraine for "a Political Solution".
These unanimous July 17th's Resolution key-points, strongly voted in the 1st working Plenary Session of the New EU Parliament at the Start of its 5 Years-long Mandate (2014-2019), should normally have an Important Influence f.ex. on the Next EU Heads of State/Government's Summit, that has just been decided for August 30 in Brussels (as "EuroFora" had warned earlier : See ...), considering also the fact that the recently Elected New EU Commission's President, former Prime Minister of Luxembourg, Jean-Claude Juncker, has also stressed his wish "for a Political Solution" (and Not Military one) in Ukraine, in earlier Statements to "EuroFora", (See : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/junckerforpoliticalsolutioninukraine.html).
Surprisingly, while sharply Divided on most Other issues, the New EU Parliament, as it emerged from May 2014 EU-wide Elections, succeeded to forge an unprecedented European Unity on a Core issue of elementary Human Values, obviously at stake in the Deadly, Destructive and atrocious Sufferings even of Simple and Fragile Civilian People, in the embattled South-Eastern areas of Ukraine, where Dissident, Federalist or Autonomist Populations face, since mid-April 2014, systematic Attacks, with Heavy Weapons (Tanks, Helicopters, Airplanes, Canons, "Grad" Missile' Launchers, etc), by Kiev's Military.
- In a last-minute Surprise Move, not only ChristianDemocrats of EPP and Socialists, together with most Liberals and "Greens",.but even Leftists, Together with Rightists, "pro-European" MEPs with all sorts of "EuroSceptic" and/or so-called "AntiEuropean" MEPs, all Together Voted, as one Person, ...606 against only 9, and 11 abstentions, (Six Hundrend Six MEPs in favour, against only Nine, and Eleven abstentioçns), to "Condemn any Targeting of Civilian Population, and Call for Strict Compliance with International Humanitarian Law" in Ukraine :
- In an unprecedented Unanimity, they all expressed "Deep Concern about the Safety of Ordinary People, who remain Trapped in the Donetsk and Luhansk areas", as well as "Deplore the Loss of Lives, and the fact that (even) Children have been registered among the Victims", before "expressing .. Heartfelt Condoleances to their Family members", and generally "Stress the Need to Protect the Civilian Population", in a last-minute Amendment at Today's EU Parliament's Resolution.
This last-minute but Key Amendment had been initially tabled by MEPs Fleckenstein and Victor Bostinaru, of the SocialDemocrat Group, before being Extended further by an Oral Addition from ChristianDemocrat/EPP MEP Saryusz-Wolski, Massively Voted also not only by the Liberals and the "Greens", but even by the Conservatives, UKIP's "Freedom and Democracy" Group, together with the Leftists, as well as by the Rightists of Marie Le Pen and various other "Independent" MEPs, from "Communists" up to "Real Swedish",or "Danish", "New Right", etc., until such a Text gathered, throughout all EU Parliament, the Record-High score of 606 Votes for, against only 9...
- This was added to a Draft Joint Resolution where EU Parliament already "Condemns the ongoing Violence and Daily Loss of Lives in Eastern Ukraine, the Destruction of Homes, and Properties (including Factories, etc), and the Flight of Many Thousand Civilians from Conflict areas to Safe Havens".
+ Later was added also a call "Urging" all sides... to Fully Respect International Humanitarian Law (IHL), and International Human Rights Law". This concerns, right from the Start, mainly "the Ukranian Security Forces", "when conducting So-called "Anti-Terrorist" Operations", but it was later extended also in a "Call on Rebels" "to do the Same", and not use Civilians as Human Schields", (according to a Polish MEP Saryuswolski's last minute partial addition).
+ Even More Important : It's also with a Huge Quasi-Unanimous Majority of 564 Votes for, and only 24 Votes against, that EU Parliament"s Plenary in Strasbourg clearly adopted Today (Thursday, July 17), another Key Amendment, topically "Urging all sides to ... STICK TO A CEASEFIRE, which Needs to be Declared and Strictly Implemented, as Soon as possible".
++ Of Fundamental Practical and Political Importance is also anOther last-minute Amendment, with which EU Parliament "Emphasizes ... the Importance of Establishing an Inclusive National DIALOGUE", (i.e. reminding a similar point already introduced by April 17, 2014, Geneva-Agreement on Ukraine, between the Russian, USA, German and Ukranian Foreign Ministers. This Amendmenwas too was adopted by a strong Majority of 543 Votes for, only 69 Votes against, and 27 Abstentions.
In addition, this adopted EU Parliament's text also "calls for a sustainable Reconciliation process", as well as it "undelines the Need for Confidence-Building between Various Communities" in Ukraine, and to "avoid Propaganda, Hate Speech and Rhetoric which mau further Aggravate the Conflict", according to this same succesful Amendment.
* Last but not least, on issues of grave Human Rights' violations, the New EU Parliament also clearly confirmerd, the previous EU Parliament's Strong call (See previous "EuroFora"s NewsReport of April 2014 : .....) for a "thoroughly and Impartial INVESTIGATION", particularly on "All allegations of Abusive use of Force, ill-Treatment or Torture", as well as "Incidents of reported Abductions".
Indeed, by adopting also Amendment No 4, MEPs "expresse(d) .. Firm Condemnation of the Abductions, Savage Beatings, Torture, Murders, Extra-Judicial Killings, and other Serious Abuses of Human Rights, and Breaches of Humanitarian Law, against Activists, Protesters, Journalists, and Many other Citizens .. that have occured over the last 3 Monhts", (i.e., practically during Kiev's Military Attacks on the Dissident Areas, since mid-April 2014).
>>> This came in Addition to the main Joint Resolution, already tabled by most Groups of MEPs, and endorsed Today by all EU Parliament, which also "Calls for an independent and impartial Investigation of All the Deadly events and Crimes against Humanity, that have taken place in All parts of Ukraine ..., with the CoE", so that all "those Responsible to be brought to Justice". Because EU Parliament "is convinced that only the Effective Investigation of these Crimes will help Ukrainian society and the Families and Friends of the Victims (to) recover Trust in the institutions".
+ As a matter of General Principle, the New EU Parliament also Warned Kiev that it's only "Provided that they Adhere to the Principles of Democracy, Respect fundamendal Freedoms, and Human and Minority Rights", that, pursuant to Article 49 of the Treaty on EU, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine - like any other European State - have a European Perspective, and (therefore) may Apply to become Members" of the Union", on that basis. If such perequisitives are fullfiled, then, naturaly, "the EU Association Agreement with Ukraine (recently Signed) .. does Not constitute the Final Goal in their relations with the EU", since, any really "European" Country, (as Ukraine unquestionably is), notoriously Can become EU Member on the Condition to Respect Democracy and Human Rights.
This was also clearly confirmed, recently in Strasbourg, also by the Experienced former EU Commission's President and Luxembourg's Prime Minister, as well as MEP, and currently Chairman of RTL Media, Jacques Santer, speaking with "EuroFora" precisely about Ukraine's Future possibilities.
=> Significantly, the main 3 Landmark, last'minute Amendments on Key Issues for Ukraine, (Comp. Supra) were adopted by the New EU Parliament with exceptionaly Strong Absolute Majorities, almost Quasi-Unanimously :
606 Votes against only 9 for the Protection of Civilian People, 564 Votes against only 24 in order to "Stick to a Cease-Fire", and 543 Votes against only 69 for establishing "Dialogue", (etc), i.e. so Big Numbers that they are very rare, prerhaps even unprecedented in EU Parliament's History.
It's interesting, and of certain Political Importance, also to note the Fact that, so High Percentages of Votes, as those which succeeded to attract a Quasi-Unanimous Support throughout all EU Parliament's Political Groups for the above-mentioned 3 Key Issues, (protect Civilians, stick to a Cease-Fire, establish inclusive Dialogue), were Not achieved, in this same EU Parliament Today, not even for the Final Adoption of its overall Resolution on Ukraine, which got, certainly, a crystal-clear Strong Majority, solidly backed by 497 Votes for, against 121 and 21 abstentions, but not up to "unanimity"...
+ More relevant points at EU Parliament's (both Draft + Adopted) Resolution :
=> The relevant points in the "Joint" Resolution; which had been tabled by most Groups of MEPs a,nd finaly Adopted Today by all EU Parliament, meanwhile, include, among others, also, f.ex. :
- Even if it "reiterates that the international community Supports the unity,sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine", nevertheless, it doesn't exclude explicitly a Federalisation, and, at any case, the Resolution "Underlines the Need for a Political (i.e. Not Military) Solution to the Crisis".
+ In this regard, EU Parliament's Resolution notes from the outset the fact that, while "the Ukranian Army has regained Control of several Cities in Eastern Ukraine", after notorious Military Clashes and even Civilian casualties, nevertheless, Deadly "Violence still Continues" there.
- Inter alia, also because, the Recently elected President Poroshenko, at Kiev, raises now "3 Conditions" for an eventual "Ceasefire", which becomes, then, clearly "Conditional" and hypothetic...
=> Thus; in order to urgently Stop Deadly Military Violence, EU Parliament's Resolution "Calls for a New Meeting of the Trilateral Contact Group on the Settlement in south-eastern Ukraine, and supports New forms of Communication between the Parties", (i.e. Tele-Conferences, etc).
In this regard, the EU Resolution "Calls on the (EU) Commission's Vice-President/EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy (VP/HR) and on the European External Action Service (EEAS) to have a Stronger presence and greater Visibility in the Dialogue mechanisms established with a view to Resolving the Crisis, including the Contact Group".
+ Moreover, "the role of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission should be Strengthened, with increased material and financial means", it adds.
All this obviously is particularly Important, when, In addition, "Urgently Needed", "Domestic, Economicaly and Political Reforms", "should be Based on Solid Popular Support", as the Draft Resolution points out.
In particular, "it is of the utmost Importance to Start a gradual process of DeCentralising central powers to Regional and Municipal administrations".
>>> Therefore, it "Recalls the necessity of Ending the systematic and structural Curtailment of Human Rights, the Bad Governance, the widespread Corruption, and the colossal Shadow economy in Ukraine"; stresses the importance of the ongoing process of Constitutional Reform, and the importance of supporting the development of Civil society in achieving a true Participatory Democracy which promotes and protects Human rights, ensuring Justice and Good Governance for All People in all Regions of the country".
- But, for the moment, EU Parliament "expresses Deep Concern over the Worsening Human Rights and Humanitarian situation in Eastern Ukraine" in particular.
- That Text also observes the unusual "Fact that "some (EU) Member States are showing DisUnity" particularly by Refusing more Sanctions vis a vis Russia, and/or by Investing in its "South Stream" Project for New Gas Supply Routes towards the EU, (as f.ex. Bulgaria, Austria, etc), and/or by concluding Nuclear Energy Agreements with Moscow (as, f.e. Hungary, etc).
+ => Last but not least : As far as it concerns the forseable Future, "a three-party consultation meeting between the EU, Ukraine and Russia, a " useful process that may overcome long-lasting different understandings, by explaining the benefits of the AA/DCFTA and taking into account all the legitimate concerns of all parties", on the main EU Association and Free Trade issues.
Finaly, on Economy, EU Parliament's Resolution "underlines the necessity of finding a clear, fair and stable solution to ensure the security of GAS supply from Russia to Ukraine, as this is a necessary prerequisite for the economic development and stability of Ukraine; (where) the EU should continue to play its role in Facilitating an Agreement", (etc).
+ Other Important Issues in last-minute Amendments on EU Parliament's Resolution on Ukraine :
+ Moeover, Today, regarding a key Geo-Political issue, which is notoriously hidden behind the Ukranian Conflict right from the Start, affecting also Humanitarian a.o. aspects of the provoked Crisis, MEPs also stressed, from the outset, by adopting another yet last-minute Amendment (No 6), that the EU - Ukraine Association Agreement, as well as the Free Trade area deal, "is in No way connected to NATO integration", ensuring Russia about one among its more serious concerns.
On the Contrary, EU Parliament Rejected a Controversial attempt (Amendment 2) to Hinder France from implementing an earlier contract on two High-Tech "Mistral" Helicopter carrier ships, with advanced ITC systems, which had been sold to Russia earlier, thanks to a deal brokered back on 2011 by former Presidents of France and Russia, Sarkozy and Medvedev.
However, MEPs also Failed to adopt another Amendment (3), which denounced "a Dangerous and Irresponsible Zero-sum Game" and "clear signs of an Arms Race in the making", by expressing "Concern" for the fact that "US President" had "made Anouncements" recently about "Investing some one Billion Dollars in Armaments in Eastern Europe", at the same time that "NATO Secretary General, Anders Fogh Rasmussen" reportedly made "statements .. regarding the Need to significantly Raise Levels of Defence Spending in NATO Countries , because of the role that Russia is playing in the Ukranian Crisis".
On Economy and EU's Energy supplies' security, EU Parliament also Rejected a highly Controversial Amendment (No 5) by the "Greens", which claimed that an alleged "decision of the Bulgarian Government to Halt works on the <<South Stream>> project" for transport of Gas towards the EU by Russia, while, also, at the same time, it was seeking to slam the "Austrian" and the "Hungarian Governents" , under pretext that the 1st "recently ... decided.. to further Invest to the <<South Stream>> project", while the 2nd "decided ... to sign an Agreement on Nuclear Energy with Russia", in addition to the "recent Visit of President Putin to Vienna, and the Signature of a <<South Stream>> related Contract between OMV and Gazprom".
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The incoming Swedish EU Presidency (July-December 2009) may still remain in favour of Turkey's controversial EU bid, despite June 2009 EU Elections' results, but it has "very strong demands on Turkey"'s obligation to respect EU Rules, said the Head of Swedish Foreign Ministry's Press Service, Cecilia Julin, to "EuroFora", reacting to critical Press reports.
- "I know (that) the link is often made also to Sweden's position on Turkey"'s controversial EU bid. Indeed, "we (Swedish EU Presidency) are very much engaged in the future membership of Turkey, but not without fullfiling all the Criteria".
- "It's very clear that we (Swedish EU Presidecny) have very Strong Demands on Turkey, in a sort of concept for Future membership of the Union, ...which will be a Long Process...", she stressed.
This means, in particular, "the Copenhagen Criteria (on Human Rights, Democracy and Rule of Law), and also the adaptation to the Acquis of the European Union".
- "If you listen to what Mr. Bildt (the Swedish Foreign Minister) says on Turkey at different occasions, it's very clear : We want Turkey to become part of the Union, in the Future. But we want it to fullfil all the Criteria : The Acquis of the European Union. That's very clear", she concluded.
The Senior Official of the Swedish Foreign Ministry was reacting to critical Press Reports, from Brussels' Journalists invited by EU Commission's secretariat to Stockholm, who claimed that Bildt was abusing of a ..."Whip" (sic !) against Cyprus, by "threatening" the presence of UNO's Peace-keeping force at the "Green line" which separates the island's Government-controlled areas from the territories occupied by Ankara's army, if Nicosia didn't accept any political solution, regardless of Turkey's demands, before the end of 2009.
Governing AKEL Party's new Secretary General, Andros Kyprianou, reacted by declaring that no-one can threat the People of Cyprus : -"We shall decide for our Future, and nobody else", he reportedly said, asking to "keep calm". "In order to find a Solution soon, certain basic Principles must be respected", he stressed, calling those who feel an urgency to use their influence on Turkey. Other Political Parties were more critical.
This was a reference to recently reported statements by Turkish Minister Bagis, Prime Minister Tayip Erdogan and Turkey's National Security Council (a Military-Political body), accused to push towards a partitionist "2 States" solution, contrary to UNO SC Resolutions for Cyprus' reunification.
December 2009 is a crucial moment for EU's appraisal of Turkey's controversial EU bid, because EU Council has decided to review then Ankara's compliance with the European position on the recognition of Cyprus' Government, which was clearly set out by an EU reply of 21 September 2005 to Turkish Prime Minister Tayip Erdogan's claims, refusing to recognize even the existence of EU Member Cyprus, in controversial statements he made to London (former EU chair) on July 29, 2005.
EU Parliament's latest Resolution on Turkey, adopted on March 2009 in Strasbourg, warned Ankara that "the non-fulfillment of Turkey's commitments... by December 2009, may further seriously affect the process of Negotiations" with the EU.
In practice, the issue boils down to Ankara's "embargo" against Ships and Airplanes using Cyprus' seaports or airports at the strategic EU island, which traditionaly hosts one of the World's biggest Shipping flags. EU has already "freezed" 6 relevant Chapters in EU - Turkey Negotiations since December 2006, after Ankara refused to fullfil a commitment it had undertaken when EU had decided to open controversial "accession" negotiations with Turkey, back on December 2005.
- "As far as EU - Turkey relations are concerned, it's clear that Turkey needs to fullfil its obligation of full, non-discriminatory implementation of the additional Protocol (to "EC-Turkey Association Agreement"), This is an important issue....and should be addresseed as soon as possible as it clearly affects the pace of the accession negotiations.Issues covered by the Declaration of September 2005 will continue to be followed up, and progress is urgently awaited", warned earlier in Strasbourg the out-going Czech EU Presidency (former vice-Prime Minister Alexander Vodra).
But the Head of the Swedish Foreign Ministry's Press Service, Cecilia Julin, dismissed "interpretations" by "some" that Foreign Minister Carl Bildt was reportedly "threatening" Cyprus with consequences on the UNFICYP, if it doesn't accept any solution until December 2009, while Turkey is reportedly delaying in an attempt to impose a partitionist "2 States" solution.
On the contrary, Julin, stressed that "Sweden has strong demands on Turkey'"s respect of "Copenhagen Criteria and EU Acquis".
Meanwhile, Sweden is "concerned" about the risk of "Stalemate" in Cyprus' Talks, but is well aware that "the main responsibilities lie with the two leaders and the UNO", Europe playing only a role of "facilitator".
After carefully verifying, the Head of Swedish Foreign Ministry's Press Service, stressed to "EuroFora" that Bildt's reference to UNFICYP "was not linked to a Threat", and dismissed those who "interpreted" it so.
On the contrary, the Swedish EU Presidency acknowledged the fact that Peace Talks are mainly for the UN and the leaders of the Cypriot communities, EU's role being limited into that of a "facilitator".
As for Turkey's reported attempts to impose a "2 States' solution", the Head of the Swedish Foreign Ministry's Press Service sharply replied by stressing that Turkey must respect the "EU Acquis" rules.
In particular :
- "Basically he (Bildt) underlined that it's the leaders of the two communities in Cyprus and the UN that have the main responsibilities for solving the problem", started to say the Swedish Senior Official to "EuroFora", referring to the above-mentioned "briefing".
- "But the EU had a role in sort of pointing out the benefits and facilitating a little bit the outcome for the settlement of the whole Cyprus' issue", she added.
- "And he did state the Fact, that the rest of the World (i.e. USA, etc) will, of course, look at the differend issues which are at the table, and the future of the UN Peace keeping force is part of what is at the table", she admitted.
- "I understand that some have interpreted that as a Threat, by the Swedish Minister" "But", in reality, "it's a statement of a Fact, that, when we'll look at the differend issues, one of the issues on which we shall have to take a stand on, is the future of the UN Peace keeping force in Cyprus".
Indeed, one of the questions usually raised for a Solution of Cyprus' issue is what International and/or European or other Guarantees, by a Peace-keeping force, might be needed afterwards, eventually for a transitory period.
Questioned anew by "EuroFora" whether (according to critical Press Reports) this could be taken as a veiled warning that, if Cyprus didn't accept any Turkish demand for any solution whatever, it might be left alone to face Ankara's Military Invasion/Occupation, she denied :
- "He (Bildt) didn't say it in that way"... "It was not linked to a threat, or anything like that", the Head of the Swedish Foreign Ministry's Press Service stressed.
On the contrary, "he (Bildt) underlined that the main responsibility lies with the parties concerned on the island". "The EU can try to facilitate and show the benefits of reaching a settlement. But also, when the EU and the rest of the World (i.e. USA) will have to look at it, they will look at all the Facts on the table, and the presence of the UN Peace-keeping force is one".
And "he (Bildt) didn't speak about that at all", she replied to "EuroFora" question on Turkey's reported attemps to impose, in one way of another, a partitionist "2 States solution".
Asked whether Bildt's aim was to incite both parties to move forward efficiently, she agreed :
- In fact, "the EU is really very concerned with the Stalemate in the situation. Yes !", the Head of Sweden's Foreign Ministry's Press Service anounced. That's why Bildt "was hoping for the two parties (i.e. for Turkey's also) to engage and break, a little-bit, the present stalemate, come to a solution of the issue" of Cyprus.
But, replying to a "EuroFora"s question on the risk, denounced by several politicians in case of strict Time Deadlines, for Turkey to provoke a stalemate and wait for the time to come to impose a partitionist "2 States' solution", she reacted by pointing at Turkey's obligation to respect "EU Acquis" :
- "Turkey must fullfil the EU Acquis : That's clear !", the Swedish Senior Official stressed.
More details are expected when Swedish Prime Minister Reinfeldt will debate his Programme with new MEPs at EU Parliament's plenary mid-July in Strasbourg, that he has visited already in 2008.
Foreign Minister Carl Bildt became familiar with Strasbourg's CoE last year, when Sweden chaired the PanEuropean organization of Human Rights. As EU chairman-in-office, he will also chair the 27-member States strong EU Group inside the 47-member States strong CoE.
Minister for EU affairs, Cecilia Malmstrom is well known at EU Parliament, where she has been an active MEP of the Liberal Group for many years, following also Press Freedom issues.
Both have already made various statements at "EuroFora", on differend topical matters.