76% French People DisTrust Turkey on ISIL. Germans to Withdraw Patriot Missiles? UK Doubts on Kurds+
*Strasbourg/- At the eve of an exceptional NATO Session asked by Turkey, while the Latest Popular consultation in France found that 76% of the French did NOT Trust at all Ankara to Fight against the particularly abhorrent Extremist Islamic Terrorists of ISIL's BeHeaders even of defenseless Civilian People, (with which Turkey is notoriously suspected to have a covert complicity since long), while Key German Politicians raised Critical Questions including on Withdrawing "Patriot" Missiles that the Bundesvehr had offered and installed previously at the Turkish Borders, moved by similar Concerns as the British pro-Governemental Press about the Real Target of Turkey being the Kurdish Militia, both inside the Country and at Iraq, even at Syria's Northern Region (opposed to Assad), which are Western Countries' (and Muslim Shiites') precious allies against the spread of ISIL: Such a Deadly Attack by the Turkish Army against at least a Village of Syrian Kurds has just been Confirmed even by the London-Based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, generaly considered as a Reliable Source by the International Press.
While Ankara had been recently accused to aim, in fact, to Hinder, by any means, Syrrian Kurds' latest Victories against ISIL's Terrorist Bands, with the Help of an US-led International Coalition, from reaching a point similar to Norhern Iraq's Autonomous Regions, the Turkish Government suddenly claimed that it would Change its previous stand against any participation to an Anti-ISIL Global Coalition, by Attacking "all Terrorists", meaning boht ISIL and PKK, etc.

It all Started with a Horrible Deadly Bombing at Turkey's Syrian Borders, Killing at least 32 and Wounding more than a Hundred of Civilian People during an excepional Meeting of pro-Kurdish Students and Members of Social and Humanitarian Organisations in Suruc City, aiming to Help the embattled Syrian Kurdish City of Kobane, which has notoriously Suffered recently a lot by many Deadly Attacks by ISIS' Terrorists, to restore the Town's Publis Services, Plant a Forest, etc. Many immediately accused Ankara's regime to be behind a Deadly move that it attributed to ISIL alone, and various Reactions included Popular Protests, Violently Oppressed by the Turkish Police, as well as PKK's Violent Attack against 2 Local Turkish Policemen reportedly suspected to be Accomplices of ISIL's Extremist Islamic Terrorists.

- PanEuropean CoE's Secretary General, Thorrnbjorn Jagland, from Norway, "Strongly Condemned", in an Official Statement issued then in Strasbourg, that "Brutal Attack on Innocent Victims in Suruc, at a time when Hundreds of Young People were staying there", and Reminded, in this regard, to Ankara "our Shared Commitents, with all our Member States, in Combatting the Common Threat of Terroristm and Violent Extremism", as he said. + In Addition, CoE's Highest Political body, that of its Committee of Ministers, "Deeply Shocked by the Deadly Terrorist Attack which has taken place in the City of Suruc", also "Condemned in the Strongest terms this Appaling Act, and Firmly Hoped that those Responsible, will Rapidly be Arrested and Brought to Justice", (according to a well-established ECHR's case-law).

A defenseless Young Woman, Gunay Ozarslan, was brutaly Killed by Turkish Police's Attacks against Protesters who accused Ankara's Authorities for Complicity with ISIL's Deadly Terrorists at Suruc's Bombing Massacre, (as, f.ex., German mainstream Newspaper "Die Welt" noted), reportedly trigering a PKK Retaliation against a Turkish Policeman burried shortly afterwards, while several Cities throughout the Country took anew a forgotten look reminding pro-Civil War Dramatic Clashes of the Past.

Ankara saw in such Incidents a Pretext to Launch a Massive Man-Hunt with almost a Thousand People Arrested inside Turkey, officialy "for Links with ISIS, PKK or other Terrorist Organisations", but, in fact, according to most Observers and Media, mainy Focused against Kurdish and Leftist Groups opposed to ISIS, as well as a series of Turkish Army's Bombings (by Airplanes, Tanks and/or Rockets, etc) beyond the Country's Borders, both inside Iraq and Syria, where are located various Kurdish populations Allied to the West in the Fight against ISIL's Islamic Terrorists...
The Turkish Government claimed that it would have Changed its Policies by Deciding, at last, to Start Joining an International Coalition against ISIL, f.ex. by Bombing its positions inside Syria, and/or by allowing USA Airplanes to use the Insirlik Military Airport also for that purpose, while USA's Outgoing President Obama's Administration reportedly confirmed Ankara's "Right" to defend itself by counter-attacking PKK, and even Changed the Official American Policy, which had Refused, until now, Turkey's repeated Demands to open a "Corridor" and/or "a Zone" inside Syria, by allegedly Accepting, this Time, Ankara's new demand to establish such a Militarily "Protected Zone" beyond its Northern Borders in Syria, (which Cuts deep inside, between Two Parts of the Kurdish-controlled Region there, Violently Disputed recently against ISIL's Terrorists by Kurdish militia, reportedly gaining the upper side during the latest Months, according to MAPs published by mainstream Brittish and German Media : See relevant PHOTOS).

However, after a Phone contact between Turkish and Russian Presidents Erdogan and Putin, the Kremlin published in Moscow an Official Statement where it diplomaticaly ut clearly reminds the respect due to "International Law", while even ...Iran (which has just re-gained a better position at the International scene after an Agreement on its Nuclear Program) reportedly issued a relevant Statement Urging Turkey to Respect the Territorial Integrity and the Sovereignity of all its Neighbouring Countries, (such as Iraq and Syria, etc).

This was done in addition to the expression of Teheran's readiness to participate in an International Coalition against ISIL's particularly abhorrent Terrorism which notororiously strikes also against defenseless Civilians, as f.ex. its African proxies Tragically Confirmed anew these Days by Massacrating Hundreds of innocent People in Cameroon and particularly Nigeria, (whose President had just Accused Obama; on the Contrary, to "Hinder" him from Fighting Efficiently against the atrocities of "Boko Haram"', ISIL's local proxy, by Refusing to sell to the Nigerian Government efficient Arms, under pretext of its alleged widespread Violations of Human Rights in the Past).

But in Europe, about 76 % of French People, against only 24 %, do NOT Trust Turkey for Fighting against ISIL's Extremist Islamic Terrorists, according to the Latest Public Consultation of more than 50 Thousand People, just published by Mainstream, Top-selling French Newspaper "Le Figaro"...
This Widespread Popular DisTrust vis a vis Turkey's policies was recently reflected, further, in a Series of various MEPs Amendments to the 2015 EU - Turkey Annual EU Parliament's Report, which denounced Ankara's Abnormal relations with ISIL from the outset, (Comp. f.ex. : ....). Already, after the Publication, by Dissident Media, of a Video revealing that Ankara had even send many Explosive Rockets to Armed Gangs inside Syria at least before the End of 2014, Turkish President Erdogan was obliged to admit the Scandal of such a Convoy reportedly made by Turkish State's Secret Services, even if he claimed that those Heavy Arms would be destinated to Diffrerent Rebel Groups and not for ISIL, without convincing..;
+ Moreover, a few Days ago, during an Exceptional Visit in Tunisia, at the locations of 2 recent Massacres of European and International Tourists committed by ISIL's Terrorists, Experienced formed French President, and recently Elected as New Chief of main Opposition "Republican" Party, Nicolas Sarkozy, one of his Counselors, MP Eric Ciotti, traditionaly in charge of Security Policy, reportedly Launched an Appeal to Isolate and "Marginalise" or "Ban" at the International level, Countries like Turkey, which have notoriously, since the beginning, close Relations with ISIL's Extremist Islamic Terrorists., as another Mainstream French Newspaper, "Le Monde", (pro-Governmental), revealed.
- "The Rise of Syrian Kurds (against ISIS) embarasses (Turkish PM) Erdogan", titled, in Frontpage Headlines, already since June, the Mainstream, Pro-Governemental French Newspaper "Le Monde", traditionaly specialized mainly in Foreign Policy Issues, pointing at a Series of recent Victories by the Syrian Kurdish "YPG" People's Militia, a New Ally of the US-led International Coalition against the Extremist Islamic Terrorism of ISIS' atrocious Beheaders even of defenseless Civilians :
The Syrian Kurds (Opposed to, and Independent from Assad), had just Won back the Strategicaly located Tal Abyad City, at the main Road between Turkey and the Territories seized and occupied by ISIS' Terrorists, (from which had Escaped key Accomplices of those Deadly Terrorists who had Massacrated in France 12 critical Journalists of "Charlie Hebdo" and Civilian Jewish People, on January 2015, provoking a Wide International Condemnation). So that YPG's Syrian Kurds could now aim to make soon a Junction and re-Unite the 2 Parts of their Ethnic Region, which are currently Separated by ISIS' Islamic Terrorist Gangs, who use this Corridor to/from Turkey in order to get Arms, Recruits and Money, to the point that Local Turkish Hotels there are plenty of Smugglers and even a nearby Turkish State's Agricultural Farm ("between Akçakale and Ceylanpinar") is widely suspected by the Local People to "Serve as a Base for ISIS' Fighters", mainstream French Newspaper "Le Monde" denounced.

A few Weeks ago, between 16 and 22 June, indeed, YPG's Syrian Kurds had Succeeded, with International Support, not only to Liberate from ISIS Tal Abyad City at the Turkish-Syrian Border, but also "a Key Base" Near ISIS' Capital City of Raqqa, located only 60 km away, at a Height with Strategic Views towards the Road Network which relies Raqqa to Alep and other Rebel-held areas. So that Syrian Kurds' Next Step obviously was to Start the Siege of ISIS' Capital, which had become, for the 1st Time since the beginning of the Syrian Conflicts, Exposed and "Vulnerable" to YPG's possible Advance even further, according to the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, as French Pro-Government "Le Monde" and other mainstream Media had reported, shortly before Turkey starts to react, under fallacious and controversial pretexts, while, in fact, it had already manifested, recently, its main Fear that Syrian Kurds, allied to he West, might chasse ISiS' Extreme Islamic Terrorists from there and establish an Autonomous Region at Northern Syria, (as it has already been done at Northern Iraq, under former US President GWBush).
- "The Only Good News" in the Fight against ISIS' Extreme Islamic Terrorists are coming from Syrian Kurds who have just managed, in Northern Syria, to "Cut Off ISIS's Suppy Routes to Turkey", by liberating the Borderline City of Tal Abyad, and have now seized even Ain Issa Village, located "only 30 Miles from Raqqa", ISIS's Capital City, had also reported, already at the End of June, Mainstream, Independent but Prestigious American Media "Christian Science Monitor"
++ Today, in Addition, German mainstream Newspaper "Die Welt", reveals that, after a Recent Operation in the ISIS-held Territories, the USA have reportedly Found, recently, a lot of well-Documented Proof about Many Economic and Political Contacts between ISIL Terrorists and various Key Members of the Turkish Establishment, for the systematic Smuggling of Oil/Gas stolen by the Islamic Extremists from Iraq/Syria and Sold through Turkey for regular Sums of Money totalling around 40 Millions $ each Year : - "CIA didn'tt have before such material", "on the basis of which, a Political Pressure (on Ankara) can be Generated" in order to Push it to Start Moving against ISIS, that Article concludes.
+++ Threatening to go even Further, several Key German Politicians reportedly Started, these Last Days, to Discuss about whether "Patriot" Missiles provided until now to Turkey by the Bundeswehr, should, or not, be "Withdrawn", precisely because of Ankara's above-mentioned Cotroversial stance vis a vis the Kurds and particuarly ISIL :
- F.ex., "in the Bundestag" (Berlin's National Parliament), ....there is a lively Discussion among the Factions about whether Patriot Batteries can remain in Turkey, in the face of the New Situation", Criticaly observes German Mainstream Newspaper "Die Welt".

- Thus, Governing Majority's, CSU's Defense Spokesman, Florian Hahn, reportedly told "Welt" that "We should Consider whether we maintain the Patriot Deployment" in Turkey, particularly, since "Ankara has been supporting the ISIL at least indirectly", as he denounced.
- Turkey's sudden "U-Turn, now", Claiming "to Fight the Islamic Fanatics, and, Simultaneously, Tackle the Kurds, seems .. Motivated", in fact, "by Strong Domestic" Turkish concerns, so that, "Germany and NATO should Think Carefully whether we ant to Stretch ourselves from (Turkish President) Erdogan's Domestic cards", as he advised.
=> Therefore, Governing CDU Party Foreign Policy Expert, and "Chairman of the Association of Bundeswehr's Reservists", Roderich Kieseweiter, reportedly Urged "the NATO Council" to give "a Clear Signal, on Tuesday", by "Making Clear to Turkey that it couldn't Pursue No Domestic Political Aims under the Disguise of the Fight against ISIS", (ibid).
- Coalition Government Party of SPD's Foreign Policy Spokesman, Niels Annen, "Strongly Criticized Turkey", according to "Die Welt", because "The 1st Priority of the Turkish Policy appears to be to Prevent a Kurdish State" in Northern Syria", while, on the Contrary, for Europe, "Our -(Germany's) 1st Prioriity is to Fight against the ISIL", and "these 2 Different Aims canNOT co-exist, one with each other, Smoothly", as he Warned. Therefore, f.ex., "If the Bundeswehr Contingent might be Exploited in an Intra-Turkish Conflict, then, the Federal Government will Certainly decide to Withdraw Soldiers and Missiles", he pointed out.
+ In a "Siimilar" mood, German "Green" Party's Foreign Policy Spokesman, Omid Nouripour, told "De Welt" that "the crystal-clear Condition for the Use" of Partiot Missiles "is Turkey's Defence". So that, "IF this was Slipping towards a State of Civil War, or War Party inside Iraq and/or Syria, then, we should have to React Quickly".
++ But, going even Further, German "Left" Party's Vice-President Tobias Pfluger, reportedly "Asked the Immediate Withdrawal of Patriot Missiles" from Turkey : - Otherwise, the "Federal Government would become an accomplice of Turkey's Escalation Strategy, and Draw Germany - via NATO - in that War", he denounced.
Meanwhile, German Chancellor Angie Merkel's Sposkesman Seibert, reportedly advised Turkey to keep a "Proportional" reaction to the recent incidents, and, particularly, Not to Drop the recent Years' Cease-Fire Deal with the Kurds (PKK) nor the efforts to find a Peace Agreement at the Kurdish issue.
- As for the UK, the mainstream, Pro-Government "Daily Telegraph" Newspaper criticaly observes that Brittish "Prime Minister David Cameron, who has spoken of the Need to Tackle ISIL", might be pushed, by Turkey's stance, "in a very Difficult Position", in an attempt to almost Oblige him not to "Refuse" Ankara's demands from NATO, (f.ex Turkey "could Ask for Surveillance Aircraft .... on its Syrian Border", etc), "although Britain canNOT be Forced to take action by NATO", as it acknowledges.
+ "But", at NATO's discussions, on Tuesday, Turkey "is likely to Face Calls to Explain the Paradox that it appears to be Fighting Not just ISIL, but, (in fact), ISIL's most Succesful Ground-Force Ennemies in Syria", the Brittish "Telegraph" Newspaper Warned :

- Simply Because "a YPG (Syrian Kurds)-run Enclave, extending most of the way along the Turkey - Syria Border, (SEE relevant MAPS), is a "Red Line" for the Turkish Government", it Denounces.
=> Therefore, because of Ankara's Controversial stance, "the West’s policy in the Middle East fell further into Disarray, .... as America’s closest Allies in the Fight Against ISIL in Syria claimed they had been Attacked by NATO-member Turkey", the pro-Government Brittish Newspaper critcaly notes.
- "Instead of targeting ISIL Terrorists’ occupied positions, Turkish forces Attack Our Defenders' positions," a YPG statement said", (while, at the same time, Many Kurdish Websites have been reportedly Blocked in Turkey, since the recent Popular Protests : Comp. Supra).
+ "Idriss Nassan, the deputy Head of foreign affairs in the YPG-run Kurdish area of Kobane, described the Attacks as an attempt by Turkey to Prevent the development of an Autonomous Kurdish Enclave on the Syrian side of the border too", (as it has been already done at Northern Iraq, in Agreement with the former US President GWBush's Administration)."The truth is that the Turkish authorities' Fears have been raised by the possibility of the establishment of a Kurdish Self-Governed Area in Syria,” he said by Telephone", accordig to UK's pro-Govenrment "Telegraph" Newspaper.
- "The YPG Statement claimed that their positions just South of the Turkish Border had come under Fire Twice : - Once, on Friday", by "heavy Tank Fire". "Then, Tanks opened Fire again, with 7 Rounds, on Sunday Night, on YPG fighters in a different part of the border area, the Village of Zormikhar close to their front line with ISIL".
=> "Ironically", the Turkish Military thus "Killed 4 Fighters from the Rebel "Free Syrian Army "- the very Group which the Turks want to take over in the “Safe 2one”", "Telegraph.co.UK" revealed !... Moreover, "rebel fighters and several Villagers were Injured", German mainstream Newspaper "ZeiT" added, pointing at Turkish Army's "Shelling of the (Kurdish) Village Sor Maghar, near Kobane".
- The "Syrian Observatory for Human Rights", (Headquartered in London), and other activists, Confirmed the information" : Its "Head, ...Rami Abdel Rahman, said that it was apparently the Heaviest Attack on ....Kurdish Region since the Start of the Syrian Conflict", (2011-2015), according to "Zeit"
Obviously, all these Facts, inevitably raise a Crucial Critical Quesion : - Has, Turkey, at last, decided to realy Change its Controversial Stance vis a vis the ISIL, or, on the Contrary, Ankara, Risks, in Fact, to HINDER even Worse than before, the Western Countries' Fight against Extremist Islamic Terrorists of ISIL's BeHeaders by Attacking Europe's and USA's only currently existing, Real and Efficient Allies against ISIL on the spot, who notoriously are the (mainly Syrian, but also Iraqi) Kurds, Bombarding them precisely at a moment when they were going to Win, one after another Battles against ISIL's atrocious BeHeaders even of defenseless Civilian People ?
- German Governing CDU Party's Foreign Policy Expert, and President of Bundesvehr's Association of Resevists, Roderich Kiesewetter, asked for "a Clear Signal from the NATO Council which meets on Tuesday, : "It must be made Clear to Turket that it couldn't pursure NO Domestic Political Objectives under the Disguise of the Fight against the ISIS", reported mainstream Newspaper "Die Welt".
But, Turkey, which has already Blocked, during almost 2 Days. NATO's 60th Heads of States/Government's Summit back in Strasbourg on 2009, under gross accusations against its Secretary General, Ralph Rasmussen, former Danish Prime Minister, to cover-up a dissident Kurdish "pro-PKK" Radio in Denmark, might, once again, play NATO Games Individually, and not at all Collectively...
And the recent Big Setback of Obama's Policy against Islamic Extremists at Afghanistan, when a Military Base was taken over by the Talibans, after 2 Groups of Pro-Government Soldiers reportedly droped theit arms and walked away, as well as the obvious Insufficiencies, until now, of his stance vis a vis ISIL's atrocious BeHeaders even of Civilian People, (which have been already Criticized by many), don't give any Guarantee that NATO might manage to both avoid any Sly Trap, and really Push Turkey towards stoping to play Games with ISIL against Syrian Kurds a.o,, instead of accomplishing its Duty to Control its own, Turkish Borders to prevent more Extremist Islamic Terrorists' Infiltrations.
So that, while still Waiting for the forthcoming 2016 new American US Presidential Election, it's now mainly up to the European part of NATO, together with its Allies, to eventualy try to keep a Right Stance vis a vis the Turkish opportunistic and Tricky zig-zags around ISIL's fast spreading Time "Bomb", which has recently arrived, from the Turkish Borders, up to the Mediterranean Coasts of Tunisia and Libya, directly facing Europe.
The Rest, (particularly after the recent developments on the International Agreement on Iran), it might, eventualy, be rather up to a much Wider brand new, UNO-sponsored, Global Coalition, (probably also Together with Russia, China, etc), against ISIL's atrocious BeHeaders, from Central Asia and the Middle East, up to Africa, etc., as its Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon, has strongly called recently at EU Parliament in Brussels, (See : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/unosgbankimoonurgeseutohelpg7fightisilterrorism.html ).
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Renew Europe's Historic Legend with Parthenon's pure white marble at the eve of crucial 2009 EU Elections, was the ambition of an interesting Art Exhibition, with more topical Symbols than expected, organized by EU Parliament's 1st vice-President Rodi Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou and MEP Marie Panayotopoulos- Cassiotou, Chair of the Inter-group on Family policy, during March A session in Strasbourg.
According to the Ancient Legend, God Zeus, charmed by young Girl Europe, was trasformed into a strong Bull with Wings, and when she tamed him with Human affection, they flew over the Sea to live together in a New Land with large, fertile landscapes.
- "There, they saw the Continent with a "Large Front" ("Eureia -opse" in Greek => Eur-opse => Europe)", reminded the Sculptor, Mary Papaconstantinou, of the European Women Association, honored by awards in Paris, Athens and Strasbourg.
Thus, Europe's Legend combines Symbols of Energy and Strength, with caring Human personality, to bring towards New, large Horizons :
- "Modern Art for this Ancient Greek Legend here in Strasbourg reminds that Europe, placing Human dignity at its heart, always finds the strength to overcome any Crisis towards New achievements. And EU Parliament offers Citizens a chance to artfully interact", said MEP Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou.

Made by sparkling pure white Marble full of Symbols, they incite to think but also to act, as in front of a Book with half of its pages full of written text, but another half, free to write on white paper..
While several EU politicians think that one of the most important characteristics of the 2009 EU Elections is that from their outcome may depend Europe's Identity and Future, Culture Minister of Greece, Antonis Samaras (a former MEP) send the message that, precisely, such modern Art linked to Historic legends may help "EU Citizens search the origins of Europe's Identity".
- "The Legend says that they founded a New City, Thebes, and that reminds us that Europe is always a project of Invention and Creation", added EU Parliament's vice-President, Rodi Kratsa - Tsagaropoulou.
Sculptor Mary Papaconstantinou said that she "tried for years to find the same White Marble from Penteli Mountain that was used by Praxitelis and all those who created Parthenon", symbol of Democracy and one of the 7 wonders of the World.
- "By shaping this millenary Greek Marble to revive Europe's Ancien Legend with Modern Art, it reminds that Europe is a Hope for a better Future after Crisis, combining Energy for Development, with care for the Human person", said the sculptor's compatriot from Chios island, famous from French artist Delacroix's historic painting, MEP Panayotopoulos - Cassiotou.

Organisers of both events said that it was a pure coincidence. People are free to believe them, or hope otherwise...
They disagree in almost everything, except from one thing :
- EU Parliament's Art unites even opposed politicians in a common belief for Europe : Cyprus' example...

Rarely united together, but posing for "EuroFora" with the statute of Europe and Zeus flying over the Sea, ChristianDemocrat/EPP's MEP Yannis Kasulides, a frontrunner Presidential candidate in 2008, former Foreign Minister and Government Spokesman, and EuroLeft's MEP Kyriakos Triantafylides, Chairman of EU - Palestinian Council delegation, from the governing party AKEL (new Left) of the elected President, disagree on almost everything, except from their common claim that Europe of the Ancient Legend, when she flew with God Zeus from Ancient Phynecia to the West, must have crossed the island of Cyprus !
Hard to prove the contrary, 3.000 years later...