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Home arrow newsitems arrow 2 Idées d'EF au Grand Débat via Ville de Strasbourg: Droit au Dialogue + Vote d'Ecoute du Peuple

2 Idées d'EF au Grand Débat via Ville de Strasbourg: Droit au Dialogue + Vote d'Ecoute du Peuple

Written by ACM
Tuesday, 19 March 2019


*Strasbourg/Salle des Conseils/Angelo Marcopolo/-
Peut-on Surmonter le Blocage et Desaccord autour du RIC des "Gilets Jaunes" en France+ ? La contribution de l' EuroMetropole de Strasbourg au "Grand Débat National" appelé par le President Macron, en reponse aux Mouvements Sociaux récents, et particulièrement aux Manifestations Populaires des "Gilets Jaunes", etc., a repris 2 Idées-clé proposées par "Eurofora", comme Solutions possibles de Compromis, concernant les Reformes en matière de "Democratie et Citoyenneté".


Cela s'est passé après Longs Debats dans deux Réunions de plusieurs Centaines de participants, dans la prestigieuse Salle des Consels, à la Cité Administrative de l'EuroMetropole de Strasbourg, organisés le 8 février et 1er mars 2019, par le Maire-Adjoint de la Ville, Chantal Cutajar, chargée de la Democratie locale et Professeur d'Université, suivis de la rectification d'un Rapport préalable, officiellement déposé à Paris en mi-Mars 2019.




Afin de contribuer à dépasser le Blocage et les Tensions actuelles, par une serie des Compromis pratiques, qui sont aussi autant d'Avancées Democratiques, on propose, concretement :

- (A) la Reconnaissance d'un "Droit Citoyen au Dialogue" avec l'Administration Publique avant qu'elle prenne une Décision affectant la vie des personnes en cause et/ou la Société dans son ensemble ;

- (B) l'introduction d'un "Vote (ou Referendum) d' Ecoute du Peuple", (associé avec le 1er, ou indépendament).

Tous les deux offrent, d'evidence, moins que le "RIC" (Referendum d' Initiative Citoyenne) s'imposant avec force Obligatoire sur le fond des questions posées, comme il est demandé par les "Chemises Jaunes" et d'autres, mais que l'Etat ne parait pas prêt d'accepter maintenant, tel-quel,

mais ils ont une portée plus Large (puisqu'ils concernent aussi toutes les décisions prises à l'initiative de l'Administration publique), et, surtout, reconnaissent des Droits plus Nombreux aux Citoyens, que ceux qu'ils avaient dans le passé.

Le tout, en Avancant dans le sens d'une Democratie Participative moderne, et dans un cadre à la fois Fonctionnel et Apaisé, respectant aussi bien la Légitimité et le Dévoir d'Agir des Elus Politiques, que le "Dialogue" avec, et l' "Ecoute" du Peuple, (tout en aidant d' Eviter des Abus de pouvoir).

- Dans le 1er cas, l' affirmation d'un "Droit du Citoyen au Dialogue" avec l' Administration Publique avant qu'elle prenne des Décisions dans la plupart des domaines qui affectent la Vie des gens et/ou la Société, comprendrait la Transparence et l' Information à temps utile, mais aussi l' Echange, avec Obligation pour l'Administration de Repondre aux Arguments pertinents des Citoyens, avec des Faits Réels, de facon Juridiquement Correct, et avec une Motivation Suffisante. Le tout sous le Contrôle du Juge administratif, qui pourrait Annuler une Décision prise selon un processus qui manquerait à ces devoirs élementaires.

- Dans le 2e cas, (soit à la Suite du processus précedent, ou de facon Indépendante), une sorte de Referendum original pourrait être organisé, (Entre l' Obligatoire et le Consultatif), où, si la Majorité s'oppose, l' Administration Publique pourrait passer outre, mais seulement en cas de Necessité et de facon Proportionelle, (sous le Controle du Juge) : Une solution de compromis, qu'on pourrait appeler : "Vote d' Ecoute du Peuple".



Le Rapport Officiel de la Ville de Strasbourg a été deposé au Site de Paris pour le "Grand Debat" au lien suivant : https://granddebat.fr/media/default/0001/01/e4dca60587d470b0c07473b544d8157220c06958.pdf

Il mentione les 2 mésures proposés par "Eurofora" aux pages 5 and 11:





+ Des Descriptions plus detaillées de ces 2 Mésures que nous avons proposées avaient été déjà Publiées ailleurs, (beaucoup plus tôt) : 

- à l'"Eurofora" (V.: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/francegiletsjaunesdialogueavantdecisions.html),

- ainsi que, directement, au Site officiel du "Grand Débat" national, (à : https://granddebat.fr/projects/democratie-et-citoyennete-1/collect/participez-a-la-recherche-collective-de-solutions/proposals/droit-citoyen-au-debat-vote-des-decisions, et https://granddebat.fr/projects/democratie-et-citoyennete-1/collect/participez-a-la-recherche-collective-de-solutions/proposals/vote-ou-referendum-d-ecoute-du-peuple).





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Former "Green-Red" German government's Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer's job at the controversial Turkish pipeline "Nabucco" was denounced as "not proper", "very bad", and "incompatible with Democracy", by the new President of EU Parliament's EuroLeft Group, German Lothar Bisky, replying to an "EuroFora" question.

For once, criticism of Joschka Fischer's doings with Turkey affecting Europe, didn't come only from the Center-Right of the political spectrum, but even from his Left side : The experienced Bisky, who has been chairing all over 1993-2009 the PDS - Die Linke party :  

- "Former Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer got involved in dealings with oil-gaz business in a foreign country, Turkey, and its controversial Nabucco pipeline. This raises questions about Democracy, also because of the well known problems of Human Rights violations in that country. Do you thing that this might be abused in order to cover up and close EU's eyes on Human Rights violations ?", "EuroFora" asked Bisky.


- "Nabucco pipeline is (only) at the planning stage". And "there are some difficulties",  he observed from the start. But "'I don't want to get into the details of Nabucco pipeline, because I don't think that there is any point for it at the moment".
At any case,  "we  (EU Parliament's EuroLeft Group) strongly believe that Politicians should not get involved in the Energy Business, and all these commercial transactions", President Bisky declared on the Joschka Fiischer's affair.

- "We feel that it's something that shouldn't be done. It's not proper !"           

- "We don't think that it's compatible with Democracy either, and it gets politics into a very Bad track", Bisky went on to denounce.
- "EuroLeft  and "Die Linke" always spoke against that, saying that politicians should not get directly into the arms of private enterprises"

- "It is pretty bad if a former Minister takes a job f.ex. in a major Energy producer. So, it's an issue if a Minister who may have seen excellent opportunities, subsequently gets personally grasp of them, in very serious parts of the economy, once he has given up his (Government) job."

- "It doesn't really make politics in general look any better'", Bisky concluded.


Earlier, this week in Strasbourg, other Journalists had also raised critical questions on former Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer's involvement in the conroversial Turkish Nabucco pipeline to the President of his own EuroParty : Kohn-Bendit of the "Greens", who, contrary to Bisky, tried to find excuses for Fischer, while criticizing his long-time partner, Schroeder for having done a similar move :

- "Shroeder was chancellor", and he "negociated" with "Russians", who gave him a job only "3 Months" after he resigned from the Government. While "Joschka Fischer", on the contrary, got a job with the controversial Turkish Nabucco pipeline only "4 Years after" he left the Government. "He didn't negociate Nabucco", so I have "no objection", Kohn Bendit claimed.

But, many Facts indicate the contrary :

Joschka Fischer was Foreign Minister in Germany from 1999 up to 2005 : I.e. from the year that EU took the controversial decision to give Turkey a "Candidate" status, until he year it started controversial "accession negotiations, (later declared "open-ended" after Sarkozy-Merkel's arrival from 2005-2007).

During that period was prepared the controversial so-called "Annan" Plan (in fact, drafted by others and attributed afterwards to the former UN SG) on Cyprus, which failed after a Popular Referendum said "No" on 2004 with a large Majoriy of 3/4 : 75%. Mainly because it was criticized for making too much concessions to the Turkish side :  Particularly by restricting Greek Cypriot Refugees' Human Right to return to their ancestral Land and/or get restitution of their Familiy Homes and private properties, usurpated by Ankara's Army since the 1974 militay invasion and continuing occupation of the northern part of Cyprus. And by weakening the Central Government, leaving to 2 "constituent States" so much powers and separate interests that more conflicts appeared inevitable, provoking the danger of a break-down in the foreseable future, with more crisis, troubles, perhaps bloodshed, etc., instead of creating an harmoniously integrated, really one federal State.

The controversial Plan was finalized on March-April 2004 at Burgenstock (Switzerland), curiously in the presence of an Envoy by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany, then governed by Joschka Fischer, but in the absence of a French and not even an European Union's Envoy, contrary to what was usually practiced on similar occasions in Switzerland (fex. in 1997 at Montreux, in 2000 at Geneva, etc).

Turkey notoriously exploited the failure of the "Annan" Plan in order to convince the EU to decide to start accession Negotiations on December 2004. This provoked an unprecedented series of Institutional Crisis inside the EU, shortly afterwards, when French and Dutch People rejected, 2 popular EuroReferenda by a majority "'No" vote to the EU Constitutional Treaty on 2005, aggraveted in 2004 a Majority Abstention to EU Elections, etc., followed by the recent Irish "No", etc.

"Nabucco" Gas pipeline was notoriously planned since ..2002. It follows an even earlier idea, for an Oil pipeline Baku-Ceyhun, which started to be prepared on 1999-2001 and was meanwhile recently completed.  

So, facts indicate that what is now at stake is based on decisions made during Joschka Fischer's term as former Foreign Minister, closely interested in Turkey's controversial EU-bid.

To the point that he now practically ...switched jobs with a poliician from Turkey, (the State which pays today openly Joschka Fischer), Mr. Ozdemir, who came earlier in Germany, got fast the nationality, and became EiuroMP in a few years, continuing now as head of the "Greens" in Germany, i.e. in Joschka's former job !...

Such astonishing facts risk, unfotunately, to give to German politician Lothar Bisky's criticism of  representative Democracy a topical meaning :

 - "We (EuroLeft Group) think that what is really at stake is Democracy. It's not only about Gas Pipelines or Energy sources", President Lothar Bisky went on to add in his reply to "EuroFora"'s question on Joscka Fischer's personal interests in the controversial Turkish "Nabuco" pipeline.

Such facts, "make People get more distance from Politics. ...People had had enough, and they are fed up !".

- "That's why we (EuroParliament's "EuroLeft" Group) want to strengthen Direct Democracy in Europe. Citizens should be involved in the (EU) Decision-making. In the end of the day, it's not going to help anyone if Politicians are always taking decisions, without involving Citizens. We want to give a voice to the People of Europe. They've got to have their say in the decisions that are taken. That's one of our absolutely fixed and steadfast views. We want more Direct Democracy in Europe. That's how it can become more effective and stronger", he concluded.




2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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