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Home arrow newsitems arrow German Green Party Paradoxes on Issues and CDU/CSU deals appear at its birthplace Freiburg

German Green Party Paradoxes on Issues and CDU/CSU deals appear at its birthplace Freiburg

Written by ACM
Sunday, 21 November 2010


*Freiburg/- The unusual fact that German "Greens" Annual Party conference was held at the original Ecologic/Alternative movement's Birthplace : Freiburg, at Strasbourg's S/E side, the same week that, at its N/W side in Karlsruhe, Chancellor Merkel warned against "Illusions" those (even among her friends) who wandered if "Greens" might find some agreements with the New governing CDU/CSU party before 2011 Elections on 6 Regions (including Baden-Wurtenberg, adjacent to CoE and EU Parliament's HQs in Strasbourg) and imminent Bundestag's votes on crucial BioEthic issues, (See "EuroFora"'s News from the spot), could, at first sight, incite outside observers, based on Issues and Events, to see a possible "Yes" answer as natural.

 But, a strange, surprising opposal suddenly poped-up when "Eurofora" shortly took a closer look on the spot, this week-end in Freiburg...

Not only because the original "Green" movement in Germany, was notoriously made, since the 1980ies, out of "anti-war" pacifists and "anti-imperialists" as well as "3rd world" humanists, critics of Technocratic threats to manipulate Human Genome and defenders of Nature, Christian Humanists and pro-Human Rights anti-authoritarian groups, including in former "DDR", Feminists, etc, which could, in theory, find certain key-points of convergence with most ChristianDemocrats/Socials today : F.ex. on the growing importance area of BioEthics, (particularly on the crucial issue of Genetic Manipulations of Human Genome), and some other Human Rights issues (f.ex. struggle against Torture in Turkey and elsewhere, etc), innovative Industrial investments in Renewable Energies, Climate-friendly High-Speed Railroad transport (instead of CO2 polluting and Time wasting Car Highways), Integration of Immigrants' Children through Education, development of a Political Europe able to speak with the USA as equal to equal in a more democratic World, etc.

Among many other Examples, experienced former MEP and current co-President of the Greens, Claudia Roth, had joined her voice with that of ChristianDemocrats (CDU/CSU)  against the nomination by the "Socialist" party of a controversial candidate, Dr. Dreier, at the Head of Germany's Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe, after he was accused of statements opening Dangerous loopholes in the Protection of Human Embryos from Genetic Manipulations and even Torture, back in 2008, attracting criticism even from Amnesty International :


- "Whoever relativises Torture and puts in question the protection of Human Dignity by the 1st Article of our Constitution, is unfit to speak" in the name of the Constitutional Law, Roth had stressed then, in agreement with CDU/CSU. This was in line with the struggle of long-time former Green MEP Hiltrud Breyer as a co-chair of the InterParty Group on Bioethics, who had multiplied critical Press Conferences in Strasbourg, together with CDU's BioEthics Spokesman, MEP Dr. Peter Liese mainly between 2004-2009.

- On May 2010, Chancellor Angie Merkel, speaking, precisely, at a ceremony of Germany's Constitutional Court at nearby Karlrsuhe, on the occasion of the retirment of its experienced, long-time President, professor Papier, officially stressed at the Highest level that  : - "It's clear for all of us, that Cooperation and Stability in our Country is shaped by our joint obligation to respect our Constitution, and particularly its 1st Article on Human Dignity : This should guide us also in the 21st Century", Merkel concluded.  "Human Dignity" is not only considered to be at the base of all Human Rights, but is also the main key-word frequently used to designate the protection of Human beings both from Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatments, and from dangerous Genetic a.o. Manipulations. (See "EuroFora"'s relevant publication of May 2010 : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/germanconstitutionalcourtandbioethics.html ).

Topically, however, Karlsruhe's Court, under a new  Chairmanship by another "Socialist" nominate (presented by SPD instead of controversial Dr. Dreier) Professor Fosskuhle, former Rector at Freiburg's University, having scheduled to examine another Crucial BioEthics issue on June 2010 i.e. immediately after ChristianDemocrat professor Papier's retirement (See supra), suddenly reversed a previously established case-law, opening other dangerous loopholes on Human Embryos' Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnostics, on the occasion of an application by a "GenTech" interest lobby : This new problem was hotly debated at ChristianDemocrat CDU's Bi-Annual Congress at Karlsruhe, earlier this week (See "EuroFora"s NewsReports from the spot), resulting in a hard-fought Resolution calling for a crystal-clear Ban by the Bundestag, where "Green" MEPs votes might be needed soon...


-Meanwhile, various Laender's (Regional, Federated States') rapprochments and/or coalitions between ChristianDemocrats and Greens, leading up to Government, have recently started to mushroom at differend areas throughout Germany : F.ex., the 1st ChristianDemocrats-Greens regional coalition Government was formed after 2008 in Hamburg's federated State, and still stands on its feet throughout 2010.            

Even in Freiburg City, which hosts "Greens" 2010 Annual Congress, the current Mayor,  Dieter Salomon, was elected against a "Socialist" competitor, succeeding to end a 40 years old "Socialist" urban domination, thanks to a crucial addition of ChristianDemocrats' votes, and his Deputy Mayor is Otto Neideck of the CDU.                     

Another  interesting Fact is that a so-called "Jamaika" coalition, bringing together ChristianDemocrats with Greens and Liberals (Black - Yellow - Green) was formed since 2009 in Saarland, the State where lives the experienced former Green MEP Heltrud Breyer, who was for many Years a very active defender of Human Rights against Genetic Manipulations' risks, multiplying joint inter-party actions at EU Parliament in Strasbourg together with ChristianDemocrats' spokesman on BioEthics Dr. Pieter Liese and other MEPs.

Meanwhile, at an April 2010 Interview, experienced former MEP and current co-President of Greens, Claudia Roth, said that evolving Regional "Black-Green" Coalitions, as f.ex. in Hamburg, depend on whether her party can add "a clear Green Signature" in agreed policies, and didn't even exclude an eventually Federal-level Government Coalition Greens-CDU in 2013, even if she found that SPD was "closer" from certain points of view, and criticized CDU/CSU's current choices in Social mainly matters.

Recently, after Polls indicated that they'd become more popular than Socialdemocrats in Berlin's area, the Greens decided on November 2010 to launch, for the 1st time, their own candidate, Renate Künast, Head of Bundestag's Green MPs and former Minister, in order to "end Socialists' rule" at Germany's Capital, as Young representative Volker Ratzmann strongly stressed now in Freiburg's annual congress. Significantly, the Green Party, at almost the same time, chose to present Kunast at a Video .."against Genetic Technology", (even if it's rather limited to Plants/Animals only : See infra). It's obvious that, as long as the current Socialist Mayor doesn't wish to give up his Berlin top job, then, in such a "Green against Red" fight, Kunast could only succeed with ChristianDemocrats/Socials' votes in the forthcoming September 2011 Election.


Thus, German People, after having experienced for years the opposite, i.e. a Socialist-Green coalition in Regional States and at the National Government, might now start, for the 1st time, to test also another, New formula based on certain key Greens - ChristianDemocrats' agreements, at various levels, and democratically decide on the country's future.
But, big Surprises poped up at the Greens' November 2010 Annual Conference in Freiburg, from this point of view, giving a Political image astonishingly Differend from what had been, for a long time, the original "Green" movements' landmark characteristics, notoriously crafted, 30 years ago at this same city out of former "anti-war" pacifists and "anti-imperialists" as well as "3rd world" humanists, critics of Technocratic threats to manipulate Human Genome and defenders of Nature, Christian Humanists and pro-Democracy anti-authoritarian groups, including in former "DDR", Feminists, etc, some of whom might have eased the development of a recently emerging Greens - ChristianDemocrats/Socials cooperation, at least on certain key issues (f.ex. BioEthics, etc) and levels, which appeared, now, to face a strange negative blow from opponents, apparently pushing Back towards an old "Socialist" Past :

- That tone was was set from the outset by the other current co-President of the "Greens", Cem Ozdemir (a linguistically integrated politician of Turkish origin), who reportedly fustigated German ChristianDemocrats declaring, already on Saturday, even before the Party's votes, that, in his view, "there is No Black and Green option" any more.

Ozdemir tried to justify his stance merely by claiming that this would be inevitable, simply because "Mrs Merkel (the Chancellor of Germany), with its Nuclear course and Life Extension" of pre-existing Nuclear Plants, "reactivated old stock", as he said, reportedly followed by Roth.  

However, closing down Climate-friendly Nuclear Energy would obviously aggravate Germany's Dependency on External Oil/Gas Imports, precisely at a moment when USA-backed Turkey multiplies attempts to impose to the EU a controversial "Nabucco" Gas Pipeline old project, too Long (zig-zagueing far away from Europe), too Expensive and too Dangerous, (facing particular Risks by Earthquakes, Violent Armed Conflicts, and/or Political Blackmails notoriously abused by the Turkish Government in various Organizations), currently Empty from Gas, and facing growing Competition by other projects, (as the Russian "South Stream" Pipeline, the "AGRI" cooperation between Azerbaidjan, Georgia, Romania, etc. to ship Liquefied Gas from the Caspian area via the Black Sea and Danube/Rhine Rivers directly to EU's Franco-German Industrial core, speculations to renew an Iraq - Syria Pipeline right into Mediterranean EU Ships, etc),  manifestedly serving UKUSA-Turkey's selfish interests.  
Ozdemir astonishingly boasted, in his Speech on Saturday, that he had met "a few weeks ago, with the ... Ambassador of the U.S. of America" (sic !), from whom he received advise f.ex. on how German Education should operate, etc.  Something which would certainly have provoked a Storm of Angry Protests from the original "Anti-Imperialist" Greens...

Even more, when this surprising U.S. reference, (obviously inadequate for a big European Country as Germany, but frequently found in some under-developped, 3rd World Countries submitted to Foreign Domination through a few local "intermediaries" Agents), certainly couldn't be towards the Tiny American "Green" Party, which has never crossed over 2%, but rather to U.S. President Barack Obama, who notoriously led the .. Richest Electoral Campaign in USA's History, receiving more than 700 Millions $ often from unknownsources, including Big Pharmaceutical Compagnies and Genetic Manipulations' Lobbies, considering his promise to lift the Ban on Federal Funding of controversial Genetic Research on Human Embryos, (by cancelling former US President GWBush's famous decision of August 2001). Something which would probably have provoked Protests also from Greens' BioEthical Values-driven original movement (See supra), if it had been still "alive"...

But, in the 2010 Freiburg Conference Agenda, on the contrary, there wasn't even the slightest reference to anyone among the BioEthical issues raised by the galoping developments on Genetic Technology over Human persons, which is of a growing importance : The only verbal reference on "GenTechnic", in fact, was limited only to ... Potatoes and other "Plants", practically leaving the Human Persons surprisingly without protection against potentially Dangerous Genetic Manipulations through a growing number of various tools, (f.ex. "Tests" on Human Embryos, Preimplantation Diagnostics, manipulation of Virus to penetrate the Human Immune system, etc)

By the way : What happened to the original German "Green" movements' Sensitivity against dangerous Genetic and other Manipulations of Human Persons, stemming back from reactions to the infamous NAZI Dr. Mengele atrocious "Experiments" on prisoners in the Concentration Camps, (including, f.ex., a few monstruous Technocrats at a Labo in Strasbourg's Medical Faculty reportedly dessicating cadavers of People exterminated at the nearby Struthof camp), as well as other kinds of Mental Manipulation Techniques, more recently denounced by World Famous Swedish Director Bergman's film "The serpent's egg", conceived when he visited Germany ?

Totally Absent from the 2010 Annual Conference at Freiburg, BioEthics were also absent from the 2009 gathering, a collegue Journalist, who is also a "Green" member, tels us, adding that, as far as he knows, now, "there are No Debates" on such kind of issues.... As for an otherwise helpful Lady Journalist, who is also "Green" Party's member since the End of the 1990ies, (i.e., practically, since the period of the "Socialists" - "Greens" coalition of the Past), her reaction is honest but surprisingly revelatory of a big change, compared to the original "Greens" movement : - "You mean, f.ex., when Insuline is artificially produced for People suffering from Diabetes ? We are in favour !", she merely says, ... astonishingly appearing even to ignore what it means "Manipulation of Human Genome"...- "But we ("Greens") are against Animals or Babies being artificially produced only in order to get "Spare Parts" to transplant to others", at least she adds, without, however, settling the whole issue...


- Sharply accurate, Green E.U. Expert Wolfgang Wettach from Tübingen said to "EuroFora" that, currently, "the Party is against "Green" GenTech., i.e. on Plants, for Food, etc., but generally in favor of "White" GenTech., concerning Medicine for Humans". (In other words, wouldn't really care, at least not as much as it traditionaly did before, for Genetic Interventions on Humans : Astonishing change !)

- Questioned by "EuroFora" on BioEthics, Greens' candidate for the forthcoming March 2010 Elections in Baden-Wurtenberg, Winfried Kretschmann, carefully replied that, "Greens are generally rather Conservatives on BioEthic issues", i.e. confirming our initial impression (See supra). "However, this is not for the Party to decide, but for such Member's individual conscience", he added, showing, him also, a lesser interest on BioEthics by the "Green" Party, compared to what it originally had.
Ozdemir : Rejected by the People in 2009, he gets a boost from Delegates in 2010..
At least, what about "Greens" and "Bundnis 90" accent traditionally put on Direct ways to express People's wish, instead of Bureaucratically imposed "Aparatchik"'s diktates through a few intermediaries ? A good question to ask, particularly in Freiburg, whose "Green" Mayor, Salomon, notoriously elected against a "Socialist" opponent thanks also to ChristianDemocrat and Liberals' votes (See supra), holds a PhD Thesis, precisely, on the "BasisDemocratie", topically  titled :- "Green Theory and Gray Reality : The Greens and Direct (Basis') Democracy"..

And, to put it in another way : Is it because some "Greens" now might be more interested in Electoral Success, often leading to Government posts at various levels, that some other original principles were, more or less put aside (See supra) ?
But, no, Facts, on the contrary, indicate that even this, curiously seems now doubtful :
 To  judge by the surprising case of Ozdemir, who had being almost ..rejected by German People at the 2009 Parliamentary Election, (when mainstream Media had even initially anounced that he had NOT been elected until past Midnight, changing only next Morning by claiming that he got OverNight a rasor-thin advance after recount) : On the contrary, here, among the 700 or so "Green" Delegates gathered this week-end in Baden-Wurtenberg's Freiburg (South Germany) , for the 1st time Ozdemir even outvoted Roth, by getting + 9% more votes than before, pushing him up to 88%, while, on the contrary, Claudia Roth lost some - 3% compared to her previous score, falling down to just 80%.

 According to what "EuroFora" was told by various partIcipants on the spot, it seems that Claudia Roth was victim of a last-minute procedural manoever which suddenly changed the rules Saturday Morning, obliging Candidates to reply to specific Questions by some Delegates : This gave an occasion to some opponents to hide general political differencies behind an obscure, local affair, concerning only a part of Bavaria, and consisting into chosing between Total Refusal to hold there the International Winter Olympic Games (as her opponents wanted), or Action in order to ensure "Green" Olympics by promoting adequate conditions in favor of Natural Environment (as Roth wished) :  In other words, the general opposition between those who don't want any kind of agreement between Greens and ChristianDemocrats (in Bavaria's case : CSU's ChristianSocials : i.e. supposed to be even partly closer to Greens' "social" claims), and those who don't exclude that, but on the contrary are ready to fight politically in order to obtain good, practical agreements between Greens and Christiandemocrats, at least in certain cases and/or levels, appeared even on the Olympic Games' issue....

+ A similar indication of astonishing indifference to People's Votes appeared also in the interesting case of Hamburg's "Greens" - ChristianDemocrats' coalition (See supra), when elected Senator Anja Hadjuk, who even anounced that "Hamburg will be in 2011 EU's Environmental City",  nevertheless, got the ... Smallest number of Votes among some 600 "Green" Delegates in Freiburg than any other candidate for the Party's Council : Only 67% (compared to scores located between 75,5% and 87% for others)...

Moreover, despite his fighting spirit, Volker Ratzmann, who energetically stressed Berlin Greens' wish to "end the Socialists' domination" at Germany's Capital city in 2011, he was also, curiously, left behind other candidates for the Party's Council, trailing them with only 73,2 % of votes cast, while other Four Candidates got more than 73,77%, 77%, 77,42% and 87%. On the contrary, the biggest score among Delegates gathered in Freiburg : 87,10%, was given to Jurgen Trittin, a former Minister in a Past Coalition with "Socialists", who (shortly after meeting a few Days ago with SPD's new head Gabriel),  harassed and fustigated ChristianDemocrat Chancellor Angie Merkel's recent statements for Linguistic and Culural "Integration" of Immigrants, (mainly of Turkish origin), against "Multi-Culti" appartheid. He asked, on the contrary, a "Left-wing agenda".
- Thus, it wasn't a surprise when Ozdemir went as far as to grossly insult ChristianSocial CSU Party's President from Bavaria, by claiming that "Seehofer ...  smoked Herb" (sic !) when he spoke about "Highly-Qualified Immigrants" (often, rightly or wrongly, opposed to most immigrants from Turkey, usually hindered by Ankara's Regime to develop intellectual capacities and thus condemned to Low-level jobs) , accusing him to "drive Bavaria to the Wall", i.e. towards a violent clash !


The fact that Ozdemir's main Personal Attack was addressed against ChristianSocial Party's President Horst Seehofer, was probably motivated by the fact that he's well known to be a strong supporter of Germany's "Integration" policy for all immigrants wishing to live permanently in the country, concerning mainly their immersion into the German Language, Culture and Society.


    It's true that the "Cultural" component of Germany's "Integration" policy was openly criticized also by the other co-President of the Green Party, Claudia Roth, which accused both governing CSU's "Seehofer" and oppositions Socialdemonrat "Sarazin" to engage in a "Fight between Cultures" ("KulturKampfes"), which, according to her, runs against the fact that "in a Germany of 2010... Millions of people with a Migration history ... want to take their Homeland here, in Germany", where "Multi-Culturalism is a Reality", as she said, (apparently meaning that it should be Passively swallowed, nonens-volens, as if this was an Obligation imposed by an unknown "Big Brother", that Germany and Europe had to obey !)..

    But this obviously forgets the fact that even the USA, who are a Country made 99% out of Migrants, succeeded to integrate all of them in an "American way of life", with one Language, common History and basic social Values, etc., building a Coherent Society. Normally, this should be even stronger in European Countries which have a History, Traditions and Culture older than Thousands of Years, where the European Socio-Cultural and even Political Model notoriously is against "Ghettos" and "Parallel Societies" of any kind, Cultural, Linguistic and/or others, which threaten social Cohesion with Tensions and Conflicts, weakening social Development to the detriment of all. First of all, to the detriment of those migrant Children who are hindered to really integrate into their Host Country's Language, Culture and Society, provoking them well-known problems afterwards in their lives. Something which would normally be unthinkable to the Original "Green" movement, which, on the contrary, wished to develop Migrants' socio-cultural integration in Europe and even to spread European Culture of the Enlightment towards Latin America, Asia, Africa, etc, (while also respecting, naturally, the History of each Country's culture).

    - At any case, at least Roth pronounced herself in favor of the "Integration" principle for all Migrants in Germany, even if she added that, for today's Green Party, this should mean mainly a  kind of - "Republican Integration of (cultural ?) differencies", as she said. Apparently, she didn't know that the word : - "Republican" is used in France and other EU Countries precisely in order to ... ask for the Linguistic, Cultural and Socio-Political "Integration" of Migrants, excluding any cultural "Ghettos", Tribalistic Communautarism, Appartheid, Separate Groups and other "Parallel Societies", often notoriously monitored from abroad...

    However, at least, Claudia Roth's Speech included references to some kind of "Integration" of Migrants in German Society, and a call for Open "Debates" on these and other issues, (instead of strange Threats to "drive into a wall", as Ozdemir claimed against Bavaria's CSU chief Seehofer  : See supra), which, according to Roth, should culminate in "anno domini 2011"..

    - Therefore, it wasn't a surprise that, on the contrary, Ozdemir, at the end of his speech, called the Green Party to try to win some more space "in Cities and Regions" for "the next 3 Years, up to the National Elections of 2013", apparently implying that, at least at the Federal level, it should always stay in Opposition against the CDU/CSU New Government...

    Speaking of which he totally ommitted, in a 10 pages-long speech, even to touch once the word "Christian" !

    -  That was contrary to Claudia Roth, who reminded that the Original "Green" Movement had also a "Christian" component, a word she used more than 4 times, even going as far as to challenge CDU on whether it had enough "Christian devotion", or not...
It's true that Ozdemir's speech was mainly focused on "Education Reform",  which is obviously a key-issue for all Countries in Europe and the World, but, it was difficult to find there anything original or specific to an eventual "Green" stance : Since almost everyone (from the Linke and the Socialists up to the CDU/CSU and the Liberals, etc) also speaks about "Equality of Chances", and regrets (as many Politicians have repeatedly denounced for more than a Century !)  if "a child of Workers has 5 times less chances than a child of Teachers to go to a (general) Lyceum" (allowing to compete for University studies). While the accusation (rightfuly or wrongly) already launched in the Past against various Governments in various Countries in the World, against an "Education which is always a Privilege for the Children of the Privileged", curiously attributed by Ozdemir only to "this" current CDU/CSU-FDP German "Goverment" which hasn't yet completed not even One (1) Year since the 2009 Elections, compared to much more than ..Ten (10) Years for the "Socialists" in Government in Germany between 1998 - 2005/2008, (while others have said the same against f.ex. former British or former German "Socialist" Governements, even against former USSR)...
It's in this context that Ozdemir went on his Speech to mention the Hamburg ChristianDemocrats - Greens coalition exclusively from the Negative point of view of a recently failed attempt to reform elementary Education, repeatedly speaking only about "Errors" that would have been committed there on "Communication" etc., as he claimed.

This was about an apparently Interesting effort of Hamburg's CDU - Green Coalition Government to mainly prolonge the Time during which all Children can study together in Normal Classrooms, before they are divided in various Differend Classrooms, according to a "Selection" made by some Professors on the basis of more or less Educational achievement's criteria, so that small Kids aged only 8 Years, wouldn't be badly influenced and negatively "marked", stigmatized during all their life and condemned to stay out of Intellectual University Studies, even before they really have a chance to learn basic things and develop all their capacities. But an opposed Group of Citizens, who tabled a Referendum against that Ediucational Reform, managed to get a rasor-thin Majority Popular support, apparently (as many local People's reactions indicated) because many Simple, Poor People, who didn't have enough Money to live in Rich Neighborhoods and/or eventually send their Children to Private Schools, were reportedly afraid that their own Children might be negatively affected if they were obliged to stay for many years inside some classrooms overloaded by non-integrated immigrants' kids. (F.ex. from Turkey, routinely criticized for some lobbies which push Immigrants to stay Separated from the host country's society, living only in some "Cultural Ghettos" and "Parallel Societies", obviously easy to control by Foreign Networks from outside, but to the detriment of their own Childrens' Education and Linguistic/Cultural Integration, as German Statistics prove).. A problem that, f.ex., UK's "Labor" former Governments of Mr. Blair, etc, reportedly aggravated in Schools, obliging many simple People to desperately seek, through the New Conservatives -Liberals Brittish Government, to try to find some solutions for a better Education, at least partly..
    Concerning "Socialist" links of the Past, it's well known, indeed, that Ozdemir had been cited by many Media since 2002 in a series of Scandals related to the dismissal of former "Socialist" Defence Minister Rudolf Scharping, (a proponent of the controversial A400M Military Transport Airplane old and delayed project, by far the most Expensive in Europe's History, where Turkey exceptionally participates), after it was discovered that he abused of Government Airplanes to transport his Girlfriend to Majorca for Luxurius Holidays, and that he had received more than 140.000 Marks from a USA-educated, Baden-Wurtenberg, Frankfurt-based, private Lobbyist Businessman, Hunzinger, the same who had given, (via one of his Turkish employees), a 41.000 € low-cost loan to the then Spokesman of the "Green" Group, (himself of Turkish origin), who also resigned, after admitting to have committed some "mistakes", (reportedly including also the abuse of Public Funds dedicated to Official transports, even for Private Trips). But, after a short term at EU Parliament as MEP, he returned back into Germany some years later, when all this was forgotten. (But, meanwhile, the Turkey-backed, most Expensive European Military project in History : the 29 Billions €-costing controversial A400M old Airplane plan, after being somewhat restricted and Delayed, was at least partialy continued in 2010, condemning Germany and France, etc. to pay huge amounts of Money just for a Plane unable to fly further than EU's Regional Neighborhood, thereby abandoning to USA's Boeing "GlobeMaster" the exclusive privilege to be able to fly as far as InterContinental Global Flights, i.e. threatening now to impose a World - Region like, USA - Europe Subordination, reserving World Air Power for USA alone, while restricting Europe only to a Local, Regional Police-Military air-monitoring, including over its own EU's territory, but excluding all far-away areas).

Media reported than Ozdemir didn't say whether he might have done anything "in return" for the Money facility rapidly received by Hunzinger, but, in fact, he had participated in Hunzinger's Promotion campaigns, including for "Health-Care" services by Longwin-Logistics, a Luxembourg-headquarted company which holds a 1.000 sqm facility in Turkey's Izmir and Istanbul, including for "Medical supplies" and "transport", (close to the 1999 Deadly Earthquake-stricken Izmit area, which made more than 15.000 dead among simple, innocent Turkish People scandalously deprived of enough Money to pay Solid Houses to some unscrupulus Construction Businessmen linked to the Turkish Political Establishment).
Precisely, on Construction Businesses and Big Infrastructures in Germany itself, compared f.ex. to Greens traditional Ecologic, pro-Nature stance, another Surprise was to find out, on the sidelines of the 2010 Freiburg's Conference, that the main Motivation for the famous massive opposal to a Modern Railway Station Plan for Stuttgart, spearheaded by the local Green party, (and which is due to be the "No 1 issue" at the forthcoming March 2011 Baden-Wurtenberg federated State Election, as the Greens' Head Candidate Kretschmann told "EuroFora", speaking on his Agenda), astonishingly is not so much about Environment, but more about ..Money and other issues !

- "Greens' No 1 counter-argument, against the "Stuttgart 21" project, rather is that it will Cost too much : At first they (i.e. the current CDU Majoriy Government of Baden-Wurtenberg) claimed that it would cost some 4 Billions €, but afterwards it seems that real costs might be 5, 6, 7 or, perhaps even 10 or more Billions €, so that People have the impression that costs would get out of control", said to "EuroFora" another collegue Journalist and Member of the "Green" Party since the 2nd half of the 1990ies.

On the contrary, on purely "Ecological" grounds, i.e. as far as "Nature" and "Green areas" are concerned, our interlocutor admitted that the Stuttgard 21 High-Tech Railway Plan (which would also considerably diminish CO2 Emissions by currently used Car transports, etc) has scheduled to keep and even create New Green Areas, with Gardens, Trees, etc., in a City where, already,  "we have several Green areas, no problem", so that the traditional Ecologic issues of the original "Green" movement are Not the main issue, as he acknowledged, (skipping some questions on Ground Water protection, which concern just a part of the project, etc).

Reacting to "EuroFora"'s surprise, (after we spontaneouly observed that "this -i.e. Financial Cost- is an argument that anyone would expect from a Liberal, but not from a Green !"), our interlocutor added, however, that, in his view, there is also a "No 2" claim for the Green Party, which would accuse the current CDU Majority Government in Baden-Wurtenberg to reportedly go ahead with the project "without Consulting enough other People", as he said. (A probable reference to a so-called "Alternative" Plan, which, however, would obviously oblige to make many zig-zags delaying connections between the Railway Station and the Airport, obviously adding other disadvantages, while nobody contests the fact that a Fast Rail Modernization is certainly needed there).
"Stuttgart 21" No 1 issue in 2011 ?...


However, the so-called issue of "Stuttgart 21" Railway Modernization Plan seems due to become even more important Next Year,  judging from what told us Greens' Candidate for the 2011 Election in Baden-Wurtenberg's Region, adjacent to Strasbourg, Winfried Kretschmann, Head of the local Green Party :
- -Asked by "EuroFora" to highlight "the Main Issues" that he intends to put forward during the forthcoming 2011 Baden-Wurtenberg Electoral campaign, Kretschmann cited "Stuttgart 21" Rail project at the First place !  

- "Ecologic Modernization of the Industry, Economy for all", and "Education policy", (i.e. "more integrated between its current 3 levels, but less centralized", as he said), etc. came only afterwards, and obviously could give ground to total or partial Agreements, even with the CDU, if needed...

That's probably why governing CDU's Bi-Annual Party Congres, earlier this week at nearby Karlsruhe (See "EuroFora"s NewsReports from the spot), welcomed by Baden-Wurtenberg's Prime Minister Stefan Mappus, who criticized local "Greens" curiously total refusal of a Climate-Friendly Project which reduces CO2 emissions, extends Green Areas, develops Fast Speed Rail High-Tech and gives Jobs to Tens of Thousands of People, confirming his resolution to advance forward, while European ChristianDemocrat Party's President, Wilfried Martens from Belgium, stressed the "great importance of this big Infrastructal project for the European Networks" of Modern Transports, consideding that it facilitates also the famous "Magistrale" High-Speed Train line, due to link Paris, Strasbourg (France) and Stuttgart to Munich (Germany), Wienn (Austria) and Budapest, (Hungary), just before the new Hungarian ChristianDemocrat Government takes over EU's rotating Chairmanship for the period of January - June 2011.


Considering also that from Budapest ("Magistrale"'s destination) could start also another High-Speed Train link towards Moscow, (that Russian Prime Minister Putin had recently tried to promote), which would even link EU's Franco-German core to the famous ...TranSiberian Rail Network, (currently preparing to be renovated probably by Russia - EU cooperations, where countries like France, etc. have already taken a key role, f.ex. with Alsthom's recent Strategic deal with a Russian Company, etc), the Huge Geo-Political stakes of such an immense EU - Russia Modern Train Network, able to reach even close to China's Pekin as well as Japan's Tokyo (thanks to the Russian TranSiberian link to nearby Vladivistok), up to USA's Alaska's Sea coasts, obviously, if they ever made anyone, perhaps, ... jealous of this big European Potential, in fact, it shouldn't be the German "Greens", but rather the .. "American Ambassador" from whom Mr. Ozdemir boasted to take recently advise (See supra)...
Final point on BioEthics ?
=> While thus curiously deviating out of the original "Green" Movements' Ecological aims, the 2010 Freiburg Annual Conference also, inevitably, surprised by even ommitting to mention and debate one of the most important issues of the original German "Greens", that of BioEthics, despite nearby Karlrsuhe's Constitutional Court's dangerous recent opening of a big loophole which might expose Human Embryos to risks of Genetic Manipulations (See supra), as it was hotly debated, on the contrary, during CDU's Congress, earlier this week,  (See "EuroFora"s NewsReports from the spot), as if the 2010 Chiefs of the "Greens", by apparently abandoning one of their traditional playfields, were astonishingly giving to ChristianDemocrats the exclusive privilege to defend Human Dignity and all Humankind vis a vis dangerous Technocratic Interventions into the Human Genome !
- That's why, "EuroFora" reminded to the Greens' Candidate to the 2011 Baden-Wurtenberg Elections, Kretschmann, that "the original Green Movement had a strong interest on BioEthics, where New Technologies raise now growing Questions, particularly on the Human Genome, as f.ex. the recent ruling by the nearby (German) Constitutional Court in Karlrsuhe showed" (by opening loopholes for Mass Embyro Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnostics : See previous "EuroFora"'s publication from Karlsruhe). "Is this something important for You ?", we asked the Greens' Baden Wurtenberg Head :

- "On BioEthical issues the Greens are (traditionaly) Conservatives", he said in reply to our question. "However, these are not issues to be decided by the Party, but that every person has to decide individually", Kretschmann found.

This position appeared similar to Socialist MEP, President of EU Parliament's Environment Committee, Jo Leinen, who had recently voted against a concrete risk for Genetic Manipulations of Human Embryos, despite a contrary stance by the Majority of his Party, as he acknowledged later-on to "EuroFora"...
Even the experienced EU Parliament "Green" Group's vice-President, German MEP Reinhard Bütikofer, questioned by "EuroFora", honestly admitted that he wasn't ready to clarify the current German Green Party leadership's stance on BioEthics :
- "About BioEthics issues, the old German "Green" Politicians, both in EU Parliament and elsewhere, were very Critical. Now they still are when it regards Food, Plants, etc., but in the Human Genome issues, it seems that there is not so much Interest as it was in the Past. What is going on ? Has the position of the (German Green) Party really changed ? Because CDU spoke very much in Karlsruhe" about such BioEthical issues", "EuroFora" asked Butikofer.

- "I don't want to answer THAT Question", astonishingly reacted an otherwise prolifix Butikofer, who had gladly answered many OTHER "EuroFora"'s Questions (See infra). Because "I'm not expert on that. It may be important, but I don't cover that. So.. It might be a big issue for the (Green) Party, but (at any case) it's not my field of expertise", which, more than Foreign Policy, is "mainly Industrial policy", Bütikofer concluded, with an habile but strange sudden modesty..
=> Astonishingly, almost totally Absent from the November 2010 main Agenda items at Feiburg's Annual Conference of the Green Party, the most topical and crucial BioEthical questions on the need to protect Humans from risks of abusive Genetic and other Manipulations, was also Absent even at a Long List of various other, "Resolutions" adopted on many Specific issues !

It's only by guess-work, that, at least, some Words pronounced only by experienced former MEP co-President of the Green Party, Claudia Roth at her speech,  might be interpreted in a way showing still some Sensitivity in such BioEthical issues :

- F. ex. when she referred to some "Christian" movements original co-founders of the initial German "Green" movement, and asked to act "against Forgetting" the Past (i.e. including NAZI dr. Mengele's horrors), "and against Techno-Fetichism", as she called it.
=> No Greens - CDU/CSU (+FDP) common Values ?
All this has naturally Consequences on our initial question about the possibilities, or not, to develop some kind of CDU/CSU - Greens Cooperations, eventually involving also the FDP at least partly, since the list of possible "Common Values" became shorter than usual (See supra), as some further Statementrs of certain key Green Politicians to "EuroFora" also indicated :

 - "Do you think that what you have succeeded here in Freiburg, i.e. to have an elected "Green" Mayor (Salomon) also supported by ChristianDemocrats, might happen also, in one way or another (i.e. f.ex. with CDU 1st, allied to Greens, and perhaps Liberals, as in the famous "Jamaica" coalition, Black - Green - Yellow), in other areas in Germany ?", "EuroFora" asked Greens candidate for Baden-Wurtenbergn  Kretschmann :

- "No, we (Greens) currently are in the 1st Ship here, in Baden-Wurtenberh, but we have also support elsewhere in Germany"."For a moment, in the Past, it might have been thinkable to cooperate together, in one or another issue, with the CDU. But, after thet (CDU) took some decisions, mainly on Nuclear Energy, where we are on total opposition,  there is no more question to cooperate", Kraetschmann started by ruling out a Regional deal.

- However, Kretschmann didn't exclude that a deal might, eventually be brokered between, Greens and CDU/CSU elsewhere, f.ex. in Berlin, as it is already the case in Hamburg, in Saarland ("Jamaika" trio : CDU-Liberals-Greens), etc. GENERAL
Green MEPs vice-President Bütikofer to "EuroFora" : DCU/CSU-Greens deals are not a question of "Imagination", but of "Practical Politics" at some Local levels. Not at a Federal level, (because of a Nuclear Energy decision of 9/2010).
A similar, but rather lesser reluctance on cooperation at a Federal level, while accepting that it might work in some, selected Local/Regional levels, was also expressed to "EuroFora" by EU Parliament Green Group's vice-President, Reinhard Butikofer :


 - "Chancellor Merkel, speaking close to where we are now, in Baden Wurtenberg (at Karlsruhe) earlier this week, warned to be careful against "Illusions", those who think that Greens and CDU/CSU might find common grounds to cooperate at a Local and/or National level. But, recently, there have been some well known developments, as f.ex. in Hamburg (where CDU and Greens work together in the Regional Government) ; there is even here, in Freiburg city, whose "Green" Mayor, was elected thanks to CDU and FDP support ; in Saarland (CDU-Greens-Liberals agreements : See supra), and Next Year (2011) may be Berlin, etc. What's your feeling about this ? Do you think that advancing further is something which could be Locally and/or Nationaly imaginable, or not ?", "Eurofora" asked Bütikofer

- "My imagination is not extremely limited", he joked, apparently not excluding a priori that things might evolve, at least partly, in this direction. - "But I don't think that this is about Imagination : This is about Practical Politics", he stressed, apparently not excluding anything a priori...

- Meanwhile, at least for the Local State, "in the upcpoming Elections in Baden-Wurtenberg, which hosts these (CDU/CSU and Greens' Parties Conferences, at Karlsruhe and Freiburg), a Coalition between the CDU and us (Greens) is practically Excluded", Butikofer refused.  - "Because we are ..core-Opponents ..: CDU is defending a pro-Nuclear and anti-Social policy", as he claimed, "whereas we (Greens) are a clearly pro-Renewables party, which also works for Social a.o. Values", as he said, (being rather vague at least for the 2nd point). - "So, our aim in this State which had been governed by CDU for 57 Years, is to defeat them and get them out of office, not to have a coalition !", he clarified, confirming Merkel's warning.
In fact, Butikofer acknowledged that Chancellor Merkel "had an Option", at least after winning the 2009 National Elections, to bring "Greens" and CDU closer for eventual Cooperations. But he blames for what he believes to be currently an Obstacle on November 2010, a recent decision of the German Government to delay the phasing out of Nuclear Energy :

- "The CDU had a clear Choice, where they wanted to go". Chancellor "Merkel, she had this Option ... : When she took over, together with the FDP on 2009, she could have stuck with the decision (of former "Socialist"-Green coalitions of the Past) to phase out" the Nuclear Plants, Butikofer explains, apparently implying that CDU - "Greens" agreements would be easier then.

Knowing Chancellor Merkel's personal links and sympathy to the Historic, former Chancellor Helmut Kohl, Butikofer even went as far as to compare the Timing of Nuclear Energy's phasing out in 2010,  with Kohl's "wise decision", as he said, to "continue very much in  the same gain, as it had been laid out by Smith and Genscher"'s former "Socialist"-Liberal Governments "Ost-Politik" "towards Eastern Europe", after fighting against it in the Past "with tooth and nails, for many years", and "even though his party had opposed this policy", because he allegedly found, "after he came to office", that " it was in the Common good of the German People to continue" in a similar "Ost" policy as the previous "Socialist" Government, according to Butikofer.

- "Nobody forced her (Chancellor Merkel) to reverse that" decision, of the previous "Socialist" government, the "Green" MEP claimed, despite a well known push from the Liberal Party in favor of Nuclear energy : - "I have some respect for the Liberal Party, but I won't give them credit for being All-Mighty, All-Powerful", he joked...

However, despite his EU Parliament Experience, Butikofer didn't go as far as to examine whether the 2010 Chancellor Merkel's decision to prolonge Nuclear Energy's role for some more years, might, precisely, be guided also by vital considerations linked to "the General Good of German People", as he had said, and in particular in order to be both more rapidly efficient in CO2 emmissions reduction, (specially after the recent, Summer 2010 Extreme Weather Events which stroke Russia, Pakistan and China, etc., and World Meteorologic Organization's as well as UNO Secretary General Ban Ki Moon's warnings : See relevant "EuroFora"s publications), as well as in order to better ensure Germany's and EU's Energy Independence, in front of Pressure to submit f.ex. to controversial USA-backed Turkish Pipeline project "Nabucco", too Long (zig-zaging far away from Europe), too Expensive and too Risky (facing Dangers of Easrthquakes, Violent Conflicts, and even ... of lack of available Gas, in addition to Ankara's usual political Blackmails, etc), currently facing growing Competition from other Projects, such as Russias' North and South Streams, Azerbaidjan-Georgia-Romania"s AGRI project to transport Caspian Liquefied Gas via Ships through the Black Sea and Danube/Rhine Rivers, and/or to revitalize an Iraq-Syria Pipeline linking directly to EU Ships at EU Member Cyprus' Mediterranean coasts, towards France's Foss II Modern Liquefied Gas Terminal, in addition to Spain's, Italy's, Grece's, Croatia's, (etc).

Indeed, speaking later-on at a "Green" Party debate on the Middle East at Freiburg's Conference, Butikofer revealed that he had "recently spoken with Joshka Fischer", the former "Green" Foreign Minister in a Past Coalition with the "Socialists", who has been notoriously hired, recently, by the ... Turkish Government in order to, precisely, push inside the EU, that controversial "Nabucco" old Pipeline plan (See supra)....

Things were obviously much more cystal-clear when the original "Green" movement was sticking to its initial Ecologic, Democratic, "Anti-Imperialist", and BioEthical Values, (See supra)...

Will the forthcoming 9/2011 Berlin a.o. Regional Elections make today's "Green" Party better realize that at least some among its Original, 1980 Historic Values, have, in the meantime, gained a decisive importance in 2010 ?



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*Paris/ACM/12 October 2008/-

When Europeans really feel a vital need to urgently launch common replies to challenging World Crisis, as the present Financial turmoil of Global Markets, they forge new decision-making tools and new dynamics :

The 1st in History EuroZone Heads of State and Government Summit, organized in Paris at the invitation of French President, and current EU chair, Nicolas Sarkozy, with the participation of 15 national leaders and EU institutions' chairmen, partly enlarged to British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, after a highly symbolic duo with German Chancelor Angie Merkel, at General De Gaulle's birth-village, 50 Years after he welcomed there former German chancellor Adenauer (1958-2008), may have not one, but two results :

- The first, and more urgent, was to launch an "ambitious", "coherent", and "efficient" common European movement, able to stimulate "solutions" to the World Economic Crisis, as Sarkozy anounced from the outset : State Garantees (to new Bank debts up to 5 years), fresh Capital input (f.ex. by buying shares), support to distressed banks, (while also restructuring them), incite the European Central Bank to facilitate commerial bills europe-wide, etc.

"Acting swiftly", from tomorrow, national measures will quantify all these targets, with coordinated actions from all EuroZone's Governments : France, Germany, Italy and others, decided to anounce, at the same time, such concrete measures, according to agreements that we have already made all together, revealed Sarkozy at the final Press Conference, flanked by EuroZone's chairmen : EuroGroup's Jean-Claude Juncker, and Central European Bank's Jean-Claude Truchet, as well as EU Commission's Jose Baroso, to solemnly stress the will to find common European solutions.

- "United and Determined, all EuroZone's Countries will act to prove that Citizens can Trust" the Economy, Sarkozy concluded. If we attract also all EU's 27 countries, Wednesday in Brussels, then we can coordinate action with our American Friends at a Global level, he anounced.


- "With this new Toolbox, we do not want to serve Bankers, but to work for Europe and its Citizens' interests", added Juncker.

- "For the moment, we want to act urgently to regulate the Crisis. But the time will come when those responsible for this, will have to account for their actions. Yes to real Capitalism, No to Speculators. Those who abused, will face sanctions, Sarkozy warned.

Need stimulates activities which create new organs, say biologists, and Gordon Brown, compatriot of Spencer, the famous bio-Historian, would certainly not deny that, after his surprise visit to EuroZone's Summit in Paris, which attracted him one hour more than scheduled...


Decisions include also the creation of a Crisis-management European mechanism, which "requires constant Monitoring", as well as strengthening Economic policy cooperation between EuroZone's countries.

Sarkozy will be judged by History not just by the immediate Economic results, expected at the end of this week's decision-making proces at National and EU level, but also by the more far-reaching consequences at the aftermath of this Historic EuroZone 1st Summit : Will it succeed to become a precursor forging a New era in European institution's revitalization ?

Significantly, the French President sat, during discussions, between German Chancelor Merkel, and British Prime Minister Brown, facing the chairmen of EuroGroup, Juncker, ECB : Truchet, and EU Commission, Baroso, with Prime Ministers of Spain, Zapatero (a hot partisan of EuroZone's Summit) at his right side, and Italy's Berlusconi, at his left, surrounded by Austrian, Belgian, Cyprus', Finland's, Greece's, and Ireland's leaders, as well as Slovakia's, Slovenia's, Portugal's, Netherlands', Malta's and Luxembourg's leaders.


Meanwhile, those who tabled for a rift between French and German positions were faced with a smiling Merkel at De Gaulle-Adenauer's meeting place, a sunny Saturday morning, and a particularly active-looking Merkel inside the French Presidential Palace at Elysee's gardens on Sunday, (as happy few photographers discovered)..

- "De Gaulle's hilltop, at Colombey-les-2-Eglises, gave an astonishing overview to a huge landscape, entirely surrounded by splendid Nature, as far as eyes could see", said to EuroFora an obviously charmed German Journalist.


She was describing Saturday's inauguration of a High-Tech Memorial close to the Historic Giant Double Lorraine's Cross, built by famous Novelist Andre Malraux, to perpetuate the Memory of his famous call for "Resistance" to NAZI, and his vision for the creation of New Institutions and Franco-German reconciliation, to foster Europe's role in the World, also for the Future.


Children playing at Elysee's gardens before the Historic 1st EuroZone's Summit : What Europe's Future will look like ?


2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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