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Home arrow newsitems arrow German offer for French Pres. Macron idea on EU Lists +Lead. Candidate =Solution to Top EU Jobs' row

German offer for French Pres. Macron idea on EU Lists +Lead. Candidate =Solution to Top EU Jobs' row

Written by ACM
Saturday, 29 June 2019

*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- After apparently droping an initial pretext to refuse, at the last minute, the 2019 EU Elections' Winner Top Candidate to EU Commission's Head, the President of EU Parliament's Biggest Political Group of MEPs, that of ChristianDemocrats/EPP, Manfred Weber, about his alleged Experience (See, f.ex.: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/macroncomparestoweberonelections.html, etc), embattled French President Emmanuel Macron, (himself Elected very Young at that Top Job, just after a short interval as Minister), clearly Focused on the Lack of real, fully-fledged PanEuropean Elections, with TransNational Lists, (that he had proposed, as part of larger plans to revive Europe), in order to justify a persisting Opposition to the "SpitzenKandidate" pinciple, alone, (i.e. withOut TransNational Lists : Comp. Supra).

The Deadlock Crisis that such moves provoked at the Latest EU Summit in Brussels, initially due to Decide on the Appointments to EU's Top Jobs, (EU Council, Commission, ECB, PaEEA, etc), was given a 10 Days-Time Deadline, up to the Election of EU Parliament's President, at the Beginning of Next Week in Strasbourg. But, even if Intense Negotiations evolve in Brussels (and even in the sidelines of the "G20" in Japan !), the Time seems Short...

=> Therefore, it's, naturally, with a Mixture of Feelings of Hope and Concern that People hear various Contradictory News, Speculations, Hypothesis, alleged "Decisions", or Leaks,  from several Sources, which include what seems to be, perhaps, the Best, but also numerous Risks for more or less Dangerous Errors...

- How could Real Europeans not feel Exasperated when they see, already amidst "BREXIT" and "Euro-Scepticism", (often provoked by a Fake, "European-In-Name-Only" Establishment), also Looming, it seems, a more or less Dangerous Disagreement between Paris and Berlin, (amidst so many, recently accumulated, Regional and Global Challenges), precisely when they naturally Hoped, at last, for the Franco-German core of the EU to Boost Europe with dynamism ?...

But, it's right in the middle of such a Tension that (as it arrives sometimes in History) a simple but impotant Ray of Hope seems to have Started to Emerge :

>>> Indeed, Macron's Number 1 official Frustration at the last EU Summit in Brussels : i.e. the Refusal, until now, of his Proposal to introduce a part of European, Trans-National Lists in EU Elections, (Comp. Supra), appears Ready to be Accepted by Germany, since Governing party CDU's new Head, and close ally to Chancellor Angie Merkel, Annagret Kramp-Karrenbauer (alias AKK), just Started to Multiply various Press Statements about a potentially very Important, alleged Offer that she reportedly did to Macron, during a Post-Electoral Visit, Recently in Parisn as early as, already since the Beginning of June 2019 :

=> As things are presented this week, she would have Proposed to the French President to discuss and even promote, Together, his above-mentioned Idea to Create at least a Partly European/TransNational List of Candidates for the Next EU Elections (2024), on condition that he also accepted the "Spitzen-Candidat" principle, (i.e. that the current Winner of the 2019 Election, Weber, becomes, as scheduled, EU Commission's President). Indeed, Both point towards the Same Direction : a reinforement of EU Parliament, and of Electoral Democracy, at a PanEuropean level.

Obviously, this could evolve in much More than a simple Bilateral Compromise : Rather an Historic Moment for the further Development of European Democracy !

>>> President Macron would Better Seize that Opportunity ! (For the rest, AKK should become more accurate : Indeed, in some of her various relevant Press Statements, she says that her Offer was "to Speak" about it, while, in Others, she claims that her intention, in fact, would be to "Promote it Together", etc).

It should, probably, be completed also by a GeoPolitically "Balanced" Composition of EU's Top Job holders, (f.ex. with a French somewhere among them), but this concerns the Overall operation of Top EU Appointments/Elections, and not the particular issue of EU Commission's Presidency in itself.


On the Contrary, more Recent, various Rumours about one or another Individual person being appointed to this or that situation on the Top of EU Organisations, including at EU Commission's Head, apparently include, among some Legitimate Hypothesis, also one or another Inaccuracies, Factual Errors, or even some Gross Political Blunders !

- F. ex., some repeated rumours about appointing Mr. Timmermans, Head of "Socialist" MEPs and former EU Commissioner, "Socialist" Minister, etc., at the Top Job of EU Commission's President, such a claim, (independently of the "Technical" Question of his various Capabilities), is a Gross Anti-Democratic Error :

>>> Indeed, that prestigious and very Important, Top EU Job has been often Reserved, (particulary Recently), also as a Symbol of  ...Victory for a Political Family in the European Elections, and lately (Since 2014) as the Biggest Reward, reserved Exclusively for the Number 1 Winner, "SpitzenKandidat" (Leading Candidate) of that Political Party which has just Won the EU Elections... But, Nowadays, the "Socialists", on the Contrary, ...Lost the Latest, 2019 EU Elections, and have Dramatically Fallen Down in percentage, Both in the 2 Biggest EU Countries : France and Germany, as well as in Poland and Many Other Medium or Smaller EU Member States ! Indeed, the European People have notoriously Voted as clearly "1st", the Center-Right's ChristianDemocrats/EPP, with "Spitzen-Kandidat" Manfred Weber... So that, if anyone replaced him with Timermans at that EU's Top Job, then, this would be perceived not only as a Political Error, but even as a blatant Anti-Democratic Contempt against the European People's freely Expressed Electoral Will !

=> A fortiori, commit such a Gros Political Blunder on the occasion of an EU Parliament where the European People has just Voted, on 2019, for an ...Absolute Majority of MEPs from the Right side of the Political Spectrum, i.e. to a Unity of all Right, (the Left -even included the Cetrists/Liberals- having been OutVoted and Limited Only to a Minority at EU Level : See Facts at http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/voterightparticipationboost.html , etc), would, Obviously, be the most Schocking and Revolting Provocation against the European Voters' Democratically expressed will... Popular Deception would be Desastrous, EU Citizens' Trust seriously Undermined, and an Historic Record-High Turnout/Participation, curiously, instead of being Rewarded, it would be ...Punished !


+ But, even when Names from various current EPP Politicians are put into "Circulation" by some, in attempts to replace Weber at any price, for obscure or insufficient real reasons, they are not always well chosen...

- F.ex., among others, FMI's Head Christine Lagarde, from France, independently of her personal qualities, (Comp. Lagarde's Reply to "Eurofora"s Questions at a "G7" Financial Ministerial Summit in Paris, f.ex. at : ...), has already declared that she's not currently available, since she already has a Mission for several more years.

- More Nasty, some's attempt to consider even an eventual nomination of controversial new Irish PM Leo Varadkar, in the name of EPP !...

But, who could simply imagine, for a second, all the ChristianDemocrat Right (EPP) in Europe, being placed under someone so eager to push the controversial and unpopular "Marriage" between Homosexuals, (including Children submited under the Power of Homosexuals on pretext of "Adoption", etc), and who Imposed in Ireland even a Liberal Law for Abortions, (at the same moment that US President Don Trump takes Measures to Protect Human Embryos from being massively Killed and their Parts Sold to Labos for "Tests"), before his Government narrowly escapes from collapsing under a Scandal on Children Sexual Abuse, with the result to let the "Left" become the Biggest Party in that Country ?!...

 + In Addition, an incredible lot of Links to Medical Lobbies with obvious Technocratic Interests on certain LGBTI demands nowadays, (as, f.ex., Artificial methods of Births, etc), including a Father "Med. Doctor", Studies and Job of "Med. Doctor", even "Husband" "Med. Doctor", as well as Ministerial Post related to "Medical Doctors" : Health, etc., obviously don't leave him any serious chance to be withOut Personal Conflicts of Interests and Credible on key BioEthical Issues, of Crucial Importance for Humanity Today...

- The case of Croatian Prime Minister Andreij Plenkovic, (also cited by many), is exactly Opposite : He looks Good, Serious, and might do the job, but the Problem is that he's ...Too Efficient ! Indeed, in Addition to currently serving as an EU Council's "Negotiator" precisely on Weber's affair, he has just managed to also help his Foreign Minister,  Marija Buric, become Elected as New Secretary General of the PanEuropean CoE in Strasbourg (See: ..., etc)... Could Europe let Both its main 2 Organisations : EU and CoE, be Government by Croats, at the Same Time ? Some may find that too much, while others could argue that it might facilitate Inter-Institutional Cooperation, but few would find that probable...

- Remains, (among the Names currently Circulating), also the Experienced Michel Barnier from France, BREXIT's Negotiator, a former Foreign Minister, EU Commissioner and Top MEP, who, Paradoxically, is the Only one to have been reportedly Cited by Both French President Macron and Visegrad Group's Viktor Orban, Prime Minister of Hungary : 2 very Different Political Figures ! He had already an Ambition to become EPP's "SpitzenKandidate"/Leading Candidate, back on 2014, but the internal race had been Won, then, in the Primaries, by Juncker. Nobody really knows if he might, eventually, be now Ready and Willing, or not, to play such a role, instead of, perhaps, something else...

- Last, but not least, the sympathetic and active former EU Commissioner Kristalina Georgieva (also EPP), a University Professor from Bulgaria, currently World Bank's CEO, figures also in such lists, even if, according f.ex. to "EUObserver" News Website, is among those who "don't seem to have the necessary breakthrough momentum", as it puts it, for the present circumstances. Without excluding, also, a possible ECB orientation, eventually, nowadays.


>>> At any case, however, the Main Point seems well to be Elsewhere, as an interesting New Publication by the 2019 Electoral Winner, the ChristianDemocrat/EPP's "SpitzenKandidate", Manfred Weber, at the mainstream Newspaper "Die Welt", (translated in English also at his Electoral Website: "manfredweber.eu") :

-  "The EU has a basic Problem: it is perceived as a Black Box which people have no control over but whose decisions they have to live with". We must "Bridge the gap between “Brussels” and Citizens. ....we ...have to take the risk of Democracy. The European Parliament, representing 500 million Europeans, is the key. The People make their choice in which direction Europe should go. The naming of Lead Candidates by the European parties gives a Face to these political Tendencies".

- "The lead candidate principle is certainly not perfect; but it is by far the best idea for Democratising the EU, by finally making responsibilities clear and by making decisions public" ..."fundamental principles, such as telling people Before the election what they can expect or that the biggest political Force will have a mandate for leadership, are a huge step forward. A European Democracy must be able to develop... MEPs have fought succesfully for this. I want to go forward"...

- ..."The substantive disunity of the Council, ...shows how necessary an ambitious European Parliament is for overcoming the blockades. Last week was the week of the European Council. This week is the week of the European Parliament. We parliamentarians will decide whether a Europe of the People is just a phrase, or a lived reality. We are fighting for a Democratic Europe. That’s what the EPP Group stands for. There is no way around the European Parliament".

 - But, now, "it is the influence of Parliament, and thus of Voters, which is affected. ...The EPP Group is ready to cooperate and to compromise on content and on questions of personnel, so long as the outcome of the European Elections is not carried to an absurdity".

>>> - "Only if we succeed in making Europe More Democratic, and in bringing it to the People, will Europe have a good Future. If Europe’s Democratisation fails, the EU can be seriously Threatened as well", Weber rightfully Warns.

- "Because People want to have a Say and an Influence. They No longer accept things’ being Decided Outside the Public Space, and withOut their Participation", he interestingly adds, comming another step Closer to "Eurofora"s Project, since our relevant Interview (See: .. + ..., etc).

-  "It’s not yet too late. But we need a bold and clear Reaction from the European Parliament", he concludes now.

=> Could it be, inter alia, also, perhaps, a crystal-clear and simple "NO !" Vote from the Absolute Majority of MEPs from All the Right, that EU Citizens gave to EU Parliament on 2019, (See: .., etc), if it becomes necessary ?

+  It's obviously here, that the above-mentioned, Recent Offer for a Franco-German Compromise, Based mainly on Starting to Build Together EU Parliament's future PanEuropean, TransNational Electoral Lists, at least partly, for everything to be Ready on Time Before 2024, (and/or, perhaps, in case of an imminent "BREXIT", sooner or later), should be accepted and well used, in order to Mark a New Development in European Democracy, (Comp. Supra).

If Macron and Merkel/AKK, as well as all other Heads of State/Government and/or MEPs really manage to Seize such an Historic Opportunity efficiently, then, the Crisis and Tension recently provoked nowadays, will get a Chance to be Transformed into a Resolute Advance towards a Stronger and more Democratic Europe.










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Europe brings Development dynamics at Global Crisis' Summit debates


    Thanks also to EU Parliament Plenary's Strasbourg gathering, EU, during the French EU Presidency, managed to integrate the Development issues at Top Debates on the World Summit against the Economic Crisis  :

    For the 1st time, it's at the same moment with the Wahington G-20 Summit that EU Commissioner Louis Michel co-organizes here with the French EU Presidency parallel mega-events for the "European Development Days", starting from this Week-End and concluding at the eve of a landmark debate in EU Parliament, next Tuesday, on the outcome and follow-up of the Wash.DC Summit.

    EU and its Member Countries are the biggest donor for UNO's Millenium Development goals, with 56%, but the 27 are currently struggling to develop a collective leadership in Economic and social matters, that the 15 of EuroGroup (together with the UK and other countries interested to be usefully associated) are starting to spearhead, after the initial success of the 1st EuroZone Heads of State and Government Summit, of October 12 in Paris, according to a New Repport by MEPs Pervench Beres and Werner Langen on the 10 Years of EuroZone (1999-2009) debated Monday and voted on Tuesday.

    EU, CoE and World personalities will interact here with Heads of State or Government from Tanzania (African Union chair), Burkina Faso (CEDEAO + UEMOA chair), Zimbabwe (MDC chair), Madagascar, Haiti, Mali, Benin, etc, and some 3000 participants from the Economy, Civil Society, Media, Experts, etc, while the City of Strasbourg adds various related Citizen-events.

    Opened by French Secretary of State Alain Joyandet on November 15, and followed by a video-contact with EU Commission President Jose Baroso on the Washington Summit Sunday, the EDD are concluded by Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner on Monday, while their main concerns cannot be ignored in the Debate that EU Parliament will hold on Tuesday, (followed by a Resolution on Wednesday), jointly on the G-20 Washington Summit and on EU Commission's work program for 2009.

    A practical opportunity for EU to reflect where it's better to spend EU Citizens' money...

    The move is prolonged in several Paris' meetings of EU chair, French President Nicolas Sarkozy with African Heads of State leading regional Organizations, as from Tanzania (A.U. Chair), Burkina Faso (chair of Economic African organizations), Togo, etc, (in parallel with a Ministerial EU - African Union conference in Ethiopia, followed by a visit to Tchad), logically concluded by a meeting with Robert Zoellic President of the World Bank.

    Many have already warned that an eventual aggravation of Development's Gap accross the World might become much more dangerous to Global Economy, Security, Values and Quality of Life, than Global Warming and/or other, even more serious challenges...

    Will they find an innovative and voluntarist way to really deal with the Development Gap, which might also contribute to help face the Economic Crisis ?


2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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