EU Steps up its Criticism v. Turkey's unpopular EU bid, but Postpones Decision after German Election
*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- Closely Related to a Crucial Debate on Europe's foreseeable Future, launched Today in EU Parliament's plenary by EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker (See Infra), Both a MEPs' Majority and EU Commission, during 2 Days in Strasbourg, advanced Further in Criticizing even Stronger than before, Turkey's UnPopular EU bid, pointing mainly on persisting and aggravating Massive Human Rights Violations and Democratic Regression, (etc), to which were Added, recently, even a Deadlock on Cyprus' ReUnification UN efforts, (as Ankara, inter alia, refused to withdraw its Invasion/Occupation Army when a Solution might be agreed, and Insisted on Unilateral Military Intervention Claims also in Future), but Also manifold Turkish Provocations against Germany, after the Netherlands, Austria, and other European Countries, including Scandals about Attempts to grossly Spy and/or Interfere in their Internal Socio-Political affairs.
But, nevertheless, Curiously, Both many MEPs and EU Commission's President, at the same time, practically chose to Postpone any Decision whatever on Turkey, for After the Crucial, forthcoming Elections in EU's Biggest and Richest Country : Germany...
Indeed, EU Commission, despite Juncker's Warnings towards Ankara, appeared quite Vague on Concrete immediate and/or Future Consequences, and most MEPs yielded to a Controversial push to Postpone Voting any new Resolution on Turkey for their Next full Plenary Session, at the Beginning of October in Strasbourg, while, the German Elections are notoriously scheduled for the 24 of September.
A similar Transfert of Decisions-Time for the End of October in Brussels, as far as Heads of State/Governments are concerned, reportedly was the outcome of an Exceptionaly "Hot" Criticism of Turkey's UnPopular EU bid, meanwhile, in the only Public Debate between the 2 Frontrunners in those German Elections, former EU Parliament's President Martin Shultz, for the "Socialists", and Chancellor Angie Merkel, for the ChristianDemocrat/EPP, earlier this Month.
Converging recent Polls, however, Both in Germany, and also in Many Other key European Countries all Together, clearly reveal a Growing and particularly Big Majority of EU Citizens Widely Opposed to Turkey's controversial and unpopular EU bid, Asking to put an End to EU - Turkey full "Accession" Negotiations, to Block relevant EU - Funding for Ankara (Costing Billions € in Grants), Drop previous attempts for "Visa-Free" status to 80 Millions of Turks who Claim to Freely Enter and Stay in the EU at elast 6 Months Each Year, and Stop EU - Turkey "Customs Union" Extension plans, etc. So that any Democratic EU Politicians have to take that seriously into account.
Today, EU Commission's President, the Experienced former Prime Minister of Luxembourg and f. €uroGroup's Head, Jean-Claude Juncker, was Often Applauded by MEPS when he took the Initiative to present a very Important Overview on the way that Europe's situation does and/or should Advance Nowadays and in the Foreseable Future, up to the forhcoming, Crucial EU Parliament's Elections of 2019, and well Beyond (f.ex. up to 2025, etc).
Juncker was very much and often Applauded by a large Majority of MEPs, particularly when he spoke about the Recent progressive Amelioration of EU's Economy, and was also Applauded by most Mainstream Groups of MEPs (Hopefully soon Backed by a Growing Number of EU Citizens) when he Highlighted a series of Concrete and quite Ambitious Proposals for Future Advances in the European Integration, from €uroArea and Digital Technologies, Defence, etc., up to the Election of one Unique EU Leader for the Commission and the Council, (including an Interesting part on EU Citizens' potential Contribution, both Before and After 2019, on which "Eurofora" will return, in Detail, asap).
But, when Juncker rightfuly Urged MEPs and EU Member States to "Catch the Wind" Nowadays in Europe's "Sails", (as he characteristically stressed from the Outset, but also towards the Conclusion of his Landmark Speech on "the State of the Union" Annual 2017 Debate in EU Parliament in Strasbourg), it was Also Obvious that Europeans Need to Know the Horizon (i.e. the kind of Society) towards which is Directed their Boat...
And this, obviously, Includes, serious Topical Issues, such as, also, the UnPrecedented Recent Mass Asylum Seekers/Irregular Migrants Giant "Tsunami" through Turkey, and Ankara's controversial and UnPopular EU bid, (etc).
it's also a Fact which canNot be Ignored, that the more or less Strong Applause that Juncker generally got from MEPs throughout his presentations, Suddenly, either Lacked or became vague and Uncertain, sometimes Openly Contested, Sortly Afterwards, even by his Close Political Allies, particularly on 2 Controversial Points, (both Out of his Personal ChristianDemocrat Experience, notoriously Focused on Socio-Economic and Top Political Issues, towards Areas partly entrusted to Socialist EU Commmissioners and/or from quite Different Geopolitical coordinates) :
- The First was when, concerning the earlier, UnPrecedented Sudden Giant "Tsunami" of about 1,5 Million of Mass Asylum Seekers/Irregular Migrants tresspassing in Europe through Turkey on 2015, in Addition to More than 720.000 who also arrived on 2016, as he noted, he Added, i.e. "3 Times More in Europe than in the USA, Australia and Canada, taken All Togeher", (sic !), (Beyond those who are in process of arriving in the EU duing this Year of 2017), even "22.000" more "from Turkey", etc., together with another "40.000" from "Libya and Neighbouring Countries", that EU Commission was "in the process of Re-Installating" among several EU Member Countries, according to a notoriousy Controversial "ReLocation" program.
=> Suddenly, an Exceptional Full Silence in EU Parliament's plenary Followed the very Frequent Applause which had, on the Contrary, Welcomed various Other Juncker's Statements on Other aspects of Facing Mass Migration Issues, (f.ex. "Huanitarianism" vis a vis Real persecuted Refugees, the Need to Boost the "Return" of "Irregular Aliens" for whom it was attested that they didn't have any Right to Enter and/or Stay in Europe, etc), until then...
And that sudden and rare Silence among MEPs became even Longer, when he EU Commission's President was curiously pushed to add, immediately after, also anOther Controversial Claim that "Europe (would be) an Ageing Continent", so that this would have become "one more Reason" in order to "Give her a Legal System of Migration", as a matter of "Absolute Necessity"...
This is added also to anOther, Strange Claim, that someone, apparently pushed Juncker to adopt, withOut carefully checking the Real Facts, according to which, if EU "Managed to Stop the Inflow of Irregular Migrants" (from "Eastern Mediterranean"), "cause of Great Concern in Many (EU) Countries", it would be (only) ..."Thanks to the (Controversial) Deal concluded with Turkey" (sic !), cited alone !
It's Not Surprizing that an Absolute Silence, instead of the ususal "Applause", followed that Inaccurate point : Because Many Facts (from Official UNHCR and OMI Data) have clearly Revealed that, in Reality, it was the Closure of Western Balkans + Mittel-Europa Borders, by several European Countries, (such as Hungary, Austria, Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, FYROM, etc), which had Already Succeeded to Sharply abd Spectacularly Cut the Flow of Mass Asylum Seekers/Irregular Migrants comming through Turkey, Long Before that Controversial EU - Turkey Deal, notoriously extorted from Brussels by Ankara via "Blackmail", Later Started to enter into force, (See, f.ex.: ... + ..., etc). Repeatedly, mainstream German Newspapers, and even EU Council, (etc), have Admitted that Fact, (initially Discovered and Published by "Eurofora" from May 2016).
But when it came at Turkey's controversial and unpopular EU bid, things became more Tricky :
- Initially, Juncker was naturally Applauded, when he Strongly Criticized Ankara's Regime, inter alia, particularly for Massive Human Rights' Violations, including against Free Speech, in Addition to recent "Insults" against Important European Countries, (as f.ex. Germany, etc). This was, spontaneously, Extended Further when he Concluded that, given EU's "Priority" for Respect of "Rule of Law, Justice and Fundamental Values", in consequenve, "this Excludes EU Membership for Turkey !".
+ But, when MEPs realized, just a Few Seconds later, that someone had sliped in Juncker's Speech also a Controversial Sentence which Resticted his Initial Stance vaguely - ..."in the Foreseeable Future", then, things Changed...
Indeed, added just after announcing that further EU Enlargement to (unnamed) other Countries might take place during the forthcoming period of the Next EU Commission, between 2019-2024, (i.e., by a Coincidence, ...exactly during the Years that Erdogan has notoriously earmarked for pushing Turkey's controversial and unpopular EU bid !), this inevitably left some Worrying Question Marks...
=> Therefore, f.ex., experienced, mainstream French ChristianDemocat/EPP MEP Francoise Grossetête, while Praising Juncker for Most Other Statements he made Today, on the Contrary, immediately Singled out that Controversial Point, cited above, and pointed at that "Unique Flat" sound, about "Excluding an eventual (EU) Accession of Turkey <<for the Time being>>. (Because) for me, the (EU's) Door Must be Definitively Closed !", as far as Ankara is concerned, Top MEP Grossetete sharply reacted.
This was preceded by relevant Statements from the President of the Biggest Political Group in EU Parliament, that of ChristianDemocrats/EPP, Manfred Webet from Germany (CSU), who, inter alia, Critically observed, "on the Debate about Legal Migration", that "we have to be Frank : Do we really think that More legal migration to the EU will solve the illegal migration problem? (F.ex.) -How many Africans do we invite to come to Europe? .... On behalf of my Group, I think that, First of all, we have to bear in mind the Millions of Young Europeans who at the moment have No Jobs. We canNot say to them that we are Opening the Door for More legal migration, when they themselves have No Jobs !"...
- Concerning the Recent Years' Deadly Islamist Terror Attacks also throughout Europe, includig Germany, (f.ex. at Berlin, Stuttgart, Hamburg, Wupertal, etc. this year 2017 alone, But even More in London, Birmingham, Barcelona, elsewhere in France, Finland, Russia, etc), EPP's Chief observed the Fact that, Nowadays, "Many People are Afraid".
- He Rightfuly pointed out, however, that, in fact, "it is Not a Conflict between Christians and Muslims", Contrary to what some claim, (risking to provoke negative Divisions), But, in reality, "a Conflict between Humanity and Barbarism !".
Curiously Forgetting, however, to also Note the Obvious Fact that, in Addition, some Shady Lobbies have been, Recently, Systematically exerting Pressure in order to Widely, Rapidly, and Deeply Spread around a rampant "Islamization", Never Seen Before in Any Modern European Counry, (Sometimes even Exploiting ISIL's Deadly Terrorist Attacks for that purpose), with a lot of Foreign Money coming from Abroad (f.ex. Saudi Arabia, or even Qatar : recently Accused by the USA, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Jordany, etc. to "Fund Islamist Radicalisation" up to "Islamist Terrorism" itself), and manifold Other Foreign Influences, (f.ex. Turish Goverment's power over DITIB's "Imams", etc, revealed by a recent Scandal in Germany), an UnPrecedented Mass Migration, even Irregular, particularly of Heavily and recently "Islamized" Populations, Christian Minorities of the Middle East being curiously rather Excluded, (espcially when "Filtered" through Turkey), a stange extremely Rapid Multiplication of various "Mosques" imposed almost Everywhere in Western Europe, the also Rapid, recent Emergence of more Dangerous than before Socio-Cultural "Ghettos", f.ex. in the UK, Belgium, Germany, France, etc, which Spectacularly Alter, only in a Few Years, the whole Historic and Cultural Image of many Cities in certain Key EU Countries, too often with Groups which do Not even Wish to be "Integrated" in a European Culture, (as even ...certain Experienced "Socialists" from Sweden have recently acknowledged to "Eurofora", following also Denmark's earlier experience, etc).
That's obviously an undeniable, strange New Fact, which canNot be Totally Ignored, since, Otherwise, it Risks to be Exploited by real "Racists" and/or other various Provocators eventually Seeking to Divide People and steer Conflicts, instead of promoting Socio-Cultural Cohesion, Peace and Stability in Europe.
+ Weber was, appareently, more Crystal-Clear on Turkey's controversial and unpopular EU bid : - "Turkey is moving even further Away from our European Values. We want a Good Relationship .... But Turkey canNot be a full Member of this EU- Not Today, and Not in the Future ! This is why this Membership Procedure must be Stopped", he urged, (with a Difference, however, from those MEPs who notoriously Want to "END" that process, once for ever).
- In Wider terms, Both on these and other Topical Issues, "we Need to Defend Europe's Identity !", Weber concluded.
+ He Questioned, therefore, "Why ... dear Jean-Claude Juncker, the EU Commission's response was Hesitant" on Turkey, as he observed (Comp. Supra).
The Reply could, probably, be that Juncker might have Felt Obliged to Mirror Not just the View of his own, ChristianDemocrat/EPP Group, but Also of Other mainstream Political Parties.
Indeed, even the German "Socialist" Party's program, (with its No 2 Politician being from Turkey), Repeatedly pleaded for Turkey's Accession into the EU, and, if its 2017 Electoral Candidate Martin Schultz (former EU Parliament's President) suddenly declared, only a Few Days ago, that he would be in favor of "Stopping" EU - Turkey Accession Negotiations, this seems, a priori, to be Limited Only at a Provisionary Halt, and Not at a Real End...
=> Significantly, the President of the "Socialist" Group in EU Parliament, Italian MEP Gianni Pittella, preferred Not to say the Slightest Word on Turkey, this time, (at least not Before the Crucial, forthcoming German Election)...
- He only Asked to "Open up" More "Legal Channels" "for Migrants".
- On the Contrary, speaking on behalf of the "Conservative" Group, Brittish MEP Syed Kamall, pointed out, Critically, that, at least "When it comes to their Concerns over Migration" and/or "Security", "our Citizens tell us" that "they Prefer an EU that Complements their National ...Governments, Not seek to OverRule them", as he said.
- "Freedom and Direct Democracy" Group President, Brittish MEP Nigel Farage, also Critically pointed out, (after Finding that Juncker's Speech was "Open" and "Honest", but also "Worrying" for him, as he said), that "If you (EU Commission) had given (to former Prime Minister) Cameron concessions, particularly on Immigration, the Brexit vote – I have to admit – would Never ever have happened !"...
- As for Austrian MEP Harald Vilimsky, speaking on behalf of the "Nations and Freedom" Group (Rightists), he Warned against bringing completely down "all the Internal Borders", because he felt that "tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, Millions of Africans and Arabs are pushing on our (European) Continent", including "Soldiers of Fortune and Terrorists", as he said, obviously Exagerating a delicate problem :
- F.ex., "The Bataclan-Bombers came to Europe through that way", he reminded. So, "Trivialize this, is a real Security Threat to all (European)Citizens", he Criticized.
+ Meanwhile, during a Special Debate on Turkey, EU Commissioner in charge of Enlargement and Neighborhood, Johannes Hahn, evoked a "Very Difficult" EU - Turkey "Dialogue", "most Recently ...on 25 July (2017) in Brussels", where "the High Representative (Mogherini) and I made it Clear to our Turkish counterparts that there is an Urgent Need for the current Trend to be Reversed, If we want our reciprocal Engagement to be Sustainable", as he Warned Ankara.
- "This goes for the Domestic situation, with continued dismissals, suspensions and arrests, but Equally so for bilateral Relations between Turkey and some EU Member States", the competent EU Commissioner pointed out.
- French MEP Gilles Lebreton, on behalf of the "Nations and Freedom" Group (Rightists), called to "Urgently Stop Turkey's Accession Negotiations with the EU" : - A "conclusion" that even German Chancellor "Mrs Merkel has just adopted", he noted.
- Greek MEP Georges Epitedios, on behalf of the Independent MEPs, stressed that "the EU should make it Clear that it's Not going to accept Turkey as its Member", but, on the Contrary, would prepare "a Special Relation between EU and Turkey" for the Future.
- On behalf of the ChristianDemocrats/EPP, German MEP Renate Sommer urged too make it Clear that Turkey's controversial and unpopular EU Candidacy "Must End", since Ankara's accession "is Not going to Happen" at all, while, even "the Customs Union", "canNot Expand at this moment".
+ And she Called for "Economic Sanctions" against Turkey.
- For the "Socialist" Group, German MEP Knut Fleckenstein, evoked a kind of "De Facto Termination" of EU - Turkey Accession Negotiations, and asked to "Suspend" them, as well as to "ReDirect the (EU) Money Away from the (Turkish conservative) Government, but Towards the People", as he said.
+ As for EU Council's position, he found that "Clarity will come After the (German) Elections" only...
- On behalf of the "Conservative" Group of MEPs, Bulgarian MEP Angel Dzambaski, found many Reasons for "these (EU - Turkey accession) Negotiations to be Terminated".
- "At last", in Germany, the Frontrunners, "Merkel" and "Schulz", "Heard such Calls, and Repeated" alike : So that, "Hopefuly, that wouldn't only be just a Pre-Electoral Promise, But should be Implemented ... after the (German)Elections", he urged.
+ The representative of the "Conservative" Group also Asked for EU "Sanctions on the Turkish Government".
- Speaking for the Group of the "Left", Greek MEP Costas Chrysogonos, stressed that "Turkey's Accession" to the EU "has become Impossible", and "that's why EU Parliament has asked for the Interruption of accession negotiations".
°+ "This also means that, in consequence, EU's Financial Aid for pre-accession, Must be immediately Interrupted", and "Stop", he added.
- As for Polish MEP Janusz Korwin-Mikke, on behalf of the Independent MEPs, he prefered to Focus on "Turkey's main problem, which are the Kurds", by launching a Call for the EU to push for a Deal allowing "the Kurds to get Autonomy", (as in Iraq, Syria, etc).
+ Meanwhile, however, even the Images of various Imprisoned Dissident Journalists in Turkey, which had been Recently "painted" on Strasbourg's pathway between the ECHR and COE's main Building (by Free Speech International NGO "Reporters without Borders", with the Call : - "Free Turkish Journalists !"), were provocatively and odiously Targetted and Vandalized by anonymous Aggressors, as "Eurofora" found out, and the attached Photos clearly prove :
>>> Last, but not least, in these Times of "BREXIT", what would be EU's foreseable Future, in this regard ?
- Will EU accept to Lose Great Britain, which undeniably is an Historic and Developed European Country for Thousands of Years, but get ... Turkey inside, a Geographically, Culturally, Economically and UnDemocraticaly Middle-East/Central Asian shaky conglomerate dated Less than only 1 Century (1923-2017) and surrounded by Syria, Iraq, Iran, etc. ?
- Or will it, perhaps, practically, give to Both London and Ankara a ...Similar Legal Status of some kind of "Association" vis a vis the EU in Future ?...
=> In order to timely and adequately Prevent such Blatant Absurdities, If the Franco-German EU's "core", Together with many Allied EU Countries, is Serious about its alleged Political Will for a "Multi-Layer" but "Uni-Center", ConCentric European Architecture,
then, such Key and Topical, "Hot" Issues should be clearly and seriously Debated, also in Public, including Both Politicians and EU Citizens, starting already by the Present, crucial Electoral Campaign in Germany his Septembert 2017, (comp. Supra), and going on with Wider and Further in Depth Analysis and Developments all the way towards the Forthcoming May 2019 European Elections, which are apparently due to have, in one way or another, a Decisive Role on determining Europe's present and Future, before it becomes too late for all involved.
Can Europe Avoid for much Longer a long-awaited Debate on its Future overall Architecture and various Strategic Relations with its Different Neighbouring Coutries ?
The Right Reply can only be a Crystal-clear "No".
Inter alia, Also Because the so-called Turkey Problem is Not Only a Foreign Affairs Issue, but, affects, in Fact, also Many Important aspects of EU Citizens' everyday Lives, as well as of the European Society, Democracy and its very Identity, as well as Human Rights, Culture, Mass Migration, Level of Development, etc.
This became even more Obvious Today, f.ex. when UKIP's Historic Leader, Main Inspirator of the "BREXIT", and President of the "Freedom and Direct Democracy" Group of MEPs, Nigel Farage, reminded to Juncker the Fact that If EU had made some serious "Concessions" to former UK Prime Minister Cameron about the Mass Migration, back on 2015-2016, (i.e. precisely when Turkey had Triggered an UnPrecedented, Giant "Tsunami" of 1,5 Million Mass Asylum Seekers/Irregular Migrants suddenly Tresspassing inside Europe through a Mafia of Smugglers and some Shady Complicities), then, the "BREXIT" would Never had Won that UK Referendum !
Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy was the 1st to Openly and Officialy Ask for an "EU-wide Debate on the Future of Europe", as Part of a Compromise, (Together with the Blockade of 5 Chapters in EU - Turkey Negotiations, which were considered Synonumous with a Full EU Membership), in order to Curb, in exchange, his Initial promise to Stop any EU-Enlargement related Move with Ankara, already Back on August 2007. Sarkozy had promised that, after 3 "NO" to EU Referenda for a European Constitution, in France, the Nethelands and Ireland, etc., (mainly Motivated by EU Citizens' Refusal to Accept Turkey's Controversial EU bid).
But Controversial former EU Commission's President José Manuel Barroso from Portugal, (currently USA's "Goldman Sachs"'s employee, and, notoriously, someone who had Never Believed that Europe might Become at least Equal to the US), after having Pushed Hard for such a Compromise, Finaly, Later on 2010, Scandalously Betrayed that Deal, after Restricting such a Pseudo-"Debate" only into an Obscure "Committee" working Behind Closed Doors, Headed by "Socialist", former Prime Minister, Gonjalez from Spain, notoriously pro-Turkey EU Accession fan, and Monitored by a Manager with a Blatant "Conflict of Interest" Problem, since he was ...Paid by Turkey, as a precariously Hired Professor at an Istanbul University, (etc), which, Inevitably, Resulted into a Report ...pleading the so-called "Advantages" of Turkey's unpopular EU bid, into which, its authors did Not see Any Problem at all, (Comp., f.ex. : ...).
For that purpose too, it seems Interesting to consider New French President Emmanuel Macron's recent Proposal, inter alia, also to Start EU-Wide Public Debates on Europe's Future, Open to Massive Participation of EU Citizens, including Critical view points, in view of a Necessary Overhaul to Re-Structure the EU, on the Base of New Foundations, according to Decisions due to be taken from the End of 2018, (i.e. Applying a Key Part of "Eurofora"s Original and Wider Idea to Boost Public Debates with EU Citizens Before Important EU Decisions affecting their Lives and the Society in which they live : Comp. 2006 - 2017 relevant Publications, in Fact preceded by a Initial Collective Project named "EIW" that we had Officialy presented to EU Commission, as Early as since 1997, that Brussels had accepted to Examine in the context of EU Program "ESPRIT" for the Development of Innovated Social Uses of Modern Telecommunication Technologies).
Macron initialy proposed a Brief Highlight of the above-mentioned Variante since his 1st Public Meeting, that he had Chosen to make here in Strasbourg, on October 2016, before making a much More Explicit Presentation, just a few Days Ago, this September 2017, during a landmark Speech symbolicaly made in Greece, at Acropolis' "Pnyx", where Direct Democracy had been Historicaly Invented and realy Practiced already since the Times of Ancient Civilisation in Europe, (See, f.ex.:
The French President's main Motivation has been, apparently, much More his notorious Wish to Boost particularly €uroArea's further Institutional Development, in the foreseable Future, but the general Formulation that he chose now, and its real Potential, are obviously much Wider.
In the Meantime, "Eurofora" had also some, Brief but Interesting, Occasions to exchange with Experienced German Top Politician, Many Times Minister of Interior and recently of Finances, Wolfgang Schäuble, a Solid Merkel's Ally from Nearby Offenbourg, particularly on the foreseable Need to actively Involve and Motivate EU Citizens with Public Debates, repercuted by adequate, Modern European Medias, precisely in order, at least, to make Important Breakthroughs in much needed further EU Integration at €urozone's core, (f.ex. around 2012 and 2014, as well as 2017, etc).
By a Timely and Positive "Coincidence", just Yesterday, Tuesday, September 12, 2017, in Strasbourg, the New EU Parliament's President, experienced former Twice EU Commissioner, Top MEP and Foreign Minister, Antionio Tajani, a ChristianDemocrat/EPP MEP from Italy, making a Landmark Speech in the Plenary about his Policies in view of the Crucial forthcoming 2019 European Elections, appeared to Advance even Furhter in the Direction of "Eurofora"s Project, particularly by Promising to Boost EU Citizens' adequately Free Access to EU Parliament for Debates with MEPs who need to Consult the European People Before Taking Important Decisions, (Comp. : ...).
As for the Experienced Secretary General of EU Parliament, Klaus Welle, another former ChristianDemocrat/EPP Officer, who has presented a relevant Draft Report a Few Years ago, he had also Positively Discussed such Perspectives with "Eurofora" in at least 2 Occasions in the Recent Past, (See, f.ex.: ... + ...), giving a RDV, precisely, from 2017, with the New EU Parliament's President, in view of the current Preparations for the Crucial forthcoming EU Elections of 2019.
Relevant Discussions had also Started by "Eurofora" with the New EU Parliament's Communications' Director, Jaume Duch-Guillot, exprienced former Press/Medias Director for many Years, particularly in relation with the notoriously need to Curb and Reverse a sudden Massive Abstention of EU Citizens in EU Elections, (which had notoriously Appeared since 1999, i.e. practically since the Controversial and UnPopular Turkey's EU bid had Started), inter alia also around 2009 and 2014. Duch was just appointed as EU Parliament's Director of Communication, with competences extended also vis a vis EU Citizens, since February 2017.
So, to put it in a Nutshell, could the Problems of Turkey's controversial and unpopular EU bid, at least, serve EU's Wider Need to Revitalise its Democratic process of main Decisions-Making ?
Even Biological over-Millenary Evolutions have notoriously taught that, in Nature, ofen a Real Need, finally Creates a New Organ... So, why Not also in the (much More Appropriate for that) Historic Development of a Society, like that of Europe and its Public Institutions ?
However, at any case, it Must be Crystal-Clear what is Really at Stake here :
- Because, in Fact, Turkey's Initial (and perhaps, Only Real) Motivation for Asking to be accorded a Status of "Candidate to EU Accession", was, in the Past, Not so much to reall Become a Full EU Member, (something that, at least, If someone inside the EU woulc become So Crazy as to Offer that to Ankara, obviously the Latter would Not Refuse...), But much More, if not, Exclusively, ... to Get EU Money !
>>> Indeed, "Eurofora"s co-Founder has Personaly Witnessed, (as well as Several Other Europeans and Americans present, then, to the Following Event), Already as Early as since 1999, i.e. Shortly Before the December 1999 EU's Summit at Helsinki (Finland) officially declared Ankara as a Candidate for EU Accession, (with all the Negative Consequences that EU Faced, since then, f.ex. the 3 "No" to Euro-Referenda in France, the Netherlands and Ireland, between 2005-2007, up to the Current serious Problems, etc), the Following, Incredible but Real, Exceptional Event inside EU Parliament in Strasbourg :
- While the Plenary Session was Ending and most People were Leaving, on the Contrary, a Small Number of Key People gathered, Discreetly, at a quite Isolated, Far Away Room, located at the Madariaga Buildings, (i.e. at the Other Side of the River, near the CoE). There, in Addition to EU Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee MEPs, were then present also an Exceptional Delegation from USA's Congress and Senate, (Back on 1999, i.e. still during the "Socialist"/Liberal Presidency of Clinton/Gore, with Bill and Hillary, etc).
- Suddenly, a New Paper, of just a Few Pages, emerged, out of the blue, and it Started to be Distributed among the various Participants, including "Eurofora"''s co-Founder : Curiously, Before it arrives to us, someone had Taken off its Last Page ! The Document was a Copy of a Text attributed to the Turkish Government, and Addressed to unnamed EU Officers, (apparently MEPs).
>>> The main thrust of its Content was to Complaint for the Fact that, during the 1990ies, All EU Funds earmarked for Turkey had been Blocked by Conditions, put by MEPs, on Human Rights, Democracy, Recognition of Armenian Genocide, Cyprus Issue, the Kurdish Issue, Turkish Threats against Greece at the Aegean Sea, (etc), that Ankara was UnWilling to fulfill. Therefore, all this Money risked to be Lost for Turkey, (particularly after almost a Decade of being "Freezed" : 1990-2000), Unless a Radical Change occured on Time.
Such a Change could Not be merely a New Ordinary EU Funding Program destinated to Ankara's regime, because that, also, Risked to be Blocked by Similar Conditions put by MEPs through EU Parliament's Votes, as in all other cases until then (1999). Thus, what was Needed was Something absolutely Differend from what had been already done in the Past, i.e. a Fundamentaly Different, New Program. This Financial Breakthrough could be obtained by ... (At this Crucial point, that Text had been brutaly Cut, by curiously Destroying its Last Page : Comp. Supra. But it soon became Obvious that what Ankara's Government was Asking, was fo urgently Give to Turkey a Status of Candidate to EU Accession, for the 1st Time in History ! While that had been, on the Contrarty, Refused f.ex. to Morocco, just a few Years before then, because EU had found that its "was Not a European Country").
=> Therefore, in Fact, the Turkish regime had been Seeking, right from the Start, above all, a Way to Get EU Money withOut having, really, to meet Any substantial Condition, (on Human Rights, Peace, Recognition of Heavy Crimes, Widrawal of Invasion/Occupation Troops, Cease Brutal Oppression of Minorities, etc.: Comp. Supra). I.e., Precisely as Ankara did, since 2000, i.e. After the December 1999 Helsinki EU Summit took that Controversial and UnPopular Decision to officialy Give to Turkey a "Candidate" Status...
Which, by the way, Provoked, subsequently, the Most Serious Institutional and Socio-Political Blockade in EU's History, Starting with 3 "NO" to Referenda on an EU Constitution (2005-2007), Spread of an UnPrecedented Populist "Euro-Scepticism" (2002-2017), even "BREXIT" (2016), etc.
Indeed, it's also a Fact that, f.ex., Farage managed to Suddenly make Grow the Number of UKIP's MEPs from Only 2 in the Past, to More than ...19 (now 20), and Create a Groop of MEPs to Chair in EU Parliament, only when he got the Idea, back on 2009 European Elections, to Base UKIP's Campaign on the Headline Moto : - "No to Turkey's Accession into the EU !", (see relevant Tracts, Placards, Web Publications, etc)...
And, Similarly, Back on 2015-2016, UKIP's unforgetable Placard during the Campaign for the "BREXIT" Referendum was simply a Photo of a Huge Mass of Thug-looking Individuals, (who Did Not Look, Nor Behaved at all as Traditional Families of Real, Genuine Refugees seen in the Past, Many Times in History), Suddenly "Invading" Europe through Turkey, (which Obviously Abused some blatant Complicities and/or Naiveties inside certain EU sectors), Socio-Culturally and Financially "Selected" by a "Mafia" (as even German Chancellor Angie Merkel recently Denounced) of mainly Turkish Smugglers, etc, Provoking all the UnPrecedented serious Problems witnessed almost Everywhere throughout Europe, since then, (with the Only Exception of those EU Member Countries which really Refused, until now, to Accept that in their National Territory, as Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, etc), such as Aggravation of Islamist Terrorist Attacks, Brutal Sexual Harassment against Thousands of even UnderAge Girls and Women, including several Rapes, even of Young Boys (f.ex. in Austria, Greece, Germany, etc, even with Victims Other, Real Refugee Children, f.ex. from Serbia, etc), Housing, Schooling, Abrupt Islamization and Socio-Cultural "Ghettos" suddenly popping up to the Detriment of Poor and "Fragile" People's Neighbourhoods at too Fast pace, and Other subsequent Problems or Threats withOut equivalent precedent in the known Past, provoking manifold Popular Reactions from France, Austria, Hungary or Germany, up to the UK, Denmark, etc., and Even inside Scandinavian Countries, however Traditionaly "Open" to Real Refugees in their long History, (f.ex. Sweden, Finland, Norway, etc).
Once again, the Turkish Regime, notoriously Exploited such a Blatant and UnPrecedented Abuse, in order to Oblige Europe to promise even More Money : + 3 Billions, in Full Grants, € Each Year, including 2018, and various Other Things, (see, f.ex., "Free Visa" Claims, etc), at a Shady Meeting Behind Closed Doors inside a never seen before Brussels' landscape Exceptionaly Deserted, with All Public a.o. Transports massively Blocked, etc., seriously Threatened and Hit by Deadly Islamist Terrorism, Back on 2015 and 2016, with Turkey exerting an Obvious "Blackmail" against Europe :
Something that even the Center-Right, Experienced President of the ChristianDemocrat/EPP Parties, Joseph Daul, (Long-Time Chairman of the Biggest EU Parliament's Group of MEPs), openly Acknowledged and Explicitly Denounced (as a blatant Turkish "Blackmail"), inter alia also at a landmark Speech in Strasbourg's University at the Beginning of March 2016, practically at the Eve of a Controversial EU - Turkey Deal on Mass Asylum Seekers/Irregular Migrants through Anatolia, (See, f.ex.: ...), - that, Meanwhile, the Protection of Borders by European Countries throughout the "Western Balkans' Route" and in "Mit-Europa", had, i, Fact, Already Started to Rapidly render superfluous and partly useless, (See UNHCR + OMI Facts at: ..., +..., Afterwards , at least partly Acknowledged even by Mainstream German Press, as well as the EU Council in Brussels, etc., See relevant Facts at : ... + ...).
So that German Chancellor Angie Merkel's recent observation, in substance, that, in Addition to National and particuarly Collective European Efforts to come soon in order to, at last, put an End, or Otherwise Bypass the Growing Problems provoked and/or threatened by Turkey's controversial and unpopular EU Bid, Europe should also, and More Rapidly, rather Decide to Stop Spending and Wasting so many Funds for Ankara's growingly anti-democratic regime, might prove to be quite Adequat and Efficient, in real practice.
Particularly Nowadays, when even Culturaly and largely Geographically, as well as Historically European Russia, notoriously Faces so Many "Economic Sanctions" Today, not only for serious, controversial moves, but also at the slightest Pretext, (sometimes even without new pretext !), while, on the Contrary, Turkey has Not yet faced Any Sanction at all !
Indeed, it's Difficult to Imagine what Sanctions would have faced Russia, in such a context, IF Moscow's Government had done as Turkey does :
F.ex., by Claiming Endless Unilateral Military Invasion/Occupation "Rights" inside an EU - Member Country ; practically Refusing to Withdraw its Military Troops even from Occupied Territories which, for Many Thousands of Years in History, had Nevet Belonged to it, but to Other European People, Massively Expulsed and Hindered to Return Back Home ; furnishes Arms and massively allow Years of manifold Logistic Support, Recruitementr,etc. to Deadly Islamist Terrorists systematically Targetting innocent Civilian People, as f.ex. ISIL, etc.; Threatens anOther EU Member State with War if it exploits its Natural Reources located in its EEZ according to International Law of the Sea, and systematically multiplies Dangerous Military Airplanes' intrusions at that EU Member State's Airspace ; Destroys Many Villages and Violently Displaces many Thousands of People from an Oppresses Minority ; Suddenly lets go more than 1,5 Millions of Mass Asylum Seekers/Irregular Migrants, through its Territory, towards Europe, Not only from Syria and Iraq, but also from Pakistan, Aghanistan, Magreb and other African Countries, practicaly Selecting some Heavily Islamized Groups, but Dissuading or even Excluding Christians and/or Qualified People, prefering Thugs or even Criminals (including Repated Offendres, Deadly Islamist Terrorists, etc) as several Mainstream UK + US Medias revealed ; Massively Dismisses and/or Persecutes, and/or Arrests many Tens of Thousands of various Political Dissidents or Critics, such as Civil Servants, Teachers, Judges, Journalists ; Organises Systematic and Massive Spying on Dissidents, Critical Journalists, etc., even Inside EU Member States, where it Interferes by Massive Public Rallies, and Calls to Vote for some, but Not Other Political Parties in the National Elections of Important EU Countries; (Etc+)...
>>> Is it really Credible for the EU to again and again, Multiply various "Sanctions" against Russia, while, on the Contrary, at the Same Time, continuing "Accession Negotiations" with Turkey, and still Paying 1 Billion € in full Grants per year in pre-accession "Aid", added to 3 Billions € each year for Ankara's promises to Curb that UnPrecedended "Tsunami" of Mass Asylum Seekers/Irregular Migrants that Turkish Smugglers suddenly threaw against Europe from 2015-2016, obviously exterting a sly "Blackmail", ... Despite Turkey's considerably Worse Behavior ?
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EU Rapporteur on Enlargment Strategy, maistream German MEP Elmar Brok, speaking to "EuroFora", welcomed the proposal made earlier this week by French President Nicolas Sarkozy for the EU to"start Now Talks with Turkey to create a common Economic and Security area", instead of full Accession, at a period when Ankara looks more and more unfit and/or unwilling to respect EU conditions.
- "For Europe to have strong Political will, it must stop dilutiing itself in an endless Enlargement. It must have borders...Diversities enrich, on the condition that they don't undermine European Cohesion, and don't weaken EU Unity", Sarkozy stressed.
- "Countries like Turkey share a part of common destiny with Europe, with which they have a vocation to build a Privileged Relation, to be closely associated, but not to become Member of the EU" : "Noone respects his friends by telling them lies. Noone respects his friends by making them promises that will be never kept", he added.
That's why "we'd better start, from now, negotiating with Turkey to create a common Economic and Security area", Sarkozy proposed.
Significantly, the French President was repeatedly and largely applauded by EU citizens, 3 times, when he made the Turkey point, (strategically placed between Europe's "Political Will" and its cultural heritage, historically open to mutually enriching dialogue with all the World, but never diluted).
- "We could propose such a great ambition also to Russia, which must not be percieved as an Adversary of Europe, but as a Partner. Thus, we'd create a wide area, of more than 800 Million inhabitants, sharing the same Security, the same Prosperity", he concluded.
Sarkozy's move was anounced at the eve of a Franco-German Top meeting with Chancellor Angie Merkel in Berlin on Sunday, to jointly launch the EU Elections campain, after an EU Summit at nearby Prague, to launch a new kind of relations, called "Eastern Partnership", with neighboring countries such as Urkaine, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaidjan, etc, (to which Russia, reportedly, is not - and does not want to be - included).
As for Ukraine, which has already expressed her wish to join the EU in future, "Kiev will have a special place, and a very important role to play", replied earlier this week in Strasbourg, to an "EuroFora" question EU Chairman in office , Czech vice-Prime Minister Alexander Vodra.
- "This direction is more Realistic for Turkey than Accession negotiations", reacted immediately EU Parliament's Rapporteur for Enlargment Strategy, mainstream German MEP Elmar Brok, commenting Sarkozy's idea for "EuroFora"
Particularly "as far as it concerns the respect of EU Rules by both sides", he added, hinting at Turkey's now obvious inability and/or unwillingness to abide with EU Acquis, EU Commitments (fex. on Cyprus, etc), and European Democracy/Human Rights rules. (Comp. infra).
Brok added that, in his view, a similar proposal might be made also to Ukraine and other neighbouring Countries, regardless if they have, or not, a "European vocation". This would not necessarily mean that there couldn't be any accession prospects at all." for all the countries that might be included in this area, according to Brok. But it's preferable, particularly for Turkey, "because it's a more Realistic approach than full Membership".
On this point, Sarkozy's proposal, (which he'll share with German Chancellor Merkel), seems more crystal-clear.
- "Turkey does not fullfil EU Criteria, and will never fullfil EU Criteria" on Human Rights, Democracy and Rule of Law. "Some have been lying to Ankara, but we must tell the Truth, and have honest and close relations with her", said meanwhile to "EuroFora" on the same issue also the President of EU Parliament's largest Group of MEPs (ChristianDemocrats/EPP), Joseph Daul.
"Hot" Debate at EU Parliament reveals CHANGE of mood towards "Suspension" of EU - Tukey talks.
Earlier this week, many MEPs, and even some of those who were previously in favor of Turkey's controversial EU bid, strongly criticized the persistance and even aggravation of serious Human Rights violations in the country, that ECHR continues to "unanimously" condemn ":
- "After winning a big victory in the latest Local Elections, the pro-Kurdish party DTP almost doubled its Elected Mayors from 52 to 98", but afterwards "more than 400 politicians were thrown to Prison and prosecuted" by the Turkish Authorities, denounced on behalf of the ChristianDemocrat/EPP Group, Belgian MEP Frieda Brepoels.
At the same time, "more than 1.500 Children are closed in Turkish Prisons", she added. "What will the EU Commission do" against these facts ?
- "Turkey appears to be at greater Distance away from Copenhagen Criteria after 4 Years of accession Negotiations, than when they started !", denounced on behalf of the Liberal Group, German MEP Alexander Lambsdorf.
"On the central issue of Press Freedom, Critical Journalists face obstacles for their accreditation, others are prosecuted, condemned, fined and/or jailed, Media blocked or closed", he denounced.
- "EU Made 2 grave Mistakes with Turkey : To start accession negotiations, and to continue them", despite everything, criticized Dutch MEP Bastian Belder, on behalf of the Ind/Dem group.