Virus : Fake "Vaccines" Fail throughout the World ! (Making Oppression even More Arbitrary)...
*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- Astonishingly Growing recent Facts around the World clearly show that those Few Fake "Vaccines" into which some EU Bureaucrats Traped the European People and others, Hindering or Restricting any Other, Alternative Solution, (Non-Pharmaceutical Public Health Measures, Prophylaxis, Medical Drugs, and/or Classic Vaccines like Pasteur's, etc), are found to be much more Inefficient, and/or even Dangerous, than expected, according to Various Converging Data from Many Sources :
- First of all, the Pseudo-"Vaccined" Individuals can Infect Other Persons, (i.e. using those Novel Tools : f.ex. ANRm, etc), Contrary to what happens in the case of any Real, Classic Vaccine, (i.e. working according to the Method Invented by Louis Pasteur, and Already Known how to be used, for various Anti-Viruses protections, during the last 200 Years).
This Astonishing Fact had been Scandalously Hidden from the Public Opinion when those BNT-Pfizer and Moderna Fake Vaccines had been Initialy presented for Official Authorisation, Both in the USA and the EU, back on December 2020 ! The Numerous Official Documents (particularly of Turko-USA's BNT-Pfizer's) said Nothing clear about that, (while Moderna had just added a Short, Last-minute "Addition", with some vague and incomplete Hypothesis), and even the Highest-standing, Specialized EU Public Officials appeared to Ignore that Problem, as "Eurofora" revealed by Raising crystal-clear Questions on that point during Key Video-Press Conferences organized by the EU in Brussels, at the eve of Crucial Heads of State/Goverment Summits, (See, f.ex., at: +, etc). At that time, French Professor Perronne, who Denounced that Fact, Refusing to Name as "Vaccines" those Strange and UnExplored yet, Novel Tools Affecting the Human Genome, had been brutaly Fired from his main Job, WithOut Any serious Reply, Nor any real Democratic Debate on that Key Issue... (See, f.ex., at :, etc).
But, Afterwards, even EU Commission's President, Ursula van der Leyen, had to Admit that this was a Big Question-Mark, (See f.ex. :, etc), and the prestigious Scientific Review "Nature" Published, on Summer 2021, that it was Still UnKnown whether those Novel Tools Stopped the Infections of Other People, (as All "Classic" Vaccines did), or Not. Meanwhile, on June 2021, a PanEuropean CoE's Parliamentary Assembly's Resolution was Unanimously Opposed against any Imposal of a "Pass" System, as long as this crucial Pending Question had Not been Elucidated, and Warned that, Otherwise, such a Thorny situation would have "Devastating" Consequences, probably because of the False Appearances about such "Silent Killer Jombies" (i.e. those Prseudo-"Vaccinated" Individuals, as American People called them), would inevitably Risk to Provoke among Naive, UnInformed People, in Addition to an irresponsible Lifting of Public Health Protection Measures vis a vis those Pseudo-"Vaccinated" but still Dangerous individuals Threatening to Spread the Virus across the whole Society, (See : , +, etc).
=> Thus, it's Not a Surprize that the, by far, Most Pseudo-"Vaccinated" Country in the World ; Israel (with the Fake-"Vaccine" BNT-Pfizer), Nowadays Faces an UnPrecedented Huge "Tsunami" of Mass-Infections, whose Numbers have Reached Record-High Peaks, Bigger than Ever since the Beginning of the Pandemic, as WHO's Official Data reveal (See relevant Graphics, attached herewith) !... Similar, more or less, Consequences are Also perceptible f.ex. in the UK (the Most Pseudo-"Vaccinated" European Country), France, the Netherlands, Spain, Greece, the USA, not to forget Seychelles, etc.
On the Contrary, various Other Countries, particularly those Based on a Large Diversity of Different Vaccines (including also "Classic" ones), and/or on strong and general Public Health Measures (Non-Pharmaceutical : Intelligent Confinement, Social Distancing, Masks, Good Ventilation of Confined Areas, etc), have, Surprisingly, managed to Overcome Past problems, and Succeed to Reach an Almost ... Zero Infections + Zero Deaths situation, (f.ex. Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, San Marino, China, Australia ; from September 2020 until Summer 2021, etc)... That's why, Recently, even USA "Socialist" President Biden surprizingly Prohibited Entries to his Country from Canada's Borders Even for all Pseudo-"Vaccinated" Individuals, who were, Also, Called by the CDC to Wear Masks even Inside their Own Family Home and other Confined spaces (etc) !
+ But, there is much More : Indeed, Even those Pseudo-"Vaccinated" Individuals themselves, (Despite their caricatural and Controversial "Passes", "Passports", or "Certificates", etc), are Not realy Protected by such Fake "Vaccines", and/or, at least, Unexpectedly Less and Less, almost Not at all, Nowadays...
* At First, various Negative "Side Effects" of those UnExplored yet Fake "Vaccines", or "Novel Tools" (Comp. Supra + Infra), doN't seem to have been Sufficiently Understood, or Not Even all Discovered until Nowadays : F.ex., those various kinds of "Thrombosis", "Allergic" incidents (which can be even Mortal : See Infra), or "PeriCarditis" Heart Problems, etc., added, inter alia, also to AstroZeneka's (the Chimbajies' Fake "Vaccine") "Guillain-Barré Syndrom", Facial Paralysis, and so on..
Already, various Mainstream Sources denounce several Hundreds or even Thousands of such thorny, alleged "Side Effects" Cases after taking such a Pseudo-"Vaccine", only in the USA. And that appeared in Only a Few Months, while it notoriousy takes a few Years before a Candidate Vaccine is throroughly Examined and authorised. Already, the Precedent of "Astrazeneka"'s Chimpaji Fake-"Vaccine", (Initialy a supposed "Champion" from Oxford...), which, after too Many Incidents among Women Victims, was Notoriously Disgraced, (to the point that even Poor, Non-EU Serbia had to ...Offer its lot, Rejected by Serbian People, to Other, even More Poor, Western Balkan Countries, in order to avoid throwing it out), left Heavy Marks.
Nowadays, it's mainly the Turkish-USA "BNT-Pfizer" which was Accused for at least 2 Recent Deaths, (one of a French Youngster, Maxime, 32 y.o., in France, and another of a Woman in New Zeland, according to the Ministry of Health itself), both shortly after taking a dose of that Controversial Novel Tool of ANRm, (in order to get a "Pass" Imposed for Summer Holidays in Greece, according to Maxime's Father, who strongly Denounced those "Criminals" who OutLaw well-tested Medical Therapies/Prophylaxis, as HCQ, but Impose a few "UnExplored" yet Fake "Vaccines", making "Billions" as "Pfizer", while Some Public Investigators prefered to Accuse ..."Peanuts" [sic !] that the victim had eaten Later, overNight. At any case, all "Allergies" strictly Prohibit "BNT-Pfizer" in the UK, while in France and Other Countries, Not Always... As for the New Zeland Lady, the Authorities, curiously Hide her Name, Age, and Circumstances... ),
+ In addition, Sometimes, "BNT-Pfizer"'s Negative Side-Effects are More Probable than the Virus itself : F.ex., among Male Teenagers, the Chances to get Infected by the Virus in the USA Nowadays are about 44 per Million, while "MyoCardiac" Problems provoked by "Pfizer" or "Moderna" Fake "Vaccines" are ...162, (according to the "Guardian", citting US Official sources).
++ Moreover, ARNm "Novel Tools" UnExplored yet Technology is Based on the Artificial Blockade of a Protein of the Virus, by Affecting the Human Genome, (Instead of Stimulating the Natural Human Immunity System for doing so itself, as All Classic Vaccines generaly did). But "Proteins" are responsible for All Human Parts and/or "Events" inside the Body, (Tissues, Muscles, Nerfs, Bones, etc., as well as Key Chemical Reactions, as, f.ex., Insuline secretion against Diabetes, or Digestion of Food, Turning a Gene "On" or "Off", etc). There are Many Thousands of them in Humans, mostly of Complex Molecular Structures, a Lot UnExplored or Only Partly Known yet. So that this results in 2 main Risks : (A) Tragic Errors : Because "even the Slightest Change of a Protein Might provoke Catastrophes", as BBC Warns ; (B) Dangerous Interventions : Since by Stoping or Launching, Weakening or Boosting this or that Gene, partly or wholy, an Eventual "Dr. Frankenstein" Technocrat might attempt to Manipulate the Genome of one or many Human Persons, through a kind of "Gene Therapy", as French Professor Perronne had Warned, (Comp. Supra), and/or by "Playing God", as some Press Commentators pointed out...
** Even More Important, concerning the COVIT-19 Virus' Pandemic : Pseudo-"Vaccinated" Individuals, via such Fake-"Vaccines", can be also Themselves, as many Facts, particularly Recent, have Already widely Revealed :
- F.ex., in Addition to "Nature" Scientific Review's recent Headline affirmation, (that it's Not yet Known Whether those Controversial Novel Tools may let Infect Other People, or Even their Recipients too : Comp. Supra), it's, among various other Facts, also very Surprizing that, in Israel, recently, about 50% of the People Infected, were ...Pseudo-"Vaccinated" with those Fake-"Vaccines" !
In the USA, Even inside the White House, Biden had recently the Bad Surprize to Find that several among his own Staff, already Pseudo-"Vaccinated" by those standard Fake-"Vaccines", were, in fact, Infected by the Virus... Earlier, a Big Cluster at USA's East England area had revealed that the Large Majority (more than 900) were ...Pseudo-"Vaccinated" individuals ! And in France, it's the New President of the powerful Region PACA (Marseille), Muselier, who has just been Infected himself by the Virus, Despite the fact that he had been Pseudo-"Vaccinated" by such Fake-"Vaccines, (etc)...
Meanwhile, the French Government had claimed, at an Official Consultation of the "Conseil d'Etat" (the Highest Court on Public Law affairs) about the Controversial "Pass" or "Certificate" (See : ... + ..., etc), a few Months ago, that those Fake-"Vaccines" would, allegedly, "Protect up to 95% against Hospitalisations and Deaths" (sic !). Astonishingly, that Court did Not even Try to Verify such a Big and Controversial Claim, but Limited itself into Only attesting that this would be the situation "according to the elements provided by the Government" (Full Stop)... I.e., some so-called "Judges" behaved as if a retrograde Attorney on Criminal cases did Not Investigate a Murder, But Only Limited himself to say that : ..."According to the Suspect, he is Innocent (sic !)"...
However, Many recent Facts show that the above-mentioned Governemental Claim, (apparently made by Mr. Veran, the current Minister for Health, pursued by Virus' victims at the French Courts inter alia also for "Non Assistance to People at Risk", etc), is a Fake Claim, or, at least, Trends to Disappear according to relevant Developments :
- F.ex., Recently at the UK (the Most Pseudo-"Vaccinated" European Country), Official Statistics revealed that about 45% of those who Died from the Virus had been Pseudo-"Vaccinated" by such Fake-"Vaccines" !
+ Moreover, it's Obvious that, with the Present, Astonishingly and Scandalously "Hate Speach", even by Key Public Officials, in certain Countries, Against Non-Vaccinated Yet People, (f.ex. in France, Greece, and recently Biden's USA, etc. : i.e., by a "Coincidence", mainly in Countries in which "BNT-Pfizer" currently has installed ...Factories for its Commercial Products), if they are personaly Affected by the Virus, they are No More going to Find the Necessary Human and Social Solidarity and Sympathy almost Nowhere in Hospitals and/or hired Medical Staff Nowadays, Risking Seriously to be, rather, Abandoned to Die, (as they are loudly Accused to be at least co-Responsible for the Virus' Spread !)... If that doesN't Change, then, Obviously, Death Statistics risk to become a mere "Self full-filling Prophecy"...
- But, Meanwhile, many Recent Facts, clearly Prove that the Alleged "Efficacy" of those Fake-"Vaccines", (If it ever existed), Risks to rapidly ...Disappear, Nowadays, under our own eyes, just in Weeks or a few Months' Time !
* Indeed, among many others, even those Fake-"Vaccines"' Merchands (and particularly the Turkish-USA "BNT-Pfizer" lobby), have Notoriously repeated that any Efficacy of their Controversial Merchandise Risks to Vanish Shortly, Necessitating, therefore, a "3rd Dose", in almost Half a Year's Time... Indeed, that Alleged Efficacy vis a vis the Virus Rapidly Fell from a Claimed 95 or 92% Down to an Astonishing 64%, and Soon at a Terrible ... 39% !
++ In the MeanTime, Pro-Biden CDC recent NewsReports this Summer 2021 reveal that alleged Fake-"Vaccines"' (RNAm) Efficacy had Fallen from about 29 Times more chances to Avoid Hospitalisation, at 11, and afterwards Only 4 (Four !), Obviously Threatening to be Nullified soon...
(The pro-Establishment Medias betrayed their Criminal Lies by publishing, on a Day of Popular Protests, Only 1 Headline claiming that Hospitalisations would be 11 Times Less with those Fake-"Vaccines" (sic !), while Hiding from the People the Trend for that to Fall from 29 Times to 11 and later Only 4, which Obviously predicts that such former Differences are Disappearing fast : What a Total Lack of Press Ethics !).
+++ In Addition, "Moderna"'s alleged Efficacy seems to have, reportedly, Fallen comparatively Less than that of "BNT-Pfizer", (which went Down much more Rapidly), Both in terms of Hospitalisations etc., and in the Number of Antigens created by those Fake-"Vaccines". But this might be, reportedly, due to the Number of RNAm contained in each one of those Novel Tools, with "Moderna" having much More, which could, Perhaps, provoke More Side-Effects (according to a "BNT-Pfizer" Competitor), and/or allow for More Human Genome Manipulations, (which, Obviously, could be Dangerous : Comp. Supra).
++++ At any case, such a "3rd Dose", (Hotly Challenged by the WHO, as long as Poor Countries accross the World hadN't yet, Not even any Basic Vaccine), seems due to Delay too much, since, Just for Elderly People, it's currently supposed to be Concluded in the USA Only at the Beginning of Next Year (2022)...
+++++ Most Important : Experienced Medical Experts, according to Mainstream US Medias, Denounced the Fact that : - "Such a succession of 3 Doses in almost 6 Months Time had Never been Seen Before at Any Vaccine !", and that "it's Doubtful whether the People would Accept something like that !"
++++++ But, even that, is Not Yet Ripe, Neither Certain for immediate Use, as EU's competent EMA criticaly Observed, Nowadays, in a rare Public Warning, Calling those Member States which currently Plan to Start such a 3rd Dose withOut an EU Authorisation yet, to Stop such a Displaced Hurry, inter alia, Because the Turkish-USA "BNT-Pfizer" has Not Yet presented All the Required Documents, and, in that case, f.ex. the Legal Responsibilities for eventual Side-Effects Risk to be Changed to the Detriment of European Counries...
+++++++ Last, but not least, as if All That wouldN't be Enough, Israel, which is Notoriously the Most Pseudo-"Vaccinated" State in the World, based on such Controversial Fake-"Vaccines", (mainly Pfizer, etc), has just, reportedly Warned, that the Current Situation of the Virus' Pandemic could, eventualy, make Necessary even a ...Fourth (4th) Dose asap !
=> In Consequence, in front of such an Astonishing Failure and "Crash" of the Establishment's current Fake-"Vaccines" (Comp. Supra), as the Deadly Virus Pandemic persists, a practical Hope seems to ask Nowadays, Urgently, for :
- A Wide Authorisation of Real, "Classic" Vaccines, (already among the 57% Majority of those 180 Vaccines which have reached a Clinical Level, according to the WHO), and the Invention of more, in full Transparency, so that People can have a well Informed, free Choice ;
- Support the development of adequate Medical Cure and Drugs, new or old (repurposed), so that People can have the necessary Time to wait for something better ;
- Prophylaxis, mainly by Boosting the Natural Human Immune System (ibid) ;
- Intelligent, Non-Pharmaceutical, Public Health Measures, (including Alternative : Digital and/or Outdoor Economic Activities, in Not Confined spaces) ;
- Research on the Origins of this Deadly Virus, its Variants, and other Crucial Developments ;
- Keep Democraticaly Accountable all those Responsible for Big Blunders, No Protection of People at Risk, Abuse/Oppression of Basic Freedoms ;
- Find and Punish those Hidding Behind that Few Fake Vaccines Fascism ;
- Respect People's elementary Liberties and Human Rights, as well as Basic BioEthical Principles.
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Επικρίσεις κι από ΕΔΑΔ γι ανακρίβειες Εκθεσης Ρεν για Τουρκία και Πρόσφυγες,
(που κατήγγειλε ο Κυβερνητικός Εκπρόσωπος)
- για την αμφιλεγόμενη "Επιτροπή" που έστησε η Τουρκία στα Κατεχόμενα
* Η Εκθεση Ρέν ΠΑΡΕΡΜΗΝΕΥΕΙ, Η ΑΓΝΟΕΙ βασική νομολογία ΕΔΑΔ για Τουρκία !
+ Ο Ρέν αγνόησε και πρόσφατα συμπεράσματα ΕΔΑΔ για Ρεκόρ καταδίκες Τουρκίας για βαριές παραβιάσεις Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων όλη την Δεκαετία αμφιλεγόμενης "υποψηφιότητας" για ένταξη σ ΕΕ (+1999-2008) !
* Στρασβούργο/ΑΚΜ/+6+ Νοεμβρίου 2008/-
Κι απ το ΕυρωΔικαστήριο εκφράστηκαν παράπονα γι ανακρίβειες Εκθεσης Επιτρόπου Ρεν πάνω στη Νομολογία για την αμφιλεγόμενη "Επιτροπή" που έστησε η Τουρκία στα Κατεχόμενα για Ε/Κους Πρόσφυγες, όπως επέκρινε την Πέμπτη κι ο Κυβερνητικός Εκπρόσωπος, Στέφανος Στεφάνου :
Οπως προκύπτει από αποκλειστικές δηλώσεις που μας έδωσε στην έδρα ΕΔΑΔ στο Στρασβούργο υψηλόβαθμος αξιωματούχος-κλειδί, κι από σύγκριση της Εκθεσης Ολι Ρέν με τη Νομολογία ΕΔΑΔ, ο αμφιλεγόμενος Επίτροπος είτε αλλοιώνει, είτε ..αγνοεί εντελώς κρίσιμα συμπεράσματα ΕΔΑΔ για την Τουρκία !
- "Στην υπηρεσία Διεύρυνσης της Κομισιόν στις Βρυξέλλες, κάποιοι φαίνονται τόσον ανυπόμονοι να διευρύνουν την ΕΕ, που όταν συναντούν κάποια δυσκολία, κάνουν ότι δεν την βλέπουν !", επέκρινε, αγανακτισμένος, ο έμπειρος Διευθυντής Γραμματείας Ολομέλειας ΕΔΑΔ, τέως υπεύθυνος Τμήματος αρμόδιου για υποθέσεις Ε/Κων Προσφύγων εναντίον της Τουρκίας, Βινσάν Μπερζέρ (Γάλλος), ο οποίος είχε εκδόσει και την επίμαχη απόφαση ΕΔΑΔ στην υπόθεση Ξενίδη-Αρέστη.
- Αλλοιώνοντας την σχετική απόφαση ΕΔΑΔ του 2008, η Εκθεση Ρεν ισχυρίζεται ότι ο αμφιλεγόμενος "μηχανισμός" που έστησε η Τουρκία στα Κατεχόμενα, ήδη "ΕΚΠΛΗΡΩΝΕΙ κατ αρχήν τις απαιτήσεις",
ενώ το ΕΔΑΔ είχε μιλήσει μόνο για "ΒΗΜΑΤΑ" και "ΠΡΟΣΠΑΘΕΙΕΣ για να δοθεί θεραπεία για παραβιάσεις", που, "κατ αρχήν, ΦΡΟΝΤΙΣΑΝ για τα προαπαιτούμενα".
Εξάλλου, η Εκθεση Ρεν επεκτείνεται δυσανάλογα σε ..5,5 ΓΡΑΜΜΕΣ γι αυτή την ανακρίβεια, (προσθέτοντας παχυλές αναφορές σε διμερή συναλλαγή Τουρκίας με τον ΜΗ-πρόσφυγα Τύμβιο, που ΔΕΝ είναι καν απόφαση), ενώ δίνει μόνον ...1 (μία !) ΓΡΑΜΜΗ για τη συνεχιζόμενη άρνηση Τουρκίας να εφαρμόσει δικαστικές αποφάσεις ΕΔΑΔ στις υποθέσεις "Ξενίδη-Αρέστη και Λοιζίδου"
+ Η Εκθεση Ρεν περιορίζεται να προσθέσει μόνον ότι, "πάντως, το ΕΔΑΔ δεν εκτίμησε άν η διαθέσιμη θεραπεία είναι ΑΠΟΤΕΛΕΣΜΑΤΙΚΗ ΓΙΑ ΟΛΑ τα σχετικά ΘΕΜΑΤΑ", (υπονοώντας ότι θα ήταν ήδη "αποτελεσματική" τουλάχιστον "για κάποια θέματα").
Αλλά το ΕΔΑΔ ξεκαθάρισε ότι, επειδή η Τουρκία "απέτυχε" να διευθετήσει "το θέμα δίκαιας ικανοποίησης" στην υπόθεση Ξενίδη-Αρέστη, ήταν "ΑΔΥΝΑΤΟ για το Δικαστήριο ν ασχοληθεί μ ΟΛΑ τα ...ΕΡΩΤΗΜΑΤΑ ΓΙΑ την ΑΠΟΤΕΛΕΣΜΑΤΙΚΟΤΗΤΑ της θεραπείας αυτής",
...εννοώντας, σαφώς, ότι "η ΑΠΟΤΕΛΕΣΜΑΤΙΚΟΤΗΤΑ" της ΑΝΑΖΗΤΕΙΤΑΙ ακόμα.
Αυτό τονίστηκε kai σε δηλώσεις που μας έδωσε ο πιο πάνω αξιωματούχος ΕΔΑΔ, και νωρίτερα στο Στρασβούργο ο ίδιος ο Πρόεδρος ΕΔΑΔ, Ζαν-Πώλ ΚΟΣΤΑ :
- "Τίποτα δεν έχει ρυθμιστεί ήδη". "Το ΘΕΜΑ ΜΕΝΕΙ εντελώς ΑΝΟΙΚΤΟ". "Σ εμάς (στο ΕΔΑΔ) εξελίσεται η εξέταση της αποτελεσματικότητας, ή όχι" της αμφιλεγόμενης "Επιτροπής αποζημιώσεων" που έστησε η Τουρκία στα Κατεχόμενα, τόνισε ο κ. Μπερζέ.
- "Εκείνες οι φράσεις, που προστέθηκαν στο παρελθόν σε μιά απόφαση στην υπόθεση Ξενίδης-Αρέστη, αποσκοπούσαν μόνο να ενθαρύνουν την Τουρκία να προχωρήσει πιο πέρα, λέγοντας ότι είχε ήδη κάνει κάποιες "προσπάθειες" σχετικά, και τίποτα παραπάνω !".
- "Αλλ από τότε (τέλος 2005 κι αρχές 2008), ΞΕΠΕΡΑΣΤΗΚΕ κι αυτή η φράση, και πάει να ξεχαστεί" από πιο πρόσφατες εξελίξεις :
-¨"Τώρα, περιμέναμε (στο ΕΔΑΔ) απαντήσεις απ τις Κυβερνήσεις, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της Κύπρου, σ ερωτήσεις που θέσαμε για να εξετάσουμε 8 υποθέσεις "Τεστ", που αφορούν διάφορες καταστάσεις, για να ελέγξουμε άν, και πως θα λειτουργούσε αυτή η "Επιτροπή", ή όχι, και τί πρέπει να γίνει".
=> "Το (Ευρωπαικό) Δικαστήριο θα προχωρήσει στην εκπλήρωση των καθηκόντων του χωρίς να λάβει υπ όψη του τέτοιες ανακρίβειες από κάποιους υπαλλήλους της Κομισιόν", κατέληξε.
- "Τα υπόλοιπα είναι φαντασιώσεις. Μάλλον παρεξήγησαν την απόφαση Ξενίδης-Αρέστη", όπως μας είχε ήδη πεί νωρίτερα.
+ "ΟΧΙ, ΟΧΙ, ΟΧΙ : ΔΕΝ ΑΠΟΦΑΣΙΣΤΗΚΕ ΑΚΟΜΑ αυτό. Δεν μπορώ να πώ, αυτή τη στιγμή, ποιά μπορεί να είναι η κατάληξη. Πρόκειται για θέμα που είναι ακόμα ανοικτό. Θ αποφασίσουμε σύντομα", μας είπε, επίσης, κι ο ίδιος ο Πρόεδρος ΕΔΑΔ, κ. Κόστα, για το ίδιο θέμα, πρόσφατα στο Στρασβούργο.
>>> Η Εκθεση Ρεν ΑΓΝΟΕΙ δε, ακόμα και πρόσφατα σημαντικά συμπεράσματα ΕΔΑΔ, απ τα οποία προκύπτει ότι, όλη την Δεκαετία αμφιλεγόμενης "υποψηφιότητάς" στην ΕΕ (1999-2008), η Τουρκία διατηρεί ΡΕΚΟΡ καταδίκες από ΕΔΑΔ για βαριές παραβιάσεις Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων, όπως δολοφονίες, βασανιστήρια, "εξαφανίσεις" ανθρώπων, αυθαίρετες φυλακίσεις, καταπίεση ελευθερίας λόγου, υφαρπαγές ή καταστροφές σπιτιών-περιουσιών, κπα :
- Οι καταδίκες Τουρκίας από ΕΔΑΔ αυτή την Δεκαετία : 1.857, αγγίζουν το 20% του συνόλου των 47 Κρατών-μελών ΣτΕ, ιδίως για ΒΑΡΙΕΣ ΠΑΡΑΒΙΑΣΕΙΣ δικαιώματος στη ΖΩΗ (177, αντί 96 για Ρωσία, 15 Βουλγαρία, 13 Αγγλία, κα), για ΒΑΣΑΝΙΣΤΗΡΙΑ κι Απάνθρωπες/Ταπεινωτικές μεταχειρίσεις (204 καταδίκες, αντί 127 για Ρωσία, 39 Βουλγαρία, 32 Μολδαβία, κα), ΑΥΘΑΙΡΕΤΕΣ ΦΥΛΑΚΙΣΕΙΣ (329, αντί 193 για Πολωνία, 176 Βουλγαρία, 138 Ρωσία, 42 Αγγλία, κα), ΚΑΤΑΠΙΕΣΗ ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΑΣ ΛΟΓΟΥ (166 καταδίκες, αντί 23 γι Αυστρία, 13 Γαλλία και Μολδαβία, κα), ΥΦΑΡΠΑΓΕΣ/ΚΑΤΑΣΤΡΟΦΕΣ ΠΕΡΙΟΥΣΙΩΝ (446 καταδίκες, αντί 286 για Ρωσία, 270 Ιταλία, 241 Ρουμανία, 60 Μολδαβία, κλπ), κπα.
Αντί να βελτιώνεται, αντίθετα επιδεινώνεται δε μάλλον η κατάσταση, εφόσον αυξάνεται ο αριθμός ατομικών προσφυγών στο Στρασβούργο που καταγγέλουν στο ΕΔΑΔ παραβιάσεις απ την Τουρκία μεταξύ 2006 - 2007, όπως και 2007 - 2008...
- "Λέγεται ότι ο σεβασμός των ΚΡΙΤΗΡΙΩΝ ΤΗΣ ΚΟΠΕΓΧΑΓΗΣ θα πρέπει να ελέγχεται για όλες της Υποψήφιες Χώρες, αλλ υπάρχουν ΑΜΦΙΒΟΛΙΕΣ άν οι αρμόδιοι υπάλληλοι της Κομισιόν ΕΕ πέρνουν στα σοβαρά τη Νομολογία του ΕΔΑΔ, ή όχι !", αντέδρασε έμπειρο κι υψηλά ιστάμενο στέλεχός του : ο Βινσάν Μπερζέ (βλ. πιο πάνω) μιλώντας μας πρόσφατα στο Στρασβούργο.
- "Πχ. πρίν από 2 ή 3 χρόνια, όταν αποφασίζονταν άν θ αρχίζαν "Ενταξιακές" Διαπραγματεύσεις με την Τουρκία, υποδεχθήκαμε (στο ΕΔΑΔ) ένα στέλεχος της υπηρεσίας Διεύρυνσης της Επιτροπής ΕΕ, που έμεινε ΕΚΠΛΗΚΤΗ όταν της περιέγραψα την πραγματική κατάσταση Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων στην Τουρκία ! Αλλ, από τότε, εμείς (το ΕΔΑΔ) δεν είχαμε καμμία επίσημη επαφή με την Επιτροπή ΕΕ γι αυτά τα θέματα.." "Ισως μίλησαν γι αυτά μ άλλους απ το ΣτΕ, αλλ όχι με το ΕΔΑΔ", τόνισε.