Germany: Mass Irregular Migration (via Turkey) problems Stop Jamaica Coalition, but point to Bahamas
*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- Can Adenauer's Historic moves, (See Infra), Joining Nowadays German People's Democratically Expressed Will in Recent Elections, (both at Regional and National levels), help to find a Clear Majority for a possible new Coalition Government in Berlin, even when most Establishment's Medias routinely Claim that EU's Biggest Economy and Most Populated Country would Face Today a Dramatic "Deadlock", withOut any Coalition in view, Pushing to Counter-Nature Patchworks, Minority Governments, and/or another Election ?
Despite some Last-Minute "Smoke-Screen" attempts, it's UnQuestionable that the Main Pretext, for "Jamaica" (Black - Yellow - Green : CDU/CSU + FDP + Greens) Coalition Talks' Failure, this Week-End, were Topical Issues related to that UnPrecedented Mass Asylum Seekers/Irregular Migrants Huge "Tsunami", which Suddenly came via Turkey UnExpectedly, since 2015/2016, as several Converging Facts clearly attest, (See Infra).
It notoriously concerned a Controversy about Not real Political Refugees, but a Bigger Number of Other Irregular Migrants who allegedlly were pushed to move because of War Destructions, etc., (so that they are, in theory, due to return back, whenever Peace might be re-established) : Meanwhile, should they be allowed to bring, immediately, now, also their various Parents inside Germany, unconditionally, or not ? Moreover, that Deadlock appears to be Linked also with a Parallel Controversy on the Overall Number of even More, New Mass Irregular Migrants via Turkey that Germany would Receive, in Addition...
However, ipso - facto, all this Also Points, inevitably, Towards anOther, theoretically possible, Solution, that some have already Started to Discuss in Germany, even inside Mainstream Medias, (for the moment, still rather marginally, but with notable Arguments), which is, Mathematically Clear, and seems also Politically more Coherent :
- To put it in a nutshell : If a "Jamaica" Coalition Attempt Failed or was Blocked, and that undeniably provokes a Problem, then, Why Not a ... "Bahamas"' Coalition ?
Indeed, the German People's Votes Boosted those Political Parties which were Against such a kind of Growing Mass Irregular Migration : i.e. the "Alternative" ("AfD) and the Liberals (FDP), Maintained, partly reduced, those ChristianDemocrats (CDU/CSU) at a Solid, Leading 1st Rank. But People Diminshed or Stagnated, on the Contrary, all those Parties which were even for More such Mas Migration, (as, f.ex.: SPD's "Socialists", "Greens" and Leftists, etc).
So that, Both in Several Regional/Federated States' Elections recently (2016), and, Now, in the September 2017 National Elections to the Bundestag, German People gave, for the First Time, a Clear Majority to an eventual New Coalition between ChristianDemocrats, Liberals and Rightists, of CDU/CSU, FDP and AfD, respectively, i.e. to a Unity of the Right side of the Political Spectrum, (See: +
This corresponds to the Colors of "Bahamas"' Flag, (made of Black, Yellow and Blue), which could, mathematically, replace the now Blocked "Jamaica"-like Coalition Talks, (Black, Yellow and Green), offering a Bigger Majority, since German People gave to "AfD" the 3rd Place in the National Election of 2017, After a 2nd or even 1st Place in certain Regional Elections, previously, (Comp. above-mentioned Links).
And, by a Coincidence, this also Corresponds, mutatis-mutandis, to the First ever Coalition Government in the Modern, Democratic, Post-War Germany, headed by the Historic, ChristianDemocrat Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, precisely between CDU/CSU, Liberals and Rightists (then of the "Deutsche" Party), Already since the 1949, 1953 and 1957 Elections, until 1961, (See Infra).
A move that, also, the current, Experienced Long-Time Chancellor Angie Merkel, could be Much more Able to accomplish Nowadays, (whenever she might wish), than some Critics claim, as "Eurofora" has already Observed Earlier, (See: ...), and we shall briefly see also Infra...
Bahama's Flag pictures a Dynamic and Beautiful, but simple Synthesis of a Black Triangle, Linking Together, (mainly from the Center), the Yellow and Blue strips' colors, well known Symbols of CDU/CSU, FDP and AfD, respectively. This Flag reportedly Means that Between the Deep Ocean (Blue) and the Bright Sun (Yellow), exists the "Strengh of the People" (Black).
And Bahamas are one of the Richest Countries in the World (in terms of GDP per Inhabitant), powered by the Moto : "Forward, Upward, Onward, Together !".
Even More Symbolic, Bahamas is an "Archipelago" composed of several Islands, as an eventual CDU/CSU, FDP + AfD Coalition, Bringing Together all the Parties located at the Right Side of the Political Spectrum, would be rather of "Con-Federal", instead of a "Federal" like structure, i.e. InterLinking 3 Political Groups with Different personalities, in a Governemental Constellation based on the Unity of the Right, and on Respect of German People's Democratically expreessed Political Will of September 2017 Elections.
Historic explorator Christopher Columbus had Discovered America at Bahamas' Island of San Salvador, back on 1492, as Germany may re-Discover a Unity of the Right, 525 Years Later : on 2017, similar to the Historic Chancellor Konrad Adenauer's First 3 Governments of ChristianDemocrats together with the Rightist "Deutsche" Party, at the Beginning of the current, Modern and Democratic Post-War Germany, as Early as since 1949-1961, (see Elections of 1949, 1953 and 1957). Thus, Already, the 1st Post-War, Democratic and Peaceful, Modern Germany's Election, that of September 1949, in Fact, had resulted into a ... "Bahamas" Coalition in Government, since the latter Included the ChristianDemocrats (CDU/SCU), the Liberals (FDP), and the Rightists (then = DP), from the Start.
A scarcely known Mythic point in Bahamas' Islands is the History of the "Adventurers of Eleftheria" (Freedom, in Greek Language), i.e. a Group of Puritan Christians from Cromwell's England, who had organized a community at 3 Islands that they renamed "Elefthera" (i.e. "Free"), to be Governed by an Original Constitution chosen and agreed by themselves, which guaranteed Individual Freedoms, Equal Chances and Private Property, Right to bear Arms and Duty to participate in People's Collective Defence, Direct Elections of Governors by All the Original Group of People, Each Year, a "Senate" in which Participated All the Original Community Members or their Heirs Together, No other Distinctions/Bureaucracy, (etc). Their story, reportedly, was part of what inspired a Poet close to those who crafted the Historic word of "American Dream", (Comp. "Mayflair" World Famous Ship, etc) : According to a Contemporary Analysis, indeed, Andrew Marvell's 1647 Poem "Bermudas", in fact refers to Bahamas' Island "Elefthera"s Adventurers, "suggest(ing) that the island will become a Reformed Eden, a New Paradise that reconciles Free will and God’s intention in a new Fellowship of Christian way of life". (i.e., almost "MayFlair'"s original Historic "American Dream", by a coincidence revisited Today on 2017 - i.e. 470 Years Later - at a moment that EU Citizens notoriously Need an inspiring "European Dream" !)...
=> So that, at least from a Symbolic point of view, an eventual "Bahamas" Coalition, may, most probably, prove clearly as Good as a "Jamaica" Coalition, or, rather, evn More, and certainly much Better than that entirely Different, politicaly Opposed, ... "Kenya" Coalition (putting CDU/CSU again with "Socialists"' PSD, added to "Greens"), that some have Recently Started to Push, going Against German People's Democratically expressed Political Choices made in the September 2017 Elections, (See, f.ex. : ...).
The Idea of a ChristianDemocrats/EPP - "Greens" Coalition, (with or without the Liberals) had Started to Emerge, particularly during 2010 and 2011, (See "Eurofora"s relevant pioneer NewsReports from Germany, then. F.ex.: ... + ..., etc), Resulting in a First real Attempt, with the Brief 2013 Talks between CDU/CSU and "Greens", (See: + ..., etc).
It had been, Initially Motivated mainly by a pre-existing (and recently Topical) Convergence on "BioEthical" Issues of Crucial Importance for Humanity with Nowadays' Fast Evolving Bio-Technologies, and particularly Genetics, as well as by Germany's traditional Focus on "ReNewable Energy" Sources, preferably Non-Nuclear, (notoriously Facilitated by Chancellor Merkel's March 2011 "U Turn" Away from Nuclear, on occasion of the Fukushima incident in Japan). Both being placed under a "Protection of Nature" joint banner.
This had Resulted, inter alia, f.ex., also, Shortly After an UnPrecedented ChristianDemocrat/EPP - "Greens" Raprochement, at the Last Minute of the December 2015 Regional Elections at the French Side of the Rhine River in Strasbourg's "Great East" area, (See : ..), in a Solid Coalition Govenment between CDU/CSU and "Greens" at the Neighbouring Länder/Federated State of Baden-Wurttemberg in Germany since March 2016, (See : ...), among Similar Moves in Several Other German "Länder", added to the Present, 11/2017 "Jamaica" Coalition Talks' attempt, at Federal Level in Berlin, (which had, notoriously, found Agreements on Many Points, but Not All).
But, Meanwhile, the Sudden, UnPrecedented Mass Asylum Seekers/Irregular Migrants' "Tsunami" via Turkey, on 2015/2016, notoriously Costed many Lost Votes to CDU/CSU, comparatively to 2013, so that, on 2017, the ChristianDemocrats and Greens needed also Liberals' support in order to have a Chance to form a Majority Government, all together.
+ Moreover, Liberals' alleged Recalcitrant stance against former US President Barack Hussein Obama's initial Wish to Militarize the Syrian Conflict, already back on 2012-2013, by Sending Army Troops in Syria, had provoked such a Fuss in Washington DC Against German Liberals, that Obama's cronies did Anything they could to Push the FDP Out of the Bundestag since the 9/2013 Elections. So that Liberals didn't manage to Return Back to Mainstream Politics in Germany but just in these, 9/2017 Elections, and only After endorsing a "Hard" Stance against that Massive Irregular Migration via Turkey, which notoriously brought them More Votes from the German People, allowing for the FDP to Enter, this time, in the Bundestag.
Indeed, a Long Series of Deadly Attacks by Islamist Terrorists throughout Europe, including in Germany, cowardly Targetting innocent Civilian People, between 2015-2017, Added to a (much More Frequent than Before) reported UnWillingness of Most among the Recent Mass Asylum Seekers/Irregular Migrants to Integrate themselves inside the European Culture, as well as to the Fact that (as EU Experts Revealed in a Meeting in Brussels, reported by mainstream German Press) the Turkish Authorities seem to have Systematically Excluded or Dissuaded Educated People, Christian Minorities or Moderate Muslims from Reaching Europe, so that Turkish Smugglers prefered to "Export" there mainly or only Heavily "Islamized" Groups, UnEducated Individuals, several Ordinary Thugs or petty Criminals, even some Disguised Islamist Terrorists (as the 2015 Brutal Massacres in Paris started to Reveal, followed by Various Cases also in Germany on 2016-2017), so that all this has notoriously provoked, meanwhile, Serious Concerns to European People.
=> In Consequence, this Time, already Before "Jamaica" Coalition Talks started on 11/2017, Many mainstream Medias had Predicted that an FDP - Greens' "clash" on Mass Migration was, inevitably, going to occur, with Uncertain Outcome... And this also Included, reportedly, the Bavarian CSU (which is due to face Regional Elections soon), as well as a Growing Number of CDU's politicians.
+ Significantly, FDP's New Chief, Christian Lindner, had even, reportedly, Asked, during the Electoral Campaign, to Send Back Home all those Mass Irregular Migrants who were Not Real Refugees. (Such a move was, Afterwards, officially proposed by the AfD, in an elaborated Plan, which garanteed a Return "Free of Charge", only on "Safe" Areas, whenever the Violent Conflicts would have Ended, with "Amnesty" for all those who had Deserted the Syrian Army, in Agreement with the Syrian Government, whenever the "War" might End).
++ So that, sinca last Friday, and during al this Week-End, many German mainstream Medias, suddenly Published several Articles Denouncing the fact that various ..."Fake Numbers" and "Chaos" were, reportedly, reigning in the "Jamaica" Talks, particularly on Migration issues, (Comp. f.ex.: ....).
The most Disputed matter, it seems, was that of the Total Number of Parents that Non-Political-Refugee Mass Migrants who had entered Europe via Turkey on 2015-2016 should be authorized to bring in Germany Nowadays : The Cited Figures, reportedly, Differed from 30.000 up to 750.000 !... (Moreover, an Expert, hershelf of Foreign, Non-European Origin, reminded the case of a Youngster who had Recently brought in Germany ... 15 More Immigrants among his Parents, including Siblings, an Aunt, etc., Totaling a Multiplication of X16 in just 1 affair, with Negative Consequences, it seems, even to the Detriment of that Young Migrant himshelf, who had Previously Started to become succesfully Integrated while Living among Germans, but suddenly things Worsened when he was Traped inside a Cultural Ghetto)...
+++ So that, when, Finally, the FDP's new Leader, Christian Lindner, was pushed, on Sunday Evening, to anounce that Liberals felt obliged to Withdraw from those "Jamaica" Talks, he also pointed at Vain "More than 1 Hour"-Long Direct Top Discussions with "Greens" on Massive Migration via Turkey.
++++ And, Later-on, Today, on Monday, popular Newspaper "Bild"'s Web-Polls asking "Who has Responsible for the Failure of Jamaica Coalition Talks ?", result, after Hundrends of Thousands of Participants, in a Graphic showing a Shared Responsibility between Liberals and "Greens" for that Deadlock, (at around 36% - 35% Each : See relevant Screenshot, attached herewith), Contrary to most Establishment's Medias attempts to throw all Responsibilities on the FDP alone...
+++++ Meanwhile, Mainstream Medias start to report FDP sources about Liberals being "Angry" because of (many times given a Job of Minister by "Socialist"-led former Governments : See Infra) "Green" Trittin's Public "Attacks" with "Hot" Press Statements, which "Shot Behind the Back" during Confidental "Jamaica" Coalition Talks at the Crucial Moment of their Exceptional Extension into last Week-End, particularly on that UnPrecedented Massive Irregular "Migration" via Turkey of 2015-2016, Bluntly Accusing mainly the Liberals but also several ChristianDemocrats/CSU even to Push Mass Irregular Migrants towards ..."Divorcing" (sic !) by allegedly "Separating" them from their "Families" (etc)...
>>> But, apparently, withOut giving a Damn for those German, or even European or other Poor Migrants' real Families, who have been Obliged to See their Childrens' Schools suddenly submerged and grossly Undermined by "Cultural Ghettos" of recent Huge "Tsunamis" of those Mass Irregular Migrants brought in Europe via Turkey from 2015/2016 withOut Speaking even a Word in the Language of their Host Country ; their Hospitals a.o. Health Services Blocked for Hours by Long Queus and/or Waiting Lists of Non-European Foreigners withOut Any Relation to the Host Country or even to the EU, to the point that such Long Delays might Threaten their own Health, and have, notoriously, even Motivated many Brittish People to Vote for BREXIT ; Harassment, even of Women, Young Girls and/or Children by Bearded Individuals wearing Djelabas, at their Family Homes' Doorstep or in the Stairscases, systematically surrounded by more and more Islamic Headscarfs, Burkas, and other Ostensible Signs of a rampant Islamization at the Public Space of Everyday Life, particularly in Poor Neighbourhoods, where Mosques curiously Mushroom recently (often with Foreign Money from Saudi Arabia, Turkey and/or Qatar), even during the Islamist Terrorism's Deadly Attacks, to the point that Poor People living in such Districts transformed to Islamized Ghettos cannot even Find Work elsewhere, not even French or German Citizens are, often, no more accepted to Move with their Familes at another, Normal District, Condemned at an Aggravated "Appart-Heid", Affecting adversely even Muslim Migrants' Children themselves, since it Hinders their Socio-Cultural Integration to the Host Country ; Thousands of Women, even underage Young Girls, facing Brutal Sexual Aggressions, even Rape, by Gangs of Cowards Thugs, systematically attacking and Grobbing them, Stealing their Phones, Sacs, Money, etc, (as, f.ex., notoriously at Koeln, the New Years' Day on 2016, but Also in Several Other Cities in Germany, as Stuttgart, near Darmstadt, etc, and accross the rest of Europe Afterwards : in the UK, Sweden, Austria, Switzerland, etc., See: ...), even Muslim Migrants' small Children aged only 3 and 5 years, Sexually Aggressed by Adult Migrants at the WC of a Hostel for Refugees in Berlin ; a Boy aged 10, from a Christian European Family of real Refugees from Serbia, brutally Raped by an Adult Non-European Muslim who arrived to Wienna, Austria, via Turkey, 2 other Children reportedly Raped inside Immigrants' Camps at the Greek Islands Neighbouring Turkey, a Young German Student Girl, aged 19, Brutally Raped and Murdered at nearby Freiburg by a Criminal Thug, Falsely Pretending to be an "Unaccompagnied Child" (while he was, in Fact, +6 or +8 Years Older than he claimed), who had already Violently Thrown over an 8 Meter High Wall anOther Young Girl in Greece, who had been Seriously Wounded, resultig in his Condemnation to Prison there ; an Awfully Long and still Growing Series of many Hundreds of innocent Civilian People, systematically Targetted and Killed by armed cowards Islamist Terrorists throughout all Europe (Germany, France, the UK, Spain, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Austria, Switzerland, Finland, Russia, etc), abusing of Knives, Manchettes, Axes, Cars, Lorries, Revolvers, Firearms, Automatic Weapons, various Explosives, Bombs, etc. When All of those Numerous Sly Murderers are Muslim Migrants, and Many among those Islamist Terrorists, had even just Arrived to Europe, Disguissed as False "Refugees", via Turkey, (as, f.ex., several among Paris' Mass Killers, an Afghan "Refugee" who Killed or Wounded 5 to 7 Civilians with an Axe inside a Train at nearby Wurzburg in Germany, a Syrian "Refugee" hired by a strange Turkish "Kebab" Shop at nearby Reutlingen in Germany who Murdered a poor Polish Woman with a Manchette and Wounded another 6 Victims, Berlin Christmas Market mass Killer, etc., while, just a Few Days ago, Greek Authorities have also Arrested a so-called "Refugee", Welcomed and Helped by an EU-Funded NGO, who was, Later, found, by pure Chance, to be an ISIS' Terrorist, with his Phone full of Photos and Videos picturing Atrocious BeHeadings, and various Other Brutal Killings, in some of which he had apparently Participated), after all those Facts, it's Natural that European Citizens raise some Serious Critical Questions...
A Fortiori, when it has become Obvious, after 2015-2016, that a Foreign, Non-European State, so notoriously Anti-Democratic and Oppressive as Turkey, in fact Exploits abusively that Unprecedented "Tsunami" of 1,5 Millions of Mass Asylum Seekers/Irregular Migrants who were Suddenly imported into Europe mainly by Turkish Smugglers, in order to Blackmail the EU, for Ankara's Controversial and Unpopular EU bid, for 3 Billions € per Year in full Grants, and for "Free Visas" to 80 Millions of Turks who would be allowed to Enter and Stay in Europe for more than 6 Months Each Year, (etc), a Self-Restraint is, normaly, Required, particularly by a Party, as the current "Greens", where Soon there are, reportedly, going to be Not just 1, but ...2 of its Leaders, Both with Turkish Origins and Born in Turkey, notoriously Linked with - and Backed by - some Turkish Lobbies, starting by Mr. Cem Özdemir, (a former "Socialist" : see Infra)...
On the Contrary, such "Greens" reportedly Added, nowadays, in their already Long Series of Demands during those "Jamaica" Coalition Talks, also a lot of Other such "Hot" and Controversial Issues, (which, by the way, have Nothing to do with "Nature" and "Ecology"), but again Linked to Ankara's selfish and shady Interests, such as, f.ex. :
+ ...Turkey's full EU Accession claims (sic !). More Massive Naturalisations of Aliens even with an Eternal "Dual Passport" including a Foreign Country of Origin, (notoriously exploited by Turkish Lobbies). Massive Import of even More Non-European Migrants known to be Not Refugees, (linked to those 1,5 Million already entered Germany Last Year via Turkey, with Exceptionaly Big Problems of Integration, Security and Islamist Terrorism, imposed "Islamization", Gettoisation of Poor Neighbourhoods, Aggravation of Schools' "Appart-Heid", etc).
And, as if to be sure that they made things Worst, some, inside the "Greens" (according to the "Zeit" Newspaper) had added (among that List of "Controversial" points) even ... Legalisation of Drugs as Cannabis !
- What relation with Nature and Ecology ?....
+ In Fact, it seems that "Jamaica" Failure is still (on 2017 as Back on 2013 Failures) with the Same Clique of Ozdemir - Trittin - Göring-Eckart and other "Water-Melons" : Apparently "Green" from Outside, But "Red" (i.e. "Socialist") Inside : F.ex. Cem Ozdemir, a Turkish-Born Migrant, who was practically Always Hired at cushy Jobs in the Pubic, State Sector, via Turkish Lobby and "Socialist" Politicians" Networks. Initially Assistant to a Socialist MP/Minister, until 2 Scandals (in which he had been even Personally Involved, including one with a Controversal Businessman), pushed the latter Out of Politics, Discredited, and made Ozdemir become "Green". Katrin Göring-Eckart, daughter of a Danse Teacher, and Drop-Out from her Studies, she was for a Long-Time Out of Politics, until she Became, Initially, "Socialist", Long Before she Joined the ''Greens", and Suddenly propulsed at a Top Job in the 2013 and 2017 Parliamentary Elections, where even her Public Statements Betray the Fact that she was UnWilling to broker any Deal with the ChristianDemocrats at all. And she was also Closely Linked to Trittin, the Longest-ever "Socialist" Ally among the "Greens", (f.ex. Minister, in Regional and Federal Governments led by "Socialists" all the way from 1990 up to 2005 !), and Stuborn Anti-ChristianDemocrat (Anti-CDU/CSU), to the point to be, Today, considered as the Number 1 open-mouthed Opponent to an eventual "Jamaica" Coalition (CDU - FDP - Greens), that he has notoriously just Sabotaged with a Vociferous Attack against Liberals and ChristianDemocrats Published during that Crucial Weekend which led to a Deadlock, (particularly after such acts which were Denounced as "Shooting Behind the Back", during confidential Talks).
On the Contrary, Other, more genuine "Green" German Politicians, such as Baden-Wurttemberg Länder's President Winfried Kretschmann (a co-Founder of the "Green" Party, since back on 1979), notoriously Tubingen's Mayor Boris Palmer, or, may be also Anton Hofreiter of Bavaria, certainly the former Long-Time MEP Hiltrud Breyer (1989-2009+2013-2014 : a strong BioEthical values' defender), and Several others, have had several Times a quite Different, much more Positive approach.
They, obviously, represent a Good "Capital" for the Future.
Particularly if the German People, eventually, choose, sooner or later, a Similar Direction to that of the Austrian People in their recent 2017 Elections, who have just ...totaly Eliminated a pre-existing so-called "Green" Party, which, in fact, was Not Really "Green", but mainly a pro-LGTBI + pro-Turkey/Muslim Mass Migration Lobby, pushed by its co-Chief, former MEP Lunacek (an Open but Authoritarian Lesbian, heavily Focused on the above-mentioned Issues), obliged now to Resign from all her previous Mandates.
Instead, the Austrian People Voted for a brand New, really pro-Ecology Party, headed by a Former Dissident "Green" MP, who Succeeded to Win several MPs Mandates for his Candidates, shortly after having been ...Twice Refused Any Electoral Mandate at all from the Former, Pseudo-"Green" Party (Comp. Supra), whose Failed Direction had, curiously, done anything in order to attempt to Humiliate and Destroy him politically, (before Facing that Fate itself)...
Does that, above mentioned, Blockade of a "Jamaica" Coalition (CDU/CSU + FDP + Greens) inevitably mean that Germany would be, Now, Condemned to choose Only between Returning Back into an UnPopular (as the Latest, September 2017 Election proved) "GroKo", again between "Socialists" and ChristianDemocrats/EPP, as before, or go for an UnStable "Minority" Government by CDU/CSU alone, unless it Attempts an UnCertain Repetition of new Elections, with unknown outcome, as Most Establishment's Medias currently claim ?
>>> Several Converging and Important Facts, clearly Indicate that such a kind of Deadlock is Not Fatal, simply Because Other, New Solutions appear at the Horizon, which could be Able to Both give a Wide-enough Majority Government, and with a Coalition, comparatively, much More Coherent and Faithfull to the Democraticaly Expressed Political Will of the German People :
- Indeed, already, FDP's Liberals have reportedly expressed their Readiness to Support (by a Vote of "Tolerance") a possible New Government, led by Angie Merkel's CDU/CSU, even if they might not participate in that.
+ And even AfD's Rightist Leaders have just observed that, in Fact, a possible "Majority Exists" inside the Current National Parliament, with the CDU/CSU, the FDP and the AfD, i.e. the 3 Parties located at the Right Side of the Political Spectrum.
=> Indeed, the German People have Recently given to those Parties of the Right a Clear and Large Absolute Majority in the Bundestag, with about 420 MPs, out of a Total of 709, (and 56 % of the Votes) since the Latest Elections of September 2O17, (See: +
++ This is precisely, mutatis-mutandis, what the Historic German Chancellor Adenauer had already Done, in substance and in Real Practice, several times, Starting from the very 1st Government of Modern, Post-War Democratic Germany, as Early as Since 1949, with a Governemental Coalition of his ChristianDemocrats, the Liberals, and the Rightists (then: "Deutsche" Party), and this was almost renewed also during the Following, 1953 and 1957 Elections, until it was Blocked also by the Introduction of a 5% Threshhold on 1961, after which Adenauer's era came soon to is conclusion, (Comp. also Supra and Infra).
+++ But, Nowadays too, on 2017, Similar kinds of "Unity of the Right", various Governemental Coalitions, have Recently Emerged, accross Many Other European Countries, including, Surprizingly, also those which undertake some among the Most Important Responsibilities, at the Head of several Key European/PanEuropean Organisations !
>>> F.ex. :
- Already, the New Government of Bulgaria, which is due to Chair the EU for the Period of January - June 2018, has reportedly Agreed such a "Unity of the Right" Coalition, mainly with Experienced Prime Minister Boyko Borisov's ChristianDemocrat/EPP party, Together with a "Patriots'" Alliance of the Rightists, succeeding to gather an Absolute Majority in the Parliament in Sofia, on the Basis of a "Pro-European" Elermentary Agenda, (as the Bulgarian Ambassador/Permanent Representative to the CoE, Katya Todorova, an Experienced former EU Affairs Minister, told "Eurofora" recently at the CoE in Strasbourg : See ...).
+ In Addition, a Similar Direction is currently Emerging in Austria, which is due to Chair the EU from July up to December 2018, included, after its Recent National Elections, which saw Sebastian Kurz's ChristianDemocrats/EPP to Win the 1st place, closely Followed by the Rightists of the "Freedom" Party, with whom they have just Started Negotiations for a "Pro-European" Coalition Government, (Comp., f.ex.: "Eurofora"s NewsReport on those Austrian Elections, at : ..., and Kurz's Statements to "Eurofora", on the sidelines of EPP's October 2017 Summit in Brussels, at : ...).
++ Moreover, Denmark, where Center-Right's Liberal and ChristianDemocrat Parties have formed a Coalition Government actively Supported by the Rightists, according to an agreement, has Just taken over PanEuropean CoE's Organisation for Democracy, Human Rights and Rule of Law, Last Week in Strasbourg (See f.ex. Danish CoE Presidency's Statements to "Eurofora", on that occasion, at: ...), for the Period of Mid-November 2017 - May 2018 (included).
+++ Meanwhile, Finland, which also has a new Unity of the Right Government, with a Rightist Party participating to the Governing Coalition, is Already Chairing the PanEuropean and Trans-Atlantic OSCE for all the Year 2017.
++++ Other important European Countries with relevant developments, obviously include Norway, where a "Unity of the Right", Coalition Government, Bringing Together the Center-Right's ChristianDemocrats/EMM with the Rightists of the "Progress" Party, has Recently Won a 2nd Mandate in the Latest Elections.
As well as, probably, the Czech Republic, where the People have Just Given the 1st Place in the Elections to the Atypical, Rightist "ANO" Party of Businessman Babis, to whom the President of the Country, Milos Zeman, gave an Official Mandate to Lead a New Government, (after having already Participated into a Previous Governemental Coalition).
But, in Nowadays Germany, are things yet basically Ready for a Possible participation of AfD's Conservatives/Rightists, (in one way or another) into an eventual "Unity of the Right" Coalition Government due to be led by the ChristianDemocrats/EPP of CDU/CSU of Chancellor Angie Merkel, together with the FDP's Liberals ?
- It's now a Fact that the AfD avoided Recently its Initial Error to Focus excessively on an Anti-€uro Fixation, (as also French Rightists of "FN" might, eventually, do, particularly after the recent Departure of controversial MEP Philippot, who had reportedly pushed Marine Le Pen in an Excessive Anti-EU Direction, that even her Father, MEP Jean-Marie Le Pen, had considered unecessary). Indeed, AfD's Focus (under the Influence Both of Persons and of Events) turned much More towards Safety of the People vis-a-vis Islamist Terrorist Attacks cowardly Targetting innocent Civilians, and Mass irregular Migration, Integration, etc.. I.e. obvious Topical Issues also for all Europe Nowadays, (f.ex., not only for UK's "BREXIT"'s main Argument, as stimulated mainly by MEP Nigel Farage, President of the EFDD Group in EU Parliament, and noted by Various Commentators in the Brittish Press, but even throughout several Other EU Countries, including those around the Franco-German core, but also Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, etc).
+ Inside AfD's Leadersip, among others, f.ex., Beatrix von Storck (former MEP at EU Parliament, at the Conservative and afterwards Freedom+Direct Democracy Group, and currently New vice-President of the AfD Group of MPs at the Bundestag), speaking just Before the 9/2017 Elections to "Eurofora" in EU Parliament in Strasbourg, about the Possibility, or not, for an Eventual Unity of the Right in Germany, she did Not even mention any Angie Merkel alleged problem as Obstacle or pre-Condition :
- "I Know this issue and I have tried several Times. But it's Impossible. You can't imagine : They (CDU/CSU) don't even Talk to us !", she has merely told "Eurofora" in substance, on this matter.
+ But, Chancellor Angie Merkel has already, Spectacularly Demonstrated, that she Can Change Policies, if and when she might, eventually, Find out that it's Necessary and Good for Germany and/or all Europe.
When this might also be Related, directly or indirectly, with People's Votes, then, it's Naturally a normal Ingredient of Democracy.
F.ex., on Turkey, on the "Greens", on Energy, on Family, on Personal Data Protection in Modern ICT, on Ukraine/Russia, on Migration and/or EU's external Borders, etc.
++ On the Contrary, at least Some among her most Controversial Moves or "U-Turns", seem to have been, in fact, almost Imposed on her (and on Germany or all Europe) under exceptional external Pressures, perhaps even sly Aggressions (Comp., f.ex. her Astonishingly Broken Leg, wich Obliged to Walk with Cranches on December 2013/January 2014, and Cancelled her previously Announced Plan to make Visits to Solve the Emerging Ukranian Issue with Russia, just Before it Worsened and Resulted into a Bloody Clash Dividing the European Continent from February 2014), and/or by slyly Tricking/Betraying/Abusing her Trust, "Abandoning" her Alone to Deal with some Exceptionally Hard and Collective, European or other, Wider Issues. (Comp., f.ex., Experienced former French President Nicolas Sarkozy's famous Observation, by which he Criticized his "Socialist" successor Hollande : - "Who Left Mrs. Merkel Alone ?", when EU had to Urgently Find a Solution, precisely, on that UnPrecedented Giant "Tsunami" of Mass Asylum Seekers/Irregular Migrants suddenly entering Europe via Turkey, which Pushed for a Controversial EU - Turkey Deal, Later-on inside a Brussels City deserted by Islamist Terrorist Attacks on 2015-2016), etc.
++ At least in some Key Issues of General Interest, it would normally be quite Easy for Angie Merkel's CDU/CSU to Find certain Common Points with AfD and FDP, useful for Germany and all Europe, or even Well Beyond, since they used to Correspond to her own, publicly professed Policies. As, among others, on Family, Children and Demography : F.ex., it's, indeed, on "Strong Families" and on various Measures to Support Births and Raising of Children in Germany, as well as in a Parallel Intra-European Movement of EU Citizens, that Chancellor Merkel had clearly Based one of her First and landmark Speeches during her particularly Victorious (almost 40%+ !) Electoral Campaign of 2013, kick-Starting from Early August 2013 near Historic Chancellor of German ReUnification, Helmut Kohl's Family Home, at Ludwigshaffen, as "Eurofora" had attested then on the spot, (See, f.ex. : ...).
In Addition, almost at that Same Period, in Parallel, one of her Closest and most Important Political Collaborators, JHA Minister Thomas De Maiziere, published recent Staristics showing that the Intra-European Movements of EU Citizens inside the Shengen area (added also to other Europeans, f.ex. from EU Non-Shenghen Member States, Russia, etc) towards Germany had, in Total, Bypassed and OutNumbered the Foreign Non-European Migrants from 3rd Countries entering Europe from Other Continents of the World.
Taken Together, these 2 Parallel Movements could Naturally Converge towards a genuinly European ReGeneration of the WorkForce and all Population in Germany and other EU Countries, much More Coherent and Logical, with Better Socio-Cultural Cohesion as well as various Qualifications, Historic Links, etc, and certainly Easier to Integrate, (as History has already proven), withOut any External, Non-European Dependency and/or undue Foreign Interferences.
So that any eventual Extra-European Immigration could be Focused on Helping Real Refugees, facing Persecution for Political or other reasons, due f.ex. to their Support and/or a Noble struggle for Human Rights, Democracy, etc., in case of Human Urgency, and/or into Welcoming various Countries' real Migrants (in the sens of People who make Efforts for Socio-Economic and Cultural Integration in their Host Country : something that American People Differenciate from mere "Aliens") with a Genuine Will to be Integrated in the European Society, freely and consciously chosen, not imposed.
+++ Better Convergence, at least Partly, on Security and Defence, Historic Identity and Christianism, Russia, Cultural Heritage/Values and Integration of Migrants, EU - Turkey relations, SMEs and Fight against UnEmployment, Economic Growth, eventually at least a notable Part of BioEthics (as CDU/CSU won't be, No more, Pressured by the "Socialists" on this Point, as in the Past, while such Issues Figured also at AfD's recent Congress in Nearby Stuttgart), etc., could, Obviously, provide Several Interesting Additional concrete Points of Joint Interests, between those 3 Parties (FDP, CDU/CSU, AfD : i.e. "Black - Yellow - Blue") of the Right Side of the Political Spectrum, that the German People has Recently Voted at the Forefront, Both in Regional ("Länder"/Federated States) and in National (Federal) Elections, (Comp., f.ex., among others, also : ... + ...).
- F.ex., on BioEthics, AfD's Program, adopted at its Congress in Stuttgart, accepts that Human "Life begins with the Embryo", and asks to Protect the "UnBorn", while also Warning against "Risks" of "Genetic Engineering" on "Humans" (in the Chapter about "Nature ... Protection"), stresses its "commitment" to "Traditional Family", (i.e. among a Man and a Woman), etc.
+ It also refers Several Times to "Christianity" as a Key part of German Cultural Identity, Rejects "Multi-Culti" and prefers real Socio-Cultural Integration, etc.
+++ AfD's Rightists/Conservatives also wish to "End Sanctions on Russia", after 4 Years of Exceptional Tensions, Divisions risking to push Back on a "Cold-War" Past, InHuman and Dangerous Conflicts inside the PanEuropean area of the "Atlantic to the Urals Mountains+" of De Gaulle/Adenauer+Chirac/Kohl etc. At least some Carefull but Interesting Steps in the Direction of PanEuropean Detente, Cooperation, Peace and Developement, wouldn't be Useful Nowadays, when EU Commission's President, Jean-Claude Juncker (a close Ally to Chancellor Merkel) has just Asked to be given a Mandate to Negotiate with Russia, as he stressed in a Press Conference in Brussels at the sidelines of the October 2017 EU Summit (See "Eurofora"s NewsReport from the spot, at : Added, Naturally, to the recent Fact that New US President Don Trump is notoriously Favorable to Better Relations with Russia too... (Comp., f.ex., his 1st Meeting with Vladimir Putin at the G20 Summit in Hamburg, Germany, on July 2017 + "Eurofora"s Newsreport from the spot : Meanwhile, OECD's Head, the Experienced Angel Gurria, speaking earlier to "Eurofora" at the CoE in Strasbourg, has Already Warned that the Ukranian Conflict, by Dividing the PanEuropean area and Hindering EU - Russia cooperation, practically Means also a Lower Economic Growth, and Loss of a much needed European+ Potential, (See: Moreover, Today, when "Siemens" and "Alsthom" have just Decided to Join their Forces in High-Speed Train (as ICE + TGV around 300 km/h, and TTGV around 600 km/h), almost at the Same Moment that China's Economic Powerhouse is notoriously Seeking to Boost Euro-Chinese Trans-Continental Links of Transport, for Goods and People, (for which, the Russian Land is a Natural "Bridge"), why shouldn't Germany (and all the EU) Seize an Historic Opportunity to Launch a Strategic High-Speed Rail Link between EU's Franco-German core - via Russia's TranSiberian space - and the China/Japan+ area near Vladivostoc, Beijing, Shanghai, Korea and Tokyo ? (Comp., among many others, also, f.ex., a relevant "Eurofora"s Viewpoint inspired from the Latest "G20" Summit in Hamburg, Germany, on July 2017, at: With an Adequate Cooperation also with some USA(+Japan ?) Companies, such a Concrete and Useful Move could be much More Beneficial to Peace and Development, than several merely Diplomatic Meetings' Talk-shop...
Another Topical point where Chancellor Angie Merkel could be particularly Useful, considering, not only her Experience with the Chirac-Merkel-Putin PanEuropean Summit at Napoleon III's Compiegne Castle on 2006, (Comp. "Eurofora" co-Founder's NewsReport from the spot, Pubished then at "TCWeekly"), but also the Fact that she fluently Speaks Russian, as Vladimir Putin also Speaks German, (added, also, to her Previous and Posterior Attempts to Alleviate or Solve the Ukranian Different, at least partly provoked from elsewhere : Comp. her initial Intensions, expressed at a Press Conference in Brussels during the December 2013 EU Sumit, and her role on the 2015 Minsk Agreement: ... + ..., etc).
Neither a remake of the Previous "Gro-Ko", with "Socialists" negatively influenced by their counterparts as former US President Barack Hussein Obama/Kerry/Mrs Nuland, etc, (Despite Schroeder's previous experience, impulsed by Chirac, etc), Nor some Fake "Greens", (incredibly Anti-Russian lately), could Not Help at all, in such a Direction, to which, Most of them were Opposed. Concerning several "Greens", and even some "Socialists", in reality it was, at least Partly, also Because of "Hot" and Topical Contradictions on "Bio-Ethical" Issues, (Comp. Supra), including some Aggressive "LGBTI" Agendas, f.ex. on Public Propaganda even vis a vis Children, on "Same Sex Marriage" including Childrens' submission to Homosexuals' Power, on Pretext of "Adoption", etc.
I.e. for the Same Reasons (+Added also to Other Christian Values) for which, on the Contrary, Russia, and particularly Vladimir Putin himself, had Started, for the 1st Time in History, to become ... Popular even among USA's Conservative Republicans, (from Pat Buchanan, Preacher Graham, etc., up to Don Trump himself, already since 2013-2014, until Now: 2016-2017), while, on the Contrary, the so-called "Socialists" (DP) of a "Left" joined, Paradoxically, a part of the "Cold War"'s "Deep State", becoming Hysterically, Caricaturally and Dangerously (for Peace in Europe and the World) Anti-Russian, as Never Before... A Danger for Peace and Development, that Real, Conscious and Responsible Europeans canNot Afford No More, (as the Recent Votes of the German People timely Reminded : Comp. Supra).
However, it's true that some Loopholes on AfD's Program, and/or Unsubstantiated, Naive Claims about "Genetic Engineering"'s alleged promises (in fact, Never realized yet on the most wide-spread diseases), a strange last-minute Disappearence of some Interesting, more Explicit Amendments on Genetic Manipulations of Human Embryo and/or Otherwise on Human beings, (which had been initially Tabled by AfD's "Heartland" around Dresden), added to the Subsequent Controversial Selection of one among its 2 Parliamentary Election Top Candidates Later in Köln, (who was revealed in public Afterwards to be a Lesbian living as a Couple with another Woman from a Foreign Country, with underage Children submitted to their power), obviously, do Not Fit well with the professed Commitments of AfD Stuttgart Congress' Program, (Comp. Supra). And this certainly Hindered it from getting an Important Electoral Benefit from CDU/CSU's last-minute Concession to Socialists/Liberals/Greens/Leftists regarding a Controversial Recognition of Same Sex Marriage and submission of Children to the Power of Homosexuals under Pretext of "Adoption", etc, on July 2016. Otherwise, AfD might have Gained about 20%, instead of just 13%. This point might be, in fact, Part of a sudden Disagreement with AFD's former Leader, Frauke Petry, openly revealed only After the Elections, (during which, on the Contrary, she has led a Campaign Symbolically Focused on the Natural Procreation of Humans, by Natural Couples formed by a Man and a Woman), who was followed also by another 3 Conservative MPs.
There is also a Strange Ommission of Ancient Greek Civilisation's contribution to Democracy and Law, as far as Germany's view point on Europe's Historic Cultural Identity is concerned, (curiously Ommitted when its Sources are citted in that AFD's Program) : Something which would certainly Surprise the Best, Historic German Philosophers, while even Words "Democracy" and "Europe" stem from Ancient Greek, and the Traditional German Civil and Commercial Law comes from the Historic "Pandekten-Recht" translation/collection of Greek-Byzantine Emperor Justinian's magistral Synthesis, in Early Medieaval era, etc.
Unless some committed the Blunder to Confuse between Aristote, Platon, Socratis, Demosthenes, Evripides, Alexander the Great's trans-Continental Empire, Constantine the Great's Byzantine Empire, etc, in a World-Famous long Historic European Civilisation of more than 3.000 Years, and ..."PASOK'''s and other such "Socialists"' 30 Years (1981-2011 and Recently) of various Corruption, Clientelism/Sauvinism a.o. Scandals, resulting in Oppression and Debts, (Exploited by Anti-European and Anti-Democratic Lobbies in order to Push Turkey's controversial and unpopular EU bid, Provoking a series of UnPrecedented EU Crisis between 2002-2017)...
The main Idea of a Right-Wing Party, defending Traditional Values, at a moment when the Leading CDU/CSU extended more than usual towards the Center in certain Key Issues, is, naturaly, logical per se. But it must be Well Crafted if it really wants to contribute something usefull in practice, (as various AfD's key politicians seem to have already realized).
Nevertheless, Comparatively, AfD is Nearer than Other Parties to CDU/CSU's Traditional positions on such issues, (f.ex. as those with which Chancellor Angie Merkel brillantly Won the Previous, 2013 Elections, reaching then, up to almost 40%, and which were also Supported by 75% of CDU/CSU MPs at Bundestag's July 2016 Vote on Natural Family, etc), and the remaining Controversial points seem already Discussed at its Electoral Base and among militants for eventual rectifications/clarifications in a Forthcoming Congress on Spring 2018.
And experienced Chancellor Angie Merkel, in fact, is well Able (if she wishes) to play a Central Role, between FDP's Center-Right, and AfD's Rightists, heading a Strong ChristianDemocrat CDU/CSU attractive pole in the Middle, (Together with some Recent outreach Influence even towards at least some PSD and/or "Greens", etc), in a Efficient way, which might prove, in fine, quite Beneficial, both for Germany and all Europe, (Comp. f.ex., already, "Eurofora"s Earlier Analysis of German Elections in several Länders/Federated States : - "Merkel = Wiser than some think ?", at : , etc).
+ Merkel's Recent, Surprizing Statement, (at the Eve of September 2017 Elections, during an Exceptional Meeting in Berlin with ...Young Children, Open to the Press), that she considers as her "most Favorite Prime Minister", ...Norway's Erna Solberg, (who notoriously Heads, for a 2nd Time in a Row, a "Unity of the Right" Government, Bringing Together her ChristianDemocrat/EPP party, and the Norwegian Rightists of the "Progress" Party), is, objectively, a New Symbolic Sign, which canNot be Ignored...
Last, but not least : A mathematically Possible "Bahamas" Coalition would be more Faiithful and Better Corresponsing to German People's Democratically expressed Political Will, at the Latest Elections of September 2017.
And, since even the Historic German Chancellor Korad Adenauer, has Already accomplished a Similar Move, with a Coalition Government of Unity of the Right, with tha ChristianDemocrats leading a 3 Parties' Government, between the Liberals and the Rightists, since the 1st Election of Modern Germany, back on 1949, 1953, 1957, etc., then, (a fortiori), Why Nowadays Germany of 2017, couldn't do alike ? (Comp. Facts cited Supra).
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- "Europe must be liberated from this undermining "wooden talk" of a "unique thought" which hampers democratic debates", stressed incoming EU Chairman, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, speaking to Journalists after his official meeting with EU Commission's President, Jose Barroso, at Elysee Palace in Paris
- "It's precisely because there are not enough Debates, that EU hasn't managed yet to make it clear to European citizens what is really at stake", he added, in an obvious reference to the latest Irish "No" in 2008, after a long series of similar, unprecedented events, from the 1st Majority Abstention to EU Parliament's Elections in 1999, repeated in 2004, to the Dutch and French "No" in 2005, etc.
- "This is not an easy period, but we shall act with determination, while also listening to Citizens' views", he promised.
Sarkozy's move came shortly before his opening Speech, next week in EU Parliament in Strasbourg, for the first Public Debate on the Priorities of the French EU Presidency (July - December 2008), and that's one of the reasons for which he significantly opened his EU Council's Chairmanship by welcoming at Elysee palace EU Parliament's President, German MEP Hans Gert Poettering at first..
The incoming EU Chairman was replying to Press Questions about rumours that controversial British EU Commissioner on Trade, Mandelson, was alone to drop an invitation to have a working Diner at Elysee palace, together with all other EU Commissioners and the French Government, only because he would have been upset for some critical points made earlier by President Sarkozy in defense of European Agriculture vis-a-vis its Foreign competitors.
But, as smiling Sarkozy played down Mandelson's reported refusal to debate, saying that he had to visit Marseille for a Ministerial meeting on Trade the next morning, and that "all our British friends are always welcome to taste a nice diner" in France, perhaps at another occasion..
- "It's urgent to win anew the trust of the People" : Lately, "the European ideal lost its momentum. Since several years, whenever Citizens are questioned on Europe, they react with reserves : They even have .. a tendency to reply "NO".. After this 3rd "No" of a People in some years, there is an Urgency to convince", added French Prime Minister Francois Fillon, after a meeting earlier the same day of all Ministers with EU Commissioners, followed by an interview with Barroso
"According to recent Polls, only 30% of French people believe that the European construction is a source of hope. It's only a poll, but we all now quite well, that, since 2005, it's dangerous to neglect these alarming signals, as it would be dangerous to treat with contempt the Irish "No", Fillon warned.
"We all have a common duty to prove to the European Citizens who have doubts, that EU is more useful, more necessary, than ever" : And "that EU can take decisions needed in order to respond to European or Global challenges", the Prime Minister concluded.
- "We believe, together with President Sarkozy, that EU should open debates on all issues of direct, concrete interest to Citizens", confirmed later to EuroFora the Head of France's governing party (UMP), Patrick Devedjan, after his speech to the European People's party (EPP) Study Days in Paris (2 - 4 July 2008).
He didn't deny that one of them is Turkey : - "Public Opinion in France is very much unfavorable to Turkey's EU bid, and President Sarkozy has said that several times", he told EuroFora.
From European Central Bank's controversial policies on Euro's value, to EU Enlargement Strategy, etc., issues of obvious importance to EU Citizens will be plenty, next week in EU Parliament in Strasbourg, before President Sarkozy launches the debates on EU 2008 French chairmanship's priorities on Thursday.