€uroarea eco-pol. Integration decided collectively=> EU asks to free Global Growth potential via G20
€uroarea's Integration, in economic Governance and at a political, Heads of State/Government level, initialy proposed by French President Sarkozy and German Chancellor Merkel since August 2011, (see relevant "EuroFora"s NewsReport from Elysee palace), was collectively decided this last week of October 2011 by the latest €uroarea's Summits in Brussels and warmly endorsed by a 2/3 large Majority of EU Parliament's leaders today in Strasbourg, opening, at the same time, an emerging EU move towards creating the conditions which could liberate Growth potential Worldwide, including Development, via the forthcoming G20 Summit at the beginning of November in Cannes.
Meanwhile, EU also decided several New Measures to definitively deal with Sovereign Debt issues of the Past in a few countries, including innovative ways to multiply the European Stablity Fund up to 400% until 1.400 Billions $, stricter €uroarea Budgets' Supervision, etc, as well as an overall deal on the specific, Financial-Political issue affecting Greece in fact since 1980-2010, (particularly after the 1999-2000 deal for Freece's early entry in €uroarea in axchange of Turkey's controversial EU bid : See previous, reelvant "EuroFora"s publications), with a restructuration "haircut" of 50% in agreement with Banks, which were given guarantees and recapitalisation support, allowing a deeper review of concrete details on Structural Reforms and ways to find larger Political support before the end of 2011.
At the same time that EU's political leaders fixed as target to boost G-20 action for adequate Changes in the Global Monetary system, against extreme volatility of Oil and Food products (particularly by speculation on financial derivatives, etc), inside a wider move aiming to set at least some Basic Rules on Global Financial transactions, including a Tax, so that they could focus less on speculation and more on Real Economy's development, to meet the needs dramatically highlighted by Lower Growth prospects Worldwide than previously expected, and by a growing Global Popular Movement, from Tunisia, Syria, Madrid and Athens up to Chicago, California, Boston and N.Y.'s Wall Street, (comp. "EuroFora"s NewsReport on the preparatory G20 Ministerial Summit in Paris, October 15).
(A) On deepening €uroarea :
Stressing from the outset that "€uro is at the Core of our European project", not only for Economic and Financial "Stability and Prosperity", but also for "Peace", the Official Communiqué of the 17 Heads of State/Government clearly anounced their "unawavering Determination .... to take all the necessary steps towards a Deeper Economic Union", (also in order to "improve Competitiveness, thereby achieving further Convergence of policies to promote Growth and Employment").
The Collective Agreement included Sarkozy and Merkel's historic proposal to "regularly" hold €uroArea 17's Heads of State/Government Summits, "at least twice" a year, in addition to EU 27's traditional Summits, i.e. accepting an inevitably Political (and, therefore, unpredictable) dimension to the €-move.. "Additional" "€uro Summits" "can be called ... if necessary". All of them "will define Strategic orientations for the conduct of economic policies and for improved Competitiveness and increased Convergence in the €uro area". Before mid-2012 €uroArea leaders will decide whether they will have a "Full-time President based in Brussels", or if he/she should be elected among the 17 Heads of State/Government of €uroarea Member Countries.At any case, the Presidents of €uroSummit, EU Commission and €uroGroup "will meet regularly, at least once a Month".
Already, €uroarea decided to bring soon into play "a significant strengthening of economic and fiscal Coordination and Surveillance", putting in place "a set of
very specific Measures, going beyond and above the recently adopted package on economic governance", (See "EuroFora"s June and July 2011 relevant NewsReports), in addition to other "10 Measures to improve the Governance of the Euro area". They also asked Van Rompuy, Barroso and Juncker, (Presidents of EU Council, EU Commission and €uroGroup, respectively), "to identify possible steps to strengthen the economic union, including" by "limited Treaty changes", on which they expect 2 Reports, between December 2011 - March 2012, on "Orientations" and their "Implementation". .
Among "additional Measures"; "building on the .. European Semester and the EuroPlus Pact, just adopted", are also the "adoption, by each ... Member State" of the "Golden Rule" (aka : "Debt Brake") "on Balanced Budget, .. preferably at Constitutional level or equivalent, by the end of 2012", (See "EuroFora"s August 16 NewsReport from the Franco-German Summit), the "commitment to stick to EU Commission's Recommendations on the conduct of Economic and Budgetary Policies" of each Member State, (which can be issued even "before the adoption of National Draft Budgets" concerning "States in excessive Deficit procedure", as Van Rompuy noted in EU Parliament in Strasbourg), etc.
After adequate "Political Decisions" were taken, marking a "Breakthrough" due to be completed by Legal/Technical follow-up, now, "the Tough Task Ahead" is to "Monitor Implementation" by Member States, in order to really achieve the desired result of "Deepening" €uroarea, concluded Van Rompuy, after debating with MEPs in EU Parliament's plenary in Strasbourg.
- "For more than a Year", (3/2010-10/2011) in addition to "taking Emergency Action", we have "also (been) putting together; step by step, a New Economic Governance", he observed earlier.
+ But, "these Last Months" there was an "Acceleration", because of "Market Speculation" and "growing Volatility" since July, given also that "Global Economic Growth is Slowing Dramatically, not only to Europe but also in the USA and in some Emerging Countries"; he warned. That's why, "Stimulating Growth is an Essential part of the package", since, "in the end, Sustaind Economic Growth can bring back Confidence, create Jobs and absorb Debts", Van Rompuy pointed out.
"Monetary policy alone is not enough" : "We cannot have a Common Currency, (and) Monetary policy", but "leave everything else to the States" ; On the contrary, we (€uroarea) have to go Further", he stressed, "while also keeping the Integrity of the Single Market between our 27 States of the EU, so that we could have "the 2 Configurations".
British Prime Minister David Cameron, speaking earlier this week at the House of Commons, highlighted in substance the fact that, by sticking to the 27 Countries' strong Single Market and trying to freeze EU's Budgets, (according to his earlier, joint Letter, co-signed also by German Chancelor Merkel and French President Sarkozy), while €uroarea's 17 Member Countries are now Moving towards Deeper Integration, a New GeoPolitical reality may emerge soon in Europe, which might satisfy both EU-sceptics and supporters of a progressive or faster confederation, even federation at another horizon...
French President Sarkozy, 2011 Chairman of G20-G8, expressed in Brussels his satisfaction for the fact that "extremely heavy decisions, that nobody would have imagined before 1,5 Year", were taken by an €uroarea Summit of Heads of State/Government, a body who "didn't even exist 2 Years earlier", according to the wish of those (including France) who were always in favor of the creation of an "Economic Government" for €urozone.
+ Sarkozy also stressed, in an exceptional TV interview in Paris later tonight, that France and Germany intend to spearhead, at EU's core, a strong and growing €uroarea's integration developing an innovative and competitive economy able to play an important role at a Global level.
Meanwhile, the French President made it clear, replying to Journalists' questions, that €uroarea's integration "will need also other steps, but, next time, they won't have to be necessarily Institutional", unlike the present ones. They will rather be "based on Fiscal Convergence, Economic Competitiveness' convergence, and, in general "in Policy content", he highlighted, after qualifying the "Decisions taken" this week as "Historic".
+ This is in addition to the present French and German leaders' care for an €uroarea action in order to find urgent practical solutions, for Countries as Greece, etc., in which there are "sufferings, demonstrations and social problems", "raising also Democratic problems, since we are asked to take decisions in favor of countries for which we weren't elected", as he noted in reply to another, critical question, denouncing the fact that "there wasn't Mrs Merkel or myself among those who had asked, in the Past, to "Soften" the Stability Pact", so that "they could push inside certain Countries which were Not Ready yet for €uroZone and droped (financial) discipline", so that "they didn't meet then the required Conditions", mainly because of "choices that they had made to get indebted", leaving also "Debts accumulate since 30 Years", when "others were responsible", (as Sarkozy rightfuly criticized for the "Socialist" former Governments in Germany, France, the UK and Italy (as Schroeder;, Jospin, Blair, Alema, etc), including in EU Commission (with Prodi as former Head), during the crucial 1999-2001 era, when they notoriously had closed their eyes, f.ex. on Greece's need to make structural Reforms before entering €urozone, in exchange of Turkey's controversial and unpopular EU bid, despite the fact that it didn't, no more, meet EU's conditions on Human Rights, Democracy and Rule of Law respect, nor even European identity, History, Geography and Culture, etc. : See previous, relevant "EuroFora"s publications on this point. A fact that, progressively, also other key EU Politicians start to denounce, including, f.ex. the Historic long-time former German Chancellor, and "father" of EU's ReUnification, Helmut Kohl, recently).
- "That's another reason for which €urozone must prepare also the Protection of all other Countries, since things are interlinked" in practice, "and we want to learn how to Work Better and otherwise in the Future.... That's something New, without any precedent, a new situation inside a Monetary zone as €uroarea, so that no Expert could tell us which is the 100% safe solution. But we have the Responsibility not only to act with Courage, but also to measure well the consequences for Tomorrow", so that "we must Advance step by step, finding out what could be the Next Stage", Sarkozy concluded.
- "This is not a "Big Bang", but an Important Package on the road towards Stability and Union", which has "a lot of Substance" and "a Multi-Dimensional" aspecy, added German Chancellor Merkel in her Press Conference in Brussels.
(B) => on G 20 :
The G-20 Chairman, strongly supported by German Chancellor Merkel, as well as by a large Majority in €urozone and the whole EU, went on to confirm Europe's call to the forthcoming G-20 Heads of State/Government Summit at Cannes (France, 3-4 November 2011), for the establishment of a Financial Transactions' Tax, Worldwide, while it has become today obvious that "the Financial sector must be Regulated, and invited to undertake its own Responsibilities, since the whole World is there where it is now, (i.e. with Low Growth, after a Global Economic and Financial Crisis), naturally because there were too many Debts, but also because there was a (Global) Financial System which didn't obey to any Rule", as Sarkozy denounced, (while Popular Demonstrations are recently mushrooming throughout all over the World, from the USa also to the EU, etc.
- "We must definitively turn the page of that kind of World of the Past, (mainly) by opposing a certain number of Regulations, able to prevent the same causes provoke the same results", the 2011 G-20 Chairman warned, calling all involved to drop criticising eachother and better "focus on finding Solutions" to problems, as he said.
-"This is really a Moral, Political and Economic duty", stressed Sarkozy, "absolutely supported" by Merkel.
- "G 20 Countries are due to take Crucial Decisions", in "a great Rendez-vous", stressed earlier Sarkozy, while "confirming France's involvement in favor of (Global) Development", in a landmark speech in Paris.
- "We all know Today, as the Global Crisis reminds us, that there is a Community of Fate over Global balances", so that "All Countries are now concerned by the issue of Development, regardless if they receive or provide some Aide, whether they've just got out of Pauverty, or recently threatened by it : All must present their proposals in order to build a Stable, Sustainable and prosper Model", he pointed out.
- Also because "the G 20 must become an incarnation of the General Interest", with "Multilateralism", "Transparency",and "Openess to Civil Society", said from the outset the French President, who is also due to meet with NGO's representatives personally in Paris at the eve of the Cannes' G 20 Summit.
- "G 20 brought Responses to the Global Economic Crisis of 2008 and 2009", while "now we face a Debt Crisis among Advanced (developed) Countries", but "we must not forget also to look at the Future, for Sustainable Development", since, "while acting together to respond to Crisis, we must also prepare profound Reforms able to ensure the sustainable Growth that we need in the Futture, .. by rectifying the Global Economy's misfunctionings, and by setting up New Motors for Growth", the 2011 G 20 Chairman dynamicaly outlined.
- Because, today, "there is no more a Sustainable Future Growth for the Global Economy, without a shared Development", Sarkozy strongly underlined.
- "For more than 50 Years the Public Opinion points to scandalous Inequalities throughout the Globe, but Today things evolved : The old Distinction between North and South is no more pertinent", and "we must have a New View on evolving Continents such as Asia, Latin American, but mainly Africa", in "a New World where imbalances changed locations.. Thus, Development is No more a balance to be found between two Groups of Countries, but a Collective Involvement of All for the General Interest", he reiterated.
=> Because "the Aid to Developing Countries becomes a Major element for Global Economy's stimulation and relaunch: The Global Revival comes through an Augmentation of the Consumption and of Investment in Developing Countries, including, even, of low revenue". By boosting Growth in Poor Countries, by Stimulating domestic Demand, reducng Inequalities, etc; we can give to Developing Countries a Momentum able to pull upwards the enttire Global Economy", Sarkozy innovated ambitiously
- "Food Security, Infrastructures, Social Protection and the hard Question of how to Fund Development", are the "4 main areas" where the French 2011 G20 Presidency wants to "prepare concrete Projects and Priority Actions", he noted, "because we want a New Face of Globalisation, which will be no more limited to immediate gain, as that which brought the World near a Catastrophe, but a Nexw Globalisation, able to respond to Global Challenges and anticipate what is at stake in the Futiure".
Indeed, "EU, united all together, will push at the forthcoming G 20 Summit for an ambitious Action Plan able to redress what is hindering the potential of Growth at Global level, stressed today EU Commission's President Barroso, speaking at EU Parliament in Strasbourg.
- "Europe strives to lead the Global Crisis Response at the G20", and "it"s the 1st constituency in the G20 to have proposed a Financial Transactions Tax, which ..can be used to face Global Challenges, such as to Fight Poverty, etc, he added, among others.
- "The Protest Movements,; we have witnessed in recent weeks, from Madrid to Manhattan, show that this is the kind of action People expect from their Leaders", (including, fex; to ensure that Financial sector and Banks also contribute to Society", Barroso concluded, applauded by several MEPs.
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Ten Years of ECHR : 1998 - 2008 show need of Revival in 2009-2010 coinciding with 2009 EU Election
A threefold, coordinated move by new Top French Political actors in the 2009 EU Parliament Elections, expressed in Strasbourg a will to boost Europe's Political dimension close to Citizens' concerns, going from protection of Economy to defence of Human Rights.
The move met an exceptional ECHR's call for a "revival" of Human Rights' protection mechanism', in a Mega-Conference, early 2010.
Obviously focusing on June 2009 Elections to EU Parliament, it involved from the outset the recently nominated "dual" Head of French Governing Party (UMP) Michel BARNIER and Rachida DATI :
- "As President Sarkozy has clearly said, we (France) are in favor of a Strong, Sovereign and Independent, Political Europe, which protects its Citizens, and not for a large Super-Market, nor for a Europe under influence",
"This goes for everything, including Energy", added to "EuroFora" the experienced former EU Commissioner, Minister of Foreign affairs, currently of Agriculture and Sarkozy's new pick as Leader of the Governing party UMP to EU 2009 Election, Michel BARNIER .
- Human Rights are important because they are at the Heart of the Political Europe that we aspire for : I.e. a Europe able to act and protect its Citizens, stressed also the New French Minister for European affairs, Bruno LE MAIRE, while meeting Strasbourg's Journalists at his first visit to the CoE.
This is one of the main interests for CoE, which is also a natural place for cooperation between EU countries and Russia or Turkey, which was recently helpful at the Middle East crisis, he added.
The move gained momentum with French Minister of Justice, Rachida Dati's main observations at ECHR's 5Oth Anniversary :
- "While we are seeking Europe's Borders and Identity, you (ECHR) remind us also of its Values", Human Rights, Dati noted.
Citizens seek more and more often ECHR's help, and the tempo accelerates, Europa awaits a symbol, while national legal orders are not freezed
And she expressed "support" to ECHR President Jean-Paul Costa's call to satisfy the vital need to revigorate the PanEuropean Court by deciding big changes at a High-Level Conference open to a large audience, a kind of "Etats Generaux" of Human Rights, at the beginning of 2010.
It's not so much the recently growing number of applications for Russia or Ukraine etc, which seems to be Costa's main concern : In fact, the cases declared "admissible" are much fewer...
But rather the persistent violations of Human Rights, sometimes very grave (ie. murders, torture, abritrary deprivation of liberty, oppression of freedom of speech, destructions of homes/properties, etc), despite numerous, repeated condemnations by ECHR. So that CoE's Ministers, due to "supervise execution" of ECHR's judgements, are overloaded.
F.ex. most Media noted that Turkey still remains, even in 2008, the 1st among 47 CoE member States in the number of condemnations by ECHR : 257, compared to 233 for Russia, with a population more than the double..
The problem is that it's not the 1st time at all : During all the last Decade 1998-2008, Turkey was condemned by ECHR much more than any other State, and for particularly grave violations :
- 1.652 condemnations, compared to 605 for Russia, 548 for Poland, 494 for France, 476 for Ukraine, etc.
Italy's second place with 1.394 condemnations is a misleading false appearance : In fact, most of them (999) concern mere "procedural delays" in national courts. Same for France.
On the contrary, Turkey was condemned 180 times for Killings, 192 times for Torture or Inhuman/Degrading treatments, 340 times for arbitrary deprivation of Liberty, 528 times for "Unfair trial", and 169 times for oppression of Freedom of speech, (etc). And the latest, 2008 numbers, indicate no change in this trend, (See supra).
The current Spanish CoE Presidency (November 2008 - May 2009) has made of the implementation of ECHR's judgements its 1st Priority.
ECHR's President, Jean-Paul Costa, stressed in its 2009 Annual Press Conference, CoE Member States' obligation to implement the judgements, according to Article 46 of the European Convention on Human Rights.
Moreover, if CoE's Committee of Ministers delays to ensure implementation, then, the repetition of violations in similar cases provokes a multiplication of complaints tabled to the Court, which overload the mecanism for the protection of Human Rights, denounced Costa.
A series of Debates on "the situation of Human Rights in Europe", focusing on the "need to fight against Impunity" of perpetrators of grave crimes, is currently prepared by CoE's Parliamentary Assembly for the session of June 2009.
The final Timing comes shortly AFTER the EU Elections, but the main Reports should have been adopted before.
Meanwhile, French President Sarkozy and German Chancelor Merkel's recent call "for a Political Europe" in 2009 EU Elections (See earlier "correspondence from Paris, Elysee Palace), seems more and more endorsed also by other EU Countries' Top MEPs :
Thus, f.ex., EU Parliament's 1st vice-President, Greek MEP Mrs Rodi KRATSA, speaking to "EuroFora", agreed that 2009 EU Election would be a "naturally good" opportunity to debate what really interests EU Citizens : "The Future of a Political Europe, able to face the Economic Crisis, with a Culture and identity which attracts the People"
(Photo taken earlier during Sarkozy's 1st visit at EU Parliament, in 2007 : Sarkozy and Merkel's Ideas for a Political Europe inspire also other EU politicians accross the continent)...