EUParliament on Daphne Murder: Top Concern for Investigation at Risk, if (S) Prime Minister stays

*Strasbourg/EU Parliament/Angelo Marcopolo/- An apparently UnPrecedented Super-Majority (or, rather, Quasi-Unanimity) of MEPs Voted Today, in EU Parliament in Strasbourg, a Resolution in order to express "Deep Concern" for the Long and Bumpy "Investigations" in the Brutal Murder of Critical and Independent Web-Journalist Daphne Caruana-Galizia in Malta, while Also "Stressing" that a "Risk of Compromizing the Investigations ...persists as long as the Prime Minister remains in Office", speaking of the controversial Socialist Joseph Muscat, who Notoriously Refuses to Resign Before the Mid-January 2020, and keeps a lot of his Cronies appointed at Key Jobs around that Enquiry, even after several among his entourage were found more or less compromised, (See, f.ex., Facts cited at: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/daphnemurderenquirydeviationrisk.html, etc).
This Resolution succeeded to get 581 MEPs' Votes in Favour, with Only 26 Against, and 83 Abstentions, i.e. an Historic Record-High.
But, in Fact, its above-mentioned Substance attracted Even More Wide Support, since the Reason for which Some Rightist MEPs Voted Against (mainly of the "ID" Group or "BREXIT"), or Abstained, (mainly among the "Conservatives", is Not because they would be Opposed to the Above-mentioned Key Remarks (Comp. Supra), But, on the Contrary, Because they Found them ...Insufficient, (i.e., Preferring, f.ex., a Clear and Straight Call for that Maltese Prime Minister to Resign Immediately : as, f.ex., the Head of French mainstream Center-Right "Republican" MEPs, Philosopher Francois-Xavier Bellamy = EPP, etc), and/or rather for a Different Reason : Because, as a matter of General Principle, they were Not Favorable in giving to the EU a Power to Intervene Strongly inside its Member States, particularly Fearing that it might, eventually, be Exploited, by some, as a kind of "Precedent" in order to Exert, Afterwards, even More Pressure Against "Dissident" Countries, for Various Other real Reasons, such as Hungary and/or Poland, etc., (f.ex. via the TEU Article 7 current Procedure, and/or anOther, New such Procedure, even Stronger)...
At the Same Time, it's also True that in Vain would anyone search to find, perhaps, some Socialist MEPs who could have Voted Against that Resolution : Only 3 (mostly Maltese), added to Only 1 who Abstained... So that, inter alia, f.ex., Italian Rightist MEP Marco Deostro, speaking on behalf of the "ID" Group, found ..."Molta Ipocrisia" ("A Lot of Hypocrisy"), at least in some Voters, as he Claimed.
Is it, perhaps, Because most Socialist MEPs (who were Alone Not to Mention even the Daphne Murder Affair at the 1st Page of their Press Agenda for this Plenary Session, Contrary to the EPP Center-Right, who had placed it at the 2nd Rank of its First Page List, and even the "Left", who had placed it 3rd, at First Page), might, eventually, feel Happy for practically leaving Socialist Prime Minister Muscat a slight Chance to still Remain in Office until Mid-January 2020, as he Wished, or almost ? Indeed, as French Center-Right mainstream MEP Bellamy (Comp. Supra) Warned, "During this Laps of Time, he (PM. Muscat) Might Destroy Evidence", or "Block an Equiry" (etc) - May be he would Better Worry about : - "Deviating an Enquiry Away from the Right Direction", as, at least, some Latest Developments in Malta indicate, (See relevant Facts at: ..., etc).
=> So that, in Fact, as the well known, Classic Motos say : ..."The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating", or, Otherwise, "Hic Rodus, hic Saltus !" It's Not absolutely Necessary to Read, at First, All the ... Fourty Two (42 !) Recitals (Considerants), Wide-Spread throughout Many Long Alineas, from "A" to "AO", added to the 16 Articles of that Resolution, (even if they might be All Interesting), in order to Conclude on the Essentials :
>>> Obviously, the Best (and probably Only) Way to Judge, is to Practicaly Help the Investigation of Daphne's Murder fully Advance to the Right Direction asap., in order to Find and Punish All those Really Responsible for that Bloody Crime, Naturally Included all the Real Instigators, and Not Only a few Apolitical Middlemen, (Comp. f.ex.: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/daphnemurderenquirydeviationrisk.html, etc) : Timely Results speak by themselves !
Meanwhile, as the Adopted EU Parliament's Resolution urges, at its Article Number 2 : - "Any Risk of Compromising the Investigations, .... Must be Excluded, by All Means", and, Since MEPs also "Stress that this Risk Persists for as long as the (controversial Maltese) Prime Minister remains In Office", then....
+ Meanwhile, in an Amendment voted Today, MEPs also Welcomed EU Parliament Bureau's Decision to create an Annual European Prize for Investigative Journalism, due to be awarded in the Name of brutaly Murdered Web-journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, (after whom is also named the Press Conference-Room here).
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