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Home arrow newsitems arrow Sarkozy+Merkel: Franco-German EU motor ready for strong Political Europe in the World : Agenda 2020

Sarkozy+Merkel: Franco-German EU motor ready for strong Political Europe in the World : Agenda 2020

Written by ACM
Thursday, 04 February 2010

* Paris/- It's by actions starting "Next Week", at EU Parliament's plenary in Strasbourg and EU Council's Summit in Brussels, that Europe's Franco-German "motor" will begin unfolding its "potential" for this Decade, Sarkozy and Merkel's Spokesmen said to "EuroFora" and other Journalists at the margins of a Summit held in an exceptionally important context, which allows for the 1st time to the French President and to the German Chancellor, both strengthened after winning 3 crucial Elections in a row (Presidentials and Parliamentary in France on 2007, National in Germany on 9/2009, and European on June 2009), to be able to jointly look, from 2010 throughout next years, on how to shape a common Horizon for Europe in the foreseeable Future.

A vital "will" for "a strong Political Europe" able to develop its Economy, Science, Defence, Culture and Civil Sociey integration in order to play a role in a New World Governance, in close cooperation with the US, and in "strategic partnership" particularly with Russia but also with China, etc., starting by a series of "Concrete" Measures at its core, while also preparing joint initiatives and proposals on ambitious Plans for the whole EU at the Horizon 2020, was expressed by what might stay in History as the most important Summit of President Sarkozy and Chancellor Merkel, together with all their respective Governments, at Elysee Palace in Paris.


      -  "It's an extremely important Political Choice that we express here" : -"We are willing to put France and Germany at the service of Europe and for a new Global Governance", stressed from the outset French President Nicolas Sarkozy.

    -  "We  want a Europe with a strong Political existence", able "to succeed the New Global Governance, the regulation of Capitalism, and the transition between the Institutions of the 20th Century and the institutions of the 21st Century, that we must invent".

    For that purpose, "it's clear that we want and will undertake the Responsibilities and the potential of the Franco-German axis". Simply because, as it's well known, "for a strong, Political Europe to exist, Germany and France must work together". Without any arrogance, without dominating anyone, nor against anyone, but because "it's our Duty" to do so for Europe, since "we are both very much attached to its Cohesion and its Unity": "Nobody will be deceived", underlined Sarkozy, after presenting, together with Merkel, various proposals, most of them open also to other EU Member Countries or obviously concerning the General European Interest of the entire EU.


    Decisions taken include "Common Proposals" f.ex. for EU's "Economic Governance", for the "consequences of (UNO's) Copenhagen" Summit on Climate change, for a "joint" "preparation of the French Presidency of G7 and G20", in order to "Reform the International Monetary System" and "make evolve the indicators of Growth" according to a "choice for Sustainable Development", etc. as well as "Initiatives" on "International issues", fex. on the Middle East, or on EU's Partnership with Russia, etc., and, at the Bilateral level of a Franco-German "Agenda 2020", "a list of some 80 "Concrete Measures", going f.ex. from the "Digitalisation of our Cultural Heritage", the "creation of a Franco-German "Institute for Renewable Energies", and a "pilot project for an Electric Vehicle", up to "work for a new, European Space launcher", etc. (See infra).

    - "We decided to cross ahead into a New Stage", of Franco-German integration at EU's heart, Sarkozy stressed.

    - "Our ambition is that the Franco-German axis becomes really integrated in our Citizens' everyday life", he .explained.


    - "These Ideas should be brought in the EU debate", starting from "the February 11, (EU) Summit" in Brussels, "which will deal with (EU's) Economic Strategy for the Future", said Merkel.

    - "If we want to undertake our responsibilities in Europe and in the World, it's important to prove that France and Germany work very closely together, .. in many sectors", she added.

    F.ex., among 80 Projects, in a Unique example in the World, "a Common Region was determined for the promotion of Electro-Mobility" around "Strasbourg/Stuttgart/Mannheim", and  "this will be a wonderful experience".

    - "But what is closer to my heart is that we agreed to give common replies to the question : - "What is Growth in the 21st Century ?", and "what's Prosperity for extremely Developed Industrial Nations ?". - "It's very important that Europe gives honest replies .. on the question of the Future of Growth", without repeating bellied promisses of the Past, but "clearly examining our weaknesses and our strong points, and where we (EU) must catch up".

    - Also, "on External actions, we took some common Decisions, fex. on the Western Balkans", as well as '"on a Central Issue, that of EU - Russia's relations,  where we (EU) must really close, once and for all, the Cold War chapter, create a New basis of Trust, for which President Medvedev's proposals  constitute an interesting starting point", Merkel observed.

 Thus, she developed further Sarkozy's earlier observation that France and Germany intend to "take joint Initiatives, on an issue on which we are entirely in tune : that of the Partnership between the EU and Russia, where we want to valorise and ensure a follow-up of (Russian) President Medvedev's proposals", as he said earlier.

    But Merkel also observed that even some apparenly less spectacular but concrete measures, such as fex. "a common Initiative adopted .. on Family Law", (i.e. the agreement signed on a "Common Franco-German Matrimonial Regime"), .. "will probably interest many Men and Women in our Countries".


             Questioned on the absence of an explicit mention to a "Carbon Tax" on EU's external Borders among the 80 Bilateral/EU Measures, Sarkozy observed that the mere word "Tax" may be touchy for some political groups, (from British Conservatives to Liberals in the current German "Coalition", as he noted).  But when we simply speak about "an Adjustment Mechanism at the (EU's External) Borders", then, all "our German Friends accept to speak about that, without problem" :

     - "What should be done with the (3rd) Countries which don't respect those (Environmental) Rules", that "we impose to our Industries" ? In fact, "we agree on the need to find a solution, and we agree to say that "a Mecanism is needed in order to re-equilibrate the conditions of Competition", Sarkozy observed.

    Even "the Americans are going to vote an adjustment Mecanism at their Borders", he noted. Therefore, "I'd like for Europe to get in touch with the US, so that we can all prepare the same kind of mecanism : This is important", he concluded.
     As for the  "Copenhagen" UN Summit on Climate change (12/2009), "we  (the French President and the German Chancellor) were together all Night and all Day long, with the same conclusions :  - We are not satisfied with what happened there, and the way it was done. And we shall never again let things evolve in this way", Sarkozy promised, with the apparent agreement of Merkel, reportedly even more critical..

    On the contrary, Sarkozy refused to make a fuss for US President Obama's controversial refusal to participate in an EU-USA Summit in the 1st falf of 2010, saying that he had nothing to criticize on Obama's preference for November 2010, when NATO and EU-USA Summits could coincide

    However, it's a fact that Obama's controversial refusal of a specific EU - USA Summit during the present Spanish EU Chairmansip (1-6/2010), obviously imposes a ..Turkish presence to the EU, in a later, joint NATO and EU-USA meeting, shortly before a potentially important EU Summit on December 2010..

    Nevertheless, the German Chancellor's Spokesman, Wilhelm Ulrich, speaking to "EuroFora" and other Journalists present at Elysee, found "a New Quality"  in the Franco-German joint moves on topical European and International issues, and stressed that that people shall "start to see" it more clearly "from Next Week", (i.e. during EU Parliament's Plenary in Strasbourg and EU Council's Summit in Brussels.


    Meanwhile, a Spokesman of the French President, confirmed to "EuroFora" that Sarkozy had indeed discussed with EU Parliament's President Jerzy Buzek, yesterday in Paris,  about MEPs' possibilities to advance well beyond their strictly Legislative tasks and launch interesting European Debates on big Political issues of large interest to EU Citizens, such  as  EU's Future, Identity and Borders, Economic policy, Global Governance and Environment, Defence and Security, etc.

Coming at the eve of an exceptionally important Franco-German Summit, (See other related Newstories from Paris), such moves vis a vis EU Parliament apparently are backed also by German Chancellor Angie Merkel :  - "Since the (Global) Crisis, ... there isn't any International issue, there isn't any Initiative that we take in France without speaking with Germany. Not even once. In other words, this Crisis, which provoked many problems and pains, obliged us also to accelerate the process of mutual comprehension, .. and from now on, everything we did since 1,5 Year, we really did that together", stressed today, in a joint Press Conference, the French President Sarkozy.

    - Our "Ideas should be brought in the EU Debates", added Merkel in Paris, speaking in general about Franco-German contributions, proposals or initiatives at a European level.

    Around June 2010 a Report on "Europe's Future" is expected to be published, for the 1st time, by a Committee of Wisemen, that EU Commission's President Barroso accepted to set up as a compromise with French President Sarkozy after his double Electoral win in the 2007 Presidential and Legislative Elections in France, in order not to stop Turkey's controversial EU bid, which was a hot political issue at the main political debates in these elections.

    But, meanwhile, the recent June 2009 European Elections were also clearly won in many Countries by Political Parties and/or MEPs opposed or critical to Ankara's controversial EU bid, (France, Germany, Austria, etc. even the UK, Holland, Bulgaria, etc). However, attempts by a pro-Turkish lobby, (most of which doesn't seem to really believe in Europe's potential in a Multi-Polar World, prefering a Globalized, Hierarchical International Division of Labor), apparently tries, by abusing of various misleading ways, to practically nullify or even reverse the 3 times Democratically expressed Political Will of the People.

    A first result from these opposed tendencies (respect of People's Democratically expressed Political choice, or imposition of a lobby's desiderata) will be seen next week at EU Parliament's Plenary in Strasbourg, where the 1st Report on Turkey's controversial EU bid to be adopted after the June 2009 EU Elections will be debated in Public and voted.

Meanwhile, questioned why A400M wasn't even mentioned in the official joint Franco-German "Agenda 2020", (See infra), and if they had agreed what to do with that controversial old project, (aged from the 1980ies, from a Past era of "Socialist" Governments), Merkel replied that "Negotiations must continue" (between 5 EU Member States, EADS and Turkey), notoriously burdened by problems of even more expensive Prices, Technical complications, etc. Naturally, both Sarkozy and Merkel briefly reiterated that the old "project"  (steming from the 1980ies) concerned a sector of "strategic importance" or "decisif", but didn't go further than to repeat hopes "to find a solution", "soon", or "that everything must be done to try to arrive at a solution", whatever it might be.

Paradoxically, a concrete reply on the "European" airplane for short distances and light payloads (fex. less than a modern Leclerc III tank, too heavy for A400M), came later that day from ... Turkey, Istanbul, on the sidelines of a NATO meeting with the USA, (whose Giant, Trans-Continental Boeing "GlobeMasters" lack a Small, Local transport military airplane, as A400M,  for short moves limited to a given region only, that Americans obviously don't bother to build themselves, leaving the burden to others),.. It was again about EU taxpayers (including Poor People, obliged to pay the VAT even when they buy bread or clothes) paying even more money for the delayed piece. 

But, meanwhile, it was obvious that the Franco-German Leaders could have set even more ambitious "concrete" targets, (fex. "the Airplane of the Future", that Sarkozy had mentioned recently but without yet returning back to the point, particularly after A400M asked even more money), if they were free to use and invest as they wished, into better, really Innovative Alternative Projects, the more than 24 Billions € that risks to cost the controversial, low-tech, short-range A400M military transport airplane, (a kind of small "Local Bus", unable to fly further than EU's neighborhood, not even to carry a modern Tank, etc),

EU Parliament's President, Polish ChristianDemocrat MEP Jerzy Buzek, who was visiting Paris at the eve of Sarkozy - Merkel Summit, has already expressed his support for an agreement with Ukraine's Antonov experienced Airplane maker, (f.ex. in cooperation with Airbus or EADS, etc), in earlier Statements to "EuroFora".

Various German and/or French sources have often reminded the fact the Antonov's equivalent airplane is more efficient and less expensive than A400M. But "EuroFora"s question to Buzek, as well as certain proposals already made in the recent past by various EU politicians, was about EU - Ukraine (and/or Russia, which has Ilyouchin) cooperation for the creation of a New, High Tech, really efficient and less costly Military Transport Airplane, which could be build asap, thanks to Antonov's experience and EU's input.

Buzek's visit to Paris, where he met also with Sarkozy, coincided with a parallel Ministerial meeting of "Weimar's triangle" (France - Germany - Poland), currently chaired by Warsaw, which stressed EU's interest for democratic elections this week-end at Ukraine.

Thus, the fact that the final decision for A400M was delayed until the outcome of Ukranian Elections is known, may not be just a pure "coincidence"...


* The "Franco-German Agenda 2020" :

     - "One and same Vision for the Future at the Horizon 2020" is "shared by France and Germany", stresses from the outset a joint official written Declaration on the "Franco-German Agenda 2020", which "defines .. the objectives of cooperation during the next Decade" 2010-2020, with a list of more than 80 concrete bilateral Projects, most of European interest and open to participation also from other EU Countries, spreading, in 6 Chapters, from "Economy, Finances and Employment", "Energy, Climate and BioDiversity", "Growth, Innovation, Research, Education and Universities", up to "Foreign Policy, Defence and Security", "Citizens' rapporochement", and "Institutional framework".

    - "Since 60 Years now, (1950-2010), the Franco-German reconciliation allowed to establish a Unique and Exemplary Cooperation, founded on  our Conscience of a shared Responsibility .. for Europe, and inspired by the Will to act as Motor of the European Construction", in a "Partnership .. based on common Values, a common Cultural Heritage, and close Relations between Civil Society's networks", "able to develop further and bring adequate responses to the Challenges we face".

    - "Now, at the Dawn of a New Decade", "we want a Europe able to act, with Ambition and Determination", "focusing .. on Concrete Action serving its Citizens and Enterprises, while also preserving the Environment". "Europe must emerge Stronger from the (Global) Economic Crisis", by "consolidating a vigorous and sustainable Growth, and protecting its model of Social Market Economy". "That's why EU must adopt in 2010 a New Economic Strategy".

    NES should "both fix Ambitious Objectives for 2020, and make possible also to have an Efficient Economic Coordination for the Months and Years ahead" : Among key issues, together with "Energy and Climate", is "Migrations" flux monitoring, and "a joint Ambition for Space".

For this purpose, "Civil Society links", and "Education/Research", must be further developed, as a matter of "Priority".

A spectacular concentration of more than 80 "Concrete Measures", (among which, hasty readers have to spot the most important, sometimes lost among various others in a long list), was added to the joint Declaration in a 10 pages-long document.

EU affairs Ministers of France and Germany, Pierre Lellouch and Werner Hoyer, (who are due to supervise the implementation of these decisions) reportedly coordinated the collection of various practical choices, mainly on the core EU issues, together with Foreign Mnisters Bernard Kouchner and Guido Westerwelle, as well as with the supervision of President Sarkozy's main counsellors, Presidential palace's Secretary General Claude Gueant and Diplomatic Sherpa David Levitte,

Main points  :

(1). On "Economy, Finance and Employment", EU must "focus on Research, Innovation and Competitivity", while also "continuing to support Growth, Jobs and Social Cohesion".

Aiming at a "strong and Sustainable Growth which ameliorates People's Quality of Life for generations", EU should "adapt its ways to measure Growth according to the Stiglitz-Sen Report", (which adds to the traditional GDP calculation of products also the overall Economic efficiency, Environmental and Social parameters).

"Coordination of Economic Policies must be strengthened inside the appropriate European Institutions", while also "working for a solid European Industrial Base". "Lisbon Treaty's new rules must be used to boost Coordination .. and to ensure EuroZone's Cohesion".

On the Timing, after "continuing to support a sustainable Growth in 2010", EU should "apply Coordinated Strategies for the way out of the (Global) Crisis, when Recovery will be firmly established. While "reiterating their commitment" to the "Stability and Growth Pact", we should "put an end to excessive Deficits until 2013", and eye "equilibrated Budgets around 2015".

"EU Commission" should "have an Ambitious Agenda" on "efforts to establish a Global Financial Regulation", part of a new "Global Governance", while France and Germany will advance further into "expressing Common Positions vis a vis G 20, World Bank, IMF and other International Financial Institutions", while also ensuring that they "fully contribute to the Funding of Businesses and Households".

"EU's next pluri-annual Financial Perspectives", that "we shall prepare together", should "take into account the current constraints over National Budgets and make a fair share of charges". (I.e. a fact which should normally exclude f.ex. any hasty Enlargement of the EU to countries such as Turkey after 2014, contrary to some lobbies' aims, since it would be obviously unsustainable by EU's financial situation, because of its huge costs).

Meanhile, "Franco-German Enterprises are invited to propose Joint Initiatives .. to reinforce Economic Cooperation" also through civil society.  In additiion, "Social Partners" (i.e. Trade Unions, Employers, etc) will hold "joint Discussions" on Socio-economic issues of "common interest".

(2). On "Energy, Climate and BioDiversity", France and Germany will work more closely together for "the implementation of Copenhagen (UNO Summit) Agreement", and for "an Ambitious and Legally binding Global Agreement". Meanhile, EU should "evaluate the option of taking adequate Measures... to avoid" negative CO2 consequences "resulting from the absence or the inadequacy of some (3rd) Countries' actions".

A joint "Office for Renewable Energies" will be "established in 2010", "in parallel" with the "creation of Instituts of specialized Studies on Sustainable Development and Climate Change" in "Paris and Postdam" (Berlin).

In a World-wide "premiere", the "1st ..Trans-Border exhibition .. of Electric Vehicle", due "to show the potential of "E-Mobility", will be organized "in the area between Strasbourg (France) and Stuttgart/Mannheim/Karlsruhe", while also "accelerating the creation of a unique EU Standard on E-Cars and necessary Inftrastructures".

To "diversify Energy-mix", "for the safety of EU's Energy long-term supply", there will be "synergy" between the "German High-Tech Strategy and the French Great Loan", both focused on investing in RDT.

- "Ambitious Projects on Renewable Energies, CO2 capture and TransNational Networks" will be jointly developed, fex. "in the Mediterranean (Solar Plan, Desertec, etc), Northern and Baltic Seas", as well as in Africa. "Industrial initiatives will focus" on a "European Strategic Plan for Energy Technologies (SET)".

- "Rail-road Cooperation will be amplified", and "the efficiency of Aviation in Europe will be reinforced", also by "signing an Agreement on a Functional Airspace Block (FABEC) on 2010"       

[- "2010 being the World Year on  BioDiversity", France and Germany will "support  the Parties' Conference in Japan", and the creation of an International Group of Experts". ]
(3). "Growth, Innovation, Research, Education and Universities", are recognized to be of "decisive" importance for the "Future of our Societies and Prosperity":

- The "creation of European Poles of Excellence" by "French and German Universities", "joining Capacities for Innovative programs",  will be "encouraged" . "The numbers of Bi-Lingual University Courses" and "of Students, Doctorants and Young Researchers taking part in programs funded by the Franco-German, University, will be doubled before until 2020", while "Franco-German Doctoral Thesis (Ph.D) will be facilitated".

- "At least 200 Bi-Lingual Schools for Young Children must be created before 2020", while "50% of French or German Pupils of Secondary Schools should have visited  the other Country at least once". A unique "Status for Trainees" will be created, and cooperation on "Professional Training" programs, including Mobility, will be extended. "Learning partner's Language will be encouraged, and the raprochement of Educational Systems (programs, school-Books, diplomas, teachers' exchanges, etc) will be reinforced". "A common School-Book on Europe's History will be prepared, open to the participaton also of other EU partners".

- "Guarantee Europe's Acces to Space, is our common objective", and "for that purpose, .. it's necessary to settle the issue of a New Generation of Launchers", starting by a 2010 Report by CNES and DLR. In addition, "a joint Mission for Climate-monitoring by Satellite will be established", to "reinforce a close cooperation in Space Science and Technology Innovations". Meanwhile, "we are determined to enhance Ariadne V", and to "build together a Methane-detection Satellite", (one of the "main Global-Warming Gases"), "due to be launched on 2013/14",  to "strengthen Climate protection in Europe".

- "Setting up a Food Strategy, focused on the Future of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, as well as the Economic and Climate effects of Agriculture, will be a Priority in joint Scientific Research". France and Germany will strengthen Coordination and make joint Proposals for a strong EU common Agriculture and Food Policy".  
(4). "Foreign, Defence and Security Policy" :

Both Countries "must be at the center of Developments in European SDP (EU), NATO (with USA), and OSCE (with Russia too)", while "France supports Germany's legitimate aspiration to become a Permanent UN SC Member" :

- "Franco-German Brigade's operational capacity must be developed", and "concertation reiforced on Joint Deployments".

- "EU's External Action Service", just created by Lisbon Treaty, must become "a strong tool for the European Foreign and Security policy", while "EU and its Member States should be able to react more Efficiently, and with a better Coordination, in order to face the consequences of Major Hazards, as fex. those which occured recently in Haiti"s earthquake, they stress.

- "To ensure .. EU's level of Ambition for Civic and Military Operations",  we must "develop European Capabilities' projects, such as MuSIS (MultiNationakl Satellite-based Imagery Stystem for Surveillance, Reconnaissance and Observation), or EATF/EATC (European Air Transport Fleet/Command), and strengthen the Industrial and Technological base of the European Defence, and of EU/NATO relations", by fully "implementing the decisions taken by the EU Council of December 2008".

- In order to "develop EU's Civic and Military Crisis' Management", France and Germany, "together with our Polish partners of the Weimar triangle and other European partners", will launch "Initiatives for a Permanent, Structured Cooperation", to "create new permanent MultiNational Structures" for forces' deployment, and to "reinforce the Planification and Organisation capacities for Civic and Military operations".

- "On Defence Industry issues", "dialogue" will be developed to "rationalise" this sector, with "early concertation on our Equipment projects, together with pour Partners, via the European Defence Agency", while "Fair play Rules should be established on Defence Market between European and TransAtlantoc partners".

- "On Afghanistan, Franco-German concertation must be strengthened, in order to enhance efforts inside EU and NATO".

- "Enhance OSCE's capacities for Conflict-Resolution", in "Security issues", is "our Wish", "in order to strengthen the PanEuropean Security", also "by reinforcing all 3 Dimensions of Helsinki acquis", (i.e. including Human Rights, etc). That's why, "France and Germany will present a joint Candidacy for a joint Presidency at the OSCE", it was anounced.

- "Reinforce cooperation inside UNO for Peace and Security consolidation", and "contribute together" for "a "New Stimulus on NATO's Reform".
On "Justice and Home affairs, Security and Migration" :

- " create a Franco-German River Unit for Rhine", in Strasbourg, "strengthen FRONTEX, in priority at the Mediterranean, while monitoring also Eastern Migratory routes", and "faciilitate exchanges of Experts in a pilot-project".. "in view of Multi-National involvement in a European Unit of Border-Guards".

- encourage "an EU anti-Drugs action to cut the routes of Cocaine and Heroin towards Europe", with "a European Pact against International Drugs trafficking".

- "Work closely together on the application of Stockholm program and of the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum", as well as "on all Migration issues", including "for Agreements on concerted Management of Migratory flows at EU's  Eastern neighborhood and in Africa".

- Test together a "Future generation of corporal Scanners in Airports", and prepare "a European PNR (Passenger Name Record".

- "Strengthen Protection against Cyber-Attacks, mainly inside appropriate International organisations".
(5). "Citizens' rapprochement" :

    "Friendly and personal links between Citizens", as well as "many Civil Society initiatives which render the Franco-German Friendship concrete and tangible in everyday life", "are at the foundations of Franco-German entente" and must be "encouraged".
    For that purpose :

    - All "Legal and Administrative obstacles which hinder exchanges between Citizens and Enterprises" must be "lifted before 2020". F.ex. by "an Agreement on a common Matrimonial regime", and "other Legal issues important for Citizens"

    - "Ensure Equal Quality Health Care to all Inhabitants of Borderline Regions", "encourage exchanges of Young people, including of poor origin", and "Local Communities' Twinning as well as Cooperation", (by "supporting also the Superior Rhine Metropolitan Region project, as a model for European trans-border cooperation"). "Develop a Franco-German Civic Volunteer" unit, in order "to allow Young people's commitment in Social projects and cooperation at the partner-Country and at the International level". "Mutually support the organization of great Sport events in eachother country, in order to make Europe's voice better heard at the Global Competition". (etc).

    - "Be at the forefront of efforts to create in Europe a Common Cultural Area, preserving and promoting the diversity and cultural richness of our continent", and "closely cooperate for a ...massive Digitalisation of the Cultural Heritage, launched in France by GALLICA and the Great Loan, and in Germany by the "German Digital Library" ("DDB")", "actively contributing to strengthen the MultiLingual European Digital Library EUROPEANA, by offering an Access to Culture to the greatest possible number of Citizens".
    - "Support Franco-German TV ARTE's wish to develop New Partnerships in Europe and around the Mediterranean", (i.e. helping to progressively transform Strasbourg's TV into the first full-fledged European public service TV).
(6). "Institutional framework" :

    - "The ..Government Members in charge of EU affairs, (i.e. currently Hoyer and Lellouche) "can be invited to speak jointly at the Council of Ministers of each partner", as well as "other Ministers, according to the issues" examined, and "will report on the follow-up of these decisions", "at least once per Year", at the "Franco-German Council of Ministers", while "each Ministry must determine a High-level Contact-point".

    - "Encourage closer cooperation between Parliaments". F.ex. "Joint Sessions of Bundestag and National Assembly, in Berlin or Versailles, alternatively", and preparation of Common Legislative Bills or Reports", (etc).

    - "Continue close coordination" on EU decision-making, fex. "before every meeting of EU Council", including, "if really needed, between the concerned Ministers before every session of EU's Council of Ministers".

    - "Give new impetus to the rapprochement of our Diplomatic Representations in 3rd Countries", fex. "with 10 Joint Embassies before 2020" ; a "Systematic Mutualisation of our Cultural Centers throughout the World, and mainly at the emerging big poles, as fex. with the project of a Common Cultural Center in Moscow" ;  "Synergies .. between our Embassies, mainly ..on Visas" ; the "creation of a Franco-German Training on Diplomacy", etc.


    (Meanwhile, even a practical and functional renovation of Elysee Palace's Press Center, warmly welcomed by the journalists working permanently there, as they spontaneously said to "EuroFora", clearly indicated a 2010 will to ally ambitious work with "concrete measures" helping a more productive efficiency)...

(NDLR : The public version has obviously modifiefd the earlier, initial texts for "EuroFora"'s Subscribers/Donors, by adding or removing some parts, according to meanwhile developments. In consequence, "EuroFora'"s readers should be wise enough to review the text)




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*Paris/ACM/12 October 2008/-

When Europeans really feel a vital need to urgently launch common replies to challenging World Crisis, as the present Financial turmoil of Global Markets, they forge new decision-making tools and new dynamics :

The 1st in History EuroZone Heads of State and Government Summit, organized in Paris at the invitation of French President, and current EU chair, Nicolas Sarkozy, with the participation of 15 national leaders and EU institutions' chairmen, partly enlarged to British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, after a highly symbolic duo with German Chancelor Angie Merkel, at General De Gaulle's birth-village, 50 Years after he welcomed there former German chancellor Adenauer (1958-2008), may have not one, but two results :

- The first, and more urgent, was to launch an "ambitious", "coherent", and "efficient" common European movement, able to stimulate "solutions" to the World Economic Crisis, as Sarkozy anounced from the outset : State Garantees (to new Bank debts up to 5 years), fresh Capital input (f.ex. by buying shares), support to distressed banks, (while also restructuring them), incite the European Central Bank to facilitate commerial bills europe-wide, etc.

"Acting swiftly", from tomorrow, national measures will quantify all these targets, with coordinated actions from all EuroZone's Governments : France, Germany, Italy and others, decided to anounce, at the same time, such concrete measures, according to agreements that we have already made all together, revealed Sarkozy at the final Press Conference, flanked by EuroZone's chairmen : EuroGroup's Jean-Claude Juncker, and Central European Bank's Jean-Claude Truchet, as well as EU Commission's Jose Baroso, to solemnly stress the will to find common European solutions.

- "United and Determined, all EuroZone's Countries will act to prove that Citizens can Trust" the Economy, Sarkozy concluded. If we attract also all EU's 27 countries, Wednesday in Brussels, then we can coordinate action with our American Friends at a Global level, he anounced.


- "With this new Toolbox, we do not want to serve Bankers, but to work for Europe and its Citizens' interests", added Juncker.

- "For the moment, we want to act urgently to regulate the Crisis. But the time will come when those responsible for this, will have to account for their actions. Yes to real Capitalism, No to Speculators. Those who abused, will face sanctions, Sarkozy warned.

Need stimulates activities which create new organs, say biologists, and Gordon Brown, compatriot of Spencer, the famous bio-Historian, would certainly not deny that, after his surprise visit to EuroZone's Summit in Paris, which attracted him one hour more than scheduled...


Decisions include also the creation of a Crisis-management European mechanism, which "requires constant Monitoring", as well as strengthening Economic policy cooperation between EuroZone's countries.

Sarkozy will be judged by History not just by the immediate Economic results, expected at the end of this week's decision-making proces at National and EU level, but also by the more far-reaching consequences at the aftermath of this Historic EuroZone 1st Summit : Will it succeed to become a precursor forging a New era in European institution's revitalization ?

Significantly, the French President sat, during discussions, between German Chancelor Merkel, and British Prime Minister Brown, facing the chairmen of EuroGroup, Juncker, ECB : Truchet, and EU Commission, Baroso, with Prime Ministers of Spain, Zapatero (a hot partisan of EuroZone's Summit) at his right side, and Italy's Berlusconi, at his left, surrounded by Austrian, Belgian, Cyprus', Finland's, Greece's, and Ireland's leaders, as well as Slovakia's, Slovenia's, Portugal's, Netherlands', Malta's and Luxembourg's leaders.


Meanwhile, those who tabled for a rift between French and German positions were faced with a smiling Merkel at De Gaulle-Adenauer's meeting place, a sunny Saturday morning, and a particularly active-looking Merkel inside the French Presidential Palace at Elysee's gardens on Sunday, (as happy few photographers discovered)..

- "De Gaulle's hilltop, at Colombey-les-2-Eglises, gave an astonishing overview to a huge landscape, entirely surrounded by splendid Nature, as far as eyes could see", said to EuroFora an obviously charmed German Journalist.


She was describing Saturday's inauguration of a High-Tech Memorial close to the Historic Giant Double Lorraine's Cross, built by famous Novelist Andre Malraux, to perpetuate the Memory of his famous call for "Resistance" to NAZI, and his vision for the creation of New Institutions and Franco-German reconciliation, to foster Europe's role in the World, also for the Future.


Children playing at Elysee's gardens before the Historic 1st EuroZone's Summit : What Europe's Future will look like ?


2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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