French Europe+Foreign Affairs Minister Drian to "EF": Digital EU plans suspended on German Election
*Strasbourg/EuroFair/Angelo Marcopolo/- Decisions on forthcoming EU's new Digital Projects are practicaly suspended until the German Elections at the End of this Month (24/9/2017), replied, in substance, the French Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Jean-Yves Le Drian, to an "Eurofora"s Question at the "Press Point" of his Visit to Inaugurate Strasbourg's Euro-Fair (1-11/9/2017), Focused this time on an International Trade Meeting, with Guest of Honnor Cuba, but also with the Traditional German, Italian, and other main participants, (right in Front of EU Parliament's impressive Building, but near also to PanEuropean CoE's Headquarters for 47 Countries, including Russia, etc), even a Chinese Inventions' exhibition, among more than 130 Foreign partners out of a Total of around 1.000.
- Digital Technologies' development, and particularly about Internet, was considered, by the French Europe and Foreign Policy Minister, to be a Key part of "New disputed Spaces (Areas)" Worldwide, as "Eurofora" reminded, inviting him to Highlight if and what important Franco-German moves were Forthcoming in the foreseable Future, at this field.
- He didn't Deny that they might, eventualy, make Europeans Dream" of something really Interesting in that Key area, reacting with a mysterious but bright Smile at a relevant "Eurofora"s suggestion...
- However, Decisions on this Strategic area depend mainly on "the President of the (French) Republic" (Emmanuel Macron), Le Drian stressed in Reply.
- And "the (forthcoming on September 24) German Election has not yet taken place", he observed, Today, and, therefore, at least for the Time being, we canNot yet Announce in Public certain Concrete Projects on "Digital" Technologies and/or Strategy, he Concluded in his Reply to "Eurofora"s above mentioned Question.
- He didn't exclude that innovative Digital Products might, also, be part of a series of "Proposals" that he Discussed Today during a Working Lunch Focused on ways to Boost Exports (See Infra), and intends to include in a forthcoming "Action Deal" to be Agreed between Strasbourg's "Great East" Region, Big Businesses, SMEs, etc.., and the National State, "Before the End of the Year" 2017, as he added afterwards.
Initially, Macron's Internet advisor had been MP Corinne Erhel, who was also Drian's close ally at Britanny's Regional Council. But she unexpectedly Died, aged 49 y.o., at the Eve of the Crucial 1st Round of the 2017 Presidential Election, the Same Day that Anonymous Critics had published at the Internet slanderous claims against Macron, Hacked and published his emails accounts. Headquartered at an area where "Orange" and "Nockia"'s Cyber-centers and a Trans-Atlantic Internet UnderSea Cable link were located, Erhel had Drafted several relevant Reports in the French Parliament, (f.ex. on "Digital Divide", Internet Networks' "Neutrality", EU's Digital Strategy, etc), and a Video discussing "Digital Sovereignity", including at a European level.
On that occasion, she had pointed, inter alia, also at Macron's proposal to create an EU Agency on "Digital Trust", in the framework of the Franco-German core, backed by a 5 Billions € Fund, while Advancing, at the same time, towards a real Digital Common Market, etc.
+ Meanwhile, concerning New Digital Technologies, European People Party's President, the experienced former Longt-Time Strasbourg's MEP and Chairman of the ChristianDemocrat/EPP Group of MEPs at EU Parliament, Joseph Daul, has already Declared, from 2016 that he intented to Brief the New French President about the Need to Boost particularly Modern "Telecoms", (as he revealed to "Eurofora" and other Participants at a Conference organized earlier by Strasbourg's University).
The current Absence of a Strong European "SmartPhone", (except from some insufficient remnants of French "Alcatel" or Finland's "Nokia" : however, Historically the 1st Mobile Phone Company in the World !), notoriously provokes nowadays a similar Dependency on Foreign Imports from Far Away Continents. As, mutatis-mutandis, also the California-Headquartered "Google"'s Internet Search engine, that even American Critics denounce for Controversial Oligo-Monopolistic trends, Urging to set certain Rules on it, as "Public Utility" ("Service Public" in French) : Nevertheless, an interesting European "Search" Engine had existed : "All-the-Web", but it was Bought and ...Eliminated by USA's "Yahoo", while EU had previously Abandoned its initial "Quero" Project, in an area of Important Cultural, Economic, Ideological and Security importance.
On Legal aspects, Strasbourg-Headquartered PanEuropean CoE, (with 47 Member States, including Russia), is the Only Trans-National Organisation in the World, which has already drafted a Long Series of Legaly Binding International Treaties on "Cyber-Security" (also known as "Budapest" Convention), "Protection of Personal Data" (Long Before EU's recent Directive, and currently in the process of being UpDated while also Extending even throughout Non-European Coutries), as well as various relevant comprehensive Legal "Recommendations" f.ex. on "Access" to TeleCommunication Networks, Web's Global Governance, Net-Citizens Rights, Internet and Free Speech, Medias/Journalism, etc.
As for the Economic Horizon of Strasbourg's brand new, "Great East" Region, (recently Extended to Link 5 European Countries' borders at EU's core : Not only Bigger parts of France and Germany, together with Switzerland, but also Luxembourg and Belgium for the 1st Time : See, f.ex., +, etc), significantly, it was Exceptionaly represented Today by its vice-President Jeann Rottner, responsible for "Competitivity" and "Digital"...
- And Rottner, (who is also Mayor of Mulhouse, Near the "3 Ecke-Land" between France, Germany and Switzerland), speaking to "Eurofora", stressed that the Main Reason for his venue, Today, was "Foreign Trade" and "Exports". Indeed, since "Great East" Region's President Richet, (who Heads also France's Nation-Wide "Association of Regions" : See, f.ex.: ..., etc) had to meet French Prime Minister Philippe at another City Today, Rottner represented the Region at a Working Lunch at Noon, focused, precisely, on the Strasbourg "Great East" "Region’s Companies and main Institutional Exporters", according to the French Foreign Ministry, (See relevant "Eurofora"s Photos from that exceptional Event).
=> Thus, the "Future Industries", were certainly at the "Menu", as well as Medicine and Agriculture, etc., officialy declared Key "Priorities" of Strasbourg's "Great East" Region, where an Unforgettable fact is that the current French President Emmanuel Macron, when he was Economy Minister, had concluded an Agreement with Richet on Internet High-Speed Networks to spread throughout All the Nearest Area around Strasbourg : Alsace, already back on 2016, (See relevant "Eurofora"s NewsReport on the spot, then, with Statements by Richert and Macron, etc, at: ).
Such moves, for a Wider and Better Access at the Internet, can certainly augment even further the Human Productivity at a Region which already is the 1st in France for Exports per Inhabitant, where Strasbourg's area has a Surprlus, instead of a Deficit at a Nation-Wide level, as Minister Le Drian himself observed Today in his Speech for the Inauguration of "Euro-Fair 2017", calling, in addition, to Boost Small and Medium Enterprises' role in Foreign Trade.
It's, indeed, a Fact that Digital High-Tech penetrating, Nowadays, even inside some of the Oldest Industries in History of Mankind, as f.ex. that of Cutting Wood and Forestry, had been already High-lighted at a landmark Visit of former French President Nicolas Sarkozy on 2010 at nearby "Urmatt" village, where a Big Company on Forestry had just instaured and started to use a Modern, Sophisticated Digital Production Mechanism fabricated at nearby Germany, with competitivity for Global Foreign Trade being at the Horizon, (See: And German Chancellor Angie Merkel had Clearly stressed (already as early as since just after her Latest brillant Electoral Win at the 2013 Elections) that, Nowadays, Digital Technologies penetrate widely inside almost all Classical Industry's process of Production, as she had Explained at a relevant Conference in Berlin, then.
+ Meanwhile, at an exceptionaly Important Franco-German-Swiss "Ober-Rhein" (Superior Rhine) Summit at nearby Offenburg, with the participation of Strasbourg Region's President Philippe Richert (France), Germany's then EU Affairs Minister, Werner Hoyer (currently EIB's President, just re-appointed for also for 2018-2024 : See Hoyer's Statements to "Eurofora", f.ex.: +, etc), and his Swiss Minister homologue, hosted at the spectacular and prestigious "Tower" of "Burda" Family Publishers, where "Eurofora" had been Invited, already as early as back on December 2010, the Famous Publisher Hubert Burda proposed to Focus on Creating a ...Fiber Optic Network Valley bringing Together the 2 Shores of the Rhine River, i.e. an "Internet Rhine-Valley" !
But Internet, Telecoms and Modern Industry are not the only outlets of Digital Technologies in Nowadays Economy and Society. Millions of People's Everyday Life can also be involved, more and more frequently, as far as Various Other New, Innovative Digital Tools are concerned.
Several among them, are, indeed, present, during Recent Years, at Strasbourg EuroFair's "Inter-Connected Universe" area of the prestigious and Historic "Lepine" Prize Award for various kinds of Innovations, which celebrates on 2017 its 116th Anniversary since its Creation back on 1901 in Paris, nowadays artfully directed by an Experienced CEO, President Dorey, who Briefed Minister Le Drian about this "Small but Fast-Growing <<Las Vegas>>" at the Heart of Europe, as he called it...
These include Both Innovations ReNovating Classical Tools by Enhancing their Capabilities and/or Adding on them New ones, as well as Inventions of entirely New Tools, most belonging to the so-called "Internet of Things", currently in full Expansion :
Concrete specimens of that 1st Category are, on 2017, f.ex., "Gestual Move" Wheelchair, "FreeDuck" or "Wink" Digital applications added to Bikes, etc., while the 2nd Category is represented now f.ex. by the French President of the Republic's Award Winner new tool of "Wiktor" Digitalized ...Pillow (sic !), "Eurofora" found out on the spot, just after they were Visited by French Europe and Foreign Affairs Minister Le Drian :
- "Wiktor", is an incredibly ... comfortable Pillow, from One Side, which Contains, at its Other Side, a quite Sophisticated (but very Simple to Use) set of various Electronic TeleCom Functions, including, f.ex., a Phone, Remote Connexions to Domestic Tools, etc., with a Large Spectrum of practical Possibilities, all triggered by Tactile, Touch-Screens, (See relevant Photos, from the Exhibition visited by Minister Le Drian and "Eurofora", which got the French Presidency's 2017 Prize for Innovation).
++ A New Horizon for such Franco-German Potential was Opened recently in Strasbourg with the Creation of the 1st in History Trans-Border "Euro-Campus" Uniting Together the Infrastructures, Student Mobility and Research capabilities of French, German and Swiss, (including the Universities of Strasbourg and Mulhouse, Friburg and Karslruhe, Basel, etc), which was Warmly Welcomed by the competent EU Commissioner for Science and Research, also in Statements to "Eurofora" (See, f.ex.:, etc).
+++ Moreover, the Mayor of Strasbourg, Roland Ries, openly Announced, Today, the Intention to "Invent ... a Trans-Border Euro-Metropole at 360 o", that, Already, "We are in the Process" of doing so "with the Project of <<2 Shores>> ... around the River" Rhine, as he stressed during his Speech at the Official Inauguration of "Euro-Fair" 2017, (Comp. Supra), in the Presence also of Mayor Tony Vedrano from the Neighbouring German City of Kehl, located at the Other side of that Historic River, recenly interlinked with Strasbourg (in addition to upgraded Train and Car Bridges) also with a Direct Trans-Border City Tram connexion for Both Cities' inhabitants.
Such moves, obviously may prepare the possible realisation, progressively in the foreseable Future, of a Brand New Franco-German/European Urban Area throughout the River Rhine's connexion between Strasbourg and Kehl, that Pioneer Arhitectural/Urbanistic Designs drafted Earlier in a relevant Competition between Young People from various EU Member States, about the overall Image of a Future European Capital City due to "Bridge" the Rhine here, as an Exhibition organized in Front of the CoE, at Orangerie Gardens, where "Eurofora" was invited, had previously HighLighted, with some very imaginative ideas...
This is due to be pursued in the Context of "France's and of the Franco-German couple's absolute Determination" to "ensure that Strasbourg's vocation as an European Capital will be Definitively Rooted during the Forthcoming" Months, inter alia, also with the New "3 Years Contract" due to be concluded asap between the French State and Strasboug City for the Period of 2018-2020, (i.e. Including the 2019 European Elections), as Minister Le Drian added in Reply to a Collegue Journalist's Question on EU Parliament during the above-mentioned Press-point (Comp. Supra).
("DraftNews", as already send to "Eurofora" Subscribers/Donors, earlier. A more accurate, full Final Version might be published asap).
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Europe brings Development dynamics at Global Crisis' Summit debates
Thanks also to EU Parliament Plenary's Strasbourg gathering, EU, during the French EU Presidency, managed to integrate the Development issues at Top Debates on the World Summit against the Economic Crisis :
For the 1st time, it's at the same moment with the Wahington G-20 Summit that EU Commissioner Louis Michel co-organizes here with the French EU Presidency parallel mega-events for the "European Development Days", starting from this Week-End and concluding at the eve of a landmark debate in EU Parliament, next Tuesday, on the outcome and follow-up of the Wash.DC Summit.
EU and its Member Countries are the biggest donor for UNO's Millenium Development goals, with 56%, but the 27 are currently struggling to develop a collective leadership in Economic and social matters, that the 15 of EuroGroup (together with the UK and other countries interested to be usefully associated) are starting to spearhead, after the initial success of the 1st EuroZone Heads of State and Government Summit, of October 12 in Paris, according to a New Repport by MEPs Pervench Beres and Werner Langen on the 10 Years of EuroZone (1999-2009) debated Monday and voted on Tuesday.
EU, CoE and World personalities will interact here with Heads of State or Government from Tanzania (African Union chair), Burkina Faso (CEDEAO + UEMOA chair), Zimbabwe (MDC chair), Madagascar, Haiti, Mali, Benin, etc, and some 3000 participants from the Economy, Civil Society, Media, Experts, etc, while the City of Strasbourg adds various related Citizen-events.
Opened by French Secretary of State Alain Joyandet on November 15, and followed by a video-contact with EU Commission President Jose Baroso on the Washington Summit Sunday, the EDD are concluded by Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner on Monday, while their main concerns cannot be ignored in the Debate that EU Parliament will hold on Tuesday, (followed by a Resolution on Wednesday), jointly on the G-20 Washington Summit and on EU Commission's work program for 2009.
A practical opportunity for EU to reflect where it's better to spend EU Citizens' money...
The move is prolonged in several Paris' meetings of EU chair, French President Nicolas Sarkozy with African Heads of State leading regional Organizations, as from Tanzania (A.U. Chair), Burkina Faso (chair of Economic African organizations), Togo, etc, (in parallel with a Ministerial EU - African Union conference in Ethiopia, followed by a visit to Tchad), logically concluded by a meeting with Robert Zoellic President of the World Bank.
Many have already warned that an eventual aggravation of Development's Gap accross the World might become much more dangerous to Global Economy, Security, Values and Quality of Life, than Global Warming and/or other, even more serious challenges...
Will they find an innovative and voluntarist way to really deal with the Development Gap, which might also contribute to help face the Economic Crisis ?