EuroCorps Franco-German ingoing+outgoing Commanders Kolodziej+Weigt to EF: Experience for EU Army+?
*Strasbourg/Pavillon Josephine/Angelo Marcopolo/- Replying to "Eurofora"'s Questions at the Official Press Conference of EuroCorps' Leadership, on the occasion of the Bi-Annual "Change of Command", for 2019-2021, Chaired by German Army's Chief of Staff, General Eberhard Zorn, Both EuroCorps' Commanders, the out-going General Jurgen Weigt (Germany), and the incoming General Laurent Kollodziej (France), ensured on the Trasmission of a Rare Experience for the EU and NATO, and Highlighted the Perspectives towards an eventual Creation of a European Army in the Future :
- Speaking on behalf of the Group of 5 Chiefs of Staff from Eurocorps' Framework Nations (See Infra), the Highest Body, the Chairing General Zorn, German Army's Chief, started, in a Perfect French, by reminding that he had served already at the Franco-German Brigade, as well as to the Allies' Chiefs of Staff (Headquarters) in Paris". ...
- "For me, EuroCorps is the "Hard Core" for a Common Defense in Europe, but Also for serving NATO" here, "and I am Glad that we have Reached that level", he stressed from the outset.
- "Eurofora", invited to raise a Question, observed that all involved had Spoken Both about EuroCorps' unique Experience, as well as about its Future Perspectives for the EU and NATO. Thus, we Asked How they believed that this Valuable Acquired Experience could be Saveguarded, Transmitted and Valorized Both Inside EuroCorps itself, and throughout All Europe, as well as which Main, Short and/or Long-Term Perspectives they could Highlight for it in the foreseable Future, particularly in relation with European Defense, given also EU's forthcoming 2020 Debates on its Overhaul ("New Foundation").
- "My Reply is TwoFold : At First, I think that the Experience Acquired on the Spot (on the Theaters of Operations), and/or in the Preparations for NATO's Reaction Force, is mainly Incorporated into Each Individual Soldier, and, thus, Transmitted to the (Framework) Nations", observed Eurocorps' out-going Commander, the German General Weigt.
- And "I think that it has a Considerable Added Value, Both for Us, EuroCorps, and the Nations", he added. "Because, f.ex., the Soldiers who have been Living, Every Day, what Multi-Nationality means" in real practice, "it's even More Important than to simply describe Concepts, or form some centers of excellence, etc, because that's something which happened Once in the Past. Naturally, this Know-How should also be ReViewed and OverHauled in the Future. But, for me, the Most Important Memory's Added Value is the Individual Soldier, who has Acquired a know-how, and is able to Transmit it to his immediate environment".
+ "Moreover, all these operations, naturally have also consequences and leave their traces even on Basic Documents, the Tactics and the Concepts which Result from all those operational Experiences, and that we are Trying to Integrate into our Doctrine, which is made from our Everyday Practical Life", he added.
- Weigt had Earlier evoked Also the Idea of a kind of "Network", Speaking in front of 5 Former Commanders of EuroCorps, with almost All of whom, "Eurofora" had already cooperated in the Past, (See, f.ex., among others, also : ..., etc).
+ And, concerning the Future, he had expressed the view that, in fact, "EuroCorps is More than just a Military Unit", because, "SInce its Inception, in 1992, it has been regarded (also) as a ...Symbol of Peace and ReConciliation in Europe", added to its "MultiNational Design, and ...Legitimacy", to the point that it could be also "viewed as a Catalyst of Political - Military European Cooperation", particularly "at a Moment when Europe is in Need of Visible Symbols of Unity".
- "I have something to Add to the Reply (to "Eurofora"s Questions : Comp. Supra) given by General Weigt", intervened, afterwards, the French General Kolodziel :
- "He Described how this Eurocorps - Tool Develops its Expertise. Concerning the Perspectives about NATO and/or EU, this Tool is very Flexible and Multi-Facet" :
- "F.ex., it is Able to Work, Alternatively, for one Structure, or anOther. Knowing that the Procedures are, generally, the Same, and that it's the Political Framework of the Decision-Making, which will, finally, be Decisive", as he pointed out.
+ And, "at any case, Regarding that Issue of European Defense, this Tool (Eurocorps) is an Important Brick !", the French General stressed.
- "It's not the only one, and, when you place it on a Wider Perspective, and you Compare it with Other Initiatives, (such as, f.ex., the European Initiative for Action, the Structural Cooperation, the European Defense Fund, etc), you understand that the Building is under Construction) !", nowadays.
- "Step by Step, since the Europeans are Numerous, and it's certainly Not Easy, in everyday life, but Steps are Made, and the Structures exist", he Optimisticaly advanced.
- "Eurocorps has Now, become Mature, (and) it's an Important Brick, in that overall Conglomerate, and takes its place in what we could Call, Today, an Arsenal for the Benefit of Europeans, which Becomes More and More Interesting", he positively concluded.
+ In Addition, he reacted affirmatively also to anOther "Eurofora"'s observation, of the Fact that, since the New Eurocorps' Commander, was also known for having received an Advanced Knowledge of Cooperation with the UK, in matters of Defense, (by having, f.ex., Studied and Worked in London, etc), in case of BREXIT, he might, perhaps, be Invited also to Contribute in a foreseen EU - UK Joint Security/Defense Policy in the Future :
- "Absolutely. All this is still On the Making, in a Period of Changes", General Laurent Kolodziej Flexibly replied to "Eurofora" with a smile, without excluding anything of the sort, a priori.
Earlier, he had indicated (as well as Weigt) that, on 2020, Eurocors is due to become a NATO's Reaction Force (NRF), while on 2021 it might be mandated by the EU for various Missions abroad.
EuroCorps has already been used by NATO Twice in the Former Yugoslavia's area of Western Balkans : at Bosnia-Herzegovina and at Kosovo, as well as also Twice at Afghanistan, (including in order to assume the role of ISAF's Chief of Staff), etc.
Followed 2 EU Missions in Africa, initialy at Mali, and afterwards also in Central-Africa.
Composed mainly by 5 Framework Nations, (France, Germany, Spain, Luxembourg and Belgium), EuroCorps is also Networked with several Other European Nations, paticularly via a Permanent presence in Strasbourg of "Liaison Officers", such as, f.ex., Poland (which had even thought to become a New Framework Nation, recently), Italy, Greece and Romania.
Including More than 1.000 Men and Women, at its HeadQuarters in Strasbourg, (40O Staff and 650 Brigade), EuroCorps is a Multi-National and Multi-Modal body, Governed, each 2 Years, by a Commander General from its Framework Countries, on a Rotating basis, (Comp. Supra).
EU Parliament has, often, Strongly Supported EuroCorps, as the main ingredient for the creation of an "Autonomous" European Defense in the Future.
Meanwhile, for the 1st Time in History, as New EU Commission's President, for the period of 2019-2024, has been recently Elected the former Long-Time Minister of Defense from Germany, Ursula von der Leyen.
Today, the outgoing Eurocorps' Commander, German General Weight, symbolically gave its Flag for his successor, the incoming new Eurocorps' Commander, French General Kolodzej, for the period of 2019-2021, to whom it was Officialy transmitted by the Chairing, German Army's Chief of Staff, General Zorn, during the Bi-Annual Ceremony for "Change of Command", attended by many Military and Political Invitees,
whose presentation to the European/International Medias was carefully organized by the incoming and outcoming Chiefs of Eurofora's Press Service, Colonels Pfau and Decker, respectively, who had, previously, kindly debated with "Eurofora" about the Best practical way to deal with the details concerning the Press Coverage of this 2019 Event by the accredited Journalists, from Photos up to the Press Conference, etc., as well as possible Next Events in the foreseable Future.
"Eurofora"'s co-Founder has followed and Published on "EuroCorps"' interesting developments and perspectives during Many Years, almost since its creation, already from the 1990ies, (in our initial, 15 Years work for "TCWeekly" Newspaper, as well as in parallel at "MPAgency", etc : f.ex., starting by one of the 1st Eurocorps' "PIO" Chiefs, Colonel ROGER's replies to our questions, etc), and, more Recently, at "Eurofora", during the latest 12 Years (2007-2019), among others, also, f.ex. :
- Several EUROCORPS' COMMANDERS Generals' Replies to "Eurofora"s Questions on various Topical Issues, as, f.ex., by: Spanish General Pedro PITARCH (2008) ; German Lieutenant General Hans-Lothar DOMROESE (2009) ; French General Olivier DE BAVINCHOV, and ISAF's Chief of Staff (7/2011) , and (1/2012) , as well as on 12/2012 (Replying Directly from Aghanistan's ISAF Headquarters) ; but also Together with the Incoming new Commander, Belgian General Guy BUCHSENSCHMIDT (6/2013) ; Reply by Commander General, Belgian Guy BUCHSENSCHIDT to Our Question, in an EU Parliament's meeting (11/2014) ; Spanish General Alfredo RAMIREZ (2016) ; German General Jurgen WEIGT (2017) ; (etc).
+ See Also, f.ex., on EUROCORPS' 15th ANNIVERSARY (2008) ; French JHA Minister, (+former Defense, Foreign Policy) Michelle ALLIOT-MARIE, on NATO Summit's preparations (2009) ; Replies to Our Questions, by French Defense Minister, Gerard LONGUET (10/2011) ; and by Deputy Commander of Eurocorps' Staff, German General Walter SPINDLER (1/2012) ; French Minister of Defense Jean-Yves DRIAN to "Eurofora" on Dual Civic-Military Policy (12/2012) ; Eurocorps' Chief of Staff, Belgian General Guy BUCHSENSCHMIDT's Reply to Our Questions (12/2012) ; French Defense Deputy Minister Kader ARIF's (former EU Parliament's Rapporteur) Reply to Our Question (1/2013) ; ; Eurocorps' Press Chief PIO, Belgian Colonel Eddy BOOGHS' Replies to Our Questions (1/2014) ; ; French Minister of Defense, Jean-Yves DRIAN's Reply to Our Question on ISIS' Terrorism (11/2014) ; and by next Eurocorps' PIO Chief, Colonel DALMAU (12/2015) ; 25th ANNIVERSARY and a relevant Franco-German Summit (7/2017) ; Reply to Our Question by Eurocorps' German Press Officer Lieutenant-Colonel KIRCHENBAUER (9/2017) ; PESCO Event on Defense High-Tech. Research Funding at EU Summit in Brussels (12/2017) ; EU Defense emerges as No 1 Issue at EU Parliament after Terrorist Islamist Attack in Strasbourg (12/2018) ; New President of EU Parliament's Committee on Defense, former French EU Affairs Minister, Nathalie LOISEAU on a Topical EU SDP Issue (7/2019) ; Ceremony with 3 Franco-German AirFighter Planes + Eurocorps (7/2019) ; (etc).
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Facing a 70% Abstention threat in 2009 Election, EU endorses EuroFora's idea for Citizens' debates on crucial EU decisions !
- Different views on "Europe's Future", should be debated among Citizens at June 2009 EU Elections, thanks to political Parties' "Manifestos", says EU Parliament's Report
A main idea, initiated and promoted by EuroFora's founders since 1997: the vital need to develop European Citizens' democratic right to actively participate in multilingual debates on EU decisions, is formally endorsed by the EU from 2009 !
The move is a key attempt to overcome "catastrophic" Polls which warn that only ...30% of Citizens are ready to vote in the forthcoming June 2009 EU Election ! This was revealed by EU Commission's vice-president, in charge of Communication policy, Margot Wallstrom, during a "hot" meeting of EU Parliament's Committee on Culture and Education, during the December 2008 Strasbourg session.
Wallstrom faced criticism, but also suggestions from various MEPs, naturally worried by Abstention threats which herself found even "worse" than in 1999 or 2004...
A Report on "Active Dialogue with Citizens",examined at the same time, presented some useful practical tips, on "facilitating Interviews"; etc., but also a potentialy important call to "incorporate the conclusions of ...debates...into (EU) policies, and take into consideration the expectations that Citizens have of the EU when deciding". An amendment even implies that Citizens' participation in debates on EU decisions is a democratic "Right".
More importantly, it finds that a Debate "on the Future of Europe", (as French President Nicolas Sarkozy has asked since 2007), would be a good idea " for the 2009 European parliamentary Elections", because "clarifying the political differences between the EU political parties would help citizens to identify themselves with, and choose between various concepts", for which "all parties (should) present their Manifesto".
A "Joint political declaration on Communicating Europe in Partnership", co-signed by "the European Parliament, Council and ... Commission", confirms that they "attach the utmost importance to improving communication on EU issues", by "enabling European citizens to exercise their right to participate in the democratic life of the Union, in which decisions are taken as openly as possible and as closely as possible to the citizens, observing the principles of pluralism, participation, openness and transparency".
This should "enable Citizens to exercise their right to express their views and to participate actively in the public Debate on European Union issues", while also "promoting the respect of multilingualism". In this regard, EU confirms its "wish to develop synergies with national, regional and local authorities as well as with representatives of Civil Society".
It's since 1997 that a group of EuroFora's founders have officially presented a pioneer Project (then called "EIW", for "Europe in the World"), which aimed to develop Strasbourg's "Polyphonic music", by providing "Interactive information", on "main issues ... during the Decision-making process of European Organizations which engage in Transparent and Public Democratic Debates"
This should be done, inter alia, by "exploring the potential of New Communication Tools (mainly Internet)", as well as classic-form debates, the 1997 EIW pioneer project's anounced in its "Synopsis". It was formally "accepted for evaluation" by EU Commission in Brussels in order to be examined for a grant in the framework of the "Research/Technology/Development (RTD) Programme in the field of Information Technologies", then called "ESPRIT", as a "Best Practice Pilot Project".
But the vital, urgent Political need for EU to search new, efficient ways to reach the People and interact with European Citizens, was really felt in Brussels and elsewhere only after the unprecedented in History 1999 and 2004 Majority Abstention in EU Elections, followed by 3 "NO" in Referenda in France, the Netherlands and Ireland, on 2005 and 2008...
In this New Political Landscape, we prepared a new, actualised and more developed version of our initial idea, in a simplified and more efficient form, thanks also to a large Experience accumulated during many years of EU/CoE/UNO Press work and Multi-lingual debates, with the New project "EuroFora" :
On 2006 we presented in Public its main lines during Questions/Replies that we raised at two Press Conferences by EU Commission President, Jose Baroso, and mainly EU Commission's vice-President, in charge of Communication policy, Margot Wallstrom, together with EU Parliament's vice-president, Alejo Vidal-Quadras, in Strasbourg, (Videos available), and we reminded it at various brief contacts with Commissioner Wallstrom in 2007 and 2008.
Meanwhile, a new Text was also presented for "EuroFora" Project mainly to certain Political and other personalities, at European, National or Regional/Local level, mainly in 2007, but also in 2008..
Now, after the unexpected 2008 Irish "NO", and before the 2009 EU Elections, which are due to be of exceptionally crucial importance for Europe's Future, the moment has obviously come to launch that project, progressively, but in real practice.
Whoever really cares for Europe and its Citizens is welcome to join, in one way or another. Only anti-European, anti-democratic, obscure or ignorant groups might oppose or attempt to "steal" and deviate the main idea.
But European Citizens, incited by enlightened political leaders, are those who will finally write the real History.