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Home arrow newsitems arrow EU Resolution on Food Prices Rise, UN moves on Right to Food and Popular riots while G-20 starts

EU Resolution on Food Prices Rise, UN moves on Right to Food and Popular riots while G-20 starts

Written by ACM
Thursday, 17 February 2011

*Paris/G20/Angelo Marcopolo/- Various last-minute contacts, at the eve of G20 Finances Ministers and Central Banks Governors' 2011 Summit, starting officially tomorrow in Paris marked by a speech of G8 - G20 Chairman French President Sarkozy, before concluding on Saturday, appeared engaged in attempts to mark breakthroughs at controversial issues of Gobal Economy, among a growing echo of tensions, revolts and violent clashes in the surrounding Mediterranean and Middle East region, partly provoked or aggravated by a dangerous Mix of Democratic aspirations and Food Prices' rise, in proportions risking to get out of control, as European and International Organizations denounced these days, showing that the reported opposition of a few countries, as Brazil, to International Monitoring of Raw Materials' prices' volatility, (metals, oil and/or food), becomes more and more untenable.

- A Resolution just adopted by EU Parliament in Strasbourg on "Rising Foàd Prices", strongly denounces the fact that "food prices have peaked for the 7th consecutive month..., reaching the Highest levels since the FAO started measuring .. prices in 1990; ...became a destabilising factor in the global economy and sparked riots and unrest in a number of developing countries and most recently in Algeria, Tunisia and Egypt".

This might only be the tip of the iceberg, since "FAO estimates that the number of undernourished people in the world reached 925 million in 2010, and ...29 countries in the world face food supply difficulties and are in need of external food assistance". Moreover, "poverty and famine still exist in the EU, where  79 million people..live below the poverty line ..; and 16 million EU citizens received food aid through charities last winter" MEPs denounced.

+ Recently, it became also obvious that " food Production can be regularly undermined by ...extreme Weather events, such as floods and droughts", which appeared to be "increasing", (f.ex. the Historic Record Heatwaves which targetted France on 2003 and Russia -as well as Ukraine and Kazakhstan- on 2010 : See Summer 2010 "EuroFora"'s NewsReports).

++ Moreover, "the share of aid to the developing world going to agriculture and rural development has fallen dramatically over the past three decades'", and "investment in sustainable food systems in developing countries has declined", while 'large tracts of land, ...have been purchased by international companies', and 'this land is not always used for food production', and "such developments threaten the food production potential of developing countries"'.


=> A context which "raised concerns about the functioning of the European and global food supply chains" : F.ex. EU Commission, since 2009, "identified serious problems in ...such as abuse of dominant buyer power, unfair practices in contracting (including late payments), unilateral contractual modifications, ...restricted market access, lack of information on price setting..in a "supply chain (which) is long and highly complex, comprising many intermediaries", etc., EU Resolution found.

When, f.ex., Oil prices dramatically fall from 145 $ down to only 36 $ per barrel during 2008, and afterwards grow up to 100 $ in 2011, while, in parallel, Wheat's Prices grow from 120 € to 300 € in a few Weeks, after some 2010 Summer's Extreme Weather Events, it's obvious that speculators and manipulators can becom too dangerous for producers and consumers..

Therefore, MEPs from 27 EU Member Countries conclude that "global Food Security is a question of the utmost Urgency for the EU and the Developing World", calling  for "immediate action" to ensure food security for EU citizens and at Global level : ...food should be available to consumers at reasonable prices, while at the same time a fair standard of living for farmers should be ensured", EU Parliament asked.

- In addition, "the Right to food is a basic and fundamental Human Right", implying ...physical and economic access to suitable, safe (from the point of view of health) and nutritious food ....for an active and healthy life", (i.e. excluding both Hunger and Obesity from malnutrition).

>>> Meanwhile, UNO's "Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food", from nearby Geneva, gave, "at the end of January 2011, "8 Recommendations".

In addition, UNO's General Assembly was due to be addressed at New York, by French Minister of Agricuture, Bruno Le Maire, after meeting with UNO's Secretary General Ban Ki Moon.


But, even if the more particular aspects of the Food Prices' issue are due to be dealt with by a special Agricultural Ministers' gathering, in the middle of 2011, nevertheless, the necessary overall view on all Raw Materials, as well as Measures needed in order to set some elementary Rules of Law over a galoping Financiarisation of commodities' markets, can only be done by Ministers of Finances, currently hosted by Global affairs experienced French Minister for Finance and Economy, Christine Lagarde.

Naturally, Food prices' issue is just one among many Raw Materials and other Commodities' prices' Volatility, which represent only 1 among 5 Working Groups of the G20 in 2011, the other 4 being focused mainly to Growth, Monetary System, Financial Regulation,     and Development/Climate Change, (Comp. previous relevant "EuroFora" NewsReports). But it's currently the most obviously affecting People's lives in the most immediate terms today.
A timely innovation at the 2011 Summit chaired by France is that Africa marks a notable entry inside what becomes rather a G-25 (according to the initial idea to progressively enlarge participation to all economically important actors of the Global Economy), by adding to South Africa, as "Guests", also the Chair of the African Union (currently Equatorial Guinea), and of the NEPAD (currently Ethiopia). The move extends also towards the Arab World, with the United Arab Emirates (currently representing Gulf's states). As if to equilibrate this, are added also Spain from Europe and Singapour from S/E Asia. It's true that previous choices to include in a  Global Economy body States whose exports are less than 1,5% of the Global Trade (such as Turkey, Indonesia, South Africa, Argentina), while at the same time excluding almost the whole African Continent (the biggest in the World) wasn't very convincing, as, inter alia, also a Developing Countries' International Conference, organized in 2009 in Strasbourg had clearly shown, given the frustrations of many other Countries, throughout the World, who also revendicated, for one reason or another, their right to be somehow represented....

At an absolutely differend but also Topical issue, observers of this 2011 G20 Finance Ministers and Centra Banks' Governors' Summit in Paris will certainly be interested to learn -or at least guess- more on what became recently one of the most confused matters : Who will become EuroZone's Central Bank's Governor, after France's Truchet's term of office expires, since the initially scheduled German candidate suddeny changed job ? Speculation seem going wide open, including other possible German candidates, a Luxembourgian or, rather an Italian one (from the 3rd Big Country in €uroZone), etc... At a moment when EuroZone Heads of State and Government have just decided (See "EuroFora"'s NewsReport from Brussels' February 4, 2011, EU Summit) to organize an exceptional March Summit on deepening €uroZone's integration and for more Competitivity, open also to other EU Countries, the question of ECB's new President is certainly an important matter.

Comparatively to ECB's succession imbroglio and its propably hidden stakes, USA Fed's Governor Bernanke's recent criticism by Republican Teaparters going against Public Debt after the 2010 Mid Term Congress' Elections, may appear to be more crystal clear...  

Meanwhile, by a symbolic coincidence, while Bankers and Financiers were trying to find a Monetary and/or Markets' coherence in Global affairs, CoE was, at the same time, organizing a debate, at another side of Paris, on Religions' contribution to Intercultural dialogue, as if it searched also a Spiritual Global Coherence...





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The official presentation of a "Program" respecting People's choices voted in the June 7, 2009 EU Elections, to be debated in EU Council and EU Parliament during its 1st Session on July in Strasbourg, is the No 1 Priority, according to Democratic principles, for the Franco-German axis, said the main winners at the ballot box, French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angie Merkel.

They stressed  that the New EU Commission's President must have a "Program" in favor of an EU which "protects" its Citizens, regulates financial markets and aims at a "Political" Europe" : a wording they have used as incompatible with Turkey's controversial EU bid.

They also declared ready for a "political" endorsment of "Mr. Barroso's candidacy" in June's EU Council, considering that an official decision would have to be made after EU Parliament's debates and votes, possibly from next month (July), with the legally necessary final acceptance shortly after Lisbon Treaty's entry into force, hoped for September or October.

- "A Program, and Mr. Barroso" : This resumes, in substance, the anouncements made by Sarkozy and Merkel, on the question of current EU Commission's President, Barroso's declared wish to succeed to himself for a second mandate, to be extended during the following 5 years.

 In their 1st meeting after EU Elections, they observed that "the Franco-German axis counted in European Elections' campaign... But, we both keep a realistic view : We saw the number of those who abstained, and we must absolutely give them an answer. We also see the disilusionment of an important number of Europeans vis a vis Europe, and we are aware of the responsibilities we have".


 - The "Duty" of the new EU Commission's President, after June 7, 2009 EU Elections' result, "is to act for a Europe which protects the Europeans, to commit himself into working for a better Regulation of Financial transactions, ... and to have a Political will for Europe", underlined Sarkozy.

Therefore, "we have asked M. Barroso... to clarify, to officialy present the intentions he has", he anounced.

- "We want to speak also about the Programme", explained Merkel.

- "It's important that for the next EU Parliament's mandate (2009-2014) we take the right Decisions for Europe.  Obviously on Persons, but mainly Decisions on Issues", she stressed.

- "It's not simply a question of a Person, it's also a question of a Programme". We are "really asking Mr. Barroso to commit himself on a Program, and on Principles, on Values", Sarkozy added.

EU President-in-office, Czech Prime Minister Jan Fischer, accepted the Franco-German stance :

- "Barroso must present his Programme. The Czech Presidency agrees with that", Fischer reportedly said later, after meeting Sarkozy.

But Press reports from Brussels claimed that Barroso had preferred to be officially appointed by EU Council since June, (i.e. next week), "because this was implied by the current Treaty of Nice, according to him", and considered any delay until the possible ratification of the new, Lisbon Treaty on September/October, as "undemocratic".

- "At any case, independently of what Germany and France ask, it's also EU Parliament's wish". "We shall propose Mr Barroso's candidacy... But even in the framework of Nice Treaty, EU Parliament has to be associated in this Decision", the French President observed.

If this is correctly done, then "we support Mr. Barroso's candidature", and "if the (EU) Parliament agrees, we might ratify this decision since July", (i.e. next month), they both said.


- "France and Germany support Baroso's candidacy, But we want to speak also on the Program. We believe that this Program should be established in close cooperation with EU Parliament, and that's why we have followed an appropriate way", said Merkel.  - If EU Parliament wants, this election can take place on July,  but this must be done in full agreement.

- "We shall support Mr. Barroso's candidacy, without doubt", said Sarkozy. "But we have asked from Mr. Barroso, as I told him yesterday, to put into detail.. his intentions, at the eve of his 2nd mandate, if the situation avails itself.

    France and Germany "don't want to take an Official Legal Decision by writting" during "the next (EU) Council" (on June 18-19), declared Sarkozy.  Because they prefer, at this stage, only "a Political decision" on June, "so that we (EU Council) can work together with EU Parliament", which starts to meet only Next Month, since July in Srasbourg, "leaving a Legal decision by writting for later".

    - "If the Conditions are fuillfiled in EU Parliament, we (EU Council) are ready to give the agreement and make it offficial", said Merkel

    - "But, now we are working in the base of Nice Treaty. If tommorow we want to work in the spirit of Lisbon Treaty, we have to find a proper way", she added.

    - "Of course it's Legally complicated, because we are going to make a Political proposal to the forthcoming Council, for an EU Commission's President, on the basis of Nice Treaty : So, we (EU Council) will not appoint the Commissioners. Only the President.  If EU Parliament agrees, it could endorse this position on July", explained Sarkozy.

    But, on Autumn, "if Ireland ratifies Lisbon Treaty, there will be, at any case, a 2nd Decision, to appoint the Commission's President, this time on the basis of Lisbon treaty, and then, we, the EU Member States, would have to appoint (also) the EU Commissioners", he added.

    As for the precise Timing :  - "Everything is suspended until the Irish vote... Now, we must all make everything possible to help Ireland to say "Yes"" to Lisbon Treaty... The Irish Referendum, ..will take place either on September or on October. It's a Question which depends on the Irish. And,  then, we shall have the Choice of the Candidates for the permanent Institutions of Europe".

    However, "if Ireland says No, we, French and Germans, have to assume our responsibilities, and we'll do so", he concluded.

    But British and Swedish governments were reportedly eager to have a final EU Council decision on Barroso since this month, on June's European Council. While the other EU Member Countries are divided, several of them preferring to wait until EU Parliament pronounces itself, on July, and/or until Lisbon Treaty might be ratified by Ireland at the beginning of the Autumn. Barroso's current mandate ends on November.

    There are also various, contradictory and/or unpredictable reactions inside EU Parliament vis a vis Barroso's wish to continue a 2nd mandate, because many MEPs are openly or secretly opposed, reluctant, or hesitating.

    In the biggest EU Countries, as France and Germany, EU Citizens voted on June 2009 EU Elections for a renovated, non-technocratic but Political Europe which cares for its Citizens, with an Identity, Values and Borders, declared incompatible with Turkey's controversial EU bid, by mainstream, pro-European Governing Parties. Similar choices were also supported in several other small or medium EU Countries.

    On the contrary, whenever, in other Countries, Governing and other mainstream Parties didn't make these choices or eluded them, EU Citizens massively voted for euro-Sceptics whenever they were the only ones to to promise anti-bureacratic change and oppose Turkey's demand to enter into the EU, (f.ex. in the UK, Netherlands, etc).

    It's seems to be an Open Question whether Sarkozy and Merkel's conditions will be really accepted by Barroso, who was appointed on 2004 in a different political context, (with Socialist Prime Ministers in Germany, France, etc), had rejected in the Past the idea of EU becoming "equal to the USA" as "ridiculous", and pushed for Turkey's contoversial EU bid, trying to "soften" or contain the changes desired by the People who voted for Merkel and Sarkozy with another policy vis a vis Turkey on 2005 in Germany and on 2007 in France, as they did all over Europe on 2009.

    In addition to many EPP Governments, it's 3 remaining Socialist Prime Ministers : Gordon Brown in the UK, Zapatero in Spain, and Socrates in Prortugal, who support Barroso, as well as Liberal Swedish Prime Minister Reinfeldt. But their Parties lost the June 2009 EU Elections.

    Questioned whether there was still "Time" for "other" possible "Candidates", Sarkozy and Merkel did not deny, nor made any comment on that, but simply said that "it's not for us to make publicity for any candidates. We anounced our choice ("A Program, and Mr. Barroso"). But we respect any other candidate".

    Among various other names cited are former Belgian Prime Minister Verhofstadt, former UNO's Human Rights Commissioner Mary Robinson of Ireland, Italian former EU Commission's vice-President Monti, etc. Meanwhile, Luxembourg's PM Juncker, (who had been unanimously accepted by EU Council for EU Commission's Presidency on 2004, but refused), announced his intention to resign from "EuroGroup"'s Chair. Thus, he might be available for another Top EU job.

    As "EuroFora"'s "opinion" said (See publication dated 9/6/09) : - "If the current candidates (i.e. Barroso, etc) to the Top EU jobs promise and guarantee to respect People's democratic choices, then, it's OK".

"Otherwise, Europe must find new candidates, really motivated and able to implement these democratic choices of the People."

    Because, "in Democracy, the forthcoming choices for EU's Top Jobs,...should be made according to EU Citizens' Votes in June 7, 2009 European Elections, and main EU Governments' strategic policies".



2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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