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Home arrow newsitems arrow G7 Environment Ministerial Summit Chair, France's Rugy to EF on Conclusions: Better Dialogue with US

G7 Environment Ministerial Summit Chair, France's Rugy to EF on Conclusions: Better Dialogue with US

Written by ACM
Monday, 06 May 2019

*Metz/G7 Environment Ministerial Summit/Angelo Marcopolo/- An UnPrecedented and UnExpected, but Realistic "Progress", Both in the Way to Deal with the still Remaining Disagreements on the "Hot" Issue of Climate Change, and in the Extension on various Other Global Environment Topical Issues where Agreements are Possible, between European and other Countries with the USA, surprisingly emerged Today, as it appears from the Reply that "G7" Environment Summit's Chairman, French Minister Francois De Rygy gave to a key Question by "Eurofora", during the Official Press Conference on the Conclusions of that exceptional, 2 Days-long Collective Event at Metz, but Also by several Other relevant Statements of the main protagonists Today :



Already from the outset, De Rugy had hailed the "Friendly" atmosphere in which USA's representative, EPA Director, Andrew Wheeler, agreed to present the well-known "Difference of Approach" about the Issue of "Climate" change, on which, however, Both Paris and Washinbton cooperate, in "2 or 3 Paragraphs" inserted "at one and Same Text" of joint "Conclusions", (instead of 2 Separate Texts, or None).

- Metz's Formula marks a "Considerable Progress", he rightfully stressed, compared both to the Past and even to some other Incidents Elsewhere, still nowadays, (See Infra), Advancing towards an "Agreement on the Way to deal wth our Divergence on Climate".

The Importance of this matter is highlighted also by the fact that this Progress surfaced just after Wheeler's meeting with "Eurofora", Yesterday Evening, (Comp. Supra), where EPA's Director had, indeed, Warned us that this "Hot" Matter was "Not Yet" Settled, and should be Discussed anew Tomorrow, as it did. (See : ...)

 - Wheeler also qualified as "very Productive", this G7 Ministerial Summit at Metz, with several International Projects for the Environment, among which, the USA could Support, and the above-mentioned Formula on Climate (Comp. Supra + See Infra).

+ Citting several International Environmental Initiatives that USA can support and cooperate with, Wheeler mentioned, inter alia, also, BioDiversity (See: the relevant "Charter of Metz", Adopted here Earlier Today), protection of Great Apes (reportedly decimated, recently, also by atrocious "Tests" aiming Humans), Recycling and Drinkable Water, Coral Reefs and Oceans, etc.


It's Interesting to note that, as De Rugy had already observed, (f.ex. in his Earlier Reply to a Previous relevant "Eurofora"s Question : Comp, f.ex.: .. etc), several among them can also Contribute to the Global Fight for the Climate and against Global Warming, too, in various concrete ways, (f.ex. Oceans, BioDiversity, Coral Reefs, etc). F.ex., "Oceans absorb 93% of Climate Change Heat", other G7 Participants stressed.



NB=> METZ's Deal Formula is Structured in "3 Paragraphs", as De Rugy highlighted :

* A (§ 24) points at the Main Targets, against Climate Change, on which there is an Agreement.

* B (§ 25) points at the Stance of those Countries which Stick at the "Paris' Agreement" (2015) : Focused mainly on Restricting Emmissions) as the main way to Fight against Global Warming, Now Urging even to Advance More and Faster.

* And C (§ 26) points a the specific position, supported particularl by the New USA Presidency, to carefully Review Climate Science, and use Other Means to Settle the Problems, well Balanced with Economic Growth and abordable Energy access, particularly Focused on Innovative Technologies, while also Cooperating, in parallel, on Adapting and building Resilience.

[+Partly UPDATED:] Such a Modus Operandi, as it was invented and agreed at Metz, apparently Lacked in the almost Synchronous, and Parallely Evolving, "Arctic Council", these Same Days, (with participation of Scandinavian EU Countries, Russia, Canada and USA, but Not France, neither Germany or UK):

Indeed, just Half a Day Later-on, that "Arctic Council" notoriously Resulted, for the 1st Time in its History, in a kind of "Pat" : I.e. withOut fully-fledged Conclusions, precisely Because of a relevant Disagreement on Climate issues !


+ But this new situation appeared even More Surprizing, after De Rugy's Reply to a relevant Question raised by "Eurofora", during the Official Press Conference on the Conclusions of this 2019 "G7" Environment Ministerial Summit in Metz :


(De Rugy points at Eurofora)


- "Which Global Environment Issues are the less disputed and the most widely supported, internationally, nowadays ?", "Eurofora" asked De Rugy in substance.



- "I Felt, in our exchanges, Today, that the Issue of Climate is No more Contested (Disputed), he Surprisingly Replied, starting from what was routinely considered to be the most controversial...

- In this regard, "I want to stress that (even) the American Representative (Andrew Wheeler, EPA Director) wasn't here in order to Contest the Importance of the Climate Issue", De Rugy pointed out.

- "There is a Difference of views on the Means that should be used, on whether to have Binding Commitments in the framework of the (2015) Paris' Agreement", (etc).

- "But he did not at all dispute, neither that Phenomenon, nor the Usefulness to Act", De Rygy stressed.

- "In consequence, I consider that this (Climate change) is, Nowadays, an Issue gathering a very Large Consensus, as far as it concerns the Need to Act".

- "Beyond that, I think that each Government, in each Country...," he added with natural reserve...

+  "Moreover, I was impressed, in various bilateral exchanges that I had with my collegues (Ministers of Environment) during these 2 Days (May 5 + 6, 2019), by the fact that a lot among the main series of Questions ("Problematique") raised in France, are naturally found also in Many other Countries":

- "It's always about issues such as, f.ex.: the Economic Impact, the Social Acceptability, the (Ecological) Transition, its Funding, the Investments to streamline, etc.", he highlighted.  


- "Even in very Diverse, socio-economic and/or geographic Situations, accross the World, we often find the Same Problematic !", De Rugy firmly concluded, in reply to the above-mentioned "Eurofora"'s question.



=> [+Partly UPDATED on 7/5/2019] Shortly Afterwards, his USA counterpart, Andrew Wheeler, almost Confirmed, at least the Main Substance of those De Rugy's views, in an official EPA's Press Release :

- Indeed, the competent US Representative hailed "the Constructive Dialogue from ...meetings in Metz, France", as he appreciated it.

- In a Bilateral Meeting with De Rugy, Wheeler reportedly said that USA might, eventually, Review its current Intention to Withdraw from the (2015) Paris Agreement, IF "opportunities for ReNegotiation arise, that would Level the playing field for the US".

- Meanwhile, he also ensured that the USA will Continue "Reducing Greenhouse gas Emmissions", and "work with the International Community to Reduce its Carbon footprint". Inter alia, Wheeler presented, from the outset of this G7 Environment Ministerial Summit, "the Trump Administration's efforts to Reduce criteria Air Pollutants", and "the Affordable Clean Energy (ACE) and Safer Affordable Fuel efficien (SAFE) rules to address Emissions for Electric Power Plants and Vehicles".


+ But the US Representative also "Thanked" French Minister De Rugy's G7 Environment Ministerial Summit's chairmanship, "for Bringing Together our International Partners", and for "advancing Wide-ranging Environmental Issues".

=> Reacting in practice to an Idea Highlighted by "Eurofora" on Sunday, May 5, at our 1s Question/Reply with De Rugy (See : ..., etc), as well as in a Brief but Topical exchange with Wheeler later-on that Day, (See ibid, etc),

>>> the American EPA's Director went on to Focus also on "Oceans", "Lands"' preservation, "Clean Air", (etc), "while ensuring Economic Prosperity", (etc), in addition to "BioDiversity", "Great Apes" protection, "Coral Reefs", etc.  

- "Every Year, an estimated 11 to 28 Billion pounds of Waste ends up in the Ocean, harming Marine Life and Coastal economies", while "nearly 60 % of that waste comes from six Asian nations", and "approximately 80 % of ocean trash comes from Land-based sources, including plastics", as he claimed.

In the meantime, Wheeler reportedly raised such issues also in his Bilateral Meeting with his Japanese counterpart, (as Japan currently Chairs the "G20" Summit, scheduled for June 2019), while De Rugy had Replied to an ealier "Eurofora"s Question also by revealing that France and other countries currently tried to bring in the Ocean Environment protection projects "also China" and others.

+ In addition, pointing at French President Macron's declared will to place his Chairmanship of the 2019 "G7" Summit under the aim also to Fight against "InEqualities", the USA Representative reportedly stressed that "those withOut Electricity (i.e. affordable acces to Energy) and Clean drinking Water, face the Biggest Environmental InEqualities !" Indeed, "Waters issues are the largest and most immediate environmental issues facing the World Today", so that "G7 members must look to addressing the 1 to 3 Million People that Die each Year due to Lack of access to Safe drinking Water and sanitation", as he denounced.


Wheeler also mentioned "Trump Administration's" "National Water ReUse action Plan", reportedly stressing the "Need for Innovations" in "Water ReCycling", and the "Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act", which might inspire "International Institutions Projects overseas", as he claimed, while often Flanked also by the French Secretary of State on Environment, Brune Poirson, a former Expert in Water Distribution Big Corporation "Veolia", and, Nowadays at the Presidency of UNO's Environment Assembly...

+ Last, but not least, concerning anOther Landmark of 2019 "G7" Environment Ministerial Summit at Metz, Wheeler also reportedly claimed that "the US spends upwards $ 400 Million to support BioDioversity conservation Worldwide", and vowed that the US is "committed" to the "Metz Charter on BioDiversity", adopted here by the "G7" earlier Today.





- De Rugy, speaking Yesterday to Journalists, including "Eurofora", stressed that the French G7 Presidency wanted to launch such a "BioDiversity" Plan only after having obtained a solid "Scientific Basis", and that's why it had awaited until a Group of Experts starts to Publish its relevant Findings, (showing an Historic Acceleration of Risks for Extinction of several Species of Plants, Fishes and/or Animals), precisely these Days.

=> Indeed, significantly, the 1st specific Chapter in the Official Conclusions of this 2019 "G7" Environment Ministers' Summit at Metz, adopted Today, calling for an "International Mobilisation" and "Leadership", does so "in favour of BioDiversity".

+ This is Followed by a 2nd Chapter focusing to the "International Mobilisation for Climate", (Comp. Supra).

++ "Oceans" (Comp. Supra), as well as "Energy Resources + Efficiency", are dealt with, in subsequent Chapters.

+++ "Concrete Solutions" and "co-Benefits", as well as "Sustainable Funding", practically conclude the Official Text of "G7" Environment Ministers, collectively negotiated nowadays in Metz.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  


=> Meawhile, Climate issues are expected to stay"Hot" particularly at Short term:  F.ex. at Tomorrow's "Arctic Council"'s outcome in Finland, 7 May 2019, (Comp. Supra); as well as on May 9, at Sibiu (Romania) EU Summit, where French President Macron is due to lead 9 or 10 EU Member Countries in a call for 25% of EU's Budget to be used for Ecologic Transition, and particularly on Climate issues, (Comp. Supra), in the run up to the forthcoming EU Parliament Elections, on May 26, where De Rugy hopes that Political Parties favorable to Ecological Transition, (particularly on Climate), as Macron's LREM, would get More MEPs, as he said Yesterday to Journalists, including "Eurofora". Sortly afterwards, an Exceptional International Conference, organised by UNO's Secretary General Antonio Guteres, on September 2019, aims to Boost more Support for the Paris Agreement (2015), against Global Warming. Up to December 2019, when COP 25 is organised in Chile, a Country that de Rugy had Invited nowadays to Metz, (Comp. Supra).


But, Next Year (2020) = Change of context : The "G7" Summit is taken over by Climate-Sceptic, new USA President Don Trump (who faces a crucial re-Election test on Autumn 2020) ! In consequence, it will be then Wheeler who would invite De Rugy to the Next "G7" Ministerial meeting on Environment, and no more the other way round... Thus, the main Focus seems to turn towards ...BioDiversity, as China will host an International Summit on that issue, on Autumn 2020.    

     +Advancing even Further, the decor Changes even more, towards a Wider scope : France organises a Global Conference at Marseille, together with the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), a specialist, inter alia, also for the publication of a World-wide List of "Endangered Species", therefore, on BioDiversity too, as well as for a very much Wider scope of Global Environment's main Issues, (which are often interrelated, in several key points).











(NDLR : Partly UPDATED on 7 May 2019. +"DraftNews", as send to "Eurofora"s Donors/Subscribes, earlier. A more accurate, full Final Version, might be publised asap).







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